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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王芳美 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著婦女就業情形的普遍,兩性議題也愈顯得重要,欲落實兩性平權,法律是最根本之道,從近年政府制定「兩性工作平等法」及「性別平等教育法」對於推進兩性平權,均具有劃時代的意義。所謂「玻璃天花板效應」(glass ceiling effect),就是一種不易被察覺的、人為的或組織的偏差所造成的無形阻礙,使得女性在事業生涯方面,無法獲得與男性公平競爭的機會。本研究藉由對玻璃天花板、陞遷、性別角色等相關理論與實務之檢視,對我國女性警官陞遷潛藏之問題進行探討,期能依據研究結果,提出一些建議,以供女性警官個人及有關機關參考。 在研究方法方面,本研究係採用問卷調查法為主,以我國女性警官為普測對象,取得回收有效問卷525份。研究問卷內容包含影響陞遷之「社會心理」構面、「歧視偏差」構面、「系統結構」構面與「陞遷發展」構面及女性警官個人基本資料等量表。問卷調查所得資料運用電腦統計套裝軟體SPSS for Windows 10.0版,以描述性統計分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及Pearson積差相關等統計分析方法進行資料處理: 本研究經由實證分析之後,歸納結論如下: 一、就各構面之認知程度而言:其同意程度依次為影響陞遷之「社會心理」構面,其次是「陞遷發展」構面,再次是「歧視偏差」構面,最後為「系統結構」構面。 二、就各構面之認知差異情形而言:在「社會心理」構面上,因年齡、婚姻、子女數、教育程度、警官年資、職務官階、服務單位、有無進修、現任職位及代理主管的不同而有顯著差異存在;在「歧視偏差」構面上,因婚姻、職務官階、工作內容、現任職位及代理主管的不同而有顯著差異存在;在「系統結構」構面上,因工作照顧、教育程度、職務官階、有無進修及代理主管的不同而有顯著差異存在;在「陞遷發展」構面上,因有無進修、現任職位及代理主管的不同而有顯著差異存在。 三、就各構面之相關分析而言:本研究所探討的四個構面的關連非常強,不論是整體或是其各個的因素之間均達顯著水準的正相關。 / With the rise of female employment rate in workplace, gender issues have been of higher importance in recent years. To realize gender equality in workplace, legislation serves to be the most fundamental solutions of all. Following the enactment of the Gender Equality in Employment Law and the Gender Equality Education Law, Taiwan female employees have seen landmark on their workplace status. But the so-called glass-ceiling effects, are less perceivable, man-made or organizational bias still persist, which deprive female employees of an equal opportunity as those bestowed on their male counterparts. In this study, the author will discuss the obstacles posed for Taiwan’s female police officers in their quest organizational positions based on the observation from the theoretical and practical sides of glass-ceiling effects, promotional and gender roles, and will further propose suggestions for improvements for female police officers. Methodologically, this study uses questionnaire survey research, with female police officers as subjects and results in 525 successful samples. Contents of the questionnaire include facets of promotional importance, such as socio-psychology, discrimination bias, systematic structures, promotional development and personal information. With the analysis of descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA and the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient supported by SPSS for Windows 10.0, information gathered from the results of questionnaire is processed: After empirical analysis, our conclusions are: 1.On the acknowledgement level of each facet: respondents find most of their agreements on the importance of obstacles to their promotion, are socio-psychology, promotional development, discrimination bias and systematic structure. 2.On the perceptional difference of each facet: on the socio-psychological aspect, there are differences according to the age, marital status, children number, educational level, years of working as police officer, rank, current position, deputy supervisor, further education. On the discrimination bias facet, there are differences according to marital status, rank, job description, current position and deputy supervisor. On the systematic structure facet, the differences exists among respondents of different educational level, rank, further education and deputy supervisor. On the promotional development facet, there are differences according to further education, current position and deputy supervisor. 3.On the correlation analysis of each facet: the four facets discussed in the study has strong correlations, no matter individual factor or integral whole has all reached a high standard level of positive relationship.

Snedrekrytering och mansdominans som organisationskulturellt fenomen

Sjögren, Fredrik, Sällvik, Fredrik January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this paper is to present a possible understanding of why the company Tekola is segregated according to sex. In accordance to this purpose, an understanding of how the segregation affects the employees in relation to power, values and possibilities is discussed. The theoretical understanding is that the organization of men and women within Tekola is done in close connection to creation of the meaning of gender in Tekola. This, in turn, affects and is affected by the recruitment to and within the company. Through the study of statistics from a survey, five interviews with employees and former employees and Tekolas’ equality plan, we are able to see the possible existence of a glass ceiling, and a culture of homosociality, which affects the possibilities of women to enter the company and also to gain full entrance to power-positions in a negative way. There is also a possibility that sexual harassment exists in Tekola. There is a clear feminization of one of the departments, a phenomenon that affects acts directed at and around that department. Also, we are able to see that there is a gap between the actual segregation between men and women in Tekola, and the employees’ perception of their possibilities.</p> / <p>Syftet med denna undersökning är att presentera en möjlig förståelse av varför företaget Tekola är könssegregerat. I linje med detta skapas även en förståelse av vad könssegregeringen betyder för medarbetarna i företaget i relation till makt, värderingar och möjligheter. Utgångspunkten för förståelsen av företagets organisering av kön är att könssegregeringen hänger samman med hur kön skapas i företaget, samt att detta påverkar och har samband med den interna och externa rekryteringen av män och kvinnor. Materialet som studeras består av statistik som skapats genom bearbetning av en enkätundersökning på företaget, fem djupintervjuer med anställda och före detta anställda samt Tekolas jämställdhetsplan. Analysen av materialet visar bland annat tendenser till förekomsten av ett glastak och en homosocial kultur vilket negativt påverkar kvinnors möjligheter att ta sig in på företaget samt att avancera. Det förekommer även troligtvis könsmässiga trakasserier. Samtidigt sker en tydlig märkning av en avdelning som kvinnlig, vilket påverkar olika handlingar riktade mot och kring denna avdelning. Det verkar även ha skapats en förståelse av att alla har samma möjligheter, något som motsägs av hur könsfördelningen faktiskt ser ut.</p>

星空下的玻璃天花板現象─以警政單位女性警官升遷為例 / Glass ceiling effect among female police officers

林祐慈 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣女性勞動參與率逐年提高,越來越多的女性勞動力進入就業市場,然而,女性晉升至中高階層職位之人數並無明顯增加。顯然女性的職涯發展似乎受到一定程度的限制,此限制即為玻璃天花板現象。玻璃天花板現象存在於各行各業中,但於警界之程度更為嚴重。此現象之原因乃警界人為與體制上的排除女警官人數,導致整個警界中的女性人數稀少,更遑論通往高階之女性所遇之玻璃天花板現象更甚一般企業或公務體系人員。因此本研究透過質性訪談方式,藉此試圖探討警政中、高層女性所占比例極低的原因何在,其中人為或非人為因素為何?   本研究發現警界升遷制度隱性侷限女警升遷發展,以績效導向為主導致功獎多寡牽制著積分排名順序,而主管評分比重過高亦會影響女警官升遷;再者由於警察組織性別化的工作指派,在偏好男性的外勤工作能夠快速與大量的累積分數之下,女警官敘獎機會較少,相對不容易累積積分;此外警界必須運用交際應酬的手段維繫良好的人際關係,但女警官不擅進入男性應酬圈,男性網絡之官場文化間接造影響女警官們的升遷發展;最後女性被賦予養兒育女之母職天性,家庭責任之重擔落在女性身上,一但女警官走入婚姻,即必須在工作與家庭上做取捨,工作與家庭實為難以兼顧。   因此建議國家應放寬警大入學名額的性別設限並推動國家照顧工作;對於警界之職務分派勿侷限性別,重視女警人才,並且減少組織內外勤工作差異,再者建議主官建立公平的考核原則,破除性別刻板印象之成見,以及建立兩性平等的教育訓練;建議女警官破除自我設限的迷思,並強化女警官之人際網絡;以及女警官人力資本之維持。 / The female labor participation rate has gradually increased in Taiwan, more and more Female labor force has been entered the labor market. However, the number of female senior positions who is not increases significantly. Women's career advancement has seemed to be limited to a certain extent; this restriction shall be the glass ceiling. The glass ceiling exists in all walks of life; particularly the police are more serious than the general business and public service system. The reason is artificial and institutional exclusion, not to mention the number of women with the senior positions. Therefore, this study through qualitative interviews so as to explore the low proportion of women in senior positions. The study found that promotion system limited women's career advancement, the performance-oriented approach the award amount in order to contain the standings, while the chief rates with a high proportion will also affect female police officer promotion; Furthermore, due to the gender-based assignment of work in police organizations, female police officers award fewer opportunities that is not easy to accumulate points; In addition to maintain good interpersonal relationships in police, female police officers is hard to enter the male entertainment circle; the last is that women has the nature of motherhood, so family responsibilities falls on women which must be choice between work and family. The government should be relax the gender-based retractions of Central Police University and to promote the care work of the state; the Police should not limit the duties assigned in gender and to value the talent of female police officers ,also it should reduce the differences in the police work of the organization .Moreover the chief should set the fair principal on assessment, and break the gender stereotypes with the prejudices. Also it should be establish the gender equality in education and training; finally suggesting that female police officers should get rid of the myth of self-handicapping, and to strengthen the interpersonal networks of female police officers; as well as the maintenance of female police officers in human capital.

Genre(s) et fonction(s) de direction : de nouvelles conjugaisons ? : l'exemple des directeurs de l'administration pénitentiaire / Gender and functional direction : new methods of conjugation ? : example of Directors of Prison Administration

Le Roch, Christine 04 June 2015 (has links)
Les corps de direction de l’administration pénitentiaire, à l’instar des cadres de la fonction publique, connaissent un processus remarquable de féminisation. Bien que nombreuses - les directrices représentent environ 45% de l’encadrement - et très diplômées, elles restent rares à occuper des postes à hautes responsabilités et sont, au contraire, surreprésentées dans des activités de cadre intermédiaire. En ce sens, les directeurs pénitentiaires ne font pas figure d’exception dans les professions de l’encadrement de la fonction publique ou du secteur privé. Qu’il s’agisse des Directeurs des Services Pénitentiaires ou des Directeurs Pénitentiaires d’Insertion et de Probation, leurs parcours restent en conformité avec les rôles de sexes attribués aux hommes et aux femmes. Ces dernières, prioritairement assignées à la sphère familiale tentent de concilier au mieux carrière et vie privée tandis que les directeurs, dans les pas de leurs prédécesseurs, perpétuent le triptyque au fondement de leur identité professionnelle : autorité, mobilité, disponibilité. A l’appui d’une analyse quantitative exhaustive et d’une enquête par entretiens menée auprès de 22 personnels de direction, nous observons l’existence d’un plafond de verre et une distribution genrée des emplois, résultant de freins organisationnels et de représentations sexuées d’une fonction considérée encore comme masculine. Les différentes réformes qu’a connues l’administration pénitentiaire, visant à moderniser cette institution, ont introduit néanmoins des changements dans la manière d’exercer la fonction et ont probablement favorisé la féminisation du métier. Pour autant, ces avancées apparaissent encore trop ténues et récentes pour remettre en question les schémas d’une division sexuelle du travail séculaire et déverrouiller tous les accès à l’égalité professionnelle pour les femmes. La persistance des stéréotypes, réactivée par une mixité essentialisée, reste un obstacle majeur d’autant que la féminisation des corps de direction provoque des inquiétudes, et des résistances, plus ou moins visibles. / The management corps of prison administration, like public service management, is experiencing a remarkable process of feminization. Although numerous, female directors represent 45% of the managers and very qualified, they rarely hold high responsibility positions and are on the contrary over represented as middle managers. In this sense, prison authority directors are not an exception in public service administration or private sector management. Whether penitentiary service directors or integration and probation directors, their backgrounds are in accordance with the gender roles attributed to men and women. The later (women), primarily assigned to the family sphere, try to best conciliate career and private life whereas male managers following in the footsteps of their predecessors, perpetuate the three foundations of professional identity: authority, mobility, availability. In support of a comprehensive quantitative analysis and interviews conducted with 22 managers, we observe a glass of ceiling and gender distribution of jobs, resulting from organization brakes and gender representations for functions still considered as masculine. The various reforms experienced by the prison administration to modernize this institution, have nevertheless introduced changes in how to exercise the function and probably favored the feminization of the profession. However, these advances still appear too tenuous and recent to challenge the patterns of sexual division of labor unlock all access to equal opportunities for women. The persistence of stereotypes, reactivated by an essentialized mix, remains a major obstacle, especially as the feminization of the management profession causes concern and resistance, more or less visible.

"Lilla gumman, du är ändå inte stark" : En studie av hur kvinnliga poliser upplever att de blir bemötta av samhället. / "Honey, you are not strong enough" : A study of how female police officers experiencing that they are being treated by society.

Anwar, Ashna, Lachonius, Lovisa January 2019 (has links)
”Snutfitta”, ”du är ändå inte stark”, ”lilla gumman” är bara några av de förekommande meningar som kvinnliga poliser möts av när de arbetar ute i samhället och möter allmänheten. Att vara kvinna i ett traditionellt sätt mansdominerat yrke kan vara svårt både när det gäller hur de blir behandlade och bemötta samt möjligheten att klättra inom organisationen. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att ta reda på hur kvinnliga poliser upplever att de blir bemötta av samhällets medborgare, men även på arbetsplatsen. Finns det en större press på kvinnor i ett mansdominerat yrke att prestera hårdare för att bevisa att de räcker till? I studien har Erving Goffmans teori om intrycksstyrning, Axel Honneths teori om de tre dimensionerna, Jean Lipman Blumens teori om homosocialitet och heterosocialitet samt Morrisons teori om glastaket tillämpats. Dessa teorier har tillämpats i syfte till att besvara studiens frågeställningar. Resultatet av denna studie presenteras av semistrukturerade intervjuer i en kvalitativ design, där tio kvinnliga poliser deltagit i intervjun och delat med sig av sina upplevelser. Analysen av resultatet visade med hjälp av teorier och vetenskapliga artiklar att det är ett hårdare klimat för kvinnor i ett mansdominerat yrke, dels vad gäller utvecklingsmöjligheter, dels hur kvinnor inom yrket bemöts av samhället. Slutsatsen av resultat och analys visade att även om jämställdheten inom polisyrket ökar, finns det fortfarande skillnader mellan könen vilket grundar sig långt bak i historien och är svårt att komma ifrån / "You are not strong enough" and "honey" are just some of the prevailing sentences that female police officers meet when they work in the community and meet the public. Being a woman in a male-dominated profession can be difficult when it comes to how they are treated and the opportunity to climb within the organization. The purpose of the present study was to find out how female police officers perceive that they are being treated by society's citizens, but also in the workplace. In the study, Erving Goffman's theory of impression management, Axel Honneth's theory of the three dimensions, Jean Lipman Blumen's theory of homosociality and heterosociality, and Morrison's theory of glass ceiling have been applied. These theories have been applied in order to answer the study's questions. The result of this study is presented by semi-structured interviews in a qualitative design, where ten female police officers participated in the interview and shared their experiences. The analysis of the results showed, with the aid of theories and scientific articles, that it is a harder climate for women in a male-dominated profession, both in terms of development opportunities and partly how women within the profession are treated by the society. The conclusion of the result and analysis showed that even though gender equality in the police profession is increasing, there are still differences between the sexes, which is based far behind in history and is difficult to get away from.

Kvinnor som leder bland män

Akhand, Mukut Hasina, Lewenhaupt, Louise January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hurdant kvinnliga civilekonomer samt civilingenjörer med ledande befattning roller upplever/upplevt sina karriärmöjligheter i en mansdominerad bransch. Vidare skildrar studien om det har skett eventuella förändringar över tid samt om det går att utgöra en skillnad mellan civilekonomer samt civilingenjörer. Med en kvalitativ forskningsansats och intervju med åtta respondenter i olika åldrar studeras hur dessa kvinnor upplevt möjligheterna genom karriärslivet och deras erfarenheter och föreställningar kopplas till teorier såsom företagskultur, glastak samt homosocialitet. Resultatet visar att kvinnors karriärmöjligheter begränsas utav sociokulturella normer som utövas av män såväl som kvinnor själva. Vilket också medfört att förändringarna sker i långsammare takt än förväntat, att maktstrukturen fortsättningsvis kommer vara i obalans mellan könen, tror jämn fördelning på arbetsplatsen och att jargongen hos civilekonomer är “manligare” än hos civilingenjörerna. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how female economists and civil engineers with leading positions experience / experienced their career opportunities in a male-dominated industry. Furthermore, the study describes whether any changes have occurred over time and whether it is possible to make a difference between economists and engineers. With a qualitative research approach and interviews we carry out with eight women of different ages, it is studied how these women experienced the opportunities through their career life and their experiences and beliefs are linked to theories such as corporate culture, glass ceiling and homosociality. The result shows that women's career opportunities are limited to socio-cultural norms that are exercised by men as well as women themselves. Which also indicates that the changes are slower than expected. The power structure will continue to be in imbalance between the sexes, believe even distribution in the workplace and that the language of economists is "more masculine" than the civil engineers.

Tetos de vitrais: gênero e raça na contabilidade no Brasil / Stained glass ceiling: gender and race in the accounting field in Brazil.

Silva, Sandra Maria Cerqueira da 20 May 2016 (has links)
Nas duas últimas décadas, o Brasil experimentou profundas transformações sociais. De acordo com os dados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (Pnad), do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), as mulheres tinham 5,2 anos de estudo em 1992, e passaram a ter 7,7 anos, em 2009, registrando-se um aumento de 48,1% (Ipea, 2010). Dados do Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego, divulgados no website Folha_Uol, (2015) demonstram que aumentou a participação feminina no mercado formal de trabalho, embora as mulheres com ensino superior recebessem o equivalente a 60% do salário masculino. Dados do Ipea (Pinheiro, Fontoura, Querino, Bonetti, & Rosa, 2008) demonstram a renda familiar per capita média nas famílias chefiadas por homem branco é de R$ 997,00, ao passo que naquelas chefiadas por mulher negra é de apenas R$ 491,00, ou seja, menos da metade. Algo bem na contramão da propalada democracia racial brasileira. Apesar do aumento do número de mulheres no mercado de trabalho, de acordo com Peggy, Dwyer e Roberts (2004), a agenda de gênero da profissão contábil ajuda o imperialismo, e, com isso \"tem facilitado o projeto imperial norte-americano, uma vez que permite a manutenção de mulheres a um baixo custo\" (p.176), relacionando esse fato com a ideologia da domesticidade. Ademais, Bebbington, Thomson e Wall (1997) concluem que os estudantes de contabilidade mostram uma tendência para um modelo masculino construído ou andrógino, em vez da identidade feminina; o que encontra amparo na teoria da performatividade de Butler (2012), objeto deste estudo. Isso resulta da manutenção de estereótipos, como a ideia de que a atuação contábil é eminentemente voltada para os homens. Com base no exposto, as mulheres podem até estar ganhando o \'jogo de números\', para tanto, arcam com um custo que implica a eliminação ou não evidenciação das características do gênero feminino. Ou seja, cresceu a participação feminina no mercado de trabalho, mas ainda há muitas barreiras, em boa medida subjetivas, estabelecidas via processos de fechamento, conforme foi visto, e que se impõem no percurso de uma mulher que almeja alcançar êxito em espaços de prestígio, independentemente do seu nível de qualificação. O fenômeno conhecido como \"teto de vidro\" representa as várias barreiras simbólicas, impostas sutilmente - por isso ditas transparentes -, mas suficientemente fortes para impossibilitar a ascensão de mulheres aos mais altos postos da hierarquia organizacional. Se observado em termos de mercado, o fenômeno pode ser constatado em diferentes países. Esse cenário leva a acreditar que nesse processo de transformação social, em que são requeridos novos papéis, faz-se necessário revisitar perspectivas sobre identidade sexual, bem como rever a produção e manutenção dos discursos de gênero que dão sustentação a essas novas identidades. No Brasil, conforme dados já relatados, embora tenhamos avançado em termos de qualificação, a mulher ainda sofre restrições para acesso profissional e enfrenta condições desiguais de trabalho e remuneração. Parece existir um conjunto de barreiras reais e simbólicas que impedem as mulheres de ascender profissionalmente. Na área de contabilidade, as mulheres são expostas a discursos e práticas eminentemente machistas. Esses discursos estruturam práticas e reificam a leitura da mulher como incapaz de assumir funções de mais responsabilidade. Diante do exposto, e de um quadro de não acesso das mulheres a cargos de liderança, acredita-se que, em um processo de violência psíquica, o \"discurso contábil\" nega, particularmente à mulher negra - que ao longo de sua vida sofre três tipos específicos de discriminação: por ser mulher, por ser pobre, em sua maioria, e por ser negra - sua identidade como profissional habilitada para o exercício de suas funções, particularmente em espaços de poder e prestígio. Assim, o estudo teve por objetivo investigar se o fenômeno conhecido como \"teto de vidro\" (glass ceiling) está presente nas interações cotidianas, por meio de processos de sexualização e racialização enfrentados durante a trajetória acadêmica de mulheres negras, em contabilidade, no Brasil. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, a partir de um posicionamento pós-estruturalista, para a qual foram utilizadas técnicas autoetnográficas e de história oral, com dados coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, realizadas em profundidade, com professoras egressas de programas de pós-graduação, analisados sob a perspectiva interpretativista. Os resultados encontrados demonstram que o fenômeno conhecido como \"teto de vidro\" também está presente na contabilidade, o que resulta em barreiras específicas do campo. Para chegar a esse resultado, foi preciso superar algumas limitações, sendo a principal a falta de incentivo para o desenvolvimento do estudo, dado o caráter inovador da proposta, em uma área de conhecimento e em um lócusem que os estudos interdisciplinares ainda são a exceção. Obras sobre gênero e raça, até aqui, não foram objeto de estudos na contabilidade no Brasil. No entanto, espera-se que esta pesquisa possa funcionar como uma abertura para novos estudos nessa temática. Com isso, a contabilidade estará agindo diretamente para a promoção da igualdade, rompendo com fechamentos estabelecidos, e, portanto, para a transformação social. / Through the last two decades, our society has experienced profound social changes. According to data from the Brazilian Statistics Bureau (IBGE)\'s Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD, the National Household Sampling Survey), women had an average 5,2 years of study in 1992 which grew to 7,7 years in 2009, rising 47% (IBGE apud Ipea, 2010). Data from the Ministry of Labor (MTE, 2013) shows that female participation in the formal job market rose, yet women with higher education degrees still receive only 60% of men\'s salaries as remuneration. Ipea (2011) data on income show that the per capita family income of a family headed by a white man is 997 Brazilian Reais (R$), while for a family headed by an black women is only R$ 491 - that is, less than half that of a white man\'s family, running counter to the oft-heralded Brazilian \'racial democracy\'. In spite of the increase in the number of women in the job market, according to Peggy, Dwyer and Roberts (2004) the gender agenda of the accounting profession facilitates the north-american imperialist project by enabling firms to employ competent female workers at minimal cost; this would be related to the domesticity ideology, that is, the idea that domestic life is the ideal life for women. Further studies such as that of Bebbington, Thomson and Wall (1997) conclude that accounting students tend to express their gender through masculine or androgynous identities rather than feminine, in accordance to Butler\'s (2012) theory of performativity which states that gender roles are performed as a result of social influences. This \'masculinization\' of accounting students results from the upkeep of stereotypes, such as the idea that accounting is eminently male. Based on this, Bebbington et al (1997) conclude that \"women may be winning the \'numbers game\' but at a cost--that cost being the elimination of feminine gender characteristics\". In other words, female participation in the job market has risen, but there are still many barriers - a significant part of which are subjective - established through closure processesand these barriers impose themselves on the path of women who desire to succeed in positions of prestige, regardless of those women\'s qualification level. The phenomenon known as \'glass ceiling\' represents the various symbolic barriers, imposed subtly - thus transparent, like glass - but strongly enough that they prevent women from rising to the higher positions of the organization hierarchy. Observed in market terms, the phenomenon can be found to happen in many different countries around the world. This scenario has led us to believe that in this process of social transformation, in which new roles are required, revising perspectives on gender identity is necessary, as well as reviewing the production and maintenance of the gender discourses that support these new identities. In Brazil, as per previously related data, in spite of the advances in terms of qualification, women still suffer with unequal work conditions and restrictions to professional access. There seems to exist a group of real and symbolic barriers that keep women from climbing the career ladder. In accounting, women are exposed to eminently machist discourses and practices; the former structure the latter and reify the image of women as being unable to assume positions of higher responsibility. In the face of this and of a scenario in which women are denied access to leadership positions, it is believed that black women are particularly denied by the \'accounting discourse\'; discriminated throughout their lives not only for being women, but also for being black and often poor, they are, through a process of psychological violence, denied their identity as professionals enabled to exercise their functions, especially in positions of power and prestige. Thus, the goal of this study is to investigate whether the phenomenon known as glass ceiling is present in day-to-day interactions, in the form of sexualization and racialization processes faced by black women along their academic trajectories in Brazilian accounting. The research follows a qualitative approach from a poststructuralist stance, using autoethnographic and oral history techniques; data was collected through semistructured interviews, realized in depth with PhD/Master professors and analyzed from the interpretivist perspective. The results found show that the glass ceiling phenomenon is also present in accounting, resulting in barriers specific to the field. To reach this result some limitations needed to be overcome, the main one being the lack of incentive to the development of the study given the innovative character of the proposal - especially in a field and in a locus in which interdisciplinary studies are still the exception. Studies on both gender and race have not, until now, been objects of study in Brazilian accounting. However, I hope this research may pave a way for future works in this theme. With this, accounting will be acting directly towards the promotion of equality, breaking through established closures and enabling social change.

African American Female Clergy in Dual Clergy Marriage

Hutchinson, Demetra Keyanna-Michelle 01 January 2019 (has links)
Burgeoning evidence has shown rapid growth of licensed and ordained female clergy within the Protestant church. Consequently, dual clergy couples have also increased in number. Research has suggested that African American female clergy have experienced greater challenges than male clergy in leadership roles in the church, including social isolation, sexism, and glass-ceiling barriers. Female clergy are also disproportionately affected by mental and physical health complications including depression, obesity, and burnout. Guided by adult personal resilience theory and its tenets of determination, endurance, adaptability, and recuperability, this interpretive phenomenological study focused on exploring the lived experiences of 13 African American female clergy leaders married to male clergy leaders. African American female clergy, recruited through both purposeful and snowball sampling, through interviews shared their stories of living in a dual-clergy marriage. Using Colaizzi's seven-step process of qualitative analysis and coding, two major themes of Resolve and Resilience, and four sub-themes including Barriers to the Church, Multiple Roles, Health and Wellness, and Adaptation were identified. Findings from this research expand the current body of knowledge on leadership and gender roles in the Protestant church, including the need for a greater understanding of the experiences of female clergy in male-dominated congregational and ministerial spaces. Implications for social change include opening conversations regarding the unique experiences of African American female clergy, supporting awareness of the social, mental and physical challenges of female clergy, and engaging in larger conversations about equal access in all areas of church leadership.

Genre et carrière professionnelle : enjeux identitaires et dilemmes normatifs dans le phénomène du « plafond de verre »/Gender and professional career: identity stakes and normative dilemmas in the « glass ceiling » phenomenon

Casini, Annalisa 31 October 2008 (has links)
Ce travail propose une réflexion sur les obstacles, souvent "invisibles", qui contribuent à maintenir les femmes aux niveaux inférieurs de la hiérarchie professionnelle. Ce phénomène a été baptisé « plafond de verre ». L’asymétrie des profils professionnels entre hommes et femmes est interrogée à partir d’une approche constructiviste multidisciplinaire profitant des contributions conjointes de l’histoire, de la philosophie, de la sociologie et de la psychologie sociale. L'introduction théorique propose une réflexion sur les déterminants historiques et psychosociaux de l’asymétrie du masculin et du féminin dans leurs rapports au pouvoir et au travail. Les théories des Représentations Sociales (Moscovici, 1961), de l'Identité Sociale (Tajfel & Turner, 1986) serviront de cadre conceptuel à l’ensemble du travail. Les antécédents psychosociaux du « plafond de verre » sont étudiés au travers d’une série de 6 études. La première explore le vécu et les représentations des femmes évoluant dans un contexte professionnel masculin tel que la politique et montre l’existence chez elles d’une tension entre les normes instrumentales en vigueur dans ce contexte et l’approche relationnelle qu’elles voudraient promouvoir. La deuxième et la troisième études explorent respectivement les représentations sociales de l’« emploi idéal pour soi » et de la « réussite » chez des jeunes universitaires (garçons et filles) en partant du présupposé qu’afin de mieux comprendre les stratégies différenciées de mobilité ascendante chez les deux sexes, il est important d’interroger les représentations sociales liées à la sphère professionnelle que les uns et les autres possèdent avant d’y être intégré-e-s. Enfin, trois études empiriques testent l’hypothèse générale selon laquelle la sous-représentation des femmes aux niveaux supérieurs de la hiérarchie sociale pourrait résulter des discordances qui existent entre, d’une part, les normes de genre endossées par les individus (i.e. féminine vs. masculine) ainsi que le niveau d’identification au genre et, d’autre part, les normes sous-tendant la culture des organisations. Les résultats suggèrent l’existence d’une telle incompatibilité normative et de son impact potentiel sur les stratégies de mobilité ascendante./Adopting a constructivist and multidisciplinary perspective, the present dissertation questions the “hidden obstacles” contributing to maintain women in the lower positions of the professional ladder, a phenomenon called “glass ceiling”. Framing our work in the social representations theory (Moscovici, 1961) and the social identity theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1986), we address the asymmetry in men’s and wome’s careers trough 6 study. Study 1 explores the representations of Belgian politician women with regard to their personal professional experiences and their relation to the normatively masculine political functioning. Furthermore, a second set of studies starts from the idea that, in order to understand women’s and men’s professional mobility strategies, we have to take social representations related to the professional domain into account. Hence, study 2 and 3 explore respectively the social representations of « an own ideal job » and of « a successful life » amongst young students of both sexes. Finally, studies 4, 5, and 6 test the general hypothesis that the lack of women in positions of power could be partially due to the incongruence between potentially conflicting social norms. Namely, while work settings seem to induce a social norm favoring instrumental social orientations, women socialization is still characterized by the existence of prescriptions about relational orientations. Results suggest the existence of this normative inconsistency together with its potential impact on women’s professional mobility strategies.

Snedrekrytering och mansdominans som organisationskulturellt fenomen

Sjögren, Fredrik, Sällvik, Fredrik January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to present a possible understanding of why the company Tekola is segregated according to sex. In accordance to this purpose, an understanding of how the segregation affects the employees in relation to power, values and possibilities is discussed. The theoretical understanding is that the organization of men and women within Tekola is done in close connection to creation of the meaning of gender in Tekola. This, in turn, affects and is affected by the recruitment to and within the company. Through the study of statistics from a survey, five interviews with employees and former employees and Tekolas’ equality plan, we are able to see the possible existence of a glass ceiling, and a culture of homosociality, which affects the possibilities of women to enter the company and also to gain full entrance to power-positions in a negative way. There is also a possibility that sexual harassment exists in Tekola. There is a clear feminization of one of the departments, a phenomenon that affects acts directed at and around that department. Also, we are able to see that there is a gap between the actual segregation between men and women in Tekola, and the employees’ perception of their possibilities. / Syftet med denna undersökning är att presentera en möjlig förståelse av varför företaget Tekola är könssegregerat. I linje med detta skapas även en förståelse av vad könssegregeringen betyder för medarbetarna i företaget i relation till makt, värderingar och möjligheter. Utgångspunkten för förståelsen av företagets organisering av kön är att könssegregeringen hänger samman med hur kön skapas i företaget, samt att detta påverkar och har samband med den interna och externa rekryteringen av män och kvinnor. Materialet som studeras består av statistik som skapats genom bearbetning av en enkätundersökning på företaget, fem djupintervjuer med anställda och före detta anställda samt Tekolas jämställdhetsplan. Analysen av materialet visar bland annat tendenser till förekomsten av ett glastak och en homosocial kultur vilket negativt påverkar kvinnors möjligheter att ta sig in på företaget samt att avancera. Det förekommer även troligtvis könsmässiga trakasserier. Samtidigt sker en tydlig märkning av en avdelning som kvinnlig, vilket påverkar olika handlingar riktade mot och kring denna avdelning. Det verkar även ha skapats en förståelse av att alla har samma möjligheter, något som motsägs av hur könsfördelningen faktiskt ser ut.

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