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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digitalt kompetent? : En studie kring hur bildlärare resonerar kring, och arbetar med, elevers digitala kompetens i bildklassrummet, samt hur elever kan definiera och gestalta digital kompetens / Digitally competent?

Kvarnström, Charlotte January 2018 (has links)
Vi lever i ett allt mer digitaliserat samhälle, och digitala verktyg är en naturlig del av människors vardag. Skolverket har inför hösten 2018 ändrat i styrdokumenten för grundskole-, gymnasie- och vuxenutbildningen för att ge elever en större digital kompetens att kunna hantera den nya digitaliseringen. Med anledning av detta har jag velat ta reda på hur bildlärare idag resonerar kring och arbetar med elevernas digitala kompetens. Jag har även velat undersöka elevernas syn på digital kompetens. Frågeställningarna studien sökt svar på är: Hur resonerar fyra olika bildlärare om, och hur arbetar de med, gymnasieelevers digitala kompetens i ämnet bild? Hur kan en grupp gymnasieelever definiera och gestalta digital kompetens? För att få svar på dessa frågeställningar har intervjuer genomförts med fyra olika bildlärare på fyra olika skolor i Stockholmsområdet, och för att fånga elevernas perspektiv har mina egna elever på gymnasiet fått vara med och undersöka genom scenisk gestaltning vad de anser att digital kompetens är för dem och hur de definierar det. De teorier studien lutar sig på innefattar sociokulturell teori och design för lärande. Jag har också inspirerats av Pierre Bourdieus kapitalsteori. Studien visade att lärarna arbetar på olika sätt med elevernas digitala kompetens. De har själva olika grad av kunskaper inom det digitala, och alla lärarna i studien ville gärna kompetensutveckla sig på området. Elevernas kunskaper på området varierade också, men det framgick ett mönster som visade att elever idag är mindre kunniga gällande datorer än tidigare, vilket kunde bero på att de nu alltmer arbetar på telefoner och surfplattor. Det framkom också att det fanns ett visst mått av motstånd till att arbeta digitalt på bildlektionerna, både från lärarhåll och från elevhåll, och att förväntningarna från eleverna ofta låg på att få arbeta analogt med händerna. Vidare visade studien att det informella lärandet är ett tydligt inslag hos både eleverna och lärarna som själva hittar kunskaper via olika kanaler på internet. Elevernas undersökande genom scenisk gestaltning resulterade i ett gestaltat manifest där de proklamerar att digital kompetens är viktigt för dem. Detta framfördes som ett performance under Konstfacks vårutställning den 17 maj 2018.

Colaboração na produção escrita em segunda língua : uma proposta de revisão por pares para a aula de língua inglesa em uma escola com currículo bilíngue

Bolzan, Daniele Blos January 2016 (has links)
Pesquisas têm indicado que o diálogo colaborativo poderia ser o lugar onde o uso da língua e a aprendizagem da língua poderiam coocorrer (SWAIN, 1997), tornando-se uma atividade social e cognitiva (SWAIN, 2000). A prática de revisão por pares proporciona a seus participantes um tipo de aprendizagem colaborativa, com foco na escrita, que permite a interação entre os alunos e que os leva à co-construção de conhecimento. Ela tem como objetivo auxiliar no desenvolvimento da autonomia dos aprendizes, levando-os de um estágio de dependência para outros estágios de inter e independência, em um processo contínuo de tomada de controle para a realização de seus objetivos. Unindo seus conhecimentos, os aprendizes, ao trabalharem juntos, alcançam níveis mais elevados de desempenho, através da assistência mútua (OHTA, 2000). Assim, esta pesquisa teve por objetivo propor a prática de revisão por pares de produção escrita a um 8º ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola com currículo bilíngue Português-Inglês do sul do Brasil. Ela visou a analisar a atividade colaborativa em que os participantes se envolveram enquanto estavam engajados na atividade de revisão por pares, destacando os efeitos que essa revisão apresentou nas versões finais dos textos e, para tal, os dados foram analisados de forma quantitativa e qualitativa. A geração dos dados ocorreu durante o segundo trimestre letivo nas aulas de Inglês Aplicado, em que os alunos produziram individualmente e revisaram colaborativamente cinco textos cada. As propostas para a produção dos textos estavam de acordo com as diretrizes do exame de Cambridge FCE for Schools, que os alunos participantes prestariam no ano seguinte, e envolveram gêneros textuais variados. As expectativas dos aprendizes antes da prática, bem como sua avaliação depois das sessões de revisão foram analisadas Os resultados apontam para a receptividade dos participantes a essa prática pedagógica e para o trabalho colaborativo, e demonstram o otimismo dos aprendizes em relação à possibilidade de melhoria dos seus textos após a revisão do colega. Em relação aos textos produzidos, foi feito o levantamento de quais aspectos linguísticos e textuais foram abordados nas interações através das categorias apresentadas por Storch (2005). Também se buscou investigar se as sugestões dadas pelos revisores foram benéficas para a escrita de uma segunda versão melhor do texto e se as sugestões recebidas foram incorporadas à nova versão do texto. Foi possível observar que, nos Episódios Relacionados à Língua (ERL, SWAIN, 2002), foram discutidos diferentes aspectos linguísticos e estruturais dos textos, focando tanto na forma quanto no conteúdo Os dados sugerem que a maioria dos ERLs foram resolvidos e resolvidos corretamente, impactando positivamente na reescrita dos textos e suportando evidência empírica já existente nesse sentido (NIU, 2009; STORCH, 2001; STORCH e ALDOSARI, 2013). Da mesma forma, a maioria das sugestões foi incorporada pelos escritores quando reescreveram seus textos. Por fim, a interação entre os participantes e os padrões de interação desenvolvidos foram analisados, observando se houve andaimento, negociação, mediação e troca de papéis, e as duplas foram situadas em um continuum, desenvolvido para a análise desses dados, que vai do mais conflitivo para o mais colaborativo. Os resultados apontam que mesmo em pares em que os aprendizes demonstram habilidade linguística semelhante na L2 e não seja possível identificar um indivíduo mais experiente, os participantes foram capazes de oferecer andaimento e engajar-se em negociação e em um processo colaborativo de aprendizagem. Esta pesquisa pretende contribuir com professores ao evidenciar que a colaboração entre aprendizes é um caminho para que a aprendizagem de L2 aconteça, mantendo-os motivados, indo ao encontro de seus interesses e desenvolvendo sua autonomia como aprendizes de L2. / Research has shown that collaborative dialogue could be where language use and language learning would co-occur (SWAIN, 1997) becoming a cognitive and social activity (SWAIN, 2000). The peer review practice engages its participants in a collaborative type of learning, focused on writing, which allows the interaction among students and leads them to coconstruct knowledge. Its objective is to help develop learners’ autonomy, taking them from a stage of dependence to others of inter- and independence, in a continuous process of gaining greater control to reach their objectives. When working together, learners achieve greater levels of performance through shared knowledge and mutual assistance (OHTA, 2000). Therefore, this research had the objective of implementing the practice of writing peer review in a Portuguese-English Bilingual school in the South of Brazil with students from the 8th year of Elementary School. It aimed at analyzing the collaborative activity students engaged in while peer reviewing, highlighting the impact the reviews had on the final versions of the texts. For this purpose, the data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Data were generated during the second term of a school year in the Applied English class, when students individually wrote and collaboratively reviewed five texts each. The writing tasks were based on the genres tested in the FCE for schools Cambridge proficiency exam, which students would take on the following year. The participants’ expectations before the practice, as well as their evaluation after the peer review sessions were analyzed Results show that participants welcome the opportunity of working collaboratively and show optimism regarding the improvement of their texts. In relation to the written texts, the contents of suggestions approached during interactions were listed and categorized according to Storch (2005). The suggestions were also analyzed regarding their validity and take-up rates were calculated. It was possible to observe that different linguistic aspects and text structure features were discussed in the Language Related Episodes (LRE, SWAIN, 2002) focusing both on form and content. Data suggest that most LREs were resolved and resolved correctly, having a positive impact on the second version of the text, supporting already existing empirical evidence (NIU, 2009; STORCH, 2001; STORCH and ALDOSARI, 2013). Similarly, most suggestions were incorporated by writers when reviewing their texts. Finally, the participants’ interactions and the interaction patterns they presented were analyzed, with the aim of observing if there was scaffolding, negotiation, mediation and changing of roles. Pairs were situated in a continuum developed for data analysis. This continuum goes from the most conflictive to the most collaborative behavior. Results indicate that even when the members of the pair show similar L2 language ability and there is no identifiable expert, participants were able to scaffold and engage in negotiation in a collaborative learning process. This research intends to contribute to the language teaching professionals by showing evidences that peer collaboration is key to L2 language learning, keeping students motivated and developing their autonomy as language learners.

A fala privada na aprendizagem de inglês como língua estrangeira em tarefas colaborativas

Pinho, Isis da Costa January 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa busca investigar o papel da fala privada na aprendizagem de inglês como língua estrangeira, a partir da análise de seu uso por aprendizes adultos engajados em uma tarefa colaborativa. A base teórica norteadora desse estudo consiste em princípios da teoria sociocultural e de sua aplicação na aquisição de segunda língua (SL) e língua estrangeira (LE) conforme Vygotsky (1978, 1986, 1987), Lantolf (2000, 20006), Lantolf e Thorne (2000, 2006), Swain (2000), Smith (2007) e Lee (2008), entre outros. O estudo envolveu a aplicação da tarefa colaborativa "Quebra-cabeça" (de Swain e Lapkin, 2001) a sete duplas de aprendizes adultos de nível iniciante e pré-intermediário de inglês como LE, em um Curso Livre em extensão promovido por uma universidade federal. Nessa tarefa, as duplas deveriam construir uma narrativa, oralmente e por escrito, a partir de uma série de figuras sem ordem pré-determinada. Logo após a tarefa, houve uma entrevista com os participantes a fim de registrar suas percepções quanto à tarefa realizada, seu desempenho, e uso da fala privada. Além disso, aplicou-se um questionário para construir o perfil dos participantes enquanto aprendizes de LE. Uma semana após a tarefa, uma sessão reflexiva foi realizada, na qual as duplas puderam observar a sua produção oral e escrita por meio das gravações e do texto escrito e foram encorajadas a refletirem sobre a língua produzida e a fazerem reformulações. Os diálogos foram gravados em áudio e em vídeo, transcritos e analisados em busca de evidências de fala privada. Pergunta-se qual a natureza e função da fala privada no diálogo colaborativo e quais seus efeitos no processo auto-regulatório dos indivíduos. A análise dos dados sugere que a fala privada mediou a busca por auto-regulação na realização da tarefa, quando a natureza do diálogo foi colaborativa, promovendo ocasiões de aprendizagem. Esse estudo pretende contribuir para a elaboração de intervenções pedagógicas mais eficazes para a aprendizagem de línguas com a testagem de tarefas colaborativas que fomentem o uso da língua como processo e produto da aprendizagem, que se torna relevante para a realização de um evento comunicativo. / This research aims to investigate the role of private speech in English as a foreign language learning, based on the analysis of its use by adult learners engaged in a collaborative task. The theoretical approach this study follows comprises sociocultural theory principles and their application in the second and foreign language acquisition research, according to Vygotsky (1978, 1986, 1987), Lantolf (2000, 2006), Lantolf and Thorne (2000, 2006), Swain (2000), Smith (2007) and Lee (2008), among others. The study involved the production of the collaborative task "jigsaw" (Swain and Lapkin, 2001) by seven dyads of beginner and preintermediate adult English learners, in a private language course promoted by a Brazilian federal university. In this task, the dyads should construct oral and written narratives, based on a series of pictures with no pre-determined order. Soon after the task, an interview was taken with the participants in order to register their perceptions of the task itself, their performance, and the use of private speech. Furthermore, a questionnaire was applied to build the participants' profile as English learners. A week after the task, a reflexive section happened, in which the dyads could observe their oral and written production, and they were encouraged to reflect upon the language produced and make reformulations. The dialogues were audio and video recorded, transcribed and analysed in search of private speech evidence. The main research question focus on the nature and function of private speech in the collaborative dialogue and its effects in the learners' self-regulatory process. The data analysis suggests that private speech mediated the search for selfregulation in the task completion, when the nature of the dialogue was collaborative, promoting learning situations. This study intends to contribute to the elaboration of more effective pedagogic interventions for language learning based on collaborative tasks that foster language as a learning process and product.

Concepções de professores de inglês e intérpretes diante das políticas educacionais inclusivas e a prática do ensino de inglês para alunos surdos / Conceptions of English teachers and interpreters on inclusive educational policies and practice of teaching English to deaf students

MEDEIROS, Tânitha Gléria de 13 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T16:19:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Tanitha G de Medeiros.pdf: 1074827 bytes, checksum: aed2987444e6ab0d093808ac5f81c580 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-05-13 / This study investigates the concepts of English teachers and interpreters regarding the laws and public policies of inclusion in relation to teaching and learning a foreign language - LE - (English) for deaf students in a mainstream education. Given this context we seek to understand the views of these professionals about: (i) the inclusion of deaf students in a mainstream education and the limitations and implications of public policy in this environment, (ii) the occurrence or not of the teaching of English to deaf students exposing the difficulties and suggestions of the teachers during the classes, (iii) how the interaction happens during an English class where we have the presence of English teacher, interpreter, deaf and hearing students. For such purposes, we used the exploratory qualitative method which can be construed as a case study due (two English teachers and two interpreters who work in public education in Goiânia). This research also has as a base the sociocultural theory of Vygotsky (1998), which invests in social interaction as a condition for the development of individuals. We gathered data through observations, interviews, questionnaires and document analysis. The data suggest that all participants are in favor of the inclusion of deaf students in regular classrooms, but showed dissatisfaction with how this inclusion occurs in practice. There is an interest for change and improvement. The data also show some difficulties and limitations in this context, such as the lack of preparation, lack of support from schools and governing bodies, lack of guidance in the PCN-LE, lack of teaching materials and poor conditions of the classroom. Another fact observed was the unanimity among the teachers about the importance of teaching a foreign language for deaf students, since they believe that deafness is not a negative factor in learning a foreign language, but it is a complement to the learning of Libras and Portuguese. We also observed that both teachers, interpreters and hearing students can also take on the role of the more competent peer to provide cues, demonstrations and instructions for deaf students who can thus benefit from the cognitive skills of other children or adults. / Este estudo investiga as concepções de professores de inglês e intérpretes diante das leis e políticas públicas de inclusão no que tange ao ensino e aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira LE (inglês) para alunos surdos inseridos no ensino regular. Tendo em vista esse contexto buscamos compreender as concepções destes profissionais sobre: (i) a inclusão de alunos surdos no ensino regular e as limitações e implicações das políticas públicas neste ambiente; (ii) a ocorrência ou não do ensino de inglês para os alunos surdos e quais as dificuldades e sugestões apontadas pelos professores durante as aulas; (iii) como acontece a interação durante uma aula de inglês em que temos a presença do professor de inglês, intérprete e alunos surdos e ouvintes. Para tais objetivos, recorremos ao método qualitativo de cunho exploratório que se configura como um estudo de caso (dois professores de inglês e dois intérpretes que atuam no ensino público de Goiânia). Esta pesquisa também se respalda na teoria sociocultural de Vygotsky (1998), que aposta na interação social como condição para o desenvolvimento dos indivíduos. Realizamos a coleta dos dados por meio de observações, entrevistas semiestruturadas, questionário e análise de documentos. Os dados sugerem que todos os participantes são a favor da inclusão dos alunos surdos nas salas regulares, porém demonstram insatisfação com a forma como essa inclusão ocorre na prática e que há sede por mudanças e melhoria. Os dados também apontam algumas dificuldades e limitações neste contexto, como por exemplo, a falta de preparo, falta de apoio das escolas e órgãos gestores, carência de orientação nos PCN-LE, falta de material didático e precárias condições de sala de aula. Outro fato constatado foi a unanimidade, entre as professoras, sobre importância do ensino de uma LE para os alunos surdos, já que acreditam que a surdez não é um fator que impossibilita a aprendizagem dessa língua, mas sim que complementa a aprendizagem da Libras e da Língua Portuguesa. Observamos ainda que tanto os professores, quanto os intérpretes e também os alunos ouvintes podem assumir o papel de par mais competente ao fornecerem pistas, demonstração e instruções para os alunos surdos que podem se beneficiar das competências cognitivas de outras crianças ou adultos.

Argumentação e resolução de problemas: habilidades cognitivas de estudantes do ensino médio de duas escolas de Toledo/Pr / Argumenting and problem solving: cognitive skills of middle school students in Toledo / Pr

Marques, Glessyan de Quadros 07 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Neusa Fagundes (neusa.fagundes@unioeste.br) on 2018-02-20T13:10:18Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Glessyan_Marques2017.pdf: 1562823 bytes, checksum: 1f697229375867dd7ed1c008c1923be2 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-20T13:10:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Glessyan_Marques2017.pdf: 1562823 bytes, checksum: 1f697229375867dd7ed1c008c1923be2 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-07 / Considering the school as a socio-cultural locus that favors the development of students' cognitive abilities, and based on Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory, we analyze the Written Discussion and Problem-Solving of students in the second year of high school, from two schools in Toledo, a city from Paraná. One of the schools is in the countryside (Escola do Campo – Countryside school) and the other is in the city (Escola Urbana- Urban school). This qualitative research was carried out with 25 high-school students and aimed at investigating if the students from both analyzed schools can construct written arguments and solve problems, from socio-scientific ones based on daily problems, respectively. Thus, these students’ performance was analyzed concerning the construction of written arguments and problem solving. The data collection of this research was obtained by a questionnaire and complementary data such as technical visit, analysis of the School's Political Pedagogical Project, field observation and Sociocultural questionnaire. The questionnaire was composed of socio-cultural demands, socio-scientific and daily problems. Sociocultural questions aimed at knowing the studied public, their personal, professional and cultural interests, while additional data allowed us to know the contexts of both surveyed schools. But, this research focused on analyzing the problems (socio-scientific and daily ones) that the students answered when we offered them these questionnaires. Data analysis was obtained by Toulmin (2001) standard and Bardin (2009) content analysis. Our results point out that the studied students present difficulties to build written arguments and low performance in solving everyday problems. Few students were able to construct written arguments containing the basic elements of an argument from the Toulmin standard. Likewise, few of them could solve daily problems. In general, we conclude that the students from both surveyed schools have not developed skills about written argumentation and problem solving, and we stand up for those skills that should be exercised in school. / Considerando a escola como um espaço sociocultural que favorece o desenvolvimento das habilidades cognitivas dos estudantes e, fundamentados na Teoria Sociocultural de Vygotsky, analisamos a Argumentação Escrita e a Resolução de Problemas de estudantes do 2º ano do ensino médio, de duas escolas do município Toledo/PR, uma delas localizada no campo (Escola do Campo) e a outra localizada na cidade (Escola Urbana). Esta pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa, foi realizada com 25 estudantes do ensino médio e teve como objetivo principal investigar se os estudantes de uma Escola do Campo e de uma Escola Urbana conseguem construir argumentos escritos e solucionar problemas, a partir de problemas sociocientíficos e de problemas do cotidiano, respectivamente. A preocupação foi analisar o desempenho desses estudantes na construção de argumentos escritos e na resolução de problemas. A coleta de dados da pesquisa ocorreu por meio de questionário e por meio de dados complementares como visita técnica, análise do Projeto Político Pedagógico, observação ao campo de pesquisa e questionário sociocultural. O questionário foi composto por questões socioculturais, problemas sociocientíficos e problemas do cotidiano. As questões socioculturais buscaram conhecer o público pesquisado, seus interesses pessoais, profissionais e culturais. Os dados complementares permitiram conhecer os contextos pesquisados. Mas o foco da pesquisa esteve na análise dos problemas (sociocientíficos e do cotidiano) respondidos pelos estudantes no questionário. A análise de dados aconteceu por meio do padrão de Toulmin (2001) e da análise de conteúdo de Bardin (2009). Os resultados apontam que os estudantes pesquisados apresentam dificuldade de construir argumentos escritos e apresentam baixo desempenho na resolução de problemas do cotidiano. Poucos estudantes conseguiram construir argumentos escritos contendo os elementos básicos de um argumento do padrão de Toulmin. Do mesmo modo, poucos estudantes conseguiram solucionar problemas do cotidiano. Em geral, a conclusão é a de que os estudantes de ambas as escolas pesquisadas não possuem habilidades desenvolvidas relativas à argumentação escrita e à resolução de problemas, diante disso, defendemos a importância de favorecer o exercício dessas habilidades na escola.

Snälla, kan du inte bara sitta stilla som alla andra? : En kvalitativ textanalys av litteratur för och om barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar / Can you not just behave like everyone else, please? : A qualitative analysis of literature for and about children with neuropsychiatric disabilities

Kahl, Lovisa January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to investigate how pedagogical picture books intended for inclusion represents children with neuropsychiatric disabilities. This is investigated through in-depth analysis of four books dealing with the subject from different approaches, recommended by state libraries and the specialised educational authority. The study also aims to pay attention to the available material and to highlight what kind of image of divergent children that is beeing communicated to pre-school children and what consequences this may have. The results of the analysis may be useful in the selection of inclusion material and how the books can be practised in a norm-critical and socio-cultural approach.

"Titta! Vi håller på att lösa ett problem, vill du vara med?" : En essäuppsats om pedagogers delaktighet i barns lek / "Look! We are solving a problem, do you want to join?"

Wingren Björk, Amanda January 2017 (has links)
This essay begins with a story that reveals the encounter between pedagogues and children in their free play. In the first part, To be with or stand outside I describe how me and my colleague who are in the pre-school yard meet children through the different ways we participate or don’t participate in their play. In the second part To lose participation, I present a situation where I participate in the children’s play. When I start reflecting on what happens among the other children, I lose my participation on the game. With a starting point in these situations my dilemma becomes how we pedagogues act and interpret children’s play in different ways even though we follow the same curriculum. The purpose of this essay is to investigate pedagogue’s participation in children’s play. I reflect on questions about what is happening in children’s play, what role do pedagogues have regarding children’s play and how children´s play affects by participant pedagogues. In my essay, I try to reflect over the meeting between me, my colleagues and the children on the pre-school yard. In the essay, I rely on Rogers Säljö’s sociocultural theory on how individuals are influenced by the interactions around them. In this case, I refer to the children’s interactions with their surroundings. I reflect upon how pedagogue’s participation is both important for understanding children’s play, but also in creating fun-filled learning. I also reflect on how children’s play must be respected and handled with care in order to not be interrupted or disturbed. During my writing, I have gained an understanding of how educators can be present in children’s play and how a varied view of educators can create a more nuanced approach toward the child group. / Denna essä inleds med en berättelse som synliggör mötet mellan barn och pedagoger i barns lek. I den första delen Att vara med eller stå utanför beskriver jag hur jag och min kollega på gården bemöter barn genom att delta eller inte delta i deras lek på olika sätt. I den andra delen Att tappa delaktighet gestaltar jag en situation där jag från början deltar i barnens lek. När jag börjar reflektera över vad som sker bland de andra barnen tappar jag mitt deltagande i leken. Med en utgångspunkt från dessa situationer blir mitt dilemma att vi pedagoger handlar och tolkar barns lek på olika sätt trots att vi ska utgå ifrån samma läroplan. Syftet med denna essä är att undersöka pedagogernas delaktighet i leken. Jag reflekterar kring frågor om vad som sker i leken, vilken roll pedagoger har i barns lek samt hur påverkas barns lek av delaktiga pedagoger. I min uppsats försöker reflektera och tolka vad som händer i mötet mellan mig, mina kollegor och barnen på gården. I essän utgår jag ifrån Roger Säljös tankar kring den sociokulturella teorin om hur individer påverkas av samspelet med andra. I detta fall barns interaktion med sin omgivning. Jag reflekterar också över hur pedagogers delaktighet både är betydelsefull för att förstå barns lek men också genom att skapa lustfyllt lärande. Jag reflekterar också över hur barns lek måste respekteras och handskas med försiktighet för att inte avbryta eller störa den. Under mitt skrivande har jag fått förståelse för hur vi pedagoger kan ta tillvara på barns lek samt att varierade synsätt hos pedagoger skapar ett mer nyanserat förhållningssätt mot barngruppen.

Att tolka och förstå jordglob och karta : Elevers förståelse för jordklotet / To interpret and understand globes and maps : Students comprehension of the earth

Cedervall, Therese January 2020 (has links)
Barns förståelse för jordglob och karta har varit ett område som det forskats om i flera decennier. En stor del av forskningen berör barnens förmåga till abstrakt tänkande kring jordgloben som modell av jordklotet, samt vilken information barn kan utläsa av denna modell. Även hur barn tolkar andra typer av naturgeografiska kartor är ett centralt område inom denna forskning. Utgångspunkt tas vanligtvis antingen i Piagets stadieteori där barn utvecklas enligt stadier som är åldersbestämda, eller i Vygotskijs sociokulturella perspektiv, där fokus istället läggs på de sociala miljöer som barnet är en del av. Syftet med denna studie är att synliggöra vilken förmåga elever i årskurs 3 har för abstrakt tänkande när det gäller jordklotet. Vidare hur elever med hjälp av jordglob och världskarta förklarar geografiska begrepp samt hur elevernas geografiska kunskaper kan synliggöras vid samtal om jordklotet. Denna studie har genomförts genom kvalitativa intervjuer, där elva elever i årskurs 3 intervjuades. Intervjuerna ägde rum i ett grupprum där både jordglob och världskartan fanns representerad. Utgångspunkt för frågorna hämtades dels från det centrala innehållet i Lgr 11 och dels i frågor som forskare vid tidigare tillfällen frågat barn i motsvarande ålder som respondenterna i denna studie. Studiets resultat visar att det stora flertalet av de elever som intervjuades i denna studie visar element av abstrakt förståelse när det gäller jordklotet. Med hjälp av jordglob och karta kunde de förklara begrepp och även visa till geografiska och naturvetenskapliga kunskaper om jordklotet. En slutsats som kan dras av detta är att elever redan på lågstadiet kan ha grundläggande och i vissa fall även avancerad förståelse för jordklotet. Nyckelord: Jordglob, karta, jordklot, abstrakt, begrepp, geografi, sociokulturellt perspektiv, stadieteori. / Children’s understanding of globes and maps have been an area of research for decades. A large portion of this research looks at children’s ability to abstract thinking when it comes to the globe as a model of the Earth and what information children can read from this model. How children interpret other forms of maps is also a key area in this research. The starting point is usually either Piaget’s theory of stages of cognitive development, or Vygotsky's sociocultural theory where focus is put on the social environments the child is a part of. The purpose of this study is to highlight the ability students in the 3rd class has of abstract thinking when it comes to the Earth. Furthermore, how students, with the help of a globe and a world map, can explain geographical concepts and how their geographical knowledge can be highlighted through conversations about the Earth. This study has been conducted through qualitative interviews of eleven students in the 3rd class. The interviews were conducted in a small room where both a globe and a world map were present. The starting point for the questions were partly taken from the key content in “Lgr 11”, and partly from questions scientists have used in previous studies with children of corresponding age as the students in this study. The result of this study shows that a majority of the interviewed students have elements of abstract understanding when it comes to the Earth. With the help of a globe and map they could explain concepts and even prove knowledge in both geographical and natural science about the Earth. A conclusion that can be drawn about this is that students already in primary school can have basic, and in some cases advanced, understanding of the Earth. Keywords: Globe, map, Earth, abstract, concepts, geography, sociocultural theory, theory of stages.

Läsundervisning och elevers läsförmåga i digitaliseringens fotspår : En kvalitativ studie om digitala verktyg och deras påverkan på läsundervisning och elevers läsförmåga / Reading teaching and student reading ability in the footsteps of the digitization : A qualitative study on digital tools and their impact on reading teaching and students' reading ability

Elovsson, Simon January 2020 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur lärare upplever de digitala verktygens intåg i skolan med avseende på läsundervisningen och på elevers läsförmåga. Den teori som är knuten till studien är, i relation till lärande och medierande verktyg, den sociokulturella teorin. Med hjälp av de digitala verktygen avses att, i enlighet med den proximala utvecklingszonen, stötta och vägleda eleverna framåt i sin utveckling. Den data som ligger till grund för studiens resultat har inhämtats via semistrukturerade intervjuer med verksamma lärare. Studiens resultat visar att de digitala verktygen kan skapa en variation i läsundervisningen som till följd av detta kan öka elevernas motivation för läsning. Resultatet påvisar även att lärarna som intervjuades, var oeniga vad gäller en försämring av elevers läsförmåga jämfört med tidigare. Det rådde dock en enighet beträffande elevers förminskade tålamod i fråga om att ta sig an större textmängder. / The aim of the study is to investigate how teachers perceive the digital tools' entry into the school regarding reading instruction and students' reading ability. The theory associated with the study is, in relation to learning and mediating tools, the sociocultural theory. Using the digital tools is intended, in accordance to the proximal development zone, to support and guide the students in their development. The data that form the basis for the study's results have been obtained through semi-structured interviews with active teachers. The study's results show that the digital tools can create a variation in reading instruction which, as a result, can increase students' motivation for reading. The result also shows that the teachers interviewed disagreed about a deterioration in pupils' reading ability compared to previous ones. There was, however, a consensus regarding the students' diminished patience regarding taking on larger amounts of text.

Att motivera elever att delta i frivilliga aktiviteter på fritidshem / Motivating pupils to participate in voluntary activities in leisure-time centre

Winberg, Jane, Olofsson, Mikael January 2021 (has links)
Några elever tenderar att fastna i samma aktivitet på fritidshemmet. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det finns strategier fritidslärare säger sig använda för att få eleverna delaktiga i fritidshemmets aktiviteter. Vidare undersöks vilka strategier som uppges vara effektiva och hur elevernas deltagande i aktiviteterna påverkar de sociala relationerna i gruppen. Studien utgår från fyra frågeställningar: Vilka strategier anser fritidslärare att de använder för att motivera eleverna att delta i frivilliga aktiviteter? Hur uppfyller fritidshemmet elevernas önskemål av aktiviteter? Hur upplever fritidslärarna sociala relationer mellan eleverna i aktiviteterna på fritidshemmet? och Vilken typ av miljö använder fritidshemmet mest under aktiviteterna? Metoden är semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra fritidslärare på två skolor i södra Sverige. Analysen av resultatet tolkas ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv för att få en djupare förståelse av elevernas delaktighet i aktiviteterna. Undersökningen visar att fritidslärare behöver ha elevernas intressen och behov i åtanke när planering av aktiviteter görs. Det visar sig vara av stor vikt att fritidslärarna är delaktiga i aktiviteterna för att motivera eleverna att delta. Fritidslärarna bör ge tydliga instruktioner som gör att eleverna förstår vad som förväntas av dem. Eleverna mår som bäst om de får möjlighet till miljöombyte och erbjuds en bred variation av aktiviteter med engagerade fritidslärare. / Some pupils tend to get caught up in the same activity at the leisure-time centre. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether there are strategies that leisure-time teachers use to involve pupils in the activities of the leisure-time centre. Furthermore, it investigates which strategies are reported to be effective and how pupils' participation in the activities affects the social relations in the group. The study is based on four questions: What strategies do leisure-time teachers think they use to motivate pupils to participate in voluntary activities? How does the leisure-time centre meet the pupils' wishes for activities? How do the leisure-time teachers experience social relations between the pupils in the activities at the leisure-time centre? and What kind of environment does the leisure-time centre use most during the activities? The method is semi-structured interviews with four leisure-time teachers at two schools in southern Sweden. The analysis of the results is interpreted from a sociocultural perspective in order to gain a deeper understanding of the pupils' participation in the activities. The survey shows that leisure-time teachers need to keep pupils' interests and needs in mind when planning activities. It turns out to be of great importance that the leisure teachers are involved in the activities to motivate the pupils to participate. Leisure-time teachers should provide clear instructions that allow pupils to understand what is expected of them. Pupils feel at their best if they get an opportunity for a change of scenery and are offered a wide range of activities with dedicated leisure-time teachers.

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