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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Om utställda känslor : Känsloberättelser och museiutställningar som narrativ / On exhibited emotions : Emotional stories and museum exhibitions as narrative

Christensen, Anders January 2022 (has links)
Emotions are sometimes thought of as human universals, biological facts shared by everyone due to the place of emotions as a function of evolution. A competing theory of emotion has been developed in the field of the history of emotions, where emotions instead are thought of as less unstable historically variable categories. The field of history of emotions has contributed to a heightened interest in emotions in general, including in the places of emotions within museums and museum discourse. Emotions are not only thought of as instrumental in the service of a museum’s pedagogical or political goal but are also subjects of exhibitions in their own right. A first principle for the following work has been that museum exhibitions are discursive acts with narrative form. In this masters thesis, I have wanted to examine the ways in which museums exhibit emotions and their histories and to what extent exhibited emotion require certain curatorial considerations to function as meaningful narratives within the context of the history of emotions. Throughout, theoretical approaches are borrowed from the study of literature and from cultural studies to work toward this goal. Two case studies are carried out in which I consider the poetics of exhibition and the role this poetic plays for the interpretation of the two narratives as wholes. An exhibition about the role of the ultras type of football supporters in the uprisings of the Arab Spring was found to centrally place emotions as catalysts for ultras’ political action. The style of narrative was found to be contributing to the sharp division between implicit audience and the culture depicted that ultimately, it was argued, gave this exhibition a place within the discourse of Orientalism. The second case study was of an exhibition about the history of love, and analysis revealed a confusion of two theoretically competing meta-narratives of love within the narrative. A universal and ahistorical metanarrative of emotion was found to work against the foundation of the exhibition as historical narrative. From these two case studies, I draw the conclusion that curators wishing to exhibit emotions must carefully consider the structure of their narratives, both because of the role of emotion in self-understanding and because of the demands on a historical narrative of emotion. This is a two-year master’s thesis in Museum and Cultural Heritage Studies.

Utställningspedagogik möter neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar : Nordiska museet under luppen / The pedagogy of exhibitions face neuropsyciatric disabilities : The Nordic museum in focus

Nerman, Solveig January 2016 (has links)
A goal in conservation is that cultural heritage should be for everyone and therefore should be experienced by everyone. With ramps, lifts, Braille exhibitions, sign language interpreted tours, tours for the visually impaired, etc., adaptions are made for people with physical disabilities. The purpose of this paper is to highlight how the Nordic Museum works to reach people with neuropsychiatric disorders along with the specific needs and disabilities which may need to be met by the museum. The case study will aim to highlight problems and opportunities in pedagogy of exhibitions focused on neuropsychiatric disorders. Moreover, it provides an indication of how the works with these issues at the museums are implemented, etc., which can create a greater awareness for the various professions in museums and conservations. This has been examined by the means of interviews, with the unions that advocate groups of neuropsychiatric disorders, and observations of selected exhibitions and shows, museum space, some audioguide-tours and part of the museum's website. In addition, other interviews are made with a museum educator with experience in the subject and a museum educator and head of the department of hosts and shops from the Nordic Museum. The materials which are used are mainly written public reports, as for example the Nordic museum Annual 2015. The museum caterers mostly focus on physical disability. They have also focused on reading disabilities and dementia, in addition to the physical functional limitations. The museum does its best and have a desire to improve themselves, which is shown at their website. The educational tools and approaches, etc. is well thought through, but the focus here is primarily on children and not adults. Something that may be because they have more impressions for children than for adults, if one example is taken. Some of the unions advocate “design for all” and more focus on a different view from the society, as well as personal attitudes to face persons with neuropsychiatric disabilities. They believe this will also affect the museum's education in general. Also, the use of different types of media and interactions in the exhibitions, as well as peace in the museum hall will make an impact in the pedagogy of the museum. The conclusions are that it probably always will be development potential in the pedagogy of the museum. The Nordic Museum has come a long way in the use of several media, but the design could in some cases be fine-tuned. Awareness of neuropsychiatric disorders could also be developed, both in society and in museums. / Ett mål inom kulturvård är att kulturarvet ska finnas till för alla och därmed ska kunna upplevas av alla. Anpassningar till personer med fysiska funktionsnedsättningar görs till exempel med ramper, hissar, blindskrift på utställningar, teckentolkade visningar, visningar för personer med nedsatt syn etc. Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa hur Nordiska museet riktar sig till personer med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar, vilka åtgärder som görs och kan göras för att tillgängliggöra museet för dessa personer samt vad för behov som kan behöva tillmötesgås hos dessa personer. I sammanhanget får fallstudien syftet att belysa problem och möjligheter med utställningspedagogik inriktad mot neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar. Detta kan dessutom ge en indikation på hur arbetet med dessa frågor på museer ser ut etc., vilket kan skapa en större medvetenhet hos olika museala professioner samt inom kulturvårdens andra professioner. Detta har granskats med hjälp av intervjuer och korrespondens med förbund som representerar olika grupper inom neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar samt observationer av utvalda utställningar och visningar, museets lokaler, vissa audioguiderundor och delar av museets hemsida. Utöver detta har intervjuer gjorts med en museipedagog med erfarenhet i ämnet och en museipedagog samt sektionschefen för bl.a. museivärdar vid Nordiska museet. De material som har används är främst offentliga skriftliga källor, som exempelvis museets årsredovisning 2015. Museet riktar i första hand sitt tillgänglighetsarbete mot fysiska funktionsnedsättningar. För neuropsykiatriskt funktionsnedsatta fokuserar de i första hand på lässvårigheter samt demenssjukdomar. Museet gör sitt bästa och har en vilja att förbättras, vilket märks på exempelvis hemsidan. De pedagogiska verktygen och angreppssätten etc. är väl uttänkta, men fokusen ligger här främst på barn. Detta kan bero på att de har fler visningar för barn än för vuxna. En del av förbunden förespråkar design för alla samt mer fokus på en annan samhällssyn, samt personliga attityder emot personer med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar. Detta är något som de tror kommer att påverka museets pedagogik i stort. I övrigt, gällande hela museets pedagogik, lägger de störst vikt på tydlighet, användning av olika typer av medier och interaktioner i utställningar samt försöka få fram ett lugn i lokalerna. Slutsatserna blir här att det troligen alltid kommer finnas utvecklingspotential inom museers pedagogik. På Nordiska museet har de kommit långt i användandet av flertalet medier, men utformningen skulle i vissa fall kunna finputsas. Medvetenheten kring neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar behöver och kan också utvecklas både i samhället och på museer.

En utställningssynopsis till Huggarepoken på Skogsmuseet i Lycksele / An Exhibition Synopsis for The Era of Axes at The Museum of Forestry in Lycksele

Lagerström, Marica January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Gränslöst. En global utställning på Historiska museet

Lundell, Linnéa January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is a report concerning the practical aspects on exhibition techniques. During an internship at the National History Museum in Stockholm I participated in the work with their new, temporary exhibition Gränslöst - en global utställning på Historiska museet [Boundless - a global voyage of discovery at the National Historical Museum]. I was part of a small project team of museum staff. The purpose of this exhibition was to show how cultures have met and influenced each other throughout history. The National Historical Museum has in its collections and exhibitions several examples of objects that has been imported from or inspired by other cultural areas. The primary goal was to give the visitors a new perspective, to show that these “Swedish” objects have a long history of trading and cultural exchange. Additionally, Gränslöst is an attempt to draw the visitors into the permanent exhibitions; it is not an independent production and shares some characteristics with so- called “Hot spot” exhibitions. My ambition is to describe the planning, implementation and delivery of the exhibition and highlight problems and solutions that arise during that process.

Kvinnogestaltning i utställningar : Hur det berättas om kvinnor i antika kulturer / Representations of Women in Exhibitions : How Women are Presented in Exhibitions on Ancient Cultures

Andersson, Emma January 2018 (has links)
This study examines how women are represented in exhibitions about the ancient cultures of Greece, Rome and Egypt. The two museums which have been studied are the Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities in Stockholm and the British Museum in London. Observations of the exhibitions, notes and interviews with museum personnel are the methods used in this study. The theory used is gender theory, focussing on Yvonne Hirdman’s gender system. The purpose of the study is to examine how the museums are working with representing women in ancient cultures, what objects are exhibited that relates to women and how museum teachers include women in tours. The study shows that women are represented in different degrees in the exhibitions and are much less included in texts. The Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities have the ambition and interest from the personnel to review their exhibits to include a broader perspective where women are better represented.

Formspråk - ett språk för alla? : En studie om att främja rörelseflöden i utställningar på museer

Sjöstrand, Julia January 2017 (has links)
Form language - a language for all of us? is a thesis in information design with a focus on spatial design. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a design proposition that exemplifies how the form language can be used to guide museum visitors, thus promoting the flow of movement and information retrieval. The work is based on the thematic exhibition Framtidsland at Arbetets museum in Norrköping. This thesis is a small part of a major survey to find out how spatial information affects visitors' flow of movements in thematic exhibitions. The overall information design problem includes motion flow and navigation in exhibition environments. Many thematic exhibitions do not communicate how the visitor should relocate and lacks clarity in structure and implementation. With the support of acquired empirical information from an informant interview, expert interview and a three-way site analysis on Framtidsland, the existing problems have been identified. The basic issues in the exhibition include ambiguous spatial information and guidance, which complicates the flow of movement and information retrieval for the visitor. There is a need for clearer guidance, structure, a line of argument and a coherent form language. Based on theory of wayfinding/wayshowing, cognition, design rules and design principles, combined with results from a user test, a design proposition has been developed. The design proposition shows that form language is a language for all of us, and that it affects us more than we think. This study shows that spatial information can contain guiding design and visual balance to create better structure as well as facilitate movement flow for visitors in thematic exhibitions. / Formspråk – ett språk för alla? är ett examensarbete inom informationsdesign med inriktning mot rumslig gestaltning. Syftet med arbetet är att ta fram ett gestaltningsförslag som exemplifierar hur formspråk kan användas för att vägleda museibesökare och därmed främja rörelseflödet samt informationsinhämtningen. Arbetet utgår från den tematiska utställningen Framtidsland på Arbetets museum i Norrköping. Examensarbetet är en liten del av en större undersökning att ta reda på hur rumslig information påverkar besökares rörelseflöden i tematiska utställningar. Det övergripande informationsdesignproblemet omfattar rörelseflöde och navigering i utställningsmiljöer. Många tematiska utställningar kommunicerar inte hur besökaren ska röra sig och saknar en tydlighet i struktur och genomförande. Med stöd från inhämtad empiri av en informantintervju, expertintervju samt en tredelad platsanalys på utställningen Framtidsland har de befintliga problemen kunnat identifieras. De grundläggande problemen i utställningen omfattar otydlig rumslig information och vägledning, vilket försvårar rörelseflödet och informationsinhämtningen för besökaren. Det finns behov av en tydligare vägledning, struktur, en röd tråd och ett sammanhängande formspråk. Baserat på teori om wayfinding/wayshowing, kognition, gestaltlagar och designprinciper samt resultat från användartest har ett designförslag utvecklats. Den framtagna gestaltningen visar att formspråk är ett språk för alla, och att det påverkar oss människor mer än vi tror. Denna studie visar att rumslig information kan innehålla vägledande design och visuell balans för att skapa bättre struktur samt underlätta rörelseflödet för besökare i tematiska utställningar.

Konstmuseer i den digitala världen : En kvalitativ studie av konstpedagogikens roll i virtuella konstmuseiutställningar / Art museums in a digital world : A quantative study of Art Educational Practices in Virtual Art Collections

Edström, Felicia January 2020 (has links)
En kvalitativ studie av konstpedagogikens roll i virtuella konstmuseiutställningar. Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga konstpedagogiska element och hur dessa påverkar förmedlandet, mottagandet och funktionerna i två virtuella utställningar från de Londonbaserade konstmuseerna The National Gallery och The Courtauld Gallery. Metoder och teorier med utgångspunkt i en analysmodell av den konstpedagogiska processen samt konstpedagogiska hållningar, har använts för analys och tolkning. I denna studie dras paralleller mellan studieobjekten och traditionella utställningar, samt ytterligare perspektiv på konstpedagogikens roll och virtuella utställningars funktioner i en konstpedagogisk kontext. Resultatet av denna studie visar på en fri pedagogik där användaren tar stor plats och styr sin virtuella rundtur bestående av ett rikligt men selekterat och kontrollerat innehåll.

I det virtuella utställningsrummet : en fallstudie av 5hus.nu genom dess besökare / In the virtual exhibition space : a case study of 5hus.nu through its visitors

Przybyl, Katarina January 2002 (has links)
<p>Webexhibits is a growing but unexplored, cultural phenomenon that indicates a new use of the Internet for cultural communication. In the essay two quantitative methods, logganalysis and websurveys, have been used to study the visitors in 5hus.nu. The purpose is to generate knowledge about webexhibits as a cultural manifestation and medium by studying the experience and actions of its visitors. To achieve the aim the paper explores the methodological questions of how to study webusers. Theories about the exhibition as a medium and the web as a virtual area of exhibits have been used to understand and interpret the results. The study also relates to the research field of Visitor Studies. The analysis shows that a new relationship and pattern of ommunication between the producer and its public is created in the"virtual"exhibition space. Interactivity contributes to differentiated experiences and varying ways in which visitors navigate the site. However the statistic results illustrate that the net is a traceable, complex and technical exhibition arena, where time and space are subordinated and where a new form of cultural activity is being developed.</p> / <p>Utställningar på webben är en växande men fortfarande outforskad kulturyttring, som vittnar om en vidgad användning av Internet för kulturell kommunikation. I uppsatsen tillämpas två webbaserade kvantitativa metoder: trafikanalys och webbenkäter, för att studera besökarna i en fallstudie av webbutställningen 5hus.nu. Syftet har varit att genom analys av besökarnasegna upplevelser och agerande generera kunskaper om webbutställningar som kulturyttring och medium. För att uppnå syftet ges en metodologisk redogörelse för hur besökarna i en webbutställning kan studeras. Empirin har tolkats mot kommunikationsteorier om utställningsmediet och webben som utställningsarena. Studien har även kopplats till det tvärvetenskapliga forskningsfältet Visitor Studies - besöksstudier. Resultaten visar tydligt på hur nya kommunikationsformer mellan avsändare och mottagare skapas i det ”virtuella” utställningsrummet. Interaktiviteten bidrar till att besökarnas upplevelser och agerande i hög grad skiljer sig åt. Samtidigt pekar statistiken på att webben är en mycket spårbar, komplex och teknikstyrd utställningsarena, där tid och rum får en underordnad betydelse och där en ny form av kulturaktivitet håller på att utvecklas. </p>

I det virtuella utställningsrummet : en fallstudie av 5hus.nu genom dess besökare / In the virtual exhibition space : a case study of 5hus.nu through its visitors

Przybyl, Katarina January 2002 (has links)
Webexhibits is a growing but unexplored, cultural phenomenon that indicates a new use of the Internet for cultural communication. In the essay two quantitative methods, logganalysis and websurveys, have been used to study the visitors in 5hus.nu. The purpose is to generate knowledge about webexhibits as a cultural manifestation and medium by studying the experience and actions of its visitors. To achieve the aim the paper explores the methodological questions of how to study webusers. Theories about the exhibition as a medium and the web as a virtual area of exhibits have been used to understand and interpret the results. The study also relates to the research field of Visitor Studies. The analysis shows that a new relationship and pattern of ommunication between the producer and its public is created in the"virtual"exhibition space. Interactivity contributes to differentiated experiences and varying ways in which visitors navigate the site. However the statistic results illustrate that the net is a traceable, complex and technical exhibition arena, where time and space are subordinated and where a new form of cultural activity is being developed. / Utställningar på webben är en växande men fortfarande outforskad kulturyttring, som vittnar om en vidgad användning av Internet för kulturell kommunikation. I uppsatsen tillämpas två webbaserade kvantitativa metoder: trafikanalys och webbenkäter, för att studera besökarna i en fallstudie av webbutställningen 5hus.nu. Syftet har varit att genom analys av besökarnasegna upplevelser och agerande generera kunskaper om webbutställningar som kulturyttring och medium. För att uppnå syftet ges en metodologisk redogörelse för hur besökarna i en webbutställning kan studeras. Empirin har tolkats mot kommunikationsteorier om utställningsmediet och webben som utställningsarena. Studien har även kopplats till det tvärvetenskapliga forskningsfältet Visitor Studies - besöksstudier. Resultaten visar tydligt på hur nya kommunikationsformer mellan avsändare och mottagare skapas i det ”virtuella” utställningsrummet. Interaktiviteten bidrar till att besökarnas upplevelser och agerande i hög grad skiljer sig åt. Samtidigt pekar statistiken på att webben är en mycket spårbar, komplex och teknikstyrd utställningsarena, där tid och rum får en underordnad betydelse och där en ny form av kulturaktivitet håller på att utvecklas.

Samhällsmuseum efterlyses : Svensk museiutveckling och museidebatt 1965–1990 / Calling for the Community Museum : Development in Swedish museums and the museum debate 1965–1990

Näsman, Olof January 2014 (has links)
A new cultural policy developed in Sweden in the 1960’s in order to renew the activities of mseums in a more socially relevant direction. The dissertation examines whether the museums adopted the new policy and to what extent the objectives were achieved. The thesis analyses three main areas: the new cultural policy and the attempts to implement it; activities in selected museums along with different intellectual trends that shaped their activities; and the debate between different “thought collectives” (L. Fleck) regarding museums’ missions and objectives as well as expectations within the museum sector. How did the various “actors” relate to the objectives of the new cultural policy? The thesis confirms the potential of the museums as generators for renewal and innovation in terms of democracy and development of the society. There was a clear shift in attitudes from values associated with the “Cultural heritage museum” towards the in this thesis introduced idea of the “Community museum”. The study shows how museums tried to introduce activities relating to current political and social issues, which supports the principal hypothesis in the study, that the museums became more socially relevant during the investigated period. However, during the 1980s, there could be seen a clear recurrence back to the idea of “Cultural heritage museum”. The movement in opposite directions illustrates the museums’ strong ties to the earlier traditional ”styles of thought” (Fleck) and their role as cultural guardians, which severely restricted their capacity for innovation and new ways of thinking. Nevertheless, the Swedish Exhibition Agency (Riksutställningar) performed a role as a searhead for the new cultural policy, corresponding with the heterodoxy and new style of thinking represented by the “Community museum”. A number of persons dominating the debate within the museum sector had a crucial importance in the shift towards the concept of “Community museums”. A revitalisation of the exhibitions, pedagogy and content was accomplished, often as a result of the Swedish Exhibition Agency’s efforts to develop the medium. During the period 1965–1990 Swedish museum exhibitions moved towards a temporary and more socially oriented content. According to Steven Conn’s principal thesis “Do museums still need objects?” the importance of objects gradually declined during the last century. In line with this development, the new Museum of Work had no objects/collections of its own. Furthermore, the arrival of new technology in the late 1980’s gave preconditions for reshaping knowledge and contributed to new attitudes towards communication. Museums were now seen as centres for social contact and communication. The role of museology as an academic discipline in the reprogramming of the museums towards a more socially oriented approach is another important issue. Museology has been criticized by those who – int the debate – questioned the entire idea of “Community museum”.

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