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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rekryteringsannonser för första linjens chefer : Undersökning av perioden 1971 – 2007 inom Landstinget i Jönköpings län / Advertisement and Recruitment of First Line Executives in Medical Care : An investigation between 1971 and 2007 in the county council of Jonkoping

Carlsson, Johan, Siljehult, Mats January 2008 (has links)
What are the competencies and qualifications required by employers concerning the first line executives in medical care? In this paper we aim to scrutinise this question by analysing the significance of terms reproduced by employers in advertisements between 1971 and 2007. Our survey concerns 93 advertisements and two interviews with knowledgeable authorities on personnel administration in the county council of Jönköping municipality, Sweden. Using a theoretical framework developed by Ellström our results point out how the demands of the employer have changed starting in the 1970’s. We set fore, as a way of conclusion, the setting of competency and qualifications required by the employer have not only increased but appears much more comprehensive and far more complex than ever before. / Arbetsgivaren söker en första linjens chef, vilket yrkeskunnande är det man menar, vilken kompetens och kvalifikationer är det man efterfrågar? Vår uppsats syftar till att kartlägga, analysera och diskutera rekryteringsannonser som används för första linjens chefer inom Landstinget i Jönköpings län, från år 1971 fram till 2007. Vi har undersökt hur värdeord i annonser speglar arbetsgivarens krav och efterfrågan, samt hur de har förändrats över tid. För detta har använts Per-Erik Ellströms teoretiska ram och begreppsförklaring från år 2004 som modell till att granska dessa annonser. Vi har som empiri kartlagt 93 stycken rekryteringsannonser samt djupintervjuat två expertpersoner från Landstinget i Jönköpings län. Vår kartläggning och analys visar på hur arbetsgivarens krav och efterfrågan på första linjens chefer ökat från 1970-talet fram till idag. Den ram av kompetens och kvalifikationer som arbetsgivaren efterfrågar är idag större och mer komplex i sitt innehåll än tidigare.
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Uppföljning av arbetsmöjligheter för examinerade studenter : Från Mittuniversitetet efter den beteendevetenskapliga examen

Nyborg, Claes, Jonsson, Amanda January 2009 (has links)
<p>Denna studies syfte var att följa upp examinerade beteendevetare från Mittuniversitetet med fokus på vilka arbetsmöjligheter utbildningen hade gett dessa. Avgränsning gjordes till områdena etableringsgrad, lönenivå, andel med kvalificerad befattning (till utbildningsnivå och arbetsområde) samt tillfredställelse i förvärvsarbetet. I studien ingick samtliga vilka hade tagit ut sin examen från utbildningen. I dessa ingick båda examensformerna – kandidatexamen och magisterexamen. Till respondenterna skickades en enkät med frågor av kvantitativ art. Data från dessa analyserades deskriptivt och ställdes mot beteendevetare i liknande studier. Även signifikanstester användes för att analysera orsaker till tillfredställelse. Resultatet visade att respondenterna har en hög etableringsgrad. Andelen med kvalificerade yrken är dock inte jämförelsevis hög. Likaså är respondenternas lön något lägre än för övriga beteendevetares. Respondenternas tillfredställelse i arbetet var relativt låg vilket kan antas ha påverkats av användningen av utbildningen i arbetet, om arbetet motsvarade utbildningen samt lönenivån.</p>

Uppföljning av arbetsmöjligheter för examinerade studenter : Från Mittuniversitetet efter den beteendevetenskapliga examen

Nyborg, Claes, Jonsson, Amanda January 2009 (has links)
Denna studies syfte var att följa upp examinerade beteendevetare från Mittuniversitetet med fokus på vilka arbetsmöjligheter utbildningen hade gett dessa. Avgränsning gjordes till områdena etableringsgrad, lönenivå, andel med kvalificerad befattning (till utbildningsnivå och arbetsområde) samt tillfredställelse i förvärvsarbetet. I studien ingick samtliga vilka hade tagit ut sin examen från utbildningen. I dessa ingick båda examensformerna – kandidatexamen och magisterexamen. Till respondenterna skickades en enkät med frågor av kvantitativ art. Data från dessa analyserades deskriptivt och ställdes mot beteendevetare i liknande studier. Även signifikanstester användes för att analysera orsaker till tillfredställelse. Resultatet visade att respondenterna har en hög etableringsgrad. Andelen med kvalificerade yrken är dock inte jämförelsevis hög. Likaså är respondenternas lön något lägre än för övriga beteendevetares. Respondenternas tillfredställelse i arbetet var relativt låg vilket kan antas ha påverkats av användningen av utbildningen i arbetet, om arbetet motsvarade utbildningen samt lönenivån.

Elever- och lärarattityder angående samhällskunskapsämnets legitimitet : En didaktisk studie med grund i innehållsanalys angående gymnasieelevers samt gymnasielärares attityder om legitimerande aspekter i förhållande till samhällskunskapsundervisningen.

Randberg, Tim, Lindahl, Filip January 2023 (has links)
Tim Randberg and Filip Lindahl carried out this study under the institution for pedagogy, didactics and educational studies at Uppsala University. In relation to the lack of research regarding students’ perspectives regarding the legitimizing aspects of the school subject of social science(samhällskunskap), and in contrast to the existence of such research regarding teachers’ perspectives, this study is an attempt at contributing to the lack of previous research and note the importance of working towards a reality in which students’ and teachers’ attitudes, regarding the importance and the purpose of social studies, aligns.  This didactic study, which analyzes which attitudes are connected to a small group of students (age 18), as well as a small group of social science teachers, regarding what legitimizes studying social science, along with the key differences between these two groups, is an interview study in which a didactic theory formed by Gert Biesta was applied in relation to the results of the interview. Biesta’s theoretical framework, which is central for this study, categorized the legitimizing aspects of education into three categories: qualification, socialization and subjectification, in which every relevant analytical finding was categorized into each of Biesta’s three categories. This study concludes that both teachers and students found the internalization of democratic values as well as citizenship development to be the central legitimizing aspects of civic studies. The results regarding the teachers’ comments aligned with most previous research, except for the aspect of power, which in contrast to previous research was absent in the results for this study. Regarding the three theoretical categories, no significant differences were to be found but rather smaller differences that could be considered noteworthy. Teachers discussed the legitimizing aspects of civic studies from a qualification-related point of view more than the students did. In contrast, the students made comments that were connected to the concepts of socialization as well as subjectification in a greater sense compared to the teachers. Regarding the concept of qualification, both teachers and students related the purpose of civic studies to skills and knowledge necessary to engage politically in society, or to prosper in society. Connected to the concept of socialization, students found that it was important that people internalized democratic values and norms related to democracy, which aligns with the teachers’ responses, only that the latter as a group further discussed the legitimizing aspect of civic studies as it being a means to prevent extremism, racism as well as other anti-democratic aspects that a few students were described as gravitating towards. In relation to the concept of subjectification, students, unlike the teachers, noted the importance of becoming global citizens. Both groups argued for the importance of developing a culturally adaptive mindset as well as forming an individual political opinion. Most teachers discussed the importance of students, along with the civic studies, becoming less self-centered and more focused on their role in relation to a social, collective context. In contrast, several students made individualistic claims; that a legitimizing aspect of civic studies, regarding certain skills and abilities that comes with the subject and that was regarded as a key element in a modern, democratic social context, is that they develop a sense of what others think of them and how successfully they present themselves to other people, groups and institutions. One conclusion is that there is a reason for the didactic research-field to investigate whether there needs to be a function in Swedish education which investigates whether students and teachers share the same idea of why they are studying a subject or various content related to a subject,
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Locating the Unlocated : An Examination of Choice of Law and Consumer Protection in Cryptocurrency Trading

Fernandez Gomero, Laura January 2023 (has links)
Disputes involving emerging technology, often leave a grey area on applicable law, as it is unlocated in the physical world. The problem with crypto-assets is partly driven by their underlying technology, allowing for the assets to be distributed in an international, digital sphere, and making it hard to pinpoint their territorial location and solve legal issues. This thesis, therefore, aims to clarify the questions of qualification and connecting factors for the choice of law when dealing with disputes concerning crypto-assets under a cross-border contractual agreement. It particularly seeks to examine consumer protection and the predictability of the choice of law in cryptocurrency trading. The thesis concludes that, for some specifically listed contracts, the applicable law is determined through hard and fast rules, but for other more complex contracts, the applicable law is determined by primarily examining the habitual residence of the operator of the characteristic performance, and secondarily, the closest connection. As to consumer contracts, a special rule appoints the law of the country where the consumer has his habitual residence, but only when several requirements are met. The rules pose problems with predictability and finding a territorial connection when the location of the assets or parties cannot be located. It is particularly a problem in decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges. Regarding the qualification, the thesis concludes that the current rules and statements do not provide a definite answer to the characterization of crypto-assets and require technically complex interpretations. Crypto-assets are mainly categorized based on their purpose, and the parties’ expectations. Therefore, fictional objectification of cryptocurrencies as movable property is possible when accepted as such by the parties. Moreover, cryptocurrency trading does not fall within traditional financial regulations but can be categorized as a service where the coins constitute a means of payment. Although the views are divided, causing uncertainty in the market, the obligations of traders are expected to be clarified through upcoming regulations.
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