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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'évolution de la carrière des femmes cadres entre choix ou contraintes : le cas du secteur bancaire libanais / Career of women between choices and constraints : a case study about the lebanese banking sector

Salameh-Ayanian, Madonna 17 October 2014 (has links)
Bien que les femmes aient toujours fait partie des composantes de la main-d’oeuvre d’une entreprise et y jouent toujours un rôle prépondérant, il faut dire que, dans les postes décisionnels, elles ont été considérablement sous-représentées. La barrière entre cadres intermédiaires et cadres supérieurs, baptisée le « plafond de verre », est aujourd’hui, presque aussi infranchissable qu’il y a 20 ans, quand une multitude de femmes diplômées sont entrées dans le monde des affaires. L’objet de cette recherche vise à identifier pourquoi le taux des femmes présentes dans les instances de haute direction des banques libanaises reste-t-il si minime. La présente étude va consister à analyser la corrélation entre les aspirations professionnelles des femmes, leur ambition d’accéder aux plus hauts échelons de l’entreprise et le phénomène du plafond de verre. Par ailleurs, cette étude va approfondir l’examen des styles de leadership adoptés par les femmes et mesurer l’impact du style adopté sur la progression réalisée dans la carrière choisie. Nous prendrons l’exemple du Moyen-Orient et particulièrement du Liban où le secteur bancaire est soucieux de réduire les inégalités professionnelles. Cependant les différenciations entre hommes et femmes persistent. De multiples facteurs, certains explicites, telle la formation ou la mobilité, d’autres plus implicites, comme les horaires de travail ou la maternité, semblent se combiner et se renforcer mutuellement pour expliquer des évolutions de carrière moins favorables chez les femmes. Un questionnaire à choix fermé a été diffusé sur un site Web sécurisé à des femmes cadres dans 6 banques opérant au Liban afin de déterminer la relation entre les variables dépendantes et indépendantes relevées. Les hypothèses ont été validées déterminants ainsi divers facteurs qui affectent l’existence du plafond de verre. / Women have always been an inherent part of the workforce. They have been playing a fundamental role throughout history; however, they have been considerably underrepresented in top management positions. The existent barrier between middle and top management positions entitled “Glass Ceiling” remains almost as impassable as it has been 20 years ago, even though the number of educated women who have entered the labor market has substantially increased. The purpose of this research is to identify why the number of women in the top management positions of the Lebanese banks remains minim. As such, the primary object lies in analyzing the correlation between the aspiration and ambition of women to access the highest levels in the organization’s hierarchy and the glass ceiling phenomena. Moreover, this study focuses on the leadership styles adopted by these women; it aims at measuring the impact of the adopted style on the hierarchical advancement in the chosen career. In Lebanon, the banking sector is eager to reduce professional discrepancies; however, these gaps remain existent between men and women. Several factors, some of which are explicit – such as training & development and mobility, others implicit such as the working schedules and the maternity leaves, interact and interrelate to explain the less favorable career paths that women face. A close-ended questionnaire has been communicated throughout a secured website to middle management women in 6 banks operating in Lebanon in order to determine the relationship between the identified dependant and independent variables. The hypothesis statements were accepted as true; stipulating that several factors affect the perpetuity of the glass ceiling.

Sveriges mäktigaste kvinnor är fortfarande underordnade män : En kvalitativ studie om hur kvinnor i Sveriges riksdag upplever maktförhållanden inom politiken i relation till det globala delmålet 5.5 / Sweden's most powerful women are still subordinate men : A qualitative study on how women in the Swedish Parliament perceive power relations in politics in relation to The Sustainable Development Goal 5.5

Ericsson, Ellen, Jarlén, Joanna January 2020 (has links)
Jämställdhet är någonting som diskuteras flitigt i politiska debatter. Det blir bättre och bättre världen över men kvinnor ses fortfarande inte ha lika mycket inflytande över beslutsfattande processer som män. Maktpositionerna domineras än idag av män och Sverige är ett av de länder som ännu inte har haft en kvinnlig statsminister. Den här studien bygger på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod genom semistrukturerade intervjuer utförda med kvinnor i Sveriges riksdag. Studien identifierar vilka upplevelser kvinnor i Sveriges riksdag har gällande förväntningar på kvinnor, bemötande mot kvinnor samt deras möjligheter till höga positioner i politiken. Den ser också över hur de själva upplever sin maktposition samt hur makten är könad. Studien undersöks med de Globala Målen, närmare bestämt delmål 5.5, som grund. Tidigare forskning visar hur kvinnor har det betydligt svårare än män gällande att både ta sig in och stanna kvar i politiken samt uppnå ledarskapsroller. Ett intersektionellt perspektiv är i stort sett frånvarande i den tidigare forskningen, därför har den här studien ett fokus på det. Genom en analys utifrån de teoretiska utgångspunkterna homo- och heterosocialitet, glastak, intersektionalitet, ojämlikhetssystemet samt genussystemet identifieras problematik kring det motstånd kvinnor inom politiken möter samt den rådande könsmaktsordningen. Resultatet visar bland annat att kvinnor i riksdagen i stort begränsas inom politiken men att de trots detta ändå är de mäktigaste kvinnorna i Sverige. Studien bidrar till en ökad förståelse för olika maktförhållanden inom svensk politik samt ger en insyn i hur det egentligen kommer sig att Sverige ännu inte har haft en kvinnlig statsminister. / Gender equality is something that is frequently discussed in political debates. It’s getting better all over the world, but women are still not seen to have as much influence over decision-making processes as men. The positions of power are still dominated by men and Sweden is one of the countries that has not yet had a female prime minister. This study is based on a qualitative research method through semi-structured interviews conducted with women in the Swedish Parliament. The study identifies what experiences women in the Swedish Parliament have regarding expectations of women, treatment towards women and their opportunities to reach high positions in politics. It also focuses on how the women themselves perceive their position of power as well as how the power is gendered. The study is examined with The Sustainable Development Goals, more specifically sub-goal 5.5, as the basis. Previous research shows how women have a much harder time than men in terms of both entering and stay in politics and achieving leadership roles. An intersectional perspective is to a high degree absent in previous research, so this study has a specific focus on it. An analysis based on the theoretical principles of homo- and heterosociality, glass ceiling, intersectionality, the inequality system and the gender system identifies problems regarding the resistance women in politics encounter and the prevailing gender power system. The results show, among other things, that women in the Swedish Parliament are largely limited in politics, but that they are nevertheless the most powerful women in Sweden. The study contributes to an increased understanding of different power relations in Swedish politics and gives an insight into why Sweden has not yet had a female prime minister.

Ženy v manažerských pozicích / Women in managerial positions

Holušová, Petra January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse in detail the issue of the position of women in top management positions in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part of the thesis focus mainly on the legislation and mapping of the current situation of the issue. The thesis also examines gender, gender identity and gender mainstreaming, all of those terms are defined in detail in the text. The first part of the theses builds an important theoretical base and explains terms such as glass ceiling and the mentioned gender mainstreaming. The work also investigates the issue of equal pay and employment of women. The practical part of the thesis contains its own qualitative research that was done with specific top managers in the selected company. The aim of the practical part is to compare the theoretical concepts of the position of women on the Czech labour market with the situation in a particular Czech company. During the research are investigated both opinions of top managers on the nationwide situation as well as the situation within the company. Based on the research results, the research questions are answered and recommendations for improving the current position of women on the Czech labour market are formulated.

Exploring the Lives of Women Who Lead

Cloninger, Susan K. 29 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Agenda politique et régime de genre : comparaison socio historique des évolutions en Russie et en France. / Political agenda and gender’s regime : social and historical comparison, review of evolutions in Russia and in France.

Zhukova, Olga 28 May 2013 (has links)
La thèse présente l’étude de deux cas nationaux, la Russie et la France, dont les contextes et les genèses des situations présentes sont spécifiques. On suppose que malgré un héritage historique et des institutions politiques différents, les ordres de genre en Russie et en France passent par des étapes semblables. De telles ressemblances sont conditionnées par le fait que la politique publique maintient un ordre de genre inégal et ceci trouve son application dans les structures politiques elle-mêmes, qui représentent une forme pyramidale. Le modèle de l’ordre de genre, propose un cadre théorique heuristique non seulement pour analyser les relations de genre dans les sociétés contemporaines et dans les institutions, mais aussi dans le cadre historique. La thèse a pour objectif d'explorer les différentes facettes de la construction des rapports de genre comme rapports politiques en fournissant à la fois des outils théoriques, une perspective historique, et des études de cas contemporains. La démarche comparative permet de porter un regard décentré sur la réalité propre nationale des rapports de genre, et de questionner des éléments qui peuvent paraître évidents d’un point de vue strictement interne. / This thesis discusses the gender order of two national cases studies – Russia and France. The current situations with regards to gender order are specific to each country and have evolved from differing contexts. However, this thesis proposes that the development of gender order has passed through similar stages, both in Russia and France, despite different historical backgrounds and political systems. In addition, it is proposed that resemblances in the development of gender order are primarily affected by public policy in both countries which supports an order of gender equality. This politically-influenced gender inequality is reflected by the political structure which forms a pyramid structure. The gender order model provides a heuristic theoretical framework in which to analyse gender-relations in the contemporary societies and institutions of each country; along with the opportunity to examine gender-relations from an historical perspective. The aim of this research is to investigate the different facets of the development of gender-relations within a political context in Russia and France. The research methodology incorporates a consideration of the theoretical background to gender-relations, the impact of each country’s development on gender order from an historical viewpoint, and reviews of contemporary case studies. Importantly, a comparative study of this kind allows the idea of national identity to be appraised from an objective viewpoint.

A stochastic earnings frontier approach to investigating labour market failures

Maman Waziri, Khalid 25 June 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat examine les principales défaillances du marché du travail qui entraînent que les travailleurs n’arrivent pas à obtenir la pleine rémunération potentielle qui corresponde à leur capital humain. Il y a « inefficacité salariale » lorsque le salaire obtenu est inférieur au maximum atteignable. Dans un tel cas, les salariés reçoivent un salaire injuste par rapport au capital humain disposé. Cela décourage à investir dans son capital humain ce qui aura tendance à réduire la productivité totale, à affaiblir la compétitivité et à nuire à la croissance économique du pays. La contribution que nous apportons à travers ce travail est de trois ordres. Dans un premier temps, nous proposons un nouveau regard par rapport à l’intégration des jeunes sur le marché du travail. Plutôt que d’examiner si les individus obtiennent un contrat de travail stable ou non, nous adoptons une approche qui s’intéresse à la qualité de l’appariement « emploi – compétences » de jeunes entrant fraîchement dans la vie active. Nos travaux fournissent des résultats empiriques qui mettent en évidence les différentes théories de recherche d’emploi. Dans un second temps, en raison du considérable défi que représente l'identification et l'évaluation des pratiques discriminatoires sur le marché du travail, nous proposons une approche innovatrice et efficace pour examiner le phénomène du plafond de verre (barrière invisible à l’accès des postes de décision mieux rémunérés). Dans la dernière partie de cette thèse, nous proposons un modèle économétrique théorique qui améliore la correction du problème de biais de sélection pour les modèles de frontière stochastique. / This doctoral thesis addresses issues related to employees’ imperfect information on the labour market and discrimination, generally all direct consequences of labour underpayment or “earnings inefficiency”. Workers are in a situation of earnings inefficiency when they do not receive the full potential remuneration corresponding to their human capital endowment: unfair pay for greater stock of human capital. This situation is problematic from a policy-makers point of view as it could weaken work incentives, discourage investments in human capital, and harm economic growth and competitiveness. It could also widen inequality within the society and contribute to the increase in relative poverty.The contribution we make through this work is threefold. First, we examine the integration of young people into the labour market from a new angle. Instead of examining whether individuals obtain stable employment or not, we use an approach that focuses on the quality of the job matching for young people entering the workforce and lacking labour market information. This first chapter provides empirical evidence on job search theories. In a second chapter, because of the considerable challenge of identifying and assessing discriminatory practices in the labour market, we propose an innovative and effective approach to examine the phenomenon of the glass ceiling (an invisible barrier to management positions associated with higher earnings). Finally, the last part of this doctoral thesis is devoted to improving the econometric approach we use. We propose a theoretical econometric model that improves correction for sample selection bias with stochastic frontier models.

組織中的女性領導 / Women and Leadership in Organizations

黃麗蓉, Lily Huang Unknown Date (has links)

Genre et carrière professionnelle: enjeux identitaires et dilemmes normatifs dans le phénomène du "plafond de verre" / Gender and professional career: identity stakes and normative dilemmas in the "glass ceiling" phenomenon

Casini, Annalisa 31 October 2008 (has links)
Ce travail propose une réflexion sur les obstacles, souvent "invisibles", qui contribuent à maintenir les femmes aux niveaux inférieurs de la hiérarchie professionnelle. Ce phénomène a été baptisé « plafond de verre ». L’asymétrie des profils professionnels entre hommes et femmes est interrogée à partir d’une approche constructiviste multidisciplinaire profitant des contributions conjointes de l’histoire, de la philosophie, de la sociologie et de la psychologie sociale. L'introduction théorique propose une réflexion sur les déterminants historiques et psychosociaux de l’asymétrie du masculin et du féminin dans leurs rapports au pouvoir et au travail. Les théories des Représentations Sociales (Moscovici, 1961), de l'Identité Sociale (Tajfel & Turner, 1986) serviront de cadre conceptuel à l’ensemble du travail. Les antécédents psychosociaux du « plafond de verre » sont étudiés au travers d’une série de 6 études. La première explore le vécu et les représentations des femmes évoluant dans un contexte professionnel masculin tel que la politique et montre l’existence chez elles d’une tension entre les normes instrumentales en vigueur dans ce contexte et l’approche relationnelle qu’elles voudraient promouvoir. La deuxième et la troisième études explorent respectivement les représentations sociales de l’« emploi idéal pour soi » et de la « réussite » chez des jeunes universitaires (garçons et filles) en partant du présupposé qu’afin de mieux comprendre les stratégies différenciées de mobilité ascendante chez les deux sexes, il est important d’interroger les représentations sociales liées à la sphère professionnelle que les uns et les autres possèdent avant d’y être intégré-e-s. Enfin, trois études empiriques testent l’hypothèse générale selon laquelle la sous-représentation des femmes aux niveaux supérieurs de la hiérarchie sociale pourrait résulter des discordances qui existent entre, d’une part, les normes de genre endossées par les individus (i.e. féminine vs. masculine) ainsi que le niveau d’identification au genre et, d’autre part, les normes sous-tendant la culture des organisations. Les résultats suggèrent l’existence d’une telle incompatibilité normative et de son impact potentiel sur les stratégies de mobilité ascendante./Adopting a constructivist and multidisciplinary perspective, the present dissertation questions the “hidden obstacles” contributing to maintain women in the lower positions of the professional ladder, a phenomenon called “glass ceiling”. Framing our work in the social representations theory (Moscovici, 1961) and the social identity theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1986), we address the asymmetry in men’s and wome’s careers trough 6 study. Study 1 explores the representations of Belgian politician women with regard to their personal professional experiences and their relation to the normatively masculine political functioning. Furthermore, a second set of studies starts from the idea that, in order to understand women’s and men’s professional mobility strategies, we have to take social representations related to the professional domain into account. Hence, study 2 and 3 explore respectively the social representations of « an own ideal job » and of « a successful life » amongst young students of both sexes. Finally, studies 4, 5, and 6 test the general hypothesis that the lack of women in positions of power could be partially due to the incongruence between potentially conflicting social norms. Namely, while work settings seem to induce a social norm favoring instrumental social orientations, women socialization is still characterized by the existence of prescriptions about relational orientations. Results suggest the existence of this normative inconsistency together with its potential impact on women’s professional mobility strategies. / Doctorat en Sciences Psychologiques et de l'éducation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Kvinnors möjligheter till avancemang på arbetsplatser med en jämn intern könsfördelning : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors karriärmöjligheter och dess effekter på kvinnors självbild / Women's opportunities for advancement in workplaces with an even gender distribution : A qualitative study of women's career opportunities and their effects on women's self-image

Andersson, Emilia, Bojackly, Sandra January 2022 (has links)
Sverige anses vara ett av Europeiska unionens mest jämställda länder där kvinnor och män ska ha lika möjligheter i arbetslivet. Jämställdhetslagen och diskrimineringslagen har stiftats i syfte att bland annat främja kvinnor och mäns lika rättigheter samt förhindra och motverka könsbaserade skillnader på arbetsmarknaden. Trots lagstiftning finns det tydliga skillnader i karriärutveckling mellan kvinnor och män. Syftet med studien är att studera hur kvinnor på olika arbetsplatser med en jämn intern könsfördelning upplever sina möjligheter till avancemang, kvinnornas antaganden av strategier för att hantera upplevd ojämlikhet samt hur kvinnornas självbild har kommit att påverkas till en följd av dessa upplevelser. Det empiriska materialet baseras på sju kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer som analyserats genom Chodorows teori om mödrars roll i reproduktionen av könsnormer och Bergmans beskrivning av vertikal och intern segregering. Flera mekanismer samverkar och resulterar iatt kvinnorna upplever barriärer för avancemang och karriärutveckling på sina arbetsplatser på grund av deras könstillhörighet vilket vidare bidragit till antagandet av strategier för att få legitimitet. Dessa upplevelser har bidragit till ifrågasättandet av kvinnornas kompetens som vidare haft en negativ påverkan på deras självbild. / Sweden is considered as one of the European Union's most equal countries where women and men should have equal opportunities at the labor market. The Gender Equality Act and the Discrimination Act have been enacted to promote equal rights for women and men and to prevent gender segregation at the labor market and in workplaces. Despite these laws, there are still differences in career development between women and men. The purpose of this study is to illustrate how women at different workplaces experience their opportunities for advancement, women's assumptions of strategies for dealing with inequality and how women's self-image has been affected as a result of their experiences. The empirical material is based on seven semi-structured interviews analyzed through Chodorow's theory the reproduction of mothering to analyze the reproduction of gender norms and Bergman's description of vertical and internal segregation. The results of the study show that women experience barriers to advancement and career development at their workplaces based on their gender, which has further contributed to the adoption of strategies to gain legitimacy. These experiences have contributed to a negative impact on women's self-image which has manifested in constant questioning of women's competence and capability at work based on traditional norms.

The Effect of the Rater's Implicit Person Theory on the Performance Evaluations of Male and Female Managers

Bendapudi, Namrita 06 March 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Previous research has found that the clarity of information provided to raters about women managers’ performance affects ratings of their competence, likeability, and overall evaluation. The current study sought to contribute to this literature by examining whether individual differences of raters can explain the reason for differential performance evaluations of male and female managers, despite them both performing equally. For this purpose, the current research extended the findings of Heilman and colleagues by replicating their methodology while introducing a moderator variable, the rater’s Implicit Person Theory (IPT). The IPT differentiates people into either entity theorists (that is, those who believe that behavior is trait-based and therefore fixed and stable) and incremental theorists (those who believe that behavior is situationally mediated and hence, changeable). Specifically, it was proposed that the effects found in the previous study would be stronger when the rater possessed an entity theory as opposed to an incremental theory. In doing so, this research attempted to provide an understanding of why male and female managers might be given different ratings, all other things being equal. Analyses revealed results that were consistent with, as well as some that were quite inconsistent with, previous findings. Rater IPT was found to have a significant effect on ratings provided by male participants but not those of female participants. Other findings and implications are discussed and limitations and future research directions are stated.

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