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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att vårda under tvång : sjuksköterskors erfarenheter i psykiatrisk slutenvård / Care under coercion : Nurses' experiences in psychiatric inpatient care

Fransson, Frida, Stenberg, Carolin January 2015 (has links)
Background Every day in Sweden approximately 3,000 people are in care with support from the Compulsory Mental Care Act ("LPT") or the Forensic Mental Care Act ("LRV") within inpatient care. Coercive measures are used as a last resort when no other treatment works and the patient poses a danger to themselves or their surroundings. Forced medication is the most common coercive measure and is most often used in combination with medical restraint. Aim: The aim was to highlight nurses' experiences of caring for patients under coercion in psychiatric inpatient care. Method: Qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews of two focus groups was used. The transcribed texts were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results: The analysis resulted in three main categories: Strategies to avoid coercive measures, when coercive measures are used as last resort and conditions for a reflective and ethical approach, with associated subcategories. The result reflected that the exercise of coercive measures was a complex area and they were always used as a last resort and with the patient's best interest in mind. It was important for nurses to have the opportunity for reflection and ethical consideration after executed coercive measures. Conclusion: Getting the opportunity to reflect after a performed coercive measure is essential for nurses to be developed and improved in their exercise of coercive measures. To reflect on what happened, how it happened and what they could have done differently contributes to increased preparedness for future enforcement action and gives greater security for these situations. Also receive training in the field and to practice their skills is requested by the nurses. / Bakgrund: Inom den psykiatriska slutenvården i Sverige tvångsvårdas ca 3000 människor varje dag med stöd av Lagen om psykiatrisk tvångsvård (LPT) eller Lagen om rättspsykiatrisk vård (LRV). Tvångsåtgärder används som en sista utväg när ingen annan behandling fungerar och patienten utgör en fara för sig själv eller sin omgivning. Tvångsmedicinering är den vanligaste tvångsåtgärden och den används ofta ihop med bältesläggning. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda patienter under tvång inom psykiatrisk slutenvård. Metod: Kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer av två fokusgrupper användes. Den transkriberade texten analyserades utifrån kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i tre kategorier: Strategier för att undvika tvångsåtgärder, att använda tvångsåtgärder som en sista utväg, samt förutsättningar för ett reflekterande och etiskt förhållningssätt, med tillhörande underkategorier. Resultatet visade att tvångsåtgärder var ett komplext område och att de alltid användes som en sista utväg med patientens bästa i fokus. Det var viktigt för sjuksköterskorna att de fick möjlighet till reflektion och etisk eftertanke efter en utförd tvångsåtgärd. Konklusion: Att få möjlighet till reflektion efter en utförd tvångsåtgärd är centralt för sjuksköterskorna för att kunna utveckla och förbättra sina färdigheter gällande tvångsåtgärder. Genom att få reflektera över vad som föranledde tvångsåtgärden, hur den utfördes och om något kunde gjorts annorlunda bidrar till en ökad handlingsberedskap för sjuksköterskorna inför kommande tvångsåtgärder och skapar trygghet i dessa situationer. Sjuksköterskorna efterfrågar även praktisk träning så de kan träna på de färdigheter som behövs för att utföra tvångsåtgärder.

Förbättrad smärtskattning och smärtlindring på en akutmottagning : -samt sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av personcentrering vid smärtskattning / Improved pain assessment and pain relief in an Emergency Department : -nurses experience of person-centeredness in pain asessment

Vennberg, Erik January 2023 (has links)
Att effektivt ta hand om akut smärta, den vanligaste orsaken till besök på akutmottagningen, är en viktig uppgift. Lindring av smärta kan medföra befrielse från lidande och förbättra patientens mående. Obehandlad eller underbehandlad smärta leder till negativa konsekvenser för patienten. Inför förbättringsarbetet genomfördes en kartläggning med journalgranskning och patientenkät vilken jämfördes med sjuksköterskornas egen uppfattning om följsamhet. På så sätt kunde ett kunskapsgap identifieras gällande smärtskattning, smärtbehandling och utvärdering av dess effekt på berörd akutmottagning. Syftet med förbättringsarbetet var att effektivare lindra smärta genom att öka sjuksköterskornas frekvens av smärtskattning. Smärtskattningen skulle ske före och efter given farmaceutisk behandling och farmaceutisk behandling skulle erbjudas i större utsträckning. Journalgranskningen begränsades till att omfatta patienter med buksmärta som är en av de vanligaste sökorsakerna vid besök på akutmottagningar. Nolans förbättringsmodell användes som metod i förbättringsarbetet. Förbättringsarbetets resultat visar på förbättringar inom samtliga mätområden där ökningen av erbjuden farmaceutisk behandling ansågs som mest betydelsefull. Resultatet tyder på att förändringen var gångbar och ledde till förbättring men visade också på vilka stora utmaningar som fanns i en komplex verksamhet. Studiens syfte var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av personcentrering vid smärtskattning där kvalitativ metod i form av fokusgruppsintervjuer med tillhörande innehållsanalys genomfördes. Resultatet visade på att patientens delaktighet var den främsta faktorn för framgångsrik smärtskattning. Fokus på smärta ökade medvetenheten och motivationen hos sjuksköterskorna till att efterfråga patientens berättelse och upplevelse i samband med det akuta besöket vilket är en viktig del i ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt. Slutsatsen är att förändrings- och förbättringsarbetet ökade sjuksköterskornas motivation att efterfråga patientens berättelse med ökad förekomst av smärtskattning (från 14% till 40%), erbjudande av farmaceutisk behandling (från 51% till 73%) och utvärdering av dess effekt (från 13% till 44%) som följd. / Effectively managing acute pain is one of the most important tasks of the emergency department and can improve the patient's well-being. Untreated or undertreated pain leads to negative consequences for the patient. Journal review, patient questionnaires and nurses' perception of adherence to established guidelines showed shortcomings regarding pain assessment, pain treatment and evaluation of its effect in the emergency department concerned. The aim of the improvement work was to relieve pain more effectively through increased pain assessment. The pain assessment would take place before and after given pharmaceutical treatment and would be offered to a greater extent. The journal review was limited to include patients with abdominal pain, which is one of the most common reasons for visits to emergency departments. Nolan's improvement model was used as a method in the improvement work where the results show improvements in all measurement areas. The increase in offered pharmaceutical treatment was considered most significant. The result indicates that the change led to improvement. The aim of the study was to describe nurses' experience of person-centeredness in pain assessment through a qualitative method in the form of focus group interviews with content analysis. The results showed that the patient's participation was the main factor for successful pain assessment. The focus on pain increased the awareness of the nurses to request the patient's story and experience in the emergency visit, which is an important part of a person-centered approach. The conclusion is that the improvement work increased the nurses' motivation to request the patient's story with increased occurrence of pain assessment (from 14% to 40%), offer of pharmaceutical treatment (from 51% to 73%) and evaluation of its effect (from 13% to 44%) as a result.

”ÄR DU BEREDD OM DET BLIR EN KRIS?” : En kvalitativ studie av hur medborgare i en kommun uppfattar och förhåller sig till riskkommunikation / “ARE YOU PREPARED FOR A CRISIS?” : A qualitative study on how citizens in a municipality perceive and engage with risk communication.

Madell, Moa January 2024 (has links)
In a time where crises are more present, risk communication plays an important role in equipping citizens with information and knowledge on how to prepare themselves. This study examines how citizens in the municipality Strängnäs perceive and interpret the municipality's risk communication, particularly focused on the information folder "Be prepared for a crisis or social disturbance". Through two focus group interviews, eight citizens of different ages have participated to discuss the content of the folder and reflect on topics such as crises and home preparedness. The study's theoretical framework is based on Ulrich Beck's theory of risk society and protection motivation theory, as well as previous research in areas such as risk communication and risk perception. The results show that the folder is generally perceived positively by the participants of the study, though there are some differences such as preferences on the amount of text and design which could be explained by their different coping styles. The results emphasize the folders’ significant role in making citizens more aware of their own home preparedness. Despite the concern about crises being higher today, the concern does not necessarily correspond to the participants level of preparedness which can be understood by a lack of motivation or an excessive trust in others. The research provides valuable insights to enhance the municipality's risk communication, aiming to raise awareness and preparedness levels among citizens. However, it is important to note that the results of the study are specific to the limited group of participants and require further research to be able to be generalized and understood in a wider context of risk communication.

My Body, My Image: The Digital Staging of the Female Self : A posthuman feminist analysis of female self-representation on Instagram

Rische, Jessica January 2022 (has links)
In recent years, the use of social media has grown significantly, yet associations between digital photo-practices and female self-representation in cyberspaces remain unknown. This thesis aims to assess how female self-images shared on Instagram are being associated and evaluated. Inspired by the cyberfeminist effort to create positive cyberspaces for women by reevaluating the relationship between technology and women, a posthuman feminist framework is applied to allow an analysis beyond modern western dualistic understandings of nature vs. culture and reality vs. virtuality. A focus group discussion with four female-identifying participants, mean age 25 years old, was conducted on October 25, 2022. The discussion focused on three digital photo-practices. The analysis of posting frequency suggests that a regular display of female self-images is generally negatively associated with superficiality due to the incompatibility of patriarchally female attractiveness with female intellectuality. Further it suggests that revealing images are generally negatively associated due to the coupling of cyberspaces with masculinity. A digital affirmation of femininity is associated with self-objectification through the male gaze and therefore with sexual intent directed at men. Lastly, the analysis suggests that photo editing practices are generally negatively associated with artificiality. Due to the acceptance of binary oppositions, “artificial” images are negatively associated as “unnatural”. The analysis concludes that the extent of digital photo-practices determines the extended criticism.

Peeling an Apple: Police Discretion from an Officer's Perspective in Terms of a Definition, Education, and the Process of Routinization

Beech, Andrew Evan 09 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Vad säger gymnasieelever om att läsa? : Elevers föreställningar om litteraturläsning ur ett diskursanalytiskt perspektiv

Blixt, Daniel January 2022 (has links)
Uppsatsens undersökning är en foucauldiansk diskursanalys av hur gymnasieelever talar om praktiken litteraturläsning där datainsamlingsmetoden är fokusgruppsintervjuer. Syftet med uppsatsen är att bidra med kunskap om hur gymnasieelever talar om praktiken litteraturläsning genom att undersöka vilka mönster som framträder i intervjuerna och hur dessa kan förstås gentemot dominerande diskurser i samtiden. Motiven till undersökningen är bland annat att debatten om ungas läsande har aktualiserats det senaste decenniet, att det finns få granskningar av dominerande uppfattningar som omgärdar praktiken litteraturläsning och att perspektivet hur elevers uppfattningar är konstruerade saknas i forskningen. Två mönster går att urskilja i fokusgruppsintervjuerna. Det ena mönstret är att litteraturläsning som praktik anses ge flera goda effekter såsom större ordförråd och förmågan att se saker ur olika perspektiv. Att läsa anses nyttigt och boken som artefakt äger hög status. Detta mönster utgör en reproducering av den dominerande diskursen om praktiken litteraturläsning där läsning som fenomen och läsande som praktik ses som något oproblematiskt gott. Det andra mönstret som framträder under fokusgruppsintervjuerna är att en motdiskurs etableras. Motdiskursen grundar sig på upplevelsen att läsandet som praktik är kopplat till press, tvång och prestation, och därför något olustigt. Enligt eleverna bör läsandet dels utgå från frivillighet, dels utgå från andra former av läspraktiker, såsom att läsa från mobiltelefonen. Undersökningens didaktiska implikationer är att en inkluderande litteraturundervisning förutsätter ett perspektivtagande där det omkringliggande samhällets värderingar om litteraturläsande diskuteras. Om så görs, kan en fördjupad förståelse nås om hur eleverna ser på litteraturläsning och vad som formar deras uppfattningar. / This master essay is a Foucauldian discourse analysis of how students in the Swedish upper secondary school talk about the practice of reading literature where the data collection method is focus group interviews. The purpose of the essay is to contribute to how students talk about the practice of reading literature by examining what patterns emerge in the interviews and how these can be understood in relation to dominant discourses in the society. The motives for the study are, among other things, that the debate about young people's reading has become more intense in the last decade, that there are few reviews of dominant perceptions that surround the practice of reading literature and that the perspective on how students' perceptions are constructed is lacking in research. Two patterns can be distinguished in the focus group interviews. One pattern is that the practice of reading is considered to have several good effects such as greater vocabulary and the ability to see things from different perspectives. Reading is considered useful and the book as an artifact has a high status. This pattern can be understood as a reproduction of the dominant discourse about the practice of reading literature, where reading as a phenomenon and reading as practice are seen as something unproblematically good. The second pattern that emerges during the focus group interviews is that a counter-discourse is established. The counter-discourse is based on the experience that reading as a practice is linked to pressure and achievement, and therefore something unpleasant. According to these students, reading should instead be based on free will and om other forms of reading practice, such as reading from a mobile phone. The didactic implications of the study are that an inclusive literature teaching presupposes a perspective-taking where the surrounding society's values ​​of literature reading are discussed. If this is done, an in-depth understanding can be reached about how the students view reading literature and what shapes their ideas.

Art Therapists' Work with Textiles

Potter, Sarah 29 April 2019 (has links) (PDF)
This research project aims to explore how art therapists use textiles in clinical practice and personal artmaking and to learn about the perceived benefits and challenges of this type of work. The study utilizes a Qualtrics survey, with 70 participants, and a focus group methodology, with 4 art therapists. Through the analysis of the participants’ conversations, artwork, and survey information, emergent themes were identified related to examining biases of gender identity, challenges related to considerations of time, the repetitive and slow nature that are particular mindful qualities of textile making, potentially heightened benefits of textile work with children and adolescents, and a call to reexamine boundaries of technique with the inclusion of unstructured textile exploration. Art therapists described benefits for clients particularly related to trauma work, grounding, and sense of mastery. These themes emphasized findings that illuminate the value of working with textiles in personal artmaking and in art therapeutic environments.

An Exploration of Art Therapy Services Offered to University Community Members During Transition

Arias, Julia, Gonzales, Marissa, Gonzalez, Melissa, Valdes, Raegen 01 May 2022 (has links) (PDF)
This qualitative case study examined art therapy services offered by Loyola Marymount University's Helen B. Landgarten Art Therapy Clinic to university students and staff amidst the transition back to in-person services during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to explore the efficacy of interventions and clinical themes that emerged as a result of the services offered to members of the university as they transitioned back to in-person services. Two focus groups were held to gather data from participants and facilitators of the workshops. The analysis of this data led researchers to find that the art therapy services resulted in decreased stress and created a sense of community support amongst both participants and facilitators. In addition, the researchers found other emergent clinical themes that were illuminated in the data collected from both focus groups. The findings from this study are supported by literature that aligns with the outcomes from the workshops: being effective in managing stress and building community support.

Model minority stereotypes of Asian American women in American media: perceptions and influences among women of diverse racial-ethnic backgrounds

Wu, Yue January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Journalism and Mass Communications / Louise Benjamin / This study examines women’s interpretations of model minority stereotypes of Asian American women in prime-time television. This stereotype depicts Asian Americans as well educated, intelligent, competitive, hardworking and successful career women. Using focus group discussions, this study recalls perceptions and explores potential effects of model minority stereotypes in prime-time television among women of varied racial-ethnic backgrounds. The study finds that both Asian/Asian American women and women from other racial-ethnic groups confirm belief in the model minority media stereotype in prime-time television. The selfperception and others’ perception of Asian American women as a model minority imposes stress on Asian/Asian American women in terms of gender role, academic performance and career achievement. Additionally, perceptions toward the model minority media stereotype among women of varied racial-ethnic backgrounds influence intergroup relations, interracial contact and evaluation of the model minority media image. Implications indicate that the model minority media stereotype has both positive and negative influences on Asian/Asian American women and other racial-ethnic groups. The study suggests that American media can increase the frequency and diversity of Asian American women’s media representation to reduce the negative societal influence of one-dimensional media stereotypes.

Skellefteå-tidningen: en tidning för alla, från alla? : En kvalitativ studie om att sända och ta emot ett budskap, som undersöker både avsändar- och mottagarperspektivet / Skellefteå-tidningen:a paper to everyone, from everyone? : A qualitativestudy about sending and receiving a message, investigating both the sender andreceiver perspective

Karlsson, Sara, Eklund, Sara January 2016 (has links)
The general purpose with this study was to investigate what happens when several different participants engage in the process of communicating a mutual message throughout a common paper. With “Skellefteå-tidningen” an official paper from the the municipality of Skellefteå, as an example, both the sender (i.e. the editorial staff) and the receiver (i.e. the reader) perspective is studied and analyzed. The result of these two perspectives are compared to see if the intended sent message is the message that the reader of the paper interpret.   The aim of this study was to investigate how the concerned parties within the municipality of Skellefteå cooperate to make a common product with a mutual message and purpose. The study also aimed to investigate how the citizens of Skellefteå, the receivers of the paper, experience the sent message. The material this study is based on was collected through qualitative interviews with the senders of the paper and focus group interviews with representatives from the receivers. In this study we have used both organizational communication theories and theories on uses and gratifications.   The result of the study indicates that concerned parties within the municipality of Skellefteå have different views on how they want to convey the general message in the paper. Some want the message to focus on Skellefteå as a place while the others want to focus on how and what the municipality of Skellefteå do as a government agency. The senders of the paper, despite their different view on how to send the message, agrees that the general message within the paper should be that Skellefteå is a great place where you can be proud to live. The results also shows that this is in fact the message that the readers interpret after reading the paper. The study show that the paper Skellefteå-tidnignen is a product that fills its purpose. It offer the reader a wide range of material to read and therefore the reader can, with the paper, fullfil many different needs. One other conclusion of this study is however that the senders have difficulties in making the citizens of Skellefteå open and read the paper.

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