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Gangsterrap i skolan / Gangsta rap in schoolSersam, Ludvig January 2023 (has links)
Studien behandlar musiklärares förhållningssätt till gangsterrap i skolan där deltagarnas uttalanden och reflektioner har analyserats med fältteori. Studien utforskar dessutom informellt lärande och pedagogiska aspekter utifrån vetenskapliga teoretiska discipliner som interpellation. Syftet är att beskriva hur musiklärare förhåller sig till läroplanens övergripande mål och riktlinjer när musiklärare tillämpar musikskapande och utövning av gangsterrap specifikt men även andra musikgenrer med texter som kan ses strida mot värdegrunden i Lgr22. Studien är kvalitativ där fältstudierna bestod av fyra halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Studiens Resultatet visar bland annat lärares positioner och kulturella kapital spelar roll för hur gangsterrap förstås och används av elever och musiklärare.
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Dramapedagogen -listig som en räv : Arbetsmarknaden och hur den upplevs av dramapedagoger / Dramapedagogue -a streetsmart profession : A study of the labor market for dramapedagogues in SwedenKarlsson, Frida, Sonnerby Ljungestig, Ingrid January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie har en fenomenologisk ansats och syftar till att undersöka och beskriva arbetsmarknaden för auktoriserade dramapedagoger i Sverige. Studien har genomförts genom triangulering med tre insamlingsmetoder: en kvantitativ web-baserad enkätundersökning där 113 RAD-medlemmar svarat, en kvalitativ mailintervju av utbildare på två dramapedagogutbildningar och ett kvalitativt fokussamtal med fem dramapedagoger. Materialet har analyserats fenomenologiskt med inspiration från främst Giorgis analysmetod. Resultatet visar att kommunala kulturskolan är den största enskilda arbetsgivaren för dramapedagoger och att dramapedagoger utanför kulturskolan finns anställda i många områden, dock inte alltid med titeln dramapedagog. Studien visar även att få dramapedagogtjänster utannonseras och att den vanligaste vägen till en dramapedagogtjänst går via kontakter/nätverk eller att omforma en befintlig tjänst alternativt frilansa/starta eget. Studien visar att trots svårigheter att hitta en heltidsanställning som dramapedagog upplever dramapedagoger en stor efterfrågan på och ett stort behov utav sin kompetens.
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Matjournalistik – från utbildning till inspiration : En kvalitativ, historisk genrestudie av matjournalistikHenriksson, Olivia January 2024 (has links)
Ämnet mat är trendigare någonsin, och recept och krogrecensioner florerar allt oftare i tidningar och på sociala medier. Syftet med denna uppsats är att reda ut vad matjournalistik är för genre och vad den ger utrymme för men även att försöka reda ut vad en matjournalist behöver besitta för kunskaper och hur man axlar rollen på ett professionellt vis. För att undersöka genren och arbetsrollen har frågeställningarna fokuserat på hur det har sett ut rent historiskt. Mer specifikt fokuserar studien på en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Dagens Nyheters arkiv, mellan 1974 och 2024, där teman samt på en kvalitativ intervjustudie där personer som befinner sig på den matjournalistiska scenen har medverkat. Bland de medverkande intervjupersonerna finns matjournalister, pensionerade matjournalister, matskribenter på sociala medier och kockar. Variationen av intervjupersoner har bidragit till olika perspektiv och gynnat den kvalitativa metoden på så sätt att åsikter har fått stötas mot varandra i resultat- och analyskapitlen. Det teoretiska ramverket är baserat på Bourdieus fältteori med visst fokus på symboliskt kapital, samt professionaliseringsteori med fokus på de professionalisering. Resultatet av studien visar att genrens innebörd innehåller en del olika teman, men framför allt att den har förändrats samt breddats med tidens gång. Enligt innehållsanalysen finns flera återkommande textformat sedan 1974. Innehållet är till viss del liknande genom tiden, precis som att olika teman och trender återkommit, men bredden på innehållet och variationen har ökat och bidragit till ett mer varierat innehåll. Dessutom har rollen som matjournalist utmanats av digitalisering och ökad konkurrens från modernare aktörer än de traditionella tidningarna. Idag finns alternativa medier som till viss del förnyar synen på vad man kan definiera som matjournalistik.
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Policy och predikament : En kvalitativ studie av kemisternas erfarenhet av Chalmers implementering av OA-policyArpe, Dennis January 2015 (has links)
The starting point of this study is a letter to the Swedish Research Council which maintained the difficulty to reconcile chemistry with open access. Previous studies show that when other sciences is increasing in both the deposition rate and selection of OA journals, there is a lull in chemistry. The purpose of the master thesis is to gain an understanding of chemists reluctance to open access in the light of the implementation of Chalmers' mandating open access policy and through field theoretical perspectives understand why. The survey is conducted with a qualitative approach and the empirical data consist of interview material from nine interviews that took place at Chalmers Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. The interviews show that chemists believe that the idea of open access is certainly sympathetic but incompatible with the chemical sciences. It is believed that the discipline´s traditions, practice and publishing culture as well as opportunities for career differs from other sciences, including what open access is concerned. This uniqueness has not been taken into account in the implementation of OA policies of funding agencies and universities, according to the informants. Evaluations of other universities implementations of open acces policies have identified success factors like support, legal advice and hands-on help in self-archiving. According to the results of this thesis, functionality and infrastructure appears to be less significant if university management and funders does not establish an atmosphere of alliance and thus undermines confidence in the policy and its proponents. The study confirms the importance of the researchers feel invited and involved in the process of change.
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Dialektens retorik : En studie om dialekter som retorisk resursSpathon, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
This paper examines dialect as a rhetorical means of persuasion. A survey containing inquires about four different Swedish dialects have been handed out mainly in Södertörn University and Stockholm University, in order to research the values and connotations of theese dialects. The four chosen dialects are as following: Göteborgska, Stockholmska, Norrländska and Skånska. The results of the survey are processed and compiled to see which attitudes these values and connotations may indicate to each dialect. These attitudes and values are then discussed in correlation with five rhetorical theories: Attitude as a means of persuation, Ethos, Persona, Rhetorical Agency and Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of Field and Habitus. From this discussion, conclusions are drawn about whether dialect may be used as a means of persuasion. However, the values and attitudes presented from the survey represents only the survey participants, and cannot be regarded as a general opinion. Altough it is a small-scale survey, certain conclusions can be made. The author of this essay concludes that dialect may be used as a means of persuasion, based on the survey results and rhetorical theories presented above. Finally, a critical component for this rhetorical agent is the adjustment of the audience. Without knowing the audiences values and attitudes to the dialect, the outcome of the effect may be hard to predict.
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Kulturell kvalitet : En undersökning av regeringens och statliga myndigheters användning av kvalitetsbegreppet inom kulturpolitikenLagerblad, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
This study is meant to examine and analyze the government’s and government agencies’ use of the concept of quality. To do this the definition of the term quality has been divided into two different terms, quality of cultural policy quality and artistic quality, to better understand the term. The material used in this study consists of the government proposition Tid för kultur 2009/10:3, SOU 2009:16, and the annual reports of Statens kulturråd and Konstnärsnämnden 2019. The annual reports have been studied to find out how Statens kulturråd and Konstnärsnämndens use the term quality, and how quality guides them in their funding of different artforms. In conclusion the importance and the use of the term quality is discussed.
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Färg, form och fält – en kvalitativ studie av Stockholms grafiska designfältBrämming, Lovisa, Lindström, Fredrik January 2020 (has links)
The field of graphic design is an essential part of the contemporary media and communication landscape, not least as a result of digitalization where visual content plays a more important role than ever before. Although influential, little research has been conducted in regards to graphic design. The thesis concerns the field of graphic design in Stockholm and poses two research questions. First, which social dynamics and unwritten rules are possible to discern from the graphic design field of Stockholm? Second, what does the interplay between an agent's position in the field and his/hers individual opinion concerning good graphic design look like? The theoretical framework is centered around Pierre Bourdieu's field theory and its core concepts such as fields, capital, habitus and doxa. These are fundamental cornerstones for the thesis as a whole and used as an analytical framework. Furthermore, six qualitative semi-structured interviews with different actors from within the field were conducted and later analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The results concluded that there are social dynamics and unwritten rules within the graphic design field of Stockholm concerning; talent, education, social climate, norms and values, visual guidelines and the purpose of graphic design. Moreover, all actors agree on one basic premise – if something is to be considered good graphic design it has to fulfill the basic purpose of graphic design. However, when it comes to how that premise is fulfilled, there is a clear interplay between an agent's position in the field and their opinion.
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År 2016 – Ett paradigmäventyr : En kvalitativ studie om förändringar i språk, framställning och värden inom svensk filmkritikJerner, Viktor, Turfors, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
The state of cultural journalism has been a subject of discussion within journalism research for a long period of time. The core of the discussion is that cultural journalism differs from journalism in many ways, which creates friction. Some researchers illustrate this friction as a battle between two separate paradigms – the journalistic paradigm and the aestethic paradigm – and their values. The aesthetic paradigm strives for values such as subjectivity, pedagogicality and expertise, while the journalistic paradigm focuses on effectivity, objectivity and ethics. The research concerning this has mostly been aimed at literature and music, but not film to the same extent. This study aimed to fill that gap by investigating the changes within swedish film criticism during the time between the late ‘90s and today. The platforms that we analysed are Moviezine, Barometern and Aftonbladet and the film reviews from them were analysed from the perspective of language, method of production and the values of the two paradigms. The study showed that these three platforms took their own paths; some of them have moved towards the aesthetic paradigm, while others have gone in the opposite direction. 2016 is the most divisive year of the analysed years.
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Kroppens Kultur : Fysisk teater som begrepp, dess diskurs och status på teaterfältet.Claeson, Karin January 2011 (has links)
This master’s thesis discusses the term physical theatre from a discourse point of view. It also focuses on aspects of power from a field theory perspective. The main theory used is Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory, and I try to apply this onto critical discourse analysis, mainly taken from Michel Foucault. The forms of physical theatre I focus on are mainly commedia dell’arte, theatre forms inspiredby Grotowski and Artaud, as well as mime, performance and contemporary circus. These are all theatre forms that focus especially on the body. My aim is to explore the status and discourse of physical theatre in Sweden today. The thesis is divided into two main parts. First, I present research concerning empirical data, where I search for the term physical theatre, as well as other forms of describing these theatre forms, in magazines, theatre playlists, texts about theatre troups etc. The term physical theatre is not very common in these texts, it is often described as dance-theatre for example. It is also prominent that the view on what physical theatre is has changed, theatre forms which focus on the body and its expression have been incorporated into the major theatre field, and are no longer considered odd or different. Physical comedy, however, still stands out. Although it seems that it has become increasingly popular, it has somewhat moved away from the serious forms of physical theatre. The second part of the thesis approaches the subject from a more theorising point of view, where the discussion itself is the main focus. I start off by discussing the term physical theatre and its aesthetics – how its meaning has changed from being something avant-garde to something that is considered “normal”. Thereafter I discuss the status of the physical theatre forms, and apply them onto Bourdieu’s field theory. Physical comedy has not yet acquired the status of ”high culture”, whereas the serious, more “arty” forms of physical theatre are on different positions in the theatre field, and even on the physical theatre field. I also discuss how this can be transferred to theories about popular culture, and the interesting things that happens when the once very popular, low-status theatre form commedia dell’arte is situated in a high culture theatre house, Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern, in Sweden. I continue to discuss marginalised forms of theatre from a sub-culturalperspective, fighting both against and inside the dominant culture to gain status in the theatre field. After this, I discuss how the physical theatre’s new discourse has changed because of the newly found interest in contemporary circus, research projects in universities as well as higher education in physical art forms. The conclusion is that the term physical theatre still can be useful to describe different forms of theatre, although it is quite vague and has changed significally.
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On Spectral Inequalities in Quantum Mechanics and Conformal Field Theory / Spektralolikheter inom Kvantmekanik och Konform FältteoriMickelin, Oscar January 2015 (has links)
Following Exner et al. (Commun. Math. Phys. 26 (2014), no. 2, 531–541), we prove new Lieb-Thirring inequalities for a general class of self-adjoint, second order differential operators with matrix-valued potentials, acting in one space-dimension. This class contains, but is not restricted to, the magnetic and non-magnetic Schrödinger operators. We consider the three cases of functions defined on all reals, all positive reals, and an interval, respectively, and acquire three different kinds of bounds. We also investigate the spectral properties of a family of operators from conformal field theory, by proving an asymptotic phase-space bound on the eigenvalue counting function and establishing a number of spectral inequalities. These bound the Riesz-means of eigenvalues for these operators, together with each individual eigenvalue, and are applied to a few physically interesting examples. / Vi följer Exner et al. (Commun. Math. Phys. 26 (2014), nr. 2, 531–541) och bevisar nya Lieb-Thirring-olikheter för generella, andra gradens självadjungerade differentialoperatorer med matrisvärda potentialfunktioner, verkandes i en rumsdimension. Dessa innefattar och generaliserar de magnetiska och icke-magnetiska Schrödingeroperatorerna. Vi betraktar tre olika fall, med funktioner definierade på hela reella axeln, på den positiva reella axeln, samt på ett interval. Detta resulterar i tre sorters olikheter. Vidare undersöker vi spektralegenskaperna för en klass operatorer från konform fältteori, genom att asymptotiskt begränsa antalet egenvärden med ett fasrymdsuttryck, samt genom att bevisa ett antal spektralolikheter. Dessa begränsar Riesz-medelvärdena för operatorerna, samt varje enskilt egenvärde, och tillämpas på ett par fysikaliskt intressanta exempel.
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