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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Internationella brottmålsdomstolens jurisdiktion över den misstänkta deportationen av Rohingyafolket  – en kränkning av Myanmars statssuveränitet? / The jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over the alleged deportation of the Rohingya people  – a violation of Myanmar’s state sovereignty?

Birgersson Thor, Amanda January 2018 (has links)
In September this year the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague decided, in accordance with the universal principle of competence-competence, that it has jurisdiction over the alleged deportation of the Rohingya people from Myanmar to Bangladesh. The decision is based on the Court’s extensive interpretation of the crime deportation within the Rome Statute. Part I of this thesis aims to analyze and determine whether the interpretation is sufficiently founded in the Rome Statute, or if the Court, through its decision, has exceeded its mandate. Part II of this thesis aims to examine the duties of international organizations in general, and of the ICC in particular, when it comes to the rules of state sovereignty. Both questions are vital in answering of the question at large – has the ICC, through its decision, violated Myanmar’s right to state sovereginty?

Prestationsmätning i internationella organisationer : En fallstudie på Duni AB

Andersson, Johan, Svärd, Johan January 2012 (has links)
Sammanfattning Examensarbete, Civilekonomprogrammet, Ekonomihögskolan, Linnéuniversitetet, Controllerfördjupningen, 4FE03E, VT-2012 Titel: Prestationsmätning i internationella organisationer- En fallstudie på Duni ABSeminariedatum: 2012-05-30 Författare: Johan Andersson och Johan Svärd Handledare: Pia Nylinder Examinator: Lars-Göran Aidemark Nyckelord: Prestationsmätning, Prestationsmätningssystem, Internationella organisationer, Styrning, Enhetlig, Situationsanpassning, Ramverk, Integration, Benchmarking Syfte: Studien syftar till att utvärdera den nuvarande differentierade prestationsmätningen inom Dunis olika produktionsenheter samt förklara vilka för- och nackdelar den medför. Studien syftar även till att förklara vilka aspekter som påverkar internationella organisationers val av ett enhetligt kontra differentierade prestationsmätningssystem (PMS). Vidare ska ett förslag formuleras på hur vi anser att Duni ska agera i frågan samt hur de kan gå vidare med föreslaget alternativ. Metod: Vi har gjort en fallstudie på företaget Duni AB. Uppsatsen bygger på en abduktiv forskningsansats och en kvalitativ undersökningsdesign. Insamlingen av det empiriska materialet har gjorts genom intervjuer samt telefonintervjuer. Den teoretiska referensramen bygger på litteratur i form av böcker, vetenskapliga artiklar och avhandlingar. Vi har förhållit oss till kvalitetskriterierna: begreppsvaliditet, intern validitet, extern validitet samt reliabilitet för att säkerställa studiens resultat. Slutsats och rekommendationer: Vår huvudsakliga slutsats från studien är att situationen där en internationell organisation har sina produktionsenheter utspridda i olika länder inte är den avgörande faktorn för vilken typ av PMS som bör väljas. Det är snarare huruvida produktionsenheternas produktionsuppsättning överensstämmer samt i vilken utsträckning enheternas prestationer har en signifikant påverkan på varandra som är den mest betydande faktorn. De aspekter som är avgörande för hur en internationell organisation med produktionsenheter i olika länder ska utforma enhetlig kontra differentierad prestationsmätning är följande: I vilken utsträckning organisationens olika produktionsenheter har en överensstämmande produktion och om produktionsenheterna är verksamma inom samma värdekedja samt om deras prestationer har en signifikant påverkan på varandra. Vår rekommendation till Duni är att de ska implementera organisationsmål som kan brytas ned på produktionsenheterna för att sedan utforma en enhetlig prestationsmätning med gemensamma riktlinjer för arbetsmetoderna kring prestationsmätningen. De bör även möjliggöra en till viss del differentierad prestationsmätning där en enskild enhet kan tillämpa individuellt utformade mått.

States under scrutiny : international organizations, transformation and the construction of progress /

Dahl, Matilda, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. Stockholm : Stockholms universitet, 2007.

FÖRÄNDRING ELLER KONTINUITET? : Hur EU och FN framställts i svenska läromedel i samhällskunskap sedan år 1994 / CHANGE OR CONTINUITY? : How the EU and the UN have been presented in Swedish text books in social studi es since 1994

Vikström, Erik January 2022 (has links)
The usage of textbooks in Swedish schools vary greatly depending on different factors. There are many commercial players competing to have their textbooks in every school. This multitude of titles and book publishers makes it so that teachers in the same school might even use different books when teaching the same subjects. This essay has the ambition to examine some of the textbooks used to teach social studies in swedish schools and dissect their development over time. The essay looks at how the contents of the textbooks have changed over time, aswell as how books from different publishers differ from one another. This is done by analyzing how the EU and the UN have been depicted since 1994. The textbooks examined in this study correspond to the curriculum of the Swedish school system which was used between the years 1994 and 2010, aswell as the new curriculum which was established in 2011. Although the textbooks differ over time, within themselves and in comparison to other textbooks, the survey has shown that the contents of the textbooks have seen little change over the course of the survey period. The survey has also shown that textbooks have changed based on the structures in which they are written. As a teacher, it is important to be aware of how societal structures influence books used for learning purposes. Especially since the state of Sweden ceased to review litterature such as textbooks used in a school setting. Since then, the task to review and choose textbooks have been placed almost entirely on the teachers themselves.

A Neighborly Dilemma : The Legal Consequences of the EU-Morocco Fisheries Agreements on Western Sahara's Right to Self-Determination

Rihne, Moa January 2023 (has links)
Abstract  Western Sahara’s history is marked by Spanish colonization until 1976 followed by Moroccan invasion and nearly 50 years of occupation. The right to self-determination, applicable to territories under colonial or occupational rule, remains unrealized in Western Sahara. Despite Morocco’s occupation, the EU maintains a robust relationship to its neighbor, notably through the Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement. This study scrutinizes the EU-Moroccan fisheries trade, focusing on the EU-Morocco Fisheries Partnership Agreement, and EU-Morocco Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement. Despite the Court of Justice of the EU consistently nullifying or declaring these agreements inapplicable to Western Sahara due to public international law violations, the EU persists in trade negotiations with neighboring Morocco.  Reflecting on the dilemma, the purpose of this thesis is to examine the responsibility of the EU in relation to Western Sahara’s right to external self-determination, by scrutinizing the EU-Morocco fisheries trade with specific focus on the aforementioned agreements. Upon scrutinizing the EU’s stance on its neighboring conflict, five key conclusions are drawn. Firstly, that Western Sahara holds the right to self-determination on dual grounds – as a non-self-governing territory awaiting decolonization and due to unlawful annexation by Morocco. The right includes an economic and a political aspect. However, the political right to self-determination through a referendum remains unrealized. Secondly, the EU, bound by international law, has obligations to respect Western Sahara’s right to self-determination and to not recognize serious breaches of this right as lawful. Thirdly, the EU falls short in respecting Western Sahara's economic right to self-determination, violating both respect and non-recognition obligations through entering into the aforementioned fisheries agreements with Morocco. Fourthly, these violations invoke international organization responsibility. Lastly, while the agreements do not impact the theoretical applicability of the right to self- determination, they are exploitative and hinder the realization of Western Sahara's permanent sovereignty over natural wealth and resources. Even with amendments of the fisheries agreements to adhere to international law, the likelihood of realizing the right remains minimal, partially due to criticisms towards the self-determination regulation.

Fields of Gold : The Bioenergy Debate in International Organizations / Fält av guld : Debatten om bioenergi i internationella organisationer

Kuchler, Magdalena January 2012 (has links)
The concept of producing energy from biomass has, for the last two decades, occupied attention of policy-makers, private industries, researchers and civil societies around the world. The highly contested and contingent character of the biofuel production, its entanglement in the nexus of three problematic issues of energy, climate and agriculture, as well as its injection into the current socioeconomic arrangements, is what makes it timely to analyse. The thesis sheds light on the state of international debate on bioenergy by looking at deliberations of three major global institutions: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Energy Agency (IEA) and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The primary aim is to trace and analyse how the concept of bioenergy is conceptualized and contextualized in assessments, reports, policy papers and other documents issued by FAO, IEA and IPCC in the 1990-2010 period. The secondary aim of the thesis, based on results derived from the primary objective, is set to problematize and reflect upon currently dominating socioeconomic arrangements that the concept of biomass-derived energy is inserted into. The research questions are organized around four distinctively contentious issues in the debate: biofuel production in developing countries, the food vs. fuel dilemma, bioenergy as a win-win-win solution and the future role of the second-generation bioenergy technology. The research questions are operationalized by applying four theoretical perspectives: the world-economy, Michel Foucault’s genealogy, discourse theory of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, and Fredric Jameson’s critical approach. The institutional debate illustrates that, while bioenergy appears to be an easy, plausible and thus attractive patch able to temporarily fix societal challenges of energy insecurity, climate change and agricultural crisis without changing much in the socioeconomic structure, its implementation exposes internal discrepancies of the hegemonic capitalist system. Whether bioenergy could actually function as a feasible win-win-win solution is of secondary importance. It is its economic feasibility expressed in the pressure on cost-effectiveness that matters the most but, at the same time, causes serious internal discrepancies in conceptualizations pursued by the organizations. The results point to two main conclusions. On the one hand, bioenergy is inevitably entrapped by the rules and arrangements of the hegemonic system that, in turn, cause internal contradictions. On the other hand, the institutional debate attempts to stabilize the shaky conceptualization of bioenergy, so that it can appear consistent and plausible, even if the possibility of reaching the closure of meaning fades away, with more conflicts on the rise. Furthermore, the results also show that the three international organizations exhibit uniform patterns of argumentations and the way they similarly discuss biomass-derived energy illustrates the objective to stabilize the meaning and adjust the concept of bioenergy to the hegemonic system. / Under de senaste två decennierna har idén om att producera energi av biomassa rönt stor uppmärksamhet bland forskare, företagare, beslutsfattare och i samhället i övrigt. De förhållandevis många kontroverser och alternativ som är förbundna med produktion av biobränslen, deras koppling till de tre problemområdena energi, klimat och jordbruk, samt deras etablering inom samtida geopolitiska, socioekonomiska och miljömässiga sammanhang, gör dem till en aktuell fråga att analysera. Avhandlingen belyser den internationella debatten genom att fokusera överväganden och ståndpunkter inom tre globala institutioner: FN:s mat- och jordbruksorgan (FAO), Internationella Energiorganet (IEA) och FN:s klimatpanel (IPCC). Huvudsyftet är spåra och analysera hur begreppet bioenergi formas och kontextualiseras i bedömningsrapporter och policydokument producerade av FAO, IEA och IPCC under perioden 1990-2010. Ett ytterligare syfte är att problematisera och reflektera över de socioekonomiska förhållanden som bioenergibegreppet ingår i. Forskningsfrågorna är formulerade utifrån fyra kontroversiella områden i debatten: biobränsleproduktion i utvecklingsländer, dilemmat mat kontra biobränsle, bioenergi som en ”win-win-win-lösning” och den framtida roll som tillskrivs andra generationens bioteknologi. Forskningsfrågorna operationaliseras genom att var och en knyts till ett av fyra teoretiska perspektiv: världssystemteori, Michel Foucaults genealogi, Ernesto Laclaus och Chantal Mouffes diskursteori respektive Fredric Jamesons kritiska ansats. I debatten framställs ofta bioenergi som ett enkelt och rimligt alternativ med kapacitet att tillfälligt lösa samhälleliga utmaningar som energi-osäkerhet, klimatförändringar och jordbrukskrisen, dock utan att den socioekonomiska strukturen ändras nämnvärt. Analysen visar emellertid att begreppsliggörandet istället påvisar interna diskrepanser i det hegemoniska, kapitalistiska systemet. Huruvida bioenergi verkligen kan fungera som en sådan ”win-win-win”- lösning framstår som sekundärt i dessa texter. Det är kostnadseffektiviteten som har störst betydelse, men samtidigt skapar man här allvarliga begreppsliga diskrepanser inom organisationerna. Utfallet av analysen pekar på två huvudslutsatser. Å ena sidan är bioenergin oundvikligen låst av det hegemoniska systemets struktur och de motsägelser som det rymmer. Å andra sidan tycks debatten inom organisationerna söka efter en stabilisering av det instabila begreppsliggörandet av bioenergin så att den framstår som konsistent och möjlig. Vidare visar analysen också att de tre organisationerna har liknande argumentationsmönster, och det likartade sätt på vilket de diskuterar energi från biomassa illustrerar en stabilisering av mening inom diskursen där bioenergibegreppet anpassas till det hegemoniska systemet.

Relationen mellan WHO:s globala aidsprogram och icke­statliga organisationer : Kan bristen på samarbete förklaras utifrån new interdependence approach eller medlemsstaternas agerande? / Relations Between WHO Global Programme on AIDS and NGOs : Can the lack of cooperation be explained by new interdependence approach or the actions of member states?

Tengdelius, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
This thesis aims to understand why the World health organization’s Global programme on aids (WHO GPA) does not appear to be able to collaborate with non-governmental actors (NGO), even though booth WHO GPA and NGO`s appears to value and seek cooperation. The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the lack of cooperation between WHO GPA and NGO: s can be explained using new interdependence approach or if the actions of WHO´s member states v. The selected case in this thesis is WHO GPA which existed from 1987 to 1995 and represents the first anti-aids program supported by UN and its member states. WHO GPA is therefore active in a policy area where a lot of interactions with NGO: s could be expected. To analyse the apparent lack of cooperation between WHO GPA and relevant NGO: s, this article will apply the theories new interdependence approach and neorealism. To explain the research questions, how does the interaction between WHO GPA and NGO: s appear within the global effort against the aids pandemic, what role did member states have in limiting or enable formal cooperation between WHO GPA and NGO:s and finally how the theory new interdependence approach can explain the interactions between the WHO GPA and NGO: s. To answer the research questions this thesis will apply a qualitative text analysis on material from WHO GPA, for example annual reviews, as well as previous research articles and books that concerns the WHO GPA. The analysis concludes that the interaction between WHO GPA and NGO: s, can be explained with the fact that informal cooperation does appear but not formal cooperation. This appears to be because while booth WHO GPA and NGO: s seeks support and cooperation, the interactions between them is still affected by mistrust. The member state’s role in limiting or enabling cooperation can be answered two levels, globally where powerful states have strong informal powers to control WHO GPA. When NGO: s are granted formal representation, the selection of NGO: s is not representative of the larger NGO community and not in response to cooperation between WHO GPA and NGO:s. Recipient states does also appear to hinder cooperation between NGO:s, WHO GPA and national aids programmes, because of rivalry between the state and NGO over limited aid. Finally, new interdependence approach appears to explain to lack of formal cooperation, because of a lack of distinct resources. However, it cannot explain the cases where NGO: s achieved official representation as the result of cross-national layering.

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