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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De andra: offer eller hot : En studie om medieporträtteringen av flyktingar våren innan riksdagsvalen 2014 och 2018 i Dagens Nyheter

Lundmark, Madeleine, Österberg, Sara January 2018 (has links)
The subject for this thesis stems from the recent world events, were Sweden has received its largest number of refugees and asylum seekers since World War II. At the same time integration policies all over Europe are getting stricter. People are concerned about the increasingly normalizing racist discourse in public debate. A cornerstone in an open and democratic society like Sweden is equal treatment and how we talk about each other effects how we treat each other. Hence great importance lies in the portrayal of all social groups, such as refugees. Using discourse as a unit - both as a theory and a method this thesis examine and analyze how refugees are represented in the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter (DN). The thesis focuses on eight articles from the time period between January-April before the parliamentary elections in September 2014 and 2018. Questions were asked about how refugees are portrayed in DN and what differences and similarities could be identified between the time periods. With the help from theories concerning representation and agenda-setting the empirical analysis indicate similarities between the time periods regarding the representation of refugees. Differences was found in the portrayal of people from different places and how they were put in contradiction to each other. To deepen the analysis of the empirical material and to understand the textual discourses in the articles the thesis uses previous research, both international and national concerning the coverage of refugees.

En effectivenesstudie om multidisciplinär behandling på specialistkliniker för traumatiserade flyktingar

Gronostaj, Patrik January 2016 (has links)
Antalet flyktingar i Sverige ökar och därmed behovet av behandling. Multidisciplinär behandling används för flyktingar då de ofta lider av post-traumatiskt stress syndrom (PTSD), psykisk och somatisk komorbiditet, samt social problematik. Studiens syfte var att undersöka behandlingseffekter på PTSD-symtom och komorbida ångest- och depressionssymtom, samt undersöka prediktorer för utfall. Mätningar från 49 patienter på två specialistkliniker användes för att undersöka skillnader mellan före och efter behandling på skalorna PTSD Checklist-Civilian och Hopkins Symtom Checklist-25.Resultaten visade statistiskt signifikant effekt på både PTSD-symtom (p < 0,001,d = 1,46) och komorbida symtom (p < 0,001, d = 1,28). Prediktorer som hade samband med utfallet var ålder och nivå av PTSD-symtom innan behandling. Resultaten påvisar en begränsad kliniskt signifikant effekt av behandling och en modell för prediktion som förklarar en stor del av variansen (R 2 = 33 %). Stort bortfall mellan mätning före och efter behandling minskar generaliserbarheten.

Integration of Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking and Refugee Minors in Sweden

Gnatenko, Viktoriia January 2016 (has links)
This study is focused on getting a deeper understanding of the access unaccompanied refugee youth have to integration. Thesis will examine what fosters and what hinders minors’ integration. Research is based on a qualitative field study carried out in Southern and Western Sweden. 36 semi–structured interviews were conducted with current and grown-up alone coming refugee minors; houses managers and social workers; local authorities’ representatives and decision makers; Migration Board employees.The (Dis)Empowerment model by Friedmann will be applied to analyse collected information. Thus, this thesis examines youth perspectives on their economic, social, cultural and political integration by connecting their experiences of life in Sweden to eight bases of social power, which (dis)empower them.The study shows that youth are willing to integrate into society, and to some extent they have access to integration. However, the research argues that minors’ access to bases of social power and youth’s usage of them is unbalanced and inconsistent. Interviewed youth have sufficient access to defensible life space, instruments of work and livelihood, and surplus time. Thus, they have capabilities to perform their life functions. On the other hand, youth have limited access and capabilities to the bases of social organizations and networks, financial resources, knowledge and skills, as well as unbalanced access to information and public policy action. This hinders youth economic, social, cultural and political integration. Moreover, these major obstacles are being reinforced by discrimination within the host society. / Denna studie är inriktad på att få en djupare förståelse för ensamkommande flyktingungdomars chanser till integration. Avhandlingen kommer att undersöka likväl faktorer som främjar som hindrar minderårigas integration. Forskningen bygger på en kvalitativ fältstudie utförd i södra och västra Sverige. Trettiosex semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med nuvarande och vuxna ensamkommande flyktingbarn, HVB chefer och handläggare, kommunernas representanter och beslutsfattare samt Migrationsverkets anställda. Modellen ”(Dis)Empowerment” av John Friedmann kommer att tillämpas för att analysera insamlade uppgifter. Således undersöker denna avhandling ungdomarnas perspektiv på sin ekonomiska, sociala, kulturella och politiska integration genom att jämföra sina erfarenheter av livet i Sverige till åtta baser av social makt, formulerade av John Friedmann.  Studien visar att ungdomar är villiga att integreras i samhället, samt att de i viss mån har tillgång till integration. Men samtidigt hävdar denna undersökning att ungdomarnas tillgång till baser av social makt samt användning av dem är obalanserad och inkonsekvent. De intervjuade ungdomarna har tillräcklig tillgång till ”defensible life space”, instrument för arbete och försörjning, samt fritid (överskottstid). Således har de förmåga att utföra sina så kallade livsfunktioner. Å andra sidan, så visar undersökningen också att ungdomarna har begränsad tillgång till samt kunskap om grunderna för sociala organisationer och nätverk, finansiella resurser, kunskap och färdigheter, samt obalanserad tillgång till information och allmänhetens politiska åtgärder. Detta hindrar ungdomarnas ekonomiska, sociala, kulturella och politiska integration. Dessutom underbyggs och förstärks dessa problem av utbredd diskriminering i värdlandet.

”Den Frälsare vars födelse julen handlar om ber oss att inte vända bort blicken från människor i nöd.” : en inramningsanalys av svenskkyrkliga ledares medverkan i debatten kring det svenska och europeiska flyktingmottagandet, 2014-2016.

Elin, Franzén January 2018 (has links)
The Swedish debate surrounding the Swedish and European welcoming of refugees has during the last couple of years engaged actors from all spheres of society. One of the prominent actors in this debate has been archbishop Antje Jackelén who has contributed with articles on the issue together with members of the church board as well as the other bishops in the Church of Sweden. These articles have been published on the debate pages of four major newspapers; Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Expressen and Aftonbladet. The aim of this research is to study the way leaders in the Church of Sweden frame the welcoming of refugees and asylum seekers in these newspapers between 2014-2016. By using a qualitative frame analysis inspired by a theory of framing used in social movement research (Benford & Snow, 2000) the study will focus primarily on motivational framing, i.e. the way in which authors set out to inspire their audience to take action in a certain issue. In three of the articles collective action frames are identified, in which collective identities are constructed and where the writers stress the importance for people to come together and act towards a more humane way of handling the refugee situation. Another aim of the essay is to study the way in which the Church of Sweden is presented as an actor within the frames used in the articles. The analysis shows how the church is presented as an experienced organisation, driven by the Christian faith to take action in the face of suffering. Finally, the result is analysed through the mediatisation of religion theory, using the concept of three media functions; conduit, environment and language (Hjarvard, 2016). The analysis shows how the newspapers, by publishing the articles, can be interpreted to function as both conduits and environments for the religious information and messages present in the texts. Concerning the third function, media as language, the debate articles are interpreted as living up to the criteria of news value despite the use of religious imagery and language. However, the method and empirical material of this study did not allow for any conclusions regarding how the logic of debate articles have been affecting the way in which leaders in the Church of Sweden debate the welcoming of refugees.

Vart är EU:s asyl- och invandringspolitik på väg? : EN idealtypsanalys av EU-ländernas gemensamma asyl- och invandringspolitik / What is the direction of the asylum and immigration politics within the EU? : An ideal typ analysis of the common asylum and immigration politics of the countries in the European Union

Persson, Zandra January 2006 (has links)
This essay is about the asylum and immigration politics within the EU. Due to the heavy criticism the EU has been exposed to from among others different kind of human rights organizations I have become interested to find out what kind of asylum and migration politics right now is being formed by the member states of the union. Thus the purpose is also to see if the EU is creating a policy within this area that intends to live up to the human rights obligations. My overall research question is: Which ideas characterize the asylum and immigration politics within the EU? The theoretical perspectives of universalism and particularism are used as two analytical tools in order to understand the phenomenon I am investigating and to identify its characterizing ideas. In my essay universalism and particularism are used as opposite ideal types. For this purpose a model has been worked out. The model identifies the main characters of each perspective and is used to analyze the empirical data. The following publications from the EU are analyzed: The conclusion from the European Tampere Council 15 and 16 October 1999, a report from the Commission 2 June 2004, The Hague Programme 4 and 5 November 2004 and The Hague Action Plan 5 May 2005. Out of my theoretical framework and methodological approach three specific research questions have been formulated: 1. Which ideas characterize the asylum and immigration politics within the EU concerning “worldview”? 2. Which ideas characterize the asylum and immigration politics within the EU concerning “most important unit”? 3. Which ideas characterize the asylum and immigration politics within the EU concerning “governance”? My conclusion is that the asylum and immigration politics within the EU is characterized by both universal and particularistic ideas. Concerning “worldview” the particularistic ideas are more relevant and the EU also seems to move in a particularistic direction as the union is putting much focus on control of humans and borders. Simultaneously with this development the aim of the EU is to strengthen the level of justice for non-citizens who legally reside on the union’s territory. Therefore the union in regards for this aspect moves in a universal direction. When it comes to “most important unit” ideas from both perspectives are identified. Sometimes it proved to be difficult to determine the primary unit, that is to say the society or the individual. Concerning “governance” the conclusion is that the asylum and immigration politics within the EU is characterized by universal ideas since the politics is bound by international human rights obligations. In any case this is true on a theoretical level and a level of ambition.

Can social organisations facilitate refugee integration in Sweden?

Fransson, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Ny i Sverige, ny på... jobbet? : En kvalitativ studie om arbetsgivares perspektiv på integration av nyanlända flyktingar genom arbete. / New in Sweden... new at work?

Gottfridsson, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Inledning: Antalet nyanlända flyktingar ökade kraftigt i Sverige efter den stora flyktingströmmen 2015. Arbetsförmedlingen är den myndighet, som sedan etableringsreformen togs i kraft 2010, är ansvariga för att tillsammans med den nyanlända flyktingen, myndigheter, företag och organisationer skapa en etableringsplan. Uppdraget syftar till att hjälpa nyanlända flyktingar till att så snabbt som möjligt lära sig svenska språket och hitta ett arbete för att klara sin försörjning. Antalet sysselsatta nyanlända flyktingarna i etableringsuppdraget var år 2016 endast 5 %. Tidigare forskning och den politiska debatten visar på vikten av sysselsättning för att minska utvecklingen av ett segregerat svenskt samhälle. Syfte: Studien undersöker dels arbetsgivares upplevelser och inställning till integration av nyanlända flyktingar genom arbete, dels arbetsgivares erfarenheter och möjligheter till rekrytering av nyanlända flyktingar. Metod: Studien är gjord med en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med abduktiv forskningsansats. Forskningsprocessen är av hermeneutiskt slag där helheten och kontexten utgörs av lagar och insatser i det svenska samhället, tillsammans med intervjuer med Arbetsförmedlingen och Svenskt Näringsliv. De undersökta delarna utgörs i studien av 16 intervjuer med arbetsgivare från privata företag. Slutsats: Det teoretiska bidrag studien gör är att arbetsgivare upplever att insatser och möjligheter till rekryteringsbeslut som leder till integration av nyanlända flyktingar är starkt beroende av arbetsgivarens personliga intresse. Detta efter att studiens visat att den ekonomiska nytta rekrytering av nyanlända flyktingar ger för företag inte avgör rekryteringsbeslutet. Enligt studien är det den sociala nyttan som avgör om en arbetsgivare vid ett rekryteringsbeslut aktivt väljer att integrera en nyanländ flykting genom arbete. Det leder till att studiens praktiska bidrag är att Arbetsförmedlingens fokus på ekonomisk nytta bör kompletteras med resurser till att framhäva den sociala nytta integration av nyanlända flyktingar genom arbete leder till. / Introduction: The number of newly arrived refugees increased rapidly in Sweden after the major arrival of refugees in 2015. Arbetsförmedlingen, the Swedish public employment office, is since 2010 the responsible authority to create an introduction plan together with the newly arrived refugee, authorities, companies and organizations. The establishment mission aim to help newly arrived refugees to learn the Swedish language, and to find a job as quickly as possible to be able to meet economic needs. The number of employed newly arrived refugees in the introduction plan was 5 % in the year of 2016. Earlier research and the political debate show the importance of employment in order to reduce segregation in the Swedish society. Purpose: The study partly examines employers' attitude and experiences of integration of newly arrived refugees through work, and partly examines employers' experiences and opportunities for recruitment of newly arrived refugees. Method: The study is made with a qualitative research method with abductive approach. The research process is a hermeneutical process, in which the context consisted of laws and actions from the Swedish society, together with interviews with Arbetsförmedlingen and Svenskt Näringsliv. The investigated parts in the study are created by 16 interviews with employers in private companies. Conclusion: The theoretical contribution of the study is that employers experience that efforts and opportunities for recruitment decisions that leads to integration of newly arrived refugees are strongly dependent on the employer's personal interest. This means the economic utility that newly arrived refugees gives to the company is not what determines the recruitment decision. According to the study, social utility is what determine that an employer in a recruitment decision actively chooses to integrate newly arrived refugees through work. This means that the practical contribution of the study is that Arbetsförmedlingen ́s focus on economic utility should be supplemented with resources to emphasize the social utility of integration of newly arrived refugees in Sweden through work for.

Labour market integration of highly educated refugees in Sweden : Why are they mismatched?

Flemark, Sofia January 2021 (has links)
This paper investigates occupational mismatch of highly educated refugees in Sweden and aims to study what factors are impacting their labour market integration process. In contrast to the extensive number of quantitative reports based on registered data in the field, this research applies a qualitative approach by conducting interviews with the target group and incorporating a temporal aspect of the process. The results confirm existing theories such as human capital deficit, lack of social capital and signalling issues, but also indicates that contextual factors, being family demands and financial pressure, affect the process. An openness towards a change of field and lack of guidance from authorities emerged as factors for mismatch too. Lastly, feelings of stress and frustration seems to influence the process to a big extent which leads us to the conclusion that the labour market integration process of educated refugees is highly influenced by the aspect of time - and more specifically the lack of it.

Flyktingar, asylsökande och migranters digitala upplevelser efter migration : En strukturerad litteraturstudie / Refugees, asylum seekers and migrants digital experiences after migration : A structured literature review

Jäderstrand Dissauer, Kim Mikaela January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Migration har alltid förekommit i större delar av världen, men har under de senaste 25 åren ökat. Enligt World Migration Report fanns det över 280 miljoner migranter under 2020, varav 90 miljoner befaras vara flyktingar eller asylsökande. Att integrera i ett nytt land kan vara svårt och många migranter möter både interna och externa barriärer vid den vidare bosättningen. För migranten är den digitala utvecklingen vital och kan på många sätt underlätta integrationen i samhället. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka digitala möjligheter och utmaningar migranter ställs inför i ett nytt land.  Metod: Den metod som applicerades var en strukturerad litteraturstudie, där artiklar samlades in i databaserna CINAHL, Scopus och Web of Science. 11 artiklar inkluderades, och analyserades genom en tematisk analys med induktiv ansats. Resultat: Den tematiska analysen resulterade i identifierandet av sju teman, samt 14 underrubriker. Resultatet påvisade en komplex relation mellan migranters digitala möjligheter och utmaningar. Digitala medel kan gynna integration i samhället, men är också en risk för socialt utanförskap. Slutsats: Digitala möjligheter reflekteras genom olika aspekter som underlättar integrationen i samhället. Likväl, är dessa möjligheter endast befintliga för de individer som har tillgång och kunskap att bruka digitala medel. / Introduction: Migration has always occurred around most parts of the world, but has increased in the past 25 years. According to the World Migration Report there was over 280 million migrants during 2020, which of 90 million was refugees or asylum seekers. To integrate in a new country can be challenging and many migrants face both internal and external barriers during their settlement. For the migrant, the digital development is vital and can aid the integration in the new society. Aim: The aim of this study is to examine what digital opportunities and challenges migrants face when settling in a new location.  Methods: The applied method was a structured literature review, where articles were gathered from the databases CINAHL, Scopus and Web of Science. 11 articles were included and analysed through thematic analysis with an inductive approach. Results: The thematic analysis resulted in the identification of seven themes, and 14 subcategories. The result demonstrated a complex relation between migrants’ digital opportunities and challenges. Digital means can help integration in society, but also pose as a risk for social exclusion.  Conclusion: Digital opportunities is reflected through several aspects which facilitates integration in society. Yet, these are possibilities only for the individuals who has access and knowledge on how to use digital means.

Välkommen! De svenska folkbibliotekens arbete med och verksamhet för ukrainska flyktingar

Olson, Anna January 2023 (has links)
This master thesis explores Swedish public libraries and their practices in relation to welcoming Ukrainian refugees following the Russian invasion in 2022. A qualitative study drawing on semi-structured interviews with librarians (n=9) from various parts of Sweden forms the empirical foundation. A theory of practice framework influenced by Kemmis (2011) is then employed to analyze the material using qualitative content analysis, capturing the cultural-discursive, social, and economic-material dimensions of practice, as described by Pilerot and Hultgren (2017).   The results showed that the number of Ukrainian refugees visiting the libraries has been substantially lower than expected. Still, the libraries offered information and literature in Ukrainian alongside with language and children’s activities. The analysis showed that the activities and therefore the practice have been influenced by the dimensions of practice to a high degree The experiences of the refugee crisis in 2015 seem to greatly influence the activities of today, and it is likely that the combined experiences of the refugee crises in 2015 and 2022 will be of value for the future practice.   The importance of competences related to meeting individuals in socially exposed situations, and the importance of language- and cultural competence, are highlighted in the thesis. As is the need for both further research into and political recognition of the work being done by libraries in relation to refugees and social inclusion more general.     This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science. / PubLIB for Refugees: https://sites.google.com/view/publib-for-refugees/home

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