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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chef och anställdas upplevelser av ett individuellt prestationsbaserat lönesystem : Identifiering av upplevelser och utmaningar vid prestationsbaserat arbete på ett rekryteringsföretag / Manager and employee experiences of an individual performance based payroll system : Identification of experiences and challenges with performance based work in a recruitment company

Axelsson, Emma, Dela Cruz, Kleo January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate and identify perceptions, problems and challenges that may arise for wage-setting managers as well as individual employees when working with a performance-based payroll system. A letter of formal notice was sent to a recruitment company inviting them to participate in the study, which also included an explanation of the study’s purpose, approach and procedure. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with nine participants, including the wage-setting manager. The study has given insight into how these participants perform in relation to the performance-based payroll system and the results of the study imply that their experiences vary to a great extent. The wage-setting manager believes that the payroll system is well-functioning. However, he finds challenges in creating a common interpretation of the salary criterias with his employees, as well as communicating the basis of his wage-setting decisions. For employees, results show that the payroll system contributes to experiences of increased motivation and development, as well as stress. Additionally, the study indicates that the results reflect a gender perspective as the women in the study are more prone to stress caused by the performance-based payroll system than men.

Marknadsföring och unga vuxnas skuldsättning

Chehade, Hannan, Levin, Isak January 2024 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har svenska hushållens skuldsättning till följd av konsumtionskrediter ökat med 300 procent (Bertoft, 2021). Enligt Konsumentverket kan en möjlig bakomliggande förklaring vara den parallellt ökade marknadsföringen av olika konsumtionskrediter samt att betalningslösningar blir allt mer integrerade i e-handel. Samtidigt har kreditbolagens och kreditförmedlingarnas marknadsföringsstrategier förändrats. Genom verktyg som till exempel algoritmstyrd marknadsföring, sociala medier och ‘influencer marketing’ och individuellt anpassad marknadsföring når företag idag ut till specifika nyckelpersoner vilket möjliggör en konkret och effektiv kundsegmentering (Bertoft, 2021).   En särskilt utmärkande och intresseväckande åldersgrupp vid undersökning av trenden av variabler som berör skuldsättning är unga vuxna. Under det senaste decenniet har det skett en minskning i antalet skuldsatta, men samtidigt har andelen fordringar ökat med 430 miljoner SEK. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att belysa marknadsföringens och digitaliseringens roll i den ökade skuldsättningen hos unga. Undersökningen visar att det idag krävs fler insatser och verktyg för både berörda konsumenter och tillsynsutövande myndigheter. Digitalisering och ökad marknadsföring har en betydande roll i ökningen av skuldbeloppet bland unga, vilket delvis beror på att betalningslösningar för konsumtionslån har utvecklats och integrerats i handel men även utvecklingen i marknadsföringsstrategier vilket optimerar räckhåll och träffsäkerhet.

Frihet under ansvar - ett växande arbetassätt : En grundad teoristudie om effektiviten inom globala virtuella team / Freedom with responibility - a growing approach to work : A grounded theory of the effectiveness of global virtual teams

Öst, Viktoria January 2024 (has links)
I denna socialpsykologiska uppsats har jag undersökt effektiviteten inom globala virtuella team. Ämnet är relevant att studera då dagens föränderliga arbetsvillkor ställer höga krav på anställningsbarhet och globala virtuella team är ett ökande arbetssätt. Detta arbetssätt är komplext och ställer höga krav på teammedlemmar. För att undersöka detta har en kvalitativ studie genomförts och grundande teori använts som metodval. Datamaterialet samlades in genom intervjuer som grundligt analyserats och genererat följande kategorier: Frihet under ansvar, Individuellt ansvar, När en arbetsdag börjar på måndagsmorgon och slutar på fredagskväll, Kommunikation genom digitala kanaler, Anta aldrig – fråga alltid, och Kulturella utmaningar. Resultatet visar att det är ett stort individuellt ansvar att vara del av ett globalt virtuellt team. Det individuella ansvaret innefattar att självständigt planera, utföra och redovisa ett resultat, att hålla tät kommunikation med sitt team, att hantera språkliga och kulturella barriärer, samarbeta med kunder som är globalt utspridda, samt att ansvara för att teknisk utrustning fungerar. Allt detta sker digitalt och i sociala avskildhet från sitt team. Detta individuella ansvar kan likställas med att driva ett eget företag. Nyckelord: Grundande teori, globalt virtuellt team, effektivitet, individuellt ansvar, frihet under ansvar / Abstract This social psychology paper aims to clarify the effectiveness of global virtual teams. The subject is relevant for study as todays ever changing work requirements raises the bar for employability and global virtual teams is growing way of working. This work force requirement is complex and sets a high standard on the team members. The results are based on a qualitative study with grounded theory as the method of choice. The data collection was made through interviews that were thoroughly analyzed and yielded the following categories: Freedom with responsibility, Individual responsibility, The workday starts on Monday morning and ends on Friday evening, Communication through digital channels, never assume – always ask, and cultural challenges. The overarching results show that there is a large individual responsibility required to be part of a global virtual team. The individual responsibility entails independent planning, execute, and render results, keep constant communication with the team, navigate language and cultural barriers, engage with a global customer base, and take responsibility that the technical equipment is functional. All of this happens digitally and in social seclusion from the team. The individual responsibility can be compared to that of running your own business. Key words: Grounding theory, global virtual team, efficiency, individual reasonability, freedom with responsibility

Elever på ett anpassat individuellt gymnasieprogram : skolvardag och vändpunkter / Pupils in an individually adapted upper secondary school programme : Their daily lives at school and their turning points

Hellberg, Kristina January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to describe and research students roate into the programme, and what it means to students to follow a special secondary school course. The students attended a small specail needs teaching group based on the neuropsychiatric diagnosis of Asperger´s syndrome, which had been made during their years at school. In this connetction, the study will also clarify and analyse the interface between the organisation of a secondary school and the special needs students, from the players´persepctive where the student´attendance at school forms the basis of their education. The students already had a negative image of themselves as pupils before starting their secondary scool education and the learning environment in which they participated in secondary school. Attandance becomes another turning point in the students´statements about their time at school. The experience of being at school has changed. From their perspective- "an inner perspective"- both the courses they had taking, and the school environment, is emphasised as something positive. The fact that affiliation to the programme is positive is an ongoing feature in students´statements. Identification with friends of similar age, who have comparable experinces, above all in relation to school, is emphasised by most students as something positive. Studnets´feeling of communityis based on the knowledge that the reason why they are on programme is because they have had different problems in relation to school. For students, the environment is a type of identity- creating forum, where students with the same problems can undertake their education. The diagnosis plays a central part in how students perceive themselves in relation to school and the obstacles they face.

Med alla korten på bordet : Vilken sparform skulle du välja för att pensionsspara privat? / With all the cards on the table : Which saving form would you choose to pension save private?

Lindqvist, Angela, Kedestad, Fredrik Sott January 2013 (has links)
Efter det svenska pensionssystemets reform 1998 har ett missnöje väckts hos många pensionssparare. Den allmänna pensionen tillsammans med tjänstepensionen räcker inte alltid till och därför finns det möjlighet till ett eget avdragsgillt privat pensionssparande. Det har dock visat sig att det avdragsgilltiga privata pensionssparandet är en ekonomisk förlustaffär för 76 procent av pensionsspararna. Då ett privat pensionssparande inte alltid är lönsamt, finns det frågeställningar angående om hur spararna bör agera. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka långsiktiga sparalternativ som finns för ett privat pensionssparande, utifrån en sparares perspektiv. Vidare ska vi belysa vilka faktorer som påverkar en individs val mellan de långsiktiga sparalternativ som finns. Slutligen ska vi förklara hur ett långsiktigt sparande skiljer sig åt beroende på vilken beskattningsbar förvärvsinkomst individen har. Studien har använt sig av metodtriangulering, genom att först genomföra en kvalitativ undersökning med bankaktörer, för att sedan genomföra en kvantitativ webbenkät. Analysen ledde fram konklusionen att det finns många långsiktiga sparformer att välja mellan, dock är valet av sparform högst individuellt. Vad gäller ett privat pensionssparande är denna sparform lönsammast för höginkomsttagare, på grund av skattesystemets utformning. Enligt denna uppsats empiriska resultat, har ett privat pensionssparande vissa fördelar jämfört med ett alternativt sparande. Detta indikerar att ett privat pensionssparande aldrig bör bytas ut, utan bör ses som ett komplement till ett alternativt långsiktigt sparande. / The aim with this paper is to examine which long-term saving alternatives there are for a private pension saving, from a savers perspective. Furthermore, we shall illuminate which factors that influence an individual’s choice between the long-term saving options that exists. Finally, we are going to explain how a long-term saving deviate due to which taxable income the individual have. In the frame of reference we introduce how the saving looks like in Sweden. Furthermore, former research and theories are introduced, which aims to illuminate the factors that influence the saver’s decision about saving alternative. The paper uses method triangulation, by first implementing a qualitative interview study with bank participants, followed by a quantitative questionnaire study online. The analysis leads to the conclusion that there are many saving forms to choose amongst, but the choice of saving form are very individual. In terms of a private pension saving this saving form are most profitable for high income earners, due to how the tax system is designed. According to the empirical results of this paper, a private pension saving have certain advantages compared with an alternative saving. This indicates that a private pension saving should not be replaced, but rather should be seen as a compliment to an alternative long-term saving.

"Man blir bemött som en person fast man har berättat om de mest fruktansvärda handlingar man kan tänka sig" : Kvalitativ intervjustudie av upplevelser hos behandlare som arbetar med sexualbrottsprogrammet Seif på anstalt inom svensk Kriminalvård. / ”You’re treated like a person even though you have told the most heinous actions imaginable” : Qualitative interview study of experiences of treaters who work with the sex offence programme Seif in correctional facilities in the Swedish Prison and Probation Service.

Herting, Rickard, Hourani, Gabriel January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka behandlares upplevelser av sexualbrottsprogrammet Sexualbrottsbehandling med individuellt fokus [Seif] på anstalt inom svensk Kriminalvård. Åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes och analyserades med tematisk analys. Tre huvudteman identifierades: Behandlares tillvaro, Behandlingsprocessen samt Klienternas särskilda omständigheter. Studiens resultat visar att deltagarna upplevde att arbetet kunde vara förhållandevis påfrestande men överlag meningsfullt och roligt. Stöd och handledning var centralt för att handskas med påfrestande element. Deltagarna beskrev de sätt de arbetade på med metoden och lyfte fram individuella anpassningar och den terapeutiska relationen som framträdande faktorer för behandlingsresultatet. Deltagarna beskrev även att klienternas liv på anstalt fick en särskild påverkan på behandlingen och att den skam som är associerad med sexualbrott kunde skapa hinder för klienter att gå i behandlingen. / The purpose of this study was to examine treaters experiences of the sex offence treatment programme Sex offence treatment with individualized focus [Seif] in correctional facilities in the Swedish Prison and Probation Service. Eight semi-structured interviews were conducted and analysed using thematic analysis. Three main themes were identified: Treaters’ conditions, The treatment process and The clients’ special conditions. The result of the study showed that the participants experienced their work as relatively demanding but overall meaningful and enjoyable. Support and supervision were deemed central to coping with demanding elements. The participants described the way they worked with the method and conveyed the individualized adjustments and the therapeutic relationship as prominent factors for treatment results. The participants further described that the clients’ life in a correctional facility had a special effect on the treatment and that the shame associated with sex offences could hinder clients to participate in the treatment.

Idrott och hälsa 1 - specialisering, ett individuellt val baserat på vad? : En kvalitativ studie om varför gymnasieelever väljer Idrott och hälsa inom det individuella valet / Physical education and health 1 - specialisation, an individual option based on what? : - qualitative study about why upper secondary school pupils choose Physical education and health within individual options

Malmberg, Oline, Ferm, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien är att undersöka varför gymnasieelever väljer att läsa kursen Idrott och hälsa 1 - specialisering inom individuellt val. Studien ämnar därigenom att svara på följande frågeställningar: Vad karaktäriserar gymnasieelever som väljer att läsa kursen? Vad uppfattar gymnasieelever som meningsfullt med att läsa kursen? Hur påverkar kursens utformning gymnasieelevers möjlighet att välja att läsa kursen? Metod Studien utgår ifrån en hermeneutisk kunskapsteoretisk utgångspunkt. Kvalitativa halvstrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med sju gymnasieelever, från två län, som valt och läser kursen Idrott och hälsa 1 - specialisering inom individuellt val. Intervjuerna har sedan behandlats med hjälp av en teoriledd tematisk analys, utifrån idrottshabitus, social identitet och meningsfullhet.  Resultat Det som karaktäriserar eleverna som valt att läsa kursen är att de har en stark idrottshabitus och de ser sig själva som fysiskt aktiva och idrottsliga personer, men även att de är kompetenta inom fysisk aktivitet och idrott. Samtliga elever har en stor erfarenhet av flera idrotter under sin uppväxt, har tidigt introducerats till idrott via familj och vänner och har en öppenhet för nya aktiviteter även under senare tonåren. Det eleverna ser som meningsfullt med kursen är möjlighet till rolig fysisk aktivitet som även kan underlätta och förbättra deras övriga skolarbeten, samtidigt som det är möjligt att få bra betyg i kursen i sig. Slutligen är kursen utformad på olika sätt vid gymnasieskolorna vilket ger upphov till olika förväntningar bland eleverna kring kursens innehåll. Studiens resultat tyder även på att kursens utformning skapar förväntningar på eleverna och att de elever som upplever sig motsvara dessa förväntningar även väljer att läsa kursen.  Slutsats Kursens utformning tillsammans med gymnasieelevernas tidigare sociala och idrottsliga erfarenheter är styrande i valet av kursen inom det individuella valet. Detta resulterar i att eleverna väljer kursen utifrån vad som passar för dem här och nu och att det kan skapa goda förutsättningar i deras tillvaro. Valet av kursen blir därav en del av elevernas hälsofrämjande beteende. / Aim The aim of this study is to find out why upper secondary pupils choose the course Physical education and health 1 – specialisation within individual options. This study has three questions to answer: What characterizes pupils who choose the course? What do the pupils find as meaningful with the course for them? How does the design of the course affect the possibility for the pupils to choose the course?  Method Based on a hermeneutic epistemology, this study uses qualitative semi-structured interviews with seven upper secondary pupils, from two counties, who have chosen the course Physical education and health 1 – specialisation within individual options, to answer its questions. The interviews have been analysed by a theory-led thematic analysis with three theoretical concepts: sports habitus, social identity and meaningfulness.   Results The pupils who choose the course are characterized by a strong sport habitus and they define themselves as physically active and a sportsperson. They are also competent when it comes to physical activity and sports. The pupils have a wide experience of different sports and have been introduced to sports at an early age by family and friends. The pupils are also open to new physical activities. What the pupils find as meaningful with the course for them is the physical activity it can offer and that it is fun. What the pupils also find as meaningful is the possibility to ease and favor other schoolwork and the possibility to get good grades in the course. The design of the course differs from different upper secondary schools and the design creates different expectations among the pupils about what the course should contain and contribute to. The design of the course also creates an expectation of the pupils, which has the consequence that pupils who feel that they meet these expectations also choose to read the course. Conclusions The design of the course together with the social and sports experiences of the pupils do influence the pupils’ choice of the course. Also, the pupils chose the course because it can create good conditions in their lives, here and now. That choice therefore becomes part of the pupils’ health-promoting behaviour.

Språkutveckling och matematiska kunskaper hos andra språkiga elever i ett IV program.

Mahmoud Ali, Azhar, Yakob, Rana January 2009 (has links)
<p>Our work is based on a mathematics test which the students accomplished, interviews with student and teachers who are working on this program and the current literatures. The purposes of this work are to search the importance and the effect of the languages understanding in students learning of mathematic in the Individual high school curriculum. In total, sex students and three teachers took part in our study. Tow of the students is mother tongue language student and the remains are second language student. Our study should answer tow important questions:</p><p>• Do the student in the Individual high school curriculum have the fundamental knowledge in mathematic?</p><p><em><strong></strong></em></p><p>• How does the understanding of Swedish language effect in the understanding of the mathematic problems and in the students results in mathematic test?</p><p><em><strong></strong></em></p><p>In order to answer those questions, the students have to complete a mathematic test that consists of four parts. To answer the first questions the student must finish the first three parts of the test. It is about how to calculate addition, subtraction, multiplication and divisions problems and to account number in decimal and break shape. The mother tongue language student passed the test with excellence degree and they refused doing the fourth part. It was voluntary to participate and for this we couldn’t change there mind. Two students didn’t pass this test and they can not complete the fourth part. From the interviews we know that they have problem with concentration, they have ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity Disorder) and DAMP. For this they didn’t participate in the forth part. </p><p>Just two students finished the fourth part and they passed it with good degree. To analyse the difference in the test results between the students, we make some interviews with teachers and students in the IV program. From the final results of the test and interviews, we realized that the second language students’ difficulties are depended on the defect in the vocabulary in Swedish language, defect in understanding of concepts and expressions and some others factors which can effect in students learning.</p>

Språkutveckling och matematiska kunskaper hos andra språkiga elever i ett IV program.

Mahmoud Ali, Azhar, Yakob, Rana January 2009 (has links)
Our work is based on a mathematics test which the students accomplished, interviews with student and teachers who are working on this program and the current literatures. The purposes of this work are to search the importance and the effect of the languages understanding in students learning of mathematic in the Individual high school curriculum. In total, sex students and three teachers took part in our study. Tow of the students is mother tongue language student and the remains are second language student. Our study should answer tow important questions: • Do the student in the Individual high school curriculum have the fundamental knowledge in mathematic? • How does the understanding of Swedish language effect in the understanding of the mathematic problems and in the students results in mathematic test? In order to answer those questions, the students have to complete a mathematic test that consists of four parts. To answer the first questions the student must finish the first three parts of the test. It is about how to calculate addition, subtraction, multiplication and divisions problems and to account number in decimal and break shape. The mother tongue language student passed the test with excellence degree and they refused doing the fourth part. It was voluntary to participate and for this we couldn’t change there mind. Two students didn’t pass this test and they can not complete the fourth part. From the interviews we know that they have problem with concentration, they have ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity Disorder) and DAMP. For this they didn’t participate in the forth part.  Just two students finished the fourth part and they passed it with good degree. To analyse the difference in the test results between the students, we make some interviews with teachers and students in the IV program. From the final results of the test and interviews, we realized that the second language students’ difficulties are depended on the defect in the vocabulary in Swedish language, defect in understanding of concepts and expressions and some others factors which can effect in students learning.

The Islamic State’s Enslavement of the Yazidi Minority : An Inquiry into the Female Devotees’ Responsibility

Jenabpour, Mina January 2022 (has links)
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