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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Attraktiv arbetsgivare enligt produktionsarbetare : En kvalitativ studie som jämför forskning och teorier mot vad medarbetare upplever som viktiga faktorer i relationen till sin arbetsgivare för att uppleva lojalitet och ömsesidighet / Attractive employer according to production workers

Olsson, Rebecca January 2020 (has links)
Medarbetare är en av de viktigaste faktorerna inom organisationer för att nå framgång och särskilja sig från konkurrenter. Genom att utveckla ett attraktivt arbetsgivarvarumärke för både den externa och den interna marknaden kan organisationer locka och behålla kompetenta medarbetare. Intern marknadsföring, hantering av arbetsgivarvarumärket samt arbetsgivarerbjudandet med fokus på medarbetarlojalitet och reciprocitet är arbetssätt för att stärka relationen med medarbetarna. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka faktorer de anställda i en organisations produktionsavdelning anser som viktiga för att relationen med arbetsgivaren ska kännas ömsesidig och lojalitetsgivande. Studien problematiserar skillnaden mellan ett arbetsgivarvarumärke som lockar individer med unik erfarenhet och kompetens, och ett arbetsgivarvarumärke för att attrahera och behålla medarbetare i en produktionsavdelning. För att svara på syftet genomfördes kvalitativa telefonintervjuer med fyra medarbetare från en organisations produktionsavdelning. Intervjuerna grundades på forskning och teorier om medarbetarlojalitet, reciprocitet, intern marknadsföring, hantering av arbetsgivavarumärke samt arbetsgivarerbjudandet för att väga resultatet mot forskningen. Resultatet visar att det medarbetarna anser som viktigt i relationen till sin arbetsgivare i huvudsak handlar om relationen i sig, innefattande gemenskap, kommunikation, återkoppling, tillit, samt trygghet. Resultatet av intervjuerna stämmer delvis med vad forskningen menar är viktigt att erbjuda medarbetarna. Det framgick dock tydligt av forskningen att hanteringen av arbetsgivarvarumärket och arbetsgivarerbjudandet ska vara unikt för den särskilda organisationen och dess medarbetares behov. Just detta är vad organisationen med produktionsavdelning bör ta i beaktning samt se över för att ta vara på just deras medarbetares på bästa sätt.

What's in it for me? : En kvalitativ fallstudie gällande utvecklingen av ett Employer Value Proposition / What´s in it for me? : A qualitative case study regarding the development of an Employer Value Proposition

Hollström, Tilda January 2020 (has links)
Det ställs idag högre krav på arbetsgivare att uppfattas som attraktiva och intressanta för att kunna särskilja sig från sina konkurrenter och således attrahera kvalificerad arbetskraft. Detta eftersom arbetsmarknaden inom vissa yrken har förändrats vilket innebär att utbudet av kompetent arbetskraft inte speglar de behov som finns. Genom att arbeta med Employer Branding kan arbetsgivare lättare tillgodose kompetensförsörjningen och undvika brist på kompetenta medarbetare. Syftet med denna undersökning var att genom en fallstudie undersöka hur arbetsgivare kan utveckla en enhetlig strategi inom Employer Branding, genom att identifiera delarna i ett Employer Value Proposition. Studien ämnar ge insikter hur organisationer kan stärka attraktiviteten som arbetsgivare samt hur denna strategi kan kommuniceras till nuvarande och potentiella medarbetare. Den metod som användes var kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex informanter på ett Umeå-baserat fastighetsbolag. Studien visade att delarna i ett Employer Value Proposition bör innehålla fem delar för att ses som komplett; affiliation, work content, compensation, benefits och career samt att det kan kommuniceras såväl online som offline. Fallorganisationen bör vid marknadsföring av deras kommande Employer Value Proposition uppmärksamma deras värdegrund, de varierande och utvecklande arbetsuppgifterna, den stora möjligheten att påverka, förmånerna, den trygga anställningen samt de långsiktiga möjligheterna till utveckling inom sin arbetsroll och meningsfullheten att bidra till Umeås utveckling. Dessa faktorer lyfts fram som mest attraktiva och unika samtidigt som de är sanna, tydliga och konkreta vilket är något som rekommenderas i utvecklandet av ett Employer Value Proposition.

Varför vill ni inte lyckas? : En kvalitativ studie om styrkebaserat förhållningssätt i organisationer / Don't you want to succeed? : A qualitative study about strengths-based approach in organizations

Lockner, Isabella, Wiberg, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Ledare vill att medarbetare skall vara engagerade i sitt arbete och i organisationen som helhet. Ett sätt att uppnå detta är att arbeta utifrån ett styrkebaserat förhållningssätt vilket har flera positiva effekter i organisationer såsom att behålla medarbetare och öka lönsamheten. Utgångspunkten i detta är att fokusera på styrkor och möjligheter istället för svagheter och problem. Trots att tidigare forskning har visat att ett styrkebaserat förhållningssätt är effektivt har inga studier undersökt vilka faktorer som påverkar om en organisation använder sig av metoden eller inte. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka vad som gör att vissa organisationer väljer att arbeta utifrån ett styrkebaserat förhållningssätt och andra inte samt vad som krävs för att lyckas med implementeringen. Detta har utforskats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem specialister inom området. Därefter gjordes en tematisk analys av resultatet. Studien visade att många inom organisationer har en positiv inställning till det styrkebaserade förhållningssättet när de får höra om det men att det är få som känner till det. Skulle det styrkebaserade förhållningssättet och dess effekter vara mer kända skulle detta förhållningssätt kunna tänkas vara mer etablerat i organisationer. Att många fokuserar på problem och svagheter framför möjligheter och styrkor beror på fostran i problembaserade tankebanor. För att lyckas med implementeringen behöver organisationen vara mogen för förändring samt genomföra en bedömning av sitt utgångsläge. Eftersom ett styrkebaserat förhållningssätt passar i alla organisationer men inte alla situationer behöver organisationen klargöra hur utvecklingen ska se ut i sin organisation. Det kräver ett tydligt mål med implementeringen samt att ledningen står bakom initiativet och driver hela förändringsprocessen tillsammans med medarbetarna. Studien visade också att det är av stor vikt att ha uthållighet och genomföra hela processen utan genvägar.

The creamy crack : An anthropological on the natural hair community in Sweden

Vierimaa, Maija January 2017 (has links)
The thesis explores the impact that dominating Swedish aesthetic norms and beauty standards have on the subjective experiences of Afro-Swedes and their hair. Also, it examines why Afro-Swedes who previously have been straightening their hair have chosen a natural hair style. Moreover, the thesis also discusses which influence Youtube has in encouraging women to 'go natural'. The research is based on semi-structured interviews of seven women. The study is located at the theoretical meeting-point between hair, ethnicity, and the social and agentic body, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, digital anthropology. It explores the social dimension of hair and how hair, as a part of the body, has the capacity to participate in the creation of social meaning and also, enables agency in the social world. It shows that hair practices and styling strategies can be symbolic, social and agentic and that hair can manifest social and cultural order. Also, it opens up for further questions regarding Afro-Swedes and their hair in relation to beauty standards, normativity and representation, on the societal level as well as the individual.

The Filtering Out Of Hate Crime In The Criminal Justice System : A Qualitative Study Of Police Investigation In Denmark

Andersen, Rikke Hoelgaard January 2022 (has links)
Hate crime has emerged as a new ‘crime problem’ in Denmark, which has led to legislative adjustments and requirements of the police to improve identification, registration and handling of hate crime. International research shows that the investigation of hate crime is a complex issue not least because hate crime is legally not a crime category but an aggravating circumstance in principle to any crime. There exist no studies of hate crime policing in Denmark, and this study aims to fill a knowledge gap by a qualitative exploration of the processing of hate crime in the criminal justice system in a Danish context and from the perspective of the police, which is a relatively overlooked perspective. Specifically, the study explores why many hate crimes are filtered out through the criminal justice system, and through a thematic analysis the study identifies a number of challenges on a legal, organizational and practise level, that all contributes to a filtering out of hate crime throughout the Danish criminal justice system. Goldstein’s theory of problem-oriented policing is used as framework to discuss the implications of law in hate crime policing. The Danish police is expected to deal more effectively with the hate crime problem, and more knowledge on what works in hate crime policing is needed.   Keywords: Hate crime, investigation, criminal justice processing, problem-oriented policing, thematic analysis.

Utilization and attitudes to gynecological preventive care in Sweden : A case study of Polish immigrants

Loszewska, Zofia Olga January 2022 (has links)
This study examines the accessibility and barriers that Polish immigrants face in public gynecological care in Sweden and explains their attitudes towards and frequency of gynecological visits. To understand attitudes of the research group, the study explores their knowledge about basic gynecological health topics such as Pap and HPV tests, HPV infections and vaccinations. Qualitative ethnographic methods were used in this research. Thirteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with 25 to 45-year old Polish women living in Stockholm, Sweden. Analysis was performed using descriptive and theoretical approaches. The results indicate several barriers to fully adapt to the Swedish healthcare system for Polish women. The barriers included the lack of understanding of how Swedish gynecological care works (division of specializations), problems in finding specialist care, an insufficient number of specialists, a lack of information in English or Polish, and a limited amount of knowledge among study participants about HPV tests and vaccinations. The adaptation of Polish immigrants to the Swedish system and their level of trust is influenced by their first experiences in Sweden, health literacy, experiences with the Polish private gynecological system, and the attitudes of partners and family with Swedish backgrounds or those who have long term experiences in Sweden.

Den sociala utsatthetens effekter på psykisk ohälsa : En studie om gymnasieungdomar i Kronoberg / The effects of social vulnerability on mental health : A study about adolescent youth in Kronoberg

Stjärna, Ellie January 2022 (has links)
This study investigates the impact social vulnerability has on subjective mental health among adolescents. Furthermore, this study aims to measure which of the independent variables that represent social vulnerability has the most effect on mental health. The independent variables include sex, gender, NPD-diagnosis, ethnic background, and subjective social status. Several studies have investigated these topics before, but few studies measure different kinds of socially vulnerable groups together and compare them side by side. A quantitative approach is used, namely cross-table analysis and regression analysis. The theoretical framework consists of theories on gender, minority stress, social fields, social status, and a holistic approach to the understanding of health. The results show that 16 percent of the variation within subjective mental health can be traced to social vulnerability. The most vulnerable to subjective mental health issues were adolescent girls (in the biological sense), followed by adolescents with NPD-diagnosis, and then adolescents with a queer gender identity. The least vulnerable to subjective mental health issues were adolescents with low social status. However, it seems that an adolescent’s social status within the school is more important than their family’s social status in society.

Childhood Victimization and Adult Mental Health : A Quantitative Study on the Prevalence of Depression, Anxiety and Hazardous Alcohol Use in Swedish University Students

Olsson, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
This thesis investigates whether an association can be established between childhood victimization (CV) and current mental health (MH) among Swedish university students, focusing on the prevalence of anxiety, depression and hazardous alcohol use (HAU) in relation to different forms of CV. The data comes from the World Mental Health International College Student Initiative, a global survey designed to generate data on MH disorders, as well as implement and evaluate web-based interventions aimed at preventing and treating said disorders. The thesis hypothesized that high levels of CV would be positively associated with the prevalence of the aforementioned conditions and that females with a history of CV would have a higher prevalence of these conditions. Using SPSS, 23 variables related to CV were analyzed using an exploratory factor analysis (EFA), which extracted 6 factors. The 23 variables were condensed into 6 additive indexes according to findings from the EFA, as well as one additive index making up all 23 variables to check for general CV. Eight consecutive hierarchical multiple linear regression analyses (OLS) were conducted, two for each of the dependent variables; anxiety, depression, HAU as well as an index combining all three dependent variables to indicate the presence of one or more conditions. Each analysis had gender in the first block and added the CV index or the six factors in the second block. The results show positive associations between four CV factors and depression, and positive associations between anxiety and two CV factors, as well as a positive association between females and anxiety. The results also indicate a positive association between males and HAU. The findings are in line with previous research, but further research is needed to provide stronger evidence of an association between CV and MH/HAU among Swedish university students.

Mångfald - nödvändigt eller en fjäder i hatten? : En diskursanalytisk studie av polisorganisationens mångfaldsarbete / Diversity - necessary or a feather in the cap? : A discourse analytical study of the police organization's diversity work

Dedic, Selma, Montelin, Tove January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore and interpret the different meanings and consequences of diversity and its associated practices for the police organization in Sweden. By highlighting possible discourses on the concept of diversity within the police organization and how the police organization presents the concept of diversity, based on that, contribute to an increased understanding of the police organization’s diversity work. Our study is based on a qualitative method, discourse analysis, which has helped us collect the empirical material. The purpose with discourse analysis is to interpret what is written, therefore this study is based on our own interpretations of the empirical material. The empirical material that consists of the police policy documents has in turn been analyzed based on Carol Bacchi’s “What’s the problem represented to be-approach” (WPR-approach) and the neo-institutional theory where concepts such as isomorphism and loosely coupled occur. When studying the police organization, the concept of diversity is seen to be common. The police highlights the importance of having diversity within their organization, which can be seen to have emerged over time. The result of this study indicates that the police organization works actively to make equal treatment a natural part of the organization today. This includes wanting to reflect society and they believe that diversity entails different skills which they want to utilize within the organization. The study also describes three different problem representations which we have identified in the empirical material. These problem representations have in turn helped us to highlight different discourses about the concept of diversity, which has contributed to an increased understanding of the police organization’s diversity work.

Inramningen av den digitala undervisningsmiljön på universitetsnivå under Covid-19 : En kvalitativ studie med studenter och lärare / The framework of the digital learning environment at university level during Covid-19 : A qualitative study with students and teachers

Geidenmark, David, Widén, Henrik January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study is to provide a deeper understanding of how frameworks of learning have shifted from a physical to a digital approach during the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result of the pandemic, many societies have suffered substantial setbacks for instance the closing down of several institutions such as universities. Consequently, universities around the world adapted to a digital approach for teaching and learning, and, as a result, teachers and students were required to familiarise themselves with new digital techniques. The pandemic has forced a paradigm shift in how education is delivered, and, as this is unprecedented in terms of research, we were eager to learn how the affected individuals in the educational sector perceive these societal changes. The study is based on eight semi-structured interviews with five students and three teachers who are either studying or working at Swedish universities. The outcome shows that there is a fluctuation in how social interactions changes from informal everyday encounters to more formal appointments. We found that the new frames on digital learning have different structural and institutional frames where laws and regulations differ from traditional physical learning. “New Normal” was an interesting term that arose during the interviews, which relates to the aforementioned changes. Finally, we attempt to define this concept in terms of a post Covid-19 society.

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