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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marknadens reaktion på annonsering av förvärv hos tillväxtföretag / The market's reaction on the announcement of acquisition by growth companies

Maxnér, Caspher, Rimbe, David January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker huruvida tillväxtföretag genererar en abnormal avkastning i samband med annonsering av ett förvärv. Studien genomför en händelsestudie där 30 noterade företag på Stockholmsbörsen har blivit utvalda genom olika urvalskriterier, till exempel köpeskilling och typ av företag. Vad som klassificerar ett tillväxtföretag kan skilja sig, men denna uppsats har med grund i teorin valt ut två olika finansiella nyckeltal, price-to-book och price-to-sales. Nyckeltalen för de enskilda företagen skall vara större eller minst lika med medianen på den tillväxtorienterade aktielistan Spotlight. Teorier som den effektiva marknadshypotesen, hybrishypotesen samt teorier om varför företag genomför förvärv tas upp och diskuteras. Uppsatsen diskuterar även informationsasymmetri och informationsläckage.Studiens resultat visar att urvalet vid annonseringsdagen genererar en genomsnittlig abnormal avkastning som är positiv, både när marknadsmodellen och constant mean return-modellen används. Urvalet innehåller uteliggare, därav kompletteras medelvärdet med medianen. Resultat för medianen påvisar en positiv abnormal avkastning. Resultatet pekar på att marknaden i genomsnitt är optimistiska till att tillväxtföretag genomför förvärv på kort sikt. / The study examines whether growth companies generate an abnormal return in relation to an announcement of an acquisition. The study conducts an event study where 30 listed companies on the Stockholm Stock Exchange have been selected through various selection criteria, such as purchase price and type of company. How one should classify a growth company differs, but based on the theory, this study has selected two financial key ratios, price-to-book and price-to-sales. The key ratios for the individual company must be greater than or at least equal to the median on the growth-oriented share list Spotlight.Theories such as the efficient market hypothesis, the hubris hypothesis, and theories about why companies make acquisitions are discussed. The study also discusses information asymmetry and leakage of information.The results of the study show that the sample at the day of announcement generates a positive average abnormal return both when the market model and when the constant mean return model are used. The study was affected by outliers, and which the mean was supplemented by the median, where the result showed a positive abnormal return. The results also indicate that the market is on average optimistic to growth companies making acquisitions in short term.
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購併動機與購併後整合之研究-以製藥化學公司為例 / The relationship between M&A motivations and post-merger integration - the case of a pharmaceutical company

劉安祥 Unknown Date (has links)
生存、獲利以及成長是企業的目標。第二次世界大戰之後,國際性的商業活動快速的成長,隨著全球商業活動自由化、國際化,加上資訊科技的興起,市場全球化與生產全球化為企業創造了機會,也使得企業面臨的競爭環境日趨嚴峻,企業面臨來自全球的挑戰,威脅其生存與獲利。在競爭環境的迅速變動下,企業為了追求永續經營,不斷的成長成為企業生存之必要條件。購併是企業追求快速成長的捷徑之一。 雖然購併能夠幫助企業迅速取得所需要的關鍵資源,但是從所收集的資料顯示,失敗的購併案例還是佔了七成之多,可見成功的購併是一件相當不容易的事。 本研究所描述的個案企業是目前世界上歷史最悠久的化學與製藥公司,公司成立的日期可以回溯到西元1668年。以購併取得所需要的關鍵資源在該企業是常見的作法,所以該企業透過經驗的累積發展出購併相關活動的標準作業程序(SOP)。但是即使已經有豐富的購併經驗,並不是每一件購併案都能夠達成原先所設定的目標。 本研究希望透過研究實際購併案例的啟動購併動機與後續整合行動以印證相關購併理論,並且整理歸納出成功的購併案例中值得學習的作法以及失敗的購併案例中為何失敗的地方以供未來想要採取購併方式的企業作為參考。 歸納個案企業的購併案例得到以下結論。企業選擇購併作為成長方式的動機是為了達成綜效理論中所提及的啟動綜效、營運綜效和市場綜效。至於後續整合行動,在事前必須要有清楚的整合計畫、工作小組、組織架構與人事布局;然後透過即時且透明的溝通管道傳達給每一位員工;並且強化人力資源管理系統讓不管原本是屬於購併公司的員工還是被購併進來的員工都能夠清楚的瞭解自己在購併後的新組織中可能的職涯發展,協助所有員工穩定下來以渡過整合變動期。 / Survive, gain and grow are the targets for all companies. Business environment has been changed and globalization is the mainstream for all business activities after World War II. This change creates opportunities but also bring threats to companies. Companies now have to face challenges from all over the world. Keep growing is the means for companies to keep survival from these challenges. Merger and acquisition(M&A)is one of the shortcuts for companies to pursue fast growth. M&A can help companies to get key resources quickly. However, the chance to get fail is extremely high up to 70% from collected research data. Apparently it is not easy to have a success M&A case. This paper is describing a more than 300 years old pharmaceutical company whom accumulates a lot of experiences in M&A cases from company history. These M&A cases will be analyzed to prove related theories. Key successful factors will also be concluded for companies who will choose M&A as their growth alternative for reference. To sum up illustrated M&A cases, the motivation of a company to trigger M&A is aiming for starting synergy, operating synergy and market synergy. To ensure post-merger integration can proceed smoothly, it requires clear integration plan which contains dedicated task forces for execution, well-thought-out organization structure and important position appointment. Reinforce personnel system to ensure its function can provide necessary and sufficient assistance to all employees timely. Transparent and open communication channels shall be established in order to eliminate insecure atmosphere.
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Entrincheiramento ou alinhamento de interesses? Análise da oferta hostil da Sadia pelo controle da Perdigão à luz da teoria de agência

Callas, Christian 27 November 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:20:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 68070200631.pdf: 1777049 bytes, checksum: a2001ae04c3a4fc7b0214e96f2f177ab (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-11-27T00:00:00Z / The main purpose of this paper is to study the hostile tender offer made by Sadia to takeover its main competitor Perdigão. This is a unique event in the Brazilian capital markets, once it has been made possible only due to the recent institutional e and legal reforms which created the 'Novo Mercado'. Agency Theory is the basic theoretical framework used to formulate hypothesis that would explain the refusal of the tender offer by Perdigão’s shareholders. Public information collected from the companies and in CVM are the only source of data used to analyze the adherence of the entrenchment' vs. convergence of interests' hypothesis as possible explanations to the refusal of the takeover attempt. / Este trabalho consiste em um estudo de caso de um evento único no mercado de capitais brasileiro, qual seja a oferta hostil pelo controle da Perdigão, lançada pela Sadia em julho de 2006. Recentes reformas legais e institucionais viabilizaram o surgimento de empresas com capital pulverizado, através do Novo Mercado, tornando possível o expediente da oferta hostil. Utilizando-se como base a Teoria de Agência formularam-se hipóteses que pudessem explicar a recusa à oferta por parte dos acionistas da Perdigão. Documentos públicos e trabalhos acadêmicos foram utilizados como fontes de dados para se elaborar um estudo de caso explicativo, definido como pesquisa documental e bibliográfica. As hipóteses de entrincheiramento e alinhamento de interesses são contrapostas como forma de análise das decisões tomadas pelos controladores da Perdigão. Ao longo do trabalho buscam-se evidências históricas e declarações públicas que possam fornecer respostas às questões de pesquisa propostas.
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Better Sorry Than Safe? : An evaluation of Scandinavian acquirers participating in European mergers and acquisitions between 2010-2017

Joakimson, Anton, Lyrfors, Olle January 2021 (has links)
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are a popular way of growing a company. This is challenged by previous research that shows that an M&A-transaction generally harms the financial key metrics of the acquiring company. The main focus of this report is to examine if there is an effect on financial ratios for Scandinavian companies partaking in an M&A as an acquirer. The effect is captured by the movements in the key metrics return on equity (ROE), return on assets (ROA), return on invested capital (ROIC), EBIT-margin. In addition, both ESG-ranking and underlying non-financial values, like if the deal was domestic or not, the age of the executives and board gender diversity, are looked at for a better understanding of what differences there are between the performance of M&As.  A database of Scandinavian companies acting within Europe was created containing the specific deal characteristics over a period of three years prior as well as three years after the deal. The statistical methods used to analyze this data were Wilcoxon signed-rank test, bivariate Pearson Correlation and Independent Samples t-test. The generated results in the aggregated dataset showed a negative performance of ROE and ROIC in the period after the deal, compared to the period prior to the deal. This result was also seen in the sub-set of foreign deals with an additional negative performance of ROA for the acquirer while the sub-set of domestic deals did not show any significant negative performance in the period after the deal. We found that it was not possible to analyze the post-period effect on ESG-ranking as the data for our included companies was too scarce. Our findings suggest, when looking at our certain key metrics, that M&A-transactions are not economically justified and that executives might be partially motivated by something other than economic performance when deciding upon an M&A. It is furthermore possible to conclude that the disclosing of ESG data has not been a priority for companies in the past and continues to be ignored by the masses which makes it difficult to progress academically in this field.
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L'éthique du futur et le défi des technologies du vivant / Ethics of the future and the challenge of the living being’s technology

Amegatsevi, Kokou Sename 27 September 2013 (has links)
Ce travail vise à mettre en avant une éthique du futur à l’ère des technologies du vivant à partir de la biologie philosophique de Hans Jonas en passant au crible a priori les fondements des technosciences. Jonas estime que le problème n’est pas la technique elle-même qui soit en cause mais l’identité qu’elle accorde à l’homme dans cette logique instrumentale envahissante, en d’autres termes, le matérialisme réductionniste. Le problème aussi n’est pas les effets visibles inquiétants et désastreux de la technique mais l’ontologie qu’elle inspire. Outre les manifestations réelles de destruction qu’elle génère, c’est l’être qu’elle confère ou plus exactement dont elle prive l’homme qui est catastrophique. L’homme finit par se considérer comme un fond exploitable. Il s’agira donc de formuler une éthique qui a pour soubassement une biologie philosophique qui récuse une anthropologie mécaniste d’inspiration matérialiste, une ontologie du pas-encore qui fonde les sciences modernes. Réduire l’homme à des lois physico-chimiques, c’est violer notre individualité. Le métabolisme est la preuve de notre individuation. Dans la matière, gît l’esprit. Au-delà de l’anthropomorphisme qui se dégage, l’homme est le seul animal symbolisant doué d’une conscience réflexive. Une responsabilité politique s’impose pour protéger l’intégrité et l’image de l’homme à l’ère des technologies du vivant qui espèrent améliorer ou modifier l’espèce humaine. Mais cette responsabilité politique qui promeut « un marxisme désenchanté » ne tardera pas à renforcer voire devenir une rationalité instrumentale et idéologique à l’image du lyssenkisme. Une autre responsabilité s’impose : une responsabilité scientifique formulée par Charles De Koninck qui interpelle et invite les scientifiques à ne pas sacrifier l’être humain par leurs recherches sur l’autel des subventions financières, du dualisme au relent matérialiste. La science, dans son élan est invitée à tenir compte du facteur « humain ». Cette responsabilité scientifique va au-delà des règles de bonnes pratiques et déontologiques des comités et des expertises scientifiques. Elle nécessite une éducation scientifique pour une science citoyenne pour éviter une science aveugle et idéologique. Bref, à partir de ces paradigmes, nous voulons montrer que les rêves de l’amélioration, de l’augmentation des performances de l’espèce humaine sont des chimères. / This work intends to highlight the ethics of the future in the era of technologies of the living being starting from Jonas and after scrutinizing in the first place the foundations of technosciences that is the emerging reductionism. Just like Heidegger, Jonas is of the view that the problem is not technology itself that it should be blamed but the identity it grants man in that overwhelming instrumental logic, in other words, reductionist materialism. The issue is neither the alarming, disastrous and visible effects of technology but the ontology it generates. Beside true manifestations of destruction it generates, it is the being it confers, or more specifically from which it deprives man who is catastrophic. It is important henceforth to evaluate that reductionist science in terms of a philosophical biology that will become basis to ethics and evaluation criterion for convergent technologies. It is about ethics that has philosophical biology for basis, which challenges materialism-inspired mechanist anthropology, a not-yet ontology that founds modern sciences. Reducing man to laws that rule Physics is violating our individuality. Metabolism (the other name for ontology in Jonas’s terms) is evidence of our individuation. Beyond the anthropomorphism that appears, man remains the only symbolizing animal, the only one to be gifted with introspective consciousness. From that symbolic dimension proceeds culture along with phenomena of self-consciousness. A political responsibility becomes imperative from that philosophical biology to protect man’s integrity and image in the era of technologies of the living that intend to improve or modify human race on the behalf of perfectibility and from processes of reductionist mechanism. But that political responsibility that promotes “a disillusioned Marxism” will not be long in reinforcing, even becoming an instrumental and ideological rationality in the image of lyssenkism. Another form of responsibility becomes imperative: a scientific responsibility framed by Charles De Koninck who calls out to and invites scientists to not give up the human being through their research on the altar of financial subsidies, materialist stench dualism. Science, in its speed is invited to take into account the “human” factor. That scientific responsibility goes beyond behaviorist and deontological rules of scientific committees and expertise. It requires a scientific education for a citizen-based science in order to avoid a blind and ideological science. In a nutshell, from those paradigms, we intend to show that dreams of improvement and increase of achievements of human race are mere illusion.
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Comprendre et prévenir l’erreur récurrente dans les processus de décision stratégique : l’apport de la Behavioral Strategy / Understanding and preventing recurring errors in strategic decision processes : a Behavioral Strategy approach

Sibony, Olivier 14 December 2017 (has links)
Les erreurs récurrentes et systématiques dans les processus de décision stratégique sont fréquentes ; et les théories actuelles des organisations sont insuffisantes pour les expliquer. La « Behavioral Strategy » suggère de lier ces erreurs à la psychologie des décideurs, et notamment à leurs biais cognitifs. Toutefois, cette vision suppose de connecter le niveau d’analyse de l’individu et celui de l’organisation. Nous proposons pour ce faire un niveau « méso », la routine de choix stratégique (RCS), où interagissent la psychologie des décideurs et les décisions stratégiques. Après avoir distingué trois types de RCS, nous formulons des hypothèses d’intervention sur celles-ci visant à prévenir les erreurs stratégiques. Nous illustrons ces hypothèses par six cas pratiques, en testons certaines par une étude quantitative, et analysons les préférences qui conduisent les dirigeants à les adopter ou non. Nous concluons en discutant les implications théoriques et pratiques de notre démarche. / Many types of strategic decisions result in recurring, systematic errors. Extant theories of organizations are insufficient to account for this phenomenon. Behavioral Strategy suggests that an explanation may be found in the psychology of decision makers, and particularly in their cognitive biases. This, however, calls for a link between individual-level cognition and affects, and organization-level choices. We propose “Strategic Choice Routines” as a middle level of analysis to bridge this gap, and identify three broad types of Strategic Choice Routines.This leads us to formulate hypotheses on how Strategic Choice Routines can be modified to minimize strategic errors. We illustrate these hypotheses through case studies; test some of them quantitatively; and analyze preferences that drive their adoption by executives. Finally, we discuss theoretical and managerial implications.
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