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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Partnerství mezi učitelem a žáky na ZŠ / Relationship between the teacher and the pupils at the elementary school

DUŠKOVÁ, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
DUŠKOVÁ, Barbora. The relationship between the teacher and the pupils at the elementary school. České Budějovice: University of South Bohemia, Pedagogical Faculty, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, 2011, 85 pp., Supervisor of the diploma thesis PhDr. Marta Franclová. This diloma thesis is focused on the topic of the relationship between the teacher and the pupils at the elementary school.The theoretical part describes changes in the czech school system after 1989 and concerns developement of the new educational aims. It also deals with the personality of a teacher and his temperament, choice of teacher´s profession and requirements for this job. The theoretical part also contains the question of mutual relationship between the teacher and the pupils. In the practical part the author focuses on the results of the research of teacher´s interactive style which was accomplished by the method of the questionnaire.

Essays on the macroeconomic implications of information asymmetries

Malherbe, Frédéric 02 September 2010 (has links)
Along this dissertation I propose to walk the reader through several macroeconomic<p>implications of information asymmetries, with a special focus on financial<p>issues. This exercise is mainly theoretical: I develop stylized models that aim<p>at capturing macroeconomic phenomena such as self-fulfilling liquidity dry-ups,<p>the rise and the fall of securitization markets, and the creation of systemic risk.<p>The dissertation consists of three chapters. The first one proposes an explanation<p>to self-fulfilling liquidity dry-ups. The second chapters proposes a formalization<p>of the concept of market discipline and an application to securitization<p>markets as risk-sharing mechanisms. The third one offers a complementary<p>analysis to the second as the rise of securitization is presented as banker optimal<p>response to strict capital constraints.<p>Two concepts that do not have unique acceptations in economics play a central<p>role in these models: liquidity and market discipline.<p>The liquidity of an asset refers to the ability for his owner to transform it into<p>current consumption goods. Secondary markets for long-term assets play thus<p>an important role with that respect. However, such markets might be illiquid due<p>to adverse selection.<p>In the first chapter, I show that: (1) when agents expect a liquidity dry-up<p>on such markets, they optimally choose to self-insure through the hoarding of<p>non-productive but liquid assets; (2) this hoarding behavior worsens adverse selection and dries up market liquidity; (3) such liquidity dry-ups are Pareto inefficient<p>equilibria; (4) the government can rule them out. Additionally, I show<p>that idiosyncratic liquidity shocks à la Diamond and Dybvig have stabilizing effects,<p>which is at odds with the banking literature. The main contribution of the<p>chapter is to show that market breakdowns due to adverse selection are highly<p>endogenous to past balance-sheet decisions.<p>I consider that agents are under market discipline when their current behavior<p>is influenced by future market outcomes. A key ingredient for market discipline<p>to be at play is that the market outcome depends on information that is observable<p>but not verifiable (that is, information that cannot be proved in court, and<p>consequently, upon which enforceable contracts cannot be based).<p>In the second chapter, after introducing this novel formalization of market<p>discipline, I ask whether securitization really contributes to better risk-sharing:<p>I compare it with other mechanisms that differ on the timing of risk-transfer. I<p>find that for securitization to be an efficient risk-sharing mechanism, it requires<p>market discipline to be strong and adverse selection not to be severe. This seems<p>to seriously restrict the set of assets that should be securitized for risk-sharing<p>motive.<p>Additionally, I show how ex-ante leverage may mitigate interim adverse selection<p>in securitization markets and therefore enhance ex-post risk-sharing. This<p>is interesting because high leverage is usually associated with “excessive” risktaking.<p>In the third chapter, I consider risk-neutral bankers facing strict capital constraints;<p>their capital is indeed required to cover the worst-case-scenario losses.<p>In such a set-up, I find that: 1) banker optimal autarky response is to diversify<p>lower-tail risk and maximize leverage; 2) securitization helps to free up capital<p>and to increase leverage, but distorts incentives to screen loan applicants properly; 3) market discipline mitigates this problem, but if it is overestimated by<p>the supervisor, it leads to excess leverage, which creates systemic risk. Finally,<p>I consider opaque securitization and I show that the supervisor: 4) faces uncertainty<p>about the trade-off between the size of the economy and the probability<p>and the severity of a systemic crisis; 5) can generally not set capital constraints<p>at the socially efficient level. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Erwartungen und Einschätzungen von Lehrkräften zur Leistung von Schüler*innen / Akkuratheit und Bedeutung für Leistungsentwicklung

Gentrup, Sarah 02 October 2020 (has links)
Die Dissertation untersucht Leistungserwartungen von Lehrkräften. Teilstudie 1 und 2 gehen der Frage nach, welche Merkmale von Schüler*innen Lehrkräfte in ihre Erwartungen an die Leistungen von Lernenden einbeziehen. Teilstudie 3 untersucht, welche Bedeutung inakkurat hohe oder niedrige Leistungserwartungen von Lehrkräften für ihr unterrichtliches Handeln und für die Leistungsentwicklungen der Lernenden haben. Die Analysen basieren auf Daten der Längsschnittstudie „Kompetenzerwerb und Lernvoraussetzungen“, an der im Schuljahr 2013/2014 insgesamt 1065 Schüler*innen aus 64 ersten Grundschulklassen teilgenommen haben. Teilstudie 1 ergab, dass Erwartungen von Lehrkräften an die sprachlichen und mathematischen Leistungen von Erstklässler*innen in Abhängigkeit vom ethnischen Hintergrund, sozialen Hintergrund und Geschlecht der Lernenden variieren. Diese Unterschiede blieben zum Teil auch nach Kontrolle der Ausgangsfähigkeiten und selbsteingeschätzten Motivation der Schüler*innen bestehen und kennzeichnen daher Verzerrungen. Den Ergebnissen von Teilstudie 2 zufolge gehen solche sozialen und geschlechtsbezogenen Verzerrungen zum Teil auf Lehrkrafteinschätzungen der Motivation und des Arbeitsverhaltens zurück. Ethnische Verzerrungen bestanden hingegen unabhängig von diesen Lehrkrafteinschätzungen. Dass inakkurat hohe oder niedrige Leistungserwartungen die Leistungsentwicklung von Lernenden bereits im ersten Grundschuljahr beeinflussen können, zeigten die Ergebnisse der Teilstudie 3. Die zugehörige Videostudie ergab, dass sich inakkurate Leistungserwartungen von Lehrkräften in ihrem Feedbackverhalten niederschlagen. Eine bedeutsame Mediation der Erwartungseffekte durch das Feedback ließ sich aber nicht nachweisen. Die Befunde der Dissertation sind für die pädagogische Praxis sehr relevant. Sie sprechen einerseits für den Vorteil hoher Erwartungen und sensibilisieren andererseits für das Risiko verzerrender Einflüsse von Hintergrundmerkmalen der Schüler*innen. / The dissertation deals with teacher expectations for student achievement. The first two studies investigate student characteristics teachers rely on when forming their achievement expectations. Study 3 investigates the associations of inaccurately high or low teacher expectations with their teaching behavior and students’ subsequent achievement development. The analyses are based on data from the longitudinal research project “competence acquisition and learning preconditions” in which 1065 students from 64 first grade classes participated in the school year 2013/2014. Study 1 revealed that teachers’ expectations for students’ language and mathematics achievement differed depending on students’ ethnic background, social background and gender. These differences partly persisted even after controlling for students’ actual achievement, general cognitive abilities and motivation, and therefore indicate biased expectations. The results of study 2 showed that social bias and gender bias in teacher expectations were partly due to differences in teachers’ perceptions of students’ motivation and learning behavior. Ethnic bias, however, appeared independent of these teacher perceptions. The results of study 3 support the assumption that inaccurately high or low teacher expectations may result in self-fulfilling prophecies and influence students’ achievement development as early as in the first school grade. The video study of study 3 further revealed that inaccurately high or low teacher expectations may result in different teacher feedback for the students. Teacher feedback, however, did not substantially mediate teacher expectancy effects on student achievement. The results of the present dissertation are of great relevance for educational practice. First, they highlight the advantages of high expectations and, second, they sensitize for biasing influences of student background characteristics.

1997年韓國金融危機的研究 / 1997 Korean financial crisis

康益智, Kang, Yih Jyh Unknown Date (has links)
在了解一特定國家金融危機的成因時,除了目前已有的三代金融危機理論之外,我們覺得尚應有一個國家別論述架構才能更完整的解釋特定金融危機的前因後果。 參與韓國自1970年代以來大力推動的以出口帶動經濟成長策略的「韓國政府」、「韓國大企業財團」,以及基本上是為此等財團服務的「韓國金融機構」三者間所共同形成的運作邏輯及其利益交換的三角關係,乃是韓國特有的國家別論述架構。 此一韓國獨有的特殊三角運作,僅管一直存在政府擴張性政策所造成信用過度擴張、金融機構受制於政府及貸款企業體質而致的經營沒有效率與道德危機,以及因此累積的對外舉債過多等諸多風險因子,但由於國際貿易與國際資本市場一直對韓國有利,1990年代中期前此一三角運作堪稱良好。 然而自1990年代中期起,韓國受外在因素接連影響,一路從國際貿易市場優勢不再、企業財團獲利急速惡化,進而拖累本國金融機構體質等基本面因素上為金融危機奠下惡因,最後在1997年東南亞國家連串發生金融危機的那個時間點上,沒能撐過國際資金短期內自韓國全面撤離的衝擊,終於發生金融危機。 1997年韓國金融危機儘管是個危機,但它也帶給韓國一個來自IMF援救計畫的外來改革動力,成功的克服過去「政府、企業財團及金融機構」三角運作中所累積的沉疴以及抗拒改革的慣性,讓進一步提升韓國經濟發展的結構性改造得以全面推動。 / Three generations of financial crises theories have been evolved since Paul Krugman developed his speculative attack models in 1979. Krugman emphasized the failure of the fundamentals while the later theories including the exit clause models addressing the conditional commitment of the central banks, the moral hazards of the financial institutes and the self-fulfilling effect of the markets. We looked into the 1997 Korean financial crisis with these prevailing theoretical principles and also developed a framework incorporating three closely related Korean parties, namely the government, the chaebols(conglomerates)and the financial institutes to unveil this specific Korean case.

Revisorernas kostnad av att utge en going concern- varning

Gogani, Roya, Nyrén, Jonathan January 2013 (has links)
De uppgifter som revisorn presenterar i sin revisionsberättelse bör intressenter och företag ha förtroende för. Revisorn ska vara en oberoende länk mellan intressenter och företag. Läsaren förväntar sig finna eventuella ekonomiska problem i årsredovisningen. Detta är dock inte alltid fallet. Det är viktigt att revisorerna kan göra en pålitlig bedömning över företagets möjligheter till fortsatt drift. Beslut om going concern-varning måste grunda sig på oberoende och god kunskap om företagets situation. En felaktig going concern-varning kan orsaka problem och intäktsbortfall för både företaget och revisionsbyrån. Intressenterna kan förlora förtroendet för företaget och företaget kan i sin tur byta revisor. Studien fokuserar på huruvida revisorerna kan vara sparsamma med att utge going concern-varning för att inte riskera att förlora företaget som klient och därmed förlora revisionsintäkter. Därför undersöker studien om det finns ett samband mellan förlorade revisionsarvoden och utfärdandet av en första going concern-varning bland svenska företag. Studien vill också visa ifall en going concern- varning ökar sannolikheten för konkurs den s.k. självuppfyllande profetian. Ett bidrag till tidigare forskning är att studien beaktar revisionsuppdragets längd i förhållande till going concern-varning. Från databasen Affärsdata har 432 företag selekterats ut från bokslutsåret 2009. Av dessa hade 216 erhållit en going concern- varning. Denna testgrupp har sedan jämförts med en kontrollgrupp med samma antal som varit finansiellt stressade men inte erhållit någon varning. Studien har använt SPSS som statistiskt program för att kunna göra önskade beräkningar. Studiens resultat visar at det finns ett samband mellan en första going concern-varning och revisorbyte. Studien visar också att längden på revisionsuppdraget påverkar benägenheten att ge en going concern-varning. Däremot finner undersökningen inte något belägg för den s.k. självuppfyllande profetian. / The information that the auditor provides in their audit report should be valid in the eyes of the stakeholders of the company. The auditor should be the independent link between the company and its stakeholders. When reading the audit report, one expects to find all the possible economic problems identified in it, however this is not always the case. It is crucial that the audit of a company’s going concern is reliable. Decisions regarding going concern-modified opinions should be independent and be based on valid information regarding the company’s economic situation. One faulty going concern-modified opinion can set off a whole range of issues and revenue loss for both the company and the audit firm. Consequently stakeholders can lose their trust in the company resulting in a change of audit firm. This thesis is focused on whether or not auditors might be reluctant to hand out going concern-modified opinions in fear of losing a client and the revenue associated with it. Therefore, the thesis investigates whether or not there is a relationship between lost revenue and the first instance of issuing a going concern-modified opinion for Swedish companies. This thesis is also investigating whether the issuance of a going concern-modified opinion will increase the possibility of the company going bankrupt, the so-called self-fulfilling prophecy. A contribution to the previous research regarding the going concern issue is the consideration of audit tenure. We have used 432 companies with fiscal year 2009 extracted from the database Affärsdata. Out of this selection, 216 had been issued a going concern-modified opinion. This test group is then compared to the control group with the same number of companies that were identified as financially distressed but without receiving a going concern- modified opinion. The thesis has used the statistical program SPSS to complete the calculations needed to complete the analysis. The result shows a positive relationship between the first going concern-modified opinion and the change of audit firms. The period of time the auditing requires also effects the predisposition to issue a going concern-modified opinion. However the study was unable to find any statistical evidence for the so-called self-fulfilling prophecy.

Om jag inte kan göra nog så gör jag istället ingenting / If I can´t do enough I do nothing instead.

Westergren, Gisela January 2018 (has links)
It`s blameful to do nothing. You should catch the day and its possibilities. Every second, minute and day, you have the potential to be constantly productive. Do not lose a second of time that you can use to create an imprint of your existence. Do not waste your time when you have the opportunity to create something measurably valuable. Soon you are gone and the competition is great. Doing nothing is a task that fewer and fewer are devoted to, to a lesser extent. We are expected to always be accessible and keep up to date with what is happening around us. There is a constant occupation of our sense of mind, thoughtfulness and rest is unprioritized. We try to maximize the part of our time when we are productive and active to absurdity. The goal seems to make as big imprint of our existence as possible. Fast and more is applauded until the day we burn ourselves out. In my work, I investigate passivity as backlash in a faster world, in a world where focus is on production, efficiency and results. A world where everything worth valuing is measurable. What is really a desired result and is it always possible to measure? Who really gets that gain from our fast life? Can passivity and slowness act as an activist act? Can one passively create something measurable? Is burning time perhaps our time´s most provocative act? With my work, I want to question my constant bad conscience about being insufficient and my feeling of not doing enough. If I can´t do enough, I do nothing instead. / Det är skuldbelagt att göra ingenting. Du bör fånga dagen och dess möjligheter. Varje sekund, minut och dag har du potential att vara konstant produktiv. Förlora inte en sekund av tid som du kan använda till att skapa ett avtryck av din existens. Slösa inte med din tid när du har möjlighet att skapa något mätbart värdefullt. Snart är du borta och konkurrensen är stor. Att göra ingenting är en syssla som allt färre ägnar sig åt. Vi förväntas alltid vara tillgängliga och hålla oss uppdaterade om vad som händer runt oss. Det sker ständigt en ockupation av våra sinnesintryck. Eftertänksamhet och vila prioriteras bort. Vi försöker att maximera den del av vår tid då vi är produktiva och aktiva till absurditet. Målet verkar vara att hinna sätta ett så stort avtryck av vår existens som möjligt. Snabbare och mer applåderas till den dagen då vi bränner ut oss. I mitt arbete undersöker jag passivitet som motreaktion till en snabbare värld, i en värld där fokus ligger på produktion, effektivitet och resultat. I en värld där endast det som är mätbart ges ett värde. Vad är egentligen ett önskat resultat och är det alltid möjligt att mäta? Vem är det egentligen som får vinsten av vårt snabba liv? Kan passivitet och långsamhet fungera som en aktivistisk handling? Kan man passivt skapa något mätbart? Är ”att bränna tid”  kanske vår tids mest provokativa handling? Med mitt arbete vill jag ifrågasätta mitt konstanta dåliga samvete om att vara otillräcklig och min känsla av att jag inte gör tillräckligt. Om jag inte kan göra nog så gör jag istället ingenting.

The Social Construction of Economic Man: The Genesis, Spread, Impact and Institutionalisation of Economic Ideas

Mackinnon, Lauchlan A. K. Unknown Date (has links)
The present thesis is concerned with the genesis, diffusion, impact and institutionalisation of economic ideas. Despite Keynes's oft-cited comments to the effect that 'the ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood'(Keynes 1936: 383), and the highly visible impact of economic ideas (for example Keynesian economics, Monetarism, or economic ideas regarding deregulation and antitrust issues) on the economic system, economists have done little to systematically explore the spread and impact of economic ideas. In fact, with only a few notable exceptions, the majority of scholarly work concerning the spread and impact of economic ideas has been developed outside of the economics literature, for example in the political institutionalist literature in the social sciences. The present thesis addresses the current lack of attention to the spread and impact of economic ideas by economists by drawing on the political institutionalist, sociological, and psychology of creativity literatures to develop a framework in which the genesis, spread, impact and institutionalisation of economic ideas may be understood. To articulate the dissemination and impact of economic ideas within economics, I consider as a case study the evolution of economists' conception of the economic agent - "homo oeconomicus." I argue that the intellectual milieu or paradigm of economics is 'socially constructed' in a specific sense, namely: (i) economic ideas are created or modified by particular individuals; (ii) economic ideas are disseminated (iii) certain economic ideas are accepted by economists and (iv) economic ideas become institutionalised into the paradigm or milieu of economics. Economic ideas are, of course, disseminated not only within economics to fellow economists, but are also disseminated externally to economic policy makers and business leaders who can - and often do - take economic ideas into account when formulating policy and building economic institutions. Important economic institutions are thereby socially constructed, in the general sense proposed by Berger and Luckmann (1966). But how exactly do economic ideas enter into this process of social construction of economic institutions? Drawing from and building on structure/agency theory (e.g. Berger and Luckmann 1966; Bourdieu 1977; Bhaskar 1979/1998, 1989; Bourdieu 1990; Lawson 1997, 2003) in the wider social sciences, I provide a framework for understanding how economic ideas enter into the process of social construction of economic institutions. Finally, I take up a methodological question: if economic ideas are disseminated, and if economic ideas have a real and constitutive impact on the economic system being modelled, does 'economic science' then accurately and objectively model an independently existing economic reality, unchanged by economic theory, or does economic theory have an interdependent and 'reflexive' relationship with economic reality, as economic reality co-exists with, is shaped by, and also shapes economic theory? I argue the latter, and consider the implications for evaluating in what sense economic science is, in fact, a science in the classical sense. The thesis makes original contributions to understanding the genesis of economic ideas in the psychological creative work processes of economists; understanding the ontological location of economic ideas in the economic system; articulating the social construction of economic ideas; and highlighting the importance of the spread of economic ideas to economic practice and economic methodology.

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