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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

幕末政局中會津藩的角色—文久三年(1863)八月十八日政變與京都守護職— / Kyoto shugoshoku in the coup on august 18, 1863

梁媛淋, Liang, Yuan lin Unknown Date (has links)
文久二年(1862)閏八月,幕府為因應惡化的京都治安以及幕權低落的窘境,於原本負責京都事務的京都所司代之上,新設京都守護職一職,任命親藩中俸祿二十五萬石的會津藩藩主松平容保(1835~1893)担任。松平容保於該年底進入京都,他不僅必須維持當地的治安,還扮演著擔任幕府與朝廷間的中間人,促進雙方友好的角色。 文久三年(1863)五月十日,主張立刻攘夷的長州藩砲擊經過馬關海峽的外國船隻,開始攘夷行動,而與外國陷入交戰狀態,但是幕府與其他諸藩卻坐視不顧,長州藩為擺脫孤立的窘境,轉而致力實現天皇親征,欲藉此促進全國各地起而響應。八月十三日,朝廷發布了天皇移駕大和(今奈良),準備親征的敕命,然而,以孝明天皇(1831~1866)為首,前關白近衛忠熙、右大臣二條齊敬等高層公卿皆主張將攘夷事務委任幕府,不願親征,並想除去與長州藩聯手,提倡親征的三條實美(1837~1891)等少壯貴族。另一方面,天皇親征的敕命會毀壞幕府受朝廷委任掌理國政的正當性,身為幕府在京都的代表,京都守護職當然不能坐視,故而決定一併剷除握有朝權的三條實美等人及敗壞治安的浪士。結果,高層公卿與會津藩聯手發動八月十八日的政變,三條實美等人則與敗走的長州兵一同返回長州。 本稿主要分析政變的實行者於政變前所做的準備,以及其於政變當天的動向。由於政變計畫案僅存與會津結盟的薩摩藩藩士的獻計文書,故先行研究皆以薩摩藩為主謀論之,認為會津藩只是兵力遭到利用的一方。然而,本論根據文獻發現,薩摩藩原本計畫八月十六日起事,卻因天皇反對而失敗。失望的薩摩藩士於是藉酒消愁,直到翌日天皇又再傳手諭,指將藉會津藩的兵力起事,才又重新振作,投入十八日的政變準備工作。由於薩摩藩的計畫於八月十六日以失敗告終,該藩在十八日政變時僅被分派守衛皇宮出入口之任務,失去掌握主導權的機會。八月十八日政變之後,孝明天皇等人取回了朝中的發言權,會津藩所代表的幕府勢力則掌握了中央政局的主導權。對此結果感到不滿的薩摩藩,因而與長州藩聯手,走上倒幕一途。如此看來,八月十八日政變的成功反而促成了薩長同盟的成立,亦成為明治維新的遠因。 / Kyoto Shugoshoku(京都守護職; the Military Commissioner of Kyoto) was created as the higher commander of Kyoto Shoshidai(京都所司代; the ambassador of Bakuhu in Kyoto), for keeping the peace in the city of Kyoto and recovering the authority of Bakuhu(幕府; shogunate). Matudaira Katamori(松平容保), the lord of the Aizu clan(会津藩), was installed as Kyoto Shugoshoku on September 24 1862, and deployed massive amounts of troops to Kyoto by the end of the year. He was not only responsible for policing the city of Kyoto, but was also expected to unify Chotei(朝廷; the imperal court) with Bakuhu. From June 25, 1863, the Choshu clan(長州藩), which insisted on expelling aliens immediately, shelled foreign ships that crossed the Kanmon Cclannel(関門海峡) and was at war with western countries. However, Bakuhu and the other clans didn’t want to open hostilities, the Choshu clan therefore became isolated. In order to cclange the miserable condition, the Choshu clan proposed that the emperor should defeat the enemy by himself, and forced Emperor Komei(孝明天皇) to announce it on August 13. Because of this, Emperor Komei and the other nobles who opposed this announcement, for example, Udaijin(右大臣; the second prime minister of Chotei) Nijyo Nariyuki(二条斉敬) and Zen-Kanpaku(前関白; previous superior regent) Konoe Tadahiro(近衛忠熙), decided to exclude the Choshu clan and young nobels like Sanjyo Sanetomi(三条実美) who took its side. On the other side, as the representative of Bakuhu in Kyoto, Matudaira Katamori had to prevent the announcement becoming true. Because he was afraid that Bakuhu shell lose the the legitimacy to reign over Japan from Chotei. That is the reason why he decided to exclude the Choshu clan and Sanjyo Sanetomi’s party. He leagued together with emperor Komei, Nijyo Nariyuki and Konoe Tadahiro, and mounted a coup on August 18. Finally, Sanjyo Sanetomi’s party ran away with the troops of the Choshu clan to Choshu domain. This study attempts to explore the position of Kyoto shugoshoku in the coup by analysis of the preparation and the movement of the administers of the coup. Because the schedule of the coup in existence was proposed by the samurais of the Satsuma clan(薩摩藩), who was associated with the Aizu clan, in prior studies, the coup was led by the Satsuma clan, and successed by using the troops of the Aizu clan. But according to the literature, the plan made by the samurais of the Satsuma clan was intending to mount a coup on August 16 and was repealed by Emperor Komei on that day. Those samurais of the Satsuma clan were frustrated and so they drunk together until the next morning. On August 18, they just ordered to guard the gate of the palace, and to forbid Sanjyo Sanetomi’s party get into the palace and let the other nobles get through the gate with using the black list of nobles which delivered by the Aizu clan. In the mean time, the Aizu clan, which recalled the troops going back to the domain and so doubled the force before August 17, was the commander for the all gates control of the palace. Moreover, Matsudaira Katamori attended the royal court for the exclusion of the Choshu clan and Sanjyo Sanetomi’s party. By these evidences I should make the assertion that the Satsuma-lead coup was ended up on August 16, and the Aizu clan was the one which having great effect in the coup on August 18. As the result, the Aizu clan had taken the leadership in the political scene for Bakuhu, so as Emporer Komei and the others retrieved their voice in Chotei.

Des enjeux juridiques concernant l'efficacité des systèmes d'échange de droits d'émission

Brophy, Alain 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire décrit et analyse différents types de systèmes d'échange de droits d'émission utilisés dans le cadre de politiques de gestion de la pollution atmosphérique. L'objectif premier est de répertorier des enjeux juridiques étant liés à l'efficacité de ces systèmes. Dans un premier temps, nous nous attardons à la structure et aux mécanismes internes des systèmes d'échange de droits d'émission. Tout d'abord, nous soulignons le fondement théorique de ce type de système. Nous évaluons par la suite la structure et certains litiges liés au système d'échange américain dans le cadre des émissions de dioxyde de soufre. Dans un deuxième temps, nous continuons la description de systèmes en nous attardant plus spécifiquement aux interactions entre les systèmes d'échange de droits d'émission et les autres politiques et règlementations environnementales (incluant d'autres systèmes d'échange d'émission) visant la même problématique environnementale. / The present essay describes and analyses different types of emissions trading schemes as an instrument in air quality and environmental policy. The objective is to index legal stakes or risks relating to the efficiency of emissions trading schemes. ln the first part, we evaluate the structure and the design of emissions trading schemes. The knowledge of the economic theory transcending those schemes is necessary to understand ail the structural mechanisms. After this evaluation, this essay proposes an analysis of the U.S. sulphur dioxide program based on the U.S. Clean Air Act and sorne of the litigations that occurred in the application of the said program. ln part two, we are describing the structure and the design of emissions trading schemes with the specific goal of underlining the interactions between different types of environmental policies or regulations and emissions trading schemes when they are ail used for the same environmental problem.

A crise financeira internacional no mercado de carbono: um estudo sobre os canais de transmissão

Cunha, Rodolfo Vidal da 24 November 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:48:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rodolfo Vidal da Cunha.pdf: 608722 bytes, checksum: de9b47caa8d5c82a36ee8da7e86ad5ec (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-11-24 / Global economic growth has promoted a broad global climate change that could jeopardize the very life as we know on the planet. Thus, it became imperative to implement policies that would help in containing the environmental devastation and climate change. For that created the Carbon Market in the Kyoto Protocol, which was ratified by most nations of the world. This market has size, range and networking with various other sectors, thanks to state policies, especially within the European Union. The global financial crisis hatched in the biennium 2007/2008, born from the rise in defaults of mortgages, high-risk sub-prime, the United States, was transmitted to the main economic sectors and across borders around the planet, leaving a scenario of high volatility and impacting economic activity. The crisis also has had consequences in the global carbon market, externalized by the strong contraction in the prices of emission allowances of CO2 equivalent. The objective of this work is a mapping of the main channels of international financial crisis of the period for the carbon market. This study also sought to analyze the form gave way to the insertion of the European Economic Community in this market, since it is responsible for the Carbon Market have created inter-relations with the major economic sectors, and concentrate more than 70% of the volume negotiated. For this, we performed a bibliographical research, offering a panoramic view and a systematization of this phenomenon / O crescimento econômico mundial promoveu uma ampla mudança climática global que pode comprometer a própria vida como a conhecemos no planeta. Deste modo, tornou-se imperativo a implementação de políticas que auxiliassem na contenção da devastação ambiental e climática. Para isso foi criado o Mercado de Carbono no Protocolo de Quioto, que foi ratificado pela maioria das nações do mundo. Este mercado ganhou tamanho, amplitude e interligação com diversos outros setores, graças a políticas estatais, principalmente no âmbito da União Européia. A crise financeira global eclodida no biênio 2007/2008, nascida a partir da elevação da inadimplência dos créditos hipotecários de alto risco, sub-prime, nos Estados Unidos, se espalhou para os principais segmentos econômicos e atravessou fronteiras ao redor do planeta, deixando um cenário de alta volatilidade e impactando a atividade econômica. Tal crise também deixou seqüelas no Mercado de Carbono global, exteriorizadas pela forte contração nos preços das permissões de emissões de CO2 equivalente. O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar um mapeamento dos principais canais de transmissão da crise financeira internacional do período para o mercado de carbono. Este trabalho também buscou analisar a forma como se deu a inserção da Comunidade Econômica Européia neste mercado, dado que ela é a responsável pelo Mercado de Carbono ter criado inter-relações com os principais segmentos econômicos, além de concentrar mais de 70% do volume negociado. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica exploratória, oferecendo uma visão panorâmica e uma sistematização deste fenômeno

Döden på Tomhetens Fält : Döden, Intet och det Absoluta hos Nishitani Keiji och Nishida Kitarō

Zetterberg, Theodor January 2018 (has links)
This paper examines the role played by death in the philosophy of Nishitani Keiji, through the nondual logic of contradictory identity developed by his teacher and founder of the Kyotoschool of philosophy, Nishida Kitarō. I explore Nishitani’s understanding of how Nothingness, nihility, through our awareness of death penetrates and nullifies existence itself, how the irreality of all being comes to the fore to make being itself unreal. The nullifying nothingness of nihility, however, is still nothingness represented as a something; it is a reified nothing, defined as the antithesis to being and thus still seen as a corollary of being itself. A truly absolute nothingness, what Nishitani calls Śūnyatā, emptiness, must be a nothingness so devoid of being as to not even be nothing; it must be absolutely nothing at all, and thus nothing else than being itself. The final chapter of my paper seeks to apply this nondual understanding of being and nothingness to the question of death itself; to understand the ontological meaning of death - the passage from being to non-being - when being and non-being have been one from the very beginning. The paper also seeks to blur the lines between what has traditionally been considered philosophy and religion, using the thinking of the Kyoto school to point to the deeper ties between the two in the borderland that is buddhist philosophy.

Anticipating pressing issues in trade and climate change policies: a critical analysis of border carbon adjustment measures with WTO law

Adedeji Adedayo Samuel January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Des enjeux juridiques concernant l'efficacité des systèmes d'échange de droits d'émission

Brophy, Alain 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire décrit et analyse différents types de systèmes d'échange de droits d'émission utilisés dans le cadre de politiques de gestion de la pollution atmosphérique. L'objectif premier est de répertorier des enjeux juridiques étant liés à l'efficacité de ces systèmes. Dans un premier temps, nous nous attardons à la structure et aux mécanismes internes des systèmes d'échange de droits d'émission. Tout d'abord, nous soulignons le fondement théorique de ce type de système. Nous évaluons par la suite la structure et certains litiges liés au système d'échange américain dans le cadre des émissions de dioxyde de soufre. Dans un deuxième temps, nous continuons la description de systèmes en nous attardant plus spécifiquement aux interactions entre les systèmes d'échange de droits d'émission et les autres politiques et règlementations environnementales (incluant d'autres systèmes d'échange d'émission) visant la même problématique environnementale. / The present essay describes and analyses different types of emissions trading schemes as an instrument in air quality and environmental policy. The objective is to index legal stakes or risks relating to the efficiency of emissions trading schemes. ln the first part, we evaluate the structure and the design of emissions trading schemes. The knowledge of the economic theory transcending those schemes is necessary to understand ail the structural mechanisms. After this evaluation, this essay proposes an analysis of the U.S. sulphur dioxide program based on the U.S. Clean Air Act and sorne of the litigations that occurred in the application of the said program. ln part two, we are describing the structure and the design of emissions trading schemes with the specific goal of underlining the interactions between different types of environmental policies or regulations and emissions trading schemes when they are ail used for the same environmental problem. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit (LL.M.) option recherche". Ce mémoire a été accepté à l'unanimité et classé parmi les 15% des mémoires de la discipline. Commentaires du jury ; "Le jury souligne la difficulté du sujet et l'importance des enjeux économiques, politiques et juridiques. Le candidat a bien déblayé le sujet et a su structurer son analyse de manière intéressante".

Anticipating pressing issues in trade and climate change policies: a critical analysis of border carbon adjustment measures with WTO law

Adedeji Adedayo Samuel January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

清潔發展機制之國際政治經濟學分析:以歐盟與中國為例 / An international political economy analysis of the clean development mechanism: A comparative study of the EU and China

陳俊仰, Chen, Chun Yang Unknown Date (has links)
清潔發展機制作為京都議定書中的一種彈性機制,普遍被認為將為溫室氣體排放減量所引起的「環境保護─經濟發展」與「北─南」衝突帶來雙贏的結果。支持者認為,其為附件一締約方提供達成溫室氣體減排經濟成本較低的方法,也同時為非附件一締約方引進資金與技術。然而,本研究運用國際政治經濟學的分析,提出因為各自要素禀賦的不同,清潔發展機制實行後的利弊損益將不會公平的分配於清潔發展機制項目的投資方與東道方間,因而導致某些負面的效果:其將阻礙投資方境內減排措施的推動,與導致東道方在技術上的依賴。而透過對投資方與東道方內部排放權提供者與技術研發者間互動的分析,再輔以中國與EU-15的實證資料,可以證實本研究的假設並較為清楚地說明其背後之原因。最後,本研究將討論中國政府與EU-15各自如何以政治力介入市場機制的運作,以試圖處理這樣市場機制運作所導致的弊病。 / Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) as a Kyoto flexible mechanism was believed to provide a win-win solution to the conflicts, which result from cutting down greenhouse gas emissions, between wheather ecology & economy or North & South. The proponents believe the implementation of CDM is cost-efficient for the Annex I Parties to achieve their Kyoto commitments and can also introduce capital & technology into the non-Annex I Parties. However, by international political economic analysis, the difference in factors endowments between CDM invest parties and host parties will result in unequal distribution of gains & pays between them. This causes some negative effects: CDM will deter the implementation of domestic emissions reduction in the invest parties, and it will also make technological dependence in the host parties. Through analyzing the interactions between emission allowance providers & technology innovators in the invest & host parties and with empirical data from China & EU-15, the assumptions of this study is proved and the causation is clarified. At last, the governmental interventions, which are trying to modify the negative effects result from the operation of market mechanism, by China and EU-15 are brought into discuss perspectively.

Understanding the Clean Development Mechanism and its dual aims : the case of China's projects

Sun, Qie January 2011 (has links)
Having been running for over 10 years, the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is considered an innovative and successful mitigation initiative. CDM has the dual aims of helping industrialised countries achieve compliance with their emission limitation and reduction commitments in a cost-effective way, while simultaneously assisting developing countries in sustainable development. This thesis does a comprehensive analysis of the dual aims of CDM and is intended to assist in discussions about the post-2012 regime regarding CDM. To analyse the aim of assisting mitigation in a cost-effective way, the prices of certified emission reductions (CERs) on the international carbon market was studied and the provision of CDM was tested by comparing the amount of CERs with the mitigation commitments of the Annex I countries. It was found that CDM plays an important role in maintaining the international carbon price at a low level and that the total amount of CERs alone had already reached up to 52.70% of the entire mitigation commitments of industrialized countries by the end of 2010 and was continuing to grow before 2012. A theoretical analysis of the impacts of CDM showed that CDM has a double mitigation effect in both developing countries and industrialised countries, without double counting at present. A quantitative evaluation of the effects of China’s CDM projects on China’s total emissions showed that the contribution of CDM projects to limiting total emissions is small due to the dominance of fossil fuels, but CDM’s role in stimulating renewable energy is significant, e.g. about 11% of hydropower and 93% of wind power was generated by CDM projects in 2010. The results provide strong evidence in support of CDM’s contribution under the current Kyoto Protocol mitigation regime. To analyse the aim of promoting sustainable development in developing countries, popular methods such as checklist, Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) and Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) were reviewed, a CBA of co-benefits of China’s CDM projects was carried out, and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was applied in an experimental study. The results showed that every method has its own advantages and problems. In other words, neither the CBA of co-benefits nor the AHP method alone is able to assess sustainable development in a completely satisfactory way. Currently, a bottom-up approach through engaging local stakeholders in CDM design and approval, combining a mandatory monitoring and evaluation of co-benefits, could be more effective for safeguarding local sustainable development than any consolidated standards. The future of the CDM is still unclear mainly due to uncertainties about the post-2012 regime. This thesis shows that there is more than sufficient reason for CDM to continue after 2012. Industrialised countries in general should make more substantial efforts to reduce their domestic emissions rather than blaming developing countries. For developing countries, learning from the CDM projects and further applying the knowledge, technology and experiences to their domestic development agenda could be more valuable than the present CER revenues. CDM can be an important starting point for developing countries to gradually make incremental greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction and limitation efforts. / QC 20110817

KÖLDBRYGGOR I PREFABRICERADE SANDWICHVÄGGAR AV BETONG : DETALJERADE 2D-BERÄKNINGAR ENLIGT STANDARD ISO 10211:2017 / Thermal bridges in prefabricated concrete sandwich wall panels : Numerical calculations in 2D according to ISO 10211:2017

Kruth, Sebastian January 2018 (has links)
År 2010 beslutade Europaparlamentet att från år 2021 ska alla nya byggnadervara nära-nollenergibyggnader (NNE). I linje med förslaget fick myndigheten Boverket i uppdrag av regeringen att skapa Sveriges definition på NNE-byggnaderoch ta fram riktlinjer som är kopplade till energikraven. Första steget enligtKyoto-pyramiden för att effektivisera en byggnads energianvändning är att minskadess värmebehov där primära åtgärden är att förbättra byggnadens klimatskärm. En egenskap som påverkar klimatskärmens prestanda är köldbryggor som kan uppstå vid komponentanslutningar. Idag kan olika metoder och dimensionsval användas för att beräkna köldbryggor och utslaget kan variera kraftigt beroende dessa val. Enligt Boverket ska köldbryggor beräknas enligt standard ISO 13789:2017. Standarden hänvisar dock till två andra beräkningstandarder nämligen förenklad (ISO 14683) eller detaljerad beräkning (ISO 10211). Förutom detta kan beräkningen göras utifrån tre olika dimensionsval. Målet med denna studie var att utföra detaljerade tvådimensionella beräkningar enligt standard ISO 10211:2017 med köldbryggeberäkningsprogrammet Flixo. Detta med syfte att försöka reda ut den oklarhet som kan uppstå vid beräkning av köldbryggor samt belysa osäkerheten kring val av metod. Rapporten ska även fungera som ett beräkningsunderlag för ett antal köldbryggedetaljer som Veidekke Entreprenad i Stockholm kan nyttja vid behov. Simuleringar har utförts enligt standard ISO 10211:2017 för tre vanligt förekommande köldbryggor kopplat till sandwichväggar i betong. Dessa tre detaljer har beräknats för fyra olika prefab-leverantörer som Veidekke Entreprenad samarbetar med, där samtliga har relativt liknande konstruktionslösningar. Utifrån studien har en djupare inblick erhållits gällande köldbryggeproblematiken. Beskrivningar i standard 10211:2017 upplevs kunna förbättras med detaljerade exempel. Simuleringsprogrammet Flixos användarvänlighet och genomgångar bidrog till bättre förståelse. Från studien bedömdes att tre val för dimensioner ger en onödig förvirring där inre dimensioner upplevs mer överflödig än de andra två. Studien visar på i dessa fall märkbart varierade resultat för liknande konstruktionslösningar, vilket ger alarmerande signaler till användning av andra beräkningsmetoder, så som schabloniserade värden.

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