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Faktory ovlivňující nadšení a vyhoření u dobrovolníků v organizaci LATA / Factors affecting vigor and burnout syndrom of volunteers in the organization LATAEichlerová, Jana January 2017 (has links)
EICHLEROVÁ, J. Factors affecting vigor and burnout syndrom of volunteers in the organization LATA. Prague: Charles university in Prague, fakulty of arts, 2017. 101 s. Dissertation. Burnout syndrome is a condition of emotional exhaustion. Its prevention is very essential for both overall health and effective performance at work. The theoretical part is primarily divided into two parts. In the first I deal with burnout syndrome - its definition, causes, symptoms, stages, risk factors, protective factors and neutral factors and prevention of this phenomenon. The following section is devoted to opposites of burnout syndrome most of which deal with Vigor (enthusiasm) according to Shirom. The next two chapters are explaining research methods to measure burnout and enthusiasm with which I operate in the empirical part of the work. The research methods I use are MBI and SMVM questionnaires. Then I describe work of the LATA organization which became the source of my research. I worked only with volunteers of this organization where I also previously worked as a volunteer. Empirical part then examines the burnout syndrome rate and enthusiasm rate of volunteers from the organization LATA. Data from the questionnaires allow us to select a group of ten volunteers, which have been shown the highest rate of...
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Preservice Teachers' Ideas About Scientific Modeling and Model-based Inquiry During A Methods of Teaching CourseNyaboke, Roseline 11 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Kroppsideal via InstagramDahlberg, Tom January 2016 (has links)
Syfte Dagens teknik har medfört en explosion av nätbaserade sociala medier där bilder av träning och kroppar är ett tydligt fenomen. Syftet med detta arbete har varit att undersöka hur kroppsideal skapas och framställs på internet och framförallt sociala medier. Till hjälp användes frågeställningarna: Hur gestaltar manliga fitness-profiler sig själv och sina kroppar på den nätbaserade tjänsten Instagram? Finns det kopplingar mellan dessa profilers kroppsgestaltningar och specifika kroppsideologier? (Rosenmann & Kaplan, 2014) Metod Arbetet utfördes med netnografisk metod i grunden, en metod specifikt fokuserad på kvalitativ forskning av internet. Tre manliga fitnessprofiler samt fem av varje profils bilder valdes utifrån popularitet på Instagram för att granskas och analyseras i relation till kroppsideal. Resultat Bilderna hade gemensamma egenskaper då dessa, ofta i gymmiljö, visade avklädda, extremt muskulösa kroppar med fokus på framsidan av överkroppen. Skilda egenskaper förekom, dock inte i någon signifikant bemärkelse. Kroppsideologin metrosexuella-och konsumentmaskuliniteten (Rosenmann & Kaplan, 2014) präglade profilerna. Slutsatser Dessa fitnessprofilers framställning av sina kroppar stämde väl överens med dagens rådande muskulära kroppsideal som innefattar en slimmad, muskulös, väldefinierad kropp. Tydliga kopplingar kunde också göras till Rosenmann’s och Kaplan’s (2014) kroppsideologi; metrosexuella-och konsumentmaskuliniteten. / Objective The advanced technology of today’s society has brought on a heavy uprising of social media where images of training and bodies are a common phenomenon. The aim of this study was to examine how body ideals are created on the internet, with focus on social media. Two questions were used to help with this objective: How do male fitness profiles portrait themselves and their bodies on the net based service Instagram? Do connections exist between these profiles portraits of the body and specific body ideologies? (Rosenmann & Kaplan, 2014). Method The study was carried out with a nethnographic method, a method specifically focused on qualitative research regarding the internet. Three male fitness profiles and five of their images each were selected based on popularity on Instagram to be examined and analyzed in relation to body ideal. Results The images had similar attributes which included that they, often in a gym environment, showed undressed, extremely muscular bodies with emphasized focus on the upper body. Differences were present in the images but not to any significant extent. The profiles were defined by the body ideology of metrosexuality and consumer masculinity (Rosenmann & Kaplan, 2014). Conclusion The representation of the images of these fitness profiles translate well into the current muscular body ideal that contains a lean, muscular, well defined body. Clear connections could be made to Rosenmann’s och Kaplan’s (2014) body ideology of metrosexuality and consumer masculinity.
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Management-Buy-In bei eigentümergeführten UnternehmenWallraff, Thomas 24 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Der Anteil der externen Nachfolge bei eigentümergeführten bzw. Familienunternehmen nimmt stetig zu. Eine Möglichkeit ist dabei ein Management-Buy-In, bei dem ein externer Manager die Position des Altinhabers übernimmt. In einer solchen Situation kann die Nachfolge in Form einer Relay Succession erfolgen, eine zeitlich gestaffelte Übergabe vom alten an den neuen Inhaber. In dieser Arbeit werden die Relay Succession, ihre Vor- und Nachteile, relevante Einflussfaktoren und Prozessempfehlungen in qualitativen Fallstudien untersucht.
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Rozvoj modelu MBI v oblasti podpory finančnej konsolidácie na platforme CPM / Development of MBI model in area of supporting financial consolidation on platform CPMKanuščák, Marek January 2015 (has links)
This thesis occupies with the issue and support of financial consolidation platform CPM (Corporate Performance Management). The aim of this thesis is the creation of tasks related to the lifecycle of the project implementation of CPM solution to support financial consolidation in sufficient detail for the development of a MBI model (Management of Business Informatics). This thesis also occupies with the detailed processing of key activities and links with the existing MBI environment. The theoretical part deals with analysis of the available resources, it describes the process of financial consolidation and CPM platform. The practical part is based on the theoretical knowledge as well as practical knowledge and uses both of them as a basis to processing them into a form, so, they comply with the MBI rules. The added value of this thesis is the creation of new tasks, their key activities and the links to existing MBI content in order to increase the efficiency of the worker, which uses the model. Regarding several tasks, there were created definitions of new applications, documents and metrics for the further development of MBI model.
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Metriky na projektech implementace Core Banking systémů / Metrics for Core Banking systems implementation projectsLoginovskaja, Anna January 2011 (has links)
The main goal of diploma thesis is to propose a model for metrics description and metrics themselves, which will be used for different project areas effectiveness and performance evaluation during core banking systems implementation. The second goal is to describe metrics using MBI (Management of Business Informatics) model and compare results. The thesis has the next structure: - theoretical part, where main terms and research works which addressed to the same topic are described; -analytical part, where models for metrics description and metrics will be introduced; - conclusion, where results will be evaluated and models will be compared.
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Kriminalvårdaren : empati och upplevd arbetsrelaterad stress / The correctional officer : empathy and work-related stressAkterhag, Kajsa, Anna, Löfberg January 2020 (has links)
Empati är en särskilt viktig förmåga hos kriminalvårdaren och i interaktionen med kollegor samt med intagna på anstalt och häkte. Studien ämnade att undersöka kriminalvårdarnas empati i relation till arbetsrelaterad stress, samt olika demografiska variabler. I undersök- ningen deltog 76 kriminalvårdare som rekryterades via sociala medier, utspridda över Sve- rige. Resultaten visar att det inte fanns några könsskillnader gällande empati. Den arbetsre- laterade stressen är större hos kvinnor än hos män enligt studiens resultat, något som be- kräftar tidigare studier. Vidare visar studiens resultat att fantasi och personlig oro minskade med åldern. För anställningstid visar studiens resultat att empatin minskar med antal anställ- ningsår. Resultaten för utbildningsnivå visar att empatin minskade med högre utbildning, vil- ket motsäger tidigare forskning. Vidare forskning kan fokusera på att inkludera större urval och att undersöka personspecifika faktorer i studiet av relationen mellan empati, stress och demografisk information som ålder, kön och utbildningsnivå. / Empathy is a particularly important ability of the correctional officer and in the interaction with their colleagues, also with those in prison and detention centers. The study aimed to investi- gate empathy in prison correctional officers in relation to work-related stress and demo- graphic variables. In the study,76 participants were recruited through social media, with a spread across Sweden. The results showed that there were no difference in empathy re- garding gender. The work-related stress is greater in women than in men according to the study's results, which confirms previous studies. Furthermore, the results of the study show that imagination and personal distress decline with age. For years of employment the results showed a decline in empathy. The results for educational level shows that empathy declined with higher education, which contradicts previous research. Further research can focus on including larger samples and examining person-specific factors along with the variables and demographic information such as age, gender and educational level.
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Facteurs de risque individuels de l'épuisement professionnel : validation du questionnaire style personnel au travailDesjardins, Sabrina January 2014 (has links)
L’épuisement professionnel est un problème de santé psychologique qui constitue un phénomène grandissant dans la population générale. La prévention de ce trouble devrait constituer une priorité dans les organisations et pourrait être améliorée par une meilleure identification des facteurs de risque en jeu. Bien qu’il existe des facteurs de risque organisationnels et individuels de l’épuisement professionnel, seuls les premiers faisaient jusqu’ici l’objet d’un questionnaire validé servant à les mesurer. La présente étude a effectué la validation d’un questionnaire mesurant les facteurs de risque individuels de l’épuisement professionnel : le Style personnel au travail (SPT). La cohérence interne, la validité factorielle ainsi que la validité convergente ont été vérifiées. Ce dernier type de validité a été examiné en comparant le questionnaire SPT à une mesure de l’épuisement professionnel, le Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey (MBI-GS) ainsi qu’à une mesure des facteurs reliés à la personnalité normale, le Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF). L’étude visait également à déterminer si le questionnaire SPT était complet, c’est-à-dire s’il semblait comprendre l’ensemble des principaux facteurs de risque individuels de l’épuisement professionnel. Un échantillon constitué de 230 travailleurs à temps complet issus de différentes organisations a répondu à trois questionnaires en format électronique : le SPT, le MBI-GS et le 16PF. Une analyse de fidélité par bissection, une analyse en composantes principales, des corrélations ainsi que des régressions multiples hiérarchiques ont été conduites afin d'atteindre les objectifs formulés. Les résultats appuient d’abord la bonne cohérence interne du questionnaire SPT et soutiennent la structure factorielle en six facteurs. Ils fournissent également plusieurs indices quant à la validité convergente du questionnaire en mettant en évidence plusieurs liens corrélationnels entre les facteurs du SPT et ceux du MBI-GS, d’une part, et du 16PF, d’autre part. Les résultats permettent finalement de considérer l’ajout potentiel d’un facteur de risque, issu du 16PF, au questionnaire SPT : la Stabilité émotionnelle. Les avantages et inconvénients d’un tel ajout sont discutés. La présente étude comporte certaines limites, concernant entre autres la taille et la composition de l’échantillon ainsi que la méthode utilisée. Néanmoins, les retombées de cette recherche sont importantes. En effet, l’étude fournit plusieurs indices quant à la validité du questionnaire SPT, qui permet désormais de mesurer les facteurs de risque individuels de l’épuisement professionnel conjointement avec l’AMT, un questionnaire validé mesurant les facteurs de risque organisationnels du trouble. Il est ainsi possible d’obtenir, en une seule passation, un portrait plus complet des principaux facteurs de risque reliés à l’épuisement professionnel. Ce portrait permettra également le développement d’outils de prévention efficaces et ciblés, dans le but de réduire l’incidence de ce trouble chez les travailleurs.
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Effekter av ett internetbaserat tvåveckors mindfulnessprogram på stress och tidsattitydMurmester, Marie, Viberg, Ida January 2018 (has links)
Vårdpersonal har kategoriserats som en yrkesgrupp med höga stressnivåer och ungefär 70 % av tillfrågade sjuksköterskor har beskrivit sitt arbete som psykiskt påfrestande. Sjuksköterskestudenter upplever liknande problematik. Tidigare studier har visat att mindfulnessbaserade interventioner (MBI) kan reducera stress, öka mindfulnessförmågor samt främja mer positiva tidsattityder. Befintlig forskning har dock inte undersökt sambanden mellan dessa variabler tillsammans. Syftet i denna studie var att undersöka sambanden mellan tidsattityd, mindfulnessförmåga och grad av stress. Ytterligare syften var att granska effekten av mindfulnessträning på dessa variabler hos sjuksköterskestudenter samt att undersöka om tidsattityd och mindfulness kan predicera stress. Studien var en randomiserad kontrollerad studie med pre-post-kontrollgruppsdesign. Urvalet bestod av 75 sjuksköterskestudenter som genom randomisering delades in i kontrollgrupp (n=37) och experimentgrupp (n=38). Experimentgruppen genomförde ett tvåveckors webbaserat mindfulnessprogram medan kontrollgruppen stod på väntelista. Mätningar genomfördes innan och efter interventionen med formulären Perceived Stress Questionnaire (PSQ), Adolescent Time Inventory (ATI) samtMindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS). Resultaten visade på signifikanta interaktioner där experimentgruppen ökade sin mindfulnessförmåga, minskade i grad av stress och fick en mer positiv syn på sin framtid medan det omvända gällde för kontrollgruppen. Mindfulnessförmåga och negativ attityd till nuet predicerade stress. Resultatet stödjer att MBI kan vara en relevant intervention för stressreducering i denna urvalsgrupp.
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Spiritual Transcendence and Burnout Rate Among Psychologists and Social Workers Working with Severely Mentally Ill PatientsCameron, Cynthia Fuhrer 01 January 2015 (has links)
Burnout is a psychological syndrome caused by occupational stress, which often manifests in mental health professionals who experience demanding and emotionally charged relationships with clients. Guided by the equity theory, this study examined the relationship between spiritual transcendence and burnout in psychologists and social workers who work with severely mentally ill patients after accounting for specific personality traits. Constructs were measured via the Spiritual Transcendence scale (STS), Maslach Burnout inventory (MBI), and the NEO-Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI). Sixty eight psychologists and social workers were selected from psychiatric hospitals, community centers, and private practice in Nevada to participate in the study. A quantitative approach using hierarchical regression was used for statistical analysis. The results suggest that, after controlling for the NEO-FFI scales, STS was not significantly related to burnout. The results also suggest that, as the personality factor of neuroticism increases, burnout rates also increase and as the personality factors of extraversion and agreeableness increase, burnout tends to decrease. The social change implication of this research is identifying personality factors that contribute to, or are protective factors of, burnout. For example, individuals who score high on neuroticism scales can be aware of their susceptibility to burnout, and those with high scores on agreeableness and extraversion can be conscientious of those factors and potentially put protective factors in place. These findings are beneficial to employers of mental health professionals, program developers, and mental health professionals themselves.
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