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Barn blir inte trodda på, eller är det verkligen så? : En kvalitativ studie om hur flickors röster blir trodda på i tingsrättenLagervall, Emma, Ekman, Francy January 2024 (has links)
Every year, children are subjected to sexual and/or physical abuse or rape, by relatives and/or strangers. We know that it happens in society but due to a large number of unreported cases nobody knows the exact number. Once the children report sexual crimes, professionals argue about the child's credibility. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the district court's (tingsrättens) arguments in order to understand how girls' credibility is presented in relation to other evidence, after they are suspected of having been subjected to sexual abuse. The material we used was twenty-five court cases from district courts in Sweden, where children under the age of fifteen where suspected of having been subjected to sexual abuse. This essay is based on a qualitative method. The collected material has then been analyzed based on Hällgren Graneheim, Lindgren and Lundman's (2023) qualitative content analysis. We have also used Christie's (2001) theory of the Ideal Victim to analyze the children's role as victims. The result showed that most of the children in the court cases were considered credible by the district court. In contrast, the results showed that the defendants who did not receive a conviction lacked corroborating evidence, such as DNA-evidence, witnesses to corroborate their story, messages, photos or video clips. At last, the result showed that when the defendants admitted to the crime, the district court did not argue in quite as much detail about the plaintiff's credibility as in the other court cases.
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Barns tankar och resonemang om kompost och kompostering : En kvalitativ fokusgruppsintervju med ett sociokulturellt perspektiv / Childrens thoughts and reasoning about compost and composting : A qualitative focus group interview with a sociocultural approachJohansson, Anette January 2024 (has links)
This study focuses on how children reason about compost and composting in connection with their participation in a longer project that focused on sustainable development. The aim of the study is to learn more about children’s reasoning and how this can contribute to us as preschool teachers being able to develop science education in preschool. In this study, I have based my study as the children’s lifeworld in preschool and what it offers the children. The choice of method has been focusgroup interviews with the children and informal conversations with the teachers concerned. The result show that the children have knowledge about compost and composting, it could be read in the result that they described what happened in a compost and how worms work. The children did not have the opportunity to develop an understanding of the scientific concepts. The teachers used simpler concepts that the children were already familiar with so that the children would understand what happens in the compost. The conclusion shows how important it is that educators acquire increased knowledge and use scientific concepts to give the children the opportunity to develop understanding and knowledge of what the teaching is about. / Denna studie fokuserar på hur barn resonerar kring kompost och kompostering i samband med att de deltagit i ett längre projekt som fokuserat hållbar utveckling. Målet med studien är att lära mer om barns resonemang och hur detta kan bidra till att vi som förskollärare kan utveckla naturvetenskaplig undervisning i förskolan. I denna studie har jag utgått från förskolan som barnens livsvärld och vad den erbjuder barnen i form av möjligheter att genom delaktighet utveckla begrepp och kunskaper inom naturvetenskap med fokus på kompost och kompostering. Metodvalet har varit fokusgruppsintervjuer med barnen för att höra deras resonemang om kompostering. Informellt samtal med de berörda pedagogerna för att jag ville höra hur de hade planerat undervisningen.Resultatet visar att barnen har kunskaper om kompost och kompostering, det kunde utläsas i resultatet att de beskrev vad som hände i en kompost och hur maskar arbetar. Barnen hade inte fått möjlighet att utveckla förståelse för de naturvetenskapliga begreppen. Pedagogerna använde sig av lättare begrepp som barnen redan var bekanta med för att barnen skulle förstå vad som hände i komposten. I slutsatsen framkommer det hur viktigt det är att pedagoger skaffar sig ökade kunskap och använder naturvetenskapliga begrepp för att ge barnen möjlighet att utveckla begrepp, förståelse och kunskaper om naturvetenskap
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Welcome to the end of the world : En analys av ljudbilden i True Detective: Night Country / Welcome to the end of the world : A analysis of the soundscape in True Detective: Night CountryRohde Vittsell, Måns January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze and seek for a possible meaning and suggestion behind the soundscape in the first episode of True Detectives fourth season; Night Country. Four individual elements have been selected for deeper analysis and based upon those, six scenes where those elements are present were selected for the study. Each auditory element that was selected was then analyzed in depth looking at the more technical aspects of identifying and categorizing sound but also how it impacts the audience on an emotional and narrative level to explore, not only how the soundscape is established early on, but what effects this has on the viewers expectations and predictions for how the narrative could unfold. The results of this study points towards there being, for the first time in the series history, something paranormal happening in the world of the characters. Despite there being hints and suggestions that paranormal activity is part of the cinematic world of True Detective in the past, this has never been the case once the mysteries unfold but the soundscape in Night Country, as early as episode one, and the results of this study suggests that this is about to change. / The purpose of this media production is to be used as a base for discussion during seminars regarding honor related violence and oppression. The mateiral is the be used during education for proffesionals in the field of social work.
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"Det kräver bara lite mer tid och det kräver bra personer omkring dig." : Unga vuxna med rörelsehinder berättar om sin skoltid. / All you need is just a little more time and you need to be surrounded by good people. : Young adults with motor disabilities tell us about their schooldays.Dahlberg Nylund, Ingrid January 2013 (has links)
Utifrån Normaliseringsprincipen och demokratiska strömningar under andra hälften av 1900-talet påbörjades på skolområdet en integreringsprocess. Begreppet inkludering introducerades senare för att markera skolans ansvar i frågan. Trots inkluderingsuppdraget har avskiljande lösningar inom skolan åter blivit vanliga. Studier om rörelsehindrade barns skolvardag visar att det förekommer många exkluderande situationer i skolan, ofta omedvetna och i tron att dessa är bäst för eleven. Dessa situationer är en följd av att skolan inte arbetar på organisationsnivå med inkluderingsfrågor. Syftet med denna studie har varit att belysa inkluderingsaspekter i skolan för elever med rörelsehinder. Deltagarna i studien var tre unga personer med rörelsehinder som gått inkluderade i skolan. Studien har en livshistorisk ansats där deltagarna berättade om sina skolminnen, som sedan analyserades utifrån Tangens modell om fyra dimensioner: tid, mening, relationer, samt självbestämmande och kontroll. Deltagarna bedömer att de i den inkluderade skolverksamheten utvecklats, men att de många gånger fått kämpa för sin rätt och ibland fått lösa uppkomna situationer själva. De har alla haft elevassistent. De unga vuxna som deltagit i studien är positiva till inkludering och menar att detta har gett dem bättre möjligheter i deras vuxna liv. Vidare forskning kan vara longitudinella studier om elever med funktionsnedsättningar och fortsatta studier, hur den marknadsanpassade skolan påverkar elever med funktionsnedsättningars möjligheter att gå inkluderade, studier om elevassistentens funktion samt hur inkluderande idrottsundervisningen ska bedrivas för elever med rörelsehinder. / Based on the Normalization Principle and democratic movements in the second half of the 1900s an integration process considering school began. The concept of inclusion was introduced later to mark the school's responsibility in the matter. Despite the inclusion mission separation solutions for school has again become common. Studies on disabled children's school day shows that there are many exclusive situations in school, often unconscious, and in the belief that these are the best for the student. These situations are a result of schools not working at the organizational level with inclusion issues. The purpose of this study was to illuminate the inclusion aspects of the school for students with disabilities. Participants in the study were three young people with disabilities who have included the school. The study has a life-historical approach in which participants talked about their school memories, which were then analyzed based on Tangen´s model in four dimensions: time, meaning, relationships, and self-determination and control. The participants believe that they included in the school system evolved but they often had to fight for their rights and sometimes had to resolve arisen situations themselves. They have all had a student assistant. The young adults who participated in the study are positive towards inclusion and believe that this has given them better opportunities in their adult lives. Further research may be longitudinal studies of students with disabilities and further studies, how the market-school affects students with disabilities and their ability to be included at school, studies on student assistant's function and how inclusive physical education should be conducted for students with disabilities.
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Barns relationer i våldets närhet : Respons, positioner och möjligheten till barns röstÅkerlund, Nina January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna avhandling är att utforska barns perspektiv på respons i samband med att de upplever våld i nära relation. Särskild betoning ligger på barnens egna, deras syskons, mor- och farföräldrars och andra vuxnas handlingar och reaktioner. På så sätt är målet att undersöka det relationella sammanhangets betydelse för våldsutsatta barn. Avhandlingens teoretiska ansats utgörs av barndomssociologi, sociologin om detpersonliga livet och positioneringsteori. Avhandlingen består av fyra delarbeten. Artikel I analyserar hur barns röst används i kvalitativ forskning om barn som upplever våld. De följande empiriska artiklarna, som bygger på analyser av kvalitativa intervjuer med 20 barn (11–19 år), undersöker barns erfarenhet av respons i samband med våld. Barnens berättelser visar att det ofta finns personer som känner till våldet och undersöker hur barnen själva, deras syskon (artikel II), mor- och farföräldrar (artikelIV) samt andra vuxna (artikel III) positionernas i barnens berättelser. Resultaten visar att barn upplever och responderar på våld på en rad olika sätt. Även personer i det relationella sammanhanget reagerar olika gentemot det utsatta barnet, vilket kan förstås utifrån att relationer omges av olika förväntningar och att respons är ett interaktionellt fenomen – individer i barnens närhet anpassar sin respons efter hur barnen responderar.Omgivningens respons beskrivs av barnen som hjälpsamma eller ohjälpsamma beroende på hur lyhörd, tillgänglig och nära individen upplevs. Avhandlingen visar vidare på att barnen har ett begränsat handlingsutrymme och endast ett fåtal positioner finns tillgängliga när de upplever våld. De primära positioner de våldsutsatta barnen erbjuds är de som ”sårbart offer”, ”sårbar men kompetent aktör” samt ”vuxenlik och omsorgsgivande aktör”. En nyckelfaktor för att barnen ska få hjälpsam respons är att de positioneras som både sårbara offer och som kompetenta aktörer. / The aim with this thesis is to explore children’s perspectives on responses when experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV). Special focus is on the children’s own responses, as well as the actions and reactions of their siblings, grandparents and other adults in their proximity. Through this, the objective is to explore the significance of the relational setting for children exposed to IPV. This thesis is inspired by the sociology of childhood and the sociology of personal life. It has also employed positioning theory. The thesis consists of four papers. In article I, the use of children’s voices in qualitative research with children exposed to IPV is discussed. The following empirical papers, who are based on analyses of interviews with 20 children (11–19 years of age), explore children’s experiences of responses when exposed to violence. The children’s stories suggest that there often are people who know about the violence and the articles analyse how children position themselves in their stories, but also how they are positioned by their siblings (article II), their grandparents (article IV) and other adults (article III). Children exposed to IPV may experience the violence differently and respond to the abuse in a variety of ways. Similarly, individuals in the children’s relational setting may respond to the abused children differently, which can be understood on the basis that relationships are surrounded by different expectations and that responses are interactional phenomenon – individuals close to the children partly adapt their response to how the children react to the abuse. Children describe responses from individuals in their relational setting as either helpful or unhelpful, depending on how responsive, accessible and intimate the individual is perceived. The thesis also suggests that the children have a limited room for maneuverer and only a few positions available for them in the aftermath of violence. The primary attainable positions to the children experiencing IPV are the ones as ‘vulnerable victim’, ‘vulnerable but competent actor’, and ‘adult-like and caregiving actor’. A key factor for children to receive helpful responses is being positioned as vulnerable victims and as competent actors simultaneously.
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Voices as Weapons : Incorporating The Hate U Give in the EFL classroom to discuss institutional racism, double-consciousness and the importance of minoritized voicesRoxburgh, Amy January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is two-fold. Firstly, the aim is to analyze the three aspects institutional racism, double-consciousness and importance of minoritized voices in Angie Thomas’ novel The Hate U Give in connection to the thesis’ theoretical framework, Critical Race Theory. Secondly, the aim is also to argue for the inclusion of The Hate U Give in the Swedish EFL classroom, by investigating potential pedagogical implications in connection to the literary analysis and the thesis’ pedagogical framework, Critical Race Pedagogy. Potentially as a way of hoping for social justice and change for a minoritized group of people, the literary analysis of the three aspects demonstrates that Thomas depicts racial inequality as natural and fixed within many layers of American society such as economic opportunities, law enforcement, education, identities and which voices are heard vs. ignored. Therefore, this thesis argues that Thomas’ counter narrative The Hate U Give, with its portrayal of the racially inequal American society and the effects on the African American characters, could serve as a point of departure for discussions of institutional racism, double-consciousness and the importance of minoritized voices in the Swedish EFL classroom, to raise awareness of the situation for a minoritized group of people in America and connect it to the students’ own experiences and knowledge of these aspects.
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Vägen till 2.0 : Att hantera en allvarlig hjärnskada / The journey to 2.0 : Coping with a serious brain injuryBlom, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Mitt masterprojekt är en bok som syftar till att stötta anhöriga till personer med förvärvad hjärnskada, där jag använder mig själv och min egen rehabilitering efter en smitningsolycka som fallstudie. / My master project is a book that aims to support relatives of people with aquired brain injuries, where I use myself and my own rehabilitetion after a hit-and-run accident as a case study.
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