Spelling suggestions: "subject:"perpetrators""
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En samvetslös diktator eller ett hjälplöst offer? : En kvalitativ studie av nyhetsrapporteringen kring Benny Fredriksson under metoo-rörelsen / An unscrupulous dictator or a helpless victim? : A qualitative study of the news coverage surrounding Benny Fredriksson during the metoo-movementSanderberg, Emma, Alm, Jennifer January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the study was to examine the news coverage surrounding Stockholm City Theatre’s former CEO Benny Fredriksson during the metoo-movement, from the time of the accusations against him until a time after his death. The questions examined were: How is Benny Fredriksson represented at the time of the publishing of the accusations and at the time of his death? How are the anonymous witnesses and the journalism represented? How does the representation of victims and perpetrators change after the death of Benny Fredriksson? What are the differences and similarities in the reporting of Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter? To analyze this, we made a discourse analysis of 12 articles from Aftonbladet and 13 articles from Dagens Nyheter. The results showed that the roles of all the characters change during the coverage. At the time of the publishing of the accusations, Benny Fredriksson is represented as an evil dictator that harasses his employees at Stockholm City Theatre. After his death, Benny Fredriksson is represented as a victim of circumstances, helpless and full of anxiety. At first, the witnesses are represented as scared, helpless victims. At the end of the coverage the representation has changed, and the victims are instead represented as perpetrators that are accused of lying. The journalism goes from being represented as investigative journalism to being represented as a media hunt that killed Benny Fredriksson. Overall, Aftonbladet is more defending of the witnesses and the journalism while Dagens Nyheter is more defending of Benny Fredriksson. The study shows that a death can affect the news coverage and consequently how the characters are represented.
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Stora problem delar man upp i mindre bitar : En kvalitativ diskursanalys om hur svenska och danska medier konstruerar samma gärningsman / Large problems you divide into smaller pieces : A qualitative study about how Swedish and Danish media construct the same perpetratorLamont, Pierre, Ternström, Pontus January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how a Danish & Swedish newspaper reported in their news articles regarding the same perpetrator and to see if there were any differences. The perpetrator in this case was Danish, while the victim was Swedish. This was the main reason for us choosing a newspaper from each country. We examined what discourses were used for the perpetrator and analyzed both similarities and differences between the two newspapers in their descriptions. We did this by thoroughly examining each article, one at a time, dissected each sentence and analyzed it. The study answered the following question: How do Danish & Swedish news outlets construct the same perpetrator? This was answered by dividing it into two more detailed questions. How is the perpetrator manufactured in Danish/Swedish crime journalism? Which attributes are given to the perpetrator in both newspapers? We used a critical discourse analysis as our method for examining the 8 articles in total (4 from each newspaper) Our conclusion of the study shows that there are several similarities in the way the discourses are constructed around the perpetrator, often focusing on the morbid details. There are however equally big differences in the way that the specific discourses are described. Danish media focuses more on the direct quotes from the perpetrator, while the Swedish media empathises more on circumstances surrounding him. The two newspapers we chose are two of the major newspaper in respective country, Ekstrabladet & Aftonbladet.
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"This, too, was myself": Empathic Unsettlement and the Victim/Perpetrator Binary in Robert Louis Stevenson's <em>Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde</em>Bruner, Brittany 01 March 2017 (has links)
At first glance, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a tale that reinforces binaries. One of these is the self/other binary that is central to David Hume's and Adam Smith's theories of sympathy that conceive of a self imaginatively identifying and experiencing fellow-feeling for an other. However, this notion is complicated because Jekyll and Hyde are the same person. Further, many critics argue that Stevenson actually challenges binary thinking. While Hume and Smith do not challenge the self/other binary in connection with sympathy, trauma theory critics do challenge a self/other binary that lies at the heart of sympathy: the victim/perpetrator binary. Noted trauma theorist Dominick LaCapra develops a method of empathizing called empathic unsettlement where a secondary witness listens with empathy to a victim's traumatic witness while recognizing the difference of his or her position as a witness. He argues that perpetrators may also warrant understanding, but this understanding does not come through empathy. However, one of the hallmarks of empathic unsettlement is that it does not neatly resolve or replace traumatic narratives. Therefore, I argue that empathic unsettlement could also be a useful method for allowing a perpetrator to witness. While practicing empathic unsettlement for a perpetrator may not be worth the risk in real life, performing a thought experiment in literature can test how using empathy might provide a better way to theorize perpetration. Using two witnesses who attempt to practice empathic unsettlement for Jekyll and Hyde, Dr. Hastie Lanyon (who fails), and Mr. Gabriel John Utterson (who succeeds), I will show how empathic unsettlement could be used for both a victim and perpetrator to tease out the complexities of assessing a traumatic situation.
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La guerre contre-insurrectionnelle guatémaltèque : sa généalogie, le déni des responsables et les sources historiquesDrouin, Marc 12 1900 (has links)
L’Amérique centrale, théâtre des dernières batailles rangées de la guerre froide, est aujourd’hui la région la plus violente au monde, selon les Nations unies. Notre étude s’intéresse à la forme de guerre irrégulière livrée par l’État guatémaltèque contre sa propre population pendant la deuxième moitié du vingtième siècle. À la lumière de rares témoignages d’exécutants et d’archives militaires et policières, nous examinons un mécanisme clandestin de répression dont les trois principales composantes – les enlèvements, la torture et les exécutions sommaires – pouvaient s’abattre sur toute personne soupçonnée, à tort ou à raison, de conspirer contre un statu quo d’exclusion. Au moment de leur articulation, ces moyens répressifs ont constitué un dispositif qui, à partir de 1966, s’est avéré d’une redoutable efficacité. Arme de prédilection des adeptes de la guerre antisubversive pendant plus de vingt ans, le dispositif permettait, telle une chaîne de production, l’accumulation des renseignements jugés indispensables à cette forme de guerre, ainsi que les cadavres dont l’absence éternelle ou la présence outrageuse sur la place publique servaient d’avertissement funeste à l’ensemble du corps social. Où chercher les origines d’un tel dispositif? À partir des ouvrages de référence cités dans le manuel de guerre contre-subversive de l’armée guatémaltèque, la réponse à cette question nous fera découvrir des parachutistes français pour qui la défaite militaire en Indochine et en Algérie pendant les années 1950 n’était pas une option et pour qui la victoire justifiait absolument tous les moyens. Le penchant de ces pionniers de la guerre hors-norme pour les cours magistraux, les entrevues et les articles, nous a permis d’étudier les méthodes qu’ils préconisaient et de repérer leurs traces au Guatemala. Alors que la guerre qui avait servi de prétexte au maintien du dispositif est terminée, sa très réputée efficacité assure encore aujourd’hui sa pérennité auprès de ceux qui peuvent s’offrir le service. En ce sens, la contre-insurrection se poursuit, et ce, malgré l’absence depuis une quinzaine d’années d’un conflit armé. Cette thèse aborde l’histoire de la guerre irrégulière et son déroulement au Guatemala. Les archives et les témoignages à notre disposition contredisent le déni des crimes commis dans les villes et les campagnes guatémaltèques, dont le génocide de 1982. Finalement, certains signes avant-coureurs indiquent que la violence et l’impunité actuelles au pays pourraient mener à la répétition de tels crimes à l’avenir. / Central America, said to have harboured the Cold War’s last pitched battles, is the world’s most violent place today, according to the United Nations. This dissertation studies the form of irregular warfare that the Guatemalan state waged against its own population during the second half of the twentieth century. Through an analysis of a few extant perpetrator accounts as well as military and police sources, this study sheds light on the three main modes by which the Guatemalan government acted against individuals justly or falsely suspected of conspiring against an exclusionary status quo: kidnapping, torture and summary executions. Combined, these three separate acts constituted a covert apparatus of repression which, beginning in 1966, proved immensely efficient. As the weapon of choice for the practitioners of counterinsurgency warfare for over twenty years, the apparatus, not unlike a production line, allowed for the accumulation of intelligence that was essential for the prosecution of this kind of war, as well as the bodies that, in their perpetual absence or desecrated presence in the public domain, served as a deadly warning to the entire social body. Yet, what are the origins and history of this apparatus of state terror? Starting with the cited references in the Guatemalan military’s counter-insurgency field manual, the answer to this question led to French paratroopers for whom military defeat in Indochina and Algeria in the 1950s was not an option, and for whom victory justified all means necessary. The penchant of the pioneers of this form of no-holds-barred warfare for lectures, interviews and articles allowed us to study the methods they encouraged and to identify their tell-tale signs in Guatemala. While the war that justified the existence of this apparatus has ended, its reputable efficiency has allowed it to persevere among those who can afford to pay for its services today. In this sense, if the war has been formally over in Guatemala for over fifteen years, the counter-insurgency continues. This dissertation traces the roots of irregular warfare and how it played out in Guatemala. Historical sources, including state records and perpetrator accounts, make denial of the crimes committed in urban and rural settings, including genocide in 1982, ring hollow. Finally, present warning signs indicate that on-going violence and impunity in the country could lead to the repetition of such crimes in the future.
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Muži jako oběti domácího násilí / Men as victims of domestic violenceKUBIŠTA, Petr January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on issues of domestic violence (also known as domestic abuse) against men. It looks into the issue why male victims are not taken seriously by the Czech police forces. Domestic violence against men is less common than domestic violence against women. However those males affected by domestic abuse often struggle to find support in society and in the Czech law. They are often left to deal with the problems on their own. In many cases male victims are not treated seriously by society and police forces. It is very important to highlight this issue in society and find support by the Czech government. Abuse against men should be taken as seriously as violence on female victims. The focus should be on early intervention and prevention.
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Child sexual abuse by teachers in secondary schools in the Masvingo District, Zimbabwe : perceptions of selected stakeholdersMagwa, Simuforosa 09 1900 (has links)
Child sexual abuse is a widespread problem in schools globally. Learners are at risk of sexual abuse by teachers. This study set out to explore the perceptions of learners, teachers and educational psychologists on child sexual abuse by teachers in schools. Literature relating to child sexual abuse was reviewed with the aim of obtaining a solid theoretical foundation for the study.
The study is informed by the systems theory. In an attempt to provide acceptable answers to the research problem the qualitative phenomenological design was employed and semi-structured interviews were used to collect the data. Purposive sampling was used to select schools and participants in the Masvingo district in Zimbabwe. The schools selected are one rural day, one rural boarding, one urban day and one urban boarding. A total of 8 learners, 2 from each school, 8 teachers, 2 from each school and 3 educational psychologists from the district offices were selected bringing to a total of 19 participants. Accepted ethical measures were adhered to during the study. Tesch’s open coding method of data analysis was used to identify themes and categories.
The study indicated that child sexual abuse in schools is rampant and that teachers are among the perpetrators of this abuse. Child sexual abuse in schools is defined by the study as the unwelcome contact or non-contact sexual behaviour by a teacher on a learner. Findings from the study reveal that girls are more vulnerable to sexual abuse than boys and male teachers sexually abuse learners more than female teachers do. There are physical, behavioural, emotional and educational indicators of child sexual abuse. According to the results of the study multiple factors cause teachers to sexually abuse learners. Some of these factors include abuse of power by teachers, poverty of learners, lust on the part of the teacher, and disregard of law by teachers. Students were said to sometimes be contributors to their own sexual abuse through their seductive behaviours and dressing. It emerged from the study that child sexual abuse by teachers has a host of negative physical, emotional, psychological and educational repercussions on the sexually abused learner. It results in serious health effects such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS), unwanted pregnancy and psychological trauma. Poor academic performance and failure to complete education are consequences of sexual abuse. Findings from the study revealed that child sexual abuse by teachers in schools should not be tolerated and thus it should be prevented.
In light of these findings recommendations are made with regards to how various stakeholders in the school namely the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, Zimbabwe, policy makers, school heads, teachers, parents and learners can help fight this scourge. Areas for further research are proposed. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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Trestněprávní a kriminologické aspekty domácího násilí / Criminal Law and Criminological Aspects of Domestic ViolenceKrálová, Nicola January 2016 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is "Criminal Law and Criminological Aspects of Domestic Violence". The phenomenon of domestic violence transpires through the whole society; it is a socially-wide issue which has been present for a long period of time. Initially, domestic violence was considered to be a private problem not to be intervened by the state. However, in last 30 years this attitude has changed and the interception of domestic violence gone through a significant transformation. The society started to recognize this issue as a subject of a public concern which requires also state intervention. The complexity of domestic violence requires interdisciplinary approach. The first part of the thesis provides definition and general description of domestic violence. It describes elements of domestic violence (such as privateness, recurrence, long-term, inequality of the involved parties, escalation, etc.), its kinds and forms, rules and specifics which differentiates domestic violence from other types of violent conduct. Further, it describes causes of domestic violence and theories of causes leading to its occurrence. The end of the first chapter deals with the role of gender in domestic violence. Criminological part of the thesis presents view on the perpetrators and victims of domestic violence and more...
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Offer för lagens skott : En kvalitativ studie om journalistikens gestaltning av polisens dödsskjutning i Bagarmossen / Victim of the bullets of the lawDerblom Jobe, Michelle, Alisehovic, Dzenet January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the media coverage of a police shooting in Bagarmossen, Stockholm. According to the news the police claimed it was an act of self-defense as a man fired a gun at them which is why the man was shot to death, but a month later stated that the man had not even been armed. The following study seeks to analyze the differences and similarities between articles published before and after the modified information. It also examines social actors present and how the media portrays them. We applied discourse analysis on sixteen news articles to answer our research questions. The prominent differences we found were in the portrayals of the incident and the most protrusive social actors involved. Before the police changed their statement, the man shot dead was portrayed as a criminal with deviant behavior. After the changed statement, the media portrayed him as a family man with strong ties to his hometown. The police were another social actor in our study, portrayed before the changed statements as efficient with a strong work ethic. After, the police were portrayed as dishonest and lacking severely in their communication as a legitimate authority. One of the similarities found before and after the changed statement was the presence of the local community as a social actor and its significance for the news media's portrayal of the incident.
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Flickan som ville leva : En kvalitativ studie om rapporteringen kring försvinnandet och mordet av Wilma Andersson / The girl who wanted to live : A qualitative study of the news coverage surrounding the disappearance and death of Wilma AnderssonEssunger, Lovisa, Norén Mårtensson, Emma January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how two different newspapers covered the disappearance and murder of Wilma Andersson. The research questions were: How are the victim and perpetrator portrayed? What differences and similarities can we see in national news media versus local news media, and how did the image of the victim and perpetrator change over the course of the coverage? The method used was critical discourse analyses of 14 articles in the local newspaper Bohusläningen and the national tabloid Aftonbladet. By analysing the assigned characteristics from each source, it was determined that the victim, Wilma Andersson, was portrayed to the reader as a young and innocent girl. She was described as caring, responsible and ambitious. She was depicted as a girl with a bright future and love of life. The local newspaper labeled her as a part of the community, while the national tabloid focused on describing her character through family members. The perpetrator, Tishko Ahmed, was portrayed as a cold and sinister man who was indifferent to Wilma Andersson’s disappearance and death. However, early on in the national tabloid’s coverage he was also described as an everyday man. The local newspaper was more prone to cover the story in a neutral manner, while the national tabloid dramatized the event to a greater extent. Our study shows that the geographical distance between the newspaper and the place of the crime scene is the main factor in the differences between the portrayals of the people involved. The closer the newspaper is to the crime scene, the closer they are to people who knew the victim and perpetrator. This results in the newspaper being more cautious in how they cover the story.
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Advokační koalice a tvorba politik na ochranu před domácím násilím v České republice / Advocacy Coalitions and Making of Domectic Violence Policies in the Czech RepublicKlusáčková, Marie January 2012 (has links)
The research objective of this diploma theses is to deeply understand the proces of policy change in the field of prevention and fight against domestic violence in the Czech republic. The aim of the research part of the theses is to identify the main resources and factors of the policy and belief change, which determine the policies in the field of prevention and fight against the domestic violence. This means the orientation among key policy change actors and identification of advocacy coalitions that enforced policy changes. The research design was case study based on the semistructured interviews with experts and key actors. The Advocacy Coalition Framework has proved to be useful in drawing attention to the notion of changing values and belies systems as key source of policy change. It also highlighted the need to take into account factors external to the policy subsystem under investigation. Potential usefulness of the Framework can be found in further application to the field of human rights issues in the Czech republic.
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