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Snart i var mans hand : Egenskaper med mobil surfningÖquist, Joakim January 2010 (has links)
Teknikens utveckling har gått fort fram de senaste åren, dagens smartphoneanvändare harmöjligheten att utföra ärenden som det för något år sedan krävdes en dator för. I denna studieutfördes en undersökning av mobila Internet-användares vanor och vad som är utmärkandeför mobilt internetanvändande. Tio respondenter förde loggbok där de fyllde i ett detaljeratschema för varje aktivitet, bl.a. var och vad de besökte. De tio respondenterna intervjuadessedan för att få ett djupare intryck av deras mobila internetavändande.Resultaten visar att den vanligaste platsen för surfning skedde i hemmet, respondenternatrodde dock att de skedde under transport. Oftast besöktes nyheter och den vanligastevaraktigheten var två minuter. Respondenterna hade en genomgående positiv attityd tillmobilt internet, ett flertal beskriver hur det förenklar deras vardag. En svaghet med mobiltinternet är enligt studien hastigheten och mottagningen. / Recent years technological development has been rapid, today smartphone users have theability to carry out matters that a few a years ago required a computer. In this study a surveywas conducted of how mobile internet user’s habits look, what are the characteristicsof mobile internet usage? Ten respondents kept a logbook in which they filled in a detailedschedule for each activity, among other things, where they were during the visit andwhat they visited. Later the ten respondents were interviewed to get a deeper impression ontheir mobile internet usage.The results show that the most common place for surfing was at home, although respondentsthought that they occurred during transport. The most visited sites were news; the mostcommon duration for an activity was two minutes. Respondents had a consistently positiveattitude towards the mobile internet; a number of them described how it simplifies things intheir day-to-day life. One weakness of the mobile internet that was mentioned a couple oftimes during the study was the speed but also the reception of the internet.
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Det ansiktslösa samtalet : En kvalitativ studie om professionella samtal via internetBacklund, Emma, Davidsson, Emmie January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether social counselling via chat conversations could meet the criteria for a professional conversation, and how the six social workers who were interviewed felt that it had affected the profession and the clients who are seeking their help. Communication, professionality, power, roles and regions are the key topics of this study. A hermeneutic approach has not only influenced the interviews but also the content analysis that was used to encode the results. The interviews revealed that the chat conversations was a successful tool but not entirely without difficulties. The initial contact making between the client and the social worker favours the client, since she/he remains anonymous and that was the main advantage of the method. The biggest concern however was that in the anonymity it is not possible to report cases that the social worker are obligated to. The changing of forum does not necessarily affect the professionality but due to the faceless chat conversation an entire dimension of communication disappears because the loss of body language. Therefore, the traditional face-to-face conversation contains a value that is hard to replace
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"De står tillsammans och försöker förstå det ofattbara" : Medierade sorgeyttringar i svensk nyhetsjournalistikForsberg, Anette January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this Master thesis was to examine news journalism covering expressions of mourning related to violent or unexpected deaths. What rituals for mourning are brought out in media and do media present guidance to how mourners should behave? The questions examined were: What characterised news events that leaded to texts on expressions of mourning? How was grief framed? Which narrative patterns were there in the texts? How was the deceased represented? How were the mourners represented? 165 texts, from Swedish daily newspapers, covering 93 different news events were analysed. The methods were mainly discourse analysis with focus on identities and relations, but also semiotic analysis with focus on staging and symbols and narrative analysis with focus on patterns for storytelling. The result showed that a news story about ordinary people expressing their feelings of grief has elements of melodrama. The news story is based on the myth of the victim, and formed as a typical story where equilibrium is disturbed when the inconceivable happens and the mourners can by their actions restore equilibrium. The paradigms behind are the opposites life – death and good – evil. The deceased is represented as a victim in a mythic sense. The most important qualities of a victim are youth, innocence and goodness. The victim is framed as a person we could sympathise and identify with. The mourners in the texts praise the victim and sanctify the place where the victim died with candles, roses and notes. The mourners are essential to the story; they create identification and an identity that include us as readers in a community and a discourse of mourning and mourners. The ordinary people who appear as mourners in the texts are relatives and close friends of the victim, but also mourning tourists, media chosen friends and anonymous women who are represented, in a stereotypical way, as the professional female mourner who weep over the deceased. In some texts celebrities appear as mourners of ordinary people, and they personalize how the distinction between public and private is erased in popular journalism. They also might give a kind of legitimacy to the way media frame the story about ordinary people mourning the innocent victim. Some texts had a partly diverging story. If the victim, in some aspect, could not be framed as innocent the paradigm good – evil became problematic. When victims or mourners had foreign origin the contrast us – them was added. In some texts the ethical code for Swedish journalists was disregarded, mainly by publishing information on ethnicity or by interviewing children and people in shock
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Den kaotiska ryktesspridningen : En teorijämförelse av begreppet word of mouth och appliceringen av den utredda definitionen på Internetforumet Prisjakt.nuJosefsson, Joakim, Jarl, Jesper, Lödöen, Mikael January 2007 (has links)
<p>Dagens samhälle är präglat av ett enormt reklamutbud och reklamstrategier. I denna djungel av marknadsföring har företag ibland valt en annan strategi, en relativt outnyttjad strategi, som baseras på rykten om produkten, tjänsten eller företaget och är det som används som marknadsföring. Denna strategi kallas för word of mouth. Ena syftet har varit att undersöka hur word of mouth definieras av olika författare. Genom att göra en jämförelse av teorier av begreppet word of mouth har ett försök gjorts att skapa en definition av begreppet, som tillämpas på vårt andra syfte med undersökningen. Det andra syftet är att undersöka om kommunikationen på det utvalda internetforum prisjakt.nu kan liknas vid vår definition av word of mouth. Genom vår undersökning ville vi exemplifiera vad word of mouth är och vilket som är dess användningsområde. Forskningen har därför genomförts genom en litteraturstudie där word of mouth som begrepp har kartlagts och förklarats. Genom litteraturstudien utvecklades sedan en jämförelse av teorier av begreppet word of mouth. Dessa jämförelser av begreppet gjorde det möjligt för oss att kunna applicera begreppet på det tidigare nämnda utvalda internetforum. När slutdefinitionen fanns tillhanda, utfördes studien på Internetforumet Prisjakt.nu, med inriktning på en produkt som det pratades mycket om på detta Internetforum. Denna produkt valdes strategiskt då vi ansåg att det var väsentligt för undersökningen att produkten ännu inte fanns på marknaden, då tidigare teorier om word of mouths beteende tydde på att frekvensen på kommunikation om produkten var som högst innan produkten släppts. Denna produkt var Apple Iphone, som då ännu inte lanserats i Sverige. Därefter genomfördes studien med vår definition av traditionell och generaliserad word of mouth som teoretisk utgångspunkt, och studien resulterade i att förekomsten var positiv för word of mouth-baserad kommunikation på internetforumet prisjakt.nu. Vår definition av begreppet word of mouth lyder så som följer: “Word of mouth är interpersonell kommunikation, där självgenererande ryktesspridning om personer, företag, produkter eller tjänster kan ske via telefon, Internet eller mun-till-mun-kommunikation”. Kommunikationen på det undersökta forumet innehåller en hög grad av interpersonell kommunikation, självgenererande ryktesspridning och har en kommersiell karaktär på dess kommunikation, och uppfyller således de tre delar som enligt vår definition behövs för att kalla det en word of mouth-baserad kommunikation.</p> / <p>Today’s society is characterized by an enormously large advertising range and commercial strategies. In this jungle of marketing companies often chosen another strategy, a comparatively unknown strategy based on rumors about a product, service or company as marketing. That strategy is called word of mouth. The purpose of examine word of mouth as concept is important, because today the concept is defined on various manner of several different authors. By making a theory comparison of the conception word of mouth it is possible to create a good definition of the concept, this because that the concept word of mouth lacks a definite definition, that can be applied on our second purpose. The second purpose is to examine if the communication on the selected internet forum prisjakt.nu is word of mouth. In earlier cases this would been examined according to electronic word of mouth that is an adjustment to the internet, but we felt that the concept almost was identical to other word of mouth-theories we choose to make a theory comparison of the concept as described above. Through our examination we wanted to exemplify what word of mouth is and what it can be used for. A literature study was done as a replacement for the earlier research, the earlier research missed an evident significance of the conception word of mouth, and it handled its usage. The research had therefore been made through a literature study where the concept has been plotted and explained. Through the literature study the theory comparison of the concept word of mouth developed. . The theory comparison made it possible for us to apply the concept on the earlier mentioned internet forum. When the finished definition was at hand, the study was made on the internet forum prisjakt.nu, with the concentration on a product that had a big talk about it on this internet forum. This product was strategically selected as we considered it as an essential part for the research as the product didn’t even exist on the market; this due to the earlier theory’s about word of mouths behaviour that indicated that the frequency of the communication about the product was highest just before the product was released in the USA. The product was the Apple Iphone, and has after this research not yet been released in Sweden.The result shows that our definition of word of mouth can be applied on internet forums and that a separate concept for word of mouth on the internet is unnecessary. Our definition of word of mouth is as follows: “Word of mouth is an interpersonal communication, where self generating rumour spreading about people, companies, products or services can be made via telephone, internet or by mouth-to-mouth-communication“. The communication on the studied forums contain a high pitch of interpersonal communication, self generating rumour spread and have a commercialized character on it’s communication and fulfil the three parts that according of our theory comparison is needed for being called word of mouth-based communication.</p>
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Bloggens Nyheter : En diskursanalys om mediernas nya utmanareSundkvist, Sofia, Johansson, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur man inom bloggosfären legitimerar sig som en viktig medial kanal i relation till redan etablerade medier. Vi söker genom en diskursanalytisk metod finna bloggarens tillvägagångssätt att i sina texter legitimera sitt eller arenans skrivande, och finner i vår analys en trend som kan komma att leda till stora förändringar i traditionella redaktioners arbetssätt.</p>
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Socialt Kapital - att mötasSam, Minh, Johansson, Emelie January 2014 (has links)
Frågeställning: Hur arbetar CreActive för att främja det sociala kapitalet? Hur kan CreActive främja det sociala kapitalet i en kreativ miljö? Hur underlättas mötet mellan människor på CreActive? Finns det förbättringsmöjligheter för att ytterligare främja det sociala kapitalet på CreActive? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur CreActive skapar nytta för sin omgivning. Det kommer även att undersökas kring hur mötet uppstår mellan människor på CreActive som ska främja det sociala kapitalet. Metod: Studien genomfördes med den kvalitativa metoden, eftersom den fångar upp detaljer och information av intervjupersonernas tolkning av verkligheten, det vill säga deras uppfattning, tankar och känslor. Det medför en inblick kring hur CreActive arbetar med mötet mellan människor, för att främja det sociala kapitalet. Empirin består av intervjuer med studenter och anställda. Slutsats: Det framgår att studenter inte känner till CreActive i den utsträckning som CreActive vill. Det finns ett glapp mellan studenter och företagare som uppehåller sig på CreActive. Det syns att platsen CreActive inte utnyttjas på det sätt som det är tänkt. Brist på rätt utrustning, marknadsföring, studieutrymme samt aktiviteter medför att mötet över gränserna mellan studenter och företag saknas. Det leder till att socialt kapital uteblir. Vi har sett att det finns möjligheter till förbättring och det vi har kommit fram till är sex stycken bidrag som består av nya aktiviteter, annan marknadsföring och utveckling av befintliga idéer. / Research questions: How do CreActive work to improve the social capital? How does CreActive work to improve the social capital in a creative environment? How is the (face-to-face) meeting between people made easier by CreActive? Are there any possibilities for further improving the social capital at CreActive? Purpose: The study’s purpose is to describe how CreActive creates advantages for its environment. The study will also examine how (face-to-face) meeting occur between people in CreActive to promote the social capital. Method: The study was executed with the qualitative method, because it captures the details and information of the interviewee’s interpretation of the reality, namely their perception, thoughts and the feelings. It results in an insight on how CreActive work with the (face-to-face) meetings between people, to promote the social capital. The empirical data is consisting of interviews with students and employees. Conclusion: In the study it appears that the students don’t know about CreActive in the extents they want. There is a gap between students and business people who visit CreActive. It appears that CreActive is not used in the extent that it was intended. The lack of proper equipment, marketing, place of study and activities contributes to (face-to face) meeting between students and business people are missing. These things lead to the failing of social capital. There are opportunities for improvement and what was developed were six contributions which consists of new activities, marketing and development of existing ideas.
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"De står tillsammans och försöker förstå det ofattbara" : Medierade sorgeyttringar i svensk nyhetsjournalistikForsberg, Anette January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of this Master thesis was to examine news journalism covering expressions of mourning related to violent or unexpected deaths. What rituals for mourning are brought out in media and do media present guidance to how mourners should behave?</p><p> </p><p>The questions examined were: What characterised news events that leaded to texts on expressions of mourning? How was grief framed? Which narrative patterns were there in the texts? How was the deceased represented? How were the mourners represented?</p><p> </p><p>165 texts, from Swedish daily newspapers, covering 93 different news events were analysed. The methods were mainly discourse analysis with focus on identities and relations, but also semiotic analysis with focus on staging and symbols and narrative analysis with focus on patterns for storytelling.</p><p> </p><p>The result showed that a news story about ordinary people expressing their feelings of grief has elements of melodrama. The news story is based on the myth of the victim, and formed as a typical story where equilibrium is disturbed when the inconceivable happens and the mourners can by their actions restore equilibrium. The paradigms behind are the opposites</p><p>life – death and good – evil. </p><p> </p><p>The deceased is represented as a victim in a mythic sense. The most important qualities of a victim are youth, innocence and goodness. The victim is framed as a person we could sympathise and identify with. The mourners in the texts praise the victim and sanctify the place where the victim died with candles, roses and notes. The mourners are essential to the story; they create identification and an identity that include us as readers in a community and a discourse of mourning and mourners. The ordinary people who appear as mourners in the texts are relatives and close friends of the victim, but also mourning tourists, media chosen friends and anonymous women who are represented, in a stereotypical way, as the professional female mourner who weep over the deceased. In some texts celebrities appear as mourners of ordinary people, and they personalize how the distinction between public and private is erased in popular journalism. They also might give a kind of legitimacy to the way media frame the story about ordinary people mourning the innocent victim.</p><p> </p><p>Some texts had a partly diverging story. If the victim, in some aspect, could not be framed as innocent the paradigm good – evil became problematic. When victims or mourners had foreign origin the contrast us – them was added. In some texts the ethical code for Swedish journalists was disregarded, mainly by publishing information on ethnicity or by interviewing children and people in shock</p>
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Beskriva sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av att vårda personer med demens : en litteraturöversikt / Describe the nurse experiences to care for a person with dementia : a literature reviewSöderbergh, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Människor blir allt äldre idag vilket leder till att fler personer kommer att diagnostiseras med sjukdomen demens. Detta gör att personer som behöver vård för sjukdomar som är relaterade till ålder också lider risken att ha demens, vilket gör vården mer komplicerad. Sjuksköterskor behöver ha mer kunskap och förståelse för hur sjukdomen utvecklas och hur det påverkar de kognitiva förmågorna hos en person. Det är också viktigt för sjuksköterskan att kunna se personen bakom sjukdomen och skapa en Jag – Du relation till personen med demens för att kunna ge en personcentrerad vård. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av att vårda personer med demens Metod: En litteraturöversikt som genomfördes enligt Fribergs mall där åtta kvalitativa artiklar analyserades vilket resulterade i tre huvudteman och sju subteman. Resultat: Resultatet visade att sjuksköterskor upplevde vården av personer med demens som komplex men ändå utmanande och det viktigaste var att se personen bakom sjukdomen. Sjuksköterskor ansåg att det krävdes goda värderingar, attityder och en god moral för att kunna reflektera i alla de etiska situationer som uppstår under vårdandet för att agera korrekt och inte ha skuldkänslor som påverkade dem negativt psykiskt. Samtidigt tyckte de att det krävdes mer kunskap kring sjukdomen demens, livshistorien men även hur personernas beteende skulle hanteras i vården. Sjuksköterskornas erfarenheter visade på att de ansåg att det fanns många orsaker som gjorde arbetet till personer med demens svårt vilket bland annat var rutiner, brist på personal och resurser, lokaler var inte anpassade för vård av personer med demens men även att vårdpersonalens attityder som påverkade arbetsplatskulturen. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuterades med utgångspunkt från Watsons teori om mänsklig omsorg och hur viktigt det är att vara närvarande i ögonblicket vilket sammanfördes i Jag – Du vårdrelationen som är i fokus vid vårdandet hos personer med demens. / Background: People are getting older today, which leads to more people will be diagnosed by the disease dementia. This means that people who need care for diseases related to age also suffer from the risk of getting dementia, which makes care more complicated. Nurses therefore need more knowledge and understanding of how the disease develops and how it affects the cognitive abilities of the person. It is also important for the nurse to be able to see the person behind the disease and to create an I - You relation to the person with dementia in order to provide good care that is designed just for that person. Aim: The aim was to describe a nurses experiences in caring for a person with dementia Method: A literature review was conducted according to Friberg´s template where eight qualitative articles were analyzed and resulted in three maintheme and seven subtheme. Results: The result showed that nurses experienced the care of people with dementia as complex but still challenging where the most important was to see the person behind the disease. Nurse´s considered that it requires good values, attitudes and a good moral to be able to reflect in all the ethical situations that arise during care to act properly and not have feelings of guilt that negatively affect them psychologically. At the same time, they thought that more knowledge was required about the disease dementia, life story, but also how the behavior of people should be treated in care. Nurses´ experiences showed that they felt that there were many causes that made work for people with dementia difficult, which included routines, lack of staff and resources, facilities were not adapted for the care of people with dementia but also that the attitudes of healthcare professionals affected the workplace culture. Discussion: The result was discussed from Watson's theory of human care and the importance of being present in the moment, which was brought together into the I - You relationship which is a focus point in the care of people with dementia.
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Patientens upplevelse av svårläkta bensår : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / The patient's experience of chronic leg ulcers : A qualitative interview studyFörfattare: EmmaPettersson, Emma January 2016 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att studera den äldre patientens upplevelse av att leva med svårläkta bensår och vad denne anser bidrar till eller förhindrar en positiv syn på sin tillvaro. Metod: Studien innehåller intervjuer med äldre personer drabbade av svårläkta bensår. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys genomfördes. Resultat: Resultatet visar att informanterna upplever smärta, oro för försämring, ångest och att den långsamma sårläkningen är påfrestande. Enligt informanterna krävs det deltagande vid sociala sammankomster och aktiviteter samt att hålla kontakt med vänner och anhöriga för att bibehålla en positiv syn på sin tillvaro. Livskvaliteten upplevs som relativt god. Liksom synen på tillvaron påverkas också den upplevda livskvaliteten av den egna situationen och då positivt genom att känna sig delaktig i ett socialt sammanhang och negativ genom förlust av självständighet. Samtliga informanter har en positiv upplevelse av den erhållna sjukvården, de tror på kontinuitet för ett bra behandlingsresultat och känsla av trygghet. Slutsats: Svårläkta bensår påverkar den äldre människan på olika områden i livet, fysiskt, psykisk och existentiellt. De äldre patienterna behöver hälso- och sjukvården samt ett socialt nätverk för att bibehålla en positiv livssyn. / Aim: The aim of this study was to study the older patient's experience of living with chronic leg ulcers and what he or she considers to contribute to or impede a positive outlook on their lives. Method: The study includes interviews with elderly people suffering from chronic leg ulcers. A content analysis was performed. Results: The result shows that the informants are experiencing pain, concerns about worsening, anxiety, and that the slow wound healing are stressful. According to informants, it requires attendance at social gatherings and activities and to keep in touch with friends and loved ones to maintain a positive outlook on their lives. The quality of life is perceived as relatively good. The perception of life and the perceived quality of life effects positively by feeling involved in a social context and negatively through the loss of independence. All respondents have a positive experience of the obtained medical care, they believe in the continuity for good treatment results and sense of security. Conlusion: Slow-healing leg ulcers affects older people in different areas of life, physical, psychological and existential. The older patients need health care and a social network to maintain a positive outlook on life.
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Digitaliseringens betydelse för äldre : En kvalitativ studie om hur äldre människor påverkas av digitaliseringen / The importance of digitalization for the elderly : A qualitative study on how elderly people are affected by digitalizationEvelina, Jönsson, Anne, Lutonda January 2020 (has links)
Digitaliseringens utveckling i det svenska samhället har skett i en rasande takt och har inneburit förändringar i hur vi idag lever våra liv. Den digitala utvecklingen har gått betydligt fortare än vad vi kunnat förutse och påverkar vårt samhälle där en förutsättning för delaktighet innebär att kunna använda internet. Men för äldre människor kan det bli problematiskt, det finns en rad svårigheter som kan uppstå i ett användande av digital teknik vilket gör att de tvingas ta hjälp av och förlita sig på andra människor. Syftet med studien var att skapa en djupare förståelse för hur samhällets ökade användning av digital teknik kan komma att påverka äldre människor samt skapa en uppfattning om hur äldre människor själva upplever den digitala tekniken. Målet har också varit att lyfta problematiken att många äldre kan ha svårigheter att hänga med i samhället när allt mer i vår miljö integreras med teknik som kan vara problematiskt för äldre människor att hantera. Studien har utgått från en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta personer i åldern 70-88 år där resultatet har sammanställts och anknutits till vetenskapliga artiklar, samt teorier och begrepp från Foucault, Jönhill och May. Resultatet visar att samhällets ökade användning av digital teknik har viss betydelse för äldre människor. Det är många som har ett mycket begränsat digitalt användande och därmed inte är inkluderade i samhället på samma sätt som de människorna som använder digital teknik i större utsträckning. Vidare visade studien att äldre människor ofta stöter på svårigheter i sitt användande och det resulterar i att de behöver be någon om hjälp vilket ofta är en yngre familjemedlem. Det framkom också att äldre människor inte anser att den digitala tekniken har påverkat deras vardagsliv i någon större utsträckning. / The evolution of digitalization in Swedish society has taken place at a furious pace and has meant changes in how we today live our lives. Digital development has gone much faster than we could have foreseen and is affecting our society where a prerequisite for participation means being able to use the internet. But for elderly people it can be problematic, there are a number of difficulties that can arise in the use of digital technology, which means that they are forced to ask for help and rely on other people. The title of this paper is The importance of digitalization for the elderly and the aim of the study was to create a deeper understanding of how society’s increased use of digital technology may affect elderly people and create an understanding of how elderly people experience digital technology. The goal has also been to raise the problem that many elderly people may have difficulties keeping up with society when more and more of our environment is integrated with technology that can be problematic for elderly people to handle. The study has been based on a qualitative method in the form of semi-structured interviews with eight people aged 70-88, where the results have been compiled and linked to scientific articles, as well as theories and concepts from Foucault, Jönhill and May. The result shows that society’s increased use of digital technology has some significance for elderly people. Many people have a very limited digital use and are thus not included in society in the same way as the people who use digital technology to a greater extent. Furthermore, the study showed that elderly people often encounter difficulties in their use and this results in them having to ask someone for help, which is often a younger family member. It also emerged that elderly people do not believe that digital technology had affected their everyday lives to any great extent.
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