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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mokytojų dvikalbystė kaip socialinis reiškinys / Teachers bilingualizm as a social phenomenon

Lesinienė, Flora 24 September 2008 (has links)
Atsižvelgiant į šiuolaikines problemas ir poreikius integruotis multikultūrinėje visuomenėje, Lietuvoje kilo susidomėjimas kalbų mokymo bei mokymosi, dvikalbystės ugdymo, dvikalbių programų kūrimo bei dvikalbių pedagogų rengimo klausimais. Daugiausia tai siejama su tautinių mažumų atstovų integracija į Lietuvos visuomenę. Tyrimu siekta nustatyti, kaip dvikalbystės formavimosi procesas vystėsi vyresnio amžiaus tautinių mažumų mokyklų įvairių tautybių mokytojų (kaip individų) tarpe; kaip socialinė-komunikacinė aplinka įtakojo pedagogų dvikalbystės vystymąsi; nustatyti kitakalbės ir daugiakultūrės aplinkos, kuri supa mokytojus, privalumus ir trūkumus. / Novelti of the thesis: A number of the theses on bilingualism were issued within recent years. However, nobody had been researching the item on bilingualism of the teachers (as individuals). The results of the investigation: After having analyzed the data of the investigation, the presumption that prior to starting their work in the multilingual environment, the teachers already have a certain lingual base in the family and in the aducational institution, may be drawn. The main reasons of complexity of work with the other-language-speaking pupils are related with lack of skills and knowledge of the same teachers. The teacher has the possibility to develop his/her native and other language skills while working in the multilingual environment, while dealing with the methodical material or while staying in his own social environment. As the society`s demands change, so today the teacher has not only to lay efforts, seeking to satisfy the pupils` and parents` expectations, but should also be able to adapt himself/herself to the developing multilingual environment.

Socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų bendradarbiavimo galimybės / Opportunities of communication between social educators and social workers

Reinikovienė, Aurelija 13 January 2009 (has links)
Šis darbas skirtas apžvelgti socialinio pedagogo ir socialinio darbuotojo profesijų raidą bendradarbiavimo aspektu, aptarti socialinio pedagogo ir socialinio darbuotojo vaidmenis, veiklos ypatumus, bendradarbiavimo ir komandinio darbo esmę. Nors socialinio ugdymo praktika glaudžiai siejasi su socialiniu darbu, tačiau teoriniu lygmeniu socialinės pedagogikos ir socialinio darbo teorijos objektai priklauso skirtingoms socialinių mokslų kryptims. Tiek socialinio darbuotojo, tiek ir socialinio pedagogo pagrindinis veiklos tikslas – vaiko ir jo aplinkos gerovė. Šiuo darbu tikimasi išanalizuoti, kokios yra socialinio pedagogo ir socialinio darbuotojo bendradarbiavimo galimybės ugdymo įstaigose, kokius vaidmenis atlieka šie specialistai ir kuo jų veikla gali papildyti viena kitą. Darbo objektas - socialinio pedagogo ir socialinio darbuotojo bendradarbiavimas. Darbo tikslas - atskleisti socialinio pedagogo ir socialinio darbuotojo bendradarbiavimo galimybes. Tikslui pasiekti naudotas kiekybinio tipo tyrimas. 2008 metų spalio-lapkričio mėnesiais Kauno miesto vidurinėse mokyklose atlikta anketinė socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų apklausa, kuria siekta išsiaiškinti respondentų nuomonę apie socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų bendradarbiavimo galimybes. Tyrimo rezultatai: socialinis darbuotojas savo veikloje dažniausiai atlieka socialiniam pedagogui būdingesnius vaidmenis – konsultanto, mokytojo, informatoriaus, kt. Pastarieji, remiantis tyrimo rezultatais, nurodė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This paper is to review trade evolution of social educator and social worker in communication aspect, to discuss the roles of social educator and social worker, work singularity, communication and team work point. Even social training practice is close related with social work, but in theoretical level social education and social work theory objects belongs to different social study directions. Both social worker and social educator the main work goal is child and his social welfare. By this paper I hope to analyze, what opportunities are to communicate between social educator and social worker in training office, what roles are taken by these specialists and how their activity can complement each other. The object of the study is communication between social educator and social worker. The goal of the study is to show opportunities of communication between social educator and social worker. To reach this goal I did quantitative analysis. In October- November of the year 2008, the survey of the social workers and social educators was done in Kaunas secondary schools, in case to get the respondent‘s opinion about the opportunities of communication between social workers and social educators. The results of the analysis showed that social worker plays the roles more similar to social educators roles, like : advisor‘s, teacher‘s, informator‘s etc. Last-mentioned, on the ground of the stydy‘s results, showed that, on the contrary, do not play teacher‘s role so often, and... [to full text]

Socialinio pedagogo vaidmuo įveikiant penktosios klasės mokinių nenorą mokytis / Social educator's role in overcoming the 5th former's unwillingness to attend school

Pažėrienė, Asta 05 June 2004 (has links)
A transitional period from primary to secondary school is not always smooth an successful for many students. For psychologically weaker students, the transition to the fifth form can cause a negative attitude to school and learning as well as influence not only their progress but their psyche and physical development in general. It is concidered that the fifth form is one of the critical points of learning disorders. Unwilling to learn students find themselves on the street more often than any other students. According to the survey of educational politicians and educators, the main reason of non-attendance of school is students’ unwillingness to learn, fatigue or the decline of their interest in subjects. Students are usually dissatisfied with school activities, because it is difficult to study, there is an overload, constant fatigue or they are just not interested in subjects. The target of the post-graduate paper is social educator’s activity in a secondary school. The problem analysed is reluctance to learn at secondary school. The hypothesis of the work is that there is a possibility to develop positive emotions and change students’ attitude to learning through the implementation of successful students’ adaptation into school society. The objective of the survey is to analyse a social educator’s role and activity functions for overcoming the fifth formers’ unwillingness to learn. The objective has been realized while analysing social educator’s role and activity... [to full text]

Socialinio pedagogo veikla vykdant vaikų ir paauglių nusikalstamumo prevenciją mokykloje / Work of a social teacher at school in the field of juvenile delinquency prevention

Gogelienė, Kristina 09 June 2004 (has links)
Various sources state that juvenile prevention should be carried out in the possible early stages. Therefore, a position of a social teacher has been introduced in the secondary education schools. It is the youngest profession the aim of which is to notice, evaluate and solve such typical problems of children and adolescents’ as poor attendance, unwillingness to learn, misbehavior, communication problems and others. While adolescent, people face many problems associated with difficulties in communicating with adults or peers. Inauspicious circumstances impel teenagers to commit crimes. The object of the thesis is the work of a social teacher at school in the field of juvenile delinquency. The aim of the thesis is to reveal characteristic points in the work of a social teacher while preventing juvenile delinquency. The following objectives were raised to achieve the aim of the thesis: · reveal characteristic points of the social teacher’s work in secondary schools; · highlight the cases of juvenile delinquency in the context of pedagogical system of secondary education; · carry out a research and summarize its results in terms of social teachers’ work while preventing juvenile delinquency in Utena secondary schools; · provide a social teacher with recommendations in the field of preventing juvenile delinquency. Methods of research are the analysis of manuals and reference books, review of acts of law, questionnaire to students as well as the method of interview. In the... [to full text]

Socialinio pedagogo veiklos tobulinimas panaudojant informacijos ir komunikacijos technologijas / Improvement in the Activity of a Social Pedagogue with the Application of Information and Communication Technologies

Gulbinas, Rokas 13 June 2005 (has links)
In the epoch of the modern global changes, a new form of society is being formed. The individual knowledge of a person is becoming a still more important basis of the quality of economic and social life. The reform of education in Lithuania is taking place for more than a decade, and within this period many essential changes occurred. Lithuania is oriented towards the aims of the European Union, it seeks to become the competitive member of the European Union, is open to various novelties and aims to strengthen its education system, so that it would educate the full-fledged members of modern society. The present-day changes also conditioned the emergence of social problems, which had a strong effect on the whole social life, including school life. The necessity came forth to take all necessary measures for the improvement of social situation. Social pedagogues, whose position has been introduced in the educational establishments from 2001, may help to solve these problems. One of the priority trends in the development of modern society is the rapid implementation of communication technologies in all the fields of activities. In implementing information and communication technologies at school it is also necessary to integrate in this process the functions performed by a social pedagogue. The objective of this work is to study the opportunities of a social pedagogue, to use information and communication technologies in his activities. A social pedagogue, when performing the... [to full text]

Galių santykiai ir jų valdymas psichopedagoginio vertinimo procese / Power relations and it’s management in psychopedagogical assesment process

Mikelevičiūtė, Jurgita, Kalinauskaitė, Jūratė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė galių santykių kaip socialinės pedagogikos objekto pedagoginio psichologinio vertinimo kontekste analizė Iškelta hipotezė, kad psichopedagoginio vertinimo procese vyraujantys galių santykiai yra nelygiaverčiai, kur priimant sprendimus dominuoja specialistų pozicija, o tėvai lieka tik jų vykdytojai. Tyrime, kurio tikslas- atskleisti ugdymo dalyvių (PPT, mokyklų specialistų, tėvų,) galių santykių ypatumus, psichopedagoginiame vertinimo procese bei socialinio pedagogo vaidmenį galių santykių valdyme, duomenys buvo renkami naudojantis pusiau struktūruotu kokybiniu interviu ir struktūruota kiekybine apklausa (anketa). Kokybiniai duomenys buvo apdoroti taikant aprašomosios analizės metodą, o kiekybiniai – naudojant neparametrinį Kruskal-Wallis testą bei aprašomąją statistiką (procentus) . Tyrime dalyvavo PPT specialistai, vidurinių, pagrindinių bei pradinių mokyklų specialistai, pedagogai ir tėvai iš visos Lietuvos. Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjami galių santykiai psichopedagoginiame vertinimo procese Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Galių santykiai visuomet egzistuoja tarpasmeniniuose santykiuose ir žalingi tampa, kai yra nelygiaverčiai. Tokia situacija išryškėja psichopedagoginiame vaiko vertinime, kur vyrauja specialisto-kliento santykių tipas. 2. Labiausiai galių santykiai atsiskleidžia kategorijose: vertinimas kaip situacijos ir dalyvių poreikių analizė; vertinimas kaip vaiko savybių analizė; PPT teikiamos pagalbos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The paper deals with the theoretical analysis of the power relations as an object of the social pedagogic in the context of psychopedagogical assessment. Hypothesis: power relations in the process of psychopedagogical assessment are unequal where the position of specialist is described as prevailing and parents remain passive hand of decision realization. The purpose of the paper is to reveal peculiarities of power relations in process of psychopedagogical assessment from positions of education participants (parents, school specialists and psychological pedagogical service (PPS) specialists) and also to define the role of social pedagogue as a power relation’s manager in this process. Data was collected by using semi structured qualitative interview and structured quantitative inquiry (questionnaire). Qualitative data were worked up by structured content analysis and described by using narrative research method. Quantitative data were worked up by using non-parameter Kruskal-Wallis test and descriptive statistics (percents). The participants of research were specialists from pedagogical psychological service (N= 171), specialists and pedagogues from mainstream schools (N=429) and parents from all Lithuania whose children were clients of PPS and went through psychopedagogical assessment (N=109). There were school specialists (N=40) and parents (N=40) who took part qualitative interview. The most important empirical conclusions that were drawn are: q Power relations... [to full text]

Gimnazistų požiūris į gimnazijos socialinį pedagogą ir jo darbą mokykloje / The attitude of gymnasist's to gymnasium social pedagogue and his duties at school

Grinkevičius, Kazimieras 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe atskleistas dviejų Vilniaus miesto gimnazijų gimnazistų požiūris į gimnazijų socialinius pedagogus, jų darbą gimnazijose. Pateiktos rekomendacijos socialinio pedagogo darbo tobulinimui. / A concluding thesis by Kazimieras Grinkevičius postgraduate of Vilnius Pedagogical University, Institute of Social Communication, Department of Social Pedagogy, named “The attitude of gymnasist's to gymnasium social pedagogue and his duties at school”, supervisor dr. Romas Prakapas, is written after a thorough analysis of pedagogical and psychological literature, legal documents. The aim of his papers is to evaluate attitude of gymnasist's to social pedagogue and his duties at school. It was assumed, that part of gymnasist's don't know who is a social pedagogue and what his daily duties at school, how he could help them. Analysis of literature and inquiry of gymnasist's were made. Investigative's were selected from two gymnasium city of Vilnius. 409 students take part in the survey. Statistical data has been analyzed with Statistical package for Social Sciences (SPSS 14.0 for Windows).Quantitative analysis were made. Two statistical procedures to analyzed statistical data – computation of percentile frequency of the answers, mean of estimations – were made. The results have reveled, that part of gymnasist's didn't know who is a social pedagogue and what his daily do at school.

Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų etnokultūrinio ugdymo galimybės / The possibilities of ethnocultural education of the preschool children

Orinienė, Gita 03 August 2009 (has links)
Darbu bandoma pasižiūrėti į etnokultūrinio ugdymo galimybes ikimokykliniame amžiuje. Šiam tyrimui atlikti buvo pasirinkta kiekybinė metodologinė kryptis. Tyrimo problema - ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų etnokultūrinio ugdymo galimybės yra nepakankamai išnaudotos. Tyrimo objektas yra ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų etnokultūrinio ugdymo galimybės. Tyrimo tikslas – išsiaiškinti etnokultūrinio ugdymo galimybes ikimokykliniame amžiuje. Tyrimo uždaviniai: - apžvelgti etninės kultūros, etniškumo sąvokas, etnokultūros ir ugdymo sąsajas bei etninės kultūros išlikimo problemas; - išryškinti teorines etnokultūros taikymo ikimokykliniame amžiuje prielaidas; - empiriškai išskirti ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų etnokultūrinio ugdymo galimybes šeimoje ir ugdymo įstaigoje; Tyrimo metodai - etnokultūrinės, pedagoginės, menotyrinės, psichologinės literatūros analizė, padėjusi atskleisti etnokultūros sampratą, jos taikymo vaikų ugdymui teorines prielaidas. Tyrimo tipas – aprašomasis. Tyrimu buvo pasiekti tokie rezultatai: pateiktas tėvų ir pedagogų požiūris į etnokultūrinio ugdymo reikalingumą bei pedagogų ir tėvų požiūris į etnokultūrinį ugdymą, išskirtos pedagogų naudojamos etnokultūrinio ugdymo formos, atskleistas etninių vertybių puoselėjimas šeimoje, numatytas etnokultūrinio ugdymo proceso tobulinimas. Išvadose pateikos ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų etnokultūrinio ugdymo galimybės. Šis darbas pedagogams ir tėvams padės suprasti etnokultūrinio ugdymo svarbą, skatins ieškoti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this work the possibilities of the etnocultural education of the preschool children are reviewed. The methodological quantitative analysis for this research was chosen. The question of the research - the possibilities of ethnocultural education of the preschool children are not fully developed. The object of the research - the possibilities of ethnocultural education of the preschool children. The aim of the research - to find out the possibilities of ethnocultural education of the preschool children. The goals of the research: - to review the notions of ethnic culture, the links and problems of survival between ethnic culture and education; - to highlight the theoretical possibilities of the application of the ethnoculture; - to distinguish empirically the possibilities of ethnocultural education of the preschool children in families and preschool institutions; The methods of the research - the analysis of the ethnocultural, pedagogical, art critical, and psychological literature, which helped to unfold the conception of the ethnoculture and its theoretical assumptions for the children education. It is a quantitative descriptive research (written survey). The results of the research - the presentation of the attitude of parents and educators towards the ethnocutural education and its necessity, also the forms of the ethnocultural education used by the educators, the upholding of the ethnical values, the development of the ethnocultural process of education. The... [to full text]

Ikimokyklinių įstaigų pedagogų profesinio mobilumo skatinimas tiriant mokymosi organizacijoje patirtį / Promotion of pre-schools teachers’ occupational mobility researching experience in learning organization

Karaliūtė, Sandra 22 August 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo aktualumas. Greitai besikeičiančiame pasaulyje, mokykloje, ikimokyklinėse įstaigose, kaip ir kitose visuomenės gyvenimo srityse iškyla naujų, spręstinų problemų, joms išspręsi pedagogams dažnai nepakanka įgytų kompetencijų, todėl būtina nuolat mokytis ir keistis. Darbuotojai, o ypatingai pedagogai turi būti pasirengę nuolatiniam mokymuisi, taip pat priimti žinias, kad galėtų ne tik sėkmingai realizuoti save darbo pasaulyje, bet ir perteikti žinias žmonių grupei organizacijoje, kuri siekia bendrų tikslų. Taigi, šiame kontekste kyla aibė probleminių klausimų: kokia mokymosi organizacijoje patirtis yra ikimokyklinio ugdymo institucijoje ir kaip ji prisideda prie pedagogų profesinio mobilumo, kokie veiksniai turi įtakos pedagogų mokymui(si) organizacijoje, kaip galima skatinti pedagogų profesinį mobilumą tiriant mokymo(si) organizacijoje per kvalifikacijos tobulinimo(si) sistemas patirtį ir kt. Minėti klausimai ir suponuoja pedagoginę šio darbo problemą. Tyrimo objektas – ikimokyklinių įstaigų pedagogų profesinio mobilumo skatinimas. Tyrimo hipotezė. Tikėtina, kad tyrinėjant ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų mokymosi organizacijoje patirtį galima numatyti jų profesinio mobilumo skatinimo prielaidas ir galimybes. Tyrimo tikslas – teoriškai pagrįsti ir empiriškai ištirti ikimokyklinių įstaigų pedagogų profesinio mobilumo skatinimo prielaidas ir galimybes tiriant jų mokymosi organizacijoje patirtį. / Relevance of the research. Rapidly changing the world, in school, preschools, and other areas of public life are arising new challenges to solve the problems and educators often insufficient competences, so it is necessary to learn and change constantly. Personnel, particularly the educators must be prepared to learn permanent, to take the knowledge and be able to realize successfully in the world of work and to transfer knowledge for a group of people in an organization that seeks common goals. So, in this context, there is a number of issues: what is the experience of learning in the organization of pre-school educational institution and how it contributes to teachers' professional mobility, what factors affect training (learning) in teachers' organization, how to promote teachers' professional mobility investigating training (learning) in the organization during the system of professional development, experience and so on. These questions and assume the pedagogical problem of this work. The object of investigation: promotion of pre-school teachers' professional mobility. The study hypothesis. It is likely that searching the experience of pre-school teachers' learning in the organization we can provide their professional mobility assumptions, and opportunities. The aim of the research: to base theoretically and empirically investigate the assumptions of pre-school teachers' professional mobility.

Socialinio pedagogo individualus darbas su mokiniais, nenorinčiais lankyti mokyklos / Individual work of a social pedagogue with pupils who do not want to attend school

Davičikaitė, Žydrutė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Nenoras lankyti mokyklą yra kompleksinio pobūdžio problema. Todėl socialinio pedagogo individualus darbas su nenorinčiu lankyti mokyklos mokiniu regimas ne kaip savitikslis lokalios problemos sprendimas, bet kaip grandis, vedanti prie mokyklos nelankymo problemų sprendimo platesniu mastu. Tačiau praktikoje šia galimybe naudojamasi ribotai. Todėl mokykloje yra reikalinga komandinio darbo plėtotė. Taip pat aktyvi socialinio pedagogo asmeninė iniciatyva pasinaudoti individualaus darbo metu sukauptomis žiniomis ir teikti ugdymo įstaigoje reikiamus pokyčius, kurie mažintų nenorinčių lankyti mokyklą mokinių skaičių ateityje. / Unwillingness to attend school is a problem of complex nature. Hence individual work of a social pedagogue with pupils who do not want to attend school is not seen as a solution of local problem but as a link that leads to the solution of school nonattendance to a large extent. However in practice this possibility is not widely applied. Consequently, at school there is a need for team work development. Social pedagogue’s personal initiative is active to use knowledge acquired during individual work and to provide necessary changes in an educational institution that would decrease the number of pupils who do not want to attend school in the future.

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