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Nie-gewelddadige aksie (NGA) en die ontwikkeling van swart plaaslike regering : 'n histories-kritiese ontleding, 1982 tot 1994Du Toit, Petrus Jacobus Vivier 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Suid-Afrika het as gevolg van apartheid vir etlike dekades oor 'n gedeeltelik legitieme plaaslike regeringstelsel beskik. Die probleem is dat die land se apartheidsregering afsonderlike stelsels vir blankes en swartes in aparte woongebiede in stand gehou het, welke beleid vir meeste Suid-Afrikaners onaanvaarbaar was. Swart plaaslike owerhede wat swart plaaslike regering moes bedryf, was nog polities nog ekonomies lewensvatbaar. Die rede hiervoor is dat hul enersyds deur die gemeenskap verwerp is en andersyds nie voldoende inkomstebronne gehad het om plaaslike owerheidsdienste finansieel onafhanklik te lewer nie. Stedelike swart gemeenskappe was aan 'n, vir hulle, onaanvaarbare apartheidsgestruktureerde swart plaaslike regeringstelsel onderworpe. Swart plaaslike owerhede was voorts as gevolg van hul ekonomiese nie-lewensvatbaarheid, gekniehalter in die lewering van plaaslike owerheidsdienste asook die daarstelling en instandhouding van kapitale ontwikkelingsprojekte. Stedelike swartes was dus blootgestel aan gebrekkige dienslewering in aparte, onderontwikkelde "slaapdorpe" waar hulle noodgedwonge moes woon. 'n Vraag waarna gevolglik gekyk word, fokus op die kenmerke van 'n ideeeltipiese
model van plaaslike regering wat die gedeeltelik legitieme stelsel behoort te vervang. As gevolg van die onaanvaarbaarheid van die swart plaaslike regeringstelsel was swart plaaslike owerhede sedert die vroee tagtigerjare die teikens van aksioniste teen hierdie apartheidsproduk. Aksioniste het nie-gewelddadige aksie (NGA), geskoei op die Gandhiaanse filosofie en metodiek van Satyagraha, aangewend ten einde swart plaaslike owerhede te vernietig. NGA (wat dikwels ook tot gewelddadigheid gelei het), het tot gevolg gehad dat die
owerheid later noodgedwonge 'n nuwe plaaslike regeringstelsel vir die totale Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing, met alle deelvennote moes beding. Onderhandelings het vervolgens meegebring dat 'n oorgangsproses na legitieme (demokratiese) plaaslike regering vir alle Suid-Afrikaners ingevolge die Oorgangswet op Plaaslike Regering, 1993 (Wet No. 209 van 1993) geaktiveer is.
In hierdie proefskrif is gevolglik vasgestel: (1) welke invloed die politieke bedeling
(apartheidsbedeling) op die ontwikkeling van stedelike swart gemeenskappe en die bedryf van
swart plaaslike regering gehad het; (2) wat die aard en effek van NGA op die ontwikkeling
van swart plaaslike regering was; en (3) hoe geldig die onderhandelde plaaslike regeringstelsel
is, vergeleke met die ideeel-tipiese model wat geidentifiseer is. / As a result of apartheid South Africa possessed a partially legitimate local government system for several decades. The problem is that the country's apartheid government maintained separate systems for whites and blacks in separate residential areas, a policy that was unacceptable to the majority of South Africans. Black local authorities who had to maintain black local government were neither politically nor economically viable because they were rejected by the community and lacked sufficient sources of revenue to render financially independent local government services. Urban black communities were subject to what, for them, was an unacceptable apartheid-structured black local government system. Black local authorities were also prevented by their economic nonviability from delivering local government services effectively and from instituting and maintaining capital development projects. Urban blacks were therefore subjected to poor service delivery in separate, underdeveloped "dormitory towns" where they were forced to live. An issue to be considered in this regard concerns the characteristics of an ideal-typical model of local government that should replace this partially legitimate system. As a result of the unacceptability of the black local government system local authorities
became the targets of activists who waged a campaign against this product of apartheid since the early eighties. Activists used non-violent action (NV A), based on the Gandhian principle of Satyagraha, to destroy black local authorities. As a result of NVA (which often led to violence) the central government was eventually forced to negotiate a new local government system for the whole of South African society with all stakeholders. Negotiations led to a process of transition to legitimate (democratic) local government for all South Africans as
promulgated in the Local Government Transition Act, 1993 (Act No. 209 of I 993). Consequently the following has been established in this thesis: (1) the influence of the
political dispensation (apartheid dispensation) on the development of urban black communities
and the maintenance of black local government; (2) the nature and the effect of NV A on the development of black local government; and (3) how valid the negotiated local government
system is, compared to the identified ideal-typical model. / Development Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Ontwikkelingsadministrasie)
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Die konstitusionele implikasie van Fraser V Children's Court, Pretoria North 1997 2 SA 261 (CC)Coetzee, Linden 08 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in English / Writer investigates the constitutionality of section 18(4)(d) of the Child Care Act 74 of 1983
against the backdrop of the South African common law and the common law of comparative legal
systems. In the South Africa law the mother of an illegitimate child has guardianship. The natural
father does not have parental power which weakens his legal position.
In analysing the judgement of the Constitutional Court, writer criticises the court for stating that
in the case of a newborn baby the kind of discrimination which section 18( 4 )( d) authorises against
a natural father may be justifiable in the initial period after the child is born.
The constitutional position of the natural father in American jurisprudence is discussed at length.
Writer concludes that the natural father has to take positive steps to vest a right to be heard in an adoption application. Proposals for legal reform are also made. / Private Law / LL. M. (Law)
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Jälleenrakennuskauden kodin väritys:arki ja arkkitehtuuriHerneoja, A. (Aulikki) 07 November 2007 (has links)
In my study of architecture, I have surveyed the interior of the apartment from the perspective of colouration, in Finland from 1948 to 1955. My study comprised traditionally considered high-cultured architecture — legitimate architecture — and architecture representing the everyday, which does not have the status of legitimate architecture.
My research into this subject adopted a material based approach, with qualitative research methods and applied with a theory-guided content analysis. The periodicals Arkkitehti and Kaunis Koti formed the central content of my study, representing legitimate and popular architecture from the post-war reconstruction period. On the basis of this material, I compiled a depiction of the colouration of the home during the postwar reconstruction period. In addition, I studied the use of colours in legitimate and popular architecture during that period. There has been no previous systematic depiction of the interiors of the home in Finland.
The presupposition of my study was that during the post-war reconstruction period, the colour preferences of architects and the general public neared. During the post-war reconstruction period, the attention of most architects was directed towards the living conditions and needs of the general public. The primary focus of architects was in housing. This was due to the large number of homeless people requiring housing after the war. From the basis of functionalism, the discourse on the social content of architecture created the foundation for building planning during the post-war reconstruction period. In the material examined in this study, colour was identified with happiness. Nature connected the Finnish people. Even in the urban setting, the experience of nature was considered important. The multihued greenery of the window shelf present in almost every living room was one display of "the living spirit" of nature brought into the urban apartment.
During the post-war reconstruction period, colouration of interiors was not homogenous. The composition of the colouration, and the ways in which colour were used, changed according to the room type. The over-arching concept in the colouration of the rooms was that of a purposeful aesthetic. The changes were connected with the development phase of the room type, its contents, as well as the importance of the space in comparison to the entirety of spaces in the apartment. In addition to the colouration change between room types, some of the apartment furnishings and their colouration changed noticeably during the post-war reconstruction period. The importance of good taste was also emphasised in different ways in different room types. In the colouration of older, established room types issues of good taste were often raised, and the interior was constructed on the basis of critique of previous interior design colourations. In connection with newer room types, such as the kitchen and the children's room, a purposeful aesthetic was at the forefront and good taste was hardly talked about, since colouration was not given as a value in relation to what had come before. Dissymmetry of colouration was common for all home interiors. The dissymmetry was derived from the modernity principle of embracing the new and forbidding the traditional.
Personal observations in the use of associative and dissociative names for colours, displays Bourdieu's conception of good taste, represented in the formation of legitimate taste and popular taste. However, the criticism of Shusterman displays well, that this is a definition derived from high-culture, which is already value-ridden. The romantic period during the post-war reconstruction period, the content of which is understandable also from a popular viewpoint, showed clearly in the works of the architects. For many architects, the period remained short. From the perspective of Bourdieu, it can be thought that legitimate taste had for a moment neared popular taste. The "blue flower of romantic thought" did not blossom for long and the taste representing legitimate, rational thought regained its position. According to my supposition, the taste of popular and high-culture had nonetheless, momentarily neared. / Tiivistelmä
Arkkitehtuurin alaan kuuluvassa tutkimuksessani, tarkastelen asunnon sisustusta värityksen näkökulmasta Suomessa vuosina 1948—1955. Tarkastelussani rinnakkain ovat perinteisesti korkeakulttuurina pidetty rakennustaide, legitiimi arkkitehtuuri, ja arjen käytäntöjä edustava arkkitehtuuri, jolla ei ole legitiimin arkkitehtuurin statusta.
Tarkastelen tutkimusaihettani aineistolähtöisesti laadullisen tutkimuksen keinoin teoriasidonnaisen sisällönanalyysin avulla. Arkkitehti-lehti ja Kaunis koti -lehti muodostavat tutkimukseni keskeisen aineiston jälleenrakennuskauden legitiimin ja populaarin arkkitehtuurin ilmentäjinä. Tutkimuksessani kokoan aineistoon perustuvan kuvauksen jälleenrakennuskauden kodin värityksestä sekä tutkin tuon ajan legitiimin ja populaarin arkkitehtuurin värinkäyttöä. Kodin tilojen värityksestä ei ole aiemmin laadittu systemaattista kuvausta Suomessa.
Tutkimukseni esioletuksena oli, että jälleenrakennuskaudella arkkitehtien ja suuren yleisön kodin värinkäyttöön liittyvät mieltymykset olivat lähellä toisiaan. Jälleenrakennuskaudella arkkitehtikunnan huomio oli kohdentunut suuren yleisön elinoloihin ja tarpeisiin. Arkkitehtikunnan suunnittelutehtävän painopiste oli asuntotuotannossa, sillä suuri määrä sodan jälkeen kodittomiksi jääneitä oli asutettava. Funktionalismin pohjalta käyty keskustelu arkkitehtuurin sosiaalisesta sisällöstä loi pohjaa jälleenrakennuskauden asuntosuunnittelulle. Aineistossani väri vertautui iloisuuteen. Luonto yhdisti suomalaisia. Kaupunkiympäristössäkin luontokokemusta pidettiin tärkeänä. Kodin sisustuksessa lähes poikkeuksetta esiintynyt olohuoneen kukkaikkuna oli yksi osoitus kaupunkiasuntoon tuodusta luonnon "elävästä hengestä".
Jälleenrakennuskauden kodin sisustuksen väritys oli epäyhtenäinen. Värityksen sisällöt ja tavat käyttää väriä vaihtelivat huonetyypeittäin. Yhdistävänä yläkäsitteenä huonetilojen värityksessä oli tarkoituksenmukaisuuden estetiikka. Vaihtelut liittyivät huonetyypin kehitysvaiheeseen ja sisältöihin sekä tilalle annettuun painoarvoon asunnon huonetilojen kokonaisuudessa. Huonetyypin värityksen keskinäisen vaihtelun lisäksi osa kodin tilojen sisustuksista ja niiden värityksistä muuttui selvästi jälleenrakennuskauden kuluessa. Myös hyvän maun merkitystä korostettiin eri tavoin eri huonetyypeissä. Vanhempien, jo vakiintuneiden huonetyyppien sisustuksen värityksessä hyvä maku otettiin usein esiin ja hyvän maun mukainen sisutus rakentui aiempien sisustustyylien värityksen kritiikin kautta. Uudempien huonetyyppien, kuten keittiön ja lastenhuoneen, yhteydessä tarkoituksenmukaisuuden estetiikka oli etusijalla eikä hyvästä mausta puhuttu juuri lainkaan, sillä väritystä ei arvotettu suhteessa aiempaan. Värityksen epäsymmetrisyys oli yhteistä kaikille tarkastelemilleni kodin tilojen värityksille. Epäsymmetria ilmensi moderniteettiin sisältyvää ajatusta uudesta ja tradition kieltämisestä.
Havaintoni assosiatiivisten ja ei-assosiatiivisten värinnimitysten käytöstä havainnollistaa Bourdieun ajatusta hyvää makua edustavan legitiimin maun ja populaarin maun muodostumisesta. Shustermanin kritiikki tuo kuitenkin hyvin esiin korkeakulttuurin piiristä lähtevän määritelmän, joka jo lähtökohtaisesti on arvovarautunut. Jälleenrakennuskauden romanttinen ajanjakso, jonka sisällöt olivat ymmärrettäviä myös populaarin näkökulmasta, näkyi selvästi arkkitehtien tuotannossa. Jakso jäi monen arkkitehdin kohdalla lyhytaikaiseksi. Bourdieu'n näkökulmasta voi ajatella, että legitiimi maku oli hetkellisesti lähentynyt populaaria makua. Jälkikäteen katsottuna arkkitehdit ovat tulkinneet maun rämettyneen väliaikaisesti. "Romantiikan sininen kukka" ei kovin pitkään ehtinyt kukkia, ja legitiimiä rationaalia linjaa edustanut maku valtasi asemansa takaisin. Esioletukseni mukaisesti populaarin ja korkeakulttuurin maku olivat silti hetkellisesti lähentyneet toisiaan.
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Colonial and renaissance hybrid strategies. Performativity, staging, orality, discursivity and historiographical representation by the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega: the Hayden White of the 17th centuryToro, Alfonso de 21 June 2022 (has links)
The essay studies the performance and staging of memory in the Comentarios Reales de los Incas by Garcilaso de la Vega el Inca, from a post-colonial perspective. Its analyze Garcilaso´s construction of history based on his individual and collective historical experiences with the goal to establish his authority and erudition and legitimate the Inca Empire as a magnificent civilization comparable to the highest European cultures of Antiquity and Modern times. / El ensayo estudia la performamcia y escenificación de la memoria en los Comentarios Reales de los Incas de Garcilaso de la Vega el Inca, desde una perspectiva postcolonial. Se analiza la construcción de la historia por parte de Garcilaso a partir de sus experiencias históricas individuales y colectivas con el objetivo de establecer su autoridad y erudición y así legitimar el Imperio Inca como una grandiosa civilización, comparable a las más grandes culturas europeas de la Antigüedad y de la Modernidad. / Der Beitrag untersucht die Performierung und Inszenierung von Erinnerung in den Comentarios Reales de los Incas von Garcilaso el Inca aus einer postkolonialen Perspektive. Er widmet sich Gar-cilasos Geschichtskonstruktion, die auf seinen individuellen und kollektiven historischen Erfahrungen beruht und darauf abzielt, seine Autorität und Gelehrsamkeit zu begründen, um so mit das Inkareich als eine großartige Zivilisation zu legitimieren, die mit den höchsten europäischen Kulturen der Antike und der Neuzeit vergleichbar wäre.
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Le standard minimum du traitement juste et équitable en droit international des investissements. Essai sur une technique conventionnelle de régulation substantielle / The fair and equitable treatment standard in international investment law. Study of a conventional technique of subtantial regulationNgouadje Maliendji, Diane 11 December 2014 (has links)
Pas de résumé disponible / Pas de résumé disponible
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L'occupation immobilière : étude de droit privé / Estate occupancy : a private law studyPezzella, Virginie 12 December 2012 (has links)
En droit privé, l’occupation s’entend, en principe, d’un mode d’acquisition originaire de la propriété des choses mobilières dépourvues de maître : c’est ainsi qu’elle a fait une entrée discrète dans le Code civil en 1804. Toutefois, depuis cette date, l’occupation a acquis une toute autre signification. Le législateur et le juge recourent aujourd’hui à cette notion pour désigner différents modes de jouissance de l’immeuble d’autrui. Il est question de conventions d’occupation précaire, d’occupation privative d’un bien indivis, d’occupant maintenu dans les lieux en suite d’un bail commercial ou d’habitation, d’occupant bénéficiaire d’une réquisition de logement, ou encore d’occupant sans droit ni titre. La notion d’occupation immobilière semble donc avoir acquis une place remarquable en droit privé. L’objet de cette étude est précisément de déterminer le rôle qu’elle tient en droit positif, dans ce domaine. Dans un premier temps, cette thèse réalise l’étude des diverses hypothèses dans lesquelles le terme « occupation » est utilisé pour désigner un fait d’emprise exercé sur l’immeuble d’autrui, que ce soit avec ou sans titre ; elle révèle également des situations officieuses d’occupation, telles que le mécanisme de la reconduction tacite applicable en matière de bail. Dans un second temps, est proposée une théorie générale de l’occupation immobilière en droit privé. L’occupation immobilière apparaît comme un fait d’emprise jouant un double rôle en droit positif : elle peut être simplement la traduction matérielle de l’exercice d’un droit d’usage préalablement reconnu à celui qui va devenir occupant, mais également l’élément permettant à ce dernier d’acquérir un tel droit ou, au moins, de le faire présumer. Reposant notamment sur diverses conditions d’efficacité, telles que la bonne foi ou l’univocité, elle présente alors un certain nombre de similitudes avec la possession, mais les deux notions ne sauraient pourtant être confondues. Au final, cette étude permet de mettre en lumière un nouveau fait créateur de droit, qui trouve sa place aux côtés de la possession et qui démontre une évolution de la propriété privée vers une « propriété pragmatique », soucieuse de s’adapter à des besoins divers, clairement reconnus par le droit positif. / In Private Law, occupancy (French “occupation”) is, in principle, understood as an original method of acquiring property of ownerless movable things: this is how it made a discreet entrance in the Civil Code in 1804. Since then, however, occupancy has acquired a whole new meaning. Today, both the legislator and the judge turn to this concept to describe different means of enjoying the property of others. It relates to precarious occupancy agreements, private occupancy of jointly owned property, tenant kept in the premises after the end of its commercial or residential lease, occupant beneficing an housing requisition, disseisor, or occupant without right or title. The notion of estate occupancy seems to have acquired a prominent position in Private Law. Hence, the purpose of this study is precisely to determine the role it holds in positive law in this area. First, this work aims at studying the various situations in which the term "occupancy” is used to designate the situation where a factual stranglehold is exercised over others’ property, whether with or without title. It also reveals informal occupancy situations, such as leases’ tacit renewal mechanism. Secondly, a general theory of occupancy in Private Law is proposed. Estate occupancy appears like a factual situation of stranglehold (“fait d’emprise”). It plays a dual role in positive law: it may simply be the substantive translation of the exercise of a right to use, previously recognized to whom will become the occupant, and, in the same time, the element allowing him to acquire such a right, or at least, assuming he does. Notably based on various effectiveness conditions, such as good faith or clarity, occupancy shows similarities with the notion of adverse possession, although in French law the two concepts should not be confused. Finally, this study shed light on a new fact giving rise to a right, which finds its place alongside the adverse possession and demonstrates an evolution from the private property to a "pragmatic property" caring to adapt to the various needs recognized by the Law.
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POTERE PUBBLICO E AUTOTUTELA AMMINISTRATIVA / Public authority and autoprotection powersSILVESTRI, MAURO 08 July 2019 (has links)
La tesi ha per oggetto l’autotutela amministrativa, specialmente quella c.d. decisoria “spontanea”, ovvero quell’insieme di poteri che consentono all’amministrazione di riesaminare i propri provvedimenti e di rimuoverli a vario titolo.
Di questi poteri si è indagato il fondamento dogmatico e positivo.
La questione del fondamento è stata per lunghi anni affrontata dalla dottrina e dalla giurisprudenza in termini totalmente pre-critici e non problematici: l’esistenza di questi poteri era semplicemente scontata e le riflessioni sulla loro base giuridica si esaurivano perlopiù nella constatazione della loro necessità nell’immemore consenso circa la loro ammissibilità.
Negli ultimi anni, invece, una parte degli Autori ha disconosciuto la natura implicita e per così dire “originaria” di questi poteri e ne ha perciò patrocinato la stretta riconduzione al principio di legalità: in altre parole, l’annullamento e la revoca non sarebbero affatto conseguenza della c.d. inesauribilità del potere amministrativo – negata da questa dottrina – e sarebbero perciò oggi ammissibili unicamente nei casi e nei modi disciplinati dalle due norme introdotte nella legge sul procedimento nel 2005. Ciò a garanzia della certezza dei rapporti giuridici e del legittimo affidamento dei destinatari dei provvedimenti ampliativi.
Secondo un filone ricostruttivo in pare contrastante con il primo, altri Autori hanno inteso valorizzare gli elementi de iure condito a favore della obbligatorietà dell’avvio del procedimento di riesame, auspicandone contemporaneamente la generalizzazione, nell’ottica di una più complessiva trasformazione dell’annullamento d’ufficio in un nuovo istituto ibrido, rispondente alla funzione di alternative dispute risolution system o, se si vuole, di ricorso gerarchico. Per le stesse ragioni, l’istituto dovrebbe perdere il carattere ampiamente discrezionale, in favore di una vincolatezza totale o parziale. Questo secondo “fronte di attacco” alla ricostruzione tradizionale intende offrire soluzione al venir meno del sistema dei controlli di legalità sull’azione amministrativa.
Lo studio ha sottoposto a verifica entrambi i filoni evolutivi richiamati, discostandosi dal secondo e, pur accogliendo parte delle argomentazioni ad esso sottostanti, anche dal primo.
Quanto alla teoria dell’esauribilità del potere amministrativo, oggetto della prima linea evolutiva, si è ritenuto di condividere le considerazioni circa la tutela dell’affidamento degli interessati e della stabilità dei rapporti giuridici. È parsa tuttavia meglio rispondente alle categorie generali e alle esigenze del sistema (anche sulla base di una visione del diritto amministrativo quale “diritto dei terzi”, per natura volto alla tutela dell’interesse generale e non solo dell’interesse privato particolare coinvolto dall’esercizio del potere) la conservazione della tradizionale inesauribilità del potere, seppur assai mitigata, nella pratica, con riferimento all’esercizio dei poteri di ritiro degli atti favorevoli ai privati il cui affidamento sia concretamente meritevole di tutela.
La natura discrezionale dell’annullamento d’ufficio (e della revoca), sottoposta a critica dalla seconda linea evolutiva, viene difesa sia sul piano del diritto positivo e pretorio (attraverso la riconduzione dei principali casi di annullamento c.d. doveroso al modello generale), sia sul piano delle categorie generali, a partire dalla natura dei poteri coinvolti e dall’analisi delle posizioni giuridiche dei soggetti interessati dai procedimenti di secondo grado. / The thesis focuses on the Italian system of so called autoprotection or selfprotection. This expression refers to the powers of public administration to revoke its own acts when deemed necessary to repair a vice of legitimacy or a vice of opportunity, without being bind to resort to the courts.
Given the aim of this powers – the same of first grade powers plus a semi-judicial one – they are usually meant by judges and scholars as “widely discretionary”. Furthermore, it has always been believed that the choice to activate the correspondent proceeding is totally free for public administration; consequently, a demand of interested parties does not make binding the start of the procedure, opposite to what happens with administrative appeal proceedings.
In recent years ECJ, ECHR and national case law has emboldened the limits to selfredress, making clear that legitimate expectations and the public interest to legal certainty must be taken into consideration and given sufficient protection. Lately, also the Legislator followed, making the annulment and the revocation harder to be put in effect when the first act is favorable to the addressed subject. In such cases, the revocation cannot be ordered for a mere reconsideration of already known circumstances (ius poenitendi) but only if new ones show up. At the same time, ex officio annulment is precluded after 18 months from the issuing of the first act, instead of the previous general limit of a “reasonable time”.
On the other hand, the case law has apparently pointed out some hypothesis of mandatory annulment, such as for “anticomunitarian acts” and cost-producing acts.
Based on these two orientation, some scholars suggested a global rethinking of the self-protection, its bases and its rules.
The study analyzes the case law and the latest legislative reforms, proving that no mandatory annulment exists in the Italian legal system. Therefore, nor the ECJ principle of equivalence nor other principles require that selfredress become generally obliged.
The thesis also aims to prove that selfprotection remains a discretionary power, in order to ensure that the contrasting needs (the rule of law on the one hand, and the legal certainty and legitimate expectation on the other hand) can be properly balanced in every decision, according to the Constitutional provision of article 97, which requires that both impartiality and good administration are pursued.
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O papel da jurisprudência no Processo Civil contemporâneo / The role of case law in the contemporary Civil ProcedureDaniela Pereira Madeira 26 October 2012 (has links)
A utilização correta da jurisprudência conduzirá a sociedade brasileira a uma maior estabilidade jurisprudencial, com respeito ao princípio da isonomia, não somente diante da norma legislada como também perante a norma judicada.
Deve-se afastar a discrepância de decisões judiciais relativas ao mesmo tema, que tratam desigualmente os iguais, evitando assim o longo percurso das vias recursais para se obter um julgamento isonômico em situações idênticas. O princípio da isonomia visa garantir que todos recebam tratamento igualitário da lei e, de outro lado, oferece a certeza de que todos os juízes devem decidir de modo análogo quando se depararem diante de situações semelhantes.
A jurisprudência, uma vez que traduz a interpretação da norma, deve ser estável e previsível, com o fito de pautar as condutas dos jurisdicionados em virtude de se conhecer o entendimento da Corte máxima a respeito de uma determinada matéria. Um direito instável e imprevisível não gera a segurança jurídica, nem a pacificação social que razoavelmente se espera.
A aplicação da jurisprudência no tempo, através da modulação, ganha novos contornos em virtude de sua previsão legal no projeto do Código de Processo Civil. A mudança de entendimento sedimentado observará a necessidade de fundamentação adequada e específica, considerando o imperativo de estabilidade das relações jurídicas (art. 847, 1 do projeto concluído no Senado Federal). Privilegia-se, além do princípio da segurança jurídica, o princípio da confiança que deve ter como uma das suas consequências que a expectativa legítima do jurisdicionado seja respeitada mediante a aplicação da jurisprudência dominante antiga e mais benéfica para o jurisdicionado.
Neste contexto, em se pensando em uma reforma processual efetiva, deve-se ter como objetivo a ser seguido, além da celeridade processual e eficiência dos atos jurisdicionais, a uniformização da jurisprudência, eis que a necessidade de formação de uma só pauta de conduta para o jurisdicionado deve ser o objetivo almejado. E este objetivo só será alcançado quando houver uma uniformização e aplicação da jurisprudência dominante.
Os instrumentos processuais inseridos no Código de Processo Civil devem ser reavaliados e novos elaborados, já que até agora serviram para dirimir conflitos intersubjetivos e não mais respondem satisfatoriamente às novas situações, que são as necessidades e valores de uma sociedade globalizada, massificada. / The correct use of case law will lead Brazilian society to a greater judicial stability that complies with the principle of equality, not only before legal rules as well as before judicial norms.It should be avoided the discrepancy of judgments related to the same matter, which unequally treat the ones in the same circumstances, thus avoiding the long judicial journey in order to obtain a uniform judgment for similar situations. The principle of equality aims to ensure that everyone receives equal law treatment and on the other hand, assures that all judges should decide in the same way when they come across similar situations.
The jurisprudence as it reflects the interpretation of the rule, should be stable and predictable, in order to guide the conduct of citizens as it states the highest Court understanding on a particular matter. An unstable and unpredictable rule does not create lawl certainty nor the social peace that one can reasonably expect.
The application of case law in time, by means of its modulation, earns new contours due its legal provision in the Civil Procedure Code Project. The change of a settled understanding claims for an adequate and specific reasoning, considering the need for stability of legal relations (art. 847, 1 of the completed project in the Senate). This increases the value of the legal certainty principle and of legitimate expectations principle that should have as one of their consequences that the legitimate expectation of the claimer is respected by applying him the old and more beneficial ruling jurisprudence. In this context, the aim for an effective procedural reform should be pursued, besides the procedural celerity and the efficiency of judicial acts, and also the standardization of jurisprudence. An unique agenda of conduct for the claimants should be desired as a goal. And this can only be achieved when there is a standardization and application of prevailing jurisprudence.
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O papel da jurisprudência no Processo Civil contemporâneo / The role of case law in the contemporary Civil ProcedureDaniela Pereira Madeira 26 October 2012 (has links)
A utilização correta da jurisprudência conduzirá a sociedade brasileira a uma maior estabilidade jurisprudencial, com respeito ao princípio da isonomia, não somente diante da norma legislada como também perante a norma judicada.
Deve-se afastar a discrepância de decisões judiciais relativas ao mesmo tema, que tratam desigualmente os iguais, evitando assim o longo percurso das vias recursais para se obter um julgamento isonômico em situações idênticas. O princípio da isonomia visa garantir que todos recebam tratamento igualitário da lei e, de outro lado, oferece a certeza de que todos os juízes devem decidir de modo análogo quando se depararem diante de situações semelhantes.
A jurisprudência, uma vez que traduz a interpretação da norma, deve ser estável e previsível, com o fito de pautar as condutas dos jurisdicionados em virtude de se conhecer o entendimento da Corte máxima a respeito de uma determinada matéria. Um direito instável e imprevisível não gera a segurança jurídica, nem a pacificação social que razoavelmente se espera.
A aplicação da jurisprudência no tempo, através da modulação, ganha novos contornos em virtude de sua previsão legal no projeto do Código de Processo Civil. A mudança de entendimento sedimentado observará a necessidade de fundamentação adequada e específica, considerando o imperativo de estabilidade das relações jurídicas (art. 847, 1 do projeto concluído no Senado Federal). Privilegia-se, além do princípio da segurança jurídica, o princípio da confiança que deve ter como uma das suas consequências que a expectativa legítima do jurisdicionado seja respeitada mediante a aplicação da jurisprudência dominante antiga e mais benéfica para o jurisdicionado.
Neste contexto, em se pensando em uma reforma processual efetiva, deve-se ter como objetivo a ser seguido, além da celeridade processual e eficiência dos atos jurisdicionais, a uniformização da jurisprudência, eis que a necessidade de formação de uma só pauta de conduta para o jurisdicionado deve ser o objetivo almejado. E este objetivo só será alcançado quando houver uma uniformização e aplicação da jurisprudência dominante.
Os instrumentos processuais inseridos no Código de Processo Civil devem ser reavaliados e novos elaborados, já que até agora serviram para dirimir conflitos intersubjetivos e não mais respondem satisfatoriamente às novas situações, que são as necessidades e valores de uma sociedade globalizada, massificada. / The correct use of case law will lead Brazilian society to a greater judicial stability that complies with the principle of equality, not only before legal rules as well as before judicial norms.It should be avoided the discrepancy of judgments related to the same matter, which unequally treat the ones in the same circumstances, thus avoiding the long judicial journey in order to obtain a uniform judgment for similar situations. The principle of equality aims to ensure that everyone receives equal law treatment and on the other hand, assures that all judges should decide in the same way when they come across similar situations.
The jurisprudence as it reflects the interpretation of the rule, should be stable and predictable, in order to guide the conduct of citizens as it states the highest Court understanding on a particular matter. An unstable and unpredictable rule does not create lawl certainty nor the social peace that one can reasonably expect.
The application of case law in time, by means of its modulation, earns new contours due its legal provision in the Civil Procedure Code Project. The change of a settled understanding claims for an adequate and specific reasoning, considering the need for stability of legal relations (art. 847, 1 of the completed project in the Senate). This increases the value of the legal certainty principle and of legitimate expectations principle that should have as one of their consequences that the legitimate expectation of the claimer is respected by applying him the old and more beneficial ruling jurisprudence. In this context, the aim for an effective procedural reform should be pursued, besides the procedural celerity and the efficiency of judicial acts, and also the standardization of jurisprudence. An unique agenda of conduct for the claimants should be desired as a goal. And this can only be achieved when there is a standardization and application of prevailing jurisprudence.
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La sécurité juridique en droit fiscal : étude comparée France-Côte d’Ivoire / Legal certainty in tax law : comparative study between France and Côte d'IvoireOkou, Urbain 29 November 2014 (has links)
La France et la Côte d’Ivoire sont deux États qui présentent des similitudes dues principalement à leur passé colonial commun ; mais il s’agit également de deux États qui présentent de nombreuses différences tenant notamment à leur niveau de développement. Si les règles de droit fiscal substantiel au sein de chacun de ces deux États permettent d’étudier les exigences de sécurité juridique et les moyens par lesquels elles sont prises en compte, c’est en réalité la pratique processuelle qui révèle de manière plus substantielle l’effectivité de cette prise en compte. Au demeurant, la problématique de la sécurité juridique n’est bien souvent réduite qu’aux seules exigences d’accessibilité, de stabilité ou de prévisibilité de la norme. Ce qui témoigne au fond d’une approche partielle de l’exigence de sécurité juridique tendant à en limiter l’étude à la qualité formelle et à l’évolution temporelle des actes juridiques. La prise en compte d’une pluralité de systèmes juridiques différents révèle cependant que la notion de sécurité juridique ne ramène pas nécessairement à un contenu univoque. En effet, l’insécurité juridique ne s’exprimant pas toujours en des termes identiques d’un cadre juridique à un autre, la sécurité juridique pourrait se révéler polysémique, voire antinomique, d’un système juridique et fiscal à un autre. Ainsi donc, au-delà de la norme, la sécurité juridique s’applique également au cadre et au système juridique ainsi qu’à la pratique juridique et juridictionnelle. La sécurité juridique apparaît donc, en droit fiscal, comme l’expression de la fiabilité d’un cadre et d’un système juridiques et fiscaux, à travers des normes de qualité offrant une garantie d’accessibilité et d’intelligibilité ainsi que des moyens pour le contribuable de bâtir des prévisions ou donner satisfaction à celles légitimement bâties. En outre, au-delà du cadre imposé par la présente thèse, il convient d’aborder la problématique de la sécurité juridique dans une approche moins restrictive, afin de ne point en occulter les aspects historiques, philosophiques, sociologiques et juridiques essentiels à une étude d’ensemble de la question. / France and Côte d'Ivoire are two countries with similarities mainly due to their common colonial past; but they are also two countries with many differences especially due to their level of development. While the rules of substantive tax law within each of these two countries make it possible to study the requirements of legal certainty and the means whereby they are taken into account, it is actually the procedural practice that reveals more substantively the effectiveness of this consideration. It should also be noted that the issue of legal certainty is often reduced to the only requirements of accessibility, stability or predictability of the standard. This actually reflects a partial approach to the requirements of legal certainty that tends to limit its study to the formal quality and the temporal evolution of legal acts. Taking into account a plurality of different legal systems, however, reveals that the concept of legal certainty does not necessarily lead to an unequivocal content. Indeed, since legal certainty is not always expressed in identical terms from one legal framework to another, legal certainty could prove to be polysemic, or even antinomic, from one legal and fiscal system to another. Thus, beyond the norm, legal certainty also applies to the legal framework and system as well as to the legal and judicial practice. Legal certainty thus, appears in tax law, as an expression of the reliability of a legal and fiscal framework and system, through quality standards, offering a guarantee of accessibility and intelligibility, as well as means for the taxpayer to build predictions or satisfy those legitimately built. Moreover, beyond the framework imposed by the present dissertation, it is important to deal with the problem of legal certainty in a less restrictive way, so as not to obscure the historical, philosophical, sociological and legal aspects essential to a holistic study of the issue.
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