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Fragile identities, patched-up worlds : Dementia and meaning-making in social interaction / Fragila identiteter och en hoplappad värld : Demens och meningsskapande i socialt samspelÖrulv, Linda January 2008 (has links)
Denna avhandling fokuserar på det meningsskapande och begripliggörande som fortgår vid tilltagande demenssjukdom, i det sociala samspelet, och de utmaningar för demens-omsorgen som detta innebär. Studien är aktörsorienterad och adresserar frågan om hur personer med åldersrelaterade progressiva demenssjukdomar i den vardagliga kommuni-kationen söker förstå sina situationer, omgivningen och sina liv – alltsammans inom ra-men för det dagliga samspelet på ett demensboende. Av särskilt intresse är hur dessa per-soner hanterar problem som har att göra med att handla tillsammans med andra i en gemensamt delad värld och hitta sin roll i det pågående samspelet, och hur de etablerar och upprätthåller en identitet i detta samspel. Detta trots svåra minnesproblem, desorien-tering i tid och rum, olika sätt att förstå den pågående situationen samt svårigheter att be-rätta om sina liv på ett sätt som både stämmer överens med biografiska data och har en tillfredsställande temporal organisering. Avhandlingen adresserar också frågan om hur omsorgspersonalen kan hantera det komplexa samspelet mellan de boende i den dagliga omsorgen, med avseende på att upprätthålla och respektera dessa personers värdighet. Studien ansluter till en växande tradition av att studera interaktion vid demens som meningsbaserad och situerad i en kontext snarare än enbart som beteende som orsakas av kognitiva svårigheter. Metodologiskt är studien etnografisk och bygger på observationer fördelade över en tidsperiod av sex månader. Materialet, som består av ca 150 h videoma-terial och kompletterande fältanteckningar, möjliggör att samspelet studeras både i detalj och i relation till det större sammanhang som det ingår i. Studien visar på kvarvarande kompetenser och bidrar med ny kunskap om strategier som personerna med demens använder sig av i ett aktivt, kreativt och på många sätt ratio-nellt meningsskapande i det sociala samspelet med andra människor. Detta diskuteras i termer av resurser för demensomsorgen i relation till den stora utmaning som det innebär att lappa ihop och upprätthålla en begriplig och socialt delad värld, samt upprätthålla kon-tinuitet med personernas livshistorier på ett sätt som möjliggör en önskad identitet. / This thesis focuses on the identity work and the meaning- or sense-making that continue in the face of evolving dementia diseases, in social interaction, and the challenges for care this involves. The study adopts an actor-oriented approach and addresses the question of how persons with age-related progressive dementia diseases in everyday communication make sense of their situations, their surroundings, and their lives – all within the context of daily life in residential care. Of particular interest is how these persons handle issues of joint action in a shared world and how they establish and maintain an identity in the inte-raction. This is in spite of severe memory problems, disorientation in time and space, dif-fering understandings of the current situation, and difficulties in telling “accurate” and temporally ordered stories about their lives. The thesis also addresses the question of how caregivers may handle the complex interplay between residents in daily care, in maintain-ing and respecting these persons’ dignity. The study follows a growing tradition of studying interaction in dementia as mean-ing-based and situated in a context rather than merely as behavior caused by cognitive impairment. Methodologically, this is an ethnographic study based on observations made within a period of six months. The data consist of around 150 hours of video recordings and complementary field notes. This extensive material has made it possible to study the social interaction both in detail and situated in a larger context. The findings point to remaining competences and strategies that persons with demen-tia use actively and creatively in the ongoing interaction – and, given the premises, often in a rational way. This is discussed in terms of resources for dementia care, in relation to the great challenge of patching up and putting together a comprehensive socially shared world as well as maintaining continuity with the persons’ previous life histories in a way that preserves a positive self-identity.
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Processes of nurturing and maintenance of multicultural identity in the 21st century : A qualitative study of the experience of long-term transcultural sojournersVallazza, Oscar January 2010 (has links)
<p>In today’s world, exposure to other cultures has become a symbol of increasing globalization processes. Many people leave their home area to embark on a voyage of discovery and learning that affects their original cultural identity.</p><p>This study explores the life experience of independent transcultural sojourners, i.e. people who freely decide to relocate to different cultural contexts after their formative years. The inquiry covers three major themes of their intercultural experience: Multicultural identity, processes of intercultural adaptation, and change and transformation ensuing from multiple intercultural relocations. The aim of this study is to show the effects of multiple intercultural experiences on the identity of transcultural sojourners, and how they dealt with relevant emerging processes of intercultural adaptation.</p><p>Following a format suggested by Seidman (1996), five respondents were asked to recount and reflect on their transcultural experience in three separate, asynchronous interviews that covered three dimensions of their intercultural experience: past, present, and reflections. The ensuing text comprised about 16,000 words and was analyzed using both a narrative and a thematic approach using a mixed typology of categories and sub-themes made up of indigenous typology stemming from relevant scholarly literature and researcher-constructed typology suggested by the researcher and the respondents.</p><p>The analysis indicates that personal factors like mindfulness, motivation, resourcefulness, and intercultural awareness strongly influence processes of Intercultural communication competence and Multicultural identity development. Contextual factors are also relevant, as they include issues of avowed and ascribed identity. The analysis also shows no specific, generalizable link between the presence of intercultural stimuli in the original cultural milieus and the decision to relocate across cultural boundaries. Furthermore, it points to a strong relation between Piagetian constructivist learning theories and the development of ICC competence. The study also indicates that independent transcultural sojourners are in a position to negotiate the level of their integration and marginality, which in turn affects the spectrum of their Intercultural communication competence.</p><p>Finally, this study indicates the limited applicability of traditional functionalist approaches to understanding and conceptualizing processes of intercultural adaptation and multicultural identity building. It also suggests the need for a shift towards a dialogical perspective informed by systems-thinking and Chaos theory.</p> / The author would like to acknowledge the inspiration and passion for intercultural issues provided over the years by the Intercultural Insights on-line community.Seattle, summer 2010.
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Processes of nurturing and maintenance of multicultural identity in the 21st century : A qualitative study of the experience of long-term transcultural sojournersVallazza, Oscar January 2010 (has links)
In today’s world, exposure to other cultures has become a symbol of increasing globalization processes. Many people leave their home area to embark on a voyage of discovery and learning that affects their original cultural identity. This study explores the life experience of independent transcultural sojourners, i.e. people who freely decide to relocate to different cultural contexts after their formative years. The inquiry covers three major themes of their intercultural experience: Multicultural identity, processes of intercultural adaptation, and change and transformation ensuing from multiple intercultural relocations. The aim of this study is to show the effects of multiple intercultural experiences on the identity of transcultural sojourners, and how they dealt with relevant emerging processes of intercultural adaptation. Following a format suggested by Seidman (1996), five respondents were asked to recount and reflect on their transcultural experience in three separate, asynchronous interviews that covered three dimensions of their intercultural experience: past, present, and reflections. The ensuing text comprised about 16,000 words and was analyzed using both a narrative and a thematic approach using a mixed typology of categories and sub-themes made up of indigenous typology stemming from relevant scholarly literature and researcher-constructed typology suggested by the researcher and the respondents. The analysis indicates that personal factors like mindfulness, motivation, resourcefulness, and intercultural awareness strongly influence processes of Intercultural communication competence and Multicultural identity development. Contextual factors are also relevant, as they include issues of avowed and ascribed identity. The analysis also shows no specific, generalizable link between the presence of intercultural stimuli in the original cultural milieus and the decision to relocate across cultural boundaries. Furthermore, it points to a strong relation between Piagetian constructivist learning theories and the development of ICC competence. The study also indicates that independent transcultural sojourners are in a position to negotiate the level of their integration and marginality, which in turn affects the spectrum of their Intercultural communication competence. Finally, this study indicates the limited applicability of traditional functionalist approaches to understanding and conceptualizing processes of intercultural adaptation and multicultural identity building. It also suggests the need for a shift towards a dialogical perspective informed by systems-thinking and Chaos theory. / The author would like to acknowledge the inspiration and passion for intercultural issues provided over the years by the Intercultural Insights on-line community.Seattle, summer 2010.
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Presence Design : Mediated Spaces Extending ArchitectureGullström, Charlie January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is a contribution to design-led research and addresses a readership in the fields of architecture as well as in media and communications. In juxtaposing the tools of the designer (e.g. drafting, prototyping, visual/textual/spatial forms of montage) with those of architectural theory, this thesis seeks to extend the disciplinary boundaries of architecture by observing its assimilation of other media practices. Its primary contribution is to architectural design and theory, and its aims are twofold: Firstly, this thesis applies the concepts of virtual and mediated space to architecture, proposing an extended architectural practice that assimilates the concept of remote presence. Through realized design examples as well as through the history and theory of related concepts, the thesis explores what designing mediated spaces and designing for presence entails for the practicing architect. As a fusion of architecture and media technology, video-mediated spaces facilitate collaborative practices across spatial extensions while simultaneously fostering novel and environmentally sustainable modes of communication. The impact of presence design on workplace design is examined. As an extended practice also calls for an extended discourse, a preliminary conceptual toolbox is proposed. Concepts are adapted from related visual practices and tested on design prototypes, which arise from the author’s extensive experience in designing work and learning spaces. Secondly, this thesis outlines presence design as a transdisciplinary aesthetic practice and discusses the potential contribution of architects to a currently heterogeneous research field, which spans media space research, cognitive science, (tele)presence research, interaction design, ubiquitous computing, second-order cybernetics, and computer-supported collaborative work. In spite of such diversity, design and artistic practices are insufficiently represented in the field. This thesis argues that presence research and its discourse is characterised by sharp disciplinary boundaries and thereby identifies a conceptual gap: presence research typically fails to integrate aesthetic concepts that can be drawn from architecture and related visual practices. It is an important purpose of this thesis to synthesize such concepts into a coherent discourse. Finally, the thesis argues that remote presence through the proposed synthesis of architectural and technical design creates a significantly expanded potential for knowledge sharing across time and space, with potential to expand the practice and theory of architecture itself. The author’s design-led research shows that mediated spaces can provide sufficient audiovisual information about the remote space(s) and other person(s), allowing the subtleties of nonverbal communication to inform the interaction. Further, in designing for presence, certain spatial features have an effect on the user’s ability to experience a mediated spatial extension, which in turn, facilitates mediated presence. These spatial features play an important role in the process through which trust is negotiated, and hence has an impact on knowledge sharing. Mediated presence cannot be ensured by design, but by acknowledging the role of spatial design in mediated spaces, the presence designer can monitor and, in effect, seek to reduce the ‘friction’ that otherwise may inhibit the experience of mediated presence. The notion of ‘friction’ is borrowed from a context of knowledge sharing in collaborative work practices. My expanded use of the term ‘design friction’ is used to identify spatial design features which, unaddressed, may be said to impose friction and thus inhibit and impact negatively on the experience of presence. A conceptual tool-box for presence design is proposed, consisting of the following design concepts: mediated gaze, spatial montage, active spectatorship, mutual gaze, shared mediated space, offscreen space, lateral and peripheral awareness, framing and transparency. With their origins in related visual practices these emerge from the evolution of the concept of presence across a range of visual cultures, illuminating the centrality of presence design in design practice, be it in the construction of virtual pictorial space in Renaissance art or the generative design experiments of prototypical presence designers, such as Cedric Price, Gordon Pask and numerous researchers at MIT Media Lab, Stanford Institute and Xerox PARC. / QC 20100909
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Äldre människor i en pandemi : Den sociala isoleringens inverkan på äldres hälsa / Elderly in a pandemic : The impact of social isolation on older people’s healthElg, Pernilla, Jonasson, Linnea January 2021 (has links)
Background: In 2019 a new virus by the name Sars-coronavirus-2 that caused a disease named Covid-19 and spread globally creating a pandemic. Due to the pandemic, restrictions were created that limited people's everyday life. There were many variations of the restrictions between countries, but they were all based on distancing. The nursing theorist Katie Eriksson describes the suffering in life and everything it means to be a human among humans which makes the pandemic a part of the humans suffering. Nurses have many ethic codes and core competencies to apply in their work to prevent suffering. Aim: To illustrate the impact of social isolation on the elderly's health during the covid-19 pandemic from a nursing perspective Method: A systematic literature study including 13 scientifically articles that related to the aim. Result: Three themes and five subthemes were identified. These indicate a reduced health among older people, mostly regarding loneliness, worrying, anxiety but also subjective age, ageism and resources and the use of resources among the elderly in order to handle the situation. Conclusion: The health among the elderly have decreased due to the social isolation which, according to Katie Eriksson is part of the human suffering in life. Nurses have, with support from their core competencies and ethics codes a big responsibility to reduce the suffering and encourage health during the pandemic / Bakgrund: År 2019 upptäcktes de nya viruset Sars-coronavirus-2 som gav upphov till sjukdomen Covid-19 vilket fick global spridning och utvecklades till en pandemi. Till följd av pandemin skapades ett flertal restriktioner som begränsat människor i sin vardag. Det fanns stora variationer mellan olika länders restriktioner men de hade distansering som gemensam nämnare. Omvårdnadsteorietikern Katie Eriksson beskriver att livslidande är allt det innebär att vara människa bland människor, vilket gör pandemin till en del av människans livslidande. Sjuksköterskorna har flera etiska koder och kärnkompetenser att förhålla sig till i arbetet mot att lindra lidandet för människor. Syfte: Att belysa den sociala isoleringens inverkan på äldre människors hälsa under covid-19 pandemin ur ett omvårdnadsperspektiv. Metod: Systematisk litteraturstudie som inkluderade 13 vetenskapliga artiklar som svarade på syftet. Resultat: Tre teman och fem underteman identifierades. Dessa påvisar en ökad ohälsa bland äldre människor, främst i form av ökad ensamhet, oro och ångest men även problem som berör subjektiv ålder, åldersdiskriminering samt vilka resurser äldre människorna har och hur de använt dessa för att hantera sin situation. Konklusion: Det finns en ökad ohälsa bland de äldre människorna till följd av den sociala isoleringen vilket enligt Katie Eriksson är en del av människans livslidande. Sjuksköterskan har med stöd i sina kärnkompetenser och etiska koder ett stort ansvar för att lindra lidandet och främja hälsan under pandemin.
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spårHiredal, Sandra January 2020 (has links)
In a place that has been abandoned I have collected the human-made traces. Preserving the perishability of places and people. Saving the small memory. To hold close and pass on to the next. Placing them in a jewelry context where we may care for them more tenderly. To approach the people through adornment and wearing. I don't want to physically mark anyone, but I still want to come close. A piercing of the clothes: brooches. You who left it. I who collected. Next one to wear. Where all of us become involved and equally important. With the traces taken from the place, I add my own imprint in the craftsmanship of the jewelry. Each brooch fragile and where the next one, the wearer, will become part of our traces and history. Each brooch with a part of us and in transformation. Traces can be left, and memories preserved. They can be passed on through the visible, the tangible, the sound and the anecdotes. They can be experienced or relived when we feel, listen and see. Therefore, I needed to pass on the traces in several ways. Through the brooches and through film. For more people to take part of. Where the next one can see, hear and feel a place; its traces, stories and the imagination created in the experience.
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Relationships Between Skin Properties and Body Water Level / Förhållanden mellan hudegenskaper och kroppens vattennivåAndersson, Ida, Hedvall, Anders January 2013 (has links)
A need for a quantitative method to determine body water level has been identified by a team of Clinical Innovation Fellows at the Centre for Technology in Medicine and Health (CTMH). A reliable way to determine body water level would bring great benefits to the healthcare sector, where no optimal method is available at the time of writing. A possible solution is a sensor that would measure alterations in skin properties due to changes in total body water. CTMH has had an idea of such a sensor, which is evaluated in this work. At an early stage of this evaluation process, it became clear that the research regarding correlations between skin properties and body hydration level was not sufficient to warrant the initiation of a sensor development process. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis became to investigate such correlations. An extensive literature review is presented, from which an experiment was developed. The experiment was performed on four human test subjects and involved measurements of skin thickness and elasticity parameters, before and after a weight loss of 3.2-3.7 % due to dehydration. The results showed clear decreases in skin thickness and indications of alterations in skin distensibility as well as in the skin’s immediate elastic response to applied negative pressure. It could also be seen that skin at different body sites does not respond in the same way - calves showed more distinct results than thighs and volar forearm. The material provided in this thesis encourages further studies of the correlation between the mentioned properties and total body water. If a predictable correlation can be found, a sensor development process could start. A reliable way to determine body water level would bring great benefits to the healthcare sector, where no optimal method is available at the time of writing. / Ett behov av att kvantitativt kunna mäta kroppens vattennivå har identifierats av Clinical Innovation Fellowship vid Centrum för Teknik i Medicin och Hälsa (CTMH). Ett tillförlitligt sätt att mäta kroppens vattennivå skulle gynna hälso- och sjukvården på många sätt då ingen optimal metod är tillgänglig i dagsläget. En möjlig lösning skulle kunna vara en sensor som mäter variationer i hudegenskaper till följd av förändringar i kroppens vattennivå. CTMH har haft en idé om en sådan sensor, vilken utvärderas i detta arbete. I ett tidigt skede av utvärderingsprocessen framkom det tydligt att tillräcklig forskning saknades gällande korrelationer mellan hudens egenskaper och kroppens vattennivå. Det huvudsakliga syftet med detta masterexamensarbete blev därför att undersöka sådana korrelationer. En omfattande litteraturgransking gjordes, och utifrån denna utformades ett experiment. Experimentet utfördes på fyra testpersoner och innefattade mätningar av hudens tjocklek samt elasticitetsparameterar. Dessa utfördes före och efter viktnedgång av 3,2-3,7 % till följd av vattenförlust. Resultaten visade på en tydlig minskning av hudtjockleken samt indikationer på förändringar av hudens tänjbarhet samt dess omedelbara elastiska respons vid pålagt negativt tryck. Det visade sig också att huden inte reagerar på samma sätt på olika kroppsdelar - vader visade tydligare förändringar jämfört med lår och armar. Det material som presenteras i detta examensarbete uppmuntrar till fortsatt utredning av korrelationer mellan de nämnda hudegenskaperna och kroppens vattennivå. Om det går att förutse korrelationer finns det förutsättningar för att påbörja utveckling av en sensor.
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Gangsterrap som barnkultur : En poststrukturalistisk diskursanalys av de subjektpositioner som unga människor antar inom svensk gangsterrap / Gangster rap as children’s cultureOliveira Martins von Zweigbergk, Jarcléa January 2021 (has links)
The main intention with this study has been to analyze which social identities and versions of the world young people construct within Swedish gangster rap and how to see this from a child cultural perspective. In addition, my goal was to analyze what functions the rappers and their songs assume in relation to their young audience. The analysis shows that the positions young rappers occupy in the songs are strongly linked to their need to gain status within their group. In addition, it becomes a peer culture where they create and share their identities and versions of the world. It is also through music that they question the authority of adults. It can also be seen that their poor childhood means that crime becomes, apart from rap, the only way they perceive to rise economically and socially. But the price for these achievements is high.
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Preventiva samhällsinterventioner för att undvika ofrivillig ensamhet hos äldre : En litteraturstudie / Preventive social interventions to avoid involuntary loneliness in the elderly : A literature reviewHansson, Carina, Rogö, Jenny January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion: Den äldre befolkningen ökar och många känner sig ensamma och isolerade. Det är en folkhälsoutmaning att hitta lösningar till detta problem då ofrivillig ensamhet kan leda till psykisk ohälsa. Ett av de globala målen är att bekämpa ojämlikhet i hälsa, så genom att samhället arbetar med preventiva insatser i gruppen äldre kan det bidra till ökad jämlikhet i samhället. Syfte: Att beskriva de samhälleliga insatserna som kan göras för att motverka ofrivillig ensamhet hos äldre. Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på 20 vetenskapliga originalartiklar som inhämtats från databaserna PubMed, Medline Ebsco och CINAHL. Artiklarna analyserades med en tematisk analys. De mest använda sökorden var elderly people, loneliness, prevention, intervention och effective. Resultat: Åtta teman på vad som motverkar ofrivillig ensamhet återfanns och som grupperades i tre kategorier, samtliga teman var socialt stöd, digital teknik, kontaktskapande sällskap, fysisk aktivitet, primärvård, sociala interaktioner, psykiskt välbefinnande och digitala sociala interventioner. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att samhällets insatser bidrar till att minska ofrivillig ensamhet och isolering bland äldre. Samhället behöver också utveckla arbetet och vara mer lyhörd enligt de äldres önskemål. Fler studier behövs, speciellt hur digitaliseringen kan utvecklas och användes till de äldres fördel. / Introduction: The elderly population is increasing and many feel lonely and isolated. It is a public health challenge to find solutions to this problem as involuntary loneliness can lead to mental illness. One of the global goals is to fight inequality in health, so by society working with preventive measures in the group of older people, it can contribute to increased equality in society. Aim: To describe the social efforts that can be made to counteract involuntary loneliness in the elderly. Method: A literature study based on 20 original scientific articles obtained from the databases PubMed, Medline Ebsco and CINAHL. The articles were analyzed with a thematic analysis. The most used keywords were elderly people, loneliness, prevention, intervention and effective. Results: Eight themes of counteracting involuntary loneliness were found and grouped into three categories, all themes were social support, digital technology, contact-creating societies, physical activity, primary care, social interactions, mental well-being and digital social interventions. Conclusion: The results of the study show that society's efforts contribute to reducing involuntary loneliness and isolation among the elderly. Society also needs to develop its work and be more responsive to the wishes of the elderly. More studies are needed, especially how digitization can be developed and used to the benefit of the elderly.
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”Jag vill åka med” : En kvalitativ studie om hur människor med fysisk funktionsnedsättning kan inkluderas i en digital mobilitetskontextBengtsson, Henrik, Johansson, Sara January 2023 (has links)
MaaS (Mobility as a Service) beskrivs ofta som ett framväxande digitalt koncept för att hantera framtida mobilitets- och hållbarhetsutmaningar. Konceptet är emellertid ett relativt nytt fenomen som fortfarande är i sitt utvecklingsstadie, där fokus har hamnat på att övertyga användare till att välja MaaS över privat fordonsägande. I denna övertygelse har dock minoritetsgrupper som människor med fysisk funktionsnedsättning prioriterats bort. Litteratur inom området lyfter människor med fysisk funktionsnedsättnings upplevda frustrationer som följd av denna problematiska bortprioritering, men att dessa beskrivningar är väldigt övergripande. Genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie med åtta respondenter har en ökad och mer djupgående förståelse för människor med fysisk funktionsnedsättnings subjektiva förstahandsupplevelser av att använda olika mobilitetstjänster kunnat skapats, vilket också är syftet med denna studie. Genom denna kunskap från insamlad empiri tillsammans med insikter från litteraturstudien har två designimplikationer identifierats och utforskats: Digital informationsdistribuering och Rättvisa premisser. Dessa designimplikationer är ämnade att användas vid både utveckling av nuvarande mobilitetstjänster med tillhörande digitala applikationer och vid framtidens visioner av att integrera flertalet mobilitetstjänster i en gemensam digital plattform, exempelvis MaaS. Designimplikationerna blir således viktiga att ta hänsyn till för att främja ett mer inkluderande samhälle, där dessa typer av mobilitetstjänster och framtida koncept inte exkluderar någon, både vad gäller själva användandet av tjänsterna och vid utvecklingen av dem. / MaaS (Mobility as a Service) is often described as an emerging and innovative digital concept for handling future mobility and sustainability challenges. However, the concept is a relatively new phenomenon still in its development stage, focusing on convincing users to choose MaaS over private vehicle ownership. In this belief, however, minority groups such as people with physical disabilities have been less prioritized. The literature review highlights the perceived frustrations of people with physical disabilities due to this problematic deprioritization, but these descriptions are deficient. Through a qualitative interview study with eight respondents, an increased and more in-depth understanding of the subjective first-hand experiences of using mobility services by people with physical disabilities has been created, which is also the purpose of this study. From this knowledge from collected empirical data and insights from the literature study, two design implications have been identified and explored: Distribution of digital information and Fair premises. These design implications are intended to be used both in developing current mobility services with associated digital applications and in future visions of integrating the majority of mobility services in a common digital platform, for example, MaaS. The design implications thus become essential to consider in order to promote a more inclusive society where these types of mobility services and future concepts do not exclude anyone, both in terms of the actual use of the services and their development.
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