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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Ibrahimović vs Svensson” : En komparativ diskursanalys av de svenska rikstidningarnas framställning av svenska fotbollsspelare med utländska respektive inhemska namn / "Ibrahimović vs Svensson" : A comparative discourse analysis of the rendering of swedish football players with foreign and native names in swedish nationwide newspapers

Hägerfelth, Lo January 2018 (has links)
In January 2018 the france tv-channel Canal Plus broadcasted a documentary where the swedish football player Zlatan Ibrahimović contributed in an interview, claiming that there is "under-cover"-racism in the swedish sports media. My purpose with this studie was to examine if that's true, if swedish media treat swedish football players with foreign names different then swedish football players with swedish names. Using a combination of a qualitative content analysis, critical discourse analysis and comparative method I analysed 100 articles based on ten different players - five with swedish names and five with foreign names - in the four nationwide newspapers Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet. Based on theories of racism, hegemony, national identity and framing the result showed me that the biggest difference was how the players with foreign names generally speaking was shaped in a more cocky way then the players with swedish names, especially in the way the heading and preamble was angled in a more cocky manner for the players with foreign names then the players with swedish names. But besides that the most part of the result pointed at a similar treatment between the two groups. / I januari 2018 sände den franska tv-kanalen Canal Plus en dokumentär där den svenske fotbollsspelaren Zlatan Ibrahimović ställde upp på en intervju, där han hävdade att det finns "under-cover"-rasism inom de svenska sportmedierna. Mitt syfte med denna studie var att undersöka ifall det stämmer, ifall svenska medier behandlar svenska fotbollsspelare med utländska namn annorlunda än svenska fotbollsspelare med svenska namn. Med en kombination av kvalitativ innehållsanalys, kritisk diskursanalys och komparativ metod analyserade jag 100 artiklar baserat på tio olika spelare - fem med svenska namn och fem med utländska namn - i de fyra rikstäckande tidningarna Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet. Med grunden i teorier om rasism, hegemoni, nationell identitet och gestaltningsteorin visade resultatet att den största skillnaden var hur spelarna med utländska namn överlag gestaltades på ett mer kaxigt sätt än spelarna med svenska namn, speciellt på det sätt som rubriker och ingresser vinklades på ett mer kaxigt sätt bland spelarna med utländska namn än de med svenska namn. Men vid sidan av det pekade det mesta av resultatet på en liknande behandling av de två grupperna.

Usla förutsättningar, passivapolitiker och en orättvis framtid : En innehålls- och narrativanalytisk undersökningav likvärdighetsdebatten i Skolvärlden

Nordström, Peter January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to deepen the understanding of the school debate in Sweden by focusing on one of the key topics of the debate, namely the allegedly threatened equality and equity of the education system. This debate circles around two aspects: (1) The quality of the education is to be the same at all schools, independent of geographical location or provider. (2) A fair grading process of the pupil’s achievements that follows the rule of law.The source material for the study consists of the web-based magazine Skolvärlden which is run by the teacher union Lärarnas Riksförbund. The magazine was chosen as the teacher union has developed a political program to tackle the equality and equity problems in the Swedish school. The research questions for the empirical examination are the following: (1) How is the debate about equality and equity in education described and constructed during 2018 in Skolvärlden? (2) What needs are to be fulfilled and what solutions are proposed by Skolvärlden to ensure an increase of the equity and equality in the Swedish school?The questions are inspired by framing theory which is used as a theoretical framework to explain the correlation between the answers to each question. To achieve this, the study uses a content analysis combined with a narrative analysis. Based on the analysis, the study answers a third question: (3) In which manners can the debate about equity and equality in Skolvärlden be an expression of ideas about justice, the governing of the school system and the school’s role in society? To reveal ideas about justice, John Rawls’ A theory of justice is applied to the public debate about equity and equality in education and the Swedish curriculum to create a theoretical framework.The study shows that the debate is constructed and described in a way that the political program proposed by Lärarnas Riksförbund appears as a perfect solution. The shaped narrative consists of decisionmakers who remain passive while teachers decry conditions for teaching and demand better terms to provide every pupil with quality education. While arguments about the situation for teachers appear, the emphasis lays on the consequences for the pupils. It is them, the articles claim, who are affected by the dreadful working conditions and lousy leadership. The proposed solution is a reformed school system which is governed and financed by the state instead of the current decentralized model.

En hårfin skillnad mellan urval och censur : En analys av censurdebatten 2012 angående Tintin i Kongo / A fine line between selection and censorship : An analysis of the censorship debate 2012 regarding Tintin in the Congos

Lundberg, Gabriella, Norin, Josefine January 2018 (has links)
Vårt syfte med undersökningen har varit att analysera censurdebatten kring Tintin i Kongo från 2012. Med utgångspunkt från argumentet att barn måste skyddas från kontroversiell litteratur har vi framför allt varit intresserade av att förstå hur nyanser av debatten skapats genom den argumentation och det språkbruk som debattörerna har använt sig av.   Teoretiska utgångspunkter: Dagordningsteori. Gestaltningsteori. Frågeställningar: På vilka sätt är debatten kring Tintin, censur och barns förmåga att hantera kontroversiell litteratur intressant för vår förståelse av hur vi använder språk för att kommunicera? Vilka uttalar sig i debatten kring censuren av Tintin? Vilka argument används? Vilka är några vanligt förekommande teman i böcker för barn mellan 6-9 år 2017?   Metod: Vårt tillvägagångssätt för att kunna besvara frågorna har varit att använda oss av textanalys. Material: Vi har till vår undersökning valt att analysera artiklar. Urvalet har skett från de två dagstidningarna Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet och kvällstidningarna Aftonbladet och Expressen. Resultat: Det gör skillnad vilka ord vi använder och hur. Ord är makt och avslöjar normer i samhället. / Purpose: Our purpose with this study has been to analyze the debate regarding the attempt to ban Tintin in the Congos in 2012. With the starting-point being the argument made that children have to be protected from literature that is considered to be controversial, we’ve been interested in seeing how the nuances of the debate have been shaped by the use of arguments and language by those participating in the debate. Theoretical points of departure: Agenda setting theory, Framing theory Objectives and focus: The study has the following questions In what way is the debate surrounding Tintin in the Congos, censorship and children’s ability to handle literature considered controversial of interest in understanding how we use language to communicate? Who are the ones taking part in the debate regarding the ban of Tintin in the Congos? What are their arguments? What are some common themes presented in books aimed towards children between the ages of 6-9 2017?   Method: To answer our questions, we have analyzed our material through text analysis. Material: We have for our questions analyzed articles. They have been selected both from the newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet as well as from the evening newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen. Result: Your words matter. It matters how and when we use them. Words are an expression of power and reveals the norms of society.

Terrorist eller ensam galning? : En analys av Aftonbladets och Svenska Dagbladets nyhetsrapportering om Anders Behring Breivik och Rakhmat Akilov / Terrorist or Lone Wolf? : An Analysis of Swedish National Newspaper Coverage Relating to Anders Behring Breivik and Rakhmat Akilov

Sandelin Anton, Wilhelm January 2020 (has links)
This study aims to survey and compare Swedish newspaper coverage relating to convicted terrorists Anders Behring Breivik and Rakhmat Akilov. The pivotal question of the study is whether this coverage differs depending on factors such as each perpetrator’s ethnicity and political beliefs. The source material has been gathered from Swedish national newspapers Aftonbladet and Svenska Dagbladet. This study has utilised a mixed research methodology consisting of a quantitative digital text analysis combined with a qualitative frame analysis. The theoretical framework of this study mainly consists of media theories such as framing (as defined by Goffman 1974, Van Gorp 2010, Shehata 2012 and more), construction of crime news and crime waves (Jewkes 2004, Fishman 1978) and news values (Häger 2014). Additionally, theories about orientalism, stereotyping, and ethnicity are applied (Dyer 1997:2006, Said 1978). Other research on the aforementioned topics is also touched upon.The quantitative part of this study has been conducted through the use of text analysis tool Textometrica. A total of 460 newspaper articles mentioning either perpetrator have been analysed. This has highlighted the framing, wording, and phraseology of said articles. The qualitative part of the study consists of an in-depth survey of frames found in a select number of these articles. It draws inspiration from frame research conducted by, among others, journalism professor Baldwin Van Gorp (2010).The results of this study show a noticeable difference in the portrayals of both perpetrators. While Aftonbladet tends to simplify stories, Svenska Dagbladet leans towards a more comprehensive coverage. In general, a certain degree of attention is given to elaborations on Behring Breivik’s personal life and youth to explain his wrongdoings. Akilov, on the other hand, is mostly just described through his foreign appearance and is more clearly conceptualised as a terrorist and as part of a larger network (the Islamic State). / Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra svensk nyhetsrapportering om de dömda terroristerna Anders Behring Breivik och Rakhmat Akilov. Studiens centrala frågeställning är huruvida denna rapportering skiljer sig på grundval av faktorer såsom respektive gärningsmans etnicitet och politiska tillhörighet. Källmaterialet har samlats in från de svenska nationella dagstidningarna Aftonbladet och Svenska Dagbladet. Det metodologiska ramverket består av en kvantitativ digital textanalys i kombination med en kvalitativ framinganalys. Studiens teoretiska ramverk består främst av medieteorier, däribland gestaltningsteorin (definierad av Goffman 1974, Van Gorp 2010, Shehata 2012 med flera) och konstruktionen av brottsnyheter och brottsvågor (Jewkes 2004, Fishman 1978). Dessutom appliceras teorier om orientalism, stereotypisering och etnicitet (Dyer 1997:2006, Said 1978). Tidigare forskning om ovan nämnda teorier inkluderas också.Den kvantitativa delen av studien genomfördes med hjälp av textanalysverktyget Textometrica. Totalt 460 nyhetsartiklar som nämner endera av gärningsmännen har analyserats. Detta har tydliggjort artiklarnas inramning, formuleringar och språkbruk. Den kvalitativa delen av studien består av en mer djupgående analys av gestaltningar identifierade i ett antal av artiklarna. Denna kvalitativa analys hämtar inspiration från gestaltningsforskning genomförd av, bland andra, journalistikprofessor Baldwin Van Gorp (2010).Studien visar en anmärkningsvärd skillnad i porträtteringarna av respektive gärningsman. Aftonbladet tenderar att förenkla skeenden medan Svenska Dagbladets rapportering är mer omfattande. Båda tidningarna uppmärksammar Behring Breiviks privatliv och uppväxt för att förklara hans ogärningar. Akilov å andra sidan beskrivs främst genom sitt utländska utseende och framställs tydligare som terrorist och del av ett större nätverk (den islamiska staten).

Bilder i målfokus: Genuskampen mellan Sportbladet och SVT Sport– : En jämförande kvantitativ innehållsanalys om Sportbladet och SVT Sports gestaltning av genus och sport på Instagram / Images in target focus: The gender battle between Sportbladet and SVT Sport– : A comparative quantitative content analysis of Sportbladet and SVT Sports' portrayal of gender and sport on Instagram

Madestam, Sandra, Rydén, Matilda January 2023 (has links)
The study aimed to investigate how female and male athletes are framed on Sportbladet and SVT Sport’s Instagram pictures. The study also examines and compares Sportbladet and SVT Sport to see if there are any differences between their coverage, since Sportbladet is commercial media and SVT Sport is public service. We have conducted a quantitative content analysis where we analyzed 655 Instagram pictures in total, 280 were from Sportbladet and 375 from SVT Sport. The Instagram pictures that were used were from the months of February, May, August, and November in 2022. The results showed that men dominated Sportbladet, while women and men were equally represented on SVT Sport. Although the results also showed that women and men are framed differently on both Sportbladet and SVT Sport. Women are generally framed as passive, happy, and intimate, while men are active, cocky, and formal. The results also showed that Sportbladet and SVT Sport have different agendas, which could be based on what possibly sells the most. Sportbladet, which is a commercial, posts more Instagram pictures of sportsmen. Simultaneously, SVT Sport posts an equal number of pictures of both genders.

Från frigörelse till folkfest : En kritisk diskursanalys av Prideparaden i Svenska Dagbladet

Simander, Cecilia, Agelou, Elisabet January 2019 (has links)
Prideparaden är kulmen för det som kallas Stockholms Pridefestival. Det är ett årligt evenemang och lockar många människor för att både delta och åskåda. Paraden är unik på så sätt att den har ett politiskt syfte som når ut genom glädje och festligheter. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka och analysera hur Prideparaden har gestaltats i Svenska Dagbladets nyhetsrapportering mellan åren 1979-2018, men också hur diskursen haft en påverkan på gestaltningens förändring. Frågeställningarna behandlar vilka skillnader och likheter det finns gällande vilka ämnen som betonas och vilka aktörer som omtalas i artiklarna, samt vilken förändring vi kan se i rapporteringens gestaltning över tid rörande Prideparaden i relation till diskursen. Metoden som används är en kritisk diskursanalys, där totalt 14 artiklar analyseras. Urvalet är begränsat till artiklar som enbart rör paraden. Därefter görs en komparativ analys av resultatet. Studiens resultat visar att det finns skillnader i vilka ämnen som betonas samt vilka aktörer som får komma till tals. Gällande diskursens påverkan på framförallt rapporteringen besvaras detta genom en diskussion då det inte går att dra några generella slutsatser kring resultatet.

Det gör ont när mödomshinnor brister : En studie över gestaltningsramar om hymen i svensk tryckt press / It hurts when hymens are breaking : a study on descriptions of the hymen in Swedish printed press

Nolskog, Cajsa January 2018 (has links)
This essay uses frame analysis to study changes in the descriptions of the hymen in Swedish printed press from 1989-2015. The study shows that the traditional story about the hymen has significant power in the dominant culture and affects the idea of what the hymen is and what is believed to be its functions. The study also showcases how our ideas about the hymen are socially constructed since the descriptions can shift widely but still be considered as the truth. The concept of the hymen has gone through a change over time, from a story of a hymen that breaks during first intercourse, to the hymen being a myth that doesn’t exist at all, to then emerge into the idea of the vaginal corona – another version of a hymen that is different from the traditional image. The study also shows that the traditional frame for describing the hymen does live on, and that the vaginal corona has not replaced the idea of the traditional hymen.

Hög tid: att undersöka kvällspressens cannabisrapportering : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie av medierapporteringen om cannabis sedan 2010 i Aftonbladet och Expressen / High time: a study of cannabis coverage in the evening press : A quantitative and qualitative study of cannabis media moverage since 2010 in Aftonbladet and Expressen

Neemé, Kevin, Zetterquist, Viktor January 2024 (has links)
This study delves into the media coverage of cannabis by analyzing articles from Aftonbladet and Expressen between 2010 and 2024. Through a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, the study examines the tone, content, and trends in reporting on cannabis through these years. A total of 904 articles were analyzed, with a focus on identifying patterns, trends, and shifts in the portrayal of cannabis in the two newspapers. The quantitative content analysis involves coding and categorizing a large sample of articles to uncover key themes and frequencies of coverage. Additionally, a qualitative discourse analysis is conducted on a subset of texts to deepen the understanding of how cannabis is framed and represented in the media. The methodological rigor includes inter-coderreliability checks and statistical evaluations to ensure consistency and validity in the analysis process. The findings reveal a predominance of negative articles, with a particular focus on domestic issues in Sweden such as increasing gang violence. The study also highlights the influence of media discourse in shaping perceptions of cannabis, portraying it both as an illegal commodity associated with violence and as a symbol of deviance. By scrutinizing the language and narratives used in media representations, this research sheds light on the construction of cannabis in Swedish newspapers and the potential impact on public attitudes and policies.

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