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”Tryggare kan ingen vara än den som besitter ett språk" : En studie om flerspråkiga elevers läsförståelse i svenska som andraspråk i en mångkulturell skolmiljö. / Swedish as a Second Language in a multicultural school environment.Svensson, Marge January 2020 (has links)
Samhället och skolan i Sverige är idag mångkulturellt och flerspråkigt. Lärarna möter elever som har olika förutsättningar att lära sig svenska. Det finns barn som växer upp i så segregerade miljöer att de sällan eller nästan aldrig kommer i kontakt med svenska språket. Att tillägna sig svenska i skolan är en förutsättning för att kunna fungera väl i samhället och att inte hamna i ett underläge från början. I ljuset av detta sammanhang är det generella syftet att undersöka hur lärare beskriver arbetet med flerspråkiga elevers läsförståelse på andraspråket svenska i en mångkulturell skolmiljö.Uppsatsen utgår från tre olika teoretiska perspektiv – det fenomenologiska, Cummins (2017) The Literacy Engagement Framework, samt det sociokulturella perspektivet. Metodansatsen är fenomenologisk och undersökningsmetoden kvalitativ i form av intervjuer med åtta mellanstadielärare.Resultatet beskriver exempel på strategier och arbetssätt som informanter med viss variation använder sig av. Vidare synliggör resultatet de utmaningar som dagens skola möter för att tillgodose flerspråkiga elever den utbildning de enligt Språklagen har rätt till. Exempel på dessa utmaningar är bland annat brist på resurser och påverkan av yttre faktorer, vilket gör att flerspråkiga elevers läsförståelse och ordförrådsutveckling i en mångkulturell skolmiljö är otillräcklig. Slutsatsen är att skolan i nuläget inte kan garantera likvärdig tillgång till det svenska språket för alla elever. / <p>Svenska</p>
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A utilização do livro didático pelo aluno ao estudar integralHsia, Yuk Wah 20 October 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-10-20 / This paper investigated student s use of the text book when learning the
mathematical object Integral. Its aim was to map the indications of strategies used
by students in order to: 1. situate the proposed theme in the student book;
2.extract the main ideas and the strategies used by the author, summarizing them
in a scheme; 3. solve the exercises proposed in the book. It was also the focus of
this paper to identify how students delivered their written production - whether they
presented linked ideas, through changes in registers of semiotic representation,
according to Duval s viewpoint, when referring to learning cognitive aspects.
Therefore, a task plan has been created, to be performed by the students of the
Undergraduate Mathematics Course of a private institution in Great São Paulo.
The participating groups were a second semester group, who have not learned
Integral yet, and a fifth semester group, who have already had contact with the
concept. A comparative study of the different strategies adopted by each group
has been developed. The achieved results revealed that there has been no
meaningful difference between the productions of the two groups. The data also
revealed that the students performed the tasks with enthusiasm and commitment.
The theoretical basis and the book chosen turned out to be efficient tools in the
analysis of the protocols. Results showed that the students as a whole could find
the theme in the index, performed the required schema, highlighting the topics
they judged essential and, while solving the proposed exercises, looked for
subsided in the examples and exercises solved in the text, making use of several
registers of representation. Although not included in the scope of this investigation, several of the students manifestations suggested the pertinence of reading the
text book as a preliminary activity in the mathematical concept of learning / Esta pesquisa procurou investigar como o aluno utiliza o livro didático, ao estudar
o objeto matemático Integral . Buscou-se mapear os indícios das estratégias que
o aluno lançava mão: para situar o tema proposto, no livro didático indicado, para
extrair as idéias principais e estratégias utilizadas pelo autor, resumindo-as num
esquema, para resolver exercícios propostos pelo livro. Buscou, ainda, identificar
como o estudante apresentava sua produção escrita, se apresentava idéias
encadeadas, por meio de mudanças de registros de representação semiótica, sob
a ótica de Duval, ao se referir aos aspectos cognitivos da aprendizagem. Para tal,
foi elaborado um roteiro de tarefas a serem desenvolvidas por alunos do Curso de
Licenciatura em Matemática, de uma instituição particular da Grande São Paulo.
Participaram do experimento, um grupo de alunos do 2º semestre, que ainda não
estudaram Integral e um grupo de 5º semestre, que já tiveram contato com o
conceito. Com isso, pretendia verificar se as estratégias utilizadas por um grupo
ou por outro grupo seriam diferentes. Os dados obtidos revelaram que não houve
diferenças perceptíveis entre as produções de um ou de outro grupo. Os dados
revelaram também que os estudantes desempenharam as tarefas com
entusiasmo e seriedade. A fundamentação teórica e o livro escolhido mostraramse
ferramentas eficazes na análise dos protocolos. Ficou evidenciado que os
alunos na sua totalidade, localizava o tema consultando o índice, confeccionaram
um esquema pedido, destacando os tópicos que julgaram essenciais e ao
resolver o exercício proposto, buscaram subsídios nos exemplos e exercícios
resolvidos no texto, utilizando vários registros de representação. Embora, não
sendo escopo de nossa investigação, varias manifestações dos estudantes apontaram para a pertinência da leitura do livro texto como uma atividade
preliminar no ensino aprendizagem de um conceito matemático
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Compreensão de textos narrativos e argumentativos dialógicos por leitores do ensino fundamental / Comprehension of narrative and argumentative texts by middle school readersSousa, Antonia Valdelice January 2009 (has links)
SOUSA, Antonia Valdelice de. Compreensão de textos narrativos e argumentativos dialógicos por leitores do ensino fundamental. 2009. 209f. Tese (Doutorado em Linguística) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Letras Vernáculas, Programa de Pós-graduação em Linguística, Fortaleza-CE, 2009. / Submitted by nazareno mesquita (nazagon36@yahoo.com.br) on 2012-06-28T12:50:48Z
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Previous issue date: 2009 / The present work entitled Comprehension of Narrative and Argumentative Texts by middle school Readers examines the comprehension of these two text types from the analysis of summaries produced by 20 volunteers who participated in the research Students from middle school aged 13 to 15 years read two types of argumentative texts (a narrative text – TNA and an argumentative dialogical text – TAD) and were asked to produce summaries of each one of these texts types The summaries were analyzed according to several aspects (explicitness of the summarization macro-rules strategies quality and macro and super-structural coherence) in order to verify differences in comprehension related to the recuperation of the texts macro and super-structures and the overall organization of each summarized text Our basic hypothesis is that due to the higher degree of explicitude and internal organization of TNA proficient readers would show better performance on macro-structure recovery of this type of text in comparison to TAD A secondary hypothesis sought to verify first if the minimum knowledge of the scheme of canonical texts (TNA / TAD) would be a determining factor for a better understanding of ways to structure these text types second if a textual schema for each type should be reached for independent readers to apply reading strategies and (re)construct the macrostructure and third if the difference between the performance of the student reader and the type of text (TNA / TAD) should be clearly demonstrated from strategies used in cognitive processing The analyses revealed evidence of better performance to TNA compared to TAD As regards the canonical scheme readers recovered respectively 40% total 20% partial and 40% (absence) for the TNA as compared to 30% 10% and 60% for the TAD The analysis of summarization strategies showed that readers used more sophisticated strategies (production of inferences integration of information) for the TNA than for TAD As for the (re)construction of TNAs summaries the macroestructural aspects of this type of text revealed fewer problems of continuity sequence and semantic progression than the TADs / O presente trabalho intitulado Compreensão de Textos Narrativos e Argumentativos Dialógicos por Leitores do Ensino Fundamental examina a compreensão desses tipos textuais a partir da análise de material produzido pela reescritura de tais textos por vinte sujeitos que participaram como voluntários na pesquisa Estudantes de ensino fundamental na faixa etária de 13 a 15 anos leram dois tipos de textos argumentativos (narrativo – TNA e argumentativo dialógico-TAD) e foram solicitados a produzir reescrituras de cada um desses textos As reescrituras obtidas foram analisadas de acordo com vários aspectos (explicitude das macrorregras de sumarização qualidade das estratégias coerência macro e superestrutural) de modo a verificar diferenças de compreensão relacionadas à recuperação da macro e superestrutura textual e à organização global de cada texto reescrito Trabalhamos com a hipótese básica de que leitores proficientes ao realizarem uma tarefa de reescritura apresentariam melhor desempenho quanto à recuperação da macroestrutura textual e quanto ao reconhecimento da organização global do texto TNA do que do TAD tendo em vista a maior explicitude da organização interna deste primeiro tipo de texto As hipóteses secundárias procuraram testar primeiramente se o conhecimento mínimo do esquema canônico dos textos (TNA/TAD) seria fator determinante para uma melhor compreensão das formas de estruturação dessas tipologias se existe um esquema textual para cada tipologia que deveria ser atingido para que leitores independentes pudessem empregar as estratégias de leitura e (re) construir a macroestrutura e por último se a diferença entre o desempenho leitor do aluno e o tipo de texto (TNA/TAD) deveria ser demonstrada claramente a partir de estratégias cognitivas utilizadas no processamento Nas várias análises procedidas foram encontradas evidências quanto ao melhor desempenho para o TNA em relação ao TAD Quanto ao conhecimento do esquema canônico os leitores recuperaram respectivamente 40% total 20% parcial e 40% (ausência) para o TNA a 30% 10% e 60% para o TAD A análise das estratégias de reescritura evidenciou que os leitores utilizaram estratégias mais sofisticadas (produção de inferências integração de informações) para o TNA em relação ao TAD A análise de (re) construção macroestrutural demonstrou que os leitores das reescrituras TNAs revelaram menos problemas de continuidade sequencial e progressão semântica em relação aos textos TADs
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Wissenserwerb und Informationssuche mit Hypertexten: Die Bedeutung von Strukturierung, Navigationshilfen und ArbeitsgedächtnisbelastungNaumann, Anja 16 March 2004 (has links)
The need for navigation in hypertext requires cognitive resources, and this can result in disorientation and cognitive overhead. So, information retrieval and text comprehension are impaired. It is not possible to construct a coherent mental representation of text content (situation model), which is essential for text comprehension. The question is, how can, based on hypertext studies and knowledge about text comprehension, suggestions for hypertext design be found. In this study, the influence of different navigation possibilities and linking structures of hypertext on orientation problems, text comprehension, and efficiency of information retrieval was investigated. First, linear text and hierarchic structured hypertext with a graphical overview over the text structure were compared. Furthermore, text comprehension processes were focused more intensively. Therefore, the influence of the coherence of linking structure and of working memory load on interaction with the text, text comprehension, and efficiency of information retrieval was investigated. Results show that disadvantages of hypertext concerning orientation problems can be compensated with the aid of a graphical overview which is usable for navigation. This orientation and navigation aid is also an advantage for the speed of information retrieval. In contrast, for text comprehension coherence of the linking of individual text nodes plays an essential role. Only if hypertext is constructed in a way that a coherent reading sequence is suggested to the reader, the user is able to construct a coherent mental representation about the text content. It becomes apparent that different tasks, in this case reading a text vs. information retrieval, make different demands to hypertext. To some extend, the results were only shown with high working memory load, which shows the influence of cognitive resources. / Die Notwendigkeit der Navigation in Hypertexten beansprucht kognitive Ressourcen und führt leicht zu einer Desorientierung und einer kognitiven Überlastung. Sie erschwert damit das Auffinden von Informationen und beeinträchtigt das Verstehen des Textes, d.h. es kann keine kohärente mentale Repräsentation über den Textinhalt (Situationsmodell) aufgebaut werden, was jedoch in der Textverstehensforschung als zentraler Punkt des Verstehens betrachtet wird. Die Frage ist nun, wie aus den bisherigen Erkenntnissen zu Hypertexten und aus dem Wissen über Textverstehensprozesse Hinweise für eine optimale Hypertextgestaltung abgeleitet werden können. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde dazu der Einfluss verschiedener Navigationsmöglichkeiten und der Verknüpfungsstruktur von Hypertexten auf die Probleme des Nutzers beim Umgang mit dem Hypertext und auf das Textverstehen bzw. den Wissenserwerb und die Effizienz der Informationssuche untersucht. Zunächst wurde dazu ein Vergleich von linear verknüpftem Text und einem hierarchisch strukturierten Hypertext mit einer graphischen Übersicht über die Textstruktur vorgenommen. Weiterhin wurden verstärkt die Textverstehensprozesse beim Umgang mit Hypertext betrachtet. Dazu wurde der Einfluss des Kohärenzgrades der Verknüpfung des Textes und der Arbeitsgedächtnisbelastung auf den Umgang mit dem Text, das Textverstehen und die Effizienz der Informationssuche untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Nachteile des Hypertextes hinsichtlich der Orientierungsprobleme durch eine navigierbare graphische Übersicht über die Textstruktur kompensiert werden können. Diese Strukturierungs- und Navigationshilfe erweist sich auch als Vorteil für die Schnelligkeit der Informationssuche. Für das Textverstehen hingegen spielt die Kohärenz der Verknüpfung der einzelnen Textknoten eine zentrale Rolle. Nur wenn der Hypertext so strukturiert ist, dass dem Nutzer eine zeitlich kohärente Leseweise nahegelegt wird, ist der Nutzer auch in der Lage, eine kohärente mentale Repräsentation über den Textinhalt aufzubauen. Es zeigt sich deutlich, dass unterschiedliche Aufgaben, hier Lesen eines Textes vs. Suchen nach Informationen, unterschiedliche Anforderungen an Hypertexte stellen. Teilweise werden die gezeigten Ergebnisse erst unter einer erhöhten Arbeitsgedächtnisbelastung deutlich, was den Einfluss kognitiver Ressourcen deutlich macht.
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Talsyntes Påverkan på Mellanstadieelevers Textförståelse : En kvantitativ, Explorativ Studie / The Influence of Speech Synthesis on Middle School Students' Text Comprehension : A Quantitative, Explorative StudyDoweyko Nilsson, Maggie, Göransson, Ellinor January 2021 (has links)
Aim and research questions: The study examined how text comprehension of middle school students in Sweden changed depending on the modalities of reading and speech synthesis. Impact on the outcome based on factors such as decoding ability, working memory, gender and multilingualism were examined. A new text comprehension test was evaluated. Method: Questionnaires and measuring instruments including the text comprehension test were used in an in-group design. Results: In the given sample (N=94), reading generated best results on the text comprehension test in comparison to speech synthesis. The effects were strongest in the group with weaker decoding ability. No significant correlations were found when working memory or gender was taken into account. The results of the study showed that monolingual participants got better results on the text comprehension test after speech synthesis than multilingual participants. Conclusion: The study found significant differences between modalities, where reading generated better results on the text comprehension test than speech synthesis. Multilingual children scored significantly lower with speech synthesis than monolinguals. Further studies are required. / Syfte och frågeställningar: Studien undersökte hur textförståelsen hos mellanstadieelever i Sverige förändrades beroende på modaliteterna läsning respektive talsyntes. Påverkan på utfallet utifrån faktorer som avkodningsförmåga, arbetsminne, könstillhörighet och flerspråkighet undersöktes. Ett nytt textförståelsetest utvärderades. Metod: Frågeformulär och mätinstrument inklusive textförståelsetestet användes i en inomgruppsdesign. Resultat: I givet urval (N=94) gav läsning bäst resultat på textförståelsetest i jämförelse med talsyntes. Effekterna var starkast i gruppen med svag avkodningsförmåga. Inga signifikanta korrelationer hittades när hänsyn togs till arbetsminne eller könstillhörighet. Studiens resultat visade att enspråkiga deltagare fick bättre resultat på textförståelsetestet efter talsyntes än flerspråkiga deltagare. Slutsats: Studien fann signifikanta skillnader mellan modaliteterna, där läsning gav bättre resultat på textförståelsetest än talsyntes. Flerspråkiga barn fick signifikant sämre resultat med talsyntes än enspråkiga. Vidare studier krävs.
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Aprendizagem da leitura a partir de material multimodal visando à construção de sentido / Learning how to read from multimodal material aiming at building meaningInácio, Adriana da Silva Araújo 07 December 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This dissertation takes as a starting point the fact that the process of constructing meanings in multimodal texts involves the contribution of verbal and non-verbal codes, which integrate themselves in a collaborative action in order to establish communication. Therefore, explicit/implicit elements add up to the textual composition in meaningful arrangements materializedinto texts (re)createdby the reading subject. It is important to highlight that this process depends on the reader’s repertoire which involves linguistics, discourse and image knowledge. For this reason, we have chosen to develop a group of 9th grade students with whom I work at a public school in Aracaju verbal and visual language literacy aiming to improve their reading competence and reflexive thinking. For the purpose of achieving such scope, we have developed the digital game Na Trilha dos sentidos, directed into building meanings from strips and publicity ads, both multimodal kinds of texts. We have been supported by the social interactionist linguistic theories related to the conception of genre by Marcuschi (2008); we have resorted to Koch (2006, 2015) to debate the concept of resumption by the pronominal anaphora; we have sought the basis for a concept of reading in Kleiman (2000); we have read Cavalcante e Custódio (2010) for the concept of text and Bakhtin/Volochinov (1998 [1929]) for information about the discursive context and dialogism; Kress e Van Leeuwen (1996) have made it possible for us to organize the visual resources studies, among which we stress salience and framing; besides using Fialho’s ideas (2005) for the pedagogic game as an auxiliary resource functionality, a motivation in the learning process. The study followed the principles of the educational actionresearch, defined by Tripp (2005) as a strategy for developing teachers who aim at enhancing their teaching practices and, consequently, their students’ learning. This theoretical input has contributed for the elaboration of the tasks in the game created by researcher. We have observed, from the application and outcomes analysis, that using this pedagogic resource has leaded to students’ involvement with contents, resulting in a broader comprehension of materials in which linguistic, discursive and imagetic aspects have collaborated in the constitution of a single verbal and visual text. We have also noticed the enhancement of the interpretation of meanings from inferences built by means of diverse language resources combined analysis. In spite of its limited reach, as it was restricted to only one group of students, this research suggests that the use of pedagogic practices with multimodal materials based in games should be increased, as it collaborates with the enlargement of the elementary school students’ comprehension ability. / Esta dissertação toma como ponto de partida o fato de o processo de construção de sentido nos textos multimodais envolver a contribuição de códigos verbais e não verbais, que se integram em ação colaborativa para estabelecer comunicação. Assim, elementos explícitos/implícitos integram a composição textual em arranjos significativos materializados em textos que são (re)criados pelo sujeito leitor. É importante destacar que esse processo depende do repertório de conhecimentos que envolve saberes linguísticos, discursivos e imagéticos. Por essa razão, optamos por desenvolver o letramento dos estudantes na linguagem verbo-visual visando ao aprimoramento da competência leitora e do pensamento reflexivo de estudantes do 9º ano do ensino fundamental com os quais trabalho em uma escola pública de Aracaju. Para atingir tal escopo, desenvolvemos o jogo digital Na Trilha dos sentidos, direcionado à construção de sentido a partir dos gêneros tira e anúncio publicitário, ambos de natureza multimodal. Apoiamo-nos nas teorias linguísticas sociointeracionistas associadas à concepção de gênero de Marcuschi (2008); recorremos a Koch (2006, 2015) para discutir a concepção de retomada pela anáfora pronominal; buscamos em Kleiman (2000) as bases para uma concepção de leitura; partimos de Cavalcante e Custódio (2010) para definirmos o conceito de texto e em Bakhtin/Volochinov (1998 [1929]) para o de contexto discursivo e dialogismo; Kress e Leeuwen (2006) possibilitaram-nos organizar os estudos dos recursos visuais, entre os quais destacamos a saliência e o enquadre; além de utilizarmos as ideias de Fialho (2005) para funcionalidade do jogo didático como recurso auxiliar, motivacional no processo da aprendizagem. O trabalho realizado seguiu os princípios da pesquisa-ação educacional, conforme Tripp (2005), que a define como uma estratégia de desenvolvimento de professores que visam a aprimorar as estratégias de ensino que utilizam e, consequentemente, as aprendizagens dos estudantes. Esse aporte teórico contribuiu para a elaboração das atividades do jogo criado pela pesquisadora. Constatamos a partir da aplicação do jogo e análise dos resultados que a utilização desse tipo de recurso didático promoveu o envolvimento dos estudantes com os conteúdos estudados, resultando em uma maior compreensão de materiais nos quais aspectos linguísticos, discursivos e imagéticos colaboram para a constituição de um único texto verbo-visual. Também notamos o aprimoramento da interpretação de sentidos a partir de inferências construídas por meio de análise combinada de diferentes recursos de linguagem. Embora com alcance limitado, por estar restrito a uma única turma, esta pesquisa possibilita sugerir que haja o incremento de práticas pedagógicas com materiais multimodais apoiadas em jogos, pois colaboram com a ampliação das capacidades de compreensão dos estudantes da educação básica.
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Rozumí neslyšící žáci učebním textům? / Do deaf pupils understand learning texts?Makovská, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is focused on learning texts reading comprehension of pupils in primary schools for hearing impairment pupils in comparison with primary schools pupils of mainstream education, in connection with the textbooks. The whole issue is put into the theoretical framework of reading literacy and teaching texts information. Specifically, there is a reading literacy in the concept of international studies, and also a brief overview of the findings drawn from the textbooks, their functions, research, evaluation and comparison. The comparison of the concept of primary school textbooks for the hearing impaired with textbooks for mainstream schools through standardized assessment tools is included too. In this thesis, there is a research of learning texts comprehension for pupils from 3rd to 9th (or 10th) years of primary schools for the hearing impaired and analogous grades of primary school pupils of mainstream education. The research design is based on Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), one part of this research is translated into Czech sign language.
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Különböző típusú szövegek kreatív olvasásának fejlesztése az anyanyelv tanításában (Razvijanje sposobnosti kreativnog čitanja različitih tipova tekstova u nastavi maternjeg jezika) / The Development of Creative Reading of Texts with a Different Type in Native Language TeachingTerteli Telek Marta 07 July 2016 (has links)
<p>Különböző típusú szövegek kreatív olvasásának fejlesztése az anyanyelv tanításában (Razvijanje sposobnosti kreativnog čitanja različitih tipova tekstova u nastavi maternjeg jezika) tretira metode i procese kojima se razvija čitanje sa razumevanjem (čitalačka pismenost). Ukazuje na to da su preduslov za razumevanje teksta razvijena tehnika čitanja, leksički fond, razumevanje sintagme i rečenice, izvođenje zaključaka, razuđenost teksta, prepoznavanje strukture teksta, unutrašnja slika (mentalna mapa) tipa teksta, u pisanom tekstu poznavanje vizuelnog upravljanja (forma teksta) i jezičkog upravljanja, retorike, uvažavanje vizuelnog konteksta (slike i ilustracije, tumačenje uzajamno komplementarnih tekstova i slika), prepoznavanje stila (stilskog registra), veći kapacitet radne memorije, monitoring okvirnog znanja (poznavanje sveta), procesa razumevanja itd. U radu se prikazuju oblici ispoljavanja deficita pri razumevanju teksta, a objašnjavaju se i uzroci.<br />Autorka analizira strategije razvijanja čitalačke pismenosti sa razumevanjem različitih tipova tekstova počev od beletristike (bajki i poezije), preko naučno-popularne literature (udžbenika) do adekvatnog tumačenja multimedijalnih, pa i digitalnih tekstova. Usput spominje kreativno-produktivne vežbe, ilustruje njihovu ulogu, značaj u stvaranju značenja, prikazuje mehanizam za postizanje efekata kod vežbi kreativnog pisanja i bavi se metodikom vaspitavanja čitalaca.<br />U doktorskoj disertaciji, nakon razmatranja teoretsko-metodološke osnove čitanja sa razumevanjem različitih tipova tekstova, sledi prezentacija rezultata empirijskog istraživanja, kvantitativna i kvalitativna analiza sa matematičko-statističkom obradom podataka. U istraživanju je korišćen test za razumevanje teksta koji nije formalan (standardni), odnosno upitnik o čitalačkim navikama. Uzorak obuhvata 800 učenika: iz naselja u kojima Mađari žive u homogenim sredinama, u rasejanju, odnosno u izolovanim manjim zajednicama.<br />Tokom istraživanja autorka je ispitivala u kojoj meri jezička sredina učenika (Mađari u homogenim naseljima, u rasejanju ili izolovanim zajednicama) utiče na nivo razvoja njihove sposobnosti razumevanja teksta, kao i da li postoji statistički značajna povezanost (pozitivna korelacija) između socijalno-kulturne sredine učenika i nivoa razvoja njihove sposobnosti razumevanja teksta. Istraživanje obuhvata i aspekat postojanja statistički značajne razlike među polovima što se tiče sposobnosti kreativnog čitanja i da li ima razlike u procentima rešenih zadataka vezanih za razne tipove tekstova, odnosno u kojoj meri učinak u razumevanju teksta zavisi od tipa teksta. Tokom kvalitativne analize dobija se odgovor i na to, kako su mediji promenili tradicionalnu strukturu korišćenja slobodnog vremena, odnosno kako se menja profil čitanja po žanrovima i struktura traženog štiva.<br />Koristeći metode deskriptivne, istorijske, statističke i teorijske analize doktorska disertacija daje uvid u nivo razvoja učenika 4. razreda osnovne škole ‒ na teritorijama gde Mađari žive homogeno, u rasejanju ili u izolovanim zajednicama ‒ što se tiče sposobnosti razumevanja teksta, odnosno čitalačkih navika. Disertacija može poslužiti kao osnova za dalja istraživanja, dajući podlogu za komparativne analize.</p> / <p>The doctoral dissertation entitled Különböző típusú szövegek kreatív olvasásának fejlesztése az anyanyelv tanításában (English translation: The development of creative reading of texts with a different type in native language teaching) examines the methods, procedures enhancing text comprehending reading. It sheds light on the fact that the condition of text comprehending is the developed reading technique, the vocabulary, syntagm- and sentence understanding, drawing the conclusions, the articulateness of the text, the recognition of text structure, the inner picture of the text type (its mental map), the visual control (the text form) and the lingual control in the written text, the knowledge of the rhetoric, taking into consideration (the interpretation of a text and figure being complementary with each other) the visual context (figures and illustrations), identification of the style (the style register), bigger work memory capacity, the knowledge framework (world knowledge), monitoring the understanding process, etc. Furthermore, it presents the forms of manifestation of the text comprehending deficits, and brings the reasons to light.<br />By analysing the development strategies of comprehending reading of texts with a different type, the author starts from the literary texts (from the tale and the poem), through the educational (course book) texts gets to the adequate interpretation of the multimedia and digital texts. Meanwhile flashes the creative-productive practices by illustrating their role, significance in meaning creation, presents the mode of action of the creative writing practices, and touches upon the methodology of educating for reading.<br />In the doctoral dissertation, the theoretical-methodological establishment of the comprehending reading of different type of texts is followed by the presentation of the results of the empirical research, respectively the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the statistical data. The research was not carried out with the examination of a random sample, it is not a formal (not standard) text comprehending test, and it is based on the questionnaire surveying the reading habits. 800 students belong to the sample: the students living on areas predominantly inhabited by ethnic Hungarian population (compact areas), students living in a diaspora environment, and students from scattered areas.<br />In the course of her research the author examines whether the students' lingual environment (living on areas predominantly inhabited by ethnic Hungarian population, in a diaspora environment, and on scattered areas) influences the development level of text comprehending ability, furthermore whether statistically there exists considerable connection (positive correlation) between the students' sociocultural background and the development level of text comprehending ability. The research also extends to whether, as regard the genders, there can be observed statistically considerable difference regarding the level of creative reading ability, and whether the resolution proportions of the tasks being attached to different type of texts show a difference, namely to what extend does text comprehending performance depend on the text type. In the course of the qualitative analysis we have also got an answer of how did the media modify the traditional structure of free time spending, and how did the aspect of reading change regarding the read genres, the reading structure.<br />By the descriptive, historical, statistical and theoretical analysis, the doctoral dissertation draws a picture ‒ on the areas predominantly inhabited by ethnic Hungarian population (compact areas), the diaspora environment, and on scattered areas ‒ with regard to the primary school fourth grade students, on the development level of text comprehending ability, and maps the reading habits as well. The dissertation may serve as the basis of additional researches, providing the basis for comparative analyses.</p>
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