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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

As representações sociais de licenciandos em química sobre \"ser professor\" / The social representations of undergraduates in Chemistry about \"been teacher\"

Camila Lima Miranda 21 January 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo estrutura-se em torno de questionamentos referentes à investigação da Representação Social de licenciandos ingressantes e concluintes em Química quanto a ser professor dessa disciplina, visando compreender como entendem e vislumbram sua futura profissão, verificando a influência da Licenciatura nas possíveis diferenças dessas representações e as motivações que levaram esses sujeitos a buscar esse curso em um contexto marcado pela progressiva desvalorização dos professores. O referencial teórico eleito foi o da Representação Social (MOSCOVICI, 1978) privilegiando as abordagens: estrutural, visando identificar o núcleo-central e os elementos periféricos da representação e a ênfase na descrição dos entornos sociais proposta pela abordagem Culturalista. Assim, a partir do termo indutor \"professor de Química\", foram propostas questões em que o público-alvo versou sobre como se vê como professor de Química, bem como os fatores que os guiaram a buscar a Licenciatura, sendo essa a fonte de informações do estudo, analisadas segundo a Análise de Conteúdo (BARDIN, 1977). Algumas idéias destacaram-se nas repostas, sendo possível a construção de categorias e subcategorias baseadas em critérios semânticos. Com as representações relacionadas à docência criaram-se três categorias: a denominada características, na qual estão presentes idéias relacionadas aos aspectos requisitados para os processos de ensino e de aprendizagem; a categoria seguinte enfatiza o imaginário social na construção das representações e por fim, a categoria que retrata a visão de ensino desses sujeitos.Por sua vez, foram criadas quatro categorias relacionadas a motivação em cursar a Licenciatura.Evidenciou-se pela análise do questionário que 47% dos estudantes que estão nesse curso não desejam atuar como professores no futuro. Foi possível inferir que entre esses estudantes a principal motivação pelo ingresso na Licenciatura foi o fato de que cursá-la era um pré-requisito para o Bacharelado. Já entre os sujeitos que aspiram à atividade docente (embora seja essa apenas uma segunda opção profissional) estes foram guiados ao curso a partir de motivações pessoais, as quais estão relacionados ao desenvolvimento do próprio estudante. Em relação as representações sobre o ser professor, no que concerne à influência do imaginário social, percebeu-se ser essa influência menos dependente da escolarização durante a graduação e mais ligada à relação que esses sujeitos estão a estabelecer com a possibilidade de atuação profissional. Porém, no que diz respeito à visão de ensino, a análise da questão discursiva evidenciou uma maior influência da escolarização. Já em relação às subcategorias atitudes e práticas pedagógicas suas presenças entre os ingressantes e sua permanência entre os concluintes vem reforçar que o processo de tornar-se professor antecede o ingresso na Licenciatura. Nossos resultados sinalizaram, ainda, que o desejo de se tornar professor, entre os ingressantes, é acompanhado pela percepção de que a afetividade pode contribuir para a concretização de uma aprendizagem eficaz, sendo essa percepção suprimida entre os concluintes. Pretendeu-se, assim, oferecer uma contribuição para o debate a respeito da importância do conhecimento das Representações Sociais dos futuros professores sobre sua futura profissão, pois essas poderão se refletir em suas futuras práticas, uma vez que as representações servem para agir sobre o mundo e o outro (JODELET, 2001, p. 28). / The structure of this current study is settled around questions about Social Representation in Chemistry undergraduates students concerning to teaching this discipline as a career which allows to understand how they perceive and envision their profession to be, likewise verify the influence and perception of Graduation possible differences over this representation and the motives that leads those students to choose this course despite the progressive belittling of teaching career. The referential that was elected to this study was The Social Representation (MOSCOVICI, 1978) that prioritizes the approaches: structural support with the purpose of indentifying the central nucleus and also the peripheral elements representation emphasizing social surrounds description proposed by \'Culturalism\' approach. Thereby under the outset name \"Chemistry Teacher\" questions were presented to the target audience about how they saw themselves as Chemistry teachers and the reasons that made them chose this graduation, this study sources were analyzed according Content Analyses (BARDIN, 1977). Some statements were highlighted what allowed us to build categories and subcategories based on semantic criteria. Three categories were created from teaching representations: first - characteristics - where the ideas about the requiring aspects of the process of teaching and learning; second - emphasizes the representation construction by social imaginary and the last category the way those people see teaching. It was created four categories, in turn, connected to the motives that drive people to graduate as teacher. It was evident by the analyses of research that 47% of the students attending to this course have no intention in following a teaching career. We could deduce that those students do not want to pursue their graduation is due the fact that it was a prerequisite to bachelor\'s degree. Otherwise among whose want to aim the teaching career (despite being seen as a second career option) they followed personal motives to choose this career and it was connected to their own achievements. Regarding representation about being a teacher concerning to social imaginary influence. It was implied less to the education during graduation than the possible results they could get in a professional area. However, as regards the overall view of teaching, the discursive question showed a major education influence. About subcategories, pedagogical practices and attitudes, their presence among the beginners and their lasting among de graduates reassure that the process of being a teacher precedes the admission to degree. Our results also demonstrated that the desire to become a teacher among the beginners is ensued by the perception that affectivity might contribute to fulfill an effective learning, but this perception is suppressed by them as graduates. The aim was to offer a contribution to the importance of future teacher\'s Social Representation knowledge about their future career which could reflect in future practices, since representations are useful to behave on the world and the other (JODELET, 2001, p. 28).


Alves, Marcia Doralina 08 April 2005 (has links)
This dissertation aims to investigate the teachers Social Representations of public schools from Santa Maria concerning the inclusion of students with developmental global disorders (psychosis and autism), trying to reflect about the pedagogic practices developed in schools as well as the effects of those representations over the inclusion process of these students. In this sense, one carried out a theoretical research around two axes: the Social Representations, its history and sources; and the education of students with developmental global disorders. One started from a research carried out in the Therapeutic School Lugar de Vida, Institute of Psychology of São Paulo University. To illuminate this discussion, one proposes a reflection about the social place occupied by school, as a space that supports and promotes students inclusion. As a result of specificity of their subjective positions, they need an attentive look both from the teacher and school as a whole. Besides, one approaches the Therapeutic Education understood as an interdisciplinary treatment practice that through its presupposed can contribute to a dialogue between psychoanalysis and education. As methodological support, semi-structured interviews were carried out with teachers that had psychotic and autistic students included in their groups. The interviews revealed the non-knowledge of teachers concerning situations of psychosis and autism as well as the unpreparation to work with the inclusion of students, that are believed not to learn. / Esta dissertação visa investigar as Representações Sociais dos professores da rede pública estadual de Santa Maria/RS acerca da inclusão de alunos com Distúrbios Globais do Desenvolvimento (psicose e autismo), buscando refletir sobre a prática pedagógica desenvolvida nas escolas e os efeitos destas representações sobre o processo de inclusão dos referidos alunos. Neste sentido, realizou-se uma pesquisa teórica em torno de dois eixos: as Representações Sociais, sua história e suas fontes; e a escolarização de alunos com Distúrbios Globais do Desenvolvimento, partindo de pesquisas realizadas na Pré-Escola Terapêutica Lugar de Vida, do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo. Para iluminar esta discussão, propõe-se uma reflexão sobre o lugar social ocupado pela escola, enquanto um espaço que sustente e promova a inclusão de alunos que, em função da especificidade de suas posições subjetivas, necessitam de um olhar atento do professor e da escola como um todo. Aborda-se, também, a Educação Terapêutica entendida como prática interdisciplinar de tratamento que, através de seus pressupostos, poderá contribuir para um diálogo entre Psicanálise e Educação. Como suporte metodológico, realizaram-se entrevistas semi-estruturadas junto aos professores que possuíam alunos com psicose e autismo incluídos nas suas turmas. As entrevistas revelaram o desconhecimento dos professores sobre os quadros de psicose e autismo, bem como o despreparo em que se encontram para trabalhar com a inclusão de alunos, que supostamente não aprendem.

Konstruktionen av fritidspedagogers profession : En diskursanalys av hur fritidspedagogers profession konstrueras i facebookgrupper

Panahi, Farzin January 2017 (has links)
The aim for this study is to explore how leisure-time pedagogues construct their profession through discussion in facebookgroups that are dedicated to leisure-time pedagogues and the pedagogy that they represent. The aim is fulfilled by performing a discourse analysis of the statements that leisure-time pedagogues make about their profession. Subsequently the statements are put through an analysis using the theoretical framework of this paper, which is social representation theory. The aim for the use of the theoretical framework is to identify the representation that the statements make about the leisure-time pedagogues profession and the meaning they give to them. The results show that the leisure-time pedagogues have trouble reaching consensus in the representations they make about their profession. It is therefore questioned if their occupation can be called a profession at all. It is meanwhile also concluded that leisure time pedagogues share a common knowledge base in child upbringing that forms a foundation in their profession. This is something that is contested in previous research in the field that this paper operates, which proclaims that leisure-time pedagogue’s profession is shattered and divided. The results show that it is more just to describe the profession consisting of a base with different branches.

Processus identitaires en jeu dans la représentation sociale des régions : identités endogroupes et différenciations intergroupes. / Identity oricesses involved into the social representation of the regional identity : endogroupes identyties and inter-group differenciation.

Hayel, Kélig 02 October 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s'attache aux liens existant entre la théorie des représentations sociales et celle de l'identité sociale dans le domaine des espaces régionaux. Plus précisément, nous avons cherché à mettre en évidence les processus identitaires en jeu dans la représentation sociale des régions.A travers nos expériences, nous avons pu dégager deux concepts sous-jacents aux dynamiques des représentations sociales. Nous avons ainsi mis en évidence l'existence d'une part, d'identités endogroupes à l'intérieur des représentations sociales des régions, et d'autre part, de différenciations intergroupes dans les représentations sociales des régions. Ces identités régionales endogroupe et ces différenciations régionales intergroupes sont donc perçues comme des supports des représentations sociales des régions.Ainsi puisque nous avons pu déduire que les représentations sociales des régions soutiennent ces deux types d'identités, il nous reste enfin à déterminer si l'image des régions s'appuie sur les identités régionales endogroupes ou sur les différenciations régionales intergroupes. / The goal of the research proposed in this thesis, is to enforce the links between socialrepresentation theory and social identity theory in the regional geographical area context.Precisely, we wanted to put in evidence the identity processes involved into the social representation of the regional identity. Based on our experiments, we have found two main concepts based on social representation dynamics. First, we proved the existence of endogroupes identytites inside social representation of regional identity. Second, we show the existence of inter-group differenciation of the social representation of the regional identity. The endogroupe and intergroup regional identities build the basement of the social reprensentations of the regionalidentities.Finally, as we have been able to deduct that the social representations of the regional identities are absed on these two types of representation, we have determined if the outside point of view of a region, is based on the endo-group identity or the inter-group differenciations of the social representation

Représentations sociales et catégorisation du handicap : le cas de l'autisme / social representations of autism

Hamahmi, Mohammed 21 April 2015 (has links)
Bien que des progrès importants aient été réalisés dans les pays occidentaux, la situation de l'autisme, en Algérie, reste encore difficile à définir. Cette thèse a pour sujet les représentations sociales de l'autisme. Son objectif est d'examiner la façon dont les professionnels des centres médico-psychopédagogiques perçoivent l'autisme et ses prises en charge. Pour cela, nous avons utilisé les concepts de la représentation sociale et de la catégorisation.Les trois études qui composent cette thèse sont complémentaires. La première recherche s'intéresse au repérage des stéréotypes liés à l'autisme chez les psychologues et les éducateurs. La deuxième recherche s'inscrit dans la perspective structurale des représentations sociales, et porte sur l'identification du noyau central et des éléments périphériques liés à la représentation de l'autisme. Les résultats indiquent une correspondance entre les éléments stéréotypés de la première étude et les éléments centraux de la seconde. Globalement, les psychologues accordent plus importance aux déficits interactionnels, alors que les éducateurs sont plus attentifs aux déficits cognitifs. Le but de la troisième recherche est de cerner et de comparer les représentations des prises en charge relatives à l'autisme. Les participants sont : des psychologues et éducateurs médico-sociaux, des psychologues spécialisés dans l'autisme, des parents d'enfants avec autisme, et des psychologues spécialisés de France. Les résultats indiquent des différences entre les psychologues spécialisés et les parents d'une part, et les professionnels médico-sociaux d'autre part. Ces zones de similarités et de distinction sont des pistes à considérer pour améliorer les prises en charge dans les centres édicopsychopédagogiques. / Although the importance progress made in the Western countries, the situation of autism remain still difficult to define in Algeria. This study has as a topic the social representation of the autism. Its aim is to examine the way in which autism is perceived by the professionals of the medico-educational psychology centers as well as their assumptions of responsibility. We used for that the concept of social representations and the process of categorization.The three inquiries that compose this study are additional. The first inquiry is interested in the spotting of the stereotypes linked to the autism among the sychologists and teachers. The second inquiry lie within the structural angle of social representation and it's about the core identification and peripheral component related to the autism representation. The results show a similarity between the stereotyped elements of the first inquiry and the central elements of the second. Overall, the psychologists grant more significance to the interaction defects, whereas the teachers are more attentive with the cognitive defects. The aim of the third inquiry is to encircle and compare the representation of the assumption of responsibility relating to the autism. The participants are: psychologists and medico-social teachers, psychologists specialized in the autism, of the parents of children with autism, and of specialized psychologists from France. The results show differences between the specialized psychologists and parents on the one hand, and the medico-social professionals on the other hand. These zones of similarities and distinction are tracks to regard in order improve the assumptions of responsibility in the medico-educational psychology centers.

"Jag mår bra, allt är perfekt" : En kritisk diskursanalys i hur Aftonbladet framställde en terrormisstänkt man

Björkman, Milly, Ståhl, Mi January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet portrayed a man who was a suspect of preparation of terrorist crimes, in articles published between 19th of November 2015 and the 23rd of Januari 2016. The aim was to get a deeper understanding of the portraiture of the person in question, and to point out existing discourses in the analysed material with the help of critical discourse analysis as explained by Norman Fairclough and his theories about identities, social representation and relations. Theories about social representation and postcolonialism were used as a springboard for the analysis. In the study we found two distinct discourses. The discourse for the period prior the man’s release was clearly influenced by denuniation and alienation, and the one found for the period after the man’s release were welcoming. Conclusions drawn from the study are that Aftonbladet portrays the man in a stereotypical manner, as well as legitimizes their own power of influence.

Könsneutralt bemötande? : En studie av kommunala inspektörers kundbemötande, ur ett genusperspektiv / Gender-neutral treatment? : A study of municipal inspectors' customer treatment, from a gender perspective

Keller, Jessica, Millqvist, Angeline January 2015 (has links)
Forskning har visat att det förekommer skillnader i bemötandet av kvinnor och män, men att det ofta sker omedvetet. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka kommunala inspektörers genusmedvetenhet och könsdifferentiering i bemötandet av sina kunder. Genom intervjuer med fem inspektörer fann vi att deras allmänna kunskap och medvetenhet om genus var begränsad. Vi använde även observationer för att undersöka skillnader i inspektörernas bemötande av sina kunder beroende på kön. Resultatet visade att manliga kunder fick större uppmärksamhet, fler öppna frågor och mer beröm från inspektörerna än kvinnliga kunder. Ytterligare visade resultatet tendenser till underordning i mötet med manliga kunder och könsfördomar i bemötandet av kvinnliga kunder. I förhållande till inspektörernas begränsade kunskap och medvetenhet om genus drogs slutsatsen att ökad kunskap och medvetenhet om genus kan bidra till jämlikt och könsneutralt kundbemötande. / Research has shown that behaviors displaying gender differentiation do occur, yet often unconsciously. The purpose of our research was to study gender awareness, and gender differentiation, in the context of customer treatment. Through interviews with five municipal inspectors we found that the general knowledge of gender was limited. We also used observations in order to see occurrences of gender differentiation in the inspectors’ treatment of their customers. The results showed that male customers received more attention, open questions and compliments from the inspectors than female customers. Further the results showed signs of subordination in relation to male customers and gender bias toward female customers. In relation to the inspectors’ limited awareness the results concluded that increased knowledge and awareness of gender differentiation could result in more equal and gender-neutral behavior in their treatment of customers.

Etude des facteurs endogènes de la décision : une application à la décision d'internationaliser des responsables de PME / Studying decision endogenous factors : an application to the decision to internationalize of French SME's decision makers

Ricard, Antonin 27 November 2012 (has links)
Cette recherche propose d'étudier les facteurs qui influencent les responsables de PME dans leur choix d'internationaliser une activité. Partant de la littérature en science de gestion sur la décision, nous mettons en exergue l'influence séminale et néanmoins peu étudiée d'un déterminant de la décision : les Représentations Sociales. En contexte international, nous postulons que les décisions sont guidées par les Représentations Sociales de la mondialisation et de l'internationalisation. Ainsi, nous introduisons un modèle composé des différents déterminants endogènes de la décision d'internationaliser : les traits décisionnels internationaux (Représentations Sociales et attitude vis-à-vis de la mondialisation et de l'internationalisation) et les traits décisionnels classiques (tolérance à l'ambigüité, intuitivité et proactivité). Afin de valider ce modèle, nous adaptons une méthode originale permettant de mesurer les comportements décisionnels en concomitance avec les profils de répondants : la Méthode Des Scénarios. Celle-ci découle sur la conception, le test, et la validation d'un instrument de mesure évaluant les décisions et les profils de répondants. Le terrain est constitué de 33 participants, pour les phases qualitatives, et de 149 responsables de PME françaises, pour la phase quantitative. Nos résultats suggèrent qu'en contexte international les décisions sont guidées par les traits décisionnels internationaux et classiques. Nous montrons également que les traits décisionnels internationaux expliquent davantage la décision d'internationaliser une activité que les traits classiques / This research aims at studying the factors that influence people in charge of SME in their decisions to internationalize an activity. Starting from the literature about the decision in the management field, the authors highlight the seminal influence, though hardly studied, of one determinant of the decision: the Social Representations. In an international environment, the authors assume that Social Representations of globalization and internationalization influence on decision making. Thus, the authors introduce a model composed of the decision to internationalize endogenous determinants: international decision features (Social Representations and attitude towards globalization and internationalization) and classical decision features (tolerance to ambiguity, intuitivity, and proactivity). In order to validate this model, the authors adapt an original method to capture the respondents' decision behavior: The Scenario Method. It leads to design, test and validate a tool which measures decisions and respondents' profiles. The field is composed of 33 participants for the qualitative studies, and 149 top managers of French SME for the quantitative study. The results suggest that in an international context, decisions are both based on international and classical features. The authors show that international decisional features better explain decisions than classical decisions features. Furthermore, Social Representations contribute to better understand the origin of individual's position towards globalization and internationalization: for instance, respondents who are unfavorable to globalization perceive it as a source of threat and competition

A representação social da teoria de Piaget no Brasil: implicações para as pesquisas acadêmicas / The social representation of Piaget\'s theory in Brazil: implications to the academic researches

Marçal, Vicente Eduardo Ribeiro 07 June 2019 (has links)
O objetivo desta Tese foi o de demonstrar que a Teoria do biólogo e epistemólogo suíço Jean Piaget foi vítima de sua própria Representação Social, (na acepção de Serge Moscovici, como explicitaremos já em nossa Introdução). Vítima no sentido de que suas descobertas na área da Biologia e sua criação no campo da construção de modelos formais na mesma ciência, feito inédito até então, caíram no ostracismo na História da ontogênese epigenética do ser humano, tanto nos aspectos biológicos, quanto na área da aquisição do conhecimento científico e lógico matemático. Esses fatos nos mostram Zelia Ramozzi-Chiarottino, (cuja análise e interpretação da Teoria de Jean Piaget constituir-se-á no referencial teórico desta Tese) ao lado de seus colaboradores, no artigo: Jean Piagets unrecognized epigenetic ontogenesis of the logical mathematical thought, (2017). Neste trabalho, restringimo-nos ao Brasil e à produção de Dissertações e Teses de Doutorado sobre a Teoria de Piaget e sua representação social, aqui realizadas nos últimos dez anos. Fizemos um levantamento das Dissertações e Teses a partir do Catálogo de Teses e Dissertações da CAPES. O método estatístico que utilizamos foi o do para analisar os dados coletados. Esta análise confirmou nossa conjectura / Our aim with this Ph.D Thesis was to demonstrate that the Theory of the swiss biologist and epistemologist Jean Piaget was victim of its own Social Representation (within the meaning of Serge Moscovici, as we will still explain in our Introduction). Victim in sense of that his findings in the field of Biology and his creation in the field of the construction of formal models in this same Science, unprecedent feat till then, have fallen in obscurity in the History of epigenetic ontogenesis of the human being, in both biologic and scientific aspects, in terms of the field of acquiring of scientific and logical mathematical knowledgement. These facts Zelia Ramozzi-Chiarottino (whose analysis and interpretation of Piagets Theory will be the theoretical framework of this Thesis) show us next to her co-workers, in the article: Jean Piagets unrecognized epigenetic ontogenesis of the logical mathematical thought, (2017). In the present work, we limited ourselves to Brazil, and to the production of Dissertations and Doctoral Theses on Piagets Theory and its Social Representation, produced here on the last ten years. We made a data survey on the Dissertations and Theses from the Catalogue of Theses and Dissertations from CAPES. Statistic method used was the to analyze the collected data. This analysis validated our conjecture

Guerreiras ou meninas : análise das representações das atletas olímpicas na cobertura da “Rio 2016” realizada pelo jornal O Globo - Rio /

Cafeo, Marta Regina Garcia. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: José Carlos Marques / Resumo: A tese teve como objetivo analisar as representações sociais das mulheres olímpicas brasileiras e estrangeiras, a partir das capas do jornal O Globo Rio e do Caderno Especial Rio 2016, durante os Jogos Olímpicos Rio 2016. A participação das mulheres na Rio 2016 foi um destaque, representando 46% dos atletas inscritos, o maior número de mulheres na história dos jogos, e suscitou vários debates sobre igualdade de gêneros. Vários estudos demonstraram que a cobertura esportiva da mídia tende a privilegiar os homens atletas em detrimento das mulheres, e que as atletas costumam ser muito mais retratadas por sua aparência, roupas e vida pessoal em reportagens sobre esportes, do que pelos seus feitos no esporte. A pesquisa apresenta revisão bibliográfica dos estudos de gênero e representações sociais das mulheres; do jogo como elemento da cultura, da dominação masculina no campo esportivo, história das mulheres nos esportes no Brasil e a trajetória das mulheres nas Olimpíadas. Como metodologia, utiliza-se da Análise Crítica do Discurso, para identificar as construções discursivas e as representações das atletas, nas capas do jornal O Globo e do Caderno Especial Rio 2016. Considera-se que a mídia tem um papel importante na construção de novas representações, oportunizando espaço para as mulheres atletas apresentarem sua inserção na prática de esportes. Os discursos da mídia ensejam uma análise de representações, significados e de aspectos simbólicos relativos às configurações de gêner... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The thesis was aimed at analyzing the social representation of Brazilian and foreign Olympic women from the covers of O Globo Rio newspaper and Rio 2016 Special Section during Rio 2016 Olympic Games. The participation of women in Rio 2016 was a highlight, representing 46% of registered athletes, the largest number of women in the history of games, and has sparked several debates on gender equality. Several studies have shown that sports media coverage tends to favor male athletes rather than female ones, and athletes are often much more portrayed by their appearance, clothing and personal life in sports reports. The research presents bibliographical review related to the studies of gender and social representations of the women; the game as an element of culture; male domination in the sports field, the history of women in sports in Brazil and the trajectory of women in the Olympics. As methodology, it is used the Critical Analysis of Discourse, to identify the discursive constructions and the representations of the athletes, in covers of O Globo newspaper and Rio 2016 Special Section during Rio 2016 Olympic Games. It is considered that the media has an important role in the construction of new representations, giving space for the female athletes to present their insertion in the practice of sports. Media discourses provide an analysis of representations, meanings, and symbolic aspects of gender configurations, since it carries meanings that express power relations, social a... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

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