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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Surveillance des centres d'usinage grande vitesse par approche cyclostationnaire et vitesse instantanée / High speed milling machine monitoring by cyclostationary approach and instantaneous angular speed

Lamraoui, Mourad 10 July 2013 (has links)
Dans l’industrie de fabrication mécanique et notamment pour l’utilisation des centres d’usinage haute vitesse, la connaissance des propriétés dynamiques du système broche-outil-pièce en opération est d’une grande importance. L’accroissement des performances des machines-outils et des outils de coupe a œuvré au développement de ce procédé compétitif. D’innombrables travaux ont été menés pour accroître les performances et les remarquables avancées dans les matériaux, les revêtements des outils coupants et les lubrifiants ont permis d’accroître considérablement les vitesses de coupe tout en améliorant la qualité de la surface usinée. Cependant, l’utilisation rationnelle de cette technologie est encore fortement pénalisée par les lacunes dans la connaissance de la coupe, que ce soit au niveau microscopique des interactions fines entre l’outil et la matière coupée, aussi bien qu’au niveau macroscopique intégrant le comportement de la cellule élémentaire d’usinage, si bien que le comportement dynamique en coupe garde encore une grande part de questionnement et exige de l’utilisateur un bon niveau de savoir-faire et parfois d’empirisme pour exploiter au mieux les capacités des moyens de production. Le fonctionnement des machines d’usinage engendre des vibrations qui sont souvent la cause des dysfonctionnements et accélère l’usure des composantes mécaniques (roulements) et outils. Ces vibrations sont une image des efforts internes des systèmes, d’où l’intérêt d’analyser les grandeurs mécaniques vibratoires telle que la vitesse ou l’accélération vibratoire. Ces outils sont indispensables pour une maintenance moderne dont l’objectif est de réduire les coûts liés aux pannes / In machining field, chatter phenomenon takes a lot of interest because manufacturing enterprises are turning to the automation system and the development of reliable and robust monitoring system to provide increased productivity, improved part quality and reduced costs. Chatter occurrence has several negatives effects: a) Poor surface quality, b) Unacceptable inaccuracy, c) Excessive noise, d) Machine tool damage, e) Reduced material removal rate, f) Increase costs in terms of production time, g) Waste of material, h) Environmental impact in terms of materials and energy. Moreover, chatter monitoring is not an easy task for various reasons. Firstly, the non linearity of machining processes and the time-varying of systems complicate this task. Secondly, the sensitivity and the dependency of acquired signals from sensors on different factors, such as machining condition, cutting tool geometry and workpiece material. Thirdly, at high rotating speeds, the gyroscopic effects on the spindle dynamics in addition to the centrifugal force on the bearings and thermal effects become more relevant thus affecting the stability of the system. For these reasons, demands for an advanced automatic chatter detection and monitoring system for optimizing and controlling machining processes becomes a topic of enormous interest. Several researches in this field are performed. Advanced monitoring and detection methods are developed mostly relying on time, frequency and time-frequency analysis. In order to detect chatter in milling centers, three new methods are studied and developed using advanced techniques of signal processing and exploiting cyclostationarity property of signals acquired

Students of Color at A PWCU: Experiencing Racial Battle Fatigue and Persisting

Greenlee, Jourdan Katelyn-Renee 31 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.


Bompard, Manuel 06 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
L'optimisation aérodynamique de forme est un domaine de recherche très actif ces dernières années, en raison notamment de l'importance de ses applications industrielles. Avec le développement de la méthode adjointe, il est aujourd'hui possible de calculer rapidement, et indépendamment du nombre de paramètres de forme, le gradient des fonctions d'intérêt par rapport à ces paramètres. Cette étude concerne l'utilisation des dérivées ainsi obtenues pour perfectionner les algorithmes d'optimisation locale et globale. Dans une première partie, il s'agit d'utiliser ces gradients pour la construction de modèles de substitution, et de profiter de ces modèles pour réduire le coût des méthodes d'optimisation globale. Plusieurs types de modèles sont présentés et combinés à un algorithme de type " évolution différentielle " en utilisant la méthode EGO (Efficient Global Optimization). Cette procédure est appliquée à l'optimisation de fonctions mathématiques, puis à des cas test d'optimisation aérodynamique autour de profils d'aile. Les résultats sont concluants : l'utilisation d'un modèle de substitution permet de réduire sensiblement le nombre d'évaluations nécessaire du modèle physique, et la prise en compte des gradients accentue ce résultat. Dans la seconde partie de ce travail, la méthode adjointe est utilisée pour calculer le gradient des fonctions d'intérêt par rapport aux coordonnées des noeuds de la surface du profil. Un algorithme d'optimisation locale est alors appliqué en utilisant ces points comme paramètres de l'optimisation et le champ de gradient lissé comme direction de descente. Si l'étude est encore à approfondir, les résultats sont encourageants.

Desarrollo de modelos predictivos de contaminantes ambientales

Salazar Ruiz, Enriqueta 04 July 2008 (has links)
El desarrollo de modelos matemáticos predictivos de distinto tipos de fenómenos son aplicaciones fundamentales y útiles de las técnicas de Minería de Datos. Un buen modelo se convierte en una excelente herramienta científica que requiere de la existencia y disposición de grandes volúmenes de datos, además de habilidad y considerable tiempo aplicado del investigador para integrar los conocimientos más relevantes y característicos del fenómeno en estudio. En el caso concreto de ésta tesis, los modelos de predicción desarrollados se enfocaron en la predicción contaminantes ambientales como el valor medio de Partículas Finas (PM2.5) presentes en el aire respirable con un tiempo de anticipación de 8 horas y del Ozono Troposférico Máximo (O3) con 24 horas de anticipación. Se trabajó con un interesante conjunto de técnicas de predicción partiendo con herramientas de naturaleza paramétrica tan sencillas como Persistencia, Modelación Lineal Multivariante, así como la técnica semi-paramétrica: Regresión Ridge además de herramientas de naturaleza no paramétrica como Redes Neuronales Artificiales (ANN) como Perceptron Multicapa (MLP), Perceptrón Multi Capa Cuadrática (SMLP), Función de Base Radial (RBF) y Redes Elman, así como Máquinas de Vectores Soporte (SVM), siendo las técnicas no paramétricas las que generalizaron mejor los fenómenos modelizados. / Salazar Ruiz, E. (2008). Desarrollo de modelos predictivos de contaminantes ambientales [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/2504

應用類神經網路方法於金融時間序列預測之研究--以TWSE台股指數為例 / Using Neural Network approaches to predict financial time series research--The example of TWSE index prediction

張永承, Jhang, Yong-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究考慮重要且對台股大盤指數走勢有連動影響的因素,主要納入對台股有領頭作用的美國三大股市,那斯達克(NASDAQ)指數、道瓊工業(Dow Jones)指數、標準普爾500(S&P500)指數;其他對台股緊密連動效果的國際股票市場,香港恆生指數、上海證券綜合指數、深圳證券綜合指數、日經225指數;以及納入左右國際經濟表現的國際原油價格走勢,美國西德州原油、中東杜拜原油和歐洲北海布蘭特原油;在宏觀經濟因素方面則考量失業率、消費者物價指數、匯率、無風險利率、美國製造業重要指標的存貨/銷貨比率、影響貨幣數量甚鉅的M1B;在技術分析方面則納入多種重要的指標,心理線 (PSY) 指標、相對強弱(RSI) 指標、威廉(WMS%R) 指標、未成熟隨機(RSV) 指標、K-D隨機指標、移動平均線(MA)、乖離率(BIAS)、包寧傑%b和包寧傑帶狀寬度(BandWidth%);所有考量因素共計35項,因為納入重要因子比較多,所以完備性較高。 本研究先採用的贏者全拿(Winner-Take-All) 競爭學習策略的自組織映射網路(Self-Organizing Feature Maps, SOM),藉由將相似資料歸屬到已身的神經元萃取出關聯分類且以計算距離來衡量神經元的離散特徵,對於探索大量且高維度的非線性複雜特徵俱有優良的因素相依性投射效果,將有利於提高預測模式精準度。在線性擬合部分則結合倒傳遞(Back-Propagation, BP)、Elman反饋式和徑向基底函數類網路(Radial-Basis-Function Network, RBF)模式為指數預測輸出,並對台股加權指數隔日收盤指數進行預測和評量。而在傳統的Elman反饋式網路只在隱藏層存在反饋機制,本研究則在輸入層和隱藏層皆建立反饋機制,將儲存在輸入層和隱藏層的過去時間資訊回饋給網路未來參考。在徑向基底函數網路方面,一般選取中心聚類點採用隨機選取方式,若能有效降低中心點個數,可降低網路複雜度,本研究導入垂直最小平方法以求取誤差最小的方式強化非監督式學習選取中心點的能力,以達到網路快速收斂,提昇網路學習品質。 研究資料為台股指數交易收盤價,日期自2001/1/2,至2011/10/31共2676筆資料。訓練資料自2001/1/2至2009/12/31,共2223筆;實證測試資料自2010/1/4至2011/10/31,計453個日數。主要評估指標採用平均相對誤差(AMRE)和平均絕對誤差 (AAE)。在考慮因子較多的狀況下,實證結果顯示,在先透過SOM進行因子聚類分析之後,預測因子被分成四個組別,分別再透過BP、Elman recurrent和RBF方法進行線性擬合,平均表現方面,以RBF模式下的四個群組因子表現最佳,其中RBF模式之下的群組4,其AMRE可達到0.63%,最差的AMRE則是群組1,約為1.05%;而Elman recurrent模式下的四組群組因子之ARME則介於1.01%和1.47%之間;其中預測效果表現最差則是BP模式的預測結果。顯示RBF具有絕佳的股價預測能力。最後,在未來研究建議可以運用本文獻所探討之其他數種類神經網路模式進行股價預測。 / In this study, we considering the impact factors for TWSE index tendency, mainly aimed at the three major American stock markets, NASDAQ index, Dow Jones index, S&P 500, which leading the Taiwan stock market trend; the other international stock markets, such as the Hong Kong Hang-Seng Index, Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Composite Index, NIKKEI 225 index, which have close relationship with Taiwan stock market; we also adopt the international oil price trend, such as the West Texas Intermediate Crude Oil in American, the Dubai crude oil in Middle Eastern, North Sea Brent crude oil in European, which affects international economic performance widely; On the side of macroeconomic factors, we considering the Unemployed rate, Consumer Price Index, exchange rate, riskless rate, the Inventory to Sales ratio which it is important index of American manufacturing industry, and the M1b factor which did greatly affect to currency amounts; In the part of Technical Analysis index, we adopt several important indices, such as the Psychology Line Index (PSY), Relative Strength Index (RSI), the Wechsler Memory Scale—Revised Index (WMS%R), Row Stochastic Value Index (RSV), K-D Stochastics Index, Moving Average Line (MA), BIAS, Bollinger %b (%b), Bollinger Band Width (Band Width%);All factors total of 35 which we have considered the important factor is numerous, so the integrity is high. In this study, at first we adopt the Self-Organizing Feature Maps Network which based on the Winner-Take-All competition learning strategy, Similar information by the attribution to the body of the neuron has been extracted related categories and to calculate the distance to measure the discrete characteristics of neurons, it has excellent projection effect by exploring large and complex high-dimensional non-linear characteristics for all the dependency factors , would help to improve the accuracy of prediction models, would be able to help to improve the accuracy of prediction models. The part of the curve fitting combine with the back-propagation (Back-Propagation, BP), Elman recurrent model and radial basis function network (Radial-Basis-Function Network, RBF) model for the index prediction outputs, forecast and assessment the next close price of Taiwan stocks weighted index. In the traditional Elman recurrent network exists only one feedback mechanism in the hidden layer, in this study in the input and hidden layer feedback mechanisms are established, the previous information will be stored in the input and hidden layer and will be back to the network for future reference. In the radial basis function network, the general method is to selecting cluster center points by random selection, if we have the effectively way to reduce the number of the center points, which can reduces network complexity, in this study introduce the Orthogonal Least Squares method in order to obtain the smallest way to strengthen unsupervised learning center points selecting ability, in order to achieve convergence of the network fast, and improve network learning quality. Research data for the Trading close price of Taiwan Stock Index, the date since January 2, 2001 until September 30, 2011, total data number of 2656. since January 2, 2001 to December 31, 2009 a total number of 2223 trading close price as training data; empirical testing data, from January 4, 2010 to September 30, 2011, a total number of 433. The primary evaluation criteria adopt the Average Mean Relative Error (AMRE) and the Average Absolute Error (AAE). In the condition for consider more factors, the empirical results show that, by first through SOM for factor clustering analysis, the prediction factors were divided into four categories and then through BP, Elman recurrent and RBF methods for curve fitting, at the average performance , the four group factors of the RBF models get the best performance, the group 4 of the RBF model, the AMRE can reach 0.63%, the worst AMRE is group 1, about 1.05%; and the four groups of Elman recurrent model of ARME is between 1.01% and 1.47%; the worst prediction model is BP method. RBF has shown excellent predictive ability for stocks index. Finally, the proposal can be used in future studies of the literatures that we have explore several other methods of neural network model for stock trend forecasting.

Dynamic Speed Adaptation for Curves using Machine Learning / Dynamisk hastighetsanpassning för kurvor med maskininlärning

Narmack, Kirilll January 2018 (has links)
The vehicles of tomorrow will be more sophisticated, intelligent and safe than the vehicles of today. The future is leaning towards fully autonomous vehicles. This degree project provides a data driven solution for a speed adaptation system that can be used to compute a vehicle speed for curves, suitable for the underlying driving style of the driver, road properties and weather conditions. A speed adaptation system for curves aims to compute a vehicle speed suitable for curves that can be used in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) or in Autonomous Driving (AD) applications. This degree project was carried out at Volvo Car Corporation. Literature in the field of speed adaptation systems and factors affecting the vehicle speed in curves was reviewed. Naturalistic driving data was both collected by driving and extracted from Volvo's data base and further processed. A novel speed adaptation system for curves was invented, implemented and evaluated. This speed adaptation system is able to compute a vehicle speed suitable for the underlying driving style of the driver, road properties and weather conditions. Two different artificial neural networks and two mathematical models were used to compute the desired vehicle speed in curves. These methods were compared and evaluated. / Morgondagens fordon kommer att vara mer sofistikerade, intelligenta och säkra än dagens fordon. Framtiden lutar mot fullständigt autonoma fordon. Detta examensarbete tillhandahåller en datadriven lösning för ett hastighetsanpassningssystem som kan beräkna ett fordons hastighet i kurvor som är lämpligt för förarens körstil, vägens egenskaper och rådande väder. Ett hastighetsanpassningssystem för kurvor har som mål att beräkna en fordonshastighet för kurvor som kan användas i Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) eller Autonomous Driving (AD) applikationer. Detta examensarbete utfördes på Volvo Car Corporation. Litteratur kring hastighetsanpassningssystem samt faktorer som påverkar ett fordons hastighet i kurvor studerades. Naturalistisk bilkörningsdata samlades genom att köra bil samt extraherades från Volvos databas och bearbetades. Ett nytt hastighetsanpassningssystem uppfanns, implementerades samt utvärderades. Hastighetsanpassningssystemet visade sig vara kapabelt till att beräkna en lämplig fordonshastighet för förarens körstil under rådande väderförhållanden och vägens egenskaper. Två olika artificiella neuronnätverk samt två matematiska modeller användes för att beräkna fordonets hastighet. Dessa metoder jämfördes och utvärderades.

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