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“Har man aldrig tränat på att rita en varg, så hur ska man veta hur man ska rita en varg? Precis som att skriva, så hur ska man veta hur man skriver?” : En studie om hur några lärare verksamma i årskurs 1–3 resonerar om visuella representationers agens i svenskundervisningenLjungkvist, Ida-Marie, Gröning, Pauline January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att med utgångspunkt i den sociokulturella och sociosemiotiska teorin undersöka hur sex stycken lärare i årskurs 1–3 resonerar kring visuella representationers agens i svenskundervisning och hur de menar att deras undervisning om visuellt meningsskapande ser ut. Tidigare forskning beskriver ett komplicerat förhållande till de visuella representationernas funktion i svenskundervisningen, de beskrivs både som ett tillägg och som ett viktigt redskap för lärande. Studien är genomförd genom en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer där elevtexter som informanterna tagit med sig har fungerat som utgångspunkt i samtalen. Empirin analyserades genom tematisk innehållsanalys med våra forskningsfrågor som kategorier. Resultatet visar hur de olika informanterna förhåller sig till visuella representationer i undervisningen och det framgår en skillnad mellan hur lärare talar om de visuella representationernas agens i förhållande till olika ämnen. Resultatet visar även att informanterna finner att de visuella representationernas funktion är viktig på lågstadiet och något som tillskrivs hög agens, men att hur de talar om dem är komplext.
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Återkoppling som ger bearbetning : En empirisk studie av lågstadielärares återkoppling på elevtexter / Feedback that provides processing. : An empirical study about primary school teachers’ feedback on students’ textsRudin, Maja, Kunze, Sanna January 2020 (has links)
Föreliggande studies syfte är att undersöka hur verksamma lärare på lågstadiet arbetar med återkoppling för att eleven ska få möjlighet att bearbeta texter. Den teoretiska ramen för studien är den sociokulturella teorin där stöttning (eng. scaffolding) i form av lärarens återkoppling är i fokus för att utveckla elevens textskapande. Metoderna som används i studien är intervjuer med lärare och analys av lärarkommentarer på elevtexter. Resultatet av textanalysen och intervjuerna visar att responsen från läraren utgår från de kunskapskrav som finns i svenska för årskurs 1–3 i läroplanen för grundskolan. Feedbacken till eleven är oftast muntlig, men de lärare som arbetar med digitala verktyg ger oftast skriftlig respons direkt i elevens dokument. Det framgick även att flertalet lärare gärna skulle vilja ge en-till-en-återkoppling oftare för att eleverna ska få en god respons som hjälper dem framåt i bearbetningen, men att tidsbrist och resurser är några hinder som finns för att lärare ska kunna använda det här arbetssättet.
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Oral Feedback in the EFL classroomMahdi, Diana, Saadany, Noha January 2013 (has links)
Lärare använder sig av olika metoder för att hjälpa studenter att utveckla de verktyg de behöver för att lära sig engelska, eller något annat ämne. En metod här är muntlig feedback, som används för att uppmuntra elever eller korrigera dem när de utför språkliga fel. Vårt mål med detta examensarbete är därför att undersöka vilka typer av muntlig feedback som kan hittas i ett klassrum där man lär sig engelska som främmande språk och vilka attityder som både lärare och studenter kan ha gentemot muntlig feedback. Tre typer av undersökningsmetoder har använts: observationer, intervjuer och enkäter. Resultatet visar på att studenter förhåller sig positivt till muntlig feedback i klassrummet, särskilt explicit corrective feedback. Däremot var denna typ av feedback minst använd i klassrummet på grund av att lärarna tror på andra typer av feedback vara mer fördelaktiga. / Teachers use different methods to help students acquire the tools needed to learn English, or any other subject for that matter. One method is oral feedback, which is used to immediately encourage students or correct them when making an error. Our aim is therefore to investigate what kind of oral feedback can be found in a EFL-classroom and what attitudes both teachers and students have towards oral feedback. Three types of research tools were used: observation, interviews and questionnaire. The results show that the students were positive to oral feedback in the classroom, especially explicit corrective feedback. On the other hand, this type of feedback was the least used one in the classroom due to the teachers’ believing that other kinds of oral feedback are more beneficial.
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Lärares realiseringar utifrån olika typer av respons. / Teachers' realizations based on different types of feedback.Gidstedt, Andreas January 2023 (has links)
The subject of mathematics, based on my experience, is not something that students perceive as creative or exploratory. It seems to be common for teachers to struggle with implementing exploratory teaching methods. This study examines how teachers utilize realizations in various types of responses when students indicate, in some way, that they are not engaged in the mathematical discourse. The aim is to determine if this approach can enhance an investigative character in teaching. It is conducted using a modified version of the RTA tool and a modified version of Dimenäs' (1995) didactic response framework. A teacher's lessons have been transcribed, analyzed, and coded to identify correlations between response and realization. It was found that the teacher primarily exhibits a controlling character, and initially using multiple categories of realizations leads to a reduced need for categories in the teacher's response.
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Theory of nonlinear polarization spectroscopy in the frequency domain (NLPF) with applications to photosynthetic antennaeBeenken, Wichard Johann Daniel 21 November 2003 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine einheitliche und allumfassende Theorie der Nicht-linearen Polarisationsspektroskopie in der Frequenzdomäne (NLPF) aufgestellt. Dies Methode basiert auf der in einer isotropen Farbstofflösung durch ein polarisiertes, monochromatisches Laserfeldes (pump) erzeugten Anisotropie, die mittels eines weiteren monochromatischen Laserfeldes (probe), mit einer um 45° gegenüber dem Pumpfeld gedrehten Polarisationsrichtung geprobt wird. Ausgehend von den grundlegenden Gleichungen für den nichtlinearen Respons molekularer Systeme auf elektromagnetische Felder wird das zweidimensional NLPF-spektrum hergeleitet, und zwar sowohl in der niedrigsten Ordnung Störungstheorie als auch unter Verwendung eines selbstkonsistenten Ansatzes für beliebige Pumpfeldstärken. In der niedrigsten Ordnung Störungstheorie können drei in ihrer Frequenzabhängigkeit sich unterscheidende Arten von Ausdrücke explizit angegeben werden. Diese sind drei Areten von Peaks im NLPF-spektrum zuzuordnen: Den T2-peaks, dem T1-peaks und den Zweiphotonen-peaks. Letztere sind unter Normalbedingungen im allgemeinen nicht beobachtbar und wurden daher nicht weiter behandelt. Die in dieser Arbeit erstmals gelungene, allgemeine und einheitliche theoretische Beschreibung der T1- und T2-peaks in NLPF-spektren von Mehrniveausystemen stellt einen Durchbruch hin zu einer allumfassenden Subbandenanalyse mittels NLPF dar. Durch Einbeziehung der teilweise bereits bekannten Auswirkungen homogener und inhomogener Linienverbreiterung und spektraler Diffusion auf NLPF-spektren, sowie deren Verallgemeinerung im Ramen der Theorie nichtmarkowscher Dissipationsprozesse, konnte eine Methodik entwickelt werden, die es erlaubt, NLPF-spektren molekularer und supramolekularer Systeme in Bezug auf das ihnen zugrundeliegende Termschema mit Übergangsfrequenzen und -dipolen, die homogenen und inhomogenen Linienbreiten, sowie dem zugeordneten Energierelaxations- und -transferpfad mitsamt zugehörigen Raten zu analysieren. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte und über frühere rudimentäre Ansätze weit hinausgehende Theorie der NLPF bei starken Pumpfeldern, die auf einem selbstkonsistenten Ansatz für den Fourier-transformierten statistischen Operator beruhen, eröffnet ein komplett neues Feld von Anwendungen der NLPF. Für Zweiniveausysteme konnten die selbstkonsistenten Gleichung vollständig analytisch gelöst werden. Dabei konnten die Querverbindungen zur nichtlinearen Absorption und zum optischen Starkeffekt aufgezeigt werden. Aus der resultierenden Sättigungskurve für das NLPF-signal kann die Sättigungsintensität mit hoher Genauigkeit bestimmt werden. Diese kann unter Heranziehen der aus Analyse des T1-peaks bei niedrigen Intensitäten gewonnen Energierelaxationsrate und der analog aus T2-peakanalyse erhaltenen homogenen Linienbreite zur Bestimmung der Dipolstärke des Übergangs ohne Bestimmung der Farbstoffkonzentration verwendet werden. Dies erweist sich insbesondere bei der Analyse molekularer Aggregation als vorteilhaft. Durch Abbildung auf das gelöste Zweiniveauproblem konnte die Methodik auch auf spezielle Mehrniveausysteme übertragen werden. Eine analytische Lösung für allgemeine Mehrniveausysteme scheiterte jedoch an der komplizierten Orientierungsmittelung über die isotrope Verteilung der Übergangsdipole. Beide oben beschriebenen Methoden, Subbandanalyse bei niedrigen und Bestimmung der Übergangsdipolstärke bei hohen Pumpintensitäten, wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit zur Untersuchung der Natur der angeregten Zustände in photosynthetischen Antennen von Purpurbakterien und höheren Pflanzen eingesetzt. Für die periphere lichtsammelnde Antenne LH2 des Purpurbakteriums Rhodobacter sphaeroides ergab die T2-peakanalyse der B850-absorptionsbande überraschenderweise zwei Subbanden, die im Absorptionsspektrum selbst bei tiefsten Temperaturen nicht aufzufinden gewesen wären. Eine Erklärung für die in Bezug auf die Oszilatorstärke asymmetrische Aufspaltung der B850-bande konnte allerdings nicht gefunden werden. Für den LH2 des sehr ähnliche Purpurbakterium Rhodospirillium molischianum konnte keine Aufspaltung der B850-bande festgestellt werden. Vielmehr liegt eine überwiegend homogen verbreiterte Bande mit einer homogener Linienbreite (FWHM) von 474±10 cm-1 und einem oberen limit für die inhomogene Linienbreite von 120 cm-1 vor. Daher wurde Rhodospirillium molischianum ausgewählt, um Delokalisation der Anregung im B850-aggregat mittels pumpintensitätsabhängiger NLPF zu untersuchen. Die Frage nach der Delokalisationslänge im B850-aggregat gab und gibt teilweise immer noch Anlass zu hitzigen Debatten. Das Ergebnis einer Ausdehnung der Anregung über 3-4 Bakteriochlorophylle des B850-aggregats der vorliegenden Arbeit unterstützt die aus Exciton-Exciton gewonnen Resultate. Weder eine vollständig lokalisierte noch vollständig delokalisierte Beschreibung war mit dem hier präsentierten Ergebnis in Übereinstimmung zu bringen. Auch im Hauptlichtsammelkomplex höherer Pflanzen LHC II konnte mittels pumpintensitätsabhängiger NLPF-spektren Delokalisation der Anregung über mindestens ein Chlì¥Á / In the work be presented a standard theory of non-linear polarization spectroscopy in the frequency domain (NLPF) will be established. The NLPF technique based on anisotropy induced in a dye-solution, which is isotropic elsewhere, by a polarized monochromatic pump laser field. This is probed by a second laser field, which polarization direction is turned of 45 degree in respect to that of the pump. From the fundamental equations describing the non-linear response of molecular systems on electromagnetic fields, the two-dimensional NLPF spectrum is deduced for arbitrary pump-intensities. At low pump-intensities a subband analysis by NLPF has been established. This allows one to study the term scheme and energy relaxation path of molecular and supra-molecular systems by their NLPF-spectra. This includes the determination of transition-frequencies and -dipole orientations, homogeneous and inhomogeneous linewidths, as well as energy relaxation rates. Furthermore, using a self-connsistent approach, the pump-fieled dependence of the NLPF-spectrum has been deduced for the two-level system in general and also for specific multi-level systems. This method allows one to determine the oscillator strength without knowledge of the concentration, what is quite useful for studying molecular aggregates. Applications are presented to the peripheral light harvesting antenna LH2 of purple bacteria and the light harvesting complexes LHC II and CP 29 of higher plants.
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A guarda compartilhada como forma de cogest?o parental : avan?os, desafios e contradi??esRosa, Conrado Paulino da 08 November 2017 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2017-11-08 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The present thesis addresses, in an interdisciplinary way, the management of the life of the children after the dissolution of a marriage or a common-law marriage. The research begins with the analysis of the advance of the legislation pertinent to the thematic having in view that originally in our legal system there was only the prediction of the unilateral custody that, because of social issues, ended up being determined only in favor of the mother. With the attribution, the ascendant custodial parent exclusively decides on all matters pertaining to the life of the offspring. However, in 2008, Law 11,698 amended articles 1,583 and 1,584 of the Civil Code to establish the possibility of shared custody between parents, which is ?joint responsibility and the exercise of the rights and duties of the father and the mother who do not live under the same roof, concerning the family power of common children?. Nevertheless, since then, it has been usual the social confusion of the institute of the sharing with of the partial custody, which would represent a static division of time between both parents, in which the parent in his company would have exclusive decision-making power. Considering that there was never the possibility of partial custody in Brazil, in 2014 there was a need for a new amendment modifying the Civil Code through Law 13,058. Among the changes, the application of shared custody became the preferential route and the unilateral, as a consequence, the restrictive way. In addition, it was clarified that the sharing can be applied even when parents reside in different cities and also when there is litigation between them. Another fact to be considered is the constant presence of processes where there is parental alienation between the parents. According to Law 12,318/2010, it is considered an act of parental alienation the interference in the psychological formation of the child or adolescent promoted or inducted by one of the parents, by the grandparents or by those who have the child or adolescent under their authority, custody or supervision to repudiate or to cause damage to the establishment or maintenance of bonds with the parent. In this vein lies the problem of this thesis: in which way does joint custody represent some kind of change in coparenting? Through the analysis of content, using the documentary analysis as a research procedure and, as a corpus of analysis the legislation on the subject, which are Federal Constitutions, Civil Code of 1916 (Law 3,071/1916), Married Woman Statute (Law 4,121/1962), Constitutional Amendment n. 9/1977, Child and Adolescent Statute (Law 8,069/1990), Civil Code of 2002 (Law 10,406), Law 11,698/2008, Law 12,318/2010, Law 13,058/2014 and Code of Civil Procedure of 2015 (Law 13,105). Moreover, this thesis will be based on bibliographies, not only from Social Service, but also from Psychology and Law. It will seek to verify the viability of the coactive shared custody as a hindering means of the practice of parental alienation and also as a way of effectuation of the rights of children and adolescents. / A presente tese aborda, de forma interdisciplinar, a gest?o da vida dos filhos ap?s a dissolu??o de um casamento ou de uma uni?o est?vel. A pesquisa inicia com a an?lise do avan?o da legisla??o pertinente a tem?tica tendo em vista que, originalmente, em nosso ordenamento jur?dico, existia apenas a previs?o da guarda unilateral a qual, pela pr?tica social, acabava sendo determinada apenas em favor da genitora. Com a sua atribui??o, o ascendente detentor da guarda passa a decidir de modo exclusivo todas as quest?es pertinentes a vida da prole. Todavia, em 2008, a Lei 11.698 alterou os artigos 1.583 e 1.584 do C?digo Civil para estabelecer a possibilidade da guarda compartilhada entre os genitores, sendo ela a ?responsabiliza??o conjunta e o exerc?cio de direitos e deveres do pai e da m?e que n?o vivam sob o mesmo teto, concernentes ao poder familiar dos filhos comuns?. Mesmo assim, desde ent?o, mostrou-se frequente a confus?o social do instituto do compartilhamento com o da guarda alternada, que representaria uma divis?o est?tica do tempo entre ambos os genitores onde, nessa estrutura, aquele genitor que se encontraria em sua companhia deteria poder exclusivo de decis?o. Considerando que jamais existiu a possibilidade de guarda alternada no Brasil, em 2014, houve a necessidade de nova altera??o modificando o C?digo Civil, por meio da Lei 13.058. Dentre as altera??es, a aplica??o da guarda compartilhada passou ser a via preferencial e a unilateralidade, em consequ?ncia, a sa?da restritiva. Al?m disso, houve o esclarecimento de que o compartilhamento pode ser aplicado mesmo quando os pais residam em cidades diferentes e, tamb?m, quando existir o lit?gio entre os genitores. Outro fato a ser considerado ? a presen?a constante de processos onde existe a presen?a de aliena??o parental entre os genitores. Segundo a Lei 12.318/2010, considera-se ato de aliena??o parental a interfer?ncia na forma??o psicol?gica da crian?a ou do adolescente promovida ou induzida por um dos genitores, pelos av?s ou pelos que tenham a crian?a ou adolescente sob a sua autoridade, guarda ou vigil?ncia para que repudie genitor ou que cause preju?zo ao estabelecimento ou ? manuten??o de v?nculos com este. Nessa esteira ? que reside a problem?tica da presente tese: exsurge como problem?tica da presente tese: de que forma a guarda compartilhada representa uma mudan?a na forma de cogest?o parental? Por meio da an?lise de conte?do, a partir de Laurence Bardin, utilizamos como procedimento de pesquisa a an?lise documental e, enquanto corpus de an?lise as legisla??es a respeito da tem?tica, quais sejam, Constitui??es Federais, C?digo Civil de 1916 (Lei 3.071/1916), Estatuto da Mulher Casada (Lei 4.121/1962), Emenda Constitucional n. 9/1977, Estatuto da Crian?a e do Adolescente (Lei 8.069/1990), C?digo Civil de 2002 (Lei 10.406), Lei 11.698/2008, Lei 12.318/2010, Lei 13.058/2014 e C?digo de Processo Civil de 2015 (Lei 13.105). Al?m disso, fundamentar-se-? a presente tese com bibliografias, n?o apenas do Servi?o Social, mas tamb?m, da Psicologia e do Direito, buscar-se-? compreender os desafios do compartilhamento coativo da guarda enquanto meio obstaculizador da pr?tica da aliena??o parental, mas tamb?m, como possibilidade de efetiva??o dos direitos da crian?a e do adolescente.
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Till-tal och an-svar : En konstruktion av pedagogisk hållning / Calling and Respons(e)ibility : A construction of pedagogical creedJons, Lotta January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study is to construct as philosophical conceptualization of pedagogical attitude. Founded on Martin Buber’s philosophy of dialogue, the construction suggested in the study takes on a normative character, thus understanding pedagogical attitude as a matter of pedagogical creed. The author proposes a construction where existence is understood as a matter of Calling and Respons(e)ibility. Pedagogical attitude is thus understood in accordance with the notion of paying heed, responsibly responding and calling. As a consequence this conceptualization calls on the teacher to speak authentically, serve, embrace a loving leadership, provoke and dare to take risks.</p><p>Within the concept of Calling and Respons(e)ibility, “calling” means addressing a particular other, whilst respons(e)ibility is a term chosen to make the concept connote to the response as well as the responsibility taken in relation to a particular calling. The concept of Calling and Respons(e)ibility is understood as closely connected to the religious concept of vocation, although recycled in a secularized meaning, thereby put forth as a matter of realizing the fate of the teacher, the student as well as the field/subject. The concept of Calling and Respons(e)ibility is in the study connected to the notions of “mothering”, obedience and adjustment as well as to the notions of responsibility, fidelity and being enterprising.</p><p>Using a methodological approach of philosophical conceptualization suggested by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, the study sets out to reuse such old theological concepts as vocation, calling, paying heed and responding responsibly in new forms in a pedagogical context, thereby intending to discover, articulate and discern new aspects of that context. </p><p>By conceptualizing pedagogical attitude on the basis of an existential, normative and relational perspective, using the notion of calling and respons(e)ability, the study aspires to contribute to the ongoing conversation concerning teacher-student-relationship. </p>
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Internetmarknadsföringens effektivitet : en studie på fyra utvalda former av InternetmarknadsföringGustavsson, Jennie, Krüss, Linn January 2007 (has links)
<p>The society is developing fast and the development is constantly on-going, new technology results in new opportunities and new problems for both companies and consumers. The use of Internet has heavily increased around the world; this means that the companies can use Internet as a channel of communication to reach the consumers. The most recent type of marketing is web marketing. The fact that web marketing is constantly changing raise the question of how effective different types of web marketing are.</p><p>The purpose of this study is to investigate four selected types of web marketing. This is achieved by comparing the response from the consumers and the cost for the different types of web marketing. The four types of web marketing that are included in this study are; traditional web marketing such as banners and pop-ups, search engine marketing, marketing through blogs as well as communities and finally virtual marketing.</p><p>This study is based on a survey investigation and the data is collected through questionnaires, focus groups and secondary data sources. The survey comprises consumers ranging from the age of 16-34 years who lives in the area of Stockholm. The data has been analyzed through correlation calculations to investigate if there are any relations between different variables. The relations that were found were analyzed more in detail and discussed further. The analysis is based upon the theoretical synthesis which is a result of different theories and previous research.</p><p>The result from the survey shows that the most effective type of web marketing is marketing through blogs and communities. The most ineffective type of web marketing is traditional web marketing. Marketing through blogs and communities is perceived as entertaining and is based upon a communication model that is more individual adapted than the communication model for traditional web marketing. Results show that web marketing, adapted to the consumers’ interest is more effective. It is also important that the web marketing does not interrupt the consumers flow. Furthermore, web marketing where the consumers can choose to take a more active role are more effective than other types of web marketing. Web marketing that is spread through the consumers’ personal contacts receives a more positive response than web marketing that is directly posted by companies. To avoid irritation among the consumers a mixture of different types of web marketing is preferable. The strongest correlation was between the consumers’ opinions about the different types of web marketing and how they react to them. According to the results there is a general opinion that web marketing is irritating. Previous research supports the majority of the results and conclusions in this study.</p> / <p>Samhället utvecklas i en snabb takt och utvecklingen pågår ständigt, ny teknik innebär både nya möjligheter och nya problem för såväl företagen som konsumenterna. Internetanvändningen har ökat kraftigt världen över och detta innebär att företagen kan använda Internet som en kommunikationskanal för att kommunicera med konsumenterna. Den senaste marknadsföringsformen som har uppkommit är marknadsföring via Internet. Då formerna av Internetmarknadsföring ständigt utvecklas och förändras kvarstår frågan om hur effektiva de olika formerna av Internetmarknadsföring är.</p><p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur effektiva fyra utvalda former av Internetmarknadsföring är och detta görs genom att undersöka responsen som konsumenterna ger och jämföra det med kostnaden för de olika formerna av Internetmarknadsföring. De fyra olika formerna av Internetmarknadsföring som undersöks är; traditionell Internetmarknadsföring, sökmotorsmarknadsföring, marknadsföring via bloggar och communities samt virtuell marknadsföring.</p><p>Denna uppsats är baserad på en surveyundersökning och datainsamlingen har skett via frågeformulär, fokusgrupper samt sekundärdata. Undersökningen omfattar konsumenter inom åldersintervallet 16-34 år som är boende i Storstockholmsområdet. Materialet från datainsamlingarna har sammanställts och korrelationsberäkningar har genomförts för att undersöka om det finns några samband mellan olika variabler. De samband som har upptäckts har sedan studerats på mer detaljerad nivå och analyserats. Analysen baseras på den teoretiska syntesen som är framtagen från ett stort antal teorier och tidigare forskning.</p><p>Resultatet från undersökningen visar att den mest effektiva formen av Internetmarknadsföring är marknadsföring via bloggar och communities och den minst effektiva formen är traditionell Internetmarknadsföring. Marknadsföring via bloggar och communities uppfattas som underhållande och baseras på en kommunikationsmodell som är mer individuellt anpassad än kommunikationsmodellen för traditionell Internetmarknadsföring. Det framkom även att Internetmarknadsföring som är anpassad till konsumenternas intressen är mer effektiv samt att Internetmarknadsföring som inte avbryter konsumentens flöde och där konsumenten själv får vara aktiv även är mer effektiv än andra former. Internetmarknadsföring som sprids via konsumenternas personliga kontaktnät får mer positiv respons än former där företag är den närmaste avsändaren. En mix av de olika formerna av Internetmarknadsföring är nödvändig för att inte bilda ett irritationsmoment för konsumenterna. Det framkom även att det finns ett starkt samband mellan hur konsumenterna uppfattar Internetmarknadsföringen och hur de reagerar på Internetmarknadsföringen. Den generella uppfattningen om Internetmarknadsföring är dock att den är irriterande. Den tidigare forskningen stöder de allra flesta av de slutsatser som framkom genom vår undersökning.</p>
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Inköpsstrategier för ökad konkurrenskraft inom dagligvarubranschen / Procurement strategies in order to achieve better competitive strength, within retail food industryErvallius, David, Karlsson, Marie January 2007 (has links)
<p>Term: Spring term 2007</p><p>Study objects: Reitan Servicehandel AB, Vi-butikerna, ICA Sverige AB</p><p>Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyse how procurement is used as a strategy to achieve better competitive strength, within the retail food industry.</p><p>Theoretical: The theoretical chapter illustrates different procurement organisations, multiple and single sourcing, brand equity, consumer behaviour and involvement, Efficient Consumer Response including supply chain and category management and finally Demand Chain Management.</p><p>Method: For the case studies, three food retail companies have been interviewed: Reitan Servicehandel AB, Vi-butikerna and ICA AB. To illustrate how consumer behaviour influences retail food market, several secondary consumer research studies have been analysed.</p><p>Conclusions: The results indicate that the procurement organisation can achieve a better competitive strength by a centralised organisation, which make it possible to improve conditions of terms when ordering higher purchase volumes. The sourcing strategies can improve a company’s power within the supply chain. All companies within the study had a very good knowledge about consumer behaviour. Information technology is a very important tool to achieve enhanced efficiency within the organisation. It also indicates that the procurement organisation by its knowledge in sales and marketing can improve a company’s competitive strength.</p>
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Till-tal och an-svar : En konstruktion av pedagogisk hållning / Calling and Respons(e)ibility : A construction of pedagogical creedJons, Lotta January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this study is to construct as philosophical conceptualization of pedagogical attitude. Founded on Martin Buber’s philosophy of dialogue, the construction suggested in the study takes on a normative character, thus understanding pedagogical attitude as a matter of pedagogical creed. The author proposes a construction where existence is understood as a matter of Calling and Respons(e)ibility. Pedagogical attitude is thus understood in accordance with the notion of paying heed, responsibly responding and calling. As a consequence this conceptualization calls on the teacher to speak authentically, serve, embrace a loving leadership, provoke and dare to take risks. Within the concept of Calling and Respons(e)ibility, “calling” means addressing a particular other, whilst respons(e)ibility is a term chosen to make the concept connote to the response as well as the responsibility taken in relation to a particular calling. The concept of Calling and Respons(e)ibility is understood as closely connected to the religious concept of vocation, although recycled in a secularized meaning, thereby put forth as a matter of realizing the fate of the teacher, the student as well as the field/subject. The concept of Calling and Respons(e)ibility is in the study connected to the notions of “mothering”, obedience and adjustment as well as to the notions of responsibility, fidelity and being enterprising. Using a methodological approach of philosophical conceptualization suggested by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, the study sets out to reuse such old theological concepts as vocation, calling, paying heed and responding responsibly in new forms in a pedagogical context, thereby intending to discover, articulate and discern new aspects of that context. By conceptualizing pedagogical attitude on the basis of an existential, normative and relational perspective, using the notion of calling and respons(e)ability, the study aspires to contribute to the ongoing conversation concerning teacher-student-relationship.
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