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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det övergivna folket / The forsaken people

Eriksson, Hannah January 2021 (has links)
This study explores how constructivism's view of we and them have affected Belgium and France in the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, as well as how their actions with a starting point in soldairty affected UN's actions during the genocide in Rwanda. With a qualitative text analysis and a constructivist reading, official documents from the UN are analysed. The analysis shows that Belgium, France and the UN based on a constructivist reading, act because the feeling of we and them, which results in Belgium recalling their troops in Rwanda as well as their cooperation with France in the humanitarian rescue of foreign citizen which were based in Rwanda in the start of the genocide. The humanitarian rescue as well as the recalling of troops, could with a starting point in constructivism, explain that they acted from a we point of view and that they saw the citizens of Rwanda as them, which they did not feel solidarity to. With no solidarity, they did not act as if Rwanda and the UN, France and Belgium represented a we with a similar identity. The study also discusses the complexity in trying to explain different causes and reasons to someone's behaviour and that the research question itself is complex and could be explained in many perspectives. But in the conclusion the study answer the research question, that a perspective with the feeling of we and them could explain why France, Belgium and the UN acted in that way in the geoncide in Rwanda.

Protester mot covidbevis i svensk kvällspress : En kvalitativ studie om hur protester mot covidbevis i Frankrike gestaltas i svensk kvällspress / Protests against the COVID Certificate in the Swedish evening press : A qualitative study of how protests against the COVID Certificate in France are constructed in the Swedish evening press

Tigeris, Ricards January 2022 (has links)
This qualitative study examines how Swedish evening press constructs protests against the COVID Certificate in France in their news articles. During the new coronavirus, various protests are taking place around the world. An example of a massive protest against the COVID Certificate is the major protests in France, that took place in July 2021. France had one of the largest protests against the COVID Certificate in the world. Tens of thousands of people protested across the country. In this study, 15 news articles are analysed about protests against the COVID Certificate in France from both Aftonbladet and Expressen, by using Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), both as a theoretical perspective and method. Study even use framing theory, news values theory, and biopolitics as a theoretical perspective. Results of this study shows that the Swedish evening press constructs protests against the COVID Certificate in France in their news articles as violent, and demonstrators at these protests are portrayed primarily as dissatisfied, but sometimes also as low-educated, cuckoos, dangerous, and heroes. It is both elite people and demonstrators who got to speak in these news articles. Ministers, president, researchers, and police were allowed to speak more often than demonstrators, and they even got more space in quotes.

Materiell processledning i fransk civilprocessrätt : En komparation med svensk rätt. / A judge’s competence to aid the parties materially in French Civil Procedure. A comparative study with applicable Swedish law.

Gebert, Mark January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Normalisering av ett högerpopulistiskt parti? : En kvalitativ fallstudie om Nationella Frontens utveckling mellan 2002 och 2017

Liljestrand, Tove January 2022 (has links)
This essay refers to analyse how the French far-right party National Front was able to establish themselves in 2002 and how they continued to develop from the presidential election of 2002 to the most recent presidential election of 2017. The thory used to analyse regards the establishment and development of far-right parties and the model of PPM, standing for the policy process model and concerns factors of political opportunities, mobilisation and the political master frame, is used to analyse the party. The model is later applied to the National Front from 2002 to 2017 by reading existing work on the subject to find a result and examine hoe the development has shown. The conclusion of the analysis is that they have used the opportunities they have gotten from other parties as they have legitimised the party. But still, little difference is to be seen in the party's political master frame, the biggest difference is regarding the party's discourse where the current leader of the party, Marine Le Pen, has wanted to differentiate her leadership and the party from how it was during the former leader, Jean-Marie Le Pen.

I skuggan av Preussen : Svenska officerares studieresor till Frankrike före första världskriget / In the shadow of Prussia : the study tours undertaken by Swedish officers before the First World War

Schöön, Urban January 2010 (has links)
In the decades leading up to the First World War, the Swedish army (as the rest of Swedish society) was greatly influenced by Germany (i.e. subject primarily to Prussian military influence). German equipment was purchased and German training methods and ways of organizing military units were copied. Apart from such easily discernible traces of German influence, the Swedish officer corps - according to earlier research - harboured sympathies for Germany and the German Army. But did the German influences, and the sympathies for Germany, also result in a professional bias – i.e. in a lack of professional objectivity? The purpose of this essay is to examine whether the officer corps of the Swedish army in the period 1900-1914 managed to achieve a level of professional objectivity, i.e. if it in a systematic way endeavoured to study the military development in other countries than Germany. Earlier research has shown that Swedish officers travelled to all major European countries in order to study a wide range of subjects. The essay connects on to these results but also strives to examine the study tours as well as the officers who undertook them in greater depth. The author examines reports written by Swedish officers who studied in France between 1900 and 1914 as well as contemporary army lists.  In the essay two main questions are raised: 1. Which were the subjects for Swedish military study tours to France before the First World War? 2. Which categories of officers (rank, posting, career etc.) undertook such tours? The following main results are presented: A very wide range of subjects were studied – all relevant to Swedish military development of that time. The coverage of subjects was probably due to a systematic approach from the army authorities responsible for the approval of money for the tours. The officers who studied abroad were drawn from various units and backgrounds. The result of the examination of contemporary army lists shows that a high percentage of them later enjoyed successful military careers (e.g. what seems to be a higher than average percentage were later promoted to the rank of full colonel) – and that the army put the knowledge acquired abroad to use. An indication of the latter is that many of them, after having studied abroad, were given postings with a connection to the subjects they had studied in France. All in all, the results indicate that the Swedish officer corps achieved a level of professional objectivity in spite of the strong German influences of that time.

Comparison of artificial intelligence and health data usage in healthcare public services between France and Sweden

Espérance, Aubane January 2023 (has links)
With the meteoric rise of artificial intelligence over the last decade, it is playing an increasingly important role in our societies. This technology can play a decisive role in the development of many sectors. However, it is also necessary to have a large volume of quality data available in order to obtain high-performance models. In the healthcare sector, useful, high-quality data is often subject to fairly high security and confidentiality standards, as it is personal data that is subject to legislation (such as the GDPR at European level). At national level, each country has its own strategy, approach and objectives for integrating artificial intelligence into public services. Here, we will be looking at two European Union countries, Sweden and France. Sweden is characterised by openness and transparency. In France, on the other hand, privacy is a very important concept. Comparing their approach to the subject can therefore yield some interesting results. To carry out this comparison, a state of the art was carried out. This state of the art was based on the reading of various documents, and was accompanied by conducting five interviews with players active within this system. The analysis showed that despite different healthcare organisational structures and approaches, Sweden and France are at similar stages and have similar safety standards. However, the major difference lies in the structure of the healthcare system, which results in different advances for the two countries, with, for example, the Swedish regions working independently and interpreting the legal grey areas individually. In reality, the legal framework remains a limiting factor for the development of this sector for both nations, despite the desire of all parties to maintain an ethical approach. Finally, the future political choices concerning artificial intelligence and its legal environment will be societal choices that correspond to the cultural values of each country. However, the AI Act (a draft European law) should harmonise the legal aspects, based on an approach to technology based on the risks it could pose to individuals. / Den artificiella intelligensen har under det senaste decenniet fått ett enormt uppsving och spelar en allt viktigare roll i våra samhällen. Denna teknik kan spela en avgörande roll för utvecklingen av många sektorer. Men för att få fram högpresterande modeller krävs det också att man har tillgång till en stor mängd kvalitetsdata. Inom hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn är användbara, högkvalitativa data ofta föremål för ganska höga säkerhets- och sekretessstandarder, eftersom det är personuppgifter som omfattas av lagstiftning (till exempel GDPR på europeisk nivå). På nationell nivå har varje land sin egen strategi, sitt eget tillvägagångssätt och sina egna mål för att integrera artificiell intelligens i offentliga tjänster. Här kommer vi att titta på två EU-länder, Sverige och Frankrike. Sverige kännetecknas av öppenhet och transparens. I Frankrike, å andra sidan, är integritet ett mycket viktigt begrepp. Att jämföra deras förhållningssätt till ämnet kan därför ge intressanta resultat. För att kunna göra denna jämförelse har en state of the art genomförts. Denna state of the art baserades på läsning av olika dokument och kompletterades med fem intervjuer med aktörer som är aktiva inom detta system. Analysen visade att Sverige och Frankrike, trots olika organisationsstrukturer och tillvägagångssätt inom sjukvården, befinner sig i liknande skeden och har liknande säkerhetsstandarder. Den stora skillnaden ligger dock i hälso- och sjukvårdssystemets struktur, vilket resulterar i olika framsteg för de två länderna, där till exempel de svenska regionerna arbetar självständigt och tolkar de juridiska gråzonerna individuellt. I själva verket är den rättsliga ramen fortfarande en begränsande faktor för utvecklingen av denna sektor i båda länderna, trots alla parters önskan att upprätthålla ett etiskt förhållningssätt. Slutligen kommer de framtida politiska valen om artificiell intelligens och dess rättsliga miljö att vara samhälleliga val som motsvarar de kulturella värderingarna i varje land. AI-lagen (ett förslag till europeisk lag) bör dock harmonisera de rättsliga aspekterna, baserat på en inställning till teknik som bygger på de risker den kan innebära för individer.

Svensk-franska förhandlingar : Bland sprätthökar och franska flugor i svenskt 1700-tal / Swedish-French Negotiations : Among Fops and French Fads in 18th Century Sweden

Karlsson, Rickard January 2007 (has links)
Den här avhandlingen tar till syfte att närmare förklara hur det i svensk 1700-talslitteratur vanligt förekommande satiriska porträtterandet av en landsman som har låtit sig påverkas av fransk kultur, i seder, språk och mode, på sådant sätt att han har blivit en ”sprätthök”, utgör en kritik av det franska kulturinflytandet. Avhandlingen visar också hur det kritiska förhållningssättet till det franska kulturinflytandet, som kanaliseras i beskrivningarna av sprätthöksfigurens förfranskade later, är inbegripet i diskurser om nationell tillhörighet, kultur, moral och språk. Det åberopade källmaterialet, till större delen från perioden 1720-1772, består av varjehanda moralsatirisk litteratur, varav sedekomedier och moraliska veckoskrifter utgör kärnan i analysen. Den analytiska delen av avhandlingen är indelad i tre större kapitel. Det första analsykapitlet tar itu med hur sprätthöksfiguren definieras i källmaterialet. Dessutom visar kapitlet hur resandet till Frankrike och i synnerhet till staden Paris, samtidigt som det ingår i tidens allmänt hållna kritik mot unga adelsmäns bildningsresande, utpekas som förklaringen till att svenskar omskapas till förfranskade sprätthökar. Det andra analyskapitlet visar hur sprätthökarna kan sägas förkroppsliga de stereotypiska föreställningarna om en moraliskt fördärvlig fransk nationalkaraktär och därigenom bidra till konstruktionen av motbilden till en svensk, dygdig och positiv nationalkaraktär. Det tredje analyskapitlet behandlar de språkideologiska motiv och den kritik mot en förfranskad umgängeskultur som kan utläsas i åsikterna om och beskrivningarna av sprätthökarnas språkbruk. / The subject of this dissertation concerns 18th century literary depictions of a certain satirical character, the fop, or in Swedish the “sprätthök”. The overall aim of this study is to investigate how the portrayals of the “sprätthök” are involved in the creation of a critical discourse on French cultural influence and how this, in turn, has a bearing on 18th century conceptions of national identity, morals, culture and language. The material referred to in this dissertation consists of Swedish 18th century literature during the period 1720-1772, mainly comedies of manners and moral weeklies. The analytical part of the dissertation is divided into three major chapters, each dealing with a certain theme. The first of these chapters addresses the question of how the “sprätthök” is defined in the source material and moreover how the criticism of educational travel abroad, to France and Paris, is part of the discussion of how young male Swedes are transformed into Frenchified fops. The second of these chapters deals with the concept of national character and how Swedish fops can be said to embody the negative image of the French national character. The third major analytical chapter concentrates on the language used by fops, and the underlying criticism based on language ideology which is thereby evoked.

Peptider som läkemedel - en marknads- och trendanalys

Annala, Elina, Brink, Matilda, Ekdahl, Simon, Iggström, Sofia, Mejáre, Felicia, Spetsare, Ebba January 2017 (has links)
Rapporten syftar till att ge en overskådlig bild av den aktuella peptidbaseradelläkemedelsmarknaden. Från en i rapporten definierad marknad har primärdata kring etablerade företag på marknaden, samt peptidbaserade läkemedel till försäjning på marknaden, sammanställts. Rapporten finner att onkologiska- och metaboliska sjukdomar är överrepresenterade i statistiken, vilket även stöds av rapporter från tredje part. Utforskandet av samarbeten mellan företag och akademi, företag och företag, och andra samarbetsformer presenteras också. En tydlig trend i dessa undersökningar tyder på att kontraktsbaserade samarbeten mellan organisationer, där forskning och produktion görs av ett externt företag som ett annat företag använder sig av, är på uppgång. Detta sänker kostnader för framställningen av nya läkemedel, och effektiviserar denna process. Trender inom forskningen talar också för att folkhälsosjukdomar i västvärlden ar trendsättande för läkemedelsföretagens inriktningar. Rapporten baseras på primärt insamlad statistik som verifieras genom rapporter från tredje part, fallstudier för att exemplifiera generaliseringar gjorda av andra källor, samt reflektioner kring vad denna information utrönar i för slutsats.

"On doit s'adapter!" - "Man måste anpassa sig!" : En studie av internationellt management i Sverige och Frankrike

Naumann Bergman, Marcus, Nyberg , Stéphanie January 2009 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats problematiserar huruvida en ledares kulturella bakgrund påverkar dennes arbete. I ett allt mer internationaliserat Europa ökar samarbeten mellan människor och företag över de nationella gränserna i en ökande takt. Detta ställer krav på de ledare som skall samarbeta och samordna över nationella och kulturella gränser. Denna studie problematiserar det interkulturella ledarskapet och hur ledare ställer sig till frågor angående anpassning och samarbete. Då det framgår av Hofstede att stora skillnader finns mellan Sverige och Frankrike syftar denna studie till att undersöka hur svenska- och franska ledares nationella och kulturella bakgrunder påverkar deras arbetsroll.</p><p>Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur svenska och franska ledares interkulturella erfarenheter påverkar deras arbetsroll. Intresset ligger i att undersöka ledarnas reflektioner kring kultur och ledarskap.</p><p>En kvalitativ studie bestående av direktintervjuer med fem svenska och fem franska respondenter verksamma på ett internationellt företag både i Stockholm och Paris har genomförts för att samla empiri för att besvara syftet. De teorier som har använts är Hofstedes teori om kulturdimensioner och en teori från "The Michigan leadership studies" som beskrivs av Yukl. Studien använder även Scheins teori om kulturella nivåer.</p><p>Studiens slutsatser som dragits av den empiriska datan är både ett flertal likheter och skillnader. Likheterna bestod av en gemensam uppfattning om att anpassning och förståelse för den andre är mycket viktigt vad gäller ledarskap i interkulturella situationer. Skillnaderna låg i maktdistans, konfliktsökande kontra konsensussökande och olika sätt att se på individualism.</p> / <p>This study investigates with how a leader's cultural background influences their work and approach to international affairs. In the presently increasing internationalization in Europe, cooperation and partnerships between people and enterprises become more and more common. This fact influence and put pressure on the leaders abilities to cooperate and manage relations and work over national and cultural borders.</p><p>This study investigates the intercultural leadership and how leaders approach the issues of adaption and cooperation. Since Hofstede presents large differences between Sweden and France this study investigate how Swedish and French leaders' national and cultural backgrounds influence their profession as managers.</p><p>The purpose of this study is to investigate how Swedish and French leaders' intercultural experiences influence their professions. This study's interest lays in the leaders reflections towards culture and leadership.</p><p>In order to answer the thesis' purpose qualitative interviews has been conducted with five Swedish and five French senior managers or partners of an international enterprise in Stockholm and Paris. The theories used are Hofstede's cultural dimensions, a theory from "The Michigan leadership studies" presented by Yukl aswell as Schein's theory of cultural levels.</p><p>The conclusions of the study are that there are multiple similarities and differences between the two studied countries. The similarities consist of a common opinion that adaption and understanding of the foreign is very important in international leadership. The differences between Sweden and France were the power distance, conflict avoidance versus mutual agreement and different approaches towards individualism.</p> / <p>Cette étude analyse la façon dont un chef de file d'un milieu culturel différend influe sur le travail et l'approche des affaires internationales. Dans l'actuelle internationalisation croissante en Europe, la coopération et les partenariats entre les personnes et les entreprises deviennent de plus en plus fréquentes. Ce fait influence et met pression sur les capacités des dirigeants à coopérer et à gérer les relations et la coopération sur les frontières nationales et culturelles.</p><p>Cette étude enquête sur la façon dont les dirigeants de multinationales abordent les questions de l'adaptation et de la coopération. Puisque Hofstede a démontré de grandes différences entre la Suède et la France, cette étude vise à déterminer comment les différences de nationalité et de culture, influent sur le rôle de manager des dirigeants français et suédois.</p><p>Le but de cette étude est d'examiner comment les expériences interculturelles de travail des dirigeants français et suédois ont une incidence sur leur rôle. L'intérêt réside dans la réflexion des dirigeants sur l'association entre la culture et le leadership.</p><p>Une étude qualitative comprenant des entretiens directs avec cinq suédois et cinq français de cadre supérieur, ou partenaire d'une société internationale, basée à la fois à Stockholm et à Paris ont été menées afin de vérifié les théories. Les théories utilisées sont les dimensions culturelles de Hofstede, la théorie de la «direction des études Michigan", présenté par Yukl ainsi que la théorie culturel de Schein.</p><p>La conclusion de l'étude est qu'il existe de nombreuses ressemblances et différences entre les deux pays étudiés. La similitude principale est que l'adaptation et la compréhension de l'étranger est très importante dans le domaine du leadership international. Les différences entre la Suède et la France portent sur la distance hiérarchique, les facteurs de différence culturelles et lindividualisme et le collectivisme.</p>

Kulturstrategisk inflytelse på COIN litteratur : Nagl, Kitson och Galula ur ett kulturstrategiskt perspektiv / The effect of strategic culture upon COIN writing

Sääsk, Robin January 2010 (has links)
<p>In studying the art of Counterinsurgency Warfare we are usually inclined to the reading of several books regarding this matter. Because of this some writers have the power to influence the minds of the reader. This can be of great benefit since it enables information sharing and for the reader a chance to learn from the triumphs, but also mistakes of others. However each writer is the creation of the time and context under which he existed. Because of the wheel of time certain things change, and because of the context a myriad of factors came into play affecting the outcome and product of the doings and thoughts of that specific occurrence. Because of this, books need to be read and viewed from a certain perspective to be used to the full. Out of the large number of factors I have chosen one in particular which is to be revealed in the pages you are about to read; The strategic culture. This work deals with the task of examining the COIN-based books of John A Nagl, Frank Kitson and David Galula in order to see the influence of the strategic culture from the countries from which they were spawned. The result will be an evaluation of the similarities of the writers to that of the strategic culture of their country of origin and a set of guidelines to regard in the advent of reading the three writers.</p>

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