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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O evangelho segundo o McDonald's: estudo sobre o processo de produção da fast-food

Alves, Carmen Lucia Rodrigues 05 October 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T19:31:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 HIS - Carmen Lucia Rodrigues Alves.pdf: 1078309 bytes, checksum: 1d380777dc66c76acec9d69121b423ee (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-10-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study approaches the production process of McDonald´s fast food chain, recovering the way their meals are produced, the technology invested on them, the definitions about color, scent, taste, as well as the labor relations, from worker´s functional structure, to employees´ selection and training in order to allow them to accomplish all functions that substantiate the production process. By analysing McDonald´s products advertising, this study also focus on the ideology it diffuses, particularly due to the fact that McDonald´s is a fast food chain of global extent / Este estudo aborda o processo de produção da cadeia de fast-food McDonald s, resgatando a forma de produzir seus alimentos, a tecnologia investida, as definições sobre cor, aroma, gosto; as relações de trabalho, desde a estrutura funcional dos trabalhadores, a seleção dos funcionários e o treinamento para cumprir todas as funções que concretizam o processo produtivo. Enfoca, também, através da análise da propaganda de seus produtos, a ideologia que veicula, particularmente por ser uma cadeia de âmbito global

Caracterização da população adulta e idosa do município de São Paulo segundo padrões alimentares de refeições - Estudo de base populacional ISA Capital 2008 / Characterization of adult and elderly population living in the city of São Paulo accordingly to meals dietary patterns population based study ISA Capital 2008.

Santos, Roberta de Oliveira 25 September 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A Organização Mundial da Saúde sugere que as recomendações alimentares para populações devem basear-se em alimentos ao invés de nutrientes. No entanto, devem levar em consideração, que os indivíduos não consomem nutrientes ou alimentos isoladamente e sim refeições compostas por uma variedade de alimentos. Objetivo: Identificar os padrões alimentares do café da manhã, almoço e jantar da população adulta e idosa do município de São Paulo e caracterizá-los de acordo com variáveis socioeconômicas, demográficas e antropométricas. Métodos: Foram utilizados dados secundários do estudo transversal de base populacional ISA-Capital 2008 de adultos e idosos (n=1102). O consumo alimentar foi estimado pelo Multiple Source Method considerando dois recordatórios de 24 horas. A partir dos grupos de alimentos de cada refeição aplicou-se análise fatorial por componentes principais (rotação varimax) para derivar os padrões alimentares. Calcularam-se os escores fatoriais, que foram então utilizados para agrupar os indivíduos através da análise de agrupamento. Adicionou-se um grupo com os indivíduos que não realizaram a refeição para cada uma das análises. Os grupos foram caracterizados segundo sexo, faixa etária, renda familiar per capita e estado nutricional. Admitiu-se nível de significância de 0,05 e para caracterização dos grupos considerou-se uma diferença de escore padronizado em pelo menos |0,5| com relação à amostra geral. Resultados: Identificou-se prevalência de 5,6 por cento de omissão do café da manhã, 3,6 por cento do almoço e 12,8 por cento do jantar. Quanto aos que realizaram as refeições, identificaram-se três padrões do Café da Manhã: Saudável, Tradicional e Lanche; quatro padrões do Almoço: Tradicional, Salada, Suco Adoçado e Ocidental; e quatro padrões do Jantar: Café com Leite e Pão, Transição, Tradicional e Sopa e Frutas. Os grupos de indivíduos associados a idosos apresentaram aderência ao café da manhã Saudável, almoço Salada e jantar Sopas e Frutas. Aqueles associados a homens e adultos em geral omitiram o café da manhã e aderiram ao almoço Ocidental e jantar Transição. Os grupos associados a apenas homens aderiram a café da manhã e almoço Tradicional. Aqueles associados a somente adultos apresentaram aderência ao almoço Suco Adoçado. E associados a mulheres aderiram a um jantar Café com Leite e Pão. Grupos associados à baixa escolaridade aderiram a um jantar Sopa e Frutas, e os de escolaridade elevada aderiram a café da manhã Lanche e Omissão do mesmo; e padrão de almoço ocidental. Grupos associados com indivíduos de baixa renda aderiram ao almoço tradicional. Conclusão: Os resultados encontrados no presente estudo indicam que padrões alimentares identificados de acordo com a refeição discriminam bem o consumo alimentar, salientando peculiaridades que não são encontradas em análises globais. E a associação entre a aderência a esses padrões e fatores demográficos e socioeconômicos sugere a existência de públicos-alvo para o planejamento e execução de políticas públicas em alimentação e nutrição. / Introduction: The World Health Organization suggests that dietary recommendations for populations should be based on foods rather than nutrients. However, individuals do not consume foods or nutrients in isolation but meals with variety of foods. Objective: To identify dietary patterns from breakfast, lunch and dinner of the adult and elderly population in São Paulo and characterize them according to socioeconomic, demographic and anthropometric variables. Methods: Data from cross-sectional population-based ISA Capital 2008 of adults and elderly (n = 1102) was used. Dietary intake was estimated by Multiple Source Method considering two 24-hour recalls. Principal component factor analysis (varimax rotation) was used to derive dietary patterns for each meal. Factor scores were calculated and then used in the cluster analysis. Individuals that skipped the meal were added as an extra cluster. The groups were characterized by gender, age, family income and nutritional status. Significance level of 0.05 was assumed for the groups characterization it was considered a difference of standardized score of at least | 0.5 | with respect to the overall sample. Results: We found omission prevalence of 5.6 per cent for breakfast, 3.6 per cent for lunch and 12.8 per cent for dinner. Three patterns of breakfast were identified: Healthy, Traditional and Snack; four patterns to lunch: Traditional, Salad, Sweetened Juice and Western; and four patterns to dinner: Coffee with Milk and Bread, Transitional, Traditional and Soup and Fruits. The groups of individuals associated with the elderly showed adherence to Healthy breakfast, Salad lunch and Soups and Fruit dinner. The groups that were associated with adult and men skipped breakfast and adhered to the Western lunch and Transition dinner. The groups associated with only men showed adherence to Traditional breakfast and lunch. The groups associated with only adults showed adherence to Sweetened Juice lunch. The groups associated with women showed adherence with Coffee with Milk and Bread dinner. The groups associated with low education adhered to Soup and Fruits dinner, and the groups associated with high school skipped breakfast and they adhered to Snack breakfast and Western breakfast. Groups associated with low-income individuals adhered to Traditional lunch. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that dietary patterns identified by meal discriminated food consumption very well, highlighting peculiarities that a global analysis cannot show. And the adherence to meal patterns associated with socioeconomic and demographic factors suggest there is evidence of risk groups and possible public policies related to health diet.

Avaliação das condições higiênico-sanitárias da alimentação servida às crianças em escolas do município de São José do Rio Preto - SP /

Werle, Catierine Hirsch. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Fernando Leite Hoffmann / Banca: Margarete Teresa Gottardo de Almeida / Banca: Maria Luiza Silva Fazio / Resumo: Os alimentos são passiveis de contaminação por diferentes agentes etiológicos que podem levar ao desenvolvimento de doenças afetando a saúde humana desencadeada por microrganismos patogênicos ou suas toxinas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a merenda servida ás crianças, e as condições de preparo desta, através da análise microbiológica dos principais micro-organismos envolvidos em doenças transmitidas por alimentos.Este trabalho analisou 78 amostras de diferentes tipos de alimento servido para as crianças em 3 escolas do ensino infantil da cidade de São José do Rio Preto, 21 amostras de água utilizada no preparo da merenda e 29 amostras de Swab das mãos dos manipuladores. Avaliou-se a merenda foram quanto a presença de Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli, determinação do número mais provável de coliformes totais e termotolerantes, contagem de Bacillus cereus, Clostridios sulfito redutores, Staphylococcus coagulase positiva e bolores e leveduras. As amostras de água foram avaliadas quanto a contagem total de bactérias heterotróficas, coliformes totais, termotolerantes e pesquisa de E.coli. Investigou-se coliformes totais, termotolerantes, pesquisa de E.coli, contagem de Staphylococcus coagulase positiva e bolores e leveduras nas amostras de swab. Quando presentes cepas de E. coli e S. aureus foi realizado teste de sensibilidade a antimicrobianos. Para avaliação das condições de preparo da merenda realizou-se um check list nas cozinhas das escolas. 100% das amostras estavam de acordo com a legislação na contagem de Bacillus cereus, Clostridios sulfito redutores e pesquisa de Salmonella spp. 7,7% das amostras apresentaram contagens iguais ou superiores a 1100 NMP para coliformes totais, 1,3% não atendiam aos padrões estabelecidos para coliformes termotolerantes, em 6,4% das amostras foi detectado a presença de E.coli 1.3% apresentou... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Foods are susceptible to contamination from different etiologic agents which can lead to the development of illnesses affecting human health triggered by pathogenic microorganisms or their toxins. The objective of the study is to evaluate the conditions in which the school meals are served to the children through a microbiological analysis of the principal food-related pathogens. This work analyzed 78 samples of different types of food served to children from 3 infant schools in the city of São José do Rio Preto, 21 water samples used in the preparation of school meals and 29 swab samples from the hands of the food handlers. The food samples were analyzed for the presence of Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli, the most probable number (MPN) of total and thermotolerant coliforms, the amount of Bacillus cereus, sulphite-reducing Clostridium, coagulase-positive Staphylococcus, mould and yeast. The water samples were tested for the total heterotrophic bacteria, total coliforms, thermotolerants, and traces of E. coli. The swab samples were analysed for total coliforms, thermotolerants, traces of E. coli, the amount of coagulase-positive Staphylococcus, mould and yeast. The strains of E. coli and S. aureus found were subjected to antimicrobial susceptibility testing. To evaluation of conditions of preparation of the meal took place a check list in school kitchens. 100% of the samples were in accordance with the legislation for the amount of Bacillus cereus, sulphite-reducing Clostridium and traces of Salmonella spp. 7.7% of the samples presented results equal to or above 1100 MPN for total coliforms while 1.3% did not comply with the standards established for thermotolerant coliforms. In 6.4% of the samples the presence of E. coli was detected; 1.3% presented results higher than 10 3 colony-forming units (CFU) for coagulase-positive Staphylococcus and 6.4% of the samples presented... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Avaliação da qualidade microbiológica de refeições de bordo destinadas a tripulantes de aeronaves civis brasileiras / Microbiological quality evaluation in on board meals destined to the crew of the civil brasilian aircrafts

Paulo César Pavia 18 December 2003 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade microbiológica de refeições frias e quentes, em condições reais de vôo, destinadas aos tripulantes de vôos domésticos. Um total de 133 amostras foi analisada, sendo que nenhuma delas apresentou Salmonella sp.. A presença de S. aureus coagulase-positiva ocorreu em apenas 0,75% (1) das amostras, numa porção de frutas em pedaços, com contagem acima de 103 UFC/g. No entanto, obtiveram-se contagens de outras espécies de estafilococos (que não o S. aureus), que ocorreram em 54,14% (72) das amostras frias e em 5,26% (7) das amostras quentes. Foram observadas contagens dessas bactérias acima de 103 UFC/g em 40,60% (54) das amostras frias e em 1,5% (2) das amostras quentes. Contagens de bactérias heterotróficas mesófilas ocorreram em 61,65% (82) das amostras frias e 13,53% (18) das amostras quentes. A contagem de bactérias heterotróficas psicrotróficas ocorreu em 56,39% (75) das amostras frias e em 5,26% (7) das amostras quentes. A determinação do número mais provável (NMP) de coliformes totais ocorreu em 49,62% (66) das amostras frias e em 3,76% (5) das amostras quentes, enquanto que o NMP de coliformes fecais foi observado em 36,10% (48) das amostras frias e em 1,5% (2) das amostras quentes. Verificou-se a presença de E. coli em 9,77% (13) das amostras. Mostraram-se de baixa qualidade microbiológica 42,10% (56) das amostras, sendo 39,85% (53) itens frios e 2,25% (3), quentes. Tendo em vista os resultados obtidos, parece lícito concluir que os alimentos servidos a bordo, destinados aos aeronautas, podem ser considerados seguros, em relação a inocuidade evidenciada através dos microrganismos patogênicos estudados. A qualidade microbiológica dos alimentos reaquecidos mostrou-se superior àquela dos alimentos servidos frios. / The present study had as objective, to evaluate the microbiological quality of cold and hot meals, in real conditions of flight, destinated to the crew of brasilian flights. A total of 133 samples was analysed, and none of them presented Salmonella sp.. The presence of S. aureus happened in just 0,75% (1) of the samples, a portion of fruits in pieces, with colony counts above 103UFC/g. However, they were obtained another Staphylococcus species colony counts (that not the S. aureus). That happened in 54,14%(72) of the cold samples and in 5,26% (7) of the hot samples. The colony counts of those microorganism was observed above 103 UFC/g in 40,60% (54) of the cold samples and in 1,5% (2) of the hot samples. The colony counts of mesofilic microorganism happened in 61,65% (82) of the cold samples and 13,53% (18) of the hot samples. The colony counts of psicrotrofic microorganism happened in 56,39% (75) of the cold samples and in 5,26% (7) of the hot samples. The determination of the most probable number (MPN) of coliform happened in 49,62% (66) of the cold samples and in 3,76% (5) of the hot samples, while MPN of fecal coliform was observed in 36,10% (48) of the cold samples and in 1,5% (2) of the hot samples. The presence of E. coli was verified in 9,77% (13) of the samples. The low microbilogical quality was verified in 42,10% (56) of the samples, being 39,85% (53) cold and 2,25% (3), hot. According to the results, we can conclude that the on board food served to the crew can be considered safe, in relation to the studied patogenic microorganisms. The microbiological quality of reheated meals was superior than cold meals.

Frequência de refeições e associação com estado nutricional e marcadores cardiometabólicos em adolescentes de escolas públicas de João Pessoa, Paraíba / Meals frequency and association with nutritional status and cardiometabolic markers in adolescents of public schools in João Pessoa, Paraíba.

Moraschi, Stephanie Ferri 23 April 2019 (has links)
Introdução: O aumento da prevalência de obesidade entre populações cada vez mais jovens tem sido observado em várias partes do mundo e representa uma condição associada à presença de fatores de risco centrais para o desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares. Estudos epidemiológicos em adolescentes têm demonstrado uma relação inversa entre a frequência de refeições e o peso corporal e adiposidade abdominal. Recentemente, esse efeito também tem sido observado em relação às concentrações de lipídios séricos, porém os dados ainda são inconsistentes. Objetivo: analisar a associação da frequência de refeições com o estado nutricional e marcadores cardiometabólicos de adolescentes de escolas públicas do município de João Pessoa, Paraíba. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, desenvolvido a partir dos dados da linha de base do Estudo LONCAAFS, com amostra representativa de adolescentes de ambos os sexos, estudantes do sexto ano de escolas públicas do município de João Pessoa, PB, totalizando 1.438 indivíduos. O consumo alimentar foi avaliado por meio do Recordatório de 24h. Medidas antropométricas (peso, altura, circunferência da cintura) foram realizadas para classificação do estado nutricional através do IMC, da razão cintura/estatura e do índice de conicidade. Para avaliar o perfil lipídico, foi realizada coleta de sangue em uma subamostra (n=808) e dosado a concentração sérica de colesterol total, lipoproteína de alta densidade, lipoproteína de baixa densidade e triglicerídeos plasmáticos. Os adolescentes foram estratificados em dois grupos, de acordo com a mediana de consumo energético (2040,5kcal). Para avaliar a associação da frequência de refeições com o estado nutricional e perfil lipídico, foram utilizados modelos de regressão logística. O nível de significância foi estabelecido em p <0,05. Resultados: A porcentagem de excesso de peso na população de estudo foi de 32%. Dentre os adolescentes que realizaram a coleta de sangue, cerca de 77% apresentaram dislipidemia. Na análise estratificada, o maior número de refeições associou-se inversamente com a obesidade abdominal no grupo com consumo energético abaixo da mediana. Nos indivíduos com consumo energético acima da mediana, houve tendência à quanto maior o número de refeições, menor a chance de HDL-c baixo (p=0,03). Não houve associação significativa entre número de refeições e as demais variáveis de risco cardiometabólico. Conclusão: A frequência de refeições mostrou-se significativamente associada à obesidade abdominal em indivíduos com consumo energético abaixo da mediana de ingestão da população e ao HDL-c nos indivíduos com consumo energético acima da mediana. / Introduction: The increasing prevalence of obesity among younger and younger populations has been observed in several parts of the world and is a condition associated with the presence of central risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases. Epidemiological studies in adolescents have shown an inverse relationship between meal frequency and body weight and abdominal adiposity. Recently, this effect has also been observed in relation to serum lipid concentrations, but the data are still inconsistent. Objective: to analyze the association of meal frequency with nutritional status and cardiometabolic markers of adolescents from public schools in the city of João Pessoa, Paraíba. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional study, based on data from the LONCAAFS study, with a representative sample of adolescents of both sexes, sixth-year students from public schools in the city of João Pessoa, PB, totaling 1,438 individuals. Food consumption was assessed through the 24-hour Reminder. Anthropometric measurements (weight, height, waist circumference) were performed to classify the nutritional status through BMI, waist / height ratio and conicity index. To evaluate the lipid profile, blood was collected in a subsample (n = 808) and serum levels of total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein and plasma triglycerides were measured. Adolescents were stratified into two groups, according to the median energy consumption (2040.5kcal). To evaluate the association of meal frequency with nutritional status and lipid profile, logistic regression models were used. The level of significance was set at p <0.05. Results: The percentage of overweight in the study population was 32%. Among adolescents who performed blood collection, approximately 77% had dyslipidemia. In the stratified analysis, the highest number of meals was inversely associated with abdominal obesity in the group with energy consumption below the median. In individuals with energy consumption above the median, there was a tendency to the higher the number of meals, the lower the chance of low HDL-c (p = 0.03). There was no significant association between number of meals and the other variables of cardiometabolic risk. Conclusion: Meal frequency was significantly associated with abdominal obesity in subjects with energy consumption below the median ingestion of the population and with HDL-c in subjects with energy consumption above the median.

Pre-school Children’s Food Habits and Meal Situation : Factors Influencing the Dietary Intake at Pre-school in a Swedish Municipality

Sepp, Hanna January 2002 (has links)
<p>A pre-school-based dietary survey, using seven-day records, focus group interviews and semi-structured interviews, was carried out in a suburban area of Stockholm. The overall objective was to investigate the individual food and nutrient intake of pre-school children at all meals during the day, as well as factors that might influence children’s intake. </p><p>The average energy and nutrient intake per day for the whole week was satisfactory for the 109 pre-school children, but the temporal distribution throughout the day was skewed. The energy and nutrient intakes of food at the pre-school were lower than recommended. This was, however, compensated for by meals eaten at home. The children had a more varied food intake during weekdays than weekend days. This study has not provided any evidence to support the selection of water versus milk as a preferable lunch beverage in terms of pre-school children's total milk consumption and general dietary quality. However, the dietary analyses showed that there could be a reason to limit pre-school children’s daily milk and fermented milk intake to half a litre, according to the existing guidelines. </p><p>The children associated food and eating with rules and norms. They did not categorise food as good or bad, as adults often do, but as "food" and "non-food"; for example, sweets were not food. The method used in this study, the focus group interview, was judged to be a useful tool for exploring how children think about and jointly reflect upon food. The role of the teacher had changed over the past years and they had not yet found a solid ground for integrating food and meals into their everyday work. </p>

Pre-school Children’s Food Habits and Meal Situation : Factors Influencing the Dietary Intake at Pre-school in a Swedish Municipality

Sepp, Hanna January 2002 (has links)
A pre-school-based dietary survey, using seven-day records, focus group interviews and semi-structured interviews, was carried out in a suburban area of Stockholm. The overall objective was to investigate the individual food and nutrient intake of pre-school children at all meals during the day, as well as factors that might influence children’s intake. The average energy and nutrient intake per day for the whole week was satisfactory for the 109 pre-school children, but the temporal distribution throughout the day was skewed. The energy and nutrient intakes of food at the pre-school were lower than recommended. This was, however, compensated for by meals eaten at home. The children had a more varied food intake during weekdays than weekend days. This study has not provided any evidence to support the selection of water versus milk as a preferable lunch beverage in terms of pre-school children's total milk consumption and general dietary quality. However, the dietary analyses showed that there could be a reason to limit pre-school children’s daily milk and fermented milk intake to half a litre, according to the existing guidelines. The children associated food and eating with rules and norms. They did not categorise food as good or bad, as adults often do, but as "food" and "non-food"; for example, sweets were not food. The method used in this study, the focus group interview, was judged to be a useful tool for exploring how children think about and jointly reflect upon food. The role of the teacher had changed over the past years and they had not yet found a solid ground for integrating food and meals into their everyday work.

Hur påverkar energi- och proteinrik kost intaget av energi och makronutrienter? / How does a energy- and protein enriched diet affect the intake of energy and macronutrients?

Lindberg, Ellinor, Andersson, Louise January 2015 (has links)
Today 70 percent of the people residing in nursing homes are undernourished. One way to avoid that an individual is affected by malnutrition it is a necessity that the meals is customized after special needs current among other things as energy and protein. Food record is a method that can be used to examine and evaluate if an individual is getting sufficient nutrition and energy to cover the daily needs. For those suffering from malnutrition it is recommended to eat energy and protein enriched diet. Aims The aim is to compare the intake of energy and macronutrients in a group of elderly people living in a nursing home in southern Sweden before and after the introduction of an energy and protein enriched diet based on newly developed recipes. Methods Food record was made during four days. Food record means that everything that is consumed by an individual is noted precisely. The food records were performed during four days and were then nutritionally calculated in DietistNet. In our analysis we used a paired t-test and a significance level of 5 percent were used in all hypothesis tests. Results The intake of energy, fat and protein significantly increased when the energy and protein enriched diet was introduced. The amount of finished portions that by size corresponded with a reference portion increased from 22 to 75 percent. Conclusion When the energy and protein enriched diet was introduced the intake of energy, protein and fat was significantly increased and the mean amongst the participants reached the nutrition recommendations from NNR. / Idag är cirka 70 procent av de som är bosatta på särskilda boende konstaterat undernärda eller i riskzonen för undernäring. En metod för att undvika att en individ drabbas av undernäring är att måltiderna anpassas efter särskilda behov med avseende på bland annat energi och protein. Kostregistrering är en metod som kan användas för att undersöka och värdera om en individ får i sig tillräckligt med makronutrienter och energi för att täcka dagsbehovet. För de som lider av undernäring kan en energi- och proteinrik kost (EPR-kost) rekommenderas. Syfte Syftet är att jämföra intag av energi och makronutrienter bland äldre på ett särskilt boende i södra Sverige före och efter införande av EPR-kost baserad på nyutvecklade recept. Material och metod Kostregistrering innebär att allt som konsumeras av en individ noteras med exakthet. Kostregistreringarna genomfördes under fyra dygn och näringsvärdesberäknades i DietistNet. I analysen användes ett parat t-test och en felrisk på 5 procent användes vid alla hypotestest. Resultat Intaget av energi, fett och protein ökade signifikant då EPR-kost infördes. Antalet uppätna portioner som storleksmässigt motsvarade en referensportion ökade från 22 till 75 procent. Slutsatser Då EPR-kost infördes ökade intaget av energi, protein och fett signifikant och medelvärdet bland deltagarna uppnådde näringsrekommendationerna enligt NNR.

Islam and Javanese acculturation : textual and contextual analysis of the slametan ritual

Hilmy, Masdar. January 1998 (has links)
This Thesis deals with the cultural encounter between Islam and Javanese culture as represented by the slametan ritual. The major purposes of this thesis are threefold; (1) to give a brief account of the historical backdrop of the encounter between Islam and the Javanese tradition; (2) to discuss the ongoing dispute among scholars over whether the slametan is animistic, syncretistic or Islamic; and (3) to provide a new perspective on the slametan ritual based upon textual (religious) and contextual (socio-cultural) analysis. / The hypothesis underlying this work is that the slametan is a prototype of syncretistic ritual, the representative of Islamic elements---as its core---on the one hand, and local traditions---as its periphery---on the other. This work will argue against the theory of the slametan developed both by Geertz and Woodward. The first scholar sees the slametan from a socio-cultural perspective only, while the latter views it on an Islamic theological basis. The current writer argues that one should employ a holistic perspective to see the slametan comprehensively; both from "inside" (religious perspective) and "outside" (cultural perspective).

The effect of regular increased physical activity, and regular consumption of ready-to-eat-cereal (RTEC) breakfasts and afternoon snacks on the weight of young adolescents attending public Gauteng schools

Philippou, Androulla 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MNutr (Human Nutrition))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Obesity is recognizably a chronic disease worldwide and childhood obesity has considerable implications for long‐term health. Manipulation of modifiable lifestyle variables, such as high‐fat energy‐dense diets and decreased physical activity are often recommended for positive (although not always significant) outcomes. This study aimed to determine the specific relationships between ready‐to‐eat cereals (RTEC) consumption (regular RTEC breakfast consumption and regular RTEC afternoon snack consumption), regular increased physical activity, and anthropometric measures [body weight, percentage body fat, and body mass index (BMI)] amongst young adolescents attending public Gauteng schools. A randomised controlled trial was conducted over 5‐weeks amongst 212 cross‐cultural, male and female, English speaking children aged 10‐13 years attending two selected public Gauteng schools. Participants were randomly allocated to one of four cohorts (Control, Step, RTEC or Step & RTEC). The control cohort had no prescribed intervention, the Step cohort had prescribed stepping intervention only (completion of 2 000 additional steps in a 20‐minute period on 3 school days per week), the RTEC cohort had prescribed RTEC consumption intervention only (consumption of a single RTEC serving at breakfast and RTEC snack serving as an afternoon snack on each school day), and the Step & RTEC cohort had both the prescribed stepping and RTEC consumption interventions. Participants were assessed anthropometrically at baseline and at the end of the 5 weeks. They also submitted a food/activity diary from which quantitative measures of their intake and activity were determined. The Step (107 845 ± 31 251) and Step & RTEC (108 793 ± 26 285) cohorts both completed significantly more mean total steps than Control (83 501 ± 22 302) and RTEC (86 082 ± 23 367) cohorts (p≤0.01), and a significant negative correlation (p=0.02; r=‐0.21) was found between the change in percentage body fat and the total steps completed. The Step & RTEC (14.32 ± 7.95) and RTEC (16.06 ± 8.82) cohorts consumed more RTEC snack servings as afternoon snacks than Control (1.13 ± 1.69) and Step (1.59 ± 2.50) cohorts (p≤0.01), and a significant negative correlation (p=0.03; r=‐0.20) was found between the participants’ change in weight and the servings of RTEC snacks consumed as an afternoon snack. No significant difference (p=0.35) was achieved in mean weight change across the four cohorts, although both Step & RTEC (‐0.12 ± 0.81) and RTEC (‐0.24 ± 0.77) cohorts showed a mean decrease in body weight. No significant difference (p=0.47) was achieved in mean change in percentage body fat across the four cohorts either, although all cohorts showed a decrease in percentage body fat, with Step cohort (‐0.32 ± 0.70) showing the greatest mean change. The stepping intervention alone brought about greatest decrease in percentage body fat, while the RTEC consumption intervention alone brought about greatest decrease in body weight and BMI. The combination of interventions was the least effective of the three interventions in bringing about decreases in percentage body fat.

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