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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Agir en vertu d'un autre : Thomas d'Aquin et l'ontologie de l'instrument / In virtue of another : Aquinas on instruments

Ehret, Charles 23 November 2017 (has links)
Le présent travail est une analyse du concept d’instrument qui en fait apparaître les exigences théoriques et demande si et dans quelle mesure le système de Thomas d’Aquin les remplit. D’abord, on montre que la notion d’instrument telle que Thomas la définit en général et conformément à l’aristotélisme dont il hérite — à savoir, comme un «moteur mû» — est contradictoire, dans la mesure où rien, d’après Thomas, ne peut être à la fois moteur et mû selon le même mouvement. Ensuite, on montre que la notion d’instrument telle que Thomas la redéfinit dans le contexte restreint de sa théologie sacramentelle — à savoir, comme ce qui «agit en vertu d’un autre» — échappe à cette contradiction, même si elle est, à son tour, problématique, parce qu’elle implique qu’un même pouvoir (virtus) transite de l’agent principal à l’instrument. Il faut étudier le modèle auquel Thomas renvoie — à savoir, l’être intentionnel des espèces sensibles — pour répondre à ce problème : il s’agit alors de montrer comment l’apparence peut être conçue comme une propriété en transit numériquement identique en plusieurs sujets (la chose, le milieu, le percepteur). Enfin, on justifie l’application de ce modèle au pouvoir instrumental grâce à deux thèses centrales de l’ontologie thomasienne des pouvoirs — à savoir, qu’ils sont distincts de la forme substantielle et qu’ils en fluent — qui reviennent à accorder au pouvoir, comme tel, le même statut ontologique qu’à l’espèce sensible, c’est-à-dire un être intentionnel (esse intentionale). On en conclut que ce qui fonde, en définitive, la causalité instrumentale, ce n’est pas tant la physique d’Aristote que l’ontologie des pouvoirs de Thomas. / The aim of this study is to offer a better understanding of instrumental causation in Aquinas. It starts by calling into question the idea that an instrument is a « moved mover ». Behind this apparently innocuous phrase lurks a contradiction, for, as Aquinas states, it is impossible for something to both be a mover and be moved according to the same motion. Having argued that this contradiction may not be satisfyingly solved, an alternate definition is suggested, according to which an instrument acts "in virtue of another". Indeed, according to Aquinas’s sacramental theology, an instrument acts insofar as it contains a certain power (virtus). This power isn’t its own, but the individual property of something else, namely the principal cause. The question here is to account for what seems to be a transferable trope: an individual power present both in the principal and in the instrumental cause. Aquinas does this by comparing the power in the instrument to the species of color in the air. We follow this cue. First, by understanding how a sensible species may be understood as numerically identical across different subjects, namely the sensible object, the medium and the perceiver. Second, by turning to Aquinas’s thesis that powers are distinct and flow from a thing’s substantial form. This, it is argued, amounts to granting powers the same ontological status as sensible species, namely intentional being (esse intentionale). The study concludes that it is not Aristotelian physics but Aquinas’s metaphysics of powers that ultimately grounds instrumental causation.

Individuation and connection in mother-daughter relationships

Hsu, Shu-Chun, M.A. 30 November 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the processes of individuation and connection in mother-daughter relationships, and describe how these relationships may or may not be facilitated by the intervention of reflections and joint narratives. This study used social constructionism as the epistemological framework and involved in-depth interviews with three mother-daughter pairs. Hermeneutics was used to analyse the data. The participants' experiences were recounted through the researcher's lens in the form of themes that characterised their relationships as well as interactional patterns. Participant's experiences of the research process, and what the researcher believed were helpful and unhelpful behaviours in her interaction with each mother-daughter pair, were discussed. A comparative analysis was also undertaken between the common themes identified in the stories of the mother-daughter pairs and the literature. The information gained could assist women as well as professionals in understanding and respecting mother-daughter relationships in their specific contexts. / Psychology / M. A. (Psychology)

Concepts in context

Onofri, Andrea January 2013 (has links)
My thesis tackles two related problems that have taken center stage in the recent literature on concepts: • What are the individuation conditions of concepts? Under what conditions is a concept C₁ the same concept as a concept C₂? • What are the possession conditions of concepts? What conditions must be satisfied for a thinker to have a concept C? I will develop a pluralist and contextualist theory of concept individuation and possession: different concepts have different individuation and possession conditions, and contextual factors play a crucial role in determining what concepts we attribute to other subjects when we ascribe propositional attitudes to them. In chapters 1-3, I defend a contextualist, non-Millian theory of propositional attitude ascriptions. Then, I suggest contextualist theories of ascriptions can be applied to the problem of concept individuation/possession. In particular, I use contextualism to provide a new, more effective argument for Fodor's “publicity principle”, according to which concepts must be shared in order for interpersonally applicable psychological generalizations to be possible. Publicity has important implications: in particular, it is inconsistent with existing versions of holism, on which concepts cannot be shared by ordinary thinkers. Nonetheless, in chapters 4-5 I show how holism can still play an important role in our best theory of concepts. More specifically, I argue that the tradition of appealing to modes of presentation in order to give an account of “Frege cases” is in fact committed to holism. To develop a version of holism that will give a successful account of Frege cases without violating publicity, I suggest we should adopt my pluralist-contextualist picture: on that picture, the concepts involved in a Frege case will be holistically individuated and not public, while other concepts will be more coarsely individuated and widely shared. In chapter 6, I will develop this view further by contrasting it with other pluralist theories (Weiskopf) and with rival theories of concepts, such as the localist views defended by Peacocke, Rey and Jackson.

Les "Nuits" de C.G. JUNG : origine et fondements d'une psychologie cosmique / The “Nights” of C.G. Jung : the origin and founding principles of a cosmic psychology

Governatori, Luca 15 December 2017 (has links)
Il y eut sans doute deux Jung. Celui qui s’adressa à son époque, psychiatre, théoricien d’une psychologie de l’inconscient, et celui qui vécut la nuit, solitaire, homme de l’ombre, consignant ses expériences « secrètes » (visions, rêves, dialogues avec l’âme) dans un ouvrage qui ne fut jamais publié de son vivant : le LIVRE ROUGE. Jung tente d’y traduire les « inexprimables » régions de la psyché dont les cratères s’ouvrirent ainsi à lui, lieux d’exils et de découvertes, comme si s’était révélé, à travers eux, le plus incandescent langage de l’inconscient. La somme de ces retranscriptions donne un livre polymorphe, endiablé par des images, des incantations, des dialogues avec les morts. Sous l’emprise totale de l’imaginaire, Jung décrit une extravagante déambulation intérieure, une généalogie vivante des métamorphoses de l’âme, une odyssée des morts. Et même une cosmologie. De quoi le LIVRE ROUGE pourrait-il donc être, dans ces conditions, le témoignage ? En quel sens a-t-il pu constituer, comme Jung le confiera en fin de vie, le noyau de tous ses travaux ? Un livre sauvage et halluciné peut-il véritablement donner lieu aux principes méthodologiques et thérapeutiques d’une psychologie de l’inconscient ? Est-ce l’occasion d’y découvrir le propre d’un langage primitif de la psyché, un langage de la « nuit » ? Est-il un pas de côté, en direction de l’Orient, afin d’adapter notre approche de l’inconscient aux principes d’une sagesse ou d’une mystique ? Existerait-il donc une psychologie, fondée sur un tel rapprochement, dont les principes puissent irriguer, comme une seule et même vague, les plaines de l’Orient et de l’Occident ? Y trouverait-on l’invitation à recomposer des affinités avec les pratiques divinatoires ? Si nous tentons de relier la science empirique de Jung à la cosmogonie décrite par le LIVRE ROUGE, serions-nous alors en mesure de fouler le sol (racines historiques et socle épistémologique) d’une psychologie cosmique ? Est-il en effet possible d’ajuster les concepts traditionnels de l’inconscient aux ivresses d’une cosmologie primitive et imaginaire ? Serait-ce là le projet, à entrevoir et définir, d’une cosmologie de l’inconscient ? / There were without doubt two Jung. The one who lived in his time, the psychiatrist, theorist of a psychology of the unconscious, and the one who lived at night, man of the shadows, recounting his “secret” experiences (visions, dreams, dialogues with the soul) in a book that was not published during his lifetime : the RED BOOK. In it, Jung tries to articulate the “inexpressible” regions of the psyche whose craters opened up to him in this manner, places of exiles and of discoveries, revealing the most incandescent language of the unconscious. The result is a polymorphous work, a frenzy of images, incantations and dialogues with the dead. Under the total control of an imaginary world, Jung describes an extravagant inner journey, a live genealogy of the metamorphoses of the soul, an odyssey of the dead. And even more : a cosmology. As such, what is the RED BOOK thus an account of ? In what way does it represent, as Jung revealed at the end of his life, the nucleus of his lifetime work ? Can a book that is wild and hallucinatory truly engender methodological and therapeutic principles of a psychology of the unconscious ? Does it provide the opportunity to discover the characteristics of a primitive language of the psyche, a language of the “night” ? Is it a sidestep towards the Orient, so as to adapt our approach of the unconscious to the principles of a wisdom or a mystical way ? Does a psychology therefore exist, founded on this analogy, whose principles can irrigate, like a single and only wave, the plains of the Orient and of the Western world ? Does it provide us an invitation to reconstruct an affinity with the practice of divination ? If we try to connect Jung’s empirical science with the cosmogony described by the RED BOOK, would we be able to walk on the ground (the historical roots and epistemological base) of a cosmic psychology ? Is it in fact possible to adjust the traditional concepts of the unconscious to the exhilaration of a primitive and imaginary cosmology ? Would this be the project, to discern and to define, that underpins a cosmology of the unconscious ?

Studerandes identitetsutforskande i övergången mellan högskola och yrkesliv / Students identity exploration in the transition between university and working life

Häckner Posse, Joséphine January 2015 (has links)
Perioder av aktivt identitetsutforskande är särskilt aktuellt för den unga vuxna individen. Flera delar av identiteten konsolideras under denna livsfas, där bl.a. frågan om att hitta en yrkesidentitet är central. För unga vuxna studerande, som avslutar en längre högskoleutbildning och står inför att gå ut i yrkeslivet, blir ett utforskande och prövande kring vem man varit som student samt kring framtida potentiella yrkesroller ofta aktuellt. Övergången i yrkeslivet kan också upplevas som ett ökat vuxenblivande. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur ett urval sistaårsstuderande på högskolan upplever denna livsfas och sig själva utifrån fenomen som transition, identitetsprövande och vuxenblivande. Forskningsmetoden är kvalitativ och datainsamling gjordes genom semistrukturerade individuella intervjuer med sex studenter på olika ingenjörsprogram vid Kungliga tekniska högskolan. Insamlat datamaterial analyserades med Tematisk analys. Resultatet visar att studenterna upplever en påtaglig förändring i denna livsfas vilket för in dem i en period av såväl förhoppningar och tvivel kring framtiden. Livsfasen innebär också ett aktivt identitetsprövande kring potentiella framtida yrkesroller och rollen som vuxen. Dessa upplevelser presenteras i en deskriptiv del. Vid en djupare analys av upplevelserna framkommer att studenternas upplevelser är ambivalenta där sökandet kan beskrivas som dialektiska rörelser mellan motstridiga tankar och känslor. Detta beskrivs som tre ambivalenta teman; 1. Vilsenhet visavi tydlighet. 2.  Begränsad visavi fullkomnad yrkesidentitet samt 3. Ansvarsfullhet visavi kravlöshet. Resultaten diskuteras utifrån teorier om transition och vuxenblivande men tar främst fasta på såväl inre och yttre faktorer som är centrala i perioder av identitetsutforskande. Bland annat används Maricas identitetsstatusmodell som utgångspunkt där det konfliktfyllda i identitetsutveckling också lyfts fram. Studenternas ambivalens föreslås bland annat förstås utifrån fenomenet individuation med prövande mellan autonomi och närhet. Ett tema som ofta är centralt i identitetsutveckling, i synnerhet för unga vuxna. / Periods of more active identity exploration is assumed to be particularly in focus for the young adult individual. Several components of identity is consolidated during this phase of life, where finding a professional identity is central. For Young adult students completing a long higher education and facing the professional life, a process of exploration about potential future professional roles is likely to occur. The step into professional life can also be experienced as a further step into adulthood. The purpose of this study is to investigate how a selection of last year university students experiences this transition on the basis of phenomena like transition, identity exploration and adulthood. The research method is qualitative and data was collected through semi-structured individual interviews with six students in various engineering programs at The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. Data was analyzed through thematic analysis. The results show that students experience a significant change in this phase of life which makes them enter into a period of both hopes and doubts about the future. The life-phase also initiates a period of active identity exploration about potential future professional roles and the role as an adult. These experiences are presented in a descriptive part. A deeper analysis shows that students' experiences are ambivalent where their identity exploration can be described as dialectical movement between conflicting thoughts and emotions. These are referred to as three ambivalent themes: 1. Disorientation versus clarity. 2. Limited versus complete professional identity and 3. Responsibility versus permissiveness. The results are discussed based on theories of transition and emerging adulthood, but primarily cover both internal and external factors that are crucial in periods of identity exploration. The result is related to Marcia’s identity status model and also highlights the conflictual dynamics in identity development. Students' ambivalence is suggested to be understood as a phenomenon of individuation with a testing between autonomy and intimacy. A theme that is often central to identity development, especially for young adults.

Identity development and separation-individuation in relationships between young adults and their parents / a conceptual integration

Köpke, Sabrina 24 August 2012 (has links)
Obwohl Identitätsentwicklung und Ablösung-Individuation in Eltern-Kind Beziehungen als verbundene Aufgaben psychosozialer Reifung gelten, sind sie in der psychologischen Forschung relativ unabhängig voneinander behandelt worden. Darüber hinaus sind Langzeitstudien im jungen Erwachsenenalter selten, obwohl sich hier Autonomie und Identität voll entwickeln und qualitative Veränderungen in Eltern-Kind Beziehungen stattfinden. Aus diesem Grund umfasst die vorliegende Dissertation eine differenzierte, dynamisch-entwicklungsbezogene Integration von Eltern-Kind Beziehungen und Identitätsentwicklung im Übergang zum Erwachsenenalter, die sequentielle und reziproke Zusammenhänge zwischen Komponenten, Mechanismen, die diese Zusammenhänge erklären und Determinanten interindividueller Entwicklungsunterschiede beschreibt. In einer längsschnittlichen Untersuchung an Studierenden, wurden die vorgeschlagenen Zusammenhänge getestet. Zusammenhänge zwischen agentischen Eigenschaften, reifer Verbundenheit mit Eltern und Identitätssicherheit zeigten das vorhergesagte Muster reziproker Verstärkung, indiziert durch die Vorhersage eines Anstiegs in Verbundenheit durch Selbstwirksamkeitsüberzeugungen und reziproke Assoziationen zwischen Verbundenheit und Sicherheit bezüglich / Identifikation mit Identitäts-Commitments. Abgelöstheit von Eltern und Identitätsunsicherheit waren relativ unabhängig voneinander. Es wurde argumentiert, dass eine situationsspezifischere Messung eventuell stärkere Zusammenhänge hervorbringt, da stressvolle Situationen kurzfristige Selbstunsicherheiten erzeugen und Annährungsverhalten auslösen. Es wurden Vorschläge gemacht, wie zukünftige Forschung auf diesen Ergebnissen aufbauen könnte, indem sie die vorgeschlagenen Sequenzen und Mechanismen unter Nutzung von Langzeitstudien mit multiplen Messzeitpunkten über Adoleszenz und junges Erwachsenenalter hinweg testet und Eltern als interaktive Agenten mit eigenen Identitäts- und Ablösungsthematiken einbezieht. / Although identity development and separation-individuation in parent-child relationships are widely perceived as related tasks of psychosocial maturation, they have been treated relatively independently in psychological research. Furthermore, longitudinal investigations in young adulthood are very scarce although this is the age period where autonomy and personal identity fully develop and significant, qualitative changes in parent-child relationships take place. Therefore, the present dissertation covers the proposition of a differentiated, dynamic-developmental integration of parent-child relationships and identity development in the transition to adulthood that describes sequential and reciprocal associations between components of identity and relationships, mechanisms that could explain these associations, and determinants of interpersonal differences in development. In a 2-Wave longitudinal study on young adult students, the proposed longitudinal associations were tested. Associations between personal Agency, Mature Connectedness with parents, and Identity certainty showed the predicted pattern of reciprocal reinforcement, indicated by the prediction of an increase in Mature Connectedness by self-efficacy beliefs and by reciprocal associations between Mature Connectedness and certainty about and identification with identity commitments. Separateness and identity uncertainty were relatively independent. It was argued that a more situation-specific and short-termed measurement might provide stronger association because stressful situations might cause momentary self-uncertainty and trigger affiliation-seeking. Recommendations were offered on how future research might extend upon these results by testing the proposed sequences and mechanisms using longitudinal studies with multiple assessment points across the adolescent and young adult years and by incorporating parents as interactive agents with their own identity and separation issues.

A Model of Treatment Compliance Behavior of Patients with Chronic Disease in the Age of Predictive Medicine: The Role of Normative Beliefs

Imhonde, Benjamin A. 12 1900 (has links)
The purposes of this study are: a) to understand the treatments compliance behavior of the patient with chronic disease at the behavioral level, particularly, the relationship between treatments compliance behavior and normative beliefs; b) develop a behavioral model of patient's treatments compliance behavior that could be used for predicting, combating, treating, tracking and controlling the treatments compliance behavior of the patients with chronic disease. Seventy-two patients from senior daycare centers in the Dallas area, who suffer or had suffered from at least, one chronic disease, participated in the study. Data gathering was conducted using paper-based questionnaire. The most significant finding of this study is the relationship between normative beliefs and the treatments compliance behavior of the patient with chronic disease. Normative beliefs were found to have significant impact on the treatments compliance intent and behavior of the patients with chronic disease. Another important finding showed that side-effects of prescribed treatments have little or no influence on the treatments compliance behavior of the patient with chronic disease. A relationship between the effectiveness of medicine, particularly, predictive medicine, and treatments compliance behavior was established. The design of the study was intended to provide coverages for a set of constructs that may be the interacting units in the environment of any chronic disease treatments decision. It depicts relational, information communications links between the constructs. The Imhonde model of treatments compliance behavior was designed to include cultural norms and other beliefs that are significant for real-time human ailments decisions behaviors. It is recommended that further studies may include the use of a larger population of participants from diverse cultures and localities in multiple states and countries, with the object of finding the differences that culture and local environments may have on the normative leaning for treatments compliance behavioral decisions in chronic disease cases.

Individuasie-prosesse in geselekteerde mandala-skilderye van Bettie Cilliers-Barnard / Doreen de Klerk

De Klerk, Doreen January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the way in which the South African artist Bettie Cilliers-Barnard managed to concretise her innermost thoughts and feelings in selected mandala paintings, specifically Mandala II (1991), Wind directions (2001) and Birds heralding the Light (2007) during the last phase of her life. The image of the mandala, which is symbolically understood to be an organisational structure of unconscious processes, is read and interpreted by means of Jungian concepts such as the individuation process and the concept of the Self. Jung was especially interested in coming to terms with the circle as characteristic of the mandala’s psychological influence on a person. In Jung’s theorising, the unconscious the creative process plays an important part in the concretisation of the psyche. Cilliers-Barnard was interested in both the nature of the creative process as well as the mandala as symbol. The dissertation emphasises the development of Cilliers-Barnard’s intuitive and spontaneous painting process and contextualises her influence in the South African art landscape. A number of parallels have been drawn between the Russian-German artist Wassily Kandinsky and Cilliers-Barnard with regard to both spiritual and intuitive artistic processes as well as the representation of the circle that is found repeatedly in paintings by both artists. In the oeuvres of both artists these approaches are a way of reproducing inner and unintentional experiences. Cilliers-Barnard added meaningful content to her works by combining ideas gleaned from her emotions, soul and mental processes. By focusing on the individuation processes in the mandalas by Cilliers-Barnard mentioned above, the dissertation sets out to demonstrate how she uses both form and content in her artworks in order to establish a type of inner dialogue. This inner dialogue, which in terms of form includes especially the circle, other geometric motifs as well as the bird, the tree and on a more abstract level the family, is used as symbolic point of departure for reading the representative artworks with the final focus on a type of simplification and summary of the convictions of her soul. / MA (History of Art), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Individuasie-prosesse in geselekteerde mandala-skilderye van Bettie Cilliers-Barnard / Doreen de Klerk

De Klerk, Doreen January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the way in which the South African artist Bettie Cilliers-Barnard managed to concretise her innermost thoughts and feelings in selected mandala paintings, specifically Mandala II (1991), Wind directions (2001) and Birds heralding the Light (2007) during the last phase of her life. The image of the mandala, which is symbolically understood to be an organisational structure of unconscious processes, is read and interpreted by means of Jungian concepts such as the individuation process and the concept of the Self. Jung was especially interested in coming to terms with the circle as characteristic of the mandala’s psychological influence on a person. In Jung’s theorising, the unconscious the creative process plays an important part in the concretisation of the psyche. Cilliers-Barnard was interested in both the nature of the creative process as well as the mandala as symbol. The dissertation emphasises the development of Cilliers-Barnard’s intuitive and spontaneous painting process and contextualises her influence in the South African art landscape. A number of parallels have been drawn between the Russian-German artist Wassily Kandinsky and Cilliers-Barnard with regard to both spiritual and intuitive artistic processes as well as the representation of the circle that is found repeatedly in paintings by both artists. In the oeuvres of both artists these approaches are a way of reproducing inner and unintentional experiences. Cilliers-Barnard added meaningful content to her works by combining ideas gleaned from her emotions, soul and mental processes. By focusing on the individuation processes in the mandalas by Cilliers-Barnard mentioned above, the dissertation sets out to demonstrate how she uses both form and content in her artworks in order to establish a type of inner dialogue. This inner dialogue, which in terms of form includes especially the circle, other geometric motifs as well as the bird, the tree and on a more abstract level the family, is used as symbolic point of departure for reading the representative artworks with the final focus on a type of simplification and summary of the convictions of her soul. / MA (History of Art), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The mark of a silent language : the way the body-mind draws

Gunter, Elizabeth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The thesis deals with the notion that individuation in drawing provides visible evidence of experiential cognition as embodied action. It asserts that trait as enaction signifies constructive and inventive processes that involve the body-mind. Trait emerges as nonrepresentationist, non-expressive component of drawing that marks the pre-conceptual as conceptual. Therefore, drawing functions as a complex interface between drafter and world that unifies antimonies such as inside and outside; convention and invention; remoteness and intimacy; body and mind; and subject and object. The thesis outlines drawing as a self-reflexive research process that constructs and invents. An understanding of trait as invention, the thesis proposes, can aid the drawing facilitator at higher education level to develop individual student drafters’ creativity. The thesis therefore argues for a form of drawing facilitation that is responsive to the complex interaction between the self and the world. Responsive mediation develops and celebrates diversity in socio-cultural heritage, personal history, and individual differences. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die idee dat verpersoonlikte trekke in tekenkuns sigbare aanduiding van enaktiewe vergestalting van kognisie is, vorm die onderwerp van hierdie tesis. Die tesis stel dit dat vergestaltende ervaringskognisie, as die tekenaar se ervaringsbetrokkenheid, geïndividueerde begrip, vaardigheid, sintese en betekenisvorming moontlik maak en ontwikkel. Verpersoonlikte trekke in tekenkuns blyk van non-representatiewe en non-ekspressiewe oorsprong te wees aldaar dit die prekonseptuele as die konseptuele merk. Dit ondersteun die gedagte dat tekenkuns as ’n komplekse koppelvlak tussen tekenaar en omwêreld funksioneer. As koppelvlak word die tekenkuns verwesenlik as ’n sigbare samevloeiing van dualiteite soos binne en buite, die gewone en verdigting, afstand en intimiteit, subjek en objek, liggaam en gees. Ingevolge ’n enaktiewe beskouing van die tekenkuns kan die tekenhandeling beskryf word as ’n selfrefleksiewe navorsingsproses wat kreatiwiteit ondersteun. Sodanige beskouing van die tekenkuns, lui die argument, kan die fasiliteerder op ’n hoër onderwysvlak help om individuele tekenstudente se kreatiwiteit te bevorder. Daaruit vloei die voorstel vir ’n vorm van fasilitering wat gevoelig is vir die ingewikkelde interaksie tussen die self en die omgewing. ’n Vorm van mediasie wat dit in ag neem, skep nie alleen ruimte vir diversiteit wat betref sosio-kulturele herkoms, persoonlike geskiedenis en individuele verskille nie, maar ontwikkel en vier ook dié soort diversiteit.

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