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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av mötet med flyktingar som lider av psykisk ohälsa / Nurses' experiences of meeting with refugees suffering from mental illness

Hassel, Cathrine, Lilja, Inger January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att möta flyktingar är många gånger en del av sjuksköterskans dagliga arbete. Vårdcentralen är första instansen för att få hjälp med hälsan. Här kan man upptäcka fysiska problem men även psykisk ohälsa eftersom dessa personer kan ha varit med om svåra händelser och trauman. Det ställs stora krav på sjuksköterskans förmåga att förstå och bemöta dessa personer på ett konstruktivt och värdigt sätt. Denna studie syftar till att öka kunskap om sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av såväl bra som mindre bra möten. Förhoppningen är att insikt om sjuksköterskans upplevelser av dessa möten i sin tur skall kunna leda till optimerad vård för denna patientgrupp. Syfte: Aktuell delstudie har till syfte att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av mötet med flyktingar som visar sig lida av psykisk ohälsa. Metod: Metoden som användes var kvalitativ baserad på critical incident. Datainsamlingen bestod av berättelser från åtta sjuksköterskor, alla verksamma på vårdcentraler på olika orter i Västra Götalandsregionen. Baserat på studiens syfte delades meningsenheterna därefter in i subkategorier, kategorier och teman. Resultat: I resultatet framkommer att sjuksköterskorna upplever utsatthet genom att känna sig osäkra och otillräckliga. Det finns en stor erfarenhet och kompetens men tidsaspekten skapar otrygghet och gör att de inte kan utnyttja sin kompentens till fullo. Slutsats: Det finns en stor erfarenhet och kompetens hos sjuksköterskorna men tidsbrist och upplevelsen av att vara otillräcklig gjorde att det framkom en osäkerhet hos sjuksköterskorna. Upplevelsen av att inte ha tid att förbereda mötet upplevdes negativt och blev ett hinder i att försöka skapa trygghet. Då den erfarna sjuksköterskan hade tid att förbereda mötet, blev mötet det goda mötet, både för sjuksköterskan och flyktingen. / Background: Meeting refugees is often a part of the nurse's daily work. The health center is the first instance to receive help with different kind of problems with health, physical problems but also mental problems. They may occur due to the difficult events and traumas these people may have experienced. There are great demands on the nurse's ability to understand and meet these persons in a constructive and dignified manner. This study aims to increase knowledge of the nurse's experiences of both successful and less successful meetings. We hope that this will generate insight into the nurse's perception of the meetings and subsequently lead to optimized care for this patient group. Aim: Current sub-study has the purpose of describing nurses' experiences of meeting with refugees who are suffering from mental problems. Method: The method used was qualitative based on critical incident technology. The data collection consisted of stories from eight nurses, all active at health centers in various locations in the Västra Götalandregion. Based on the purpose of the study, the meaning units were then divided into subcategories, categories and themes. Results: The result shows that the nurses experience vulnerability by feeling insecure and inadequate. There is a great deal of experience and expertise, but the time aspect creates insecurity and makes them unable to fully utilize their competences. Conclusion: There is a great deal of experience and expertise among the nurses, but the lack of time and the experience of being insufficient meant that there was an uncertainty among the nurses. The experience of not having time to prepare the meeting was perceived negatively and became an obstacle in trying to create security. When the experienced nurse had time to prepare the meeting, the meeting could be “the good meeting”, both for the nurse and the refugee.

Individens förutsättningar och val på arbetsmarknaden i ett främmande land : En kvalitativ undersökning om ukrainska flyktingars etableringsprocess i Sverige ur ett individperspektiv / Individual requirements and choices in the labor market in a foreign country : A gualitative investigation into the establishment process of Ukranian refugees in Sweden from av individual perspective

Anikeeva, Olga, Jevsadén, Vega January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur de ukrainska flyktingarna i uppsatsen uppleveromställningsprocesser och gör karriärval på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Det är en kvalitativundersökning som grundas på Careership och KASAM teorierna. Arbetets resultat och analys baseraspå intervjuer av elva ukrainska flyktingar som har fått tillfälligt uppehållstillstånd i Sverige. Studienundersöker hur de ukrainska flyktingarna gör strategiska val i sina omställningsprocesser och vilkafaktorer som påverkar deras val. Vidare undersöker vi de förutsättningar de ukrainska flyktingarnaanser att de behöver för att kunna etablera sig på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Studiensforskningsresultat visar att ukrainare gör praktiskt rationella val baserade på flera faktorer. Ukrainskaflyktingar har en hög vilja och motivation att hitta arbete. De upplever dock vissa svårigheter med atthitta arbete på grund av bristande språkkunskaper och otillräckligt stöd från myndigheterna varsfunktioner ukrainare upplever som obegripliga. I studien framkom det att många flyktingar behöver få bättre information som ger dem möjlighet att skapa en förståelse för hur det svenska samhälletfungerar. / This study aims to investigate how Ukrainian refugees in the essay experience adjustment processesand make career choices in the Swedish labor market. It is a qualitative research based on the theoriesof Careership and Sense of Coherence. The results and analysis of the work are based on interviewswith eleven Ukrainian refugees who have received a temporary residence permit in Sweden. The studyexamines how Ukrainian refugees make strategic choices in their adjustment process and whichfactors influence their choice. We examine the conditions that the Ukrainian refugees believe theyneed in order to establish themselves in the Swedish labor market. The study's research results showthat Ukrainians make practically rational choices based on several factors. Ukrainian refugees have ahigh will and motivation to find work. However, they experience some difficulties in finding work dueto lack of language skills and insufficient support from the authorities whose functions Ukrainians findincomprehensible. In the study, it emerged that many refugees need to receive better information thatgives them the opportunity to create an understanding of how Swedish society works.

När skyddsrum blir värn mot bomber blir Gud värn för människor : En studie av ukrainska flyktingars religiositet / When shelters become protection against bombs God becomes protection for humans : A study of Ukrainian refugees' religiosity

Lindström, Elin January 2023 (has links)
This interview study examined the religiosity of eight Ukrainian refugees. The aim of the bachelor thesis was to study how religiosity and religious commitment are affected as a result of war and flight. The data was collected through eight semi-structured interviews and then analyzed based on previous research and theories, like Charles Glock´s theory of deprivation and Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmanns theory of plausibility structure. The results of the study showed that no one lost their faith in God due to the war, the escape and the arrival in Sweden. For some of the refugees, faith in God had become stronger and religious commitment had increased. This can be explained by the theories about deprivation and change in plausibility structure. The distinguishing feature of the study was that the bomb shelters in Ukraine became a place for faith in God, even for people who had not been religious believers before. The confined place, the physical proximity to other people, the collective in prayer created an important community for the affected people. People who were not believers before the war did not develop a religious faith after the escape. The conclusion of the study was that faith in God becomes tangible in war-torn situations where people fear for their lives. Religious affiliation and community was important for the Ukrainian refugees and was shown for example through increased church involvement in Sweden to find comfort and meaning.

Flyktingars upplevelser och erfarenheter av att söka hälso- och sjukvård i ett nytt land : en icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt / Refugees' experiences of seeking healthcare in a new country : a non-systematic literature review

Nordenskiöld, Yasmine, Melin, Benjamin January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund  Drygt 110 miljoner människor är på flykt världen över, med målet att söka skydd och få fristad i ett nytt land. Flykten och att etablera sig i ett nytt land kan vara präglat av många utmaningar vilket påverkar både den psykiska och fysiska hälsan. Förekomsten av ohälsa är hög bland flyktingar och forskning visar att denna population generellt sett söker vård i lägre utsträckning än den övriga befolkningen. Sjuksköterskor ska erbjuda jämlik vård till alla med ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt. Det är fördelaktigt att sjuksköterskor innehar insikter om specifika patientgrupper, såsom flyktingar, och deras upplevelser samt erfarenheter av att söka vård.  Syfte  Syftet var att belysa flyktingars upplevelser och erfarenheter av att söka hälso- och sjukvård i ett nytt land.  Metod  En icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt som baserades på 17 vetenskapliga originalartiklar varav 16 av kvalitativ ansats och en av kvantitativ ansats. Datainsamlingen skedde med sökord kombinerade i olika sökblock i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL. Resultatet analyserades och sammanställdes sedan med en integrerad dataanalys. Med hjälp av Sophiahemmet Högskolas bedömningsunderlag för vetenskaplig klassificering och kvalitet kunde artiklarnas kvalitet granskas.  Resultat  Resultatet i denna litteraturöversikt redogör för flyktingars upplevelser och erfarenheter av att söka hälso- och sjukvård i ett nytt land, där både positiva och negativa aspekter framkom. Tre huvudkategorier identifierades som centrala: Tillgänglighet av hälso- och sjukvård, kommunikation samt existentiella och psykologiska upplevelser och erfarenheter vid vårdbesök. Individuella upplevelser och erfarenheter lyfts fram, som påverkats av såväl samhälleliga som individuella faktorer.  Slutsats  Denna litteraturöversikt påvisade att flyktingars erfarenheter och upplevelser av att söka hälso- och sjukvård i ett nytt land kan skilja sig. I många fall upplevdes bristande bemötande från vårdpersonal genomsyrat av respektlöshet, språkbarriärer samt diskriminering och rasism. Vårdpersonalens kulturella kompetens och förståelse för individuella behov och förutsättningar belystes som central i mötet med flyktingar för en positiv upplevelse. / Background  About 110 million people are displaced worldwide, aiming to seek protection and asylum in a new country. The process of fleeing and establishing in a new country can be characterized by numerous challenges that impact both the mental and physical health. The prevalence of mental and physical health issues is high among refugees, and research indicates that the refugee population generally seeks healthcare to a lesser extent than the rest of the population. Nurses should provide equitable care to all people with a person- centered approach. It is beneficial for nurses to have insights into specific patient groups, such as refugees, and their experiences in seeking healthcare.  Aim  The aim of this study was to highlight refugees' experiences of seeking healthcare in a new country.  Method  A non-systematic literature review based on 17 scientific original articles, comprising 16 articles with a qualitative study design and one with a quantitative study design. Data collection was retrieved using keywords combined in different search blocks in the databases PubMed and CINAHL. The results were analyzed and compiled through an integrated data analysis. The quality of the articles was reviewed by using the evaluation criteria for scientific classification and quality from Sophiahemmet University.  Results  The results of this study describe refugees' experiences of seeking health care in a new country, revealing both positive and negative experiences. Three main categories were identified as central: Accessibility of healthcare, communication, existential and psychological experiences in the encounter with health care. Individual experiences were highlighted, influenced by both societal and individual factors.  Conclusions  This literature review demonstrated that refugees' experiences of seeking health care in a new country can vary. In many cases, there was a perceived lack of respect from healthcare personnel, marked by disrespect, language barriers, discrimination, and racism. The cultural competence and understanding of individual needs and circumstances by healthcare personnel were emphasized as crucial in interactions with refugees for a positive experience.

Identiteter över gränser

Johansson, Anna January 2017 (has links)
I föreliggande studie har immigranters identitetsskapande på digitala medier undersökts.Vidare har detta satts i relation till en integrationsprocess i det svenska samhället. Detteoretiska ramverk som legat till grund för studien är det digitala nätverkssamhället,diaspora, hybridaidentiteter samt kollektiva identiteter. Empirin samlades in genomfenomenologiska halvstrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med fem respondenter från treolika länder, fyra män och en kvinna, i åldrarna 23-33. Intervjuerna hölls i Malmö underperioden mars-april 2017 och varierade i längd mellan 30-60minuter. Resultatet visar på attdigitala medier främst var användbara gällande identitetsskapning gentemot hemlandet.Genom det digitala nätverkssamhället möjliggjordes kontinuerlig kontakt med hemlandetvia olika sociala medier. Vidare frambringade den digitala diasporan en omförhandling avtidigare identiteter samt en positionering till identiteter i Sverige. De digitala verktygenmöjliggjorde genom den digitala diasporan en hybrididentitet. / The present study has examined immigrant’s identity shaping on digital media.Furthermore, the identity process has been put in relation to an integration process into theSwedish society. The theoretical framework in the study includes ‘the digital networksociety’, ‘diaspora’, ‘hybrid identities’ as well as ‘collective identities’. The empirics wascollected through qualitative phenomenological half structured interviews and were heldwith five participants, four men and one woman, from three different countries in the agesbetween 23-33 years old. The interviews were conducted in Malmö during March-April2017 and lasted between 30-60minutes. The results show that digital media foremost werebest used regarding identity negotiation towards the homeland. Through the digitalnetwork society, a continuous contact with the homeland were made possible through theuse of social medias. Furthermore, the digital diaspora brought forth a negotiation of oldidentities and a positioning in the Swedish context. Additionally, the digital tools madehybrid identities possible through the digital diaspora.

Flyktingkrisen 2015 - en internationell diskussion eller en mänsklig katastrof? : En kritisk diskursanalys av Aftonbladets nyhetsartiklar.

Hägglöf, Hanna, Nilsson, Lina January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis was to examine how the swedish newspaper Aftonbladet constructed the discourse of the refugee crisis in Europe during the year 2015. By using a critical discourse analysis of nine articles the study was able to show how the newspaper portrayed the power relationship between the characters.   The following questions was examined: How does Aftonbladet construct the refugee crisis as an event? How is the relationships between the characters within the text portrayed?   The result showed that there were five different discourse patterns that appeared which constructed the refugee crisis as a problem and a threat for the European Union and the member countries. The relationship between the different characters within the text was embossed by hegemony because the refugees was represented as helpless and the authoritative countries talked about how the refugees affected their everyday life.   Therefore Aftonbladet embedded the refugees in archetypes and like they were subordinate to the national states, which lead to a portrayal of the crisis as a international discussion more than a catastrophy for humanity.

Främligarna mitt ibland oss : En kritisk diskursanalys om hur asylsökande konstrueras i svenska lokaltidningar. / The strangers that live among us

Holst, Simon, Bingöl, Mizgin January 2016 (has links)
This thesis aims to investigate how local newspapers in Sweden frame newsstories involving asylumseekers and how the asylseekers in those stories are constructed from a postcolonial theoryperspective. Furthermore this thesis aims to analys and show the connection between the written word in the articles and a larger, social dimension where ideologies compete for cultural hegemony. To match the aims of this thesis we used a critical discourse analysis, more specificly one influenced by van Dijks socio-cognitive CDA and applied it to five articles from three different newspapers.Our analysis showed that the articles constructed the asylumseekers as Others, and created a dinstinct line between the asylumseekers and the other participants in the texts. This line, based on a constructed community including the article, the reader and some of the participants but excluding the asylumseekers, got significant meaning in the articles when the asylumseekers got identified as a homogenic social group. A perspecive coming from the constructed community and not from themselfes and therefor denying the asylsumseekers their right to define themselves.

Att ha varit på flykt : En kvalitativ studie om transferfasens betydelse för immigranters hälsa

Eriksson, Cecilia, Hillman, Jeanette January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa uppsats var att belysa ämnet transferfasen och undersöka hur transferfasen påverkar vuxna immigranters psykiska och fysiska hälsa. För att fånga ämnets subjektiva dimension genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med två kvinnor och fyra män. Intervjuerna visade att alla informanter har genomgått en svår transferfas. För att analysera det empiriska materialet användes Lazarus och Folkmans copingteori. De resultat som framkommit i analysen visar att transferfasen har betydelse för immigrantens hälsa. Vidare visar resultatet att informanterna använde copingstrategier som ett verktyg för att orka hantera sin vardag. Undersökningen kan ligga till grund för andra forskare som i framtiden vill göra fortsatta studier av transferfasens betydelse för immigranten. / The purpose of this qualitative thesis was to examine the transfer-phase, and examine how the transfer-phase affects adult immigrant`s mental and physical health. To capture the subjective dimension of the subject semi-structured interviews with two women and four men were conducted. The interviews showed that all respondents had undergone a difficult transfer-phase. In order to analyze the empirical material, Lazarus and Folkman's coping theory was used. The results obtained in the analysis shows that the transfer-phase is important for immigrant`s health. Furthermore, the results show that the informants used coping strategies as a tool for managing their daily lives. The study may form the basis for other researchers who in the future want to make further studies of the importance of the transfer-phase for the immigrant.

Stallet som integrationsarena : En studie om uppfattningar av att arbeta med integrationssatsningen för flyktingpojkar på Salaortens Ryttarförening

Olsson, Helena January 2016 (has links)
Ojämlikhet i hälsa kan bero på flertalet orsaker, exempelvis graden av delaktighet och inflytande i samhället. En grupp som vanligen isoleras från samhället är flyktingar, vars anpassning till det nya landet kan vara påfrestande samtidigt som de drabbas av psykiska, fysiska och sociala svårigheter. Av den anledningen krävs interventioner i syfte att underlätta integrationsprocessen samt skapa förutsättningar för en tillfredsställande och hälsosam tillvaro i det nya samhället. Studiens syfte var att undersöka genomförarnas uppfattningar av arbetet med integrationssatsningen för flyktingpojkar på Salaortens Ryttarförening. En kvalitativ metod användes för att besvara syftet och data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer där sex personer som arbetat med integrationssatsningen deltog. Insamlad data analyserades genom en manifest kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade att integrationssatsningen genererat flertalet positiva effekter gällande flyktingarnas mående. Det upplevdes finnas goda möjligheter kopplade till integration av flyktingar genom hästar och stallmiljö. Dessa möjligheter berörde inte enbart ökade förutsättningar för hälsa hos flyktingar, utan kunde även kopplas till en utveckling hos andra ungdomar och medlemmar i föreningen. Studien tyder på att hästar och stallmiljö torde kunna stödja integrationsprocessen hos flyktingar på liknande sätt som lagsporter, samtidigt som stallets unika miljö bringar ytterligare fördelar i form av exempelvis trygghet och vänskapligt stöd från hästen. / Inequalities in health can be due to several reasons, including the degree of involvement and influence in the society. One group of people commonly isolated from society is refugees, whose adaption to the new country can be stressful. Meanwhile, they often suffer from psychological, physical and social difficulties. Therefore, interventions to facilitate the integration process and creating conditions to a satisfying and healthy life in the new society are required. The purpose of this study was to investigate the implementers perceptions of working with the refugee integration projects implemented by Salaortens Ryttarförening. A qualitative method was used to answer the purpose, and data was collected by the use of six semi structured interviews. The collected data was analyzed with a manifest qualitative content analysis. Results showed that the refugee integration project had generated several positive effects related to the wellbeing of the refugees. It was perceived that good possibilities related to integration could be achieved through interaction with horses and being in a stable. These possibilities did not only affect the refugees through improved health conditions, but also affected the adolescents, and other members of Salaortens Ryttarförening. The study indicates that involvement with horses and the the environment regarding stables should support the integration process regarding refugees, similar to team sports. Meanwhile the unique environment of the stable can bring further benefits like a sense of security and friendly support from the horse.

Psykisk ohälsa bland ensamkommande ungdomar : En kvalitativ studie om personal på HVB-hems upplevelser och förhållningssätt av psykisk ohälsa bland ensamkommande barn och ungdomar / Mental health among unaccompanied youth : A qualitative study on staff member´s experiences of mental health among unaccompanied youth in residential care

Odisho, Maria, Svensson, Sanna January 2019 (has links)
This is a qualitative study on mental health among unaccompanied children in Swedish residential care. The purpose of the study is to increase the understanding of the work and interaction with these children for anyone that in one way or another encounters unaccompanied children in their profession. To achieve this, we examined the experiences of staff members in residential care regarding mental health among unaccompanied children, by conducting semi-structured interviews of staff members. This study includes descriptions of how the interviewees experience mental illness and what challenges and difficulties they encounter in their work. Furthermore, the study also includes factors the interviewees believe are important in promoting mental health. The results show that mental illness amongst unaccompanied children in residential care is a recurring issue. The interviewees describe that mental illness can be expressed in anxiety, aggression, depression, insomnia, self-harm, isolation and psychosomatic symptoms. Socio-cultural differences is stated in the results as a challenge in ways that the children and the staff members have different norms and values. Moreover it is also described that the children’s view on what mental illness is, how they talk about it and how they handle it, is different from what the staff are used to and can lead to misunderstandings. Furthermore the results also show that interviewees believe the main cause behind the children’s poor well-being is the challenges they meet and the pressure they feel when they arrive to a new country. Challenges and pressure such as learning a new language and integrating in a new society. The interviewees describe it as being important to support and be available for the children, and for the children to find and be part of meaningful connections. Keywords: unaccompanied children/youth/minors, mental illness, mental health, residental care homes, refugees

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