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Perceptual Criterion Based Rate Control And Fast Mode Search For Spatial Intra Prediction In Video CodingNagori, Soyeb 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis dwells on two important problems in the field of video coding; namely rate control and spatial domain intra prediction. While the former is applicable generally to most video compression standards, the latter applies to recent advanced video compression standards such as H.264, VC1 and AVS.
Rate control regulates the instantaneous video bit-rate to maximize a picture quality metric while satisfying channel rate and buffer size constraints. Rate control has an important bearing on the picture quality of encoded video. Typically, a quality metric such as Peak Signal-to-Noise ratio (PSNR) or weighted signal-to-noise ratio (WSNR) is chosen out of convenience. However neither metric is a true measure of perceived video quality.
A few researchers have attempted to derive rate control algorithms with the combination of standard PSNR and ad-hoc perceptual metrics of video quality. The concept of using perceptual criterion for video coding was introduced in [7] within the context of perceptual adaptive quantization. In this work, quantization noise levels were adjusted such that more noise was allowed where it was less visible (busy and textured areas) while sensitive areas (typically flat and low detail regions) were finely quantized. Macro–blocks were classified into low detail, texture and edge areas depending on a classifier that studied the variance of sub-blocks within a macro-block (MB). The Rate models were trained from training sets of pre -classified video. One drawback of the above scheme as with standard PSNR was that neither accounts for the perceptual effect of motion. The work in [8] achieved this by assigning higher weights to the regions of the image that were experiencing the highest motion. Also, the center of the image and objects in the foreground are perceived as more important than the sides.
However, attempts to use perceptual metrics for video quality have been limited by the accuracy of the video quality metrics chosen. In the recent years, new and improved metrics of subjective quality have been invented and their statistical accuracy has been studied in a formal manner. Particularly interesting is the work undertaken by ITU and the Video quality experts group (VQEG). VQEG conducted two phases of testing; in the first pha se, several algorithms were tested but they were not found to be very accurate, in fact none were found to be any more accurate than PSNR based metric. In the second phase of testing a few years later, a few new algorithms were experimented with, and it wa s concluded that four of these did achieve results good enough to warrant their standardization as a part of ITU –T Recommendation J.144. These experiments are referred to as the FR-TV (Full Reference Television) phase-II evaluations. ITU-T J.144 does not explicitly identify a single algorithm but provides guidelines on the selection of appropriate techniques to objectively measure subjective video quality. It describes four reference algorithms as well as PSNR. Amongst the four, the NTIA General Video Quality Model (VQM), [11] is the best performing and has been adopted by American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as a North American standard T1.801.03. NTIA’s approach has been to focus on defining parameters that model how humans perceive video quality. These parameters have been combined using linear models to produce estimates of video quality that closely approximate subjective test results. NTIA General Video Quality Model (VQM) has been proven to have strong correlation with subjective quality.
In the first part of the thesis, we apply metrics motivated by NTIA-VQM model within a rate control algorithm to maximize perceptual video quality. We derive perceptual weights using key NTIA parameters to influence QP value used to decide degree of quantization. Our experiments demonstrate that a perceptual quality motivated standard TMN8 rate control in an H.263 encoder results in perceivable quality improvements over a baseline TMN8 rate control algorithm that uses a PSNR metric. Our experimental results on a set of 11 sequences show on an average reduction of 6% in bitrate using the proposed algorithm for the same perceptual quality as standard TMN-8.
The second part of our thesis work deals with spatial domain intra prediction used in advance video coding standard such as H.264. The H.264 Advanced Video coding standard [36] has been shown to achieve video quality similar to older standards such as MPEG2 and H.263 at nearly half the bit-rate. Generally, this compression improvement is attributed to several new tools that were introduced in H.264 – including spatial intra prediction, adaptive block size for motion compensation, in-loop de-blocking filter, context adaptive binary arithmetic coding (CABAC), and multiple reference frames.
While the new tools allow better coding efficiency, they also introduce additi onal computational complexity at both encoder and decoder ends. We are especially concerned here on the impact of Intra prediction on the computational complexity of the encoder. H.264 reference implementations such as JM [29] search through all allowed intra-rediction “modes” in order to find the optimal mode. While this approach yields the optimal prediction mode, it comes at an extremely heavy computational cost. Hence there is a lot of interest into well -motivated algorithms that reduce the computational complexity of the search for the best prediction mode, while retaining the quality advantages of full-search Intra4x4.
We propose a novel algorithm to reduce the complexity of full search by exploiting our knowledge of the source statistics. Specifically, we analyze the transform domain energy distribution of the original 4x4 block in different directions and use the results of our analysis to eliminate unlikely modes and reduce the search space for the optimal I ntra mode. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm achieves quality metrics (PSNR) similar to full search at nearly a third of the complexity.
This thesis has four chapters and is organized as follows, in the first chapter we introduce basics of video encoding and subsequently present exiting work in the area of perceptual rate control and introduce TMN-8 rate control algorithm in brief. At the end we introduce spatial domain intra prediction. In the second chapter we explain the challenges present in combining NTIA perceptual parameters with TMN8 rate control algorithm. We examine perceptual features used by NTIA from a video compression perspective and explain how the perceptual metrics capture typical compression artifacts. We next present a two pass perceptual rate control (PRCII) algorithm. Finally, we list experimental results on set of video sequences showing on an average of 6% bit-rate reduction by using PRC-II rate control over standard TMN-8 rate control. Chapter 3 contains part-II of our thesis work on, spatial domain intra prediction . We start by reviewing existing work in intra prediction and then present the details of our proposed intra prediction algorithm and experimental results. We finally conclude this thesis in chapter 4 and discuss direction for the future work on both our proposed algorithms.
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台灣地區大陸配偶社會適應問題之研究陳建成 Unknown Date (has links)
由於大陸配偶來台者日眾,在相關的社會新聞中,造成台灣民眾常抱持著偏執與異樣眼光看待她們,總將其視為外來者或麻煩製造者而產生了許多誤解,使她們在異鄉的生活適應上備感艱辛,諸如她們漂洋過海的婚姻動機為何?來台後對於兩岸的生活習慣與價值觀念之差異要如何適應?又將如何與台灣的社會相連結?對於國家與社群的認同為何?微視她們真正的心聲是值得我們作抽絲剝繭的探究。本文針對中國移民女性來台的社會適應問題進行研究,讓現實生活中的大陸配偶自己發聲,筆者實地去瞭解她們的生活底層,聆聽她們的心聲、感受與生活經驗,試從其自身的敘述中來勾勒出她們的「台灣經驗」,而非新聞媒體上所建構與杜撰的故事,或是三姑六婆們街頭巷尾的竊竊私語。 / Ever since Taiwan and PRC opened door for citizens to visit their relatives across Taiwan Straits, cross-border interactions from both sides are becoming more frequent. According to statistical data released by Taiwan government, more than 230 thousand PRC immigration requests to Taiwan have been granted by the end of 2005. In consequence, PRC residents are becoming the mainstream in Taiwan immigration population. Typically, cross-border marriage took place through matchmakers or relatives’ introduction or Taiwanese males actively create opportunities to know PRC female. Thereby female is the dominant gentile in PRC immigrant population. Due to different value systems, and vast cultural gap, it is not easy for PRC spouses to quickly adapt to the new environment and families. In addition, for lack of proper access to Taiwan social networks, PRC immigrants are usually isolated and speechless. And the issues become more severe as PRC immigrants increases in Taiwan.
From time to time, social incidents caused by PRC immigrants are mistakenly reported or even exaggerated by public media that lead to biased misunderstanding from Taiwanese pollution. And there’s virtually no chance for PRC spouses to speak up. In this paper, we will focus primarily on the following issues: what are the motivations of PRC spouses to come to Taiwan, how they adapt themselves to make up the cultural gap and the new value system, as well as how can they link up with Taiwan societies. Rather than referencing to media reports that could possibly be distorted, we chose to collect first hand experiences by face to face interviews with PRC spouses. Let’s listen to their genuine voice about their “Taiwan experiences”.
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財務報表審慎性比較:中國大陸會計準則vs.國際財務報導準則 / The Comparison between Conservatism of Financial Statements under PRC GAAP versus IFRS王中任 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的為透過中國大陸A股、B股公司財務報表之比較,探討相對於中國大陸會計準則(PRC GAAP),國際財務報導準則(IFRS)是否更具審慎性。研究方法採Khan and Watts在2009年發展之C_Score來衡量財務報表審慎性。研究期間為2001年初至2006年底,研究標的為在上海或深圳證券交易所同時掛牌上市A、B股之公司(意即同時按PRC GAAP及IFRS編製兩套財務報表之公司)。實證結果如下:
1.A股市場之C_Score小於B股市場之C_Score,顯示相對於依照PRC GAAP編製之財務報表,依照IFRS編製之財務報表其審慎性較高。
3.無論是針對A股或B股市場進行事務所規模之比較,均顯示在中國大陸,四大事務所查核之財務報表,其審慎性不但不如非四大事務所,而且在A股市場甚至不具審慎性。 / Using C_Score developed by Khan Watts(2009) to test the financial statements of Chinese companies which have both the A-Share and B-Share listed on the stock exchange marke of Shanghai and Shenzhen during 2001 to 2006, this study aims to examime whether International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS) are more conservative than People’s Republic of China’s generally accepted accounting principles(PRC GAAP). The empirical results are as follows:
1.The average C_Score of A-Share companies is smaller than B-Share Companies, which means that, as compared to PRC GAAP-based financial statements, IFRS-based financial statements are more conservative.
2.Regardless of whether the comparison is between A-Share and B-Share companies in a specific industry, or between industries in a specific stock market, the results show some industry effect on the conservatism of financial statements.
3.Regardless of whether the stock is traded on the A-Share or B-Share market, the results show that in China, financial statements audited by Big 4 are not more conservative than non Big 4. In fact, for stocks traded on the A-Share stock market, financial statements audited by Big 4 are not conservative at all.
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Aktuální aspekty čínsko-tchajwanských vztahů / Current aspects of cross-strait relationsJanáčková, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to assess present situation and current aspects of cross-strait relations in the area of mutual negotiation, achieved progress as well as possible future development. First, a brief summary of existing historic development of mutual relations of China and Taiwan is presented with the emphasis laid on historic moments influencing attitude and relations of both states. The main factors that have a significant influence on views and behaviour of both China and Taiwan and on their relationship as well are identified in the next chapter. The last chapter deals with the future of cross-strait relations; the main possible alternatives of prospective development of mutual relations of both sides of the Taiwan Strait with reference to the above mentioned factors are presented. The conclusion summarizes the main problems of current cross-strait relations and it also evaluates which variant of the future development of mutual relations of China and Taiwan is the most probable one.
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Systémy protiraketové obrany v oblasti severovýchodní Asie a jejich vliv na strategické chování ČLR v regionu / Missile Defence in Northeast Asia and its Influence on the Chinese Strategic BehaviourMareš, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
Master thesis analyzes strategic behavior of the PRC in the region of the Northeast Asia in direct relationship with regional missile defense. The aim is to analyze motives of China`s regional strategic behavior with respect to the specific technological element (= Theatre Missile Defense) on the basis of predetermined analytical levels: realistic, liberal and constructivist. But there are great differences in technological configuration of individual missile defense systems or in the configuration of the relationship of regional actors with the PRC. Thus the thesis will comprise of case studies analyzing the complex relationship of the PRC and regional actors (that are creating regional missile defense). The creation of regional missile defense can endanger China`s vital strategic interests (in the region of Northeast Asia) under specific conditions. But the regional strategic behaviour of the PRC is moderate. The aim is to explain, why the PRC does not change its regional strategic behavior in direct connection with emerging theater missile defence.
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Политический дискурс оппозиционных партий (на примере предвыборных программ партий Великобритании, Франции и КНР) : магистерская диссертация / Political Discourse of the Opposition Parties (by the Example of Electoral Programs of the Oppositional Parties of the UK, France and the PRC)Лузганова, А. А., Luzganova, A. A. January 2020 (has links)
The paper shows that the use of linguistic mechanisms of political discourse plays a large role in the construction of electoral campaigns in all cases examined. The mechanisms of manipulation of different countries depend on the characteristics of the country's political communication. The study and the correct use of mechanisms allows a politician to wage an effective struggle for power, which is the main goal of any political activity. / В работе показано, что использование лингвистических механизмов политического дискурса играет большую роль при построении электоральных кампаний во всех рассмотренных кейсах. Механизмы манипуляции разных стран зависят от особенностей политической коммуникации страны. Изучение и корректное использование механизмов позволяет политическому деятелю вести результативную борьбу за власть, что является главной целью любой политической деятельности.
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Роль банковской системы Китайской Народной Республики в развитии национальной экономики : магистерская диссертация / The role of the banking system of the People's Republic of China in the development of the national economyЛи, Ю., Li, Y. January 2024 (has links)
The structure of the master's thesis includes an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources used and applications. The first chapter examines the methodological foundations and basic principles of banking. The second chapter examines the features of the banking system of the People's Republic of China (China) in modern conditions. The third chapter reveals the role of commercial banks in China in the development of the country's national economy. In conclusion, the main conclusions are drawn. / Структура магистерской диссертации включает в себя введение, три главы, заключение, список использованных источников и приложения. В первой главе рассмотрены методологические основы и основные принципы банковской деятельности. Во второй главе исследованы особенности деятельности банковской системы КНР (Китая) в современных условиях. В третьей главе раскрыта роль коммерческих банков Китая в развитии национальной экономики страны. В заключении сформированы основные выводы.
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中共和美國會談與台海危機關聯性之研究(1955-1963) / The Study of Connection Between PRC - USA Talks and Taiwan Strait Crisisses (1955-1963)李俊融, Li, Jiun-Rong Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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「國家」行銷—公眾外交的新思維 / the marketing of "nation": the new thinking of public diplomacy曾秉芳, Tseng, Ping-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要的研究成果有四:第一,是從文獻的討論中,指出「國際宣傳」與「公眾外交」的差異。第二,是蒐集1965年至2005年間,學界討論公眾外交的變化。第三,是建構一套「國家」行銷分析架構,試圖描述、解釋並研究一國公眾外交政策的發展。第四,是以中國的公眾外交為例,補足目前學術界在亞洲個案上的空缺。 / This thesis paper drew four conclusions: (1) illustrated the difference between “international propaganda” and “public diplomacy” (2) collected and cataloged different definitions of “public diplomacy” (3) established the analytical model-the marketing of “nation”, trying to describe, explain or predict the whole scenery of “public diplomacy” (4) taking the public diplomacy of People’s Republic of China(PRC) for example, examined the effectiveness of the marketing of “nation”.
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本文將採用溫特的社會建構論做為研究的理論框架,亦即建構主義中的三個I:認同(身分)、利益和制度。以社會建構論應用在兩岸關係上是有其意義的,同時也顧及了國際關係理論做為一種積累式學科的特殊性。根據社會建構論指出,國家認同(身分)是透過文化規則以塑造,如1980年代臺灣人民對於民主的認知,及1970年代之後中國自由化的過程,都是其政治文化的一部分。因此,國家認同(身分)在以利益為驅動的國際關係下,必須以「國與國」的關係所取代。本文將以1970-80年代兩岸關係做為案列,解釋國家認同(身分)在「國與國」的關係中的使用。 / The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the state identity in the state-to-state relations of mainland China and Taiwan. Following the ‘liberalization’ process on the mainland in the late 1970s and Taiwan’s ‘democratization’ of the 1980s, a thawing of relations between the PRC and the ROC was effected. The subsequent exchange between both sides of the Taiwan Strait has included such important changes as the ROC government’s lifting of travel and trade-related restrictions to mainland China in 1987. More importantly, when one-party rule was lifted the people of Taiwan were given the chance to shape the political landscape with the help of democratic reforms which gave a new substance to the political nature of the exchange.
The focal point of this study will be the argument that the ‘democratization’ and the ‘liberalization’ processes on both sides is not only because of the regime change but also the ideological shift caused by a number of extra-political factors, most notably economic factors. Although no effective mechanism for long-lasting peace has been established in Cross-Strait Relations since the end of the militarized disputes between the PRC and the ROC in 1979, this period also witnessed a shift in policy towards social liberalization along with an increased emphasis on economic development on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. I will approach the relationship between ‘democratization’ or ‘liberalization’ and Cross-Strait Relations through three focal questions:
i.How has it been the effect of state identity in the late 1970s and 1980s in China and in Taiwan under their respective leaderships?
ii.How did these developments within the two Chinese entities affect relations across the Taiwan Strait?
iii.How will both sides modify their policies in the future to create circumstances more conducive to reconciliation with the other side?
I intend to use Wendt's Social Constructivist theory as the theoretical framework of the research on the basis of “3 I’s of Social Constructivism”, namely ‘Identity, Interest and Institution’. The application of Social Constructivism as an International Relations theory to Cross-Strait Relations aims to be relevant and persuasive considering the ad hoc –event driven– characteristic of International Relations as a discipline being accumulative. In Social Constructivism, state identities shape through the cultural norms, such as the Taiwanese perception of democracy as part of its own political culture in the early 1980s and the liberalization process of China from the late 1970s onwards. The state identity, therefore, makes room for the state-to-state relations under the International Relations driven by the national interest. The effect of the state identity in the state-to-state relations in the case study of Cross-Strait Relations, in the late 1970s and in the late 1980s respectively, will be comprehensively subjected to examination in my research.
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