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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestão de recursos pesqueiros no âmbito do programa de desenvolvimento sustentável do Amapá. / Fisheries management in the context of the Program of Sustainable Development of the Amapa (PDSA)

Luciana Sonnewend Brondízio 12 March 2003 (has links)
Apesar do consenso sobre a necessidade de uma evolução substancial nos sistemas existentes de uso dos recursos pesqueiros, em especial nos países em desenvolvimento, para dar suporte ao manejo sustentável deste recurso, não há um senso comum sobre quais seriam as instituições que poderiam alcançar este objetivo. Uma nova filosofia de manejo seria aquela onde os usuários dos recursos pesqueiros fossem envolvidos no processo de gestão e onde o objetivo de sustentabilidade não se referisse apenas à dimensão ecológica, mas também às dimensões: social, econômica, política e cultural. A iniciativa do Governo do Estado do Amapá, eleito em 1994 e reeleito em 1998, em adotar o Programa de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Amapá -PDSA, como política pública, representa uma valiosa oportunidade de se avaliar a viabilidade de um modelo alternativo de desenvolvimento para a Amazônia e de levantar elementos e condições que favorecem e que possam limitar este modelo. Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de analisar o processo de implantação do PDSA no setor pesqueiro, focando por um lado, as interações entre as mudanças institucionais, trazidas pelo programa, e a participação dos agentes e setores envolvidos, e por outro, os fatores e elementos que interferem na performance desse sistema. Foram coletados dados primários através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e diagnósticos participativos junto a pescadores, lideranças das organizações que os representam e agentes do governo. Dados secundários foram levantados a partir de documentos e literatura disponível. A análise dos dados indica que através de fóruns de discussão, da descentralização e da co-gestão na execução de projetos o governo do PDSA aumentou as oportunidades de participação dos pescadores no manejo dos recursos pesqueiros. Verificou-se que a falta de costume destes agentes, com este tipo sistema, limitou o processo. Além da necessidade de maior fortalecimento organizacional, os atributos dos recursos pesqueiros e dos grupos de usuários e questões estruturais como representação, domínio e comunicação também influenciam a perfomance deste sistema. Conclui-se que não há uma solução simples de manejo que integre todas as diferentes necessidades, demandas e interesses existentes dentro do setor. Além de considerar a importância do envolvimento dos usuários, o modo pelo qual as instituições são criadas e o contexto no qual os arranjos são organizados são determinantes nos resultados que serão obtidos. / There is a consensus on the need for improvements in the current fisheries resources use and their sustainability, particularly in the developing countries. There is no consensus, however, on strategies and institutions necessary to achieve this goal. A new resource management philosophy calls for the participation of users in all steps of the process. It also points that the goals of resource sustainability include social, economic, political and cultural dimensions. The Program of Sustainable Development (PDSA) implemented by the government of the state of Amapa (elected in 1994 and re-elected in 1998) represents an opportunity to evaluate the viability of an alternative model of development to the Amazon region. This research analyzes the process of implementation of PDSA in the fishing sector. It focuses on the institutional changes brought by the program itself, the participation of agents and groups involved, and on the factors that interfere in the success of the program. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and participant observation with fishermen, community and union leaders, and government officials. Secondary data were used when available. The study shows that the PDSA increased the participation of fishermen and their organizations in the management of fishing resources. However, fishermen\'s lack of previous experience on participatory policy implementation limited the program\'s achievements. In addition to social organization, user groups attribute, political representation, domain and communication also affected the participatory program. Given the needs and demands of different user groups, there is no simple management solution. In addition to co-management, a participatory program needs to consider the available institutional arrangements in order to achieve its goals.

En förbättringsstudie inom Farsta stadsdelsförvaltning i Stockholm stad : Svårigheter med att implementera styrdokument i en offentlig verksamhet / An improvement study within Farsta district management in Stockholm city : Difficulties in implementing governance documents in a public enterprise

Rudyk Kinnander, Alexandra January 2020 (has links)
The study aims to identify improvement proposals for commitments and activities for the implementation of environment-related control documents relevant to Farsta district administration. The study is based on two questions: What areas for improvement can be identified among all measures and activities for which the district administration is responsible? How can the organization implement improvements in the work with the implementation of governance documentation? To achieve the purpose, the organization's public documentation has been reviewed and data collection has been done using qualitative interviews. The work has been carried out with the help of quality management tools. Theories used during this study are offensive quality development, ISO 9001, hörnstensmodellen, the PDSA improvement cycle, the process-based system model PBSM and SWOT analysis. Seven improvement proposals have been developed with the support of selected methods through analysis of collected data. The study's questions are answered and conclusions drawn provide an opportunity for the organization to review its work with governance documentation and to use the survey as support in its daily work within the district administration. / Studien syftar till att identifiera förbättringsförslag för åtaganden och aktiviteter för implementation av miljörelaterade styrdokument relevanta för Farsta stadsdelsförvaltning. Studien bygger på två frågeställningar, Vilka förbättringsområden kan identifieras bland alla åtgärder och aktiviteter som stadsdelsförvaltning ansvarar för? och Hur kan organisationen arbeta för att genomföra förbättringar inom arbete med implementeringen av styrdokumentation? För att uppnå syftet har organisationens offentliga dokumentation granskats och insamling av data gjorts med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer. Arbetet har bedrivits med hjälp av kvalitetstekniska verktyg. Teorier som användes under denna studie är offensiv kvalitetsutveckling, ISO 9001, hörnstensmodellen, förbättringscykeln PDSA, den processbaserade systemmodellen PBSM och SWOT-analys. Sju förbättringsförslag har tagits fram med stöd av valda metoder genom analys av insamlat data. Studiens frågeställningar besvaras och slutsatser som dras ger en möjlighet för organisationen att se över sitt arbete med styrdokumentation samt att använda den påbörjade kartläggningen som stöd i sitt dagliga arbete inom stadsdelsförvaltningen.

Ett kvalitativt rekryteringsförfarande av universitets- och högskolestudenter för examensarbeten hos en organisation. : En fallstudie med syfte att utveckla rekryteringsförfarandet av universitets- och högskolestudenter vid Stora Enso. / A qualitative recruitment procedure of university and college students for degree projects at an organization.

Dreijer, Matilda January 2021 (has links)
Many organizations are welcoming university students with their degree project or master thesis, but what does a qualitative recruitment procedure really look like when it comes to degree project and master thesis? How can an organization stand out from the crowd and attract dedicated students? What information does university students request in order to apply to a suitable project and how are employees motivated to set aside working hours for a student? In this case study, these questions are answered with the help of a combination of quality management, Lean management, change management, recruitment methods andSelf-determination theory. Through data collection from employees at Stora Enso, university and college students as well as document studies of other organizations' approaches, a qualitative recruitment process has been compiled with associated suggestions for improvement. / Flera organisationer välkomnar universitets- och högskolestudenter vars examensarbeten utförs på en organisation, men hur ser egentligen ett kvalitativt rekryteringsförfarande ut när det gäller examensarbeten? Hur kan en organisation stå ut på marknaden och locka till sig engagerade studenter? Vilken information behöver studenterna för att kunna ansöka till ett lämpligt projekt och hur motiveras medarbetare att avsätta arbetstid för en student?  I denna fallstudie besvaras bland annat dessa frågor med hjälp av en kombination av offensiv kvalitetsutveckling, Lean management, förändringsledning, rekryteringsmetoder samt Self-determination theory.  Genom datainsamling från medarbetare på Stora Enso, universitets- och högskolestudenter samt dokumentär forskning av andra organisationers tillvägagångssätt har ett kvalitativt rekryteringsförfarande sammanställts med tillhörande förbättringsförförslag.

Öka kunskapen om arbetssätt och processer i ett fastighetssystem med hjälp av offensiv kvalitetsutveckling : En fallstudie på AB GotlandsHem / Increase knowledge of working methods and processes in a property system with the help of Total Quality Management

Harder Dahlbäck, Maria, Reymers, Tove January 2022 (has links)
Introduction: The case study was conducted at the non-profit housing company AB GotlandsHem. The purpose of the study is to increase knowledge about working methods and processes in GotlandsHems property system and provide suggestions for possible measures for development and implementation suggestions.  Problem description: Knowledge, information and understanding of the property system is lacking to get a consensus on working methods and processes, but also where instructions are and who is responsible in the property system. This may be due to the fact that GotlandsHem worked to introduce a process approach in the organisation.  Theory: In order to gain an understanding of the current situation, the theoretical starting point of the study has been offensive quality development and processes. Management systems, roles and responsibilities as well as instructions have been used to highlight opportunities for increasing knowledge about working methods and processes.  Method: The study follows a qualitative research design. Total Quality Management was used to attack the problem area. Surveys, interviews, observations and document collection have been conducted. In the identification of improvement proposals, the tools relationship diagrams, tree diagrams and matrix diagrams have been used. The PDSA cycle has been used as a starting point for further implementation.  Results: The results show that there is a lack of knowledge about the property system. Instructions are perceived as incomplete, unclear, incorrect, missing and difficult to find. Responsibilities and roles have a large connection to working methods and processes, which the majority find difficult to find information about.  Conclusions: A mapping of the processes could increase the understanding of working methods and processes. Clearly stated responsibility and a clear structure in the management system can solve the problem linked to instructions as well as navigating the intranet. A needs-adapted education plan would mean that everyone gets an introduction.

Ärendehantering på allmännyttigt bostadsbolag : En fallstudie på GotlandsHem / Case Management at a Public Housing Company

Wentzel, My January 2021 (has links)
The case study has been conducted at a public housing company in Sweden GotlandsHem. The purpose of the study is to survey the case management process of the organisation and to obtain a process development plan as well as offer a proposition for implementation. To understand the current case management process the theoretical origin of the study has been made through process theory and total quality management. Earlier research has illustrated the challanges of finding a generic process of case management. The data of the study have been collected through interviews and documented records. Juran´s Problem-Solving Process and the Plan-Do-Study-Act model have been used for the implementation part of the study. The result illustrates the absence of a common working method, with the case management process. The result also present how other public housing companies are working with case management. The analysis presents the current process compared to the theories and which criteria need to be met for a well-functioning process. The current state of the process indicate an absence of a common working method and the perseption of what a case is differs. The process can be developet by seeing case management as an overall process with the definition "A case is when a customer experiences a need for service and contacts GotlandsHem." For the process, a common companywide working method needs to be established. / Inledning. Fallstudien har utförts hos allmännyttiga bostadsbolaget GotlandsHem som är den största aktören för uthyrning av lägenheter på Gotland. Studiens syfte är att studera organisationens ärendehanteringsprocess samt arbeta fram ett förslag på utveckling av processen samt implementeringsförslag.  Teori. För att skapa förståelse för ärendehanteringens nuläge har teoretisk utgångspunkt för studien varit processer samt offensiv kvalitetsutveckling. Avsnittet behandlar tidigare forskning som har visat att det finns utmaningar i att hitta en generisk process för ärendehantering.  Metod. Datainsamling har utförts genom intervjuer och dokumentär forskning. Studien följer en kvalitativ forskningsdesign där benchmarking har använts. Jurans problemlösningsmodell och förbättringscykeln PDSA är modeller som använts som utgångspunkt för vidare implementering. Resultat. Resultatet visar att det finns en avsaknad av gemensamma arbetssätt genom ärendehanteringsprocessen. I resultatet presenteras hur andra allmännyttiga bostadsbolag arbetar med ärendehantering där ledarskap, gemensamma arbetssätt och registrering av ärenden är tre nyckelkomponenter till en väl fungerande ärendehantering.  Analys. Analysen visar på processens nuläge utifrån teorier inom processarbete. Även intern service analyseras utifrån tidigare forskning där bristande kvalitet på återkoppling till kund genom teorier kan härledas till bristande intern servicekvalitét. Slutsatser. Processens nuläge visar en avsaknad av gemensamma arbetssätt och att uppfattningen om vad som är ett ärende går isär. Processen kan utvecklas genom att se ärendehanteringen som en övergripande process med definitionen ”Ett ärende är när en kund upplever ett behov av service och kontaktar GotlandsHem.”. För processen behöver ett gemensamt företagsövergripande arbetssätt fastställas och processens prestanda behöver mätas. Implementering av förbättringsförslag kan göras med hjälp av Jurans problemlösningsmodell kombinerat med PDSA.

Kompetensutveckling, kan det utvärderas och mätas? : En fallstudie för att förbättra uppföljning av kompetensutveckling på Trafikverket Färjerederiet / Competence development, can it be evaluated and measure?

Högberg, Kajsa January 2021 (has links)
Kompetensutveckling sker hela tiden i en organisation, både direkt och indirekt. Med direkt kompetensutveckling menas lärarledda kurser och aktiviteter och med indirekt menas den dialog som sker mellan medarbetare. För att arbeta systematiskt med kompetensutveckling krävs det att organisationen följer upp och mäter processen. Studiens syfte var att hitta mätetal och arbetssätt för att Färjerederiet ska kunna systematiskt följa upp kompetensutvecklingsprocessen. I studiens forskningsfrågor ingick det även att undersöka hur medarbetare kan motiveras av kompetensutveckling för att öka lärandet och överförandet av kunskap till den dagliga verksamheten. För att svara på studiens frågeställningar har teorier om offensiv kvalitetsutveckling, kompetensutveckling samt en modell för mätning av effekterna av kompetensutveckling redovisats. Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär med ett deduktivt arbetssätt. Metoderna för att samla in data har varit intervjuer, enkätundersökning samt dokumentgranskning. Resultatet av studien presenterades i form av en PDSA-cykel där processens olika steg har undersökts. Efter genomförd studie konstaterades att Färjerederiet behöver implementera de rekommenderade mätetalen och ett arbetssätt för att arbeta med ständiga förbättringar i kompetensutvecklingsprocessen. För att motivera medarbetarna till kompetensutveckling drogs slutsatsen att Färjerederiet kan involvera medarbetarna mer i utformningen av utbildningarna för att fånga upp det behov som finns i kompetensutvecklingen. / Competence development occurs regularly within organizations, both directly and indirectly. Direct competence development refers to teacher-led courses and activities, whilst indirect competenceactivities describes the dialogues between colleagues. For anorganization to work systemically with competence development, it is essential that they follow up and measure the process. The purpose of this study was to find performance indicators and methods for Färjerederiet to systemically follow up their competence development process. Furthermore, the study also aimed to research how employees could be motivated to develop their competences so that the transferof knowledge could increase within the organization. For the purposeof answering the research questions the following areas of theory were utilized: total quality management, competence development and a model for measuring the effects of competence development. A qualitative and deductive research method was the foundation of the study, and the methods of data collection were as follows: interviews, surveys and document research. The results of the study were presented in the form of a PDSA-cycle where the different stages were researched, the resulting conclusion was that Färjerederiet needs to implement the recommended performance indicators and work procedures to improve their competence development process. In regards to motivating the employees, the proposed solution is for the management staff to include the employees in the process of constructing the courses.

Effektivisera och kvalitetssäkra debitering av tilläggstjänster på Postnord TPL, Region Stockholm / Streamline and quality-assured debiting of additional services Region Stockholm, Postnord TPL

Paz Gomero, Stefan José January 2023 (has links)
For a business to maintain its competitiveness, it should adapt to the constantly changingmarket to be able to meet the needs and expectations of their customers for quality. Thiscan be done by working with quality development and process management. The goal ofthis work is to map processes for charging additional services at Postnord TPL, which isa leader in the Nordics in third-party logistics. Postnord TPL has had problems with thisprocess because it is considered time-consuming and often leads to errors in customerorder invoices since it is currently a very manual process. By mapping processes forcharging additional services, this study has succeeded in visualizing processes andidentifying areas for improvement. Based on the results from this study, an improvementproposal has since been drawn up and a new future process mapped out. The process forcharging additional services can be improved by implementing more automated ways ofworking that minimize the manual typing and transfer of information between differentExcel files. This would also improve communication and collaboration between theintake and administration departments. / För att en verksamhet ska kunna bevara sin konkurrenskraft bör den anpassa sig till denständigt förändrande marknaden för att kunna bemöta deras kunders behov ochförväntningar på kvalitet. Detta kan göras genom att arbeta med kvalitetsutveckling ochprocessledning. Målet med detta arbete var att kartlägga processen för debiteringar avtilläggstjänster hos Postnord TPL som är ledande i Norden inom tredjepartslogistik.Postnord TPL har haft problem med denna process eftersom den anses tidskrävande ochofta leder till att fel uppstår i kundorderfakturor på grund av att det i dagsläget är enväldigt manuell process. Genom att kartlägga processen för debiteringar avtilläggstjänster har man i denna studie lyckats visualisera processen och identifieraförbättringsområden. Utifrån resultaten från denna studie har sedan ettförbättringsförslag tagits fram och en ny framtida process kartlagts. Processen fördebiteringar av tilläggstjänster kan förbättras genom att implementera merautomatiserade arbetssätt som minimerar det manuella knappandet och överförandet avinformation mellan olika Excel filer. Detta skulle även förbättra kommunikationen ochsamarbetet mellan avdelningarna intag och administration.

Processbaserad utveckling : En fallstudie för att mäta produktionsprocessen i en avdelning. / Process-based development : A case study to measure the production process in a department.

Al-Helly, Taif January 2022 (has links)
Studien handlar om att undersöka ett förbättringsområde i den valda avdelningen i organisationens produktionsprocess. Förbättringsarbetet är baserat på problem som uppstår hos medarbetarna vid produktionen. Studien är kvalitativ vilket innebär att informationen samlas genom intervjuer och observationer. I studien visualiseras tillverkningsprocessen i företaget. Först skapas en grovprocesskartläggning för den mest efterfrågade tjänsten i avdelningen, sedan hittas aktiviteter som inte skapar värde för verksamheten samt kunderna. Aktiviteterna som inte skapar värde ska elimineras bort och en plan om åtgärder skall presenteras. Den anskaffade informationen om processen skall användas av medarbetarna i avdelningen för att skapa en bättre intern kommunikation. Studien ger förslag på arbetssätt om hur avdelningen kan följa upp den nya processen samt hur avdelningen kan arbeta systematiskt med de ritade processerna. Processen som presenteras består av två delar. Den första delen är delprocessen som presenterar alla steg som sker innan medarbetarna börjar med tillverkningen av tjänsten. Det består av dagliga aktiviteter som inte har dokumenterats tidigare. Vid del två av processen som är huvudprocessen, då presenteras alla steg som medarbetarna går genom för att skapa en tjänst. Den delen av processen ser olika beroende på vilken tjänst som skall undersökas. Studien har i syfte att förbättra kvalitén på tillverkningsprocessen genom att använda olika verktyg och arbetssätt. Processkartläggningen ritas för att visualisera produktionsprocessen, förbättringsområde identifieras med hjälp av FMEA för att arbeta ständigt med förbättringar. Uppföljning av processkartläggningen presenteras i en kanban-tavla för att verksamheten ska kunna följa upp produktionsprocessen på tavlan. / The study is about examining an area for improvement in the selected department in the organization's production process. The improvement work is based on problems that arise with the employees during production. The study is qualitative, which means that the information is collected through interviews and observations. The study visualizes the manufacturing process in the company. First, a rough process mapping is created for the most requested service in the department, then activities are found that do not create value for the business and the customers. The activities that do not create value must be eliminated and a plan of measures must be presented. The information obtained about the process will be used by the employees in the department to create a better internal communication. The study provides suggestions for working methods on how the department can follow up the new process and how the department can work systematically with the drawn processes. The process presented consists of two parts. The first part is the sub-process that presents all the steps that take place before the employees start manufacturing the service. It consists daily activities that have not been documented before. In part two of the process, which is the main process, its about presenting all the steps that employees go through to create a service. That part of the process looks different depending on which service is to be analyzed. The study aims to improve the quality of the manufacturing process by using different tools and working methods. The process mapping is designed to visualize the production process, areas for improvement are identified with the help of FMEA to work constantly with improvements. Follow-up of the process mapping is presented in a kanban board so that the business can follow up the production process on the board.

Home sweet home : a case study on persuasive technology to promote usage of an m-health application by elderly living at home

Wei, Nicklas, Blomberg, Richard January 2019 (has links)
Much of the developed world is experiencing an aging population. This requires society to adapt to take care of a growing elderly population and improve their quality of life. Today, mobile systems are available that makes it possible to monitor and improve health (m-health). Even though these systems could be immensely helpful for the elderly population, this has not been the primary demographic for the current m-health systems. This case study aimed at examining how persuasive technology (technology for changing behavior and/or attitude) can be used to promote usage of m-health applications by the elderly. For this purpose, a theoretical framework for supporting m-health systems is proposed. This framework consist of persuasive technology (for motivation and support for fulfillment of human needs), knowledge of elderly issues in interacting with mobile interfaces, smartphone usability heuristics and the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle (to support goalsetting and incremental progress). To determine how persuasive technology can be used to motivate elderly and find effective strategies for this purpose, the case study examined health behavior, motivations for healthy behavior, attitude to health, general goal setting behavior, needs, preferences, technological experience and self-efficacy, as well as usage of m-health systems using qualitative and participatory methods. Methods used included semi-structured interviews, future workshop, revolutionary rapid prototyping and usability evaluation. The findings of the interviews and the future workshop suggested the primary motivation for healthy behavior was derived from social aspects. Thus, the most effective persuasive strategies for the elderly likely target their need for social belonging and socialization. Based on the findings, an interactive prototype was developed. The prototype proposed an m-health application with self-monitoring that implemented an elderly community around healthy behavior, with opportunities to earn digital rewards and challenge other users to competition. The interactive prototype was then used in a usability evaluation to gauge its usability by the elderly and revised in higher fidelity according to their feedback.

Building Attractive Quality of Career Service in Library & Learning Resources of University of Borås Based on Kano Theory

Hao, Shijie, Li, Mingzi January 2010 (has links)
The overall objective of this thesis work is to seek current and potential attractive quality of the career service of Library and Learning Resource in University college of Borås (HB), and try to make students know and experience the career service on their own initiative.First objective is the evaluation and assessment of the current quality work of career service. The main quality evaluation emphasizes on the career service awareness and its communication channels.After reviewing the current situation of the career service in the context of LLR in HB, identifying possible existing problems, and developing a Kano questionnaire to examine some question areas, the authors will offer some recommendations and suggestions for improvement. For this purpose, recommendation concerning communication channels and a specific PDSA approach will be developed with some detailed descriptions of items involved in this approach which will be reviewed.In order to reach to the objectives of this thesis work, the authors will use primary data in the form of interviews, and secondary data from literatures, scientific articles, and books and WebPages. In addition, the authors will use experiment methodology within this research and provide a PDSA solution which can facilitate LLR of HB to improve the quality of its career service.

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