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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Regulierung durch Corporate Governance Kodizes

Schwarz, Sebastian Henner 25 July 2005 (has links)
Der Deutsche Corporate Governance Kodex (DCGK) entfaltet trotz seiner rechtlichen Unverbindlichkeit als sog. „Weiches Recht“ oder „Soft Law“ erhebliche tatsächliche Wirkungen. Für Vorstände und Aufsichtsräte bestehen starke Anreize zur Befolgung, vor allem, um damit einen positiven Signalling-Effekt zu erzielen. Umgekehrt kann die Nichtbefolgung insbesondere des Empfehlungsteils negative Konsequenzen haben, die restriktiv wirken. Die vom DCGK ausgehenden Anreize und Restriktionen fallen je stärker aus, desto mehr ein Unternehmen für die Kapitalbeschaffung auf die Kapitalmärkte angewiesen ist. Die Verpflichtung zur Abgabe einer Entsprechenserklärung nach § 161 AktG führt zu einer allgemeinen Bekanntheit des DCGK und verhilft zu dessen breiter Durchsetzung. Ferner kommt es durch sie zu einer Verstärkung der Regulierungswirkungen des Empfehlungsteils. Die Funktion von Corporate Governance Kodizes ist es, Standards zu setzen, an denen sich die Akteure des Kapitalmarkts orientieren können. Zur Regulierung durch Corporate Governance Kodizes sind drei Regelungsalternativen erkennbar: Regulierung durch Parlamentsgesetz, Listings Rules oder eine völlige Freigabe der entsprechenden Regelungsbereiche. Bei der schrittweisen Analyse von Soft Law, Corporate Governance Kodizes im Allgemeinen und dem DCGK als konkretem Anwendungsfall werden im Lichte der Regelungsalternativen einige Argumente herausgearbeitet, die für diese Regulierungstechnik sprechen. Dies sind mögliche Einsparungen von Transaktionskosten, Flexibilität und eine hohe Qualität des Normsetzungsprozesses. Regulierung durch Corporate Governance Kodizes erweist sich insofern den übrigen Regelungsvarianten als überlegen. Dies gilt insbesondere, wenn die Verpflichtung zur Abgabe einer Entsprechenserklärung nicht auf einen einzelnen Kodex beschränkt wird, so dass die Regelungsadressaten zwischen verschiedenen Kodizes wählen können („Wettbewerb der Institutionen“). Ein Verstoß gegen den verfassungsrechtlichen Gesetzes- oder Parlamentsvorbehalt durch § 161 AktG ist nicht feststellbar. Bei der Anwendung des Instrumentariums der Konstitutionenökonomik zeigt sich jedoch, dass eine Verpflichtung zur Abgabe einer Entsprechenserklärung nur dann legitimiert ist, wenn diese hinsichtlich des in Bezug genommenen Kodex offen und nicht auf einen einzelnen Kodex beschränkt ist. / Despite its unbinding legal character as “Soft Law”, the German Corporate Governance Code has significant actual effects. There are strong incentives for members of the board of management and members of the supervisory board to comply with the code, mainly based on the opportunity to utilize a positive signalling-effect. Incentives and restrictions based on the code become the more significant, the more a company relies on capital markets for raising capital. Empiric studies confirm this hypothesis. The obligation to “comply-or-explain” in § 161 AktG generates a broad publicity and facilitates the general acceptance of the code. The regulatory effects of the code are being aggravated. Codes of Corporate Governance contribute to improving corporate governance structures by setting standards that capital market players can use for guidance and orientation. There are three alternatives to regulation by codes of corporate governance: regulation by law, regulation by listing rules and non-regulation. A step-by-step analysis of soft law, codes of corporate governance in general and the German Corporate Governance Code in particular brings upon a number of arguments in favour of this regulatory technique. These arguments are: savings in transaction costs, increased flexibility and a high quality of the standard-setting process. In this respect, regulation by Codes of Corporate Governance is superior to its regulatory alternatives. This is even more valid for an institutional setup where the obligation to “comply-or-explain” is not limited to a single Code of Corporate Governance, but leaves the addressees the choice among various competing codes. In such an institutional setup of “regulatory competition”, companies are free to choose the regulatory regime that best fits their specific needs. Regarding German constitutional law, a breach of the rules of provision of legality (“Gesetzesvorbehalt”) and provision of parliament (“Parlamentsvorbehalt”) by § 161 AktG can not be proven. Applying constitutional economics, a legitimating consensus can be shown in respect to the actual compliance with a Code of Corporate Governance. However, the obligation to “comply-or-explain” can only be legitimated, if the obligation does not refer to a specific Code of Corporate Governance.

新制度經濟學對當代行政改革之啟示 / Contemporary Administrative Reform Draw Inspiration from New Institutional Economics

謝俊義, Sheng, Gen-Yei Unknown Date (has links)
論文提要 論文名稱:新制度經濟學對當代行政改革之啟示 頁數:335 校(院)所組別:國立政治大學公共行政系碩士班 提要別:八十七學年第二學期碩士學位論文提要 研究生:謝俊義 提要內容: 指導教授:孫本初博士 自一九九三年美國高爾副總統的『國家績效評估報告』(Al Gore Report of the National Performance Review)明確呼籲建立「師法企業的政府」(business-like entreneurial government),於是政府再造(reinventing government)的風潮引起全球大規模的行政改革運動,儼然成為當代世界各國政府謀求提昇政府效率的救世主;在學術界對這些名詞的爭辯,逐漸以新公共管理(New Public Management,NPM)一詞來整合。在這一波的行政改革運動是以經濟市場理論作為政治與行政關係的區分模型,究其本質乃是受到公共選擇理論、主要代理人理論以及交易成本經濟學假定的強烈影響。新制度主義在近幾年受到社會科學家廣泛的重視,在國際關係、比較公共政策、健保政策、歐洲共同體的決策與整合、公共行政等社會科學領域中廣泛的被應用,本論文主要是將「新制度主義帶進入行政改革」(Bringing New Institutionalism back in Administrative Reform)的分析之中。 本論文的研究目的即欲以新制度主義的經濟學途徑來分析市場導向的行政改革,試圖釐清下列幾個主題: 1.區分新制度主義各個途徑的差異,並藉此釐清新制度經濟學的理論意涵。 2.以市場與層級節制間的關係來探討效率導向的行政改革。 3.從對官僚體制的挑戰、消費者主權、制度性的績效與誘因策略以及制度的選擇等四個構面來分析行政改革的制度效率面。 4.本文欲以制度的變遷、公部門的集體行動、行政改革制度的多元弔詭、制度的設計以及認知的轉向等制度分析面向,解析效率為導向的行政改革運動所可能存在的問題。 5.透過以上的分析提出新制度主義經濟學對行政改革的啟示及優缺點,並進而對新制度主義的未來提出建議。 本論文認為要重建公共行政的價值應立基於公共行政對社會服務的價值與回應性,而非解構官僚體系(debureaucratization)或授權(deregulation),如何使得政府運作更有價值,組織具有創造力、回應力與責任,這是現代化政府的要務。以新制度經濟學來探討組織理論的關係,如果忽略了關鍵性的組織機制如權力、認同與協調,在解釋組織與市場間的關係是不夠完全;因此,必須以組織目標、結合組織認同、物質報酬以及監督來激勵員工的需求,對於制度角色的認知不能僅是化約為「硬性市場界限」(hard market constraints)與「軟性官僚界限」(soft bureaucratic constraints)的兩極化發展,而是採取多元化制度的發展。此外,筆者在研究過程中發現新制度主義到目前為止亦僅是各學科對於舊制度論的反省與修正,對於這個領域還存有許多分歧,嚴謹地說,並不算是學科的典範,如果這個領域要欲在社會科學的社群中能尋求認同與突破,必須在方法論與理論基礎上能有所共識,以及建立學術的對話機制。 目 錄 第壹章 緒 論-------------------------------------------------------------1-1 第一節 研究動機與目的------------------------------------------------1-1 第二節 研究方法與範圍------------------------------------------------1-6 第三節 相關名詞背景闡述---------------------------------------------1-11 第四節 研究流程與架構------------------------------------------------1-19 第貳章 相關文獻檢閱---------------------------------------------------2-1 第一節 新制度主義的興起---------------------------------------------2-1 第二節 新制度經濟學---------------------------------------------------2-20 第三節 新制度經濟學與新公共管理---------------------------------2-37 第四節 市場與層級節制------------------------------------------------2-55 第參章 制度的效率面---------------------------------------------------3-1 第一節 官僚體系的挑戰--------------------------------------------------3-1 第二節 消費者(顧客)主權--------------------------------------------3-19 第三節 制度性績效與誘因策略-----------------------------------------3-33 第四節 制度的策略性選擇-----------------------------------------------3-49 第肆章 制度的分析-------------------------------------------------------4-1 第一節 從組織重組到政府再造-----------------------------------------4-1 第二節 公部門的集體行動-----------------------------------------------4-22 第三節 行政改革制度的多元弔詭--------------------------------------4-41 第四節 制度的設計--------------------------------------------------------4-60 第五節 認知的轉向--------------------------------------------------------4-79 第伍章 綜合研究發現與建議--------------------------------------------5-1 第一節 新制度經濟學對行政改革之啟示-----------------------------5-1 第二節 新制度主義的批判與策進--------------------------------------5-17 參考書目---------------------------------------------------------------------註1 中文參考書目--------------------------------------------------------------註1 英文參考書目--------------------------------------------------------------註5 圖表目錄 壹、圖目錄 圖1-1:研究架構圖------------------------------------------------------------1-19 圖1-2:研究流程---- ----------------------------------------------------------1-20 圖2-1:交易成本架------------------------------------------------------------2-29 圖4-1:財貨的分類------------------------------------------------------------4-27 貳、表目錄 表1-1:國內新制度主義相關博碩士論文檢閱---------------------------1-8 表2-1:新舊制度論之差------------------------------------------------------2-3 表2-2:新制度主義各個途徑異同處---------------------------------------2-5 表2-3:新制度主義相關學派表徵------------------------------------------2-6 表2-4:新制度經濟學的多重面---------------------------------------------2-33 表2-5:對傳統公共行政學說的四項批判---------------------------------2-42 表2-6:新公共管理的學理基------------------------------------------------2-45 表2-7:新公共管理的四項模型---------------------------------------------2-49 表2-8:公共行政的研究途---------------------------------------------------2-52 表2-9:市場、層級節制與網路的特徵------------------------------------2-55 表2-10:組織的模式:市場、層級節制與區----------------------------2-70 表3-1:公私關係與服務傳遞的公民與顧客導向模型------------------3-23 表3-2:組織結構設計的方---------------------------------------------------3-58 表3-3:B.Guy Peters的四種治理模------------------------------------------3-58 表3-3:公部門改革的目的與手段------------------------------------------3-62 表3-4:策略與結果------------------------------------------------------------3-63 表4-1:二十世紀迄今美國總統設立行政改革委員會及計畫一覽---4-9 表4-2:我國政府遷台後行政改革的歷史演進---------------------------4-13 表4-3:維持長期共同集合資源制度設計的原則------------------------4-33 表4-4:承諾的兩種觀點:組織行為與理性選擇------------------------4-39 表4-5:轉換公部門的五項基因---------------------------------------------4-71 表4-6:制度設計的種類與方法---------------------------------------------4-76 表5-1:理性選擇學派與社會詮釋觀點的差異---------------------------5-23 表5-2:新制度主義的核心---------------------------------------------------5-27 表5-3:三種新制度主義型式的比較---------------------------------------5-29

Os mecanismos de governança do saneamento básico no Brasil: um estudo de direito administrativo sob a perspectiva da economia dos custos de transação

Gonçalves, Leonardo Gomes Ribeiro January 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Leonardo Gomes Ribeiro Gonçalves (lgribeirogoncalves@gmail.com) on 2016-03-17T23:30:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 GONÇALVES, Leonardo Gomes Ribeiro_dissertação.pdf: 1606735 bytes, checksum: 22d73e62ebec198cb8b8f9a1fcf85787 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by BRUNA BARROS (bruna.barros@fgv.br) on 2016-03-23T14:59:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 GONÇALVES, Leonardo Gomes Ribeiro_dissertação.pdf: 1606735 bytes, checksum: 22d73e62ebec198cb8b8f9a1fcf85787 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Almeida (maria.socorro@fgv.br) on 2016-03-30T17:30:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 GONÇALVES, Leonardo Gomes Ribeiro_dissertação.pdf: 1606735 bytes, checksum: 22d73e62ebec198cb8b8f9a1fcf85787 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-30T17:38:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GONÇALVES, Leonardo Gomes Ribeiro_dissertação.pdf: 1606735 bytes, checksum: 22d73e62ebec198cb8b8f9a1fcf85787 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-22 / The water and sewage public service relevance is widely recognized. Nevertheless, there is high deficit level of access in Brazil, with different situations in the various country regions. In this sense, the objective of this dissertation is (i) from the interdisciplinary perspective of the Transaction Costs Economics, introduce an understanding of water and sewage public service in Brazil, currently regulated by Law No. 11,445/2007, (ii) evaluate the efficiency of the mainly used mode of governance, and (iii) eventually purpose alternative designs for the organization of the provision, economically superior in terms of reducing transaction costs for necessary investments to fulfill the fundamental objectives defined in art. 2 of Law No. 11,445/2007. The research used as a methodological strategy an interdisciplinary approach to law, economics and organizations, based on the new institutional economics. From the study of the basic institutional environment, with support in the theoretical framework, it was observed that the governance mechanism predominantly used to provide the water and sewage public service in Brazil, ie delegations to State Sanitation Companies through long-term contracts (program contracts) does not favor investments in specific assets (infrastructure) necessary for the supply and does not ensure policy goals. It was also found that there are viable alternatives to overall governance design, although the use of alternative forms probably are not feasible by implementing simple transplant standards, that is, by formal means. The modification of the prevailing water and sewage public service mode of governance, overcoming the verified low performance (low-level equilibrium), can not be held without charge. Therefore, it is necessary to overcome the costs for breaking the path dependence caused by hold-up carried out by the Sanitation State Companies to public service holders (municipalities), as well as costs for the disruption of path dependence in the Brazilian administrative law, which restricts the development of a legal theory of regulation to enable the construction of an adequate regulatory governance to reduce transaction costs in order to make viable investments in infrastructure assets with a high degree of specificity. / O serviço público de saneamento básico tem relevância amplamente reconhecida. Apesar disso, ainda são verificados no Brasil elevados índices de déficit ou de atendimento precário, com situações distintas nas diversas regiões do país. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desta dissertação é (i) apresentar, a partir da perspectiva interdisciplinar da Economia dos Custos de Transação, uma compreensão do serviço público de saneamento básico no Brasil, atualmente regulamentado pela Lei nº 11.445/2007, (ii) avaliar a eficiência do modo de governança majoritariamente utilizado e, (iii) eventualmente, propor desenhos alternativos para a organização da prestação que sejam economicamente superiores em temos de redução de custos de transação para a realização de investimentos necessários ao cumprimento dos objetivos fundamentais definidos no art. 2º, da Lei nº 11.445/2007. A pesquisa adotou como estratégia metodológica a utilização de uma abordagem interdisciplinar de direito, economia e organizações, nos termos da análise econômica da nova economia institucional. A partir o estudo do ambiente institucional básico, com apoio no referencial teórico, observou-se que o mecanismo de governança predominantemente utilizado no serviço público de saneamento básico no Brasil, isto é, delegações a Companhias Estaduais de Saneamento por meio de contratos de longo-prazo (contratos de programa), não favorece a realização de investimentos em ativos específicos (infraestrutura) necessários à prestação e cumprimentos de metas da política. Foi também constatado que existem alternativas de governança viáveis ao desenho predominante, embora a utilização de formas alternativas provavelmente não possua execução viável pelo simples transplante de normas, isto é, pela via formal. A modificação da forma de governança predominante no saneamento básico no Brasil, com a superação do baixo desempenho verificado (low-level equilíbrium), não é possível de ser realizada sem custos. Nesse sentido, é necessário superar os custos para o rompimento do path dependence provocado pelo hold up realizado pelas Companhias Estaduais de Saneamento Básico sobre os titulares do serviço público (municípios), bem como os custos para o rompimento do path dependence no direito administrativo brasileiro, o qual restringe o desenvolvimento de uma teoria jurídica da regulação apta a viabilizar a construção de uma governança regulatória adequada à redução dos custos de transação, de modo a tornar viáveis investimentos em ativos de infraestruturas com elevado grau de especificidade.

Análise econômica de sistemas educativos : uma resenha crítica da literatura e uma avaliação empírica da iniqüidade do sistema educativo brasileiro. / Economic analysis of educational systems : a critical survey and an empirical assessment of the inequity of the Brazilian educational system.

Fabio Domingues Waltenberg 18 February 2003 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado consiste de uma resenha crítica da teoria econômica da educação no que se refere à análise de sistemas educativos, e de um estudo empírico do desempenho do sistema educativo brasileiro, com ênfase em indicadores de iniqüidade. Procura-se apresentar a evolução e o estado atual do debate relacionados aos seguintes assuntos: demanda por educação, oferta de educação (insumos monetários e não-monetários), arranjo institucional do sistema educativo, arranjo institucional sócio-econômico (em que se insere o sistema educativo), e os produtos do sistema educativo. Por fim, por meio da análise estatística de uma base de dados internacional (PISA 2000), apresenta-se um estudo empírico que visa a avaliar o desempenho do sistema educativo brasileiro, especialmente seu grau de iniqüidade. / This MA dissertation thesis consists of a critical survey of the economics of education literature concerning educational system analysis, and of a study of the performance of the Brazilian educational system, with an emphasis in equity measurement. I discuss the evolution and the current state of the debate on the following subjects: demand for education, supply of education (monetary and non-monetary inputs), educational system institutional framework, socio-economic institutional framework (in which the educational system is imbedded), and the output of the educational system. Finally, by means of a statistical analysis of an international database (PISA 2000), I present an empirical study aiming at assessing the Brazilian educational system performance, especially its degree of inequity.

Análise do sistema agroindustrial da carne ovina no Oeste do Paraná com o uso da matriz estrutural prospectiva / Analysis of agro industrial system of lamb meat in Western Paraná with the use of prospective structural matrix

Ramos, Manoel João 21 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:33:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Manoel Joao Ramos.pdf: 888607 bytes, checksum: 93bba9f4d2e59d834e2848d72881c978 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-21 / This study presents an analysis of how institutional, organizational, technological and competitive environments, as well as strategies and performance of companies may influence the agribusiness system of lamb meat on western Paraná. To do that, the Prospective Structural Analysis was applied; it is a method under the matrix form of analysis of relations between the variables that constitute the studied system and those that belong to its explanatory context. This method aims to emerge the main essential variables to the evolution of the system. The theoretical concepts of New Institutional Economics were applied in combination with the Model of Systemic Relations, important analysis tools from the point of view of the importance of institutions and their influence in the transaction costs and alternative ways of organizing production. The practical application of the study occurs in three successive stages comprising the survey of variables that possibly affect the system, the identification of relationships between these variables and finally the selection of the relevant variables. The results derived from the analysis suggest that lamb meat industry rests under an environment of instability, having the illegal slaughter as variable of greatest influence and at the same time highly dependent which presents itself as an unstable variable and any action on it may cause significant impacts on the entire system. Although rated in the group of moderate influence, variables legislation and taxation / evasion were positioned in the quadrant of the input variables, indicating that they are, at the same time, very influential and little dependent, and should be targeted for priority actions. In this sense, the institutional environment should begin the process of improving the system of lamb meat because of the lack of specific legislations, the incidence of high taxes followed by tax evasion, has great influence on the lamb agro industrial system, undermining the competitiveness of the sector. Finally, it is observed that there are great challenges and opportunities for articulation of lamb meat agro industrial system in the Western Parana in order to promote better coordination between the agents involved in the system and the final consumer. / Este estudo apresenta uma análise de como os ambientes institucional, organizacional, tecnológico e competitivo, assim como as estratégias e o desempenho das empresas podem influenciar no sistema agroindustrial da carne ovina na região Oeste do Paraná. Para isso, aplicou-se a Análise Estrutural Prospectiva, um método sob a forma matricial de análise das relações entre as variáveis constitutivas do sistema estudado e aquelas que pertencem ao seu contexto explicativo, que tem por objetivo fazer emergir as principais variáveis essenciais à evolução do sistema estudado. Também foram aplicados os conceitos da Nova Economia Institucional aliado ao Modelo de Relações Sistêmicas, importantes instrumentos de análise sob o ponto de vista da importância das instituições e sua influência nos custos das transações e nos modos alternativos de organização da produção. A aplicação prática do estudo ocorre em três fases sucessivas compostas pelo levantamento das variáveis que possivelmente interferem no sistema, a identificação das relações existentes entre elas e, por fim, a seleção das variáveis relevantes. Os resultados derivados dessa análise sugerem que a ovinocultura de corte repousa sob um ambiente de grande instabilidade, tendo como variável de maior influência e, ao mesmo tempo, altamente dependente, o abate clandestino, uma variável instável em que qualquer ação sobre ela pode causar impactos significativos em todo o sistema. Embora classificadas no grupo de influência moderada, as variáveis legislação e tributação/sonegação posicionam-se no quadrante das variáveis de entrada, indicando ser, ao mesmo tempo, muito influentes e pouco dependentes, devendo ser alvo de ações prioritárias. Neste sentido, é no ambiente institucional que se deve iniciar o processo de melhorias, pois a falta de legislações específicas, a incidência de carga tributária elevada acompanhada pela sonegação de impostos, exerce grande influência no sistema agroindustrial da carne ovina, prejudicando a competitividade do setor. Por fim, observa-se a existência de grandes desafios e de oportunidades para a articulação do Sistema Agroindustrial da carne ovina na região Oeste do Paraná, no intuito de promover a coordenação entre todos os agentes e o consumidor final.

Determinants for the effective provision of public goods by honduran hometown associations in the United States: the Garífuna case

Zavala, Carlos Gustavo Villela January 2006 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / The study concludes that the existence of HTAs in the USA is explained by the socially enforced institution of the hijos del pueblo (sons of the town) having a duty to help their hometowns, as well as the private benefits of preserving Garífuna traditions and the possibility of helping repatriate dead immigrants. Fulfilling this duty (and the consequent prestige attained) provides the incentives to send CRs home. In the cases studied, CRs were used to partly finance potable water projects, electricity projects, road paving, a community centre and the construction of a Catholic temple. In most of the cases HTAs worked with a local development organisation, known as Patronato, which formed specific committees for executing projects, for example the water and the electricity committees. For the construction of the temple, a religious organisation known as Pastoral was the local partner. The term Collective Remittances (CRs) refers to the money sent by migrant associations, known as Hometown Associations (HTAs), to Community-Based Organisations (CBOs) in their hometowns for financing public works projects. Few cases of CR are known in Honduras. The only ones reported are among the Garífunaethnic group living on the Caribbean Coast, and with a large migrant community in New York City (NYC). This mini-master’s thesis is the first study written on CRs in Honduras. It studies CR experiences in four Garífuna hometowns and their corresponding HTAs in NYC. It answers three questions: How do CRs work in each case? What are the determinants for HTAs to provide CRs to the hometowns? And what are the determinants for local CBOs in the hometowns to use the CRs effectively to provide public goods in the hometowns? CR is conceptualised as a that chooses which local group and project to finance, and the local CBO, which is the agent

Le recours au principe de compensation écologique dans les politiques publiques en faveur de la biodiversité : enjeux organisationnels et institutionnels : cas des écosystèmes aquatiques marins et continentaux / Organizational and institutional issues of implementing biodiversity offsets policies : a case study of continental and offshore wetlands

Vaissière, Anne-Charlotte 27 November 2014 (has links)
La compensation écologique, envisagée dans le respect de la séquence éviter-réduire-compenser les impacts, cherche à apporter des réponses à la crise actuelle d’érosion de la biodiversité. L’objectif de la thèse est de comprendre quels sont les enjeux organisationnels et institutionnels de la mise en œuvre du principe de compensation écologique pour les impacts sur les écosystèmes aquatiques marins et continentaux en Europe et aux Etats-Unis. La thèse mobilise le cadre théorique de l’économie néo-institutionnelle. Les organisations de type hiérarchique (compensation au cas par cas) ont pour principales limites d’avoir une efficacité écologique discutable et de ne pas permettre le suivi et le contrôle des mesures compensatoires ce qui conduit souvent à ce que la compensation ne soit pas ou peu mise en œuvre. Aux Etats-Unis, les banques de compensation consistent en une réponse anticipée et mutualisée aux dommages à l’environnement. Il s’agit d’une forme organisationnelle alternative hybride fortement régulée à mi-chemin entre la hiérarchie et le marché. Cependant, les acteurs ont des stratégies collectives et individuelles qui engendrent des négociations ayant des conséquences sur les enjeux de développement économique et de maintien des objectifs de conservation de la biodiversité. Le système des banques de compensation crée un double phénomène de redistribution des coûts de transaction et de diminution de ceux-ci mais il semble que l’évolution de l’ensemble du cadre d’application de la compensation écologique américain permet aujourd’hui une complémentarité institutionnelle entre ces deux formes organisationnelles plutôt qu’une disparition des formes hiérarchiques. / Biodiversity offset, as the last step of the mitigation hierarchy (avoid/reduce/offset), aims to address the current biodiversity loss crisis. The main goal of this PhD, which relies on the new institutional economics approach as a theoretical framework, is to understand the organizational and institutional issues of implementing biodiversity offsets policies for impacts on continental and offshore wetlands in Europe and the United-States. Hierarchical organizations (i.e. permittee responsible mitigation) often lead to little to no implementation of biodiversity offsets because the ecological effectiveness of case-by-case compensatory measures is unproven and the monitoring and control of numerous measures are difficult. In the United-States, the mitigation banking system aims to compensate for multiple small impacts on wetlands by carrying out restoration projects on fewer but larger wetland areas in order to reach the goal of no net loss of biodiversity. This hybrid organizational form is highly regulated and therefore stands halfway between hierarchical and market organizations. However, actors have individual and collective strategies that generate negotiations with consequences on economic development and biodiversity conservation stakes. The mitigation banking system leads to a decrease of transaction costs and a change of the actors bearing them. It seems that the evolution of the whole framework of biodiversity offsets policy implementation in the United-States leans toward an institutional complementarity between these two organizational forms rather than a disappearance of hierarchical organizations.

Betrügerisches Verhalten bei geschlossenen Fonds: Eine Analyse aus ökonomischer und rechtlicher Perspektive

Löhr, Stefan Franz 08 August 2018 (has links)
Betrügerisches Verhalten bei geschlossenen Fonds ist in Deutschland Statistiken zufolge für jährliche Kapitalverluste im mittleren dreistelligen Millionenbereich verantwortlich. Der Gesetzgeber hat sich in der Vergangenheit wiederholt dem Problem angenommen und eine Vielzahl von zivil-, straf- und öffentlich-rechtlichen Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung des Anlegerschutzes auf den Weg gebracht, die mit dem Inkrafttreten des Kapitalanlagegesetzbuchs (KAGB) im Jahr 2013 ihren bisherigen Höhepunkt erreicht haben. Die Zweckdienlichkeit dieser Maßnahmen wird von Kritikern indes bezweifelt, darüber hinaus scheint sich in jüngerer Zeit ein neuartiges Phänomen des „sanktionslosen Betrugs“ auf dem Kapitalmarkt zu etablieren, bei dem es den Tätern gelingt entweder ohne, oder ohne nennenswerte Sanktionen – insbesondere in strafrechtlicher Hinsicht – davonzukommen. Als Beispiele seien hier die Debi Select Fonds aus Landshut sowie die POC-Fonds aus Berlin genannt, bei denen die im Hintergrund agierenden „Strippenzieher“ trotz millionenschwerer Anlegerschädigung weder in zivil- noch in strafrechtlicher Hinsicht zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden konnten. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich der systematischen Erkundung dieses Phänomens, indem sie die Themenkomplexe „(sanktionslose) betrügerische geschlossene Fonds“ und „Anlegerschutz“ aus ökonomischer und rechtlicher Perspektive theoretisch analysiert und hieraus Verbesserungsvorschläge ableitet, die anschließend durch eine explorativ-empirische Expertenbefragung abgesichert und ergänzt werden. Konkret beantwortet die Arbeit folgende zentrale Forschungsfrage: „Was ist betrügerisches Verhalten bei geschlossenen Fonds und warum ist dies zum Teil sanktionslos?“ sowie vier ergänzende Forschungsfragen: (1) „Wie sieht die Anatomie betrügerischer geschlossener Fonds aus?“ (2) „Was sind die Ursachen und Anreizstrukturen, die betrügerisches Verhalten bei geschlossenen Fonds begünstigen?“ (3) „Welche Maßnahmen eignen sich zur Abwehr bzw. zur Eindämmung des betrügerischen Verhaltens bei geschlossenen Fonds?“ (4) „Bieten die zivil-, straf- und öffentlich-rechtlichen Maßnahmen des Gesetzgebers, insbesondere das KAGB einen ausreichenden Schutz vor betrügerischen geschlossenen Fonds?“ / Fraudulent behavior in closed-end funds is, according to statistics, responsible for annual capital losses in the mid-triple-digit millions. Legislators have repeatedly addressed the problem in the past and initiated a large number of civil, criminal and public-law measures to improve investor protection, which reached their peak in 2013 with the entry into force of the so-called “Kapitalanlagegesetzbuch” (KAGB). The usefulness of these measures are doubted by critics, moreover it appears that a new phenomenon of 'unsanctioned fraud' on the capital market appears to be established recently, where the perpetrators succeed either without or without significant sanctions, especially in criminal matters. Examples include the Debi Select funds from Landshut and the POC funds from Berlin, in which the 'stripping pullers' operating in the background could be held accountable neither in civil nor in criminal law despite millions in damage to investors. The present work is devoted to the systematic investigation of this phenomenon by theoretically analyzing the topics '(non-sanctioned) fraudulent closed-end funds' and 'investor protection' from an economic and legal perspective and deriving recommendations for improvement, which are then confirmed and supplemented by an explorative-empirical expert survey become. Specifically, the paper answers the following central research question: 'What is fraudulent behavior in closed-end funds and why is this partially sanctionless?' And four complementary research questions: (1) 'What is the anatomy of fraudulent closed-end funds?' (2) 'What are the causes and incentive structures that favor fraudulent behavior in closed-end funds? (3)'What measures are appropriate for the prevention or the containment of fraudulent behavior in closed-end funds?' (4) 'Do civil, criminal and public legislative measures, in particular the KAGB, provide sufficient protection against fraudulent closed-end funds?'

L’économie viticole dans le Rhône ancien : un exercice de modélisation économique dans l’Antiquité romaine

Caron, Émile 06 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire espère expérimenter l’application de la Nouvelle Économie Institutionnelle (NEI) en questionnant les éléments ayant favorisé le développement de l’économie viticole à l’époque romaine dans la région du Rhône. Pour y parvenir, cette recherche s’attarde sur trois axes ayant joué un rôle important dans le développement du commerce du vin dans le Rhône, mais aussi dans d’autres régions du bassin méditerranéen. Premièrement, il sera question de montrer comment l’environnement et le climat du Rhône ont influencé le développement de différents types de cultures de la vigne pour ensuite évaluer la valeur économique de chacune d’elles. Les hypothèses et conclusions de cette première partie émanent principalement d’une lecture des agronomes anciens (Caton l’Ancien, Pline le Jeune, Varron, Columelle et Palladius) faite en parallèle des plus récents développements en histoire climatique. Deuxièmement, cette recherche s’attarde sur la question des opérations relatives à la fabrication et à la distribution du vin. Après avoir pris en considération les enjeux du déplacement et de mise en marché, nous nous risquons à proposer un cadre d’analyse issu de la recherche en entreprise faite dans les années 1960 : la matrice d’Ansoff. Troisièmement, la dernière section de ce mémoire s’oriente sur le rôle du développement de la science juridique à Rome en interrogeant les impacts des institutions légales sur le commerce du vin. Une étude de cas consacrée à la place de l’armée romaine reliant ces trois axes fait office de courte synthèse. Dans son ensemble, ce travail espère pouvoir montrer les bases d’une analyse de marché dans l’Antiquité, et ce, malgré les nombreux enjeux méthodologiques propres à l’économie ancienne. / This thesis hopes to experiment with the use of New Institutional Economy (NIE) by exploring the factors that contributed to the development of the wine economy in the Rhône region in Roman times. To achieve this goal, this research will focus on three axes that played an important role in the development of the wine trade in the Rhône, but also in other regions of the Mediterranean region. Firstly, it will show how the Rhône's environment and climate have influenced the development of different types of viticulture, and then examine the economic value of each. The hypotheses and conclusions of this first section are mainly based on a reading of ancient agronomists (Cato the Elder, Pliny the Younger, Varron, Columella and Palladius) alongside the most recent developments in climatic history. Secondly, this research focuses on the operations involved in making and selling wine. After considering the issues of displacement and commercialisation, we risk proposing an analytical framework derived from business research carried out in the 1960s: the Ansoff matrix. Thirdly, the final pages of this dissertation focus on the role of the development of legal science in Rome, questioning the impact of legal institutions on the wine industry. A case study devoted to the role of the Roman army connects these three axes and serves as a synthesis. Overall, this work hopes to demonstrate the foundations of market analysis in antiquity, despite the multiple methodological challenges specific to ancient economics.

Finansiella instrument : En rättsekonomisk analys av värdepappersmarknadens grundläggande rättshandlingar / Financial instruments : A law and economics analysis of the fundamental contracts of the capital markets

Lindblad, Anton January 2022 (has links)
This thesis evaluates and constructs a general, product-neutral legal concept and model of financial instruments, as opposed to the product-dependent definitions currently employed in contemporary capital markets law. Through a combination of law and economics perspectives, legal history, and comparative analysis, the study examines the various types of financial instruments currently and previously in use. The legal characteristics and features of these instruments are evaluated and compared, leading to the identification of commonalities that can be used to define a product-neutral concept. The thesis argues that such a concept is more beneficial to the function of the capital markets by removing obstacles for financial innovation while also providing a consistent way to ensure that new financial products are governed by the same regulatory framework as comparable instruments.The thesis also examines the historical evolution of financial instruments and how it has been driven by the evolution of international trade and the demand and surplus of available capital. The proposed concept is applied to current financial instruments, including equity and debt, as well as pre-modern markets, and evaluated in terms of regulation, practical use, and legal characteristics such as transferability and negotiability.The research of this thesis encountered several challenges and limitations. Firstly, the historical and comparative analysis proved difficult to carry out, due to limitation in available source material and language related restrictions, respectively. These limitations were overcome by limiting the scope and by employing contacts with law firms in the respective jurisdictions. Secondly, several key issues proved to require further research to be able to provide definitive conclusions. Such research would have been out of scope and as such, simplified explanations and models were employed. The thesis concludes with a discussion of the practical implications of the proposed concept, including its application to cryptocurrencies and similar assets, and identifies potential areas for future research.

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