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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Case Study of Grade-Level Meetings and Coaching Conversations

Salmon, Joseph L. 29 June 2012 (has links)
The goal of this research project was to determine the content of the discourse occurring in grade-level meetings and coaching sessions and participants' perceptions of how the conversations in these two venues impacted learning and practice for individual teachers. Learning Forward's Standard for Professional Learning (2001) recommended that teachers organize into learning communities providing continuous learning opportunities to enhance adult learning and collaboration. Little (2003a) found that research was lacking that described the dynamics of communities of practice that promote teacher learning. It was in the content of the discourse that a proxy for evidence was found that the actions of the instructional coaches and grade-level meetings impact teacher growth. A case study was utilized to examine these structures and processes for job-embedded professional development at a school located in the eastern United States. Research questions focused on the nature of the discourse among teachers and coaches in the grade-level meetings and in individual coaching conversations. Teachers reported what they felt that they learned in the grade-level meetings and the coaching discussions. Additionally, teachers stated what they did differently as a result of this method of professional learning occurring in grade-level meetings and coaching discussions. Finally, the school's improvement plans were compared with the conversations in the grade-level meetings and coaching sessions. Verbatim transcriptions of recordings of grade-level meetings and coaching sessions provided data which revealed categories of content, coaching roles, and patterns of discourse. The goals of the meetings and coaching were to ensure communication about school district policies and to set expectations for teacher performance and student learning. Assertions generated provided patterns of discourse that identified roles of the principal, coaches, and teachers. This investigation utilized a descriptive content discourse analysis and found support for the finding that the actions of this emerging community of practice were directed by federal, state, and local polices for teacher performance and student learning. Patterns of discourse revealed roles of administration, coaches, and teachers as they collaborated to negotiate meaning through the building of a shared repertoire. Interview data revealed that these dynamics enhanced teacher growth in many cases; however, lack of teacher input may have limited some potential opportunities. / Ed. D.

A Continental-Scale Investigation of Factors Controlling the Vulnerability of Soil Organic Matter in Mineral Horizons to Decomposition

Weiglein, Tyler Lorenz 30 July 2019 (has links)
Soil organic matter (SOM) is the largest terrestrial pool of organic carbon (C), and potential carbon-climate feedbacks involving SOM decomposition could exacerbate anthropogenic climate change. Despite the importance of SOM in the global C cycle, our understanding of the controls on SOM stabilization and decomposition is still developing, and as such, SOM dynamics are a source of major uncertainty in current Earth system models (ESMs), which reduces the effectiveness of these models in predicting the efficacy of climate change mitigation strategies. To improve our understanding of controls on SOM decomposition at scales relevant to such modeling efforts, A and upper B horizon soil samples from 22 National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) sites spanning the conterminous U.S. were incubated for 52 weeks under conditions representing site-specific mean summer temperature and horizon-specific field capacity (-33 kPa) water potential. Cumulative CO2 respired was periodically measured and normalized by soil organic C content to obtain cumulative specific respiration (CSR). A two-pool decomposition model was fitted to the CSR data to calculate decomposition rates of fast- (kfast) and slow-cycling pools (kslow). Post-LASSO best subsets multiple linear regression was used to construct horizon-specific models of significant predictors for CSR, kfast, and kslow. Significant predictors for all three response variables consisted mostly of proximal factors related to clay-sized fraction mineralogy and SOM composition. Non-crystalline minerals and lower SOM lability negatively affected CSR for both A and B horizons. Significant predictors for decomposition rates varied by horizon and pool. B horizon decomposition rates were positively influenced by nitrogen (N) availability, while an index of pyrogenic C had a negative effect on kfast in both horizons. These results reinforce the recognized need to explicitly represent SOM stabilization via interactions with non-crystalline minerals in ESMs, and they also suggest that increased N inputs could enhance SOM decomposition in the subsoil, highlighting another mechanism beyond shifts in temperature and precipitation regimes that could alter SOM decomposition rates. / Master of Science / Soils contain a large amount of carbon (C) in the form of soil organic matter (SOM), and there is the potential for the increased decomposition of SOM due to warmer temperatures to cause climate change to become worse through the release of additional CO₂ into the atmosphere. However, we still do not know exactly what is most important for predicting how vulnerable SOM is to decomposition at continental scales, and this results in a substantial amount of uncertainty in Earth system models used to predict climate change. To address this question, the proportion of organic C decomposed in soil samples from the topsoil and subsoil from 22 sites across the conterminous U.S. was monitored over the course of a year under optimal moisture conditions and at site-specific summer temperature. Additionally, a mathematical model was fitted to the proportion of organic C decomposed over time to estimate decomposition rates of a quickly decomposing pool of SOM and a slowly decomposing pool of SOM. The proportion of organic C decomposed and decomposition rates were related to soil and site properties using multiple linear regression to find which soil and site properties were most important for predicting these response variables. The type of clay-sized mineral and SOM chemical composition were found to be important predictors of the proportion of organic C decomposed for both topsoil and subsoil samples. The important predictors for decomposition rates varied by pool and by topsoil vs. subsoil. For subsoil decomposition rates, it was found that a greater availability of nitrogen (N) increased decomposition rates, and in the quickly decomposing pool, it was found that fire-derived organic matter slowed decomposition rates. The results of this study showed the general importance of local factors for controlling SOM decomposition. Specifically, it showed that the type of clay-sized mineral present at a site needs to be considered as well as the fact that N might increase SOM decomposition in the subsoil.

Lärares högläsning och elevers språkutveckling : En kvalitativ studie som undersöker lärares arbete med högläsning av skönlitteratur i relation till elevers språkutveckling

Evertsson, Maja January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur mellanstadielärare arbetar med högläsning av skönlitteratur samt om högläsningen används som en strategi för att främja elevernas språkutveckling. Studien utgår ifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv och främst begreppen den proximala utvecklingszonen och stöttning. I studien används en kvalitativ metod och empirin har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och analyserats genom en tematisk analysmetod. Resultatet som framkommer i studien visar att lärarna använder sig av flera olika arbetssätt när de arbetar med och kring högläsning av skönlitteratur. Resultatet i studien visar även att det finns flera olika syften till varför lärarna väljer att arbeta som de gör med högläsningen. Avslutningsvis framkommer av studiens resultat att deltagarna anser att det finns en positiv och stark relation mellan högläsning av skönlitteratur och elevers språkutveckling.

Digitala verktyg i svenskundervisningen för elever i årskurs 4-6 : Lärares upplevelser och erfarenheter

Cederqvist, Fredrik, Berggren, Måns January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att öka kunskapen om på vilka olika sätt användandet av digitala verktyg påverkar undervisningen i ämnet svenska ur ett lärarperspektiv. Metoden är kvalitativ och består av intervjuer med lärare. Ett informationsbrev och en samtyckesblankett skickades ut till respondenterna som deltog i undersökningen. Samtliga respondenter fick ta del av intervjufrågorna i förväg och dessa frågor riktade in sig på positiva aspekter, negativa aspekter och motivation gällande digitala verktyg i svenskundervisningen. Vi har intervjuat åtta legitimerade lärare som undervisar eller har undervisat elever som går i årskurs 4 – 6 för att ta reda hur de tycker och upplever hur digitala verktyg påverkar svenskundervisningen. Resultatet visar att digitala verktyg både har positiv och negativ inverkan på svenskundervisningen och att en medelväg av användandet ofta gynnar undervisningen bäst.

Efectividad a lo largo del tiempo de la prótesis inversa de hombro por fractura aguda

González Casanueva, Julia 25 September 2023 (has links)
Antecedentes: La prótesis inversa de hombro (PIH) proporciona buenos resultados para el tratamiento de las fracturas complejas de húmero proximal en personas mayores con baja calidad ósea. Sabemos por la literatura que los resultados funcionales son buenos a corto plazo, pero no si dichos resultados se mantienen estables a largo plazo o, por el contrario, presentan un deterioro de la funcionalidad. Objetivo: Analizar la evolución del resultado funcional tras un seguimiento mínimo de 7 años de una cohorte de pacientes tratados con PIH por fractura compleja aguda del húmero proximal. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional analítico, longitudinal y prospectivo de una cohorte de pacientes sometidos a tratamiento por una fractura de húmero proximal mediante PIH. El resultado funcional se evaluó mediante la escala de Constant y el Constant ajustado para la edad y género de los pacientes. La calidad de vida se midió mediante la escala de «University of California at Los Angeles Shoulder Assessment» (UCLA) y la escala «Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand score» (DASH). Además, se evaluó el rango de movilidad, el dolor y las variables radiológicas de aflojamiento, muesca escapular y consolidación de las tuberosidades. Resultados: Fueron incluidos 33 pacientes con un seguimiento medio postoperatorio de 8,3 años (rango 7-12 años). Hubo una disminución progresiva y significativa de la puntuación Constant en el seguimiento a los 5 y 7 años respecto a la evaluación inicial realizada a los 2 años de la cirugía, aunque el tamaño del efecto no fue relevante. El Constant ajustado a edad y sexo al igual que la escala UCLA no mostraron variaciones estadísticamente significativas a lo largo del seguimiento. La abducción y flexión anterior del hombro, y la puntuación en la escala DASH mostraron un empeoramiento significativo a los 7 años. Tanto la abducción como la flexión anterior de hombro presentaron una correlación buena con la puntuación final en la escala DASH. Las variables radiológicas no influyeron en ninguna de las variables de resultado del estudio. Conclusión: La PIH presenta un empeoramiento de la función a consecuencia probablemente del envejecimiento de los pacientes a lo largo de un seguimiento medio. Dado que el deterioro funcional es clínicamente poco relevante, consideramos que el tratamiento mediante PIH es una opción efectiva y segura para el manejo de las fracturas complejas de húmero proximal en pacientes adultos y de edad avanzada con calidad ósea deficiente.

Isolated greater tuberosity fractures of the proximal humerus : validation and clinical implications for a new radiologic measurement method and classification

Mutch, Jennifer 05 1900 (has links)
Pre-publication drafts are reproduced with permission and copyright © 2013 of the Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma [Mutch J, Rouleau DM, Laflamme GY, Hagemeister N. Accurate Measurement of Greater Tuberosity Displacement without Computed Tomography: Validation of a method on Plain Radiography to guide Surgical Treatment. J Orthop Trauma. 2013 Nov 21: Epub ahead of print.] and copyright © 2014 of the British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery [Mutch JAJ, Laflamme GY, Hagemeister N, Cikes A, Rouleau DM. A new morphologic classification for greater tuberosity fractures of the proximal humerus: validation and clinical Implications. Bone Joint J 2014;96-B:In press.] / Les fractures isolées de la Grosse Tubérosité (GT) de l’humerus proximal sont rares et peu étudiées. Trois problèmes importants existent: 1: Même si 5mm + de déplacement supérieur du GT est cité comme indication chirurgicale, les mesures basées sur radiographie peuvent errer de plus que 10mm. 2: Les classifications de Neer et l’AO décrivent seulement un type de fracture de GT (gros fragment, ligne de fracture verticale). Deux autres types de fracture existent: type fracture-avulsion avec petit fragment osseux et type Hill-Sachs très latéral. 3: On manque d’études de pronostic ou de traitement des fractures de GT selon la morphologie. Article 1 montre et évalue une méthode simple de mesurer le déplacement supérieur de la GT (le GT ratio) sur les radiographies standard; ceci corrèle très bien avec tomographie (CT). Article 2 introduit une méthode de classification Morphologique des fractures de GT (Avulsion, Split, Dépression) qui a une fiabilité de bonne à excellente. Les données échographiques, radiologiques, et cliniques de 54 patients porteurs de fracture de GT (suivie moyenne 2.5 années) sont aussi incluses. Les patients <50 ans ont eu plus de déchirures de la coiffe et ceux avec fractures déplacées (≥ 5mm) avaient plus d’atrophie du susépineux. Les déchirures complètes de la coiffe et l’atrophie du susépineux augmentaient l’atteinte permanente. La morphologie des fractures de GT n’a pas eu un impact significatif sur le pronostic. Cependant, l’âge, le sexe, et le taux de luxation glénohumérale étaient différents selon le type de fracture et ceci pourrait refléter la pathophysiologie. Une évaluation plus précise de l’impact de la Morphologie des fractures de GT sur le pronostic et traitement nécessitera une étude prospective multicentrique. / Isolated fractures of the Greater Tuberosity (GT) of the proximal humerus are rare and a challenge to study. Three main problems arise: 1: Though 5mm+ superior GT displacement is often a surgical indication, measurement errors on radiographs may surpass 10mm. 2: The Neer and AO classifications describe only one type of GT fracture (large fragment, vertical fracture line). Two other fracture types have been described: an avulsion-type (small fragment), and a very lateral Hill-Sachs-type. 3: There are no studies on the treatment or prognosis of GT fractures according to fracture morphology. Article 1 introduces and tests a simple method to measure superior GT displacement (the GT ratio) using standard radiographs; this correlates very well with computed tomography (CT). Article 2 presents the Morphologic classification for GT fractures. It describes three fracture types (Avulsion, Split, Depression) and has good to excellent reliability. The ultrasonographic, radiologic, and clinical results of 54 patients (average follow-up 2.5 years) with isolated GT fractures are then described. Patients <50 years had higher rates of rotator cuff tears and displaced (≥ 5mm) GT fractures were associated with supraspinatus atrophy. Both full rotator cuff tears and supraspinatus atrophy resulted in poor outcomes. The impact of fracture morphology on prognosis was not significant. However, age, sex, and associated glenohumeral dislocation differed by fracture type and this may reflect their pathophysiology. A more thorough evaluation of the prognosis and treatment of GT fractures by morphologic type would require a prospective multicenter study.

Escala cartográfica linear: estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem junto aos estudantes de geografia do IGDEMA/UFAL - 2013 / Linear cartographic scale: teaching/learning strategies with students of geography of the IGDEMA/UFAL 2013

Andrade, Umbelino Oliveira de 16 March 2015 (has links)
Uma proporção significativa dos alunos dos cursos de graduação em Geografia do IGDEMA/UFAL apresenta dificuldades na aprendizagem de Cartografia, particularmente de escala cartográfica linear. Pouquíssimos trabalhos apresentaram situações similares em outras universidades do Brasil e propuseram alternativas mitigadoras, embora com ênfase no curso de licenciatura. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho tomou como objetivo desenvolver um procedimento de otimização da aprendizagem de escala cartográfica linear por meio da conscientização e motivação prévias discentes e contrapartidas bilaterais na aplicação de um processo de ensino-aprendizagem junto aos alunos do segundo período de graduação em Geografia do IGDEMA/UFAL em 2013/2. As bases teóricas adotadas para tal foram um conceito da psicologia pedagógica processo educativo trilateral , dois conceitos da teoria socioconstrutivista internalização das funções psicológicas superiores e zona de desenvolvimento proximal e a teoria da andragogia. Coerente com o objetivo e com respaldos das bases teóricas, foi aplicado o método de aula expositiva adaptado à implementação do processo pedagógico. Este processo envolveu a fase de avaliação prévia (exposição e prática preparatórias e posterior diálogo) e a fase de avaliação definitiva (exposições e práticas mais concentradas). Por ser preponderante, a avaliação definitiva precisou atender às exigências de planejamento e procedimentos administrativos, a fim de se minimizar a relativa falta de fidedignidade de seus escores para, em seguida, submeter-se a duas etapas obrigatórias do processo da sua validação. A primeira, que foi a verificação do requisito da validade, se deu por processo qualitativo em prol da representatividade de seu conteúdo mediante o universo Escala Cartográfica e dessa aprendizagem; e a segunda etapa, verificação do requisito da fidedignidade, processou-se pela análise estatística de consistência interna entre seus quesitos. Como a avaliação definitiva atendeu a esses requisitos de validação, as suas medidas de aprendizagem se tornaram confiáveis para os testes de diferenças aplicados conjuntamente com as medidas de aprendizagem similares da avaliação prévia. Assim, obteve-se o nível de êxito do processo pedagógico aplicado. Como resultado, a comparação dos dados das duas avaliações não indicou evolução esperada das notas de cada aluno. Então como causas desse resultado, em função da parte expressiva dos alunos, podem ser citadas: o processo aplicado se revelou ambicioso, a prática de variados exercícios mesmo com auxílio de demonstrações de cálculos revelou-se um desafio e modificações de escala cartográfica se revelaram problemática. Dessa forma, a conclusão é que esse processo de ensino-aprendizagem precisa ser revisto em parte, ou seja, revelam-se necessários procedimentos pedagógicos para esses estudantes ainda dependentes em virtude de fatores limitantes, particularmente a base matemática ineficiente. / A significant proportion of the undergraduates in the geography courses of the IGDEMA/UFAL present learning difficulties, particularly in relation to liner cartographic scale. Very few papers have identified similar situations in other universities in Brazil and have proposed mitigation alternatives, although with an emphasis on teaching degree courses. In this context, this work aimed at developing a learning procedure in order to optimize the learning of linear cartographic scale through awareness development and previous student motivation, as well as through bilateral counterparts in implementing a teaching/learning process focused on the se undergraduates of the second term in the first year of studies in Geography course of the IGDEMA/UFAL program, in 2013/2. The theoretical framework of the study included one concept of the pedagogical psychology trilateral educational process , two concepts of the social constructivist theory internalization of higher psychological functions, and proximal development zone as well as the andragogy theory. In order to be coherent with the study objective and the adopted theoretical framework, the expositive teaching method was used, although adapted to the target pedagogical process. This process involved a prior evaluation phase (presentation and preparatory practices and subsequent dialogue) and the phase of final assessment (presentations and more focused practices). Because it is preponderant, the definitive assessment had to meet planning requirements and administrative procedures, in order to minimize the relative unreliability of the scores, so that it could undergo the two mandatory steps of the process of validation. The first step verification of the validity requirement was implemented through a qualitative process, observing the representativeness of its content, based upon the Cartographic Scale universe and related learning; and the second step, verification of the reliability requirement, was developed through statistical analysis for the internal consistency of the adopted questions. As the final evaluation met these validation requirements, their learning measures were considered to be reliable for testing differences, applied within the similar learning measures of the prior assessment. As a result, the comparative data of both evaluations did not indicate the expected evolution in the students grades. Then, as those results reasons, considering the biggest amount of the students, we may cite: the applied process was too much ambitious, the practice of varied exercises though with calculation demonstrations, could be considered a challenge, and cartographic scale changes seemed to cause problems to them. Hence, the conclusion is that this teaching/learning process needs to be revised in part, which means, pedagogical proceeds might be necessary for those still dependent students, considering these limitation factors, particularly the insufficient mathematics basis.

My penguin pal : o desenvolvimento da proficiência linguística através do jogo eletrônico : Club Penguin

Smolinski, Conie Helena 07 March 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Mariana Dornelles Vargas (marianadv) on 2015-05-08T19:23:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 penguin_pal.pdf: 2970755 bytes, checksum: e323baab15deb3b73a8f9191a0da9960 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-08T19:23:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 penguin_pal.pdf: 2970755 bytes, checksum: e323baab15deb3b73a8f9191a0da9960 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-07 / Nenhuma / O presente estudo investiga os efeitos da inserção do jogo eletrônico Club Penguin (disponível em videogame e em ambiente virtual - www.clubpenguin.com) nas aulas particulares de inglês como segunda língua (L2) a alunos gêmeos, de 7 anos, em processo de alfabetização. O advento da tecnologia trouxe consigo uma cultura própria - a cibercultura, que também envolve as crianças e que pode ser explorada para potencializar a aprendizagem. Utilizamos, nesta pesquisa, uma base teórica sociocultural, fundamentada no trabalho de Vygotsky, e fizemos uma releitura desta, considerando-a para o contexto de jogos eletrônicos. Os dados foram coletados utilizando-se gravações de áudio e vídeo, bem como diário de campo e documentos gerados nas aulas, durante o segundo semestre de 2010. Através de análise qualitativa, verificamos que as características do brincar e do aprender se ampliam no ambiente digital, bem como as possibilidades de interações entre os jogadores. Observamos que os participantes desta pesquisa tiveram avanços na Zona de Desenvolvimento Proximal, propiciados pela prática do andaimento entre pares ou com a professora. Eles também se apropriaram de vocabulário, de estruturas e da cultura da língua alvo, aumentaram o tempo dedicado ao jogo (e, consequentemente, ao estudo da L2) e ampliaram o uso da L2 em aula. / The present study examines the effects of the introduction of the electronic game Club Penguin (available in videogame and in virtual environment - www.clubpenguin.com) into the private English classes as a second language (L2) to seven-year-old twin students. The advance in technology has brought up its own culture – the cyberculture, which also fascinates kids and may be explored to enhance learning. We have used, for this research, a sociocultural theoretical base, grounded on the work of Vygotsky, and we have looked at a new approach of that, considering it to the context of electronic games. The data has been collected through audio and video recordings, and through the diary and documents produced in class, during the second semester of 2010. By means of qualitative analysis, we have noticed that the characteristics of playing and learning are amplified in the digital environment, as well as the possibilities of interactions among players. We have assessed that the participants of this research have had progress at the Zone of Proximal Development, stimulated by the practice of scaffolding among pairs or with the teacher. They have also acquired the L2 vocabulary, structures and culture; increased the time dedicated to the game (and, consequently, to L2 study); and expanded the use of L2 in class.

L'art au collège : quels effets pour les élèves ? un observatoire dans une classe expérimentale / Art at school : what effects for students ? observatory in experimental class / El arte en el instituto : ¿ Qué efectos para los alumnos ? un observatorio en una clase experimental

Choquet, Céline 07 October 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche doctorale a pour axe l’élaboration et la mise à l’épreuve d’un modèle évaluatif de l’éducation artistique centré sur les effets de l’art et les normes d’un atelier. Au cœur de ce modèle  : la « pédagogie » de l’artiste et sa relation avec l’élève, s’adressant à un sujet à part entière, visant à développer sa singularité et son autonomie au sein du collectif grâce à la création partagée. La thèse développe l'hypothèse d'une «  zone proximale de développement spécifique » (A. Kerlan, 2008) générée par le travail artistique et l'expérience esthétique dans une co-construction favorisant un processus de subjectivation pour le jeune, grâce à l’instauration d’un « espace de création » (D. W. Winnicott, 1975). Elle montre comment cette subjectivation passe nécessairement en atelier par un travail double de socialisation et d’individuation, dans les domaines cognitif, social et personnel. Sur le plan empirique, la recherche s’appuie sur les données recueillies dans le cadre d’un observatoire que l’on peut qualifier de microsociologique : il s’agit d’une classe artistique expérimentale, située dans un collège en zone d’éducation prioritaire, à Montpellier, ayant reçu des artistes professionnels en résidence durant quatre années, entre trois et six heures par semaine. Grâce à des méthodes qualitatives (observations directes d’un millier d’heures, films, photographies ainsi qu’une trentaine d’entretiens compréhensifs et semi-directifs) les résultats tendent à démontrer que la mise en place de résidences d’artistes sur la durée, à l’image de l’expérimentation longitudinale présentée dans la présente thèse, permet de proposer une éducation par l’art servant la formation de la personne dans son être global. / This doctoral research has for main line the development and testing of an evaluative model of arts education focused on the effects of art and the standards of a workshop. The central issue of this model: the "teaching skills" of the artist and his relationship with the student, addressing a subject in itself, to develop its uniqueness and autonomy within the group through the shared creation. The thesis develops the hypothesis of a "zone of proximal development specific" (A. Kerlan, 2008) generated by the artistic work and aesthetic experience in a co-construction encouraging a process of subjectivation for the young, thanks to establishment of a "creative space" (Winnicott, 1975). It shows how this subjectivity necessarily going in the studio with a double work of socialization and individuation, in the cognitive, social and personal. Empirically, the research is based on data collected as part of an observatory that can qualify for the micro: it is an experimental artistic class, located in a college education area priority in Montpellier, having received professional artists in residence for four years, between three and six hours per week. Through qualitative methods (direct observation of a thousand hours, films, photographs and a thirty understanding and semi-structured interviews) the results suggest that the development of artists in residences duration, like the longitudinal experiments presented in this thesis, allows us to offer an education in art for the formation of the whole person be global. / Esta investigación doctoral se centra en la elaboración y la puesta a prueba de un modelo evaluador de la educación artística centrada en los efectos del arte y las normas de un taller. En el centro de este modelo: la 'pedagogía' del artista y su relación con el estudiante, afín de dirigirse à un sujeto plenamente, para desarrollar su singularidad y su autonomía dentro del colectivo a través de la creación compartida. La tesis desarrolla la hipótesis de una "zona proximal de desarrollo específico" (A. Kerlan, 2008) generada por el trabajo artístico y la experiencia estética en una co-construcción que favorece un proceso de subjetivación de los jóvenes, mediante el establecimiento de un "espacio de creación" (D. W. Winnicott, 1975). Muestra cómo esta subjetivación en el taller pasa necesariamente por un doble trabajo de socialización y de individualización, en los ámbitos cognitivo, social y personal. En el marco empírico, la investigación se basa en los datos recogidos en el contexto de un observatorio que podría describirse como micro-sociológico: Se trata de una clase experimental artística situada en un colegio de una zona de educación prioritaria en Montpellier, que ha recibido a artistas profesionales en residencia durante cuatro años, entre tres y seis horas por semana. A través de métodos cualitativos (observaciones directas de mil horas, películas, fotografías, así como unas treinta entrevistas comprensivas y semiestructuradas), los resultados tienden a demostrar que el establecimiento de residencias de artistas en la duración, a la imagen de la experimentación longitudinal presentada en esta tesis, permite ofrecer una educación artística para la formación de la persona en su ser global.

Transcriptoma, sítios de ligação para fatores de transcrição e região promotora de cana-de-açúcar / Transcriptome, transcription factors binding sites, and sugarcane promoter region

Oliveira, Mauro de Medeiros 26 September 2018 (has links)
O Brasil tem a maior produção de cana-de-açúcar do mundo. O cultivo de cana-de-açúcar no Brasil está voltado principalmente para a produção de açúcar ou Etanol e nos últimos anos para a produção de bioeletricidade através da utilização da biomassa do bagaço e da palha. Apesar da importância econômica e do potencial sustentável que a cana-de-açúcar apresenta, o genoma de referência para esta cultura ainda não está disponível na literatura. A principal justificativa para isso está na complexidade do mesmo, em especial pela alopoliploidia e autopoliploidia. De fato esta característica é a principal barreira para o desenvolvimento de novas variedades comerciais. Na literatura há diferentes estratégias que visam contribuir com o conhecimento genômico de cana-de-açúcar sendo mais prevalente dados de transcriptoma e pouca informação sobre o processo de regulação gênica. Além disso, diferente do que é observado em outras culturas comerciais, em cana-de-açúcar não há trabalhos associados com a caracterização in silico da região Promotora, assim como na identificação de sítios de ligação para Fatores de Transcrição (TFBSs). Por esta razão, o nosso trabalho foi direcionado para a caracterização in silico de regiões regulatórias em cana-de-açúcar. Para esta tarefa nós realizamos apenas a rotulação de sequências de DNA não codificante que estavam a upstream de cada gene anotado em cana-de-açúcar. Todos os genes foram selecionados de dados de transcriptoma e a sequência de DNA da região Promotora foi isolada do Genespace de cana-de-açúcar SP80-3280 gerado pelo projeto de sequenciamento do genoma de referência do nosso grupo. A rotulação da região regulatória em cana-de-açúcar foi executada em duas subsequências: Core Promoter e Promotor Proximal. Na região Core Promoter nós realizamos a identificação do sítio de inicio de transcrição (TSS), a estimativa do tamanho da região 5\' UTR e a classificação da região Core Promoter em TATA-box ou TATA-less. Todos os processos foram realizados através da ferramenta TSSPlant. A utilização da ferramenta TSSPlant motivou o desenvolvimento de uma nova ferramenta para predição do sinal de TSS que aqui chamamos de TSSFinder. A ferramenta TSSinder apresentou resultados de predição do sinal de TSS superior aos seus pares, além disso esta ferramenta foi bem sucedida em diferentes organismos como Arabidopsis thaliana, Gallus gallus e Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Na região Promotora Proximal nós realizamos a identificação de TFBSs através de duas metodologias: predição de novo e mapeamento de matrizes de TFBS (PSSM). O processo de predição de novo foi realizada por meio de dois modelos: Maximização da expectativa e Gibbs Sampler e esse processo foi executado apenas para o subgrupo de genes co-expressos ou apenas para o conjunto de sequências homeólogas de cada gene de cana-de-açúcar selecionado. Para o restante das sequências foi realizado apenas o mapeamento das matrizes de TFBSs identificadas durante o processo de predição de novo. Em paralelo todos TFBSs identificados no nosso trabalho foram comparados com o banco de TFBS para plantas. Através desse procedimento foi possível estimar qual classe de Fator de Transcrição está interagindo com o TFBS identificado na região Promotora Proximal dos genes Scdr1, ScSuSy, ScPAL. Com este trabalho, nós cobrimos parte da lacuna observada em estudos in silico paras regiões regulatórias de cana-de-açúcar. Além disso, nós aperfeiçoamos o processo de identificação do sinal de TSS para diferentes organismos; inclusive para plantas Dicotiledôneas e Monocotiledôneas. / Brazil has the highest production of sugarcane in the world. Its cultivation in Brazil is aimed at producing of sugar or ethanol and in recent years, biomass for bioenergy from bagasse and straw. Despite the economic importance and the sustainable potential that sugarcane presents, a reference genome for this crop is not yet available in the literature. One justification for this absence lies in the sugarcane genome complexity, allopolyploidy and autopolyploidy. In fact these characteristics are the main barrier for the development of new commercial varieties. In the literature different strategies aimed at contributing to genomic sugarcane mostly on the transcriptome and little information on the process of gene regulation. Furthermore, unlike other commercial crops, sugarcane has no reported in silico characterization of its promoter regions and identification of Transcription Factor binding sites. For this reason, our work was directed to an in silico characterization of regulatory regions in sugarcane. For this task we performed the labeling of non-coding DNA sequences that were upstream of each gene annotated in sugarcane. All genes were using from transcriptome data and the promoter region DNA sequence was isolated from Genespace of the SP80-3280 reference genome obtained of our group. The labeling of the regulatory region in sugarcane was carried out in two subsections: Core Promoter and Proximal Promoter. In the Core Promoter region we performed the identification of the TSS signal, the estimation of the size of the 5\' UTR region and the classification of the Core Promoter region in TATA-box or TATA-less. All processes were performed using the TSSPlant tool. The use of the TSSPlant tool motivated the development of a new tool to predict the TSS signal that we call TSSFinder. The TSSinder tool presented TSS signal prediction results superior to its peers, moreover this tool was successful in different organisms - Arabidopsis thaliana, Gallus gallus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In the Proximal Promoter region we performed the identification of TFBSs through two methodologies: de novo prediction and mapping of TFBS matrices (PSSM). The de novo prediction process was performed using two models: Expectancy Maximization and Gibbs Sampler and this process was performed only for subgroups of coexpressed genes or only for the set of homeologues sequences from each sugarcane gene. For the rest of the sequences only the mapping of the matrices of TFBSs identified during the de novo prediction process was conducted. In parallel all TFBSs identified in our work were compared with the TFBS database for plants. Through this procedure it was estimated which class of Transcription Factor is interacting with the TFBS identified in the Proximal Promoter region of the Scdr1, ScSuSy, ScPAL genes.With this work, we cover part of the gap observed in in silico studies for the regulatory region of sugarcane. In addition, we improved the process of identification the TSS signal for different organisms including dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants.

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