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Narcissism and Friendship Quality: An Investigation of Long-Term FriendshipsWehner, Caroline 21 October 2022 (has links)
Vor dem Hintergrund der Fragen, wer bereit ist eine enge Beziehung zu einer Person mit hohem Narzissmus einzugehen und wie Personen mit hohem Narzissmus ihre Freundschaften wahrnehmen, war das Ziel dieser Arbeit die wahrgenommene Beziehungsqualität in langfristigen Freundschaften in Abhängigkeit von Narzissmus zu untersuchen. In der ersten Studie wurde eine dyadische Perspektive eingenommen und beobachtet, ob sich die Qualität der Freundschaft in Abhängigkeit von dem Narzissmuslevel zweier Freunde unterscheidet. Wie angenommen, schätzten Personen in Dyaden mit höherem Narzissmus die Qualität ihrer Freundschaft geringer ein als Personen in Dyaden mit niedrigerem Narzissmus. Über alle Narzissmusaspekte hinweg wurden mehr Konflikte wahrgenommen. Dyaden mit hohem antagonistischem Narzissmus empfanden zudem weniger Wertschätzung und Intimität. Die Befunde wurden zugunsten der Annahme interpretiert, dass narzisstisches Verhalten von denjenigen toleriert wird, die selbst narzisstische Züge besitzen. In der zweiten Studie wurde eine längsschnittliche Perspektive eingenommen, um die Interaktionseffekte von Narzissmus und wahrgenommener Freundschaftsqualität in 4 Messzeitpunkten zu untersuchen. Innerhalb von Personen zeigte sich, dass diejenigen, die ihren Narzissmus niedriger als üblich einschätzten, in der Folge höhere Wertschätzung empfanden, und dass diejenigen, die eine niedrigere Wertschätzung als üblich empfanden ihr Verhalten als antagonistischer einschätzten. Die zu Beginn von Freundschaften gefundenen Effekte scheinen daher übertragbar auf die Phase der Aufrechterhaltung von Freundschaften, wobei besonders der antagonistische Narzissmus die negativen Auswirkungen von Narzissmus zu treiben scheint. Insgesamt wurde in dieser Arbeit die bisherige Forschung zu Narzissmus und sozialen Beziehungen durch die Beobachtung der Beziehungsqualität in langfristigen Freundschaften erweitert, indem sowohl eine dyadische als auch eine längsschnittliche Perspektive einbezogen wurde. / Who is willing to be in a close relationship to an individual with high narcissism, and how do individuals with high narcissism perceive their friendships? Three aspects of narcissism were distinguished (agentic, antagonistic, neurotic) to determine their association with four aspects of friendship quality (appreciation, intimacy, conflict, dominance). In the first study, a dyadic perspective was taken to observe whether friendship quality differs depending on the dyadic narcissism level of friends. As hypothesized, individuals in dyads with higher narcissism perceived their friendship quality as lower, compared to individuals in dyads with lower narcissism. More conflicts were perceived across narcissism aspects. Dyads with high antagonistic narcissism also perceived lower appreciation and intimacy. Results were interpreted in favor of the assumption that maladaptive traits are tolerated by those who possess these traits themselves. In the second study, a longitudinal perspective was taken to examine interactional effects of narcissism and friendship quality across 4 measurement occasions. On a within-person level, individuals scoring lower than usual on narcissism were found to subsequently perceive higher appreciation, and those perceiving lower appreciation than usual subsequently increased in antagonistic narcissism. Results suggested that the effects found in relationship formation tend to generalize to relationship maintenance. Overall, this work expanded previous research on narcissism and social relationships by observing relationship quality in long-term friendships including a dyadic as well as a longitudinal perspective. To answer the question of who is willing to be friends with someone high in narcissism, results suggest that it would be individuals who also score high on narcissism. In regard to the question of how individuals with high narcissism perceive their friendships it was found that they tend to be willing to accept lower friendship quality.
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The Roles of Spirituality and Sexuality in Response to Romantic BreakupHawley, Anna R. 24 October 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] Este trabalho trata do uso de estruturas alternativas ao período hipotético
eventual (ou potencial), construído, na oração subordinada, com a conjunção se e
com o futuro do subjuntivo e, na oração principal, com o futuro do indicativo.
Com base em conceitos do Funcionalismo e da Pragmática Intercultural e por
meio de um questionário aplicado a falantes de português do Rio de Janeiro,
objetiva-se construir uma escala de congruência com as estruturas em foco;
verificar se as estruturas alternativas testadas são, de fato, alternativas; analisar em
que medida os fatores proximidade, intimidade, hierarquia e formalidade
influenciam o uso do período em questão e das estruturas alternativas testadas; e
determinar em que contextos de fala as estruturas alternativas são preferidas pelos
falantes do português do Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados apontam que o período
hipotético é preferido pelos falantes, embora as estruturas alternativas ocorram
com maior frequência em contextos de maior intimidade e de menor formalidade,
distanciamento e hierarquia entre os participantes. Pretende-se, assim, contribuir
com o ensino de português como língua estrangeira, oferecendo um estudo de
diferentes formas de construção do referido período amplamente empregadas
pelos cariocas. / [en] This study deals with the use of alternative structures to hypothetical
sentences called eventual (or potential), built, in the subordinate clause, with the
conjunction if and with the future subjunctive, and, in the main clause, with the
future indicative. Based on concepts of Functionalism and Intercultural
Pragmatics and through a questionnaire applied to Portuguese speakers from Rio
de Janeiro, the objectives are to build a congruence scale with structures in focus;
to verify if the tested alternative structures are, in fact, alternatives; to examine to
what extent the factors closeness, intimacy, hierarchy and formality influence the
use of the period in question and the tested alternative structures; and to determine
in which speech contexts the alternative structures are preferred by speakers of
Portuguese in Rio de Janeiro. The results show that the hypothetical sentences is
preferred by speakers, although the alternative structures occur most often in
contexts of greater intimacy and less formality, distance and hierarchy among the
participants. The aim is thus to contribute to the teaching of Portuguese as a
foreign language, offering a study of different forms of constructions of this
sentence, which are widely used by locals.
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Связь удовлетворенности браком с чертами личности и особенностями привязанности к партнеру : магистерская диссертация / The relationship of satisfaction with marriage with personality traits and characteristics of attachment to a partnerЛипатова, М. Е., Lipatova, M. E. January 2024 (has links)
Объектом исследования явилась удовлетворенность браком. Предметом исследования стала связь удовлетворенности браком с чертами личности и особенностями привязанности. Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, списка литературы (53 источника) и приложений. Объем магистерской диссертации 83 страницы, на которых размещены 5 рисунков и 8 таблиц. В первой главе рассмотрены теоретические основы исследования. Во второй главе описываются методы и процедура исследования, его результаты. Эмпирическое исследование проводилось с использованием следующих методик: опросник удовлетворенности браком В.В. Столина, Т.Л. Романовой, Г.П. Бутенко, опросник стиля привязанности (ASQ) J. Feeney, триангулярная шкала любви Стернберга (STLS); личностный опросник Г. Айзенка (EPI/A). Выборка включала 83 человека в возрасте старше 18 лет, из них 58 женщин и 25 мужчин. Все участники состоят в браке. Мы предполагали, что черты личности и особенности привязанности к партнеру связаны с удовлетворённостью браком и между собой. Выявлено, что большая часть испытуемых удовлетворены браком. Исследование по методике «Стиль привязанности» показал, что большая часть испытуемых уверены в себе и своем партнере. В ходе корреляционного анализа с использованием критерия Спирмена было установлено, что удовлетворенность браком связана с привязанностью к партнеру и такими компонентами любви как близость и обязательство. А также мы увидели взаимосвязь привязанности к партнеру с такими чертами личности как экстраверсия и нейротизм. / The object of the study was satisfaction with marriage. The subject of the study was the relationship between satisfaction with marriage and personality traits and attachment characteristics. The master's thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references (53 sources) and appendices. The volume of the master's thesis is 83 pages, which contain 5 figures and 8 tables.
The first chapter discusses the theoretical foundations of the study. The second chapter describes the methods and procedure of the study, its results. The empirical study was conducted using the following methods: V.V. Stolin, T.L. Romanova, G.P. Butenko marriage satisfaction questionnaire, J. Feeney Attachment Style Questionnaire (ASQ), Sternberg triangular scale of Love (STLS); G. Eysenck personality questionnaire (EPI/A). The sample included 83 people over the age of 18 (58 of them women and 25 men). All participants are married. We assumed that personality traits and characteristics of attachment to a partner are associated with satisfaction with marriage and with each other. It was revealed that most of the subjects were satisfied with the marriage. A study using the "Attachment Style" technique showed that most of the subjects are confident in themselves and their partner. During the correlation analysis using Spearman's criterion, it was found that satisfaction with marriage is associated with attachment to a partner and such components of love as intimacy and commitment. And we also saw the relationship of attachment to a partner with personality traits such as extraversion and neuroticism.
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Intimité et troubles neurocognitifs majeurs (TNCM) en centre d’hébergement de soins de longue durée (CHSLD) : le vécu des partenairesPerron, Flavie 03 1900 (has links)
Les études démontrent que la majorité des personnes âgées sont sexuellement actives lorsqu'elles sont dans une relation à long terme et que la relation amoureuse des couples âgés peut être influencée par des problèmes sur le plan sexuel. La littérature met aussi en lumière que la conjugalité dans un couple s’avère extrêmement complexe lorsqu’un des partenaires vit avec un trouble neurocognitif majeur (TNCM) et est hébergé en centre d’hébergement de soins de longue durée (CHSLD). Si nous connaissons de mieux en mieux les attitudes des professionnels à l'égard de la sexualité dans le contexte des TNCM, nous savons peu de choses de la façon dont les partenaires de personnes ayant des TNCM perçoivent l’évolution de la relation sexuelle et intime au fil du temps, y compris lors de la transition vers un CHSLD. Ce mémoire s’intéresse à l’expérience auprès de partenaires de personnes présentant des TNCM hébergées en CHSLD en s’appuyant sur la théorie de la reconnaissance de Honneth (2000). La méthodologie repose sur une approche qualitative de type exploratoire. Des entretiens semi-directifs ont été réalisés (n=6) afin de récolter les témoignages des partenaires. Les résultats montrent l’influence de l’âgisme et des représentations sociales sur le discours des partenaires. Ils permettent également de mieux comprendre l’influence de la maladie et du CHSLD sur le vécu des partenaires. Ce mémoire permet donc de mettre en lumière la réalité des partenaires dans une optique d’amélioration des pratiques. / Studies show that the majority of older people are sexually active when in a long-term relationship, and that the romantic relationship of older couples can be influenced by sexual problems. The literature also shows that conjugality in a couple is extremely complex when one of the partners has a dementia and is living in a long-term care facility. While we know more about professionals' attitudes towards sexuality in the context of dementia, we still know little about how partners of people with dementia perceive the evolution of the sexual and intimate relationship over time, including during the transition to a long-term care facility. This research focuses on the experience of partners of people with dementia living in long-term care facilities, drawing on Honneth's (2000) recognition theory. The methodology was based on a qualitative, exploratory approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 6 participants to gather the partners' testimonies. The results show the influence of ageism and social representations on the partners' discourse. They also show the influence of illness and of long-term care facilities on the partners' experiences. This research sheds light on the partners' reality, with an aim to improving practices.
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Die verband tussen seksuele molestering en die intimiteitsverhouding binne die huwelikLotter, Sanmarie 03 1900 (has links)
Statistics for sexually abused children are high. When children do not receive therapy, they may develop marital problems later in life.
Survivors of sexual abused have difficulty letting other people come close to them. Because emotional and sexual intimacy is important components of a marital relationship, survivors of sexual abused experience conflict within their marriages. Intimacy in the marital relationship reminds them of the abuse situation and they would try to escape from it. If couples do not go through therapeutic intervention, they would have difficulty understanding the changes in their relationship after the marriage. Within a therapeutic environment partners are able to recognise the effects of abuse and are able to learn how to handle it in order to achieve a successful marriage.
The changes in intimacy levels after marriage will be investigated in this study. The study will make recommendations towards professional principles for social workers in practice. / Social Work / M. A. (Social Sciences)
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Die verband tussen seksuele molestering en die intimiteitsverhouding binne die huwelikLotter, Sanmarie 03 1900 (has links)
Statistics for sexually abused children are high. When children do not receive therapy, they may develop marital problems later in life.
Survivors of sexual abused have difficulty letting other people come close to them. Because emotional and sexual intimacy is important components of a marital relationship, survivors of sexual abused experience conflict within their marriages. Intimacy in the marital relationship reminds them of the abuse situation and they would try to escape from it. If couples do not go through therapeutic intervention, they would have difficulty understanding the changes in their relationship after the marriage. Within a therapeutic environment partners are able to recognise the effects of abuse and are able to learn how to handle it in order to achieve a successful marriage.
The changes in intimacy levels after marriage will be investigated in this study. The study will make recommendations towards professional principles for social workers in practice. / Social Work / M. A. (Social Sciences)
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Investigating radical contradictions of original lovemaps: therapeutic implicationsLake, Tracy Melanie 31 August 2006 (has links)
Years of psychotherapy practice at university, state, and military hospitals developed the author's interest in the presentation of love relationship problems. Mood and anxiety disorders, as the most prevalent pathologies, were often co-morbid with or secondary to partner relationship issues. Most vexing for clients was a situation of repeated dysfunctional partner selections in which similar problems arose each time. This incubated the idea of a process, probably outside of awareness, that functioned to perpetuate self-defeating partner selection patterns. The author was introduced to Money's `lovemap' concept during studies and identified readily with its principles and mechanisms. The lovemap is defined as a highly individualised, developed, mental template or cognitive blueprint of the ideal lover. It is assumed that every person has a lovemap, and would be able to describe it if asked the right questions. The concept promised to be a useful vehicle for studying self-defeating partner selection patterns, as `errors' might be coded into the lovemap that are expressed in such a presentation. The author identified the need to ground the lovemap concept in recognised psychological theory in order to motivate for its relevance. Kelly's theory of cognitive constructs provided robust links for lovemap as a sophisticated construction system, and the developmental theories of Freud and Erikson situated lovemap genesis within recognised periods of emerging human capacities to love and relate sexually; the stages of puberty to young adulthood. Lovemaps are assumed to function optimally when love and lust co-operate in pairbonding, or the capacity to couple. Extensive literature reviews cover the research fields of romantic love, human sexuality, and pairbonding, affording hypotheses as to lovemap pathology. A qualitative, Phenomenological research design of case studies with six adult persons, who had experienced radical contradictions of original lovemaps, identified when and how lovemap change took place. Thematic analysis of the attributions for change distilled a number of implications for therapy that would encourage certain indicated change processes. An integrative psychotherapy model recognises the cognitively- and socially constructed nature of lovemaps and proposes intervention components that blend cognitive-behavioural and narrative approaches. This model will be tested extensively with a suitable client population. / Psychology / D. Litt. ET Phil. (Psychology)
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'n Opvoedkundig-sielkundige ondersoek na kinders se persepsie van die huwelikEngelbrecht, Gezina Wilhelmina 30 November 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In the light of two literature studies, the nature, origin and consequences of
early perceptions of marriage, the form of identities and frames of reference, as well as the resultant origin of an internalized marriage have been explored. An empirical survey was undertaken, with the aid of a specially formulated questionnaire, to investigate the influence of early perceptions of marriage, and thus marriage expectations, on a person's own marriage. The research outcomes show that children do internalize aspects of their parents' marriage and transfer these to their own marriage. There seems to be an important similarity between pattern of communication and conflict management in the original family of questioned subjects and their marriage. Although some subjects have denied the influence of their original family on their marriage, there seems to be a transfer of patterns nevertheless. / Educational studies / M.Ed.(Voorligting)
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Exploring and storying Protestants Christian women's experiences living in sexually unhappy marriagesSpies, Nicoline 06 1900 (has links)
This research project arose from my journeys with Protestant Christian women who were living in
sexually unhappy marriages. In South African Protestant faith communities there is the expectation
that Christian marriages will experience sexual fulfilment. For many Christian women however,
sexual unhappiness becomes their reality. Sexuality is cocooned in silence not only within the
church, but also in many Christian marriages. This leaves many Christian women (and men) with
little or no recourse to address sexually unhappy marriages.
My research journey briefly explored the social construction of sexuality within the history of
Christianity to see which discourses underpin current constructions of White Christian female
sexuality. This participatory feminist action research journey centralised the voices of present-day
contexts: Protestant Christian women, as well as clergy, were invited to share their understandings
and interpretations of matrimony and sexual practices in relation to their faith. With the help of
narrative therapeutic practices, some of the dominant social and religious discourses that constitute
White Christian female sexuality were explored, deconstructed and challenged.
This research journey aimed to penetrate this silence and to invite Christian women, who are living
in sexually unhappy marriages, to share their experiences. This exploration included the faith
predicaments and relational complexities, challenges and dilemmas Protestant Christian women
experience when living in sexually unhappy marriages. This feminist-grounded action research
explored the effects and consequences which living in sexually unhappy marriages held for the cosearchers. / Practical Theology / D.Th. (Specialisation in Pastoral Therapy)
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