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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Neo-Liberal Governance through Toronto Press Discourse on Youth Misconduct

Boyes, Alison 19 April 2011 (has links)
This research considers the place of media in society by means of a Foucaudian genealogy of welfare and neo-liberal discourse surrounding youth misconduct in two Toronto newspapers. It was found that the overall “mode of talking” about youth misconduct has shifted from welfare to neo-liberal discourse, and that resistance or critical thought surrounding current neo-liberal discourse emerges in The Globe and Mail. I explore the role of newspapers in the process of governance by analyzing these discourses in terms of Foucault’s three rationalities for “the art of government” and also by analyzing the knowledge produced or titillated and the power outcomes or effects of these discourses. It is argued that newspapers can benefit governance by reflecting, validating and perhaps even rendering current neo-liberal governmentalities more efficient, by encouraging non-government groups to assist in the management of youth misconduct.

Neo-Liberal Governance through Toronto Press Discourse on Youth Misconduct

Boyes, Alison 19 April 2011 (has links)
This research considers the place of media in society by means of a Foucaudian genealogy of welfare and neo-liberal discourse surrounding youth misconduct in two Toronto newspapers. It was found that the overall “mode of talking” about youth misconduct has shifted from welfare to neo-liberal discourse, and that resistance or critical thought surrounding current neo-liberal discourse emerges in The Globe and Mail. I explore the role of newspapers in the process of governance by analyzing these discourses in terms of Foucault’s three rationalities for “the art of government” and also by analyzing the knowledge produced or titillated and the power outcomes or effects of these discourses. It is argued that newspapers can benefit governance by reflecting, validating and perhaps even rendering current neo-liberal governmentalities more efficient, by encouraging non-government groups to assist in the management of youth misconduct.

Safety in the making : studies on the discursive construction of risk and safety in the chemical industry

Rasmussen, Joel January 2010 (has links)
This compilation thesis aims to analyse how risk and safety are constructed, reproduced, and negotiated by communicative means in safety-critical workplaces. It conceptualizes these communicative moments of shaping and reshaping risk and safety as enmeshed in multiple forms of governing. That is, the management of risk and safety may not only be an employer’s responsibility delegated by the State, in a welfarist fashion, but may take different forms through a variety of institutional practices and communicative means. These defining practices seem particularly urgent to study, since it is through them that the locus of risk may be moved from one type of area or object to another, that attention is or is not paid to certain conditions of human exposure, and that parties are appointed responsible for safety measures.The thesis centres on three safety-critical factories located in Sweden that handle corrosive and/or explosive chemicals. It analyses interviews with various employees as well as recorded talk at a safety committee meeting. Previous research has addressed the existence of a tension between a strategy of individual responsibility and one of collective protection. This study makes a further contribution by demonstrating how these traditions are advocated and negotiated in discourse, and the dilemmas that emerge in the process. Although the study demonstrates that a discourse of collective prevention is reflected and reproduced in some narratives, it also makes evident that a great deal of responsibility is placed on the individual worker to avoid risk. The analysis has been able to show that this is due to the co-presence of traditional, hierarchical advice-giving and self-reproach, which amplify the importance of workers conducting themselves with greater caution, and of those newer concepts and technologies for worker involvement and responsibilization which are implemented in line with neoliberal ideas of human resources utilization.  Furthermore, the thesis demonstrates how employees’ risk and safety discourse exposes dilemmas, especially when, consciously or not, egalitarian norms are taken into account. For instance, the moralizing elements of behavioural discourse are regularly supplemented by mitigating, pronominal, or entirely agentless discursive choices, and thus by an anticipatory display of awareness of egalitarian norms. It is argued that this discoursal softening of workers’ risk responsibilities helps condition the sustained prevalence of a behavioural approach to risk and safety. It also exposes some of its fragility.

Neo-Liberal Governance through Toronto Press Discourse on Youth Misconduct

Boyes, Alison 19 April 2011 (has links)
This research considers the place of media in society by means of a Foucaudian genealogy of welfare and neo-liberal discourse surrounding youth misconduct in two Toronto newspapers. It was found that the overall “mode of talking” about youth misconduct has shifted from welfare to neo-liberal discourse, and that resistance or critical thought surrounding current neo-liberal discourse emerges in The Globe and Mail. I explore the role of newspapers in the process of governance by analyzing these discourses in terms of Foucault’s three rationalities for “the art of government” and also by analyzing the knowledge produced or titillated and the power outcomes or effects of these discourses. It is argued that newspapers can benefit governance by reflecting, validating and perhaps even rendering current neo-liberal governmentalities more efficient, by encouraging non-government groups to assist in the management of youth misconduct.

Neo-Liberal Governance through Toronto Press Discourse on Youth Misconduct

Boyes, Alison January 2011 (has links)
This research considers the place of media in society by means of a Foucaudian genealogy of welfare and neo-liberal discourse surrounding youth misconduct in two Toronto newspapers. It was found that the overall “mode of talking” about youth misconduct has shifted from welfare to neo-liberal discourse, and that resistance or critical thought surrounding current neo-liberal discourse emerges in The Globe and Mail. I explore the role of newspapers in the process of governance by analyzing these discourses in terms of Foucault’s three rationalities for “the art of government” and also by analyzing the knowledge produced or titillated and the power outcomes or effects of these discourses. It is argued that newspapers can benefit governance by reflecting, validating and perhaps even rendering current neo-liberal governmentalities more efficient, by encouraging non-government groups to assist in the management of youth misconduct.

Appartenir à la société de consommation en étant travailleur pauvre : une approche socio-historique de la construction de la figure du consommateur pauvre / Belonging to the consumer society while being a working poor : A socio-historical approach of the construction of the poor consumer figure

Gorge, Hélène 04 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la construction de la figure du consommateur pauvre en France. Plus spécifiquement, nous nous intéressons aux mécanismes qui sous-tendent le sentiment d’appartenance à la société de consommation pour les travailleurs pauvres. En nous inspirant des travaux de Michel Foucault, nous mettons à jour la manière dont la consommation et les acteurs du marché ont un rôle historiquement décisif dans la construction de formes de gouvernementalité. A cet effet, nous avons conduit une recherche historique afin de comprendre les transformations des représentations sur les pauvres en France depuis les années 1950. Parallèlement, nous avons réalisé des entretiens longs et des collages auprès de 16 travailleurs pauvres en France, afin de comprendre leur interprétation de cette appartenance. Notre analyse interprétative révèle que les discours de consommation des travailleurs pauvres sont structurés autour de la notion de responsabilisation. La responsabilisation agit comme un dispositif au sens foucaldien, qui influence trois types d’appartenance de ces individus à la société de consommation : une appartenance légitime, une appartenance compétente et une appartenance modérée. Nous concluons cette recherche par une discussion sur les implications de la responsabilisation sur le processus de construction de lien social des ravailleurs pauvres. Nous mettons en valeur les implications de cette analyse pour les entreprises et certains organismes publics qui sont aujourd’hui de plus en plus enclins à « cibler » les consommateurs pauvres. / This thesis focuses on the construction of the poor consumer figure in France. Specifically, we are interested in the mechanisms underlying the sense of belonging to the consumption society in the case of working poor people. Inspired by Michel Foucault’s works, we are looking at the decisive historical role of consumption and market actors in the shaping of specific forms of governmentality. To this end, we have conducted a historical research in order to understand the transformations of the representations of poor people in France since the 1950s. In parallel, we have completed long interviews and collages with 16 working poor people in France, in order to understand their interpretation of this belonging. Our interpretive analysis reveals that working poor’s consumption discourses are produced around the notion of responsibilization. Responsibilization appears as a Foucaldian dispositif which is influencing three senses of belonging of these people to the consumption society: a legitimate one, a competent one and a moderate one. We conclude this research with a discussion on the implications of responsibilization in the working poor’s process of construction of social link. It reveals implications for the companies and public organizations which are more and more willing to “target” poor consumers.

Governing partners: responsibilization in pregnancy advice literature for men

Collins, Elizabeth A 15 April 2009 (has links)
This thesis is an investigation of pregnancy advice books for expectant fathers. It explores how male partners are encouraged to participate in contemporary pregnancy management through medico-moral discourses, This study challenges current theoretical conceptions of responsibilization by contending that responsibilization is a necessarily social process. Working within a governmentality framework, this study uses both content analysis and critical discourse analysis. I found that responsibilization of expectant fathers followed two stages. First, they were invited to accumulate knowledge about pregnancy, and then to adopt behaviours befitting the ideal father. The structure and content of advice invited expectant fathers to become “responsible” by changing their own behaviour—and the behaviour of their pregnant partners. In most cases, the only behavioural modifications required of the expectant father are those that will influence the behaviours of their pregnant partners.

Droits sociaux et dynamiques d’activation des politiques sociales en Europe / Social rights and activation dynamics of social policies in europe

Pagnac, Romain 05 December 2013 (has links)
Depuis un certain nombre d’années, se manifeste tout spécialement en Europe l’influence de la thématique de l’activation des dépenses sociales dites « passives ». Ce discours politique imprègne les systèmes nationaux et se diffuse sur le plan normatif, conduisant à de nouvelles articulations entre logiques de protection sociale classique (indemnisation ou aide sociale) et d’emploi (droit du travail). Ces politiques actives s’appuient sur les fondements traditionnels du modèle social-démocrate nordique et du modèle anglo-saxon. L’Union européenne a fait sienne la dynamique d’activation et lui a accordé une place centrale dans sa stratégie pour l’emploi et dans la Méthode Ouverte de Coordination en matière de protection sociale. Cette stratégie a produit un impact sur les systèmes nationaux. Cet impact a pu être mesuré aussi bien sur les systèmes béveridgiens que sur les systèmes bismarckiens, laissant apparaître une multiplicité des visages de l’activation selon les Etats-membres, mais selon une référence plus marquée soit à une approche libérale soit à une approche dite « universaliste » ou « prospective », d’amélioration des trajectoires professionnelles. Les transformations récentes des dispositifs français (indemnitaires ou assistantiels), basées sur une logique de conditionnalité des prestations, ont conduit à des bouleversements au sein de la protection sociale qui invitent à questionner les logiques juridiques sous-jacentes de ces mutations et à proposer une analyse critique de la portée d’un tel renouvellement du contrat social. / The influence of the theme of activating "passive" social expenditure has been evidenced over the last few years and especially in Europe. This political discourse has filtered into the national systems and has spread to legislation, leading to new links between the logic of classic social protection (compensatory technique or social assistance claimants) and employment (employment law). These active policies are based on traditional socio-democratic nordic models and the anglo-american model. The European Union has adopted the activation concept and given it central place in its employment strategy and through the Open Method of Coordination for social protection. This strategy has had an impact on the national systems. This impact may be measured in Beveridgian systems as well as in Bismarckian systems, that shows the different aspects of activation depending on the Member States but with a more distinct difference depending on a more liberal or universalist approach. The recent transformations in the French system (unemployment insurance benefits or social assistance schemes) based on the conditionality of social protection, have led to significant changes to social protection which raises the issue of the underlying legal logic of these changes and a critical analysis of the extent of such a renewal of the social contract.

L'indemnisation par l'assurance de responsabilité civile professionnelle : L'exemple des professions du chiffre et du droit / Compensation from the professional civil liability insurance

Bigot, Rodolphe 05 December 2012 (has links)
En matière de responsabilité civile des professionnels du chiffre et du droit, l’indemnisation est intégralement réalisée par l’assurance privée. Il existe donc, à cet égard, une nette différence entre l’indemnisation dans le domaine de la responsabilité médicale et dans le domaine objet de la recherche entreprise. Pourtant, les enjeux économiques y seraient d’importance supérieure. Une mutualisation optimale est souvent réalisée par les instances professionnelles du chiffre et du droit. Celles-ci ont souscrit des contrats d’assurance collective créés et proposés dès le dix-neuvième siècle par un même assureur, à présent en situation de quasi monopole de fait.De 2001 à 2010, plus de 100 000 sinistres ont été déclarés par des professionnels du chiffre et du droit auprès de cet apériteur dominant. Un échantillonnage approfondi a permis de constater que l’indemnisation n’a pas toute l’efficacité espérée, étant elle-même contrecarrée par l’action du système assurantiel de défense professionnelle fédéré autour de comités de gestion concertée. Ce système aurait ainsi pris le contrôle de l’indemnisation, de sorte à réaliser une forme d’écrasement des préjudices indemnisables, notamment par le jeu des règlements extrajudiciaires prédominants. En même temps, ce système ne serait pas toujours en mesure de protéger pleinement cette incroyable mutualisation qu’il a pourtant réalisée avec succès. En effet, une altération de la responsabilisation des professionnels assurés pourrait être à la fois la cause et la conséquence de cette importante sinistralité pour laquelle les techniques assurantielles d’autodiscipline semblent être tombées en léthargie, au détriment de l’indemnisation. / In the field of the civil liability of law and accounting practitioners, the compensation of victims is entirely carried out by a private insurer. There is, therefore, in this respect, a plain difference between compensation in the field of medical liability and compensation in the area addressed in this research. Nevertheless, the economic stakes would be rather higher. An optimal mutuality is often done by law and accounting professional bodies. They have entered into collective insurance contracts created and proposed as from the nineteenth century by a sole insurer, today in an almost situation of de facto monopoly. From 2001 to 2010, more than 100 000 claims have been declared by law and accounting professions together with the dominant insurer. A detailed sampling has enabled us to notice that the compensation does not have its entire hoped efficiency, itself being thwarted by the insurance system’s action of professional defense federated around concerted management committees. This system has therefore taken control of the compensation process, in a way to conceive a form of crushing of the prejudices entitled to compensation, mainly through amicable settlements. At the same time, the abovementioned system is not always in a position to fully protect this incredible mutuality that it has however carried out with success. The impairment which affects the responsibilization of insured practitioners could be at the same time the cause and the consequence of this important sum of claims for which the self-disciplined methods used by insurance seem to have faded, to the detriment of compensation.

RISK, RESPECT & UNSPEAKABLE ACTS : Untangling Intimate-Sexual Consent through 'Intuitive Inquiry' & 'Agential Realism' / RISK, RESPEKT & OBESKRIVLIGA HANDLINGAR : 'Untangling' intimt-sexuellt samtycke genom 'Intuitive Inquiry' & 'Agential Realism'

Storm, Frida January 2021 (has links)
In an attempt to address the issues in research and theory on consent, this thesis explores what consent can be seen as "doing" through an 'Intuitive Inquiry' (Anderson 2011a) and 'Agential Realism' (Barad 2007). Various manifestations of consent appears through: the experience of the researcher, consent research and theory, consent legislation, interviews with professionals in intimate-sexual consent, and, feminist fanzines. Consent evokes issues around agency, power, communication, respect, violence, risk, morals and ethics that go beyond sexual-intimate negotiation. Consent emerges as multiple, complex and fluid in 'intra-action' (ibid.) with the context. Entanglements and paradoxes of consent are further explored in 'diffractive analysis' (ibid.) through "bodily autonomy" and"rights/obligations". As a phenomenon, consent appears to make agency and power intelligible (to different degrees), but, can not be said to provide a viable strategy against sexual violence. The tenets of consent discourse risk (re)producing anxieties around intimacy and sex, responsibilizing survivors and obfuscating sexual violence. Further and improved research on communication in everyday sexual negotiation, sexual violence, consent legislation and what consent "does" is urgently needed.Through creative method and new epistemology the thesis (re)presents a knowledge process true to lived experience, as well as, an invitation to pull the terrible wonderful world, it's complexities, and us in it, closer. / I ett försök att ta itu med problem inom forskning och teori om 'consent' undersöker denna avhandling vad samtycke kan ses som ”göra” genom 'Intuitiv Inquiry' (Anderson 2011a) och'Agential Realism' (Barad 2007). Olika manifestationer av 'consent' framträder genom: forskarens erfarenheter, samtyckes-forskning och teori, samtyckelagstiftning, intervjuer med professionella inom samtycke, och, feministiska fanzines. Samtycke väcker frågor kring agens, makt, kommunikation, respekt, våld, risk, moral och etik som går bortom sexuella-intima förhandlingar. Samtycke framträder som multipelt, komplext och rörligt i 'intra-action' (ibid.) med kontexten. 'Entanglements' och paradoxer inom samtycke undersöks vidare i 'diffraktiv analys' (ibid.) genom "kroppslig autonomi" och"rättigheter/skyldigheter". Som ett fenomen gör samtycke agens och makt möjlig att tänka (iolika grad), men kan inte sägas bidra med en hållbar strategi mot sexuellt våld. Grundsatserna i samtyckesdiskursen riskerar att (re)producera ängsla kring intima-sexuella situationer, responsibilisera offer och dölja sexuellt våld. Ytterligare och förbättrad forskning är i akut behov kring kommunikation i vardagliga sexuella förhandlingar, sexuellt våld, samtyckeslagstiftning och vad samtycke "gör". Genom kreativ metod och ny epistemologi (re)presenterar avhandlingen en kunskapsprocesssom är trogen till levd verklighet, samt en inbjudan att närma sig, den fruktansvärda underbara världen, dess komplexitet, och oss inom den.

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