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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvinnor som har blivit utsatta för könsstympning och deras erfarenheter av mötet med vårdpersonal : En litteraturstudie / Women who have undergone genital mutilation and their experiences with health care providers : A literature review

Nordström, Jeanette, Mehmeti, Sara January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Över 200 miljoner kvinnor och flickor i världen uppskattas ha blivit utsatta för könsstympning. De söker vård för fysiska och psykiska besvär, som kan vara en långvarig komplikation av könsstympningen. Detta kan lätt förbises om vårdpersonalen inte har kunskap om kvinnlig könsstympning och i vilka länder det utövas. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva erfarenheter av mötet med vårdpersonal för kvinnor som har blivit utsatta för könsstympning. Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på åtta vetenskapliga kvalitativa artiklar. Databaserna PubMed och Cinahl användes vid sökningen. Analysen genomfördes med Fribergs femstegsmodell. Resultat: Analysen gav tre kategorier, “Behov av information och rak kommunikation”, “Kvinnornas erfarenhet av vårdpersonalens kunskap och kompetens” och “Bemötande som skapar barriär eller främjar en personcentrerad vård” och sju underkategorier. Konklusion: Bristande kulturell kompentens bland vårdpersonalen och en tystnad kring kvinnlig könsstympning kan leda till att kvinnor som har blivit könsstympade inte får den vård de är i behov av och har rätt till. Vårdpersonalen behöver en kulturell förståelse för kvinnornas situation och medicinsk kompetens avseende kvinnlig könsstympning. Kvinnor som har blivit utsatta för könsstympning är i behov av empowerment och utbildning för att kunna bli mer delaktiga i sin vård. / Background: Over 200 million women and girls are estimated to have undergone female genital mutilation. They seek healthcare for physical and psychological problems, which can be a long-term complication from female genital mutilation (FGM). This can easily be overlooked by the healthcare staff if they do not have knowledge about female genital mutilation and in which countries it is practiced.  Aim: The aim of the study was to describe the experiences from the meeting with healthcare providers for women who have undergone genital mutilation.  Methods: A literature review with eight scientific qualitative studies. The databases Cinahl and PubMed were used in the literature search. The data was analyzed using Friberg’s Five-step model.  Results: The analysis gave three categories, “Need for information and direct communication”, “Women’s experiences of knowledge and competence of healthcare providers” and "Attitudes that create barriers or promote person-centered care” and seven subcategories.  Conclusion: A lack of cultural competence among healthcare providers and a silence around the topic female genital mutilation can lead to that women who have undergone female genital mutilation not receiving the care they are in need of and are entitled to. The healthcare providers need a cultural understanding of the women’s situation and medical competence regarding female genital mutilation. Women who have undergone female genital mutilation are in need of empowerment and education to be more involved in their healthcare.

Könsstympade kvinnors upplevelser av mötet med vården

Appelgren, Hanna, Westman, Moa January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kvinnlig könsstympning är en skadlig sedvänja som innebär ingrepp med avsikt att ändra eller skada kvinnans könsorgan. Traditionellt utförs det i stora delar av världen på flickor och kvinnor utan medicinska skäl. Idag beräknas cirka 200 miljoner flickor och kvinnor i världen ha utsatts för könsstympning och cirka 68 000 beräknas vara bosatta i Sverige. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva könsstympade kvinnors upplevelse av mötet med vården. Metod: Studien är en beskrivande litteraturstudie som baserades på 13 kvalitativa originalstudier som söktes i databasen PubMed. Huvudresultat: Resultatet visade att könsstympade kvinnor i mötet med vården upplevde bristfällig kunskap hos vårdpersonal samt otillräcklig information, vilket ledde till att kvinnorna inte fick relevant vård. Kvinnor upplevde bristfällig kommunikation med vårdpersonal, delvis på grund av språksvårigheter. Kvinnor upplevde utsatthet, kände skam och användes som studieobjekt. De blev av vårdpersonal misstänkta för brott i form av att de skulle könsstympa sina döttrar. Resultatet visade även att könsstympade kvinnor hade bra upplevelser med vården där kvinnor upplevde omtänksamma och välkomnande attityder hos vårdpersonal. Slutsats: Vårdpersonalens kunskap om könsstympning var grundläggande för de könsstympade kvinnornas upplevelser av vården. Brist på kunskap, kommunikation och information ledde till skam och utsatthet för kvinnorna. Detta tyder på att könsstympning är ett ämne som bör lyftas fram då vården i nuläget riskerar att inte räcka till för denna patientgrupp. Vårdpersonal bör vara uppmärksamma och lyhörda för att främja en god upplevelse för könsstympade kvinnors möte med vården. / Background: Female genital mutilation is a harmful practice that involves procedures with the intention of changing or damaging a woman´s genitals. Traditionally, it is performed in large parts of the world on girls and women without medical reasons. Today, approximately 200 million girls and women in the world are estimated to have been subjected to female genital mutilation and approximately 68,000 are estimated to live in Sweden. Aim: The aim was to describe women with female genital mutilation´s experience of the encounter with healthcare. Method: The study is a descriptive literature review that was based on 13 qualitative primary studies searched in PubMed. Main result: The results showed that in the meeting with healthcare, women with female genital mutilation experienced deficient knowledge with healthcare personnel and received insufficient information, which led to the women not receiving relevant care. The women experienced a lack of communication in relation to the healthcare personnel, partly due to language difficulties. Women experienced vulnerability, felt shame and were used as study objects. They were suspected by healthcare personnel of crimes in form of exposing their daughters to genital mutilation. The results also showed that women with female genital mutilation had good experiences with healthcare where women experienced caring and welcoming attitudes from health care personnel. Conclusion: Healthcare personnel´s knowledge of genital mutilation was fundamental to the women exposed to female genital mutilation´s experiences of healthcare. Lack of knowledge, communication and information led to shame and vulnerability for the women. This indicates that female genital mutilation is a topic that should be highlighted as the healthcare currently risks not being sufficient for this patient group. Healthcare personnel should be attentive and responsive to promote a good experience for women exposed to female genital mutilation encounters with care.

Sjuk av chefsjobbet : Unga kvinnliga chefers kamp mot utmattning: En kvalitativ studie av bidragande organisatoriska och psykosociala riskfaktorer

Kling, Michaela Sabina January 2024 (has links)
Abstract Author: Michaela Sabina Kling Title: Unga kvinnliga chefers kamp mot utmattning: En kvalitativ studie av bidragande organisatoriska och psykosociala riskfaktorer Course: Master Thesis in Occupational Health Science University: University of Gävle, SwedenAim: The aim of this study was to investigate factors in the organizational and psychosocial work environment that young female managers experienced as contributing to their sick leave due to work-related stress. Method: Eight participants aged 20-40 took part in qualitative semi-structured interviews, where the results were compiled in a content analysis. Main results: This study found that factors in the organizational and psychosocial work environment were related to their work role, work environment culture, organizational support functions, organizational changes, workload, and their own leadership. This led to negative effects on both their mental and physical health, as well as on their work ability and productivity. Conclusion: In systematic work environment management, the work environment of managers must be highlighted, as they are often overlooked today. The organization has an important role to play in creating a supportive and inclusive work environment where everyone, including the manager, can feel comfortable raising problems, demanding better conditions, and asking for help. With access to concrete tools such as mentorship and stress management courses, knowledge can be increased and the conditions for sustainable leadership can be improved, making young managers feel secure in their work roles. Keywords: Exhaustion syndrome, organizational support, workload, work environment, young female leader

Jordmån för rösträtt : – lokal rösträttskamp med nationella förtecken, Umeå FKPR 1903-1921

Ragnarsson, Ellen January 2020 (has links)
The women who fought for suffrage during the turn of the century were opposing many of the current conceptions about how women were supposed to act, primarily in the sense that they were active, had agency and created their own space to maneuver. Most research on the suffrage movement in Sweden has focused on the central organization and not on the local grassroots movements. The purpose of this study is therefore to examine women’s collective space to maneuver in Umeå by studying women’s organization in Umeå Förening för kvinnans politiska rösträtt (FKPR) during the period 1903-1921. The study is carried out by examining preserved material from the organization’s protocols and local newspapers during the time period. The study uses Maud Eduard’s theory on space to maneuver in order to analyze the material. Eduard’s theory focuses on how women’s organizations are important in the process of undoing gender and how the organization itself has impact on women’s collective space to maneuver. The analytic part of the study highlights how conceptions about gender and class were central for the women’s space to maneuver and that Umeå FKPR both challenged and reproduced these conceptions. The results show that the collective actions of the suffragist-women contributed to make visible the constructions of the masculine and the feminine. The actions by the suffragettes in Umeå therefore contributed to drawing attention to the fact that gender was a political dimension. The study concludes by discussing the actions of women in relation to their space to maneuver, the local context and the importance of women’s networks.

En bur gick ut för att finna en fågel : En tolkning av tolv kvinnors berättelser om mödomshinnan och kvinnlig oskuld

Schiller, Lina January 2017 (has links)
This paper is an interview study with 12 women between the ages of 17-88 from Bohuslän, Sweden and their thoughts about female virginity and the hymen. Today it has been proven that there exists no hymen that breaks at a woman’s first sexual intercourse. Nonetheless, the study shows that the myth of the hymen is still alive even though it is fading in the younger generations. All the women in the study have at some point in their lives believed there was a hymen but many have via education or media been informed that that’s not the case. Despite education, the hymen was still related to blood, pain, difficulties using feminine care products, or thoughts that something might rupture due to sport activities, like horse riding. Based on the women’s reports, this paper interprets why female virginity has become something that is in need of surveillance and control. As understood from Lévi-Strauss’s theories on the kinship system, the woman becomes a gift unit through the ritual of marriage. The alleged presence of the intact hymen is the valorizing factor in said structure.      The semi-structured interviews were analyzed through a content analysis and interpreted by using the post-modernistic theoretical frameworks, with focus on the ideas of Michel Foucault. Further post-structuralist theories are applied to interpret how language and action create norms and truths. The results indicate that the belief in the existence of the hymen as an anatomical structure took hold in medical science and popular culture in line with the hypothesis that power creates knowledge. The results also show that knowledge is not constant: from being an established truth among the older participants in the study, to the youngest generation expressing that the hymen is something “old”. Simultaneously, all women expressed that the hymen and female virginity are connected to discipline and power asymmetries. The results show that the hymen, in this specific context can be seen as a social construction with the aim of maintaining unity and discipline.

Ett omslag trovärdigt nog att köpas : En kvalitativ studie om gestaltningen av mannen och kvinnan på tidningsomslag till modemagasin / A magazine cover trustworthy enough to buy : A study of the representations of men and women on fashion magazine covers

Lundberg, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
Det finns forskare som menar att medierna är med och skapar vår identitet, därför måste vi ställa oss kritiska till de bilder vi ser. Enligt Gillian Rose ska vi med noggrannhet granska de bilder som exempelvis ett omslag har, för där det finns vissa kriterier vi måste ta hänsyn till. Syftet med min studie är att med semiotiska och retoriska verktyg analysera Elle, Plaza Kvinna, GQ samt King’s omslag för att se om män och kvinnor gestaltas olika beroende på vilken publiken är. Samt om det finns en skillnad tidningarna emellan. Med hjälp av Yvonne Hirdmans genusteori, Erwing Goffmans teori om avkodningen på bilden samt Laura Mulveys begrepp ”the male gaze” såg jag hur omslagen med en manlig publik gestaltade både män och kvinnor på sina omslag. Samt att de omslagen som inriktade sig till kvinnlig publik endast gestaltade kvinnor. Av de fyra modemagasinen som jag valde att analysera så anspelade tre av dem på kända personers trovärdighet istället för att låta kläder eller skönhet tala. Ord som blev centrala i analysernas konnotativa del var bland annat självständighet, makt, elegans och fullständighet. / There are scientists who believe that the media are creating human’s identity, therefore we need to be critical to the images we see. According to Gillian Rose we must view the cover pictures carefully with several criteria to take into consideration. The purpose with this study is to analyze Elle, Plaza Kvinna, GQ and King’s covers to see if men and women are portrayed differently depending on who’s looking. With the help of semiotic and rhetorical tools I saw a difference to how the genders were portrayed. The theoretical position I have taken is gender theory by Yvonne Hirdman, the theory Erwing Goffman presents in his work Media Advertisement where he talks about the decoding of a picture and Laura Mulveys concept of” the male gaze”. In the material, I saw that a different was made between male and females. The magazines that had a male audience portrayed both men and woman on their covers. And the magazines that has a female audience portrayed woman only. Of the four- fashion magazine three of them focused on the credibility of the model instead of letting the fashion speak.

Jag vill också ha en bästis : En antropologisk studie av framställningar av kvinnlig vänskap i textmaterial publicerat på hemsidan GoFrendly.se

Sjödin, Frida January 2019 (has links)
Att kvinnor i alla åldrar har vänner är ett allmänt känt faktum. Dock har denna relation ägnats lite uppmärksamhet. Det beror på att det samhälle vi lever i präglas av en maskulin dominans. Den styr vilka relationer som vi kommer att uppfatta som betydelsefulla, i vuxenlivet är detta främst den heterosexuella parrelationen. Hemsidan GoFrendly.se marknadsför en app som syftar till att hjälpa vuxna kvinnor finna vänner i andra kvinnor. Trots att vänskap är en relation som tenderar att ses som av liten betydelse spelar den en stor roll. Det visar bland annat materialet på hemsidan. Det är bland annat genom den som kvinnor tränar upp och diskuterar görandet av sin femininitet. Något som är avgörande för att den maskulina dominansen ska kunna upprätthållas. Utan en uppdelning mellan könen kan ingen överordnas den andre. Det finns även många andra aspekter av relationen utöver genus som gör den annorlunda mot ett heterosexuellt förhållande. Bland annat uppmuntras en gruppgemenskap och det dras många paralleller till relationer vi hade när vi var barn. Saker som dels kan uppfattas som del i underordnandet av kvinnan men som även kan ses som ett aktivt maktutövande av henne själv. Oavsett hur vi väljer att se på detta står det klart att strukturen producerar föreställningar om vänskap som i sin tur påverkar hur den framställs på hemsidan GoFrendly.se.

En studie av synen på kvinnor och högre utbildning I samband med läroverksreformen 1927 / Un essay aboit the views of women and higher education Connected with the secondary grammar schools reform in 1927

Johansson, Marianne January 2004 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka synen på kvinnors rätt till utbildning och kvinnans plats i samhället i samband med riksdagsdebatten om läroverksreformen 1927. Genom denna reform skulle det bli ytterliggare förbättringar, mer lika vilkor för båda könen i vår utbildningshistoria. Utvecklingen av denna reform ledde till att kvinnor skulle få tillträde till de statliga läroverken och därmed kunde avlägga en högre utbildningsexamen. Genom denna undersökning vill jag lyfta fram de olika åsikterna om kvinnors rätt till utbildning på politisk nivå under mellankrigstiden i Sverige, för att vi som blivande lärare ska få en förståelse för andra länders situation idag när det gäller utbildning för flickor och pojkar.</p>

"Men det är klart att man vänjer sig" : En undersökning om kvinnoprästers upplevelser av diskriminering inom Svenska kyrkan

Johansson, Anna, Hallbrink, Therese January 2009 (has links)
<p><p>The purpose of this essay is to examine clergywomen’s experience of discrimination within the Swedish church as to clergywomen’s opinions about their work and their work situation and how they handle contingent discrimination. The method used in this essay is qualitative, and in order to create an understanding of the topic we have used semi structured interviews and text analysis. Three clergywomen have been interviewed and in addition to this we have studied four clergywomen's reports to JämO regarding gender discrimination. The analysis is based upon a social constructivist perspective and Hirdman's gender system theory. The clergywomen that were interviewed experienced that they have unique qualities that male priests lack. Two of the interviewees stated that they have never been discriminated within the Swedish church. However, all three clergywomen described situations where female- and male priests are treated differently. Our conclusions are that clergywomen are using different kind of strategies to handle discrimination on their workplace. Two of the reports to JämO regarding discrimination were about the possibility to get recruited, and the other two were about differences in wages. In three of the cases JämO could not prove discrimination and in one case were rejected in the work tribunal.</p></p>

Låt dem få se skönheten : En textanalys av Karolina Widerströms syn på sexualitet

Waara, Jasmine January 2006 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this essay is to analyze the view on sexuality held by Sweden’s first woman doctor Karolina Widerström, by using ideologycritical textanalysis on the written scriptures of dr. Widerström that focus on sexualpolitics. In doing this I use the theory of speech by Foucault. In this study I focus on Widerström’s scriptures, what she wrote about, how she wrote about it but also what she couldn't write due to the historical context and how omission can still speak of power. I mean that Widerström intentionally tried to write about immoral subjects in a moral way and that her sexualpolitic scriptures give a rare expression of a positive view on sexuality, which is even clearer in comparison with Elizabeth Blackwell, another woman doctor and gynaecologist active in USA. By examining the threats and ideals in their works I come to the conclusion that Widerström’s view on sexuality as beautiful, natural and positive is very different from Blackwell’s point of view.</p>

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