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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Akut omhändertagande av barn med status epilepticus : En intervjustudie om barnsjuksköterskans upplevelser / Emergency care of children with status epilepticus : An interview study on the pediatric nurses’ experience

Bergkvist, Erika, Enered, Therese January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Status epilepticus hos barn innebär risk för livshotande tillstånd, mortalitet eller medicinska komplikationer. Behandlingsriktlinjer finns men uppdateras och följs sällan. Forskning kring barnsjuksköterskans upplevelser saknas. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa barnsjuksköterskans upplevelser inom det akut omhändertagande av barn med status epilepticus. Metod: En kvalitativ design med induktiv ansats. Datainsamlingen utgick från semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio barnsjuksköterskor vid åtta regionala- eller universitetssjukhus i mellersta och södra Sverige. Resultat: Utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys framkom fyra kategorier: Flertalet faktorer påverkar det akuta omhändertagandet, Betydelsen av familjecentrerad vård i den akuta situationen, Betydelsen av kompetensutveckling inför den akuta situationen, Betydelsen av följsamhet till behandlingsstrategier i den akuta situationen. Slutsats: Ett välfungerande strukturerat teamarbete med följsamhet till behandlingsriktlinjer möjliggörs genom utbildning. Kompetensutveckling medför ökad trygghet och KASAM för barnsjuksköterskan, vilket bidrar till ökad patientsäkerhet och ett mer optimalt omhändertagande av barnet och dess familj. Fördjupad forskning kring status epilepticus inom omvårdnad, kompetensutveckling, teamträning och följsamhet till behandlingsriktlinjer kan medföra minskade konsekvenser för barnet och kostnader för samhället. / Background: Status epilepticus in children means a risk of life-threatening conditions, mortality or medical complications. Treatment guidelines exist but are rarely updated and followed. Research on pediatric nurses' experiences is lacking. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to highlight the pediatric nurse's experiences in the emergency care of children with status epilepticus. Method: A qualitative design with an inductive approach. Data collection was based on semi structured interviews with ten pediatric nurses at eight regional and university hospitals in central and southern Sweden. Result: Based on a qualitative content analysis, four categories emerged: Several factors that influence emergency care, The importance of family-centered care in the emergency situation, The importance of competence development in the emergency situation and The importance of compliance to treatment strategies in the emergency situation. Conclusion: Efficient structured teamwork with compliance to treatment guidelines is made possible through training. Competence development brings increased security and KASAM for the pediatric nurse, which contributes to increased patient safety and optimal care of the child and its family. In-depth research into status epilepticus in nursing, competence development, team training and adherence to treatment guidelines can lead to reduced consequences for the child and reduced costs for society.

Kompetensutveckling i projektledning : En kompetensutvecklingshandbok för projektingenjörer

Ahmed, Sayidali January 2015 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Det som projektledaren behöver tänka på vid planeringen av ett projekt är att uppnå beställarens krav på byggnaden och att skapa en bra samordning mellan de olika aktörerna som är inblandade i projektet. Dessutom måste projektledaren se till att projektet följer tidplanen och att budgeten inte överstiger de bestämda ramarna. Därför ligger ett stort fokus på att projektledaren har bra grundkunskaper och tillräcklig kompetens samt kunskap. För att uppnå det optimala resultat som behövs för att kunna planera och strukturera projektet så smidigt som möjligt. Detta arbete undersöker vilken kompetensutveckling och kunskap som behövs för att projektingenjören ska utveckla sina färdigheter i projektledning. En av de kärnfrågor som tas upp i intervjuerna är ”Vad kännetecknar en projektledare med låg respektive hög kompetens?” och ”Hur bedrivs kompetensutveckling för de anställda inom WSP?” De mål som ska uppnås i detta arbete är att belysa vikten av kompetensutveckling och erfarenhetsåterföring. Resultaten av undersökningen har sammanställts i en handbok som beskriver vad en projektingenjör behöver fokusera på för att bli allt mer kompetent och utvecklas effektivare till en projektledare. För att kunna uppnå dessa mål genomfördes en litteraturstudie för att få en bättre uppfattning av projektledarens roll. En mer detaljerad studie av projektingenjörens respektive projektledarens arbetsuppgifter gjordes. För att komplettera litteraturstudien genomfördes en datasökning via internet. Därefter utfördes en intervju med 5 projektledare och 5 projektingenjörer för att jämföra teori med praktik. Utifrån de intervjuades svar och litteraturstudiens resultat skapades en handbok som beskriver vad projektingenjören behöver utveckla för att bli en effektivare projektledare. Examensarbetes slutsats visar att kompetensutveckling i grund och botten är bunden till den enskilda individens motivation till att utvecklas. Varje enskild individ har sina egna mål och de är stimulerade av varierande motivationsfaktorer. Några individer har som mål att bli VD för ett företag, medan andra är nöjda med deras nuvarande position och det innebär att alla projektingenjörer/ projektledare inte strävar efter en ständig utveckling. Uppsatsens huvudfråga var: ”Vilken kompetensutveckling behövs för att projektingenjör ska utveckla sina färdigheter i projektledning?”. Resultaten visar att utan att lära sig av de fel och problem som tidigare gjorts samt göra egna nya misstag kan inte en projektingenjör utvecklas eller bli effektivare. Andra typer av vinster är tid som kommer att minska för att lösa vissa ständigt uppkommande problem med hjälp av kunskaper från tidigare liknande projekt. Genom att dra nytta av denna kunskap och inneha en bra erfarenhetsåterföring kan det bli enklare att hitta en effektiv lösning och på så sätt minska onödiga tidsförluster. / This thesis presents a study of competence and knowledge needs of project engineers to be able to manage projects successfully. The aim of the thesis is to identify how to feedback competences and experiences into the project management process. The guidebook provides guidance to what a project engineer needs to focus on to become more skilled and to become a more effective project manager. A literature study was performed to get a better understanding of the project manager's role. A detailed study was performed on the duties of project engineers and project managers. The literature study was based on books and reports as well as an information research by the Internet. An interview with five project managers and five project engineers was conducted to compare theory with practice. Based on the respondents' answers and the results from the literature study a handbook outlining what the project engineer can do to improve their project management skills. The thesis concludes that competence development depends on individual motivation. Every individual have their own goals and they are stimulated by different motivational factors. Some aims high to become CEO for a company, while other are satisfied with their positions and it doesn’t mean that all project engineer / project manager strives for continuous development. The main question of the thesis was: "What skills are needed for project engineers to develop their skills in project management?”. The results of the thesis show that without learning from their mistakes and problems that were made in previous project and by making their own mistakes the project engineer will not develop or become a more efficient project manager. By learning from experiences from previous projects the project engineer can save significant time when facing similar problems in new projects. Recording and using this knowledge may contribute to more effective solutions and thus reducing time lost unnecessarily.

Det är lätt att motivera : En intervjustudie om pedagogiska processer som verktyg för att motivera medarbetare / It is easy to motivate : An interview study regarding pedagogical processes as a tool to motivate employees

Nelson, Julia, Petersson, Martina January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur en organisation med hjälp av särskilda pedagogiska processer kan påverka medarbetares inre motivation. Det finns flera teorier kring begreppen människan och motivation och forskning har visat på de tilltalande förutsättningar som motiverade medarbetare genererar för att en organisation ska nå goda resultat. Studien ämnar således att kontrastera hur organisationen arbetar med ledarskap, utvecklingsgrupper, introduktion, potential i laget och kompetensutveckling och hur dessa uppfattas hos respondenterna i relation till påverkan av deras inre motivation. Data har samlats in med hjälp av åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studiens resultat visar, trots meningsskiljaktigheter kring arbetet med de pedagogiska processerna, att dessa bidrar till medarbetarnas inre motivation.  Utifrån det resultat som studien gav yttras i resultatdiskussionen en slutsats kring hur en organisation lätt kan påverka sina medarbetares inre motivation med de föreliggande pedagogiska processerna som verktyg och strategier och således bli en än mer effektiv organisation. / The aim of this bachelor level thesis is to study how an organization through specific pedagogical processes can affect employee's internal motivation. There are several theories that discuss the concepts of man and motivation and research has shown the attractive conditions that motivated employees generate for an organization to achieve good results. This bachelor level thesis therefore aims to contrast how the organization works with leadership, development groups, introduction, potential for team development and competence development and how this is perceived by the employees in relation to the influence of their internal motivation. This has been done by collecting data using semi-structured interviews. The results of the thesis, despite disagreements regarding the work of the educational processes, show that they contribute to the employees' internal motivation. Based on the results, the thesis implicated how an organization easily can influence the internal motivation of its employees, using the pedagogical processes as tools and strategies and thereby become even more effective.

Hjälp, var tog kunskapen och kompetensen vägen? : En fallstudie av Svea Hovrätt och Uppsala Kommuns arbete med att kompetenssäkra verksamheten

Thersthol, Jonathan, Höglund, Eskil January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att bidra till en djupare förståelse över hur organisationer arbetar med att kompetenssäkra verksamheten och hantera kunskapsförlust till följd av personalomsättning. Den här undersökningen utgörs av en fallstudie av Uppsala kommun och Svea Hovrätt och har en kvalitativ ansats. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju respondenter. Studiens teoretiska ramverk vilar på Nonaka och Konnos uppdelning av kunskapsbegreppet i implicit respektive explicit kunskap. Hansen, Nohria och Tierneys begrepp kodifiering och personalisering om överföring och bevarande av kunskap samt Hansson respektive Lindelöws olika modeller över kompetensutveckling och behållande av personal. Studiens resultat visar att det effektivaste sättet att behålla kunskap och kompetens inom organisationen är genom att behålla personalen. Arbetet med att behålla personal inkluderar lönesättning, att organisationen erbjuder utvecklingsmöjligheter och andra hygienfaktorer som anställningstrygghet. Resultatet visar att kompetensutveckling fyller flera syften, både som ett sätt att se till att rätt kompetens finns inom organisationen, men också som ett sätt för att personalen ska trivas och vilja arbeta kvar. Arbetet med kompetensutveckling innehåller delar som introduktionskurser, medarbetarsamtal, seminarier och utbildningar samt uppföljning. Ytterligare ett sätt att kompetenssäkra verksamheten är att bevara den kunskap som finns inom organisation genom kodifiering och personalisering. Det framkommer i studien att det svåra är att dela och behålla implicit kunskap som bygger på erfarenhet när en medarbetare lämnar organisationen. / The purpose of the study was to contribute to a deeper understanding of how organizations work to secure the competence and handle knowledge loss as a result of staff turnover. This study consists of a case study of Uppsala kommun and Svea Hovrätt and has a qualitative approach. The empirical material has been collected through semi-structured interviews with seven respondents. The study's theoretical framework rests upon Nonaka and Konno's breakdown of the concept of knowledge in implicit and explicit knowledge. Hansen, Nohria and Tierneys concepts of codification and personalization on transfer and preservation of knowledge, as well as Hansson and Lindelöw's both models of competence development and retention of staff. The study's results show that the most effective way of retaining knowledge and competence within the organization is by retaining the staff. The work of retaining staff includes wage setting, that the organization offers development opportunities and other hygiene factors such as job security. The result shows that competence development fulfills several purposes, both as a way of ensuring that the right skills are within the organization, but also as a way for the staff to feel comfortable and want to work. The work on competence development includes parts such as introductory courses, staff appraisals, seminars and training courses and follow-up. Another way to secure the competence is to preserve the knowledge that exists within the organization through codification and personalization. It appears from the study that the difficult thing is to share and maintain implicit knowledge based on experience when an employee leaves the organization.

Projeto de rede de suprimentos: um modelo colaborativo para estruturação da rede de navipeças na Indústria de Construção Naval do Brasil. / Supply network project: a collaborative framework for the structuring of the ship components network of the brazilian shipbuilding industry.

Queiroz, Adriane Angélica Farias Santos Lopes de 10 February 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi propor uma arquitetura de fornecimento de suprimentos capaz de garantir uma ICN Indústria de Construção Naval eficaz como um todo e eficiente no Brasil. O estudo parte da identificação e exame dos fatores condicionantes para a estruturação de uma rede de suprimentos, considerando que os recursos disponíveis na indústria podem favorecer a competitividade do todo e a natureza dessa indústria: em fase de reorganização de suas atividades e mobilizada pela entrega de projetos sob encomenda as embarcações. A proposição do framework teórico-conceitual para a estruturação da rede de suprimentos na ICN, com base em princípios colaborativos, parte de um diagnóstico geral da ICN no Brasil, caracterizando a rede de navipeças, realizado por meio de uma pesquisa do tipo survey. Com o resultado das análises, formam-se estratégias para a implantação deste modelo na rede analisada. Para tanto, consideram-se os fatores limitantes e incentivadores do seu processo de estruturação, gerando parâmetros de referência, que podem servir de base à consolidação de uma teoria sucinta sobre a gestão de relacionamentos na cadeia de suprimentos da ICN, ou até sobre o conceito de Supply Chain Management aplicado a indústrias dessa natureza. Espera-se, também, que se proporcione opção de estratégia para as empresas deste setor. / The objective of this study was the consideration of a supply network capable of guaranteeing efficiency within the Brazilian Shipbuilding Industry (ICN Indústria de Construção Naval). The study was conducted under the identification and examination of the conditional factors of the structuring of a supply network, constantly considering that the available resources of the industry can promote the competitiveness of the whole, and the nature of this industry: in phases of reorganizing its activities and mobilized by (the) its made-to-order nature. The proposal of the theoretical-conceptual framework of the supply network structure of the Shipbuilding Industry was conceived on the basis of collaborative principles, initially beginning with a general diagnosis of the industry in Brazil, and then moving into the characterization of the component suppliers by methods of conducted surveys. The analyses pointed to the formulation of strategies for the implementation of this model within the analyzed network. Finally, the strengths and weaknesses of its structuring process were pointed in order to generate references for the consolidation of a plain theory for the relationship management among a network in the Shipbuilding Industry or on the concept of applied Supply Chain Management to this nature of industries, serving as strategical options for the companies of this sector.

Digitalisering i förskolan : Betydelsen av IKT för barns lärande och utveckling / Digitalisation in preschool

Eurén, Janna January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att få ökad kunskap om förskollärares och förskolechefers tankar och erfarenheter gällande arbetet med digitalisering i förskolan och hur digitala verktyg kan underlätta för barn i behov av särskilt stöd. För att få svar på syftet och forskningsfrågorna användes kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Sju förskollärare på tre olika förskolor och två förskolechefer intervjuades. Intervjuerna spelades in och transkriberades efteråt ordagrant. Studien utgick från det sociokulturella och det specialpedagogiska relationella perspektivet på lärande med en hermeneutisk ansats och i resultatet framkom att förskollärarna är övervägande positiva till digitaliseringen. Däremot kände de sig osäkra på metoder och arbetssätt och ingen av förskollärarna hade särskilt stor erfarenhet av digitala verktyg i arbetet med barn i behov av särskilt stöd. Resultatet visade även att förskolecheferna lägger mycket av ansvaret på förskollärarna att utveckla arbetet med digitaliseringen samtidigt som förskollärarna själva efterfrågade mer kompetensutveckling och stöd av sina chefer gällande digitaliseringen. Utifrån resultatet blev slutsatsen att arbetet med digitalisering i förskolorna behöver bättre struktur och planering för att barnens lärande och utveckling på bästa sätt ska gynnas. Både förskollärarna och förskolecheferna behöver mer kunskap gällande aktuell forskning kring till exempel hur apparna skall väljas ut, men även vad gäller betydelsen av samspelet mellan barnen och de vuxna som en förutsättning för att lärande ska kunna ske. Personalen behöver få tid till kompetensutveckling och planering och chefernas ledarskap behöver bli mer aktivt och närvarande om förskollärarna ska känna sig trygga i arbetet med digitaliseringen. / The purpose of this study was to gain more knowledge about the preschool teachers' and preschool managers' thoughts and experiences regarding the work with digitalisation in preschool and how digital tools can facilitate children in need of special support. In order to get an answer to the purpose and research questions, qualitative method was used with semi-structured interviews. Seven preschool teachers at three different preschools and two preschool managers were interviewed. The interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim afterwards. The study was based on the socio-cultural and the special educational relational perspective on learning with a hermeneutic approach, and in the result it emerged that preschool teachers are predominantly positive for digitalisation. However, they felt unsure of methods and working methods and none of the preschool teachers had much experience of digital tools in the work with children in need of special support. The results also showed that the preschool managers put much of the responsibility on preschool teachers to develop the work with digitalisation while at the same time the preschool teachers themselves demanded more skills development and support from their managers regarding digitalisation. Based on the result, the conclusion was that the work with digitalisation in preschools needs better structure and planning in order to best promote children's learning and development. Both the preschool teachers and the preschool managers need more knowledge regarding current research on, for example, how the apps should be selected, but also with regard to the importance of the interaction between the children and the adults as a prerequisite for learning to take place. The staff needs to have time for competence development and planning and the managers' leadership needs to be more active and present if preschool teachers should feel secure in the work with digitalisation.

Nursing Staff Competence, Psychosocial Work Environment and Quality of Elderly Care: Impact of an Educational Intervention / Effekter av en utbildningsintervention på personalens kompetens, psykosociala arbetsmiljö samt vårdkvalitet inom kommunal äldreomsorg

Hasson, Henna January 2006 (has links)
<p>Insufficient competence among nursing staff is a major concern in elderly care worldwide as the healthcare needs of the elderly become increasingly complex. In previous research, insufficient competence has been associated with work dissatisfaction and stress among elderly care nurses, and with lower quality of care. This thesis describes the development, implementation and evaluation of an educational intervention for nursing staff in elderly care. In a prospective, controlled study, evaluation of the educational toolbox was based on nursing staff ratings of their competence and psychosocial work environment, as well as on care recipients’ and family relatives’ ratings of the quality of elderly care.</p><p>Paper I validated a questionnaire measuring care recipient relatives’ perceptions of quality of care. Paper II compared self-rated competence, work strain, stress, and work satisfaction between staff working in home-based care and nursing homes. Papers III and IV evaluated the impact of the educational intervention on staff perceptions of their competence and psychosocial work environment (Paper III) and on care recipients’ and relatives’ perceptions of the quality of care (Paper IV).</p><p>The results showed that staff ratings of their competence and psychosocial work environment, including work satisfaction and work stress, improved significantly over time in the intervention municipality, compared to the reference group. Neither care recipients’ nor relatives’ ratings of the quality of care changed significantly over time in the intervention organization. Furthermore, there were no significant interaction effects over time between the intervention and reference groups for quality ratings. These results indicate that an educational toolbox that can be used according to local workplace needs may be an effective and sustainable intervention for improving staff competence and the psychosocial work environment. However, further studies are needed to investigate whether, and under what conditions, improved staff competence and work environment have an impact on quality of care.</p>

Nach Bologna: Praktika im Studium – Pflicht oder Kür? : empirische Analysen und Empfehlungen für die Hochschulpraxis / Beyond Bologna: internship in studies – obligation or option? : empirical analysis and recommendations on the praxis of higher education

January 2011 (has links)
Mit dem vorliegenden Band „Nach Bologna: Praktika im Studium – Pflicht oder Kür? Empirische Analysen und Empfehlungen für die Hochschulpraxis“ von Wilfried Schubarth, Karsten Speck und Andreas Seidel wird die Reihe „Potsdamer Beiträge zur Lehrevaluation“ unter neuem Titel und veränderter inhaltlicher Schwerpunktsetzung fortgeführt. Die Umbenennung in „Potsdamer Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung“ versteht sich als ein Schritt hin zu einer thematischen Öffnung der Reihe für die verschiedensten Felder der Hochschulforschung. Der vorliegende Band widmet sich einem der zentralen Reformziele von Bologna: der Frage des Praxis- und Berufsbezugs und dabei insbesondere den Praxisphasen im Studium. Mit der Bologna-Reform werden im bildungspolitischen Bereich sehr vielfältige strukturelle und inhaltliche Ziele verfolgt. Das Ziel dieses Bandes besteht deshalb darin, empirische Forschungen zu Praxisbezügen und Praxisphasen im Studium vorzustellen, diese in den Kontext aktueller Debatten um Studienqualität und Studienreform zu stellen sowie Folgerungen für die Gestaltung von Praxisphasen abzuleiten. Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte bilden das BMBF-Forschungsprojekt ProPrax und die Praxisphasen im Lehramtsstudium. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes gehen aus einem gleichnamigen Workshop hervor, der am 1. Oktober 2010 in Potsdam stattfand. / The present conference volume „Beyond Bologna: Internship in studies – obligation or option? Empirical analysis and recommendations on the praxis of higher education“ by Wilfried Schubarth, Karsten Speck and Andreas Seidel is part of the serial “Potsdamer Beiträge zur Lehrevaluation” which is actually renamed as “Potsdamer Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung“. The new title supports modified focal points for research and provides opportunities for several fields of higher education research. The volume focuses on the practical relevance and the development of professional skills in academic studies as one of the central intentions of the Bologna Process. This Reform involves a variety of structural and content-related intentions in the field of educational policy. The aim of this conference volume is therefore to present empirical research with regard to practical relevance and internship in academic studies. It is linked to the current debate concerning quality of academic studies as well as the higher education reform in general and draws conclusions for the practical implementation of academic internships. The ProPrax research project, founded by the BMBF, and its first results as well as internships in teacher education are main issues of this volume. The contributions result from the correspondent Potsdam conference on October 1st 2010.

Nursing Staff Competence, Psychosocial Work Environment and Quality of Elderly Care: Impact of an Educational Intervention / Effekter av en utbildningsintervention på personalens kompetens, psykosociala arbetsmiljö samt vårdkvalitet inom kommunal äldreomsorg

Hasson, Henna January 2006 (has links)
Insufficient competence among nursing staff is a major concern in elderly care worldwide as the healthcare needs of the elderly become increasingly complex. In previous research, insufficient competence has been associated with work dissatisfaction and stress among elderly care nurses, and with lower quality of care. This thesis describes the development, implementation and evaluation of an educational intervention for nursing staff in elderly care. In a prospective, controlled study, evaluation of the educational toolbox was based on nursing staff ratings of their competence and psychosocial work environment, as well as on care recipients’ and family relatives’ ratings of the quality of elderly care. Paper I validated a questionnaire measuring care recipient relatives’ perceptions of quality of care. Paper II compared self-rated competence, work strain, stress, and work satisfaction between staff working in home-based care and nursing homes. Papers III and IV evaluated the impact of the educational intervention on staff perceptions of their competence and psychosocial work environment (Paper III) and on care recipients’ and relatives’ perceptions of the quality of care (Paper IV). The results showed that staff ratings of their competence and psychosocial work environment, including work satisfaction and work stress, improved significantly over time in the intervention municipality, compared to the reference group. Neither care recipients’ nor relatives’ ratings of the quality of care changed significantly over time in the intervention organization. Furthermore, there were no significant interaction effects over time between the intervention and reference groups for quality ratings. These results indicate that an educational toolbox that can be used according to local workplace needs may be an effective and sustainable intervention for improving staff competence and the psychosocial work environment. However, further studies are needed to investigate whether, and under what conditions, improved staff competence and work environment have an impact on quality of care.

Mötesplats skolutveckling : Om hur samverkan med forskare kan bidra till att utveckla pedagogers kompetens att bedriva utvecklingsarbete / Meeting Place : School Development : How collaboration with researchers may contribute to developing educator's compentence for developmental work

Lindholm, Yvonne January 2008 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to illuminate how researchers might provide support to the improvement of educators' competence, in a school development context. The thesis also sheds light on conditions and obstacles for such development. The theoretical approach derives inspiration from several lines of thought but above all from action theory and theories on adult learning and development. The approach of the thesis can be characterized as “contextual-constructivist” or “social constructivist”. Four different forms of collaboration between researchers and educators are studied and compared. The methods used were interviews, questionnaires and document study. The similarities between the different types of collaboration are striking. The educators’ competence for action and development seems to have increased in all types of collaboration, for example towards increased communicative and meta-cognitive competence. This, however, cannot be attributed solely to the researchers; rather it seems to be a result of the whole interplay with the environment that was initiated by the collaboration. One group of educators also turned out to act as bridge-builders between the researchers and their own colleagues. Further, the educators have had access to various tangible tools, which have appeared to be useful not only in developmental work but also in the everyday work. Finally, the utility aspect of school research is discussed, as well as the double, sometimes triple, helix of learning and developmental processes that educators may share as a result of the collaboration with researchers.

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