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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Svenska folkets egendom - Utförselregleringens historiska grund och förändring i förhållande till dagens kulturpolitiska mål / Property of the Swedish People - The basis and change of the export control in relation to current cultural policy objectives

Carlsten, Susanna January 2014 (has links)
Denna uppsats rör sig inom fältet kritiska kulturarvsstudier och fokuserar på svensk utförselreglering av kulturhistoriska föremål genom tiderna. Utgångspunkten ligger i 2014 års omformulering av kulturmiljölagens portalparagraf, vilken numera inkluderar mångfaldsmål. Kulturmiljölagens utförselreglering (reglerad i 5:e kapitlet), som inte uppdaterades samtidigt, är tänkt att läsas mot bakgrund av de inledande bestämmelserna. Eftersom den sedan tidigare uppfattats vila på ålderdomliga nationalistiska värdegrunder, uppstod frågan ifall det fanns en diskrepans i förhållande till de nya målen. För att hitta svar söker sig uppsatsen tillbaka till utförselregleringens formativa moment samt förändring från 1920-talet och framåt och sätter detta i relation till nuvarande kulturpolitiska mål och kulturvård i dagens samhälle. Motiv till utförselreglering men också vilka föremålstyper som skyddats genom tiderna har studerats, analyserats och jämförts kvalitativt. Källmaterialet utgörs framförallt av lagtexter, statliga offentliga utredningar och propositioner. Undersökningen visar att lagen från att ha skyddat ett fåtal föremåltyper succesivt har utökats och detaljerats både vad gäller föremålstyp, ålder, värde och ursprung. Med den högre graden särskiljning och utpekande följer problematik kring vad som räknas in och inte. Vissa traditionellt högt värderade föremålstyper och perioder har skyddats hela tiden medan andra mindre värderade konsekvent har uteslutits, trots långt gånga diskussioner om en mer inkluderande lagstiftning redan i tidiga förarbeten. Den breddade synen kring vad som är bevarandevärt, vilken kan skönjas i museers nutida insamlingspolicys, återspeglas inte i lagtexten. Istället har tydliga ekonomiska, kulturella, etniska och åldersmässiga hierarkier skapats. Flytt från en ursprunglig historisk miljö till en annan plats i Sverige kan orsaka skador på kulturarvet som är större än de skador som kan uppstå om ett föremål som redan flyttats från sin ursprungliga miljö istället flyttas utomlands, något som ignoreras i lagtexten. Lagen utgår ifrån att vissa föremål är svenska folkets egendom och att nationen Sverige är en trygg, ursprunglig och naturlig miljö för dem trots att motsatsen ofta har bevisats. En paradox skönjas i det faktum att vanskötsel och förvanskning av värdefulla och utförselskyddade kulturföremål inte är olagligt, så länge föremålet stannar innanför landsgränsen. De kulturpolitiska målen har alltsedan 1970-talets slut påverkat de uttalade motiven till utförsellagstiftningen. Eftersom ålderdomliga värdegrunder och normer, däribland en hel del nationalistiska sådana, där svensk kultur ses som tydlig avgränsad, högtstående och suverän, fortfarande lyser igenom i utförsellagstiftningen, tydliggörs tendensen till en retorisk men inte grundläggande förändring inom kulturarvssektorn. Hypotesen om att kapitel 5 fortfarande står på en grund av nationalistiska värderingar, nationell protektionism och nationellt identitetsskapande kan därmed sägas stämma. / This paper is located in the field of critical heritage studies and focusses on Swedish cultural heritage law and the export control of moveable heritage objects. The starting point for the research lies in the 2014 redrafting of the opening section of the cultural heritage law, which for the first time includes objectives relating to pluralism and diversity. Export control (which is regulated in the 5th chapter of the cultural heritage law), was not updated at the same time, but it is nevertheless intended to be read in the light of the preliminary provisions. Since chapter 5 previously was perceived to rest on outdated nationalistic values, the question arise as to whether there is a discrepancy in relation to the new objectives that were formulated in 2014. In order to address the question the study looks back at the formative moments and change of the export control regulations from the 1920s onwards and relates this to current cultural policy objectives and goals of conservation. The motives for export control and the type of objects protected through the ages are analysed and compared qualitatively. The source material primarily consists of legal documents, state government investigations and government bills. The study shows that the law gradually changed from protecting a few object types to become more expansive and detailed in terms of the type of artifact and it´s age, value, and origin. This increased degree of segregation and designation leads to concerns relating to what is included and what is not. Some traditionally highly valued object types and periods have continued to be protected whilst others are consistently less valued and excluded, despite ongoing discussions about the need for a more inclusive legislation since the early preparatory work. The broadened idea about what is worth preserving, which can be seen in the contemporary collection policies of museums, is not reflected in the legislation. Instead evident economic, cultural, ethnic and age hierarchies have been created. The law ignores the fact that moving an artifact from its original historical setting to another location in Sweden can cause greater harm than moving an object that has already been moved from its original location overseas. Instead the law assumes that certain objects are the property of the Swedish people and that the nation of Sweden is a safe, original and “natural” environment for them, despite the fact that the opposite often proves to be the case. A paradox is evident in the fact that the mismanagement and distortion of valuable artifacts that are protected against export is not illegal, as long as the object stays inside the borders of Sweden. Cultural policy objectives have, since the late 1970s, influenced the stated rationale for cultural heritage law and export legislation. Since outdated values and standards, including numerous nationalistic ones, where Swedish culture is seen as being distinct, high-cult and sovereign, still shines through in the export legislation, it is clear that there is a tendency to a rhetorical but not a fundamental change in parts of the cultural heritage sector, including the legislative context. The hypothesis that chapter 5 is still underpinned and characterised by nationalistic values, national protectionism and the creation of national identity can thus be said to be proven.

Att ifrågasätta det autentiska : En undersökning om autenticitet och avslöjade förfalskningar / To question the authentic : A studie about authenticity and revealed forgeries

Barregren, Simon January 2019 (has links)
Authenticity is an interesting and, in some ways, even a problematic term. Yet there is a very special feeling when someone observes a cultural object, knowing it is the real thing. The purpose of this thesis is to examine revealed forgeries for aspects of authenticity and discuss whether these revealed forgeries have something unique they can offer as museum objects. To form a premiss for both the analysis and the discussion of different museum objects, the thesis uses theoretical perspectives from Denis Dutton, David Lowenthal and Siân Jones regarding authenticity and cultural objects. Using the theoretical perspectives as a tool for analysis and discussion regarding the different museum objects, varying patterns of authenticity can be seen. The discussion leads to the conclusion that there are qualities revealed forgeries can offer as museum objects. They can contribute as objects of entertainment, educational purposes or as escapism, for the museum visitor. This is a two years master’s thesis in Museum and Cultural Heritage Studies.

”Där hjärtat bultar lite hårdare” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om intendenters personliga relation till museisamlingar och skapande av informella föremålshierarkier i museimagasinen / ”Where the heart beats a little harder” : A qualitative interview study about curator’s personal relationship to the museum collections and the making of informal object hierarchies.

Khamoshi, Sabina January 2020 (has links)
Introduction: This thesis investigates the relationships that curators have with the collections they oversee. The aim of the study is to learn how this relationship shapes the curators, the objects, and the storeroom itself. An additional purpose is to see whether this relationship creates and maintains a hierarchy of objects in the storerooms. Method: Eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with curators working in Sweden at Nationalmuseum of Sweden, Army Museum, Swedish Museum of Performing Arts, Museum Gustavianum, The Museum of Evolution, The Jewish Museum and Skansen. The interviews were tape recorded and the transcripts composed the data for the analysis. Analysis: A qualitative content analysis was carried out on the data. Object-love and material punctum were used as the study’s theoretical and analytical framework. Including three concepts defined by the author as formal-, informal-, and personal- object hierarchies. Results: Personal and emotional relationships to the collections did exist. They were intertwined with the professional relationship and formed a unique love called object-love. A love that defined and regulated both the personal and professional sides of the relationship. A combination of knowledge, intimacy, interest, and time were key factors for the formation of an emotional bond to the objects. The personal relationships further helped create personal and informal object hierarchies in the storerooms but were not exclusively responsible for them. Other factors such as formal object hierarchies and old hierarchical systems contributed to their existence. Conclusion: Object-love is a vital part of a successful curatorship, as it drives the curators to do a good job and go the extra mile. Since prioritization is a big part of the curator’s everyday work, informal and personal object hierarchies become a necessity in the storerooms. Because of object-love these hierarchies fall in line with the museums broader mission. This is a two years master's thesis in museum and heritage studies

Pay to win : En studie om mikrotransaktioners förändring av upplevelsen i onlinespel

Hallin, Douglas, Portin, William January 2021 (has links)
Spel är en av de största underhållningsbranscherna, vilket ger utvecklare möjlighet till stor lönsamhet. Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera faktorerna för varför spelare känner behov avatt göra köp av virtuella produkter i onlinespel och hur det kommer att påverka spelupplevelsen.Detta hjälper spelutvecklare att skapa en bättre affärsmodell med mer optimerade produktergenom att ge spelarna vad de önskar. Denna studie kommer att använda en kvalitativ forskningsdesign eftersom det gör det lättare att ta del av olika spelares åsikter. Resultatet från studien visar att emotionella och funktionella faktorer har störst inverkan på beslut att köpa virtuella produkter i onlinespel, och att spelupplevelsen gynnas så länge inte produkter påverkadespelmekanismer. / Games are one of the biggest entertainment industries, which provides an opportunity for developers to generate a lot of money. The aim for this study is to identify the factors why playersfeel the need to make in-game purchases of virtual products in online games and how this willaffect the gaming experience. This will help game developers create a better business modelwith more optimized products by giving players what they desire. This study will be using aqualitative research design since it will make it easier to take part in different players' opinions.The results from the study show that emotional and functional factors have the greatest impacton decisions to buy virtual products in online games, and that the gaming experience benefitsas long as products do not affect gaming mechanisms.

Den nakna kvinnan på hyllan : En studie kring kvinnokroppen som inredningsobjekt / The Naked Woman on the Shelf : The female body as interior design

Clinton Svensson, Molly January 2022 (has links)
The intent of this paper is to study the growing trend of depicting the female body in interior design and the creators behind them. The naked female body is a recurring subject in western european art, often depicted as an object of desire in line with the conventions and ideas of the time. A rising interest in interior design along with feminisms body positivity movement has led to a wide range of products on the market depicting the female body. However these products may not always be aligned with feminist values and could instead be seen as objectifying and upholding old art traditions. By looking at different categories of producers, the study analyzes the creators intention and how this affects the meaning and interpretation of the piece. The analysis is done using feminism, marxism, and semiotic theory as theoretical frameworks. Smaller creators operating on instagram, have used the naked female body as an expression against patriarchal views with an intention to portray the female body as naked instead of nude for the male gaze. The intention is clear as well as the presence  of the creator in the handmade objects. In contrast, for big companies that massproduce through factory manufacturing the intention gets lost and the hands that create are left anonymous. This results in a different interpretation of the female body and a higher risk of objectification.

Re-Story : The O.T.M.I* project*O.T.M.I = Obsolete Technical Mechanical Item

Kapadia, Ninna January 2015 (has links)
The core question in this master thesis is: What happens to the essence of an object when it becomes out of date and is no longer in use? I am addressing the sense of dignity in once meticulously designed technical/mechanical items that now has become obsolete. The intention has been to investigate how to give new meaning to obsolete items and find new eligibility for their existence.  The investigation was conducted through the development of a method: collection, analysis, deconstruction, investigation and resurrection of a number of O.T.M.I. (Obsolete Technical Mechanical Items).   The resurrection process consisted of the (re-)writing of the objects’ narratives. These stories along with the objects’ parts, spaces and sounds created a frame for a scenography, a soundtrack and characters to act in a film to tell the story. As interior designers we have the opportunity to transform space and fill it with stories. Imagination is an important tool: We benefit from having the ability to imagine, for instance, how different surfaces will reflect sound and light. Our imagination is highly visual. So I have transformed my imaginary world of Obsolete Technical Mechanical Items to visual and audial elements that support the content and values of a story through researching the objects, finding how to clarify and support the story. The Re-Story.

En kanons värde : En undersökning av svårigheterna och nyttan med att bärga och förmedla senmedeltida kanoner på museum / A gun’s worth : Investigating the gains and difficulties in recoveringand displaying late medieval guns in a museum setting

Jansson, Michael January 2023 (has links)
Marinarkeologiska föremål är en icke desto mera undersökt underkategori i museisamlingar. De skiljer sig frånandra typer av föremål i samlingar då de genom sin fyndplats är mera krävande. Det är också värt att etableravad föremålet har för värden efter utgrävningen. Som en del av värde och förmedling tas föremålenskonservering och utgrävning också upp.Genom att undersöka bärgade tre kanoner från tre vrak från perioden 1480 till 1580 ef. kr försöker uppsatsenatt belysa den typen av föremål ur flera perspektiv som går att sammanfatta ur bevarande och förmedlande.Kanonerna som undersöks är "Brisundskanonen" på Gotlands museum, en kanon från örlogsfartyget Mars ochlavetter bärgade från Gribshunden på Blekinge museum. Undersökningen är gjord genom platsbesök,intervjuer, och litteraturstudier. Målet med undersökningen är att skapa kunskap om marinarkeologiskaföremål, dess egenskaper, värden och processer. / Marine archaeological objects are an under-researched subcategory in museum collections. They differ fromother types of objects in collections as they are more demanding due to their former location. It is also worthestablishing what the object's value is after excavation. As part of value and mediation, the conservation andexcavation of the objects is also addressed.By examining three guns recovered from three wrecks from the period 1480 to 1580 AD. The essay tries to shedlight on the type of object from several perspectives that can be summarized from preservation and mediation.The cannons being examined are the "Brisund cannon" at Gotland's museum, a cannon from Mars, and lavettessalvaged from Gribshunden at Blekinge museum. The investigation is done through site visits, interviews, andliterature studies. The goal of the survey is to create knowledge of how museums best manage this type ofobject.

”Känn dig själf” : Genus, historiekonstruktion och kulturhistoriska museirepresentationer / "Know Thyself" : Gender Historical Construction and Representations in a Museum of Cultural History

Grahn, Wera January 2006 (has links)
I den här avhandlingen undersöks hur privilegierade representationer av femininitet och maskulinitet tar sig uttryck och konstrueras i samtida museipraktiker med fokus på Nordiska museet i Stockholm. Studien visar hur dessa musealt imaginära representationer samverkar med intersektionella aspekter som klass, etnicitet, nationalitet och sexualitet. Avhandlingen diskuterar också epistemologiska och ontologiska frågor om hur historiska narrativ skapas och hur museala artefakter kan förstås. Huvudargumentet är att de dominerande representationerna skapas med hjälp av en reducerad matris av stereotypa skript för kön, klass, etnicitet, nationalitet såväl som sexualitet, vilket kan ses som uttryck för en fallogocentrisk betydelseekonomi. Denna undersökning av samtida skript på Nordiska museet har använt teoretiska tankegångar och analytiska redskap från de överlappande kunskapsfälten sexual difference, queer- och sexualitetsforskning, genus/könsmaktforskning, kvinnohistorisk forskning, maskulinitetsforskning, postkolonial feministisk forskning, samt feminist studies of science and technology. Ett pluralistisk feministisk nomadologisk metateoretiskt ramverk har skapats för att analysera och försöka förstå det empiriska materialet utifrån de nämnda teorierna. Världen och däribland museernas verksamhet är så komplex och mångfasetterad att många olika genusteoretiska ingångar krävs för att kunna läsa och förstå olika gestaltningar. I avhandlingen ritas en översiktskarta över de fallogocentriska museala skripten upp bredvid vilken en partiellt situerad terrängkarta placeras som kastar ljus över det musealt imaginära. / This study investigates how privileged representations of femininity and masculinity are created in contemporary work at The Swedish National Museum of Cultural History, Nordiska museet, in Stockholm. The thesis shows how these representations closely intersect with the museal imaginaries of class, ethnicity, nationality and sexuality. The study gives rise to ontological questions of how historical narratives are produced and how museal artifacts are apprehended. The main argument is that the dominating representations are created through a reduced matrix of stereotyped scripts for gender, class, ethnicity, nationality and sexuality that can be understood as reflections of a phallogocentric order. This exploration of contemporary scripts at Nordiska museet is performed with analytic tools from the overlapping fields of sexual difference, queer and sexuality studies, gender studies, women’s studies, masculinity studies, post colonial feminist studies and feminist studies of science and technology. A pluralistic feministinformed nomadological metatheoretical frame is used as an umbrella to embrace these theoretical approaches. The complexity of the social world and of a museum demand different theories to be applied to different situations. A general map of the phallogocentric museal scripts is drawn, besides which a partial and locally accounted one is juxtaposed that gives shape to the museal imaginary.

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