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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Balkanisering och klassifikation : En komparativ studie av klassifikationen av forna Jugoslavien, beträffande språk, geografi och historia, i DDC och SAB

Gustafsson, Oskar January 2014 (has links)
This master's thesis examines the possibilities of correction and change in a classification scheme, with regard to the changes that occur in the world the classification system intends to describe. Applying a comparative method and classification theory, the classification of the example of the former Yugoslavia (1918-1941, 1945-1991), its republics and successor states, and the languages, formerly known as Serbo-Croatian are examined through a comparison of the main classes and divisions of language, geography, and history, in Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), and Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek [Classification for Swedish Libraries] (SAB). Eight editions of DDC, from 1876 to 2014, are compared to seven editions of SAB, from 1921 to 2013. The editions have been selected in order to show the changes prior to, and following, the First World War, changes after the Second World War, and changes following the collapse of Yugoslavia in 1991. The examination shows that both systems have updated their editions according to the changes in former Yugoslavia over the years. DDC has well constructed facet schedules, especially Table 2 concerning geography, but fails, in some cases, to construct a logic and hierarchical structure for the republics and languages of Yugoslavia, partly due to the fixed classes and divisions that survive from the very first edition of DDC from 1876, but also as a result of the decimal notation, and its limitations, itself. SAB seeks to construct a hierarchically logic and equal scheme for the languages, areas, and states of the former Yugoslavia. Although the facets for geography and chronology aren't as developed as the ones in DDC, the overall result is that of a logically consistent and hierarchically clear classification, with short notation codes, thanks to the alphabetic mixed notation, which allows more subdivisions than the numerals and the pure notation of DDC. This study is a two years master's thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies.

Fredsframtvingande operationer och deras möjligheter till framgång : en studie av manöverkrigföringens principer samt operationerna "Allied Force" (Jugoslavien 1999) och UNOSOM II (Somalia 1993)

Högström, Ulf January 2002 (has links)
Uppsatsen avhandlar fredsframtvingande operationer och deras möjligheter till framgång.Internationella operationer är en av Försvarsmaktens huvuduppgifter och i samband med detta ärfredsframtvingande operationer en typ av operationer som svenska förband kan få delta i. Genomstudier av manöverkrigföringens principer och två begränsade fallstudier tas ett antal faktorer förframgång fram som sedan jämförs och diskuteras. Uppsatsen svarar även på ommanöverkrigföringens principer kan tillämpas vid fredsframtvingande operationer. Resultatet avuppsatsen är att faktorerna lämplig sammansättning av styrkorna, anpassad politisk styrning ochförmåga till att minska egna och civilas förluster är faktorer som har betydelse för framgång påden operativa nivån. Jag har också sett att de faktorer som man kan hämta urmanöverkrigföringen principer är betydelsefulla för möjligheterna till framgång. Det som dockhämmar möjligheterna att fullt ut använda dessa delar ur manövertänkandet är denmultinationella faktorn eller brist på interoperabilitet mellan de deltagande nationerna. / This thesis deals with Peace enforcement operations and their possibilities tosucceed. Participation in international operations is one of the main tasks forthe Swedish national defence forces. An analysis of the principles ofmanoeuvre warfare and of two limited case studies will result in a number offactors for success in peace enforcement operations. These factors will then becompared and discussed. This thesis will also answer whether it is possible touse the principles of manoeuvre warfare in peace enforcement operations. Theresult of the thesis is that force composition, adapted political control; forceprotection and limited collateral damage are factors that are essential for thepossibilities to succeed with peace enforcement operations. The principles ofmanoeuvre warfare are also important for the possibility to succeed with peaceenforcement. But the multinational factor or the lack of interoperability limitsthe possibilities to use the principles of manoeuvre warfare. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 00-02

There is a new sheriff in town and he is Swedish : En kvalitativ studie om de svenska utlandsmissionerna i Bosnienkonflikten och hur händelserna rapporterades till det civila Sverige. / There is a new sheriff in town and he is Swedish : A qualitative study of the Swedish foreign missions

Svensson, Arvid January 2015 (has links)
In this paper, a discussion and analysis on the Swedish participation  in the UN-mission in the Balkan conflict versus the reporting from the Swedish news press Dagens Nyheter (DN) of the same action is held. From a ground in survey questions to Swedish soldiers that took part in the conflict ,what they thought of the conflict and what got reported back to the Swedish civilians via the press and their differences is later held. A question in the survey also treats what the soldiers think got changed in the Swedish Armed Forces due to their actions in the conflict and what the soldiers thought of the view in the 1990s, national and international, on the Swedish Armed Forces. This survey and the articles  from DN that is analyzed is the ground in this papers issues, discussion and results. The paper overall and later the analysis is based on a theory in Oral history taken of Malin Thor's previous researches in the field and also strengthened with other researchers in the same field of studies.   The title to this paper is from the English press reporting about the Swedes taking charge of the UNPROFOR-mission in the Balkan conflict and is about the Colonel Ulf Henricsson, commander of the UN Nordic battalion (NordBat2) in central Bosnia and his firm hand and authority against the local warlords. Later the title went famous international and a lot of different newspapers used it as a headline when reporting about the Swedish soldiers acting aggressively and firmly towards the war-criminals when protecting civilians and their properties in Bosnia.

Nationalismens roll i Jugoslaviens sönderfall / The Nationalism´s Part in Yugoslavias Destruction

Khojasteh, Nima January 2007 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen är en fallstudie av nationalismen som spelande roll för att Kroatien och Bosnien bröt sig ur Jugoslavien samt dess betydelse för att krig bröt ut i dessa två regioner. När den jugoslaviske presidenten Tito dog 1980 och när kommunismen föll i Europa i slutet av 1980-talet började Jugoslavien gå mot sitt sönderfall. Därmed började nationalistiska stämningar och etnisk separatism ta fart. Kroatien och Bosnien var två länder som förklarade sig som självständiga i början av 1990-talet efter att nationalistiska krafter vunnit stark terräng där. I både Kroatien och Bosnien ledde självständighetssträvandena till konflikt med den serbiska minoriteten och det resulterade i blodiga krig. De serbiska nationalisterna valde som svar att förklara sig som autonom inom dessa länder, men det kom att leda till en eskalerande konflikt med Kroatien och Bosnien. Konflikterna i dessa länder ledde till etnisk rensning och mord på civila människor från alla folkgrupper. Den etniska nationalismen som tillämpades här ledde till att krig bröt ut och att gamla motsättningar blossade upp. Efter ett par år tog krigen i Kroatien och Bosnien slut.

''Om det bara fanns mer tid...'' : Gymnasielärares förhållningssätt till historieundervisning om krigen i forna Jugoslavien, med hänsyn till elever med koppling till forna Jugoslavien. / ''If there were more time...'' : Upper secondary teachers' approach towards the war in former Yugoslavia in history teaching, with regard to students with connections to the former Yugoslavia.

Smajli, Trendelina January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate history teachers’ various approaches towards the wars in former Yugoslavia during the 90s, in their history teaching in upper secondary school. Furthermore, another aspect to the study is to investigate how the history teachers approach potential students that might have roots from the former Yugoslavia. Since the Swedish society is multicultural with immigrants from former Yugoslavia, the topic could be viewed as sensitive. However, previous studies show that students with a multicultural background such as former Yugoslavia want to take part of their history in the history classroom. This leads to the next question, whether teachers fulfill their students’ needs when it comes to history. Furthermore, another aim of the study is to also investigate what possibilities and difficulties the teachers might experience with teaching about the wars in former Yugoslavia.  Five history teachers with experience from history teaching in upper secondary school were interviewed. The result is thenceforth analyzed with the following theoretical framework: Kitson’s and McCully’s (2005) model of sensitive topics in the history classroom, multicultural classroom, and historical empathy. The findings of the study are that only two out of five history teachers included the wars in former Yugoslavia continuously in their history teaching. The third teacher included the topic if the students were interested, and the fourth teacher taught the students about some events occasionally in relation to other topics, such as use of history. The last teacher did not include the wars in former Yugoslavia at all. Four out of five teachers wanted the students to contribute with their own history culture and family history. The possibilities and the difficulties were intertwined, according to the teachers. The students could contribute and thusly offer perspective on the topic. However, it could also mean that the teachers had to be careful with their words since they could not fully know what experiences the students have. The teachers’ answers were analyzed in accordance with Kitsons and McCullys model, together with the concepts ‘multicultural classroom’ and historical empathy. The conclusion of the research is that the majority of the history teachers used historical empathy in connection with the wars in former Yugoslavia. The teachers tried doing so by bringing the teaching to life with the help from, for instance, life stories and interviews. The teachers’ attitudes towards a multicultural classroom, which is enriched by students with different history cultures, were mostly positive.

"Jag Är Jugge, Ingen Snack Om Saken" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur första och andragenerationens invandrare från f.d Jugoslavien upplever sin nationella identitet / I am from Yugoslavia, no question about it : A qualitative study on how first- and second-generation immigrants from former Yugoslavia experience their national identity

Emina, Dapo January 2023 (has links)
The main purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of how first and second generation immigrants from former Yugoslavia experience and precive their national identity. Furthermore to understand differences and similarities between first-generation and second-generation immigrants based on inbetweenship. Previous research has shown that people with one or more cultural backgrunds tend to develop more fluid identity in comparson to people who only have one cultural backgrund. Furthermore, previous research has also shown that people with immigrant background or a multi-ethnic background tend to end up in betweenship, to greater extent. To achieve the study`s purpose and answer the research questions I have chosen to conduct a qualitative interview study based on semi-structured interviews with first and second generation immigrants from former Yugoslavia living in Sweden. The theories used in the study to analyze the result were inbetweenship and national identity as a grounded conceptual definition.  The results showed that first-generation immigrants from former Yugoslavia did not perceive themselves as Swedes, but in all cases referred to their ethnic origin when speaking about their national identity and identity perception. The results also showed that second-generation immigrants partly experienced their identity in similar way. However, second-generation immigrants tended to experience their identity as Swedish and not in relation to their ethnic origin in half of the cases.

Jedna si jedina : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om kollektiv bosniakisk identitet, antagonism och skolgång i Sverige efter de jugoslaviska krigen / You are the One and Only : A qualitative interview study on collective Bosniak identity, antagonism and schooling in Sweden after the Yugoslavian wars

Andersson, Anton January 2021 (has links)
This study is a qualitative interview study that examines antagonism, identity and collective memory among second generation immigrants from Bosnia & Herzegovina. The study is based on an existential history use-perspective and social constructivist socialization theory. The study shows that the Bosniak identity is seldom defined by their history and the Yugoslavian wars but rather by language and traditions. In addition, the results indicate that the Bosniak identity has been assimilated to a large extent into the Swedish majority culture. The results also show that antagonism against other ethnic groups in the Balkans mainly occurs among first-generation immigrants while the descendants do not relate to a large extent to the war crimes and atrocities that occurred against Bosnian Muslims. Instead, they express empathy and sympathy for their parents’ experiences of these traumas. The respondents also experienced a nonchalance towards their background in Swedish history teaching where their history was neglected in favor of other wars and genocides. While the respondents suspected a fear of conflict among teachers to account for the area, they also told examples when teachers failed in the relational pedagogy and homogenized the individuals by letting them represent an entire conflict and ethnic group. Overall, the study shows that the use of history is not a recurring phenomenon among second-generation Bosniak immigrants, and their attitude focuses on individuals rather than groups. In the didactic part of the study, the results emphasize that history teachers might need to self-educate based on the students' background to create a meaningful education and create a history awareness among students.

”Här kommer våra svenskar!” : En kvalitativ studie om diasporaturismens påverkan på identitetsupplevelsen hos svenska andra generationens invandrare från det forna Jugoslavien

Glogovac, Tamara, Mujakovic, Hanna, Näsström, Denise January 2020 (has links)
“Här kommer våra svenskar!” är en turismvetenskaplig studie som undersöker hur andra generationens invandrare från det forna Jugoslavien beskriver sina motiv till diasporaresor samt hur diasporaresorna påverkar andra generationens invandrare från det forna Jugoslavien identitetsupplevelser. Studien har hållit en kvalitativ ansats där nio informanter intervjuades om deras erfarenheter av diasporaturism. Den tidigare forskning om diasporaturism har legat till grund för vår studie. Majoriteten av den tidigare forskningen om diasporaturism fokuserar på första generationens invandrare. Forskning om andra generationens invandrare i allmänhet och andra generationens invandrare från det forna Jugoslavien i synnerhet är bristfällig. Denna studie påvisar att det finns indikationer på att diasporaturism har en påverkan på identitetsupplevelsen hos andra generationens invandrare från det forna Jugoslavien. Utöver att studiens informanter bekräftar den tidigare forskningens resonemang om diasporaturisters resemotiv kan studien även presentera ett outforskat bakomliggande resemotiv hos informanterna vilka är intressanta implikationer för den framtida forskningen. / “Här kommer våra svenskar!” is an tourism study that studies how second generation immigrants from former Yugoslavia describe their motives for diaspora tourism as well as how diaspora tourism effects the individuals perception of identity. This study has used a qualitative methodological approach where the empirical data was collected through nine interviews with second generation immigrants from former Yugoslavia concerning their experiences of diaspora tourism. This study shows that there is some indication that diaspora tourism has an effect on second generation immigrants from former Yugoslavias perception of identity. In addition to confirming previous diaspora tourism studies travel motives, this study also puts forward a previously unexplored underlying travel motive which has interesting implication for future tourism studies.

The Reconceptualized War : A critical analysis of the new war theory through a case study of the Yemen War

Malmgren, Victor January 2021 (has links)
The much-debated new war theory suggest that a new type of organized violence has developed during the last decades of the twentieth century. These new wars occur during an era of globalization and differ from old wars concerning four factors: the goals, the actors, the finance, and the methods. One of these new wars is the war in Yemen (2015-), a country divided and war torn, suffering the world's largest humanitarian crisis. The study aims to critically analyse the application of the new war theory through a qualitative singular case study of Yemen. The analysis shows that an understanding can be made about both Yemen and the theory. The Yemen War revolves around reinvented and/or rekindled particularistic identities, formerly kept under control, but now unleashed after years of exclusion, increasing economic gaps, the Arab Spring, and the dismantling of the central state during an era of globalization. The war took on decentralized characteristics, the Yemeni government lost its monopoly on violence leading to several state and non-state actors involved in the war. They are sometimes financed by external actors or through looting, racketeering, kidnapping, etc., all akin to the methods of new war warfare which sees civilians as the main victims. The study argues that an even greater understanding can be made by reformulating the theory as a process rather than as separate factors only showing the differences between new and old. The new war process shows the interconnectedness between the four factors, while simultaneously including other impactful new war terms and concepts such as globalization, the motives of war, and the reoccurring and persisting violence. Globalization then becomes part of the new war process rather than being a separate element.

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