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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hedersrelaterat våld i media : En kvalitativ studie om svenska tidningars gestaltning av religion och kultur i artiklar om hedersrelaterat våld under åren 2002 - 2012

Persson, Amanda, Johansson Hammarlund, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the portrayal of religion and culture in articles from Aftonbladet, Svenska Dagbladet, Dagens Nyheter and Dagen which are newspapers in which possess different ideological backgrounds. The honor killings of Pela Atroshi, Fadime Sahindal and Abbas Rezai will provide the basis of the study. The empirical material for this study is twenty four articles from the newspapers previously mentioned. A comparative content analysis was executed in order to distinguish the differences and similarities between the newspapers. Jesper Strömbeck’s version of the framing theory was applied to the study in order to analyse the portrayal of religion and culture. The final conclusions were that the majority of the articles portrayed culture as an opposition to freedom and modern society. The same was found of the portrayal of religion. Furthermore, the study showed that the newspaper which is based on the social democratic values tended to refer honor killings to structural problems rather than individual cases.

Stoppa matcherna! : En jämförande undersökning av två tidningars gestaltningar av händelserna i samband med Davis Cupmatcherna i Båstad 1968 och 1975

Lind, Rasmus January 2021 (has links)
This essay sheds light on the protest events in connection with the Davis-Cup matches in Båstad in 1968 and 1975. They are relatively close in time, touch on the same sports competition, similar issues, engage largely the same group of protesters and were the subject of enormous media interest. When looking at the events in Båstad in a retrospective light, the event in 1968 is reflected much more strongly than the event in 1975, in this essay this imbalance will be examined in more detail. The main purpose of the essay is to, based on articles in Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter, comparatively investigate how these newspapers may have shaped the historical image of the events in connection with the Davis Cup matches in Båstad in 1968 and 1975. The theoretical framework is based on framing theory, which shows how media's representations of reality affect people's perceptions, how media, in some ways but not others, reproduces and disseminates different power centers’. The choice of the theoretical framework rests on the thesis that the newspapers' depiction of the events created a historical picture of them. The newspapers visualize the reality according to preferences that they find to be rewarding now. The essay's methodological starting point is both quantitative and qualitative as it consists of a conventional content analysis on the one hand and is inspired by a quantitative four-step model that is connected to the framing theory on the other. The results show that the framings of the newspapers can be linked to the different course of events of the protests, as well as the modernization of social institutions, in particular sports. In 1968, the white sport was still white, but the events in Båstad nullified the possibility of seriously claiming that sports and politics did not influence each other. The similar framings of the newspapers in 1975 also show how far the abolition of authority had come. Sport was opened to the world and to politics, modernized and democratized and is today more democratically governed than before.

När pandemierna når Sverige : spanska sjukan och corona- pandemiernas influens på media samt företagen

Wallin, Gustaf January 2021 (has links)
As a future teacher you need to make your students understand and realize that history is repeating itself. Frequently, as teachers this results in us providing examples such as how Napoleon and Hitler tried to invade Russia and how both ended up failing their sought-outquest. Time of despair is typically moments of the history and past which later will show in our history books and we teach our children in school. In the society today, a pandemic has spread around the world. World hunger and war are no longer the main news filling our tv screens. The pandemic is showing everywhere in media and might be equally terrifying to think about in both a medicinal point of view as in an economical. The horrors that a pandemic brings affects the society in many ways. Time of uncertainty, both to our health and economical status are effects of the pandemic and one way of understanding the gratitude which situations such as a pandemic brings is to teach our students about pandemics of the past. The Spanish flu was a pandemic which affected the world approximately one century ago, and its characteristics seem to resemble the modern-day corona pandemic. In today´s society, we are attained by media from several angles some of which are through social media. In many ways these global platforms are a main part of our source of acquired news through internet´s global characteristics of being instant and easily accessible. To teach diseases such as the Spanish flu and the corona virus, it is easier to use examples and materials which the students understand and use. Magazines was the “present day” information providing source which we used, and still is to some extent in today´s society. However, with the growing online-based society the tool of providing information through magazines is slowly progressing to becoming outdated.  Therefore, in this study, a comparison between the two pandemics will be made through data collected from the magazine; Hallandsposten from 1918, and the social media platform;Instagram in 2020, will be presented. The study will focus on both medias way of portraying the different pandemics, both in an economical point of view through advertising and through the two medias way of depicting the two pandemics.

P-pillersubventionerna i dagstidningar från 1960- till 2010-talet : En jämförelse mellan dagspress och myndighetsaktörer, organisationer och lagars syn på p-pillersubventioneringen

Svahn, Alma January 2022 (has links)
Subventioneringen av p-piller har varit aktuell sen dess att p-pillret godkändes i Sverige 1964. Den här uppsatsen kommer att följa diskussionen kring p-pillersubventioneringarna i dagstidningar från 1960-talet fram till 2010-talet. Subventioneringen av p-pillret blir i samband med abortlagen 1975 inte bara betydande för kvinnor på ett personligt ekonomiskt plan utan även ett viktigt politiskt medel för att kunna hålla abortantalen nere i samband med den nya lagen. Politiker ser alltså p-pillersubventionen som en lösning på att minska aborter. Forskningsläget kring p-pillersubventioneringen har därför undersökt subventionering i relation till abortantalen.  Jag menar att forskningen som behandlar p-pillersubventionen utelämnar stora delar av diskussionen som förts kring frågan när den endast relateras till abortantalen. Med dagstidningarnas artiklar kommer jag att visa att subventioneringen av p-piller inte alls alltid handlat om att minska aborter. Tidningarna formulerar andra typer av problem än de som politikerna haft och med denna uppsats kommer jag att presentera dessa för att placera p- pillersubventioneringen i ett större sammanhang.

Ut med det gamla, in med det nya?

Dahlberg, Veronica, Liderås, Alexander January 2019 (has links)
Under senare tid har mediekonsumtionen sjunkit drastiskt för de tryckta dagstidningarna, medan de digitala upplagorna har ökat i samma fart. Följande studie granskar därmed skillnader i annonseringen mellan den tryckta kontra digitala upplagan i dagstidningarna Aftonbladet, Svenska Dagbladet, Expressen och Dagens Nyheter. Studien syftar till att öka förståelsen för hur annonseringen och de fyra medietekniska aspekterna färg, form, bild och placering skiljer sig mellan de två medierna. Studien tittar även närmare på vilka begränsningar som kan tillkomma med tryckt samt digital annonsering. Studiens frågeställning är därmed: Hur skiljer sig annonseringen och de medietekniska aspekterna (färg, form, bild och placering) i den tryckta kontra digitala tidningsupplagan i Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter & Svenska Dagbladet?För att besvara studiens frågeställning har det utförts en kvantitativ visuell innehållsanalys på de fyra tidningarna samt två kvalitativa fokusgrupper där specifika annonser diskuterats utifrån de fyra medietekniska aspekterna. Studiens teoretiska ansats redovisar för forskning inom annonsering, färg, form, bild och placering samt visuell strategi. Den visuella innehållsanalysen identifierade skillnader på de medietekniska aspekterna mellan de fyra dagstidningarna, både de tryckta och digitala upplagorna. Resultaten från fokusgrupperna visar på hur den tryckta och digitala annonseringen tolkats av konsumenten. Studiens resultat analyseras tillsammans med den teoretiska ansatsen vilket resulterar i studiens slutsats. Slutsatsen som dragits är att det finns ett flertal skillnader på hur annonseringen är mellan de två medierna samt hur de medietekniska aspekterna är utformade. Slutsatsen är även att annonsörer bör förhålla sig till de begränsningar båda medierna ställs inför när det kommer till annonsering. / During recent years the media consumption has dropped drastically for the printed newspapers, whilst the digital editions has increased at the same rate. The following study therefore examines the differences with advertisement between the printed and digital editions of the newspapers Aftonbladet, Svenska Dagbladet, Expressen and Dagens Nyheter. The aim of this study is to gain increased knowledge on how advertisement can differ and how the four media technological aspects color, design, image and placement differs between the two mediums. The study also takes a closer look on the limitations that can apply depending on printed or digital advertising. The study’s research question is therefore: How does advertising and the media technological aspect (color, design, image and placement) differ in the printed and digital editions of Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter & Svenska Dagbladet?To answer the study’s research question a quantitative visual content analysis and two qualitative focus groups where the discussions focused on the media technological aspects has been made. The study is supported by research within advertisement, color, design, image and placement, together with visual strategy. The visual content analysis identified differences with the media technological aspects between the four newspapers, for both the digital and printed editions. The results from the focus groups shows how the printed and digital editions are interpreted by the consumer. The result of the study is analysed together with the supported research to result in a conclusion. The conclusion that has been made is that there are multiple differences on how the advertisement is between the two mediums and how the media technological aspects are formed. The conclusion is also that advertisers should take the limitations of the mediums into consideration when it comes to advertising.

Interaktion med information – en studie kring interaktiv informationsgrafik

Hemström, Calle January 2015 (has links)
This thesis studies the use of infographics in Swedish web versionsof newspapers. The selected cases consist of two examplesfrom Swedish newspapers Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter aswell as a case from British newspaper The Guardian. The thesis’main purpose is to examine if the selected cases are making fulluse of the interaction possibilities websites provide as a mediumin order to achieve the aim of making information as easy tolearn as possible. This aim is to be seen as the main purpose ofinfographics in general according to theories in the areas of infographicsand cognitive multimedia learning.The three cases are then analyzed on the basis of criteriaconstructed from prior studies in infographics and cognitivetheory of multimedia learning using the method of reflectiveequilibrium.

"Förr var det bara penna och anteckningsblock" - En studie om de digitala kompetenskrav som ställs på nyhetsproducerande journalister idag

Jangenfält, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
Svenska journalister måste idag ha multikompetens, vilket i sin tur medfört att en person måste arbeta med flera områden som tidigare var uppdelat på flera olika personer. Problematiken i detta är att antalet anställda på dagstidningar minskar, medan trycket på journalistutbildningarna stiger.Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur journalister upplever att deras arbetsroll förändrats ur ett medietekniskt perspektiv. Den syftar även till att visa vilka digitala kompetenser journalister behöver idag för klara av det ökade kravet från omvärlden, samt för att ha en chans på arbetsmarknaden. Studien ämnar ta del av utbildningsansvarigas samt journalisters personliga upplevelser, samtidigt som den avser att kartlägga krav på digitala kompetenser bland journalister i hela Sverige.Empirin är insamlad från kvalitativa intervjuer med tre journalistutbildningsansvariga samt tre journalister. En enkätundersökning skickades ut till 200 personer från kategorierna reportrar, journalister och redaktörer aktiva på dagstidningar runtom i Sverige. Totalt resulterade den online-baserade webbenkäten i svar från 38 respondenter. Den kvalitativa insamlingen har skett genom intervjuer ansikte mot ansikte och telefonintervjuer.Studiens resultat visar att journalister upplever en stor förändring över tid vad gäller kraven att kunna behärska medieteknik. Det finns också ett tydligt ökat behov av multijournalister. Studien visar även att journalister anser vissa digitala kompetenser vara mer värdefulla än andra i sitt dagliga arbete, som exempelvis kritiskt utvärderade samt sökande och selekterande av information. Resultatet visar också att utöver den modell som Europa Kommissionen presenterat, krävs det idag att journalister kan hantera sociala medier som en digital kompetens. / Newspapers have undergone a major transformation in recent years with changing working conditions for those in the profession of journalism. Swedish journalists must have multi-skills, which means that one person has to work on several areas that which were previously divided among a bigger amount of people. A problem, which is a conclusion from these changing work conditions, is that the number of employees of newspapers is decreasing, while the pressure on journalism programs increases. This means more pressure on the job-seeking individual, so called journalist.This study aims to examine journalist’s feelings on how their job role has changed- from a media technological perspective. It also aims to demonstrate the digital skills journalists need today to cope with the increasing demand from the world and have a chance in the competitive media industry. It intends both to take part in education managers and journalists' personal experiences, but also identify requirements for digital skills among journalists throughout Sweden. The empirical data is collected through qualitative interviews with three journalists’ education managers and with three journalists. Data has also been gathered through a survey send to 200 persons with 38 respondents in the categories of reporters, journalists and editors. The interviews has been done face-to-face and through phone calls.This study’s result shows that journalists are experiencing a big change over time in terms of the requirements to be able to master the media and the ongoing greater need for multi-journalists. The results also show that journalists feel that certain digital skills are more valuable than others in their daily work. For example: Critically evaluating, searching and selection of information. The results have also shown that in addition to the already existing model that the European Commission presents on digital competence, journalists also need competence in managing different social media platforms in different types of perspectives.

Sexualpolitik i förändring : Avkriminaliseringen av homosexualitet speglat i dagspress och riksdagmaterial 1944

Klucis Lövström, Freja January 2024 (has links)
This study investigates the patterns between ideology and opinions regarding the legalization of homosexuality in the Swedish parliament and newspapers. It is based on official documents from the government published in 1944, the year when homosexuality was decriminalized, and approximately 50 newspaper articles that touch on homosexuality from the given year. The material was selected based on its relevance and specific terms were used to find it.  The parliamentary documents and articles were analysed from a queer theory perspective and the homosexual paradigm, focusing on the comparison between homosexuality and heterosexuality. This approach emphasizes the importance of not making assumption about the material based on prior research or the intentions of its creators. It views homosexuality as a social structure created form peoples need to sort in people into boxes.    The study concludes that opinions about the legalization of homosexuality varied within the parliament depending on members ideology and within ideologies themselves. Generally, the right-wing parti opposed the reform while the rest of the parties supported it, although for different reasons. Most newspapers maintained a relative neutral stance in the discussion, making it challenging to make a clear connection between their ideologies and their coverage of the topic. That is with one exception, the right-wing party, which strongly opposed the reform, and right-wing newspaper Svenska Dagbladet displayed similar opinions in sexual politics.

Arkeologins visuella gestaltning i lokala dagstidningar / The Visual Formation of Archaeology in Local Newspapers

Marcus, Sjöman January 2017 (has links)
Archaeology is a popular subject which the public has the opportunity to meet in a variety of contexts. In addition to television documentaries, non-fiction and popular science magazines, archaeology has even played a significant role in the fictional world. Apart from these sources, you can also find archaeology in news reports where the newspapers or the tv-stations acts like mediators of archaeological news based on the archaeological work that is currently ongoing in our present time. Since it is now a demand on Swedish contract archaeology to communicate it's results, the news media often gets to play the role as the link between the archaeologists and the public. This paper is based on an analyse of archaeological news presented in local newspapers. The aim of the study was to investigate the visual mediation of archaeology to the reader. The results showed that the visual mediation of archaeological news is not only based on the selection of photos or illustrations. According to this survey, visual mediation can also be constructed using particular words that either describe the factual characteristics or words that alludes to the fictional world. Archaeological news that are channeled through local newspapers tend to reflect a narrow view of the archaeological discipline. The reason for this can probably be seen as a consequence of the relationship between archaeology and the society. In order to broaden the currently prevailing image of the archaeological discipline, this paper arguments for a much closer and more deliberate collaboration between local news media and archaeologists.

Sextortyr eller frigörelse : Konstruktioner av sadomasochism i svenska dagstidningar 2007-2011

Ovesson, Charlotte January 2011 (has links)
Denna studie kom till efter att RFSU hade börjat arbeta med frågor om sadomasochism, och efter att Socialstyrelsen tog bort sadomasochism ur sin diagnosmanual. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på vilka diskurser som används när media talar om sadomasochism. Queerteori är det teoretiska fundamentet i studien. Jag utgår även från Michel Foucaults teorier. Min metod är foucauldiansk genealogisk diskursanalys. Analysmaterialet består av 33 tryckta artiklar från svenska dags- och kvällstidningar. Resultatet visar att talet om sadomasochism i media följer olika diskurser. Vissa utgår från att normalisering är godtycklig, att normer är föränderliga och att alla människor bör ha rätt till sin egen sexualitet. Diskurser om kvinnor och barn utgår från att sadomasochism är farligt och att människor måste skyddas från sexuella avvikare. Det talas om sadism som inte sker under samtycke som sjukt. Vissa diskurser framställer sadomasochism som positivt och används i sadomasochisters identitetsskapade. Även när de accepterande artiklarna talar om sadomasochism görs det på ett sätt så att de sexuella normerna inte ifrågasätts. Media lägger fram en nomaliserad variant av sadomaschism som är lättare för allmänheten att acceptera. Sadomasochism fortsätter på grund av normaliseringen att betraktas som avvikande.

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