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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Språkcafé och integration : Om språkcaféets betydelse för dess deltagares integrationsprocess. / Language café and integration : About the meaning of the language café for its participant’s integration process.

Svensson, Camilla, Wall, Jennie January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate thephenomenon language café, an activity that is held in public libraries into which anyone is welcome who wants to practice their skills in Swedish, and see how this can be put in relation to integration. To reach the purpose we developed two research-questions; What does the language café fulfill for its participants? and How can the language café contribute to the promotion of integration? The study is based on semi-structured interviews with seven participants from language cafés. The theory used to analyze the results from the interviews is the Swedish sociologist José Alberto Diaz theory about the integration process which can be divided into seven dimensions. The findings of the thesis were that the language café can fill the function as a place to Speak Swedish, for Community-information, a place to meet and a place for trust and self-confidence. This can promote the integration process by being a place where people in need of language training can practice their skills in Swedish. It is also working as a meeting place, where one can integrate with other people and other cultures. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Barnrätt på bibliotek : Om implementering av FN:s konvention om barnets rättigheter på svenska folkbibliotek

Wallén, Karin January 2020 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks hur FN:s konvention om barnets rättigheter och implementeringen av den kan relateras till svensk folkbiblioteksverksamhet. Syftet är att undersöka hur implementeringsprocessen ser ut på folkbibliotek i landet och vilka förutsättningar som finns för ett arbete med konventionen. Huruvida inkorporeringen av barnkonventionen i svensk lag innebär någon skillnad för folkbibliotekens arbete undersöks också. Studien är baserad på fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med bibliotekskonsulenter och enhets-och avdelningschefer från olika kommuner och regioneri Sverige. Studien visar att man tidigare arbetat med barnkonventionen på ett omedvetet och ostrukturerat sätt och att det funnits kunskapsluckor kring ämnet. Implementeringen av konventionen innebär ett mer organiserat och målinriktat arbete där barnkonventionen genomsyrar alla delar i verksamheten. Inkorporeringen av konventionen i svensk lag har lett till att medarbetare som tidigare varit ovilliga till ett implementeringsarbete har kunnat motiveras och i vissa fall har lagen varit ett direkt incitament för bibliotekschefer att påbörja implementeringsarbetet. Studien visar även att ett lyckat implementeringsarbete på folkbibliotek innebär en lång process och att olika bibliotek har olika förutsättningar för detta arbete.

Digitalisering av grammofonskivor : En analys och jämförelse av arbetet vid Kungliga biblioteket och Sveriges Radios Grammofonarkiv / Digitizing phonograph records : A review and comparison of the work being done at the National Library of Sweden and the Record archive of the Swedish Radio

Holmström, Henrik January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis is an attempt to analyze and compare the work being done to digitize the phonograph record collections of The National Library of Sweden (KB) and the Record archive of the Swedish Radio. Through interviews, official documents and newspaper articles the methods of digitization and the reasoning behind these methods are explored in order to answer the questions of what the purpose and goals of the digitization efforts are, what similarities and differences can be found in the digitization methods of the two archives, how these differences can be explained and how the digital files function as a representation of the analog object. The two archives are found to have a common goal of providing access to their collections through digitization, but the Royal Library has a greater emphasis on digitization as a means of preservation of the cultural heritage. This largely mirrors the overall objectives of the organizations. At present, both archives only digitize on demand, and choose not to scan the record covers. However, KB has a long term goal to digitize the entire collection, with covers. Overall, the Royal Library adhere more closely to archival standards and have better trained personnel. Neither of the archives are found to be fully utilizing the possibilities of digitization as a new way to represent the original objects, but are rather primarily adding a sound file to existing catalogs.

Bakom bra eller dåligt : En diskursanalytisk studie av digitalisering av samhället i Biblioteksbladet 2020 / Beyond good or bad : A discourse analysis about the digitalization of society in Biblioteksbladet 2020

Anderlid, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the usage of metaphors and language features used in the debate about the digitalization of Swedish society in a library context. The empiric material consists of 22 articles published in Biblioteksbladet from January 2020 – March 2021. The method of analyzing the material was based on Fairclough’s critical discourse analyze and Jenny Lindberg´s logics of a Catch-the-train-technological deterministic discourse (Tåget-Går-diskurs). The thesis findings showes that digitalization as phenomenon is used in a technical deterministic way in which six aspects were found valid: infrastructural, national competition oriented, user oriented, availability as access, availability as supply and a post-pandemic-oriented aspect.

Finna nya stigar : en kvalitativ intervjustudie om mångspråksarbete på Internationella biblioteket / Finding new paths : a qualitative interview study on multilingual work at the International Library in Sweden

Wahlstrand, Annie January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to examine how study participants at the International Library in Sweden work with multilingual literature. Interviews with members of the staff were performed by using the critical incident technique. Qualitative content analysis was used to find themes and categories in the interviews. The following research questions are used in this study: According to the informants, what governs their work, how is it organized and who, according to them, are the library’s users? How do the informants work with multilingual media, what challenges do the informants encounter and how do they work with these challenges? The theoretical framework used to analyze the results originates from models of collection development, theories of strategies in organizations and theoretical frameworks of learning in organizations. The results of the study show that the informants face several challenges in the process of working with multilingual media. The study also presents different strategies used by the informants to meet these challenges. The results suggest that the International library in Sweden is an organization characterized by adhocracy and learning with a strong occurrence of emergent strategies. Many times the informants must make their way up as they go along. The results suggest that working with multilingual collection building demands experience and adaptation to new situations and highlight the importance of language skills and support between colleagues

Biblioteksservice för vuxna döva / Libraryservice for the deaf

Forssell, Beatrice January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this two years master thesis is to explore the relationship between public libraries and deaf adults. I want to know if deaf adults are a prioritized group in Swedish public libraries. Deaf adults use Swedish sign language witch is a visual language and differs from Swedish. I discuss the difference in Swedish Sign Language and Swedish and the importance of Sign Language literature. I also explore what methods can be used for mak-ing the library service towards the deaf group more customer centered and service oriented.The lack of sign language knowledge among the library personnel can lead to communication barriers. I want to illustrate these communication barriers, both psychological and semantic barriers, with Richard Dimble-by and Graeme Burton´s interpersonal communication theory. The psychological barriers consist of negative attitudes and prejudices. In this case these psychological barriers prevent the libraries from further proceedings with the marketing of their service, all based on the notion of deaf being uninterested in library service. This, on the other hand, leads to deaf people not knowing what public libraries can offer and therefor has become some-what of an invisible group in the libraries today.I performed ten surveys on ten public libraries in Sweden and a more detailed questioner to Teckenhörnan in Örebro public library. Thees surveys was done based on the IFLA Guidelines for Service for Deaf People. The result of this survey shows that deaf adults are not a prioritized group in public libraries. The lack of knowledge among library personnel about deafness, sign language and an understanding of the situation of deaf people is an obstacle. It is important to separate deaf from other disabled groups since deaf is more a linguistic minority then a disabled group.

En plats för alla? : En studie om studenters användning och upplevelser av lärosätesbibliotek i efterdyningarna av covid-19-pandemin / A place for everyone? : A study of students’ use and experience of academic libraries in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic

McEwan, Sarah January 2023 (has links)
I samband med covid-19-pandemins utbrott begränsade lärosätesbiblioteken tillgången till det fysiska biblioteksrummet. Samtidigt gjordes bibliotekets resurser tillgängliga digitalt i allt större utsträckning. Detta har lett till en utmaning för biblioteken i att expandera bilden av biblioteket till något mer än en samling resurser. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka studenters användning och upplevelser av lärosätesbibliotek. Ett särskilt fokus ligger på att undersöka deras upplevelser av platskänsla, och biblioteket som en social mötesplats, samt om detta kan ha påverkats av covid-19-pandemin. I denna studie användes kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer som metod. Resultatet har därefter analyserats genom ett teoretiskt ramverk bestående av dels Ray Oldenburgs begrepp third place, dels en samlad förståelse av begreppet sense of place, men med fokus på Edward Relphs definition av begreppet. I studien genomfördes fyra intervjuer med lärarstudenter från ett svenskt lärosäte. Studiens resultat indikerar att det kan finnas en koppling mellan studenters biblioteksanvändning och deras upplevelse av platskänsla i biblioteket, samt att covid-19-pandemin kan ha varit en bidragande faktor i detta. / In response to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, academic libraries limited access to the physical library space. At the same time, the library's resources became increasingly available digitally. This has posed a challenge for libraries in expanding the image of the library beyond a collection of resources. The purpose of this study is therefore thus: to investigate students' usage and experiences of acamdemic libraries, and to examine their experiences of sense of place and the library as a social meeting place, and whether this may have been influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were used in this study. The results were then analyzed through a theoretical framework consisting of Ray Oldenburg's concept of third place, as well as a collective understanding of the concept of sense of place, with a focus on Edward Relph's definition of the concept. The study conducted four interviews with teacher education students from a Swedish university. The results of the study indicate that there may be a connection between students' library usage and their experience of sense of place in the library, and that the COVID-19 pandemic may have been a contributing factor in this regard.

Bevaring av spelkulturen : En undersökning av spelkulturen på Kungliga biblioteket

Karlsson, Carina January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to examine the National Library of Sweden's ability to preserve the gaming culture. It will also look at what the subjects gaming culture and cultural heritage means. The source materials of the essay are mainly previous research of cultural heritage and gaming culture, plus some texts fom the National Library of Sweden and other offical laws and text, which makes this essay mainly a litterature study with some description theory. Through my studies of these earlier texts, the questions that emerged for me are the following: - How is culture heritage defined according to the academic world and the cultural world? - How can gaming culture be defined as a concept and a cultural heritage? - What does the preservation of the gaming culture look like at the National Library of Sweden?  The results show that cultural heritage is a difficult to specify subject, much like culture itself. In the end no two persons specify it the same, but I myself fell for the Swedish National Heritage Board's definition: all material and immaterial expressions of humans. Gaming culture is also quite difficult to specify, since many people see it as different things. Something all seems to agree on is that includes all kinds of expressions from humans. Hence, it should be obvious that it is a part of the cultural heritage. The Nation Library of Sweden includes several departements. For the one I interviewed it is not quite possible for them to preserve the gaming culture because of various laws. They want to, but cannot. Other departments might be able to collect those parts instead. So they might be able to preserve a complete picture of the gaming culture. So, I propose that citizens step in and take over the responsibility for preserving the parts of the gaming culture that parts of the National Library simply cannot access at the moment. Maybe the citizens can collaborate with local archives, or even the National Library of Sweden, and the gaming culture will still find a place in the archives in the end.

"Inte en egen liten ö" : Ett arrangemangsteoretiskt perspektiv på skolbibliotekets roll för elevers läsvanor

Haglund, Valda January 2022 (has links)
Problemställning och syfte: Undersökningen rör vilken roll skolbiblioteket spelar för elevers läsvanor och vilka förutsättningar som krävs för att bidra till elevers medborgerliga bildning. Syftet är att skapa förståelse för skolbibliotekets verksamhet, som institution inom det svenska skolsystemet, och dess roll för bildning genom utveckling och etablering av gymnasieelevers läsvanor. Metod och teori: Studien är en fallstudie där datamaterialet samlats in via kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer. Natasha Gerolamis teori om biblioteket som ett arrangemang utgör den teoretiska grunden i denna studie där begrepp är hämtade från Gilles Deleuze och Félix Guattaris posthumanistiska teori. Material och resultat: Genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med en lärare och två skolbibliotekarier framkom det att skolbiblioteket spelar en viktig roll för elevernas kunskapsutveckling men också för en mängd alternativa roller. I det läsfrämjande utvecklingsarbetet framkom det att samarbete och samverkan mellan olika aktörer är centralt. Slutsatser: I den analys av skolbibliotekets roll för elevers läsvanor som genomförts framträder det spänningsfält som verkar råda mellan att betrakta skolbiblioteket som en målstyrd institution i förhållande till att betrakta det som ett arrangemang. När skolbiblioteket som i denna studie betraktas som ett institutionellt arrangemang framträder bilden av en skapande och produktiv plats, en plats för ’blivande’, som därmed belyser dess sociala roll. Från denna utgångpunkt syns också en omsorgsroll som även inbegriper omsorg om elevernas medborgerliga bildning, och att utvecklingsarbete kan förstås som inriktat mot skapande, och inte primärt mot ekonomi och effektivitet gentemot uppsatta mål. / Problem and purpose: The study concern what role the school library play for students reading habits, and which conditions are required to contribute to students' civic education. The purpose is to create an understanding of the school library's activities, as an institution within the Swedish school system, and its role for education through the development and establishment of high school students' reading habits. Method and theory: The study is a case study where the data material was collected via qualitative semistructured interviews. Natasha Gerolami's theory of the library as an arrangement forms the theoretical basis of this study where concepts are taken from Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari's posthumanist theory. Materials and results: Through qualitative semi-structured interviews with a teacher and two school librarians, it is shown that the school library plays an important role for students' knowledge development but also for a number of alternative roles. In the reading promotion developmental work, it emerged that cooperation and collaboration between different actors is important. Conclusions: In the analysis of the school library's role in students' reading habits that has been carried out, a tension emerges between considering the school library as a goal-oriented institution in relation to considering it as an assemblage. When the school library, which in this study is regarded as an institutional arrangement, the image of a creative and productive place emerges, a place for ‘becoming’, which thus highlights its social role. From this point of view, there is also a caring role that also includes care for the students' civic ‘bildung’, and that development work can be understood as focused on creation, and not primarily on finances and efficiency towards pre-defined goals.

UTRYMNINGSSÄKERHET I STATLIGA BYGGNADSMINNEN : För personer med funktionsnedsättning

Södergren, Gabriella, Lundin, Isabelle January 2016 (has links)
Background: Historical buildings in Sweden with the highest value of cultural heritage are administrated by the state and are protected by the directive SFS 2013:588. Also there are laws which demands that all public buildings which are administrated by the government should be accessible for everyone, with or without disabilities. This law also demands that in case of fire all visitors should be able to evacuate safely, including people with disabilities. This may be problematic to achieve without damaging the cultural value. Aim: The aim of this work is therefore to investigate a safe way for people with disabilities to evacuate in case of fire in buildings with high cultural value in Sweden, which are administrated by the state, with focus on the technical solutions. The aim is also to investigate improvement measures for the studied buildings and the laws in Sweden regarding the subject. Method: This work in bases on a literature study and a case study. The purpose of the literature study was to identify the previous studies and background information which was needed to find solutions to the problem. The case study were constructed to see how technical solutions are incorporated in actual buildings, but also to see how the evacuation can improve. Results: The work shows that all buildings in the case study has a sufficient evacuation plan for people with disabilities, but could be improved especially for people with visual disabilities without destroying the cultural heritage. Conclusion: One conclusion is that the focus often lies on technical solutions to make it possible for people with mobility impairments to evacuate, but the needs of people with visual disabilities are often overlooked. Therefore the laws regarding the subject should clarified that all people with disabilities also should have the same possibility to evacuate safety. Another conclusion is that it is possible to implement technical solutions in historical buildings without significantly destroying the cultural value. However, more research is required to develop new and improved solutions for these type of buildings.

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