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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Med “bibliotekarieögon” på litteraturen : En undersökning av åtta skolbibliotekariers professionella läsning / Reading with “librarian eyes” : An examination of eight school librarians’ professional reading

Björklund, Janna, Skynäs, Jennie January 2023 (has links)
Swedish children's reading abilities are decreasing according to the PIRLS 2021 results, which puts pressure on school librarians as they have a unique position in their work when promoting literature for children. But are school librarians’ given time during their workday to actually read the books that they are promoting? The aim of this Master’s thesis is to examine the conditions of, and the expectations on, school librarians’ own professional reading, with an emphasis on reading time at work. Research questions concern how school librarians describe their conditions for reading time and the expectations school (including students, teachers, and management) have on their reading promotion. In addition, the answers are analysed from a theory of professions perspective, where the theoretical framework consists of ideas and concepts by Andrew Abbott, Thomas Brante and Jan Nolin. The empirical data consist of eight semi-structured interviews with school librarians from different parts of the country, working at different kinds of school libraries. The main conclusions are that the school librarians all must adapt to very different conditions and expectations since there is a lack of legislation regarding the operations of school libraries. Because of this, trust between the librarian and the school management is seen as a key factor in ensuring reading time. Despite most of the librarians having reading time they still spend their free time reading for work, which has implications for the professionas a whole as their work becomes invisible.

Skolbiblioteksarbete och BoI-utbildningen : Hur förberedda är skolbibliotekarier för sin yrkesroll? / School library work and education : How prepared are school librarians in their professional role?

Jonsson, Jenny January 2023 (has links)
This thesis examines school librarians’ experience regarding on how their education prepares them for the actual profession. The method used in this thesis is qualitative interviews with six school librarians. Selection criteria were that the school librarians had completed their education within the last five years, to still have their education fresh in mind. The literature background shows that it is not uncommon that the librarian degree is considered too general because it does not provide a focus on specific types of libraries. Librarians experience that working with youths and children is a skill acquired elsewhere and with colleagues. Results from this study show that school librarians experience a lack of content focused on the school library during their education. Several of the respondents think that the education is more focused on public libraries than school libraries. The respondents believe that they have a good basic academic knowledge, which makes them comfortable in their role, but they were not prepared for how difficult it can be to collaborate with other professions, such as teachers. The respondent also say that what was taught during the courses was not always applicable in practice.

Svensklärares och skolbibliotekariers samarbete avseende elevers läsning av skönlitteratur

Skog, Sara, Jönsson, Bastian January 2012 (has links)
Det här arbetet belyser svensklärares och skolbibliotekariers arbete med skönlitteratur på två skolor i Skåne. Undersökningen har fokus på elevers läsning av skönlitteratur. Arbetet syftar till att skapa förståelse för hur samarbetet mellan de två yrkesgrupperna kan se ut samt vilka fördelar respektive nackdelar som kan uppstå som ett resultat av dessa samarbeten. Arbetet bygger på fyra ostrukturerade kvalitativa djupintervjuer med svensklärare och skolbibliotekarier. Intervjuerna har analyserats och tolkats utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Resultatet visar att de två skolornas svensklärare och skolbibliotekarier arbetar läsfrämjande på olika sätt och att förklaringen till den här skillnaden är att samarbetet är format av skolans syfte med läsning.

SKOLBIBLIOTEKET SOM PEDAGOGISK RESURS INOM MIK : En kvalitativ undersökning av samarbetet mellan skolbibliotekarier och lärare inom MIK-pedagogik

Sandberg, Joy January 2018 (has links)
Uppsatsen syfte var att skapa en djupare förståelse för vad som utgör ett gott samarbete mellan skolbibliotekarier och lärare i avseendet att tillämpa skolbiblioteket som en pedagogisk resurs för medie-och informationskunnighet (MIK).Metoden utgick från ett kvalitativt tillvägagagångssätt och det inhämtade datamaterialet bestod av djupintervjuer med fem bibliotekarier som arbetar inom skolbiblioteksverksamheter. Samarbetsformerna mellan skolbibliotekarier och lärare analyserades genom PatriciaMontiel-Overalls samarbetsmodeller. Resultatet av analysen identifierade faktorer som begränsar och möjliggör samarbete mellan lärare och skolbibliotekarier.En djupare nivå av samarbete kring MIK-aktiviteter förekom endast hos en av skolbibliotekarierna. Samtliga andra respondenter upplevde svårigheter att komma längre än ett grundläggande samarbete. Faktorer som ansågs centrala för ett fungerande samarbete vid MIK-pedagogik var kommunikation mellan lärare och skolbibliotek, organisering inom skola, ledning och bibliotek,engagerad rektor och dessutom fanns det en vilja att utbilda lärare för att effektivisera MIK-arbetet mot elevernas måluppfyllelse. Faktorer som ansågs vara begränsande för samarbetet var tidsbrist, överbelastning, resursbrist, brist på utvärdering och ett motstånd bland lärare att jobba med skolbiblioteket.

Skolbibliotekariens strategier och praktiker : Att bemöta utmaningar i det läsfrämjande arbetet / The School librarians strategies and practices : Meeting challenges in reading promotion work

Johansson, Emma January 2023 (has links)
School librarians working with reading promotion daily meet challenges regarding literature and reading from students. This requires for school librarians to know how to handle these daily challenges. This thesis aims to examine what challenges boys and girls respectively express regarding the school librarians work with reading promotion. This thesis also aims to examine what strategies and/or practices school librarians apply to meet these challenges. Seven semi-structured interviews were carried out with school librarians working in Swedish public and private schools. The results were analyzed using the sociocultural perspective on learning by Roger Säljö. The conclusion shows that a few school librarians see differences in the challenges presented by boys in comparison to girls while the other school librarians don’t notice any specific differences in challenges. The conclusion also states that the strategies and practices applied depends on the challenges presented and that there are some common strategies and practices among the school librarians. Some of these strategies and practices include involving the students in the library and reading promotion work, book talks, and reading focused projects.

Svensklärarens och skolbibliotekariens möjligheter till samverkan

Holgersson, Malin, Karlsson-Törndahl, Johan January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie är att med hjälp av tidigare forskning synliggöra det samarbete som förekommit historiskt mellan svensklärare och skolbibliotekarie. I syftet ingick också att undersöka hur svenskläraren använder skolbibliotekarien som en pedagogisk resurs i områden som rör medie- och informationskunnighet, läsförståelse och vid läsfrämjande insatser. Fråge-ställningarna är därför riktade mot hur en samverkan har förekommit historiskt mellan svensklärare och skolbibliotekarie samt hur skolbiblioteket fungerat som en resurs för svenskämnets undervisning. Vi har undersökt grundskolans senare del, årskurs 7–9. För att besvara syfte och frågeställningar blev den utvalda metoden en systematisk litteraturstudie. I studien presenteras olika infallsvinklar. Dessutom diskuteras skolbibliotekariens roll ur ett historiskt perspektiv, hur tidigare forskning har definierat yrkesrollerna, ur ett läsfrämjande perspektiv samt hur en skolbibliotekarie kan inta en stöttande roll i frågor som berör elevens läsutveckling i svenskundervisningen. Det studien presenterar är tankar och idéer från olika forskare som indikerar att svenskläraren bör nyttja skolbiblioteket och skolbibliotekarien mer frekvent och att detta bör systematiseras. Vidare visar studien att skolbibliotekets förutsättningar varierar kraftigt mellan olika skolor. Resultatet visar att det historiskt har varit svårt att mäta hur mycket samverkan mellan svensklärare och skolbibliotekarie som faktiskt förekommit. En annan viktig aspekt i resultatet är att många svensklärare önskar samverka med skolbibliotekarien men att det ofta förekommer hinder på vägen, några av dessa hinder kan vara tids-brist, bristande engagemang samt att en samverkan ej prioriteras på ledningsnivå. De slutsatser som presenteras visar att det bland annat är en svår process att involvera skolbibliotekarien i den dagliga undervisningen och att det således kan uppstå svårigheter i att utnyttja den digitala kompetens som skolbibliotekarien besitter då detta kräver gemensam planering mellan svenskläraren och skol-bibliotekarien. Den sista slutsatsen som dras i studien berör rektorns ansvar, och att det är denne som ansvarar för att säkerställa att det finns tid och möjlighet för samplanering mellan de båda yrkesgrupperna. Slutligen kan författarna tillägga att det behövs mer forskning kring hur samverkan mellan svenskläraren och skolbibliotekarien förekommer och fungerar, för att synliggöra hur de olika professionerna kan nyttjas på ett sätt som gynnar elevernas utveckling.

En studie om bibliotekariers utmaningar, lärande och kompetens i mötet med barn och ungdomar med särskilda behov / A study on librarian’s challenges, learning and competence in meeting with children and young people with special needs

Lennartsson, Frida January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is to contribute to the research about librarians’ experiences of their challenges, learning and competence in relation to the target group of children with special needs. The two research questions this study attempts to answer are: how do librarians view challenges, their learning and their competence in the work in relation to the target group of children and young people with special needs? And: how do librarians feel that their education has prepared them or not prepared them to meet children and young people with special needs? The study’s research method is qualitative semi-structured interviews. The results of the study showed that among the respondents with different backgrounds working in Swedish libraries with one exception, the respondents agreed that it was challenging to, without any pre-understanding, know how to welcome and make library activities accessible to children with special needs and a suggestion is that there should be a course in this subject in the education for librarianship. Two respondents who worked together had found a way to meet the target group in a well-functioning way.

Den stereotypa skolbibliotekarien? : En studie om icke yrkesverksamma lärare och lärarassistenters syn på skolbibliotekarien / The stereotypical school librarian? : A studie about non working teachers and teaching assistants view of the school librarian

Lind, Emma January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis has been to explore how teachers with long experience in the profession look upon the school librarian, if they see and are affected by any stereotypes. As my method I have interviewed five teachers and asked them a series of questions about how they have worked with the school librarians during the years and what they have thought about when they would hear the word librarian. I have used three major research questions: Since teachers visit the school library quite often in their occupation, how do they perceive the school librarian? How are teachers affected by the stereotypical image of the librarian? According to the teacher, has the librarian changed during the last 40 years? I have tried to distinguish if the teachers I interviewed talked about any stereotypical attributes, based on which I conducted an analysis about my findings. I was surprised to find that the teachers do not seem to have a stereotypical image of the school librarian, rather that they know that stereotypes exist but that they have realized that the librarians they met in their profession do not fit in any of the stereotypes. Still when they did talk about the stereotypical librarian they immediately thought of the old grumpy lady with her hair in a bun and glasses, who is very strict and boring. This study is rather limited by its size, which is why my findings only reflect a part of what teachers might think and not necessarily what everyone thinks.

Tillgången till skolbibliotek som tolkningsfråga. : En studie av hur grundskolerektorer tolkar skollagen och betydelsen det har för skolbiblioteksverksamheten. / Access to school libraries as a matter of interpretation. : A studie of how primary school principals interpret the School Act and the significance it has for school library operations.

Zetterberg, Monica January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this master's thesis is to contribute with knowledge about how elementary school principals interpret of the School Act chapter 2, section 36§, which states that students in primary school, primary special school, special school, Sami school, upper secondary school and upper secondary special school must have access to school libraries. It explores the school principals perceptions of how the school library contribute to the education structure of their school in general and how their interpretation of the law impacts how the library operation is designed. This study is based on semi-structured interviews with five primary school principals and two school librarians, four observations of school libraries and one survey. The theoretical framework of the study is based on Anthony Gidden's structuring theory, which is used to explain how the principals' interpretation space regarding the School Act 2, chapter 36§ affects their school library operation. The results show that the phrasing of the Education Act in Chapter 2, Section 36§ is interpreted differently by the primary school principals participating in this study. The different ways in which the law is interpretated also reflects in the design of the physical premises which were observed in the study. The results of this study show that primary school principals' interpretations of the School Act and their perceptions of the school library influence how school library operations are designed.

Skolbibliotekarier i samverkan : Samarbete mellan skolbibliotekarier och lärare i Dalarna / School librarians in collaboration

Tallroth, Johanna, Andersson, Martina January 2017 (has links)
Title: School librarians in collaboration The focus of this text is to examine the collaboration between librarians and teachers and how this collaboration can help students achieve better results in school. The school library is often bypassed by teachers. In this lack of involvement and support lies a risk that the gain for students is less than it should be. The purpose of this study aims to investigate if there is any collaboration between the school librarians and the teachers and to what level. The theory used is Patricia Montiel-Overall´s Teacher and Librarian Collaboration (TLC). Seven interviews with school librarians was conducted. Due to being a small study, the material was transcribed into text and read through the perspective of the school librarians only. The findings show collaboration between teachers and librarians is present but to a low level and that administrators do not take such an active part in supporting the librarians. The study provides a glimpse into this field of research on collaboration between teachers and librarians.

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