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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Koöperasie as mededingingstrategie vir graanprodusente, 1995

Olivier, Pieter Gerhardus 06 1900 (has links)
Kooperasies, as werktuie ter doelwitbereiking vir graanprodusente, het sedert hul totstandkoming onderskeibare ontwikkelingsfases deurgegaan. Die toepassing van kooperasie as mededingingstrategie deur graanprodusente is grootliks bei"nvloed deur die veranderings wat tydens die ontwikkelingsfases voorgekom het. Aksies wat in die loop van hierdie ontwikkellngsfases ingestel was, het mettertyd onduidelikhede oor die bestaansgrondslag van die kooperasies laat ontstaan. Die klJmaat van politieke veranderings wat tans in die land heers, kan ook belangrike veranderings meebring ten opsigte van die grondslag waarop kooperasies funksioneer. Pie uitwerking van die verwagte veranderings kan kooperasies forseer om strategiese aanpassings in hul strukture te maak ten einde steeds suksesvol te kan bly voortbestaan. · Graanprodusente verkeer in 'n posisie wat vereis dat daar besin moet word oor strategiee wat gevolg kan word ten einde steeds suksesvol in die onsekere markomstandighede mee te ding. Die toepassing van kooperasie as mededingingstrategie waarvolgens graanprodusente deur lidmaatskap van die kooperasies in die mark deelgeneem het, kom nou ook onder die loep. Die hoofprobleem waarop daar dus in hierdie studie gefokus word, is om te bepaal of kooperasie as mededingingstrategie geskik is om die individuele en kollektiewe belange van graanprodusente te bevorder. Van die belangrikste bevindings van die studie is: Graanprodusente voorsien dat kooperasie individuele graanprodusente se markoptrede kan versterk. Graanprodusente is van mening dat hulle deur middel van kooperasie wat manifesteer in selfstandige besigheidsondernemings, genaamd ''kooperasies", 'n positiewe invloed vir graanprodusente op die mark kan uitoefen. Daar kcan nie 'n beduidende negatiewe, of positiewe persepsie oor onderlinge mededinging en die invloed wat die vryemarkbedeling daarop uitoefen, by graanprodusente gei"dentifiseer word nie. Dit blyk egter dat sommige graanprodusente die vryemarkbedeling as 'n belangrike markfaktor bejeen. Ander graanprodusente huldig 'n meer buigsame benadering jeens die vryemarkbedeling. Graanprodusente is, met enkele klemverskille, van mening dat die kooperasies nie daarin slaag om die tradisionele kooperasiebeginsels in die wyse waarop kooperasies hul besigheid bedryf, volledig toe te pas nie. Graanprodusente het oor die algemeen gesien duidelike menings oor die noodsaaklikheid daa.rvan dat die staat nie by die graanbedryf meet inmeng nie. Ander tipes ondersteuningstrategiee, soos die oprigting van beslote korporasies of maatskappye, geniet wisselende steun. 'n Beduidende groep graanprodusente is onseker oor moontlikhede om maatskappye met kapitaalgroei as basis te skep, om sodoende in geheel met kooperasies weg te doen. / Co-operatives have experienced distinguishable changes. The application of co-operation as a competitive strategy by g~in producers was largely influenced by the changes. The prevailing political changes can also instigate important changes with regard to co-operatives. Grain producers must revise strategies to maintain successful competition in the market. The study investigates co-operation as a competitive strategy to advance the individual and collective interests of grain producers, Findings are: Grain producers are convinced that co-operation enhances the market related actions of individual grain producers. Grain producers can, through co-operation, exercise a positive influence in the market. No definite negative or positive perception concerning the influence of the free market system upon mutual competition could be identified. Grain producers are convinced that the state should not interfere with the grain industry. / Business Management / M. Admin. (Business Management)


駱玉盛, Lo, Oliver Unknown Date (has links)
能源需求的持續上升與物價的高漲,帶動節能科技的發展與需求。發光二極體(LED)由於有較高發光效率的潛力,及可產生不同顏色的特性,已經開始廣泛使用到不同的照明領域。產業界一致認為,未來隨著LED大量應用於照明相關產品,發光成本、能因經濟規模擴大而大幅下降,進而達到比現有照明產品更低成本的高附加價值成效。 資訊時代的來臨,與人們越來越重視戶外的休閒活動,加上都市化的因素,使人們花在交通時間也越來越多。這些種種因素皆使人們會較以往花更多的時間關注在戶外媒體。隨著R、G、B 3原色LED的成功量產,使得發光二極體開始進入全彩大營幕顯示領域。發光效率的提升,使其在戶外環境的表現比其他顯示技術更加優異。LED顯示屏和傳統印刷式戶外廣告比較,其並不會製造廢棄物,又有節省能源的附加效果,全彩LED顯示屏已經成為電子看板中被看好的一支。 本研究在探討台灣LED顯示屏產業,現有生產廠商的經營策略,與產業之國家競爭力,輔以波特的五力與鑽石理論架構,加以分析、整理,希望能夠藉由巨型理論的架構,評斷出產業所應採用的競爭策略,以求能在未來的產業競爭環境下,保有產業持續性的競爭優勢。 經由分析與整理,本研究最後建議四個發展方向,包括策略面、技術面、行銷面與營運面,以供產業界參考,希望能儘一份綿薄之力,提升我國產業的競爭力。 / The rising energy demand and higher inflation pressure have increased the importance of less-energy consumption technology。Light Emitted Diode (LED) has been using as light source in lighting related applications widely because of unique performance of higher light efficiency and colorable character. From LED industry perspective, the cost of lumen (lumen per dollar) will be becoming cheaper as soon as the era of LED lighting arrived. This is the result of economy of scale and customer will get benefit from it。 There are many fundamental changes that have increased popularity of out-door media activities。These changes include higher importance of casual life and activity, information era and urbanization. LED video board had entered full-color stage as soon as technology of R、G、B color has developed。Full Color LED Video Board shows up higher performance than other display technologies because of the unique Luminance performance of LED。LED Video Board is environmental friendly technology because of higher energy efficiency and less wastable consumption。LED Video Board has became the primary display technology among digital signage technology several years ago。 The research is firstly to study strategies that are being applied in Taiwan LED Video Board industry and to figure out national competitive advantage of the industry。The research is aimed to work out proper competitive strategy for companies that are based in Taiwan and the industry according to grand theory that was founded by Michael E. Porter,The five competitive forces and Diamond theory。 The research is ended up by four recommendations from sustainable competitive advantage perspective for those companies that are planning to enter into business in the future or currently competing with international competitors。

價值單元展開分析法與策略矩陣:以3D感測產業新創科技公司競爭策略為例 / Value unit expansion analysis and strategic matrix : competitive strategy of technology startup company in 3D sensor industry

黃紹峯, Huang, Shao-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以策略管理理論「策略形態分析」法與「策略矩陣分析」法為基礎,發展出新的分析架構–「價值單元展開分析」法,並與策略矩陣整合成為策略系統模型。藉由個案研究,驗證此策略系統模型如何使管理者能更精確地衡量未來策略規劃之選擇,最佳化公司未來競爭策略方向。 筆者以個案探討新創科技公司在持續變動與競爭之產業中,競爭策略分析與規劃之方法。以3D感測產業作為分析與研究之個案產業,並以其中一新創科技公司–L科技公司作為個案探討之對象,提出一以新創科技公司為出發點,在衡量現有與發展未來競爭策略時,可供利用與權衡的分析方法。 「價值單元展開分析」法追尋理性與系統化思考,為公司導入嚴謹明確、量化、及標準化的度量衡工具,使公司得以更加周詳完備與深入地分析其條件前提,將策略最佳化。且此架構具高度延展性,得充分配合公司進行各種思考面向之分析。此外,「價值單元展開分析」法亦可完全結合與相容於「策略矩陣分析」法之中,形成易於溝通與同步的策略系統模型,利用此特點解決公司在策略規劃時可能遭遇之混沌與困難,將效率、效益、及效能用在得當之處,使公司未來發展更符合目標。 / This study investigates the methods of analyzing and planning competitive strategies, with a case study of a technology startup company – “L Company” in the 3D sensor industry. Based on strategy analysis and Strategic Matrix Analysis, this study developed a new analytic framework – “Value Unit Expansion Analysis” which is a systematic model integrated into Strategic Matrix Analysis. By verifying the systematic model through the case, this study proposed a more precise and optimization–capable method to form a company’s future competitive strategies. Value Unit Expansion Analysis is a clarifying, quantifying, and standardizing method for the company to pave the path for factor condition analysis and strategic optimization. The structure was designed with a high flexibility in correspondence to different considerations and changing aspects; it is compatible and can be built within Strategic Matrix Analysis. The systematic model is liable for communication and synchronization during the process of strategy planning and, therefore, setting higher efficiency, benefit, and utility for pertinent strategies that fit into companies’ goals.


王睦舜, Wang, Ruffin Unknown Date (has links)

企業競爭策略之研究 - 以LED封裝公司為例 / Competitive strategies of firms—the case of a LED company

陳樹森, Chen, Su Sen Unknown Date (has links)
Haitz定律是專家根據多年的觀察發現,LED每十年它的流明成本會降至原來的十分之一,但是亮度會提升二十倍。它被視為LED產業的摩爾定律。而環保節能議題,讓高效率、節能與無毒的LED產品成為各方的寵兒,更是各國政府重點扶持的明星產業之一。產業競爭程度亦隨著快速上升,在面對千家爭鳴競爭日益激烈的產業環境下,先行者累積許多資源與能力,或可形成進入障礙。但是,在專業分工、資源與能力可替代或是複製的情況下,有些資源便不再獨特與唯一。甚至,隨著產業的快速進步,先行者所擁有的資源與能力,如果沒有跟上時代的腳步,不僅無法成為企業組織的能耐,相反的,可能成為企業的包袱。 A企業,一個產業先行者,面臨產業成長的絕佳機會,也同時要接受來自各方的競爭與挑戰,包含潛在進入者、原有產業競爭者、上游供應商、下游顧客與替代品等之競爭。不同環境結合企業既有之資源與能力,如何讓企業勝出的策略決策更形重要。本研究針對A企業在不同時期,所面臨不同環境,依據它自有之資源與能力,與其所採取之策略進行對比分析,最後從績效來檢視該時期之競爭策略。 本研究從產業競爭對手中,挑選出X企業,是一家與不同創新模式之後進者,以及Y企業,是規模相當的先行者,來進行分析比較,期待對A企業的競爭策略能有知彼知己之效果。在研究中發現,創新應用為LED產業成長的不二法門,企業唯有善用自我的資源與能力,結合市場方可勝出。 / Haitz's law is an observation over many years in LED, which states that, in every decade, the cost per lumen (unit of useful light emitted) falls by a factor of 10 and the amount of light generated per LED package increases by a factor of 20. This is referred as Moore's law in LED industry. Moreover, environmental protection and energy saving have become global issues. The advantages of LED products, such as power saving, high efficiency and non-toxic, have made LED industry patronage by governments and welcome worldwide. Governments in many developed countries even treat LED industry as one of star industries. However, the competition in this industry has increased rapidly. Facing hundreds of competitors, early entrants have accumulated many resources and capabilities, which also create entry barriers for others. Under the circumstances that professional services, resources and abilities could be substituted and duplicated, some of pioneer’s advantages are no longer unique and advanced. Even worse, because of the quick pace of this industry, the resources and abilities of one pioneer could even become heavy burden, if the pioneer does not catch up the evolution of the industry. Company A, a pioneer in this field, is enjoying the opportunity of industry growth but, at the same time, it is facing competitions and challenges from different areas, including potential entrants, existing competitors, suppliers, customers and substitutes. It is getting more important to have correct strategic directions to win under different circumstances by consolidating the firm’s resources and capabilities. This research engages in comparative analysis to examine the strategies that this company has taken during different periods of its development cycle and different environments.

台灣中小型科技公司競爭策略與競爭優勢之研究-以噴墨列印產業為例 / Competitive strategy and competitive advantage of High-Tech SMEs ─ a case study of Taiwan's ink jet printing industry

黃志民, Huang,Jyh Min Unknown Date (has links)
台灣中小企業的發展歷程,從創造台灣經濟奇蹟的原始動力到1980年代後期起,因國內外環境改變而面對嚴重的挑戰並歷經重大的改變。直至今天更因全球化的衝擊,正面臨嚴苛的考驗。其中能成長為跨國大企業者,實在寥寥可數,而大部份均歷經生存與滅亡的不斷輪迴。加上台灣企業逐漸大型化,大型企業開始獲得台灣經濟的主導權,中小企業在台灣經濟的比重逐漸降低。然而,在全球供應鏈上,台灣不論是大型企業或中小企業大部份均只是扮演中段生產與代工的角色,供應鏈上的上游原料與材料技術卻無法占有一席之地。這樣的現況我們似乎只歸因於市場機制的優勝劣敗而鮮有進一步的具體解決方案與實際創新商業模式之深入探討。然而,從一些成功的案例我們發現其實有一些具特異性與價值性資源及能耐的中小企業在面對常態資源不足,市場生態丕變、與組織對應不良的困境中,善用自己的核心能力,從理論與應用科學的發展、核心能力的延伸與擴張,競爭策略的預應彈性與組織能力的強化做為變革的基礎,逐步發展其成功的創新商業模式。 本研究以”台灣中小型科技公司之競爭策略與競爭優勢”為架構,以” 噴墨列印產業 ”之利基創造為導入實例,進行對台灣中小企業科技核心能力的認知,應用策略、經營模式、與變革創新的階段性探討與分析。期能從競爭策略的面向,提出問題與理論驗證,並提出一成功營運模式的研擬。此外,再以其在高競爭障礙市場的成功實績,進一步探討台灣中小企業如何善用獨持資源與策略轉折,創新創造利基市場,由小做大,建立跨國的成功創新商業模式,甚至建立自有品牌。最後,期望本研究的理論參據與實績驗證的內容和建議對台灣中小企業在困境中的力爭上游能有所助益。 / Since the time of creating the original driving force of Taiwan's economic miracle to late 1980s, the development of Taiwanese SMEs has been facing serious challenges and experiencing major changes due to rapid changes in domestic and international environment. Even today they are facing a more severe test because of the impact of globalization, and very few of them are able to grow to large multinational companies while most of them have been going through the continuous cycle of survival and extinction. Furthermore, Taiwanese enterprises have become larger in scale gradually, and large companies have begun to gain dominance of Taiwanese economy. The proportion of SMEs in Taiwanese economy has gradually reduced. However, in the global supply chain, most of the enterprises in Taiwan, no matter SMEs or MNCs, play the role of “ production and OEM/ODM” and rarely place the upstream of the supply chain as suppliers of raw materials and technology. This current situation seems to be attributed to the market mechanism fitness and few further specific and practical solutions have been discussed and conducted earnestly into the innovative business model in depth. However, from a number of successful cases, we discover that there are some SMEs, who are capable of core competencies and special advantages yet inadequate resources and capabilities, the changing market ecology, and the plight of organization corresponding ability, have successfully developed their own business models by their core competencies and the development of theoretical and applied science, the precise implementation of extension and expansion of core competencies and the strengthen of pro- action flexibility of competitive strategies as well as the capability of organizing, and gradually achieved the innovation and progressive development of the unique successful business model. In this research, the technical core competences, application strategies, innovative transformation and new business model of Taiwan's SMEs will be carried into analysis and discussion based on the framework of " competitive strategy and competitive advantage of High-Tech SMEs in Taiwan " setting the foundation of "The ink jet printing industries" as an illustration. For each stage of competitive strategies, the questions will be presented with theories to verify, and the simulation of successfully-operated models will be brought out. In addition, from the successful examples in high competitive barrier market, this research will further explore how good Taiwanese SMEs are by using the core capabilities and strategy transition to gradually innovate the global niche market with successful innovative business models, and even establish their own brands. Finally, I hope the theoretical reference, content and recommendations of performance verification can be helpful to get through the plight of the striving SMEs in Taiwan.

後iphone時代智慧型手機產業環境因素對宏達電競爭策略影響之研究 / The Smartphone Industry Environmental Impacts to HTC Competitive Strategy After iphone Era

王俊雄 Unknown Date (has links)
中文摘要 競爭策略的核心問題是企業在產業中的相對位置。競爭位置會決定企業獲利能力高出或低於産業平均水準。產業的獲利能力並非取決於產品功能或技術層次的高低,而是由產業結構決定。產品設計即使很時尚或是高科技的東西如果處於產業結構中不對的位置上,企業的獲利依然不會好。例如台灣的筆記型電腦代工產業的一直處於全球領先位置但是產業獲利卻是低毛利的狀況。 當產業有重量級競爭者進入時,新的技術可能破壞原本的產業結構,原來的產業競爭者可能受到程度不等的影響。影響的結果取決於企業應變策略及其在產業中的相對位置,應變速度慢或是選擇錯誤的策略皆可能導致公司步上衰退,而與重量級同質性高的廠商受到的衝擊往往最大,資源互補的廠商卻可能從中獲利。 此外,新的技術也可能為產業帶來新應用與新市場,使產業擴大,企業如能把握時機,妥善選擇競爭策略,為客戶創造價值,也能在產業中獲得更大的利潤。 本研究方法採用「個案研究法」來進行,探討個案企業憑藉哪些創新與競爭策略,使其能夠在重量級廠商加入產業對原來產業產生重大影響的環境中突圍,以及如何面對下一波的挑戰。得到的發現如下: (一)開發中國家的企業要成為國際企業,宜採取漸進式方式,經過多年的耕耘,逐漸成為國際知名企業。(二)智慧型手機開放性架構有利於手機生態系統的競爭,傳統電信營運商將可能淪為數位匯流時代之配角。(三)技術創新的本身並不重要,只有在技術創新影響到產業結構及企業競爭優勢的情況下,才突顯出它的重要性。(四)技術創新可能會影響產業結構,導致市場轉移,企業內現有競爭者必須快速因應。(五) 企業以大量客製化的服務方式來滿足客戶的營運模式,似乎較難進行破壞性創新。(六)企業的能力與稟賦,皆會影響公司的獲利,且會受到技術及市場知識所影響,領導企業具有提供低成本和差異化的能力與稟賦。非領導企業最好在低成本和差異化兩策略上擇一為之..等.

Os bancos brasileiros na internet: um estudo de caso sobre os motivadores para a sua forma de atuação neste ambiente

Ferreira, Carlos Eduardo Coelho 26 April 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Cristiane Oliveira (cristiane.oliveira@fgv.br) on 2011-05-24T13:29:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 71080100009.pdf: 1036762 bytes, checksum: 893b5d89a98bed04889918f91de73acc (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Gisele Isaura Hannickel(gisele.hannickel@fgv.br) on 2011-05-24T13:41:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 71080100009.pdf: 1036762 bytes, checksum: 893b5d89a98bed04889918f91de73acc (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Gisele Isaura Hannickel(gisele.hannickel@fgv.br) on 2011-05-24T13:43:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 71080100009.pdf: 1036762 bytes, checksum: 893b5d89a98bed04889918f91de73acc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-24T13:46:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 71080100009.pdf: 1036762 bytes, checksum: 893b5d89a98bed04889918f91de73acc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-04-26 / The research focus is to present an integrated analysis model for the behavior pattern of Brazilian banks in the Internet environment. A single case study was conducted at Banco do Brasil. Most interviews took place at Banco do Brasil’s administrative and technology headquarters in the city of Brasília, DF. An Integrated Analysis Model was presented based in many theories and structures of the organizational studies and information systems fields. Findings show that the studied phenomena can be understood with the simultaneous application of all selected theories, proving the complexity of the study object. Research limitations include the fact that this research was focused on a single case and also that it was not possible to run this research with a bigger sample of organizations. Study originality and contribution relies on proposing the Integrated Analysis Model with analysis structures and theories that help to understand the object of study. Future studies may replicate this research in a bigger number of companies to present a richer analysis. / O objetivo deste estudo é propor um modelo de análise integrada para a forma de atuação dos bancos brasileiros no ambiente da Internet. Para tanto foi conduzido um estudo de caso único com o Banco do Brasil. A maioria das entrevistas foi realizada nas sedes administrativa e de tecnologia do banco na cidade de Brasília, DF. Foi proposto um Modelo de Análise Integrada baseado em várias teorias e estruturas da área de estudos organizacionais e sistemas de informação. Entre as descobertas da pesquisa está a constatação de que o fenômeno estudado pode ser satisfatoriamente compreendido com o emprego de todas as teorias selecionadas, comprovando a complexidade do objeto desta pesquisa. O estudo apresentou entre suas limitações o fato de ter sido um estudo de caso único, como também a impossibilidade de se realizar esta pesquisa em amplo espectro, com um número consideravelmente maior de organizações. O ineditismo e a contribuição deste estudo residem no fato de ter proposto um modelo integrado com teorias e estruturas de análise que facilitam a compreensão do fenômeno observado. Em estudos futuros o pesquisador poderia incluir a pesquisa em um número maior de instituições para enriquecer a análise.

Winning a race with no finish line : assessing the strategy of interstate competition

Skold, Martin January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation offers a framework for understanding the strategies of states engaged in competition for regional hegemony. Although international relations literature refers extensively to such competition and obliquely to states' strategies, to date little has been done to show how states' strategies in such competition may be analyzed. Drawing on a variety of strategic literature, this dissertation synthesizes a theoretical approach to analyzing the strategies of states engaged in regional security competition. Employing insights drawn from business strategy, this dissertation argues for an essentially asymmetric understanding of fundamental policy goals for states engaged in competition for regional hegemony, with one state attempting to maintain a dominant position and another attempting, by focusing limited resources, to supplant it. The competition is understood metaphorically (based on an anecdote from the end of the Cold War) as a “race with no finish line,” with the reigning hegemon attempting to extend the race and the challenger attempting to create a finish line and cross it. With homage to realism, liberalism, and constructivism, possible state goals are categorized as belonging to three realms: security, welfare, and intangible goals. These are used as metrics for a state's success or failure in any given competitive scenario, as well as the resources at its disposal. Drawing on military strategic literature, this thesis then applies decision-cycle analysis to state competitive behavior. The conclusions from this analysis are then synthesized into a framework for analysis of similar regional competitive scenarios, the first such framework yet devised for such purposes. A case study: the “Dreadnought Race” between Britain and Germany prior to World War One, is then examined, in which states' performance is analyzed in the competitive scenario in light of the above strategic precepts.

Estruturação e desenvolvimento de uma joint venture em busca de maior competitividade : o caso de uma empresa gaúcha do setor metal-mecânico

Bernardi, Flávia Camargo 31 March 2011 (has links)
As alianças estratégicas são uma das alternativas de estratégias de cooperação estabelecidas entre duas ou mais empresas com objetivos comuns, visando o estabelecimento de uma vantagem competitiva, sendo que a joint venture, dentre as possibilidades, é a mais frequente. Neste sentido, a presente pesquisa buscou analisar a estruturação, o desenvolvimento e a evolução da joint venture JOST Brasil Sistemas Automotivos Ltda., empresa localizada em Caxias do Sul (RS), resultado da parceria entre a empresa brasileira Randon S.A. e a empresa alemã JOST-Werke. Como metodologia de pesquisa, foi utilizada a pesquisa qualitativa, com caráter exploratório, a partir do desenvolvimento de um estudo de caso, aliado à análise documental e à aplicação de entrevistas individuais em profundidade, com uma abordagem semi-estruturada, considerando-se, como sustentação teórica, a literatura relacionada à estratégia, alianças estratégicas, joint ventures e a Teoria VBR (Visão Baseada em Recursos). A pesquisa permitiu identificar os motivos dos parceiros de negócio para a implementação da joint venture relacionando-os com a Teoria da Visão Baseada em Recursos, as principais etapas de implementação, os fatores críticos de sucesso, os mecanismos de governança adotados, bem como a evolução da JOST Brasil, resultando em considerações teóricas e empíricas que servem como suporte para a compreensão do processo de estruturação, desenvolvimento e evolução de joint ventures. Entre os principais resultados encontram-se a existência de objetivos comuns entre os sócios, a complementariedade de recursos e o desenvolvimento de vantagens competitivas. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-06-04T16:30:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Flavia Camargo Bernardi.pdf: 2219580 bytes, checksum: 6ea54708289e82abc8dad56b2661df4a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-04T16:30:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Flavia Camargo Bernardi.pdf: 2219580 bytes, checksum: 6ea54708289e82abc8dad56b2661df4a (MD5) / Strategic alliances are one of the choices for strategies of cooperation established between two or more companies with common goals in order to gain a competitive strategy. Joint ventures, among such possibilities, are the most frequent ones. In this sense, this research has sought to examine the structure, development and evolution of the joint venture JOST Brasil Sistemas Automotivos Ltda., a company based in Caxias do Sul (RS), and the result of a partnership between the Brazilian company Randon S.A. and the German company JOST-Werke. As research methodology, the qualitative research with exploratory nature has been used from the development of a case study, combined with documentary analysis and in-depth individual interviews using a semi-structured approach. As theoretical support, literature related to strategy, strategic alliances, joint ventures and RBV (Resource-Based View Theory) has been likewise used. The research made it possible to identify the reasons why business partners have decided to set up a joint venture, relating them to the Resource-Based View Theory, main implementation phases, critical success factors, adopted mechanisms of governance, as well as the evolution of JOST Brasil, resulting in theoretical and empirical considerations that serve as support to understand the structuring process, development and evolution of joint ventures. Among the main results are the partners` common goals, complementary resources and development of competitive edges.

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