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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Tio bilbränder på ett dygn" : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsanalys om hur Aftonbladet gestaltar Rosengård / "Ten car fires in one day" : A quantitative and qualitative content analysis of how Aftonbladet frames Rosengård

Grönlund, William, Andersson, Alinia January 2021 (has links)
This study examines how one of the most influential Swedish newspapers, Aftonbladet,reports about the suburb Rosengård. Rosengård is located in Malmö and have become asymbol of Sweden’s suburbs and immigration policy. Both national and internationalmedia have reported about organized crime, shootings and different social problems inRosengård. The area is considered to be a particularly vulnerable area. At the sametime, many researchers believe that the media reporting regarding suburbs does notnecessarily correspond to the reality. The methods used in this study are a quantitativeand qualitative content analysis. The material studied are news articles concerningRosengård that were published in Aftonbladet in the last five years. The purpose was to,based on Goffman’s framing theory, investigate how Aftonbladet frames Rosengård andthe people who lives there. The purpose was also to investigate whether Aftonbladet,based on Hall’s and Said’s theories of representation and orientalism, creates an “us andthem”-perspective. The results show that Rosengård is portrayed as a criminal andproblematic area. As in previous research about media and suburbs, the results of thisstudy show that Rosengård is presented as a different and deviant area in comparison tothe “ordinary society”. It is rarely people living in the area who are quoted, referencedor described in the articles. Instead, it is often the police or government officials whogets to describe the situation in Rosengård. In cases where the residents in the area areallowed to speak, or are described, it is often based on their role as immigrants. The factthat these articles emphasize that the residents are immigrants but have made a careerand are against crime, we believe that Aftonbladet creates an us-and-them-perspective.This is based on that Aftonbladet portrays the residents as exceptional cases to “theordinary immigrant”. The consequences of Aftonbladet frames could be that the societygets an idea of the area that does not have to agree with the reality and that Rosengårdbecomes even more segregated.

Religionsundervisning ur mediers perspektiv : en kvalitativ innehållsanalys om svenska mediers porträttering av religionsundervisning i svensk skola

Bergström, Tove January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to investigate how religious education in Swedish schools is portrayed in the Swedish media. Retriever's media archive is used by searching for the word’s religious education (religionsundervising*) and religious knowledge (religionskunskap*) in five of the most read newspapers in Sweden, Dagens Nyheter, Göteborgs Posten, Sydsvenskan, Aftonbladet and Expressen during the years 2010-2021. Furthermore, a qualitative content analysis is used to find similarities and differences between the articles and then group the articles into different themes that are presented in the results section of the study. The study uses the framing theory to analyze the results by using the theory's concepts of “frame building”, “journalistic framing” and “framing effects”. The results showed an overall picture of how religious education is presented in the Swedish media. Together with the framing theory, it could also show that depending on the writer, media source and basic source of the article, the portrayal will look different. This is explained with the help of the concepts of frame building and journalistic framing.

Glorious : Hur långt ifrån normen kan en musikvideo inom hiphopgenren avvika?

Hornborg, Emmely January 2019 (has links)
Vilka är förväntningarna på en musikvideo inom genren amerikansk hiphop? Många tänker på att en musikvideo ska innehålla pistoler, spontan dans, snabba bilar och avklädda unga tjejer. Precis de inslagen innehåller den typiska musikvideon under tidsperioden 1 januari – 30 september 2017. Det som undersöks i den här studien är hur långt ifrån den normen en populär hiphoppare kan avvika?               Studien är uppdelad i två delar. Den kvantitativa delen innehåller 66 musikvideor av 54 afroamerikanska män, fem afroamerikanska kvinnor, fem vita män, en vit kvinna och en asiatisk man. Utifrån en kvantitativ analys som bland annat visar i vilken miljö musikvideon utspelar sig i, vad artisterna gör och ur vilken kameravinkel artisten visas i, skapas den typiska musikvideon under tidsperioden. Tre av dem valdes utifrån att de mest frångick normen som utgör den kvalitativa analysdelen. Musikvideon till låten ”Glorious” av Macklemore handlar om hans 100-åriga mormor. I musikvideon till låten ”1-800-273-8255” av Logic är huvudpersonen en ung afroamerikansk pojke som upptäcker att han är homosexuell. Den sista musikvideon är ”I’m Better” av Missy Elliot som innehåller välgjord koreografi och snabba kameraklipp. Det är också den musikvideo som innehåller flest element från hiphopkulturen.                 Teorierna som används i studien är det sociologiska begreppet intersektionalitet och Erving Goffmans gestaltningsteori. Metoden är kvantitativ innehållsanalys och den kvalitativa analysen utgår från misé-en-scène som har sitt ursprung inom filmvetenskapen.                Resultatet visar att i en genre där rapparna vill framstå som starka och respektfulla visar musikvideorna till både Macklemores ”Glorious” och Logics ”1-800-273-8255” en stark kärlek till en svag och utsatt person. Att skildra en äldre kvinna i en medelklassbakgrund och en ung homosexuell tonårspojke är vågat inom den här genren. Den här undersökningen kan visa på att alla musikvideor inom hiphoppen inte är homogena utifrån förväntningarna. / What are the expectations for a music video in the American hip hop genre? Many people think that a music video should include guns, spontaneous dance, fast cars and unclothed young woman. Exactly those features contain the normative music video during the time period of January 1 – September 30, 2017. The purpose of this study is analysing how far from that norm a popular hip-hop artist can deviate?               The study is divided into two parts. The quantitative section contains 66 music videos of 54 African American men, five African American women, five white men, one white woman and one Asian man. Based on a quantitative analysis that among other things looks at the environment the music video plays out in, what the artists do and what camera angles the artists are shot in, the normative music video is created during the time period. Three of them were selected on the basis that they most went from the norm and constitute the qualitative analysis parts. The music video for "Glorious" by Macklemore is about his 100-year-old grandmother. In "1-800-273-8255" by Logic is the protagonist a young African American boy who discovers that he is gay. The last music video is "I'm Better" by Missy Elliot which features well done choreography and fast camera clips. This is also the music video that contains the most elements of hip-hop culture.               The theories used in the study are the sociological concept of intersectionality and Erving Goffman's framing theory. The method of qualitative analysis is based on misé-en-scène originating in film science.               The results show that in a genre where the rappers want to appear strong and respectful, the music videos for both Macklemore's "Glorious" and Logic's "1-800-273-8255" show a strong love for a weak and vulnerable person. Depicting an older woman in a middle-class background and a young gay teenage boy is daring in this genre. This study can show that not all music videos in hip hop are homogeneous based on expectations.

Begränsad nyhetsrapportering i en obegränsad verklighet : En studie av svenska tidningars skildringar av Kataloniens självständighetsprocess

Frölén Åström, Melker January 2022 (has links)
In October 2017, the Spanish region Catalonia held a referendum vote on independence, but was not able to declare independence because of a strong opposition from the central government in Madrid. For the news media there are different ways to describe an event like this and these ways might have different outcomes on those who take part of the news. With a background inthe Catalan independence movement and the democratic role of news media, the aim of this study is to examine how Swedish newspapers in their reporting shaped the independence process, before and after the referendumOctober 1st 2017, to determine any shift in the reporting. With a qualitative text analysis, the study examines 16 newspaper articles in relation to framing theory to determine which forms of framings that were used. This study finds that Swedish newspapers shapes the independence process as strategy- or issue framed, with the strategy frame appearing once more in the reporting after the referendum than before.

Dagens Nyheters och Aftonbladets skildring av våld mot kvinnor före och efter #metoo : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys

Lindqvist, Joakim, Mörth, Denice January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att analysera artiklar från Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladet som rör våld mot kvinnor. Mer specifikt att titta på om rapporteringen och gestaltningen har förändrats över tid, före och efter metoo. Samt om vi kan hitta några skillnader eller likheter mellan tidningarna och dess nyhetsartiklar och opinionsartiklar. Undersökningen består av en kvantitativ innehållsanalys där ett slumpmässigt urval av artiklar från tidsperioderna 2015 och 2020/2021 har gjorts.   Studien prövas mot tidigare forskning om mediernas rapportering om våld mot kvinnor. De teoretiska ramverk som har använts är dagordningsteorin, gestaltningsteori och teorin om det ideala offret. Resultatet visar att metoo har haft en måttlig påverkan på rapporteringen av våld mot kvinnor. Antalet artiklar som skrivs har ökat efter metoo men själva innehållet är relativt lika som före metoo. Resultatet visar dock att större skillnader finns mellan tidningarna och hur de väljer att rapportera om fenomenet våld mot kvinnor.

"Den vanvettiga mordepidemin" : En kritisk diskursanalys om kvällspressens rapportering i Järvaområdet och dess skjutningar / “The frenzied murder epidemic” : A critical discourse analysis of how Aftonbladet and Expressen portray the area of Järva and its ongoing shootings

Cedman, Nils, Svensén, Tobias January 2021 (has links)
Since 2013, the shootings in Sweden have increased, and during the year 2020 the country reached a new peak in the amount of shootings according to the police. So far, during 2021, 109 shootings have occured in the area of Stockholm, 20 of which have included deaths, and 35 people have been injured. Since the start of the study, on the 31st of October 2021, nine people had been shot to death in the area of Järva. In addition, every tenth shooting that has taken place in Sweden since 2018 has been located in Järva. This study examines how Aftonbladet and Expressen portray the area of Järva and its continuing shootings. Using the critical discourse analysis method we read a total of 28 articles from the 1st of January to 31st of October 2021 to analyze.  In addition, we used Robert Entman’s framing theory with the aim to find out in which way the evening presses chose to frame and present the area itself and its shootings. Also applying Spivak’s othering theory, to find out if Aftonbladet and Expressen paint a scenario of “us and them” in their articles. The results clearly showed that the area of Järva is in a critical condition and is constructed as a war zone, suffering from shootings in the middle of the day in public places. Furthermore, the area itself is portrayed as if it does not belong to the normal society, it’s somehow “over there in the war zone”. Moreover, the criminals were described as brutal and reckless, as they shoot people to death in front of schools and grocery stores. The result also show that the evening press chose to use triggering words such as “the murder epidemic” and a “war zone” to describe how rough the situation is in the area of Järva. Key words: Järva, skjutningar, kritisk diskursanalys, vi och dem, gestaltningsteori.

Gamers: Den missgynnade generationen : – En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av gamingkulturens inramning i traditionell nyhetsmedia / Gamers: the generation of negligence : – A qualitative content analysis of the framing of gaming culture in traditional news media

Isaksson, Ronja, Wallstenius, Nathalie January 2022 (has links)
Media har makt att skapa övertygelser om verkligheten genom deras sätt att rama in aspekter av händelser eller identiteter. Detta kan ge upphov till en allmän uppfattning som påverkar samhällsbilden och synen på kulturella grupper. Beroende på hur denna inramning sker kan det ge upphov till oro, oförståelse och fientlighet hos de kulturella grupper eller identiteter som ramas in. Denna studie undersöker hur individer samt identiteter inom gamingkulturen, gamers, ramas in i svensk traditionell nyhetsmedia. Detta för att få insyn och förståelse för samhällsbilden av denna grupp. Studien gör en kvalitativ innehållsanalys på tidningsaktörerna Bonnier News och Schibsted kvälls- och dagstidningar med störst digital räckvidd i tidsintervallet 21 december 2020 till 21 december 2021. Mediebilden granskas utifrån dagordning- och inramningsteori genom att utforska de förståelseramar som kretsar kring begreppen gaming och gamer. Resultatet visar på återkommande sammankoppling mellan gameridenteten och teman gällande könsroller, generationskonflikt, virtuell verklighet och psykisk ohälsa. Dessa teman indikerar att det finns en övervägande medial uppfattning om hur gamingkulturen är uppbyggd, där det sker en stereotypisering av gameridentiteten och dess hegemoni. I diskursen av aktuella samhällsproblem tenderar medias gestaltning av gamingkulturen att agera som ett argument för prognostiseringen av en dystopisk framtid. I förhållande till tidigare forskning blir resultatet en relativt oförändrad uppfattning av gamingkulturen, där oro och moralpanik kring teknologi och ungdomskultur återkommer.

Klimatdiskursen ramar in dagens marknadsföring : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Preemshemmahörande-annonser i deras kampanj 2019-2020

Strandahl, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
Syftet är att undersöka hur fossilindustrin paketerar sina reklambudskap inom det vilseledande formatet hemmahörande-annonser. Syftet är även att skapa förståelse för hur den trendande klimatdiskursen påverkar marknadsförings utformning. Det svenska petroleumoch biodrivmedelsföretaget Preems kampanj från 2019-2020 undersöks, genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av hemmahörande-annonser publicerade i Dagens Nyheter. Gestaltningsteori används för att se hur det meningsbärande innehållet ramas in. Huvudteorin kompletteras av teorin om övertalning för att se hur Preem använder inramning för att nå mottagarna. Resonemang om strategisk kommunikation, greenwashing och grön profilering har inkluderats för att fördjupa kunskapen om fossilindustrins marknadsföringsstrategier. Uppsatsens resultat visar att Preem har valt att lyfta fram löften, mål och visioner samt inkludera sådant som stärker anseendet och ökar förtroendet för Preem. En gemensam nämnare är att allt innehåll ramas in för att övertyga publiken om att Preems verksamhet är miljövänlig. Resultatet av analysen visar att terminologi som tillhör klimatdiskursen är det tydligaste temat och används strategiskt för att följa den gröna marknadsföringstrenden och bygga en grön profil. Preem nyttjar kommunikativa marknadsföringsstrategier som visat sig vara effektiva i relation till samhälleliga förändringar.

Lyser färgerna igenom? : En kvantitativ studie om kvällstidningarna Aftonbladet och Expressens nyhetsrapportering under valet 2022 / Does the political colors show? : A content analysis about news reporting in the tabloid press Aftonbladet and Expressen during the Swedish election of 2022.

Risberg, Moa, Plåt, Felicia January 2022 (has links)
The news media has a great responsibility when reporting about politics, especially during elections. To maintain a democratic society a neutral news reporting is crucial, in order to give people trustworthy information that gives them the opportunity to make political decisions themselves. Swedish news media represent themselves as neutral in their news reporting but are associated with different political ideologies. Therefore, this study examines the coverage of the Swedish tabloid newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen during a five-week period (280822-250922) of the Swedish election in 2022. Based on framing theory and agenda setting and using quantitative content analysis, the study compares if there is a difference in the reporting based on the political ideology of both newspapers.  The results show that the newspapers’ coverage was neutral during the election in Sweden 2022, revealing no differences in the reporting between the two newspapers. They both follow a similar way of setting the agenda and framing the articles about the two political ideologies during the whole election period. Aftonbladet and Expressen gave the three parties with the highest votes Socialdemokraterna, Sverigedemokraterna and Moderatern the biggest exposure. The liberal parties were mostly framed in a competitive frame in both newspapers compared to the socialist parties that had a higher rate of articles that were framed with the factual matter.  The results also show that the agenda due to the subject of matter in both newspapers were the election campaign, economy and question of law. This shows that they have been following the happenings and outplace of the Swedish election 2022 seen to agenda and framing. To summarize, Aftonbladet and Expressens news coverage during the five-week period during the election 2022 were neutral and had no beneficial agenda or framing of any political party.

Innanför eller utanför samhället? : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om hur svensk press gestaltar utsatta och särskilt utsatta områden / Inside or outside society? : A quantitative content analysis about how Swedish news media frames vulnerable and particularly vulnerable areas

Norlindh, Sanna, Iversen, Maja January 2023 (has links)
Today there are areas in Sweden, mostly suburban areas, that are referred to as vulnerable and particularly vulnerable areas. How those areas are perceived by society has a connection to how they are represented by media. Therefore, this study examines how two Swedish newspapers report and portray these so called vulnerable and particularly vulnerable areas. Thus, the study contributes to the media’s responsibility for objective and truthful coverage. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter’s reporting during 2018 and 2022 is examined through a quantitative content analysis. Based on agenda setting theory and framing theory, it is examined and discussed within which genre and topics the areas appear in the media and how the news are portrayed. The focus is on how vulnerable and particularly vulnerable areas appear in the newspapers text. Previous research shows that suburbs and vulnerable areas are stigmatized through media’s news coverage and mainly is linked to negative news reporting. We claim that this problem remains, as the results of the study point to that vulnerable and particularly vulnerable areas mainly are being depicted in a negative context. The result contributes to a discussion about the objectivity of news media and journalists and how their work continues to contribute to stigmatization.

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