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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Jag är här varje gång. Jag försvinner inte.” : En kvalitativ studie om relationsskapandet mellan socialarbetare och våldsutsatta kvinnor / "I am here everytime. I will not dissapear." : A qualitative study on the relationship between social workers and abused women.

Carling, Tilde, Fanny, Lindström January 2023 (has links)
This essay portrays the relationship building between social workers and abused women. Intimate partner violence is a social problem worldwide. It appears that the relationship building between social workers and abused women is crucial for how the women receive support. This highlights the need for further research on the relationship between social workers and abused women. The study is qualitative, consisting of eight interviews conducted using a semi-structured method with social workers who work with abused women. The purpose of this essay is to examine the perspective of social workers on building relationships with abused women. The central components that emerged from the results regarding the social workers' relationship-building abilities were empathy, sensitivity, validation of feelings, and knowledge of men's violence against women. An additional conclusion drawn from the results is that establishing relationships based on empowerment can contribute to the women gaining increased self-esteem, which in turn can motivate them to leave abusive situations and become self-sufficient. Through this study, we hope to contribute to further research on the relationship building between abused women and social workers, as well as identify potential challenges in establishing effective relationships.

Mäns våld mot kvinnor och våld i nära relationer som ett kunskapsmål : En kvalitativ undersökning av sex utbildningsprogram vid Karlstads universitet / Men’s violence against women and domestic violence as a knowledge requirement : A qualitative study of six educational programs at Karlstad University

Karlsson, Emmy, Brikha, Atta January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Mäns våld mot kvinnor och våld i nära relationer är ett aktuellt samhällsproblem. Studenter som i sin framtida profession kan komma att möta människor som har blivit våldsutsatta ska visa på kunskap om mäns våld mot kvinnor och våld i nära relationer för att kunna ta ut en examen. Kunskapskravet trädde i kraft 2018–2019 och omfattar åtta olika examen där jurist-, psykolog-, socionom-, tandhygienist- och sjuksköterskeprogrammet finns vid Karlstads universitet. Syfte: Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur jurist-, psykolog-, socionom-, sjuksköterske-, tandhygienist- och lärarstudenter vid Karlstads universitet genom sin utbildning tillägnar sig kunskap om mäns våld mot kvinnor och våld i nära relationer, samt hur undervisningen uppfattas av studenterna. Metod: Intervjuer med studierektorer, programledare och studenter vid nämnda program har utförts. Respondenterna har resonerat kring examination, undervisning och inlärning av kunskapsmålet vilket sedan har transkriberats och analyserats genom en tematisk analys. För att få en djupare inblick i hur examination och undervisning av kunskapsmålet skett så har en manifest innehållsanalys av utbildningsplaner, kursplaner och litteraturlistor genomförts för respektive program. För att kunna undersöka hur kunskapskravet implementerats hos de program som berörs av det så jämfördes resultatet med lärarprogrammen, vilka inte omfattas av kunskapskravet. Resultat: Kunskapsmålet inkluderats i utbildningsplaner, kursplaner ochlitteraturlistor. Respondenterna från utbildningar med kunskapskravet beskriver att det examineras främst genom seminarier och att kunskapskravet kräver reflektion. Slutsats: Kunskapskravet har implementerats i praktiken hos de utbildningar som omfattas av kravet. Studenter lär sig om mäns våld mot kvinnor och våld i nära relationer genom reflektion. Konstruktiv länkning är en vanligt använd strategi inom området. / Background: Men's violence against women and domestic violence is a significant social issue. To better prepare students who may encounter victims of violence in their future professions they need to demonstrate knowledge of men's violence against women and domestic violence to graduate. The knowledge requirement was implemented in 2018-2019 and covers eight different programs at university level in which programs for degrees in law, psychology, social work, dental hygiene, and nursing are offered at Karlstad University. Objective: The aim of this study has been to investigate how students at programs for degrees in law, psychology, social work, dental hygiene, and nursing at Karlstad University learn about men's violence against women and domestic violence, as well as how the educations is perceived by the students. Method: Interviews with Directors of Studies, Program Directors and students from previously mentioned degree programs as well as the teaching programs at Karlstad University has been concluded. The respondents have discussed examination, teaching and learning of the knowledge objective, which has then been analysed using thematic analysis. To gain a deeper understanding of how the examination and teaching of the knowledge objective is implemented, curriculums, course syllabi and bibliographies has been analysed by content analysis. Comparisons were made between the programs covered by the knowledge requirement and teacher education programs not covered by the same requirements. Results: The knowledge requirement has been implemented in the curriculum, course syllabi and bibliographies. Interviews with respondents from the programs also suggests that the course requirement is being implemented. Respondents recommend examining men’s violence against women and domestic violence via seminars especially highlighting the importance of reflection for improving learning. Conclusions: The conclusions drawn are that the knowledge requirement has been implemented in practice in the programs with the requirement. Students learn about men’s violence against women and domestic violence through reflection. Constructive Alignment is a learning theory commonly used.

Från ord till handling? : En kritisk diskursanalys om hur våldsutsattakvinnor och deras hjälpbehov framställs i statliga propositioner / From words to action?

Pettersson, Johanna, Sjöstrand, Ida January 2023 (has links)
Men’s violence against women is a global social problem that occurs in all arenas of society, regardless of factors such as age, ethnicity, and social class. The portrayal of the victimized woman and dominant discourses present in guiding documents establish a framework for determining the appropriate support measures to address the needs that arise as a result of violence. Women who are victims of violence risk being left without support from social services if they do not identify with the institutional identity provided. Therefore, a critical examination of the subject positions for women who are victims of violence and how their support needs are portrayed in government propositions becomes important to understand the intentions behind the legislated support. The purpose of this study is to use critical discourse analysis to examine how government propositions in the field of intimate partner violence portray women who are victims of violence and their support needs. As part of this, the study aims to identify dominant discourses by highlighting and creating an understanding of how different subject positions and support needs are made visible or invisible in the examined material. The study is based on a qualitative research approach, and the research material consists of three government propositions in the field of intimate partner violence. Discourse analysis, based primarily on Fairclough's three-dimensional model, has been used as the methodological approach. Discourse analysis has also been used as a theoretical framework, complemented by intersectional perspectives. The results reveal a hidden aspect of dominance in the linguistic expression and modality of the material that risks disregarding marginalized perspectives and neglecting specific needs.

SARA B-SAFER som riskbedömningsinstrument

Hallenheim, Martina January 2013 (has links)
Studien är en källstudie vars syfte är att undersöka huruvida SARA B-SAFER fungerar som riskbedömningsinstrument och om brottsutvecklingen för våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer har ökat eller minskat under tidsperioden, åren 2000-2012. Urvalet för studien är Kalmar polismyndighet och Södertörn polismästardistrikt. Underlaget för studien är tidigare forskning från hur Polisen har arbetat med SARA B-SAFER och offentlig statistik på antalet anmälda brott från Brottsförebyggande rådet (BRÅ). Resultaten i studien visar på en ökning av antalet anmälda brott för våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer, samtidigt som anmälningarna ligger på en förhållandevis jämn nivå. Vidare indikerar studien på att det finns en komplexitet kring SARA B-SAFER som riskbedömnings-instrument, då det finns indikationer på att instrumentet har en prediktiv validitet. Åtgärder för att skydda brottsoffren hamnar i skymundan och SARA B-SAFER fungerar då inte preventivt, vilket kan förklara antalet ökade anmälningar för att instrumentet predicerar rätt. / This study aims to appose if the SARA B-SAFER are successful as a risk-assessment tool and if the crime development for spousal against women have risen or declined between the years 2000-2012. Kalmar Police County and Södertörn Manor are participating and statistics over crimes for spousal violence against women are studied in these areas. The material for the study is earlier research and statistics from Brottförebyggande rådet (BRÅ). The result in the study show that the crimes for spousal violence against women have increased but lay on a stable level. Further there is a complexity about SARA as a risk-assessment tool, when it seems to work on a predictive level, but not as much on a preventive stage, as wishes. The predictive factor on SARA can explain the increased numbers of crimes.

Home is where her horror is : a call for knowledge about domestic violence in the field of architecture and in society

Gillinger, Jenna January 2023 (has links)
Den farligaste platsen för en kvinna är hennes egna hem. Fler än 50 misshandelsfall gentemot kvinnor i hemmet om dagen anmäls i Sverige och i snitt dödar en man i Sverige en kvinna han har eller har haft en relation med var tredje vecka. Ett samhälleligt och medmänskligt engagemang kan vara skillnad mellan liv och död. Det är dags att rikta fokus och ansvar mot mannen, dig, mig och samhället. Arkitekter och Inredningsarkitekter har länge haft kunskap om hur trygga offentliga rum i utomhusmiljöer kan och bör utformas. Men faktum är att endast 15% av alla anmälda våldtäkter begås i utomhusmiljöer, sk. överfallsvåldtäkter. Resterande 85% sker i det egna hemmet av en närstående. Fältet Arkitektur och Inredningsarkitektur bör ha kunskap om våld i hemmiljö och ta detta i beaktning i sin praktik. “Home is where her horror is” utgår från det faktum att den farligaste platsen för en kvinna är hennes egna hem, detta utforskas och gestaltas vidare i tre påståenden och linjer: -Linje 1: Fältet Arkitektur, Inredningsarkitektur och formgivning behöver kunskap om våld i nära relation och ta detta i beaktning i sin praktik.  -Linje 2: I samarbete med material från organisationen “Huskurage” formge och skapa en mobil informationsplats i ett flerbostadshus för att främja samtal och spontana möten grannar emellan, medvetandegöra kring våld i nära relation samt införa Huskurage. -Linje 3: Gestalta den våldsutsatta kvinnans dimension av hemmet i skala 1:1 under Konstfacks vårutställning 2023. För att metvetandegöra och informera besökaren genom konst, rumslig gestaltning, formgivning, film och performance med ambition om att framkalla reaktion som leder till aktion. / The most dangerous place for a woman is her own home. More than 50 cases of abuse against women a day are reported in Sweden, and on average a man in Sweden kills a woman he has or has had a relationship with every three weeks. A social and human commitment can be the difference between life and death. It is time to direct focus and responsibility towards the men, you, me and society. Architects and interior architects have long had knowledge of how to design safe public spaces in outdoor environments. But the fact is that only 15% of all reported rapes are committed in outdoor environments. The remaining 85% is done in her own home by a person she has a relationship with or a relative. The field of Architecture and Interior Design should have knowledge of domestic violence and take this into account in their practice. "Home is where her horror is" is based on the fact that the most dangerous place for a woman is her own home, this is further explored and shaped in three statements: -Line 1: The field of Architecture, Interior Architecture and design needs knowledge of domestic violence and take this into account in their practice. -Line 2: In collaboration with material from the organisation "Huskurage", design and create a mobile information site in an apartment building to promote conversations and spontaneous meetings between neighbours, raise awareness about domestic violence and introduce Huskurage. -Line 3: Shape a home from the abused woman's perspective on a 1:1 scale during Konstfack's spring exhibition 2023. To raise awareness and inform the visitor through art, spatial design, design, film and performance with the ambition of evoking reaction that leads to action.

Konsten att skilja mellan förövaren och dennas handlningar : En kvalitativ forskningsstudie om yrkesverksammas arbete med förövare

Kolbert, Moa, Koraish, Magdalena, Ottander, Anna January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka de yrkesverksammas perspektiv på det behandlingsarbete de utför med män som utövat våld i nära relation. Genom studien undersöktes även vilka incitament som yrkesverksamma ansåg vara verksamma respektive mindre verksamma för förövarnas hjälpsökande. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar utfördes en kvalitativ forskningsstudie med semistrukturerade intervjuer tillsammans med sju yrkesverksamma inom området. Tidigare forskning påvisar att de finns försvårande faktorer för förövare i sitt hjälpsökande såsom en stigmatiserande samhällssyn. Forskningen belyser även hur förövare upplever yrkesverksammas bemötande som avgörande i deras förändringsprocess. Genom en tematisk analys utvecklades tre teman, Yrkesverksammas perspektiv på samhällssynen på förövare, Yrkesverksammas perspektiv på motiverings- och behandlingsarbete samt Tvång och frivillighet inom ramen för arbetet med förövare. Dessa analyserades med hjälp av våra valda teorier social inlärningsteori, genus, maskulinitet samt makt mellan yrkesverksam och klient. Studiens resultat påvisar att yrkesverksamma upplever en stigmatiserande samhällssyn av förövare som verkar försvårande. Tidigare forskning som används i studien bekräftas delvis genom studiens resultat. Resultatet belyser de yrkesverksammas upplevelse av samhällets okunskap och oförmåga att skilja på person och dennas handlingar, vilket bidrar till denna stigmatisering. De menar att samhällets maskulinitetsnormer som inte legitimerar sårbara känslor hos män bidrar till att känslor som ilska legitimeras, med detta menas att våld kan användas som strategi av män för att hantera sårbarhet. Vidare framkom att de yrkesverksammas bemötande och relationsskapande med förövaren har en avgörande betydelse i behandlingsprocessen, en slutsats utifrån detta är yrkesverksamma bär ett stort ansvar. Vidare lämnas de i studien förslag på att en förändring av samhällets syn på mansrollen och förövare kan verka förebyggande i arbetet med mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relation.  Nyckelord: Våld i nära relation, mäns våld mot kvinnor, behandlingsarbete, genus, makt, maskulinitet, mansnorm, mansideal, stigmatisering, Sverige. / The purpose of this study was to examine the professionals' perspectives on the treatment work they perform with men who have used violence in close relationships. The study also examined which incentives professionals considered to be effective and less effective for perpetrators seeking help. To answer the study's questions, a qualitative research study was conducted with semi-structured interviews together with seven professionals in the field. Previous research shows that there are aggravating factors for perpetrators in their search for help, such as a stigmatizing view of society. The research also sheds light on how perpetrators perceive the treatment of professionals as crucial in their process of change. Through a thematic analysis, three themes were developed, Professionals 'perspective on society's view of perpetrators, Professionals' perspective on motivation and treatment work and Coercion and voluntariness within the framework of work with perpetrators. These were analyzed with the help of our chosen theories social learning theory, gender, masculinity and power between professional and client. The results of the study show that professionals experience a stigmatizing view of society from perpetrators that seems aggravating. Previous research used in the study is confirmed in part by the results of the study. The result highlights the professionals' experience of society's ignorance and inability to distinguish between a person and his actions, which contributes to this stigma. They believe that society's norms of masculinity that do not legitimize vulnerable feelings in men help to legitimize feelings such as anger, by which is meant that violence can be used as a strategy by men to deal with vulnerability. Furthermore, it emerged that the professionals' treatment and relationship building with the perpetrator is of crucial importance in the treatment process, a conclusion based on this is that professionals carry a great deal of responsibility. Furthermore, the study suggests that a change in society's view of the male role and perpetrators can have a preventive effect in the work with men's violence against women in close relationships. Keywords: Violence in close relationships, men's violence against women, treatment work, gender, power, masculinity, male norm, male ideal, stigmatization, Sweden.

Från tystnad till dialog : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors upplevelser av mötet med professionella efter utsatthet av psykiskt våld / From Silence to Dialogue : A Qualitative Study on Women's Experiences in Interactions with Professionals Following Exposure to Psychological Violence

Ölmez, Damla, Alaga, Lilian January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to investigate women’s experiences with psychological violence in intimate partner relationships in order to understand how they view their situation based on interactions with their environment and authority representatives. By highlighting this subject, the ambition was to expand knowledge to professionals who meet women in the targeted group, due to knowledge gaps and lack of awareness among professionals regarding how psychological violence affects women. A qualitative approach was used by reading seven autobiographies by women with experience with psychological violence to capture the women’s subjective experiences. The results were analyzed through content analysis which means that common themes were selected from each autobiography by a reading schedule to form a coding scheme. The results showed that the women were exposed to psychological violence in the form of controlling behaviors, isolation and the violence was alternated with warmth and love. The women share experiences regarding the expression and consequences of the psychological violence, while they share differences about interactions with the environment and authorities that contain both positive and negative experiences. The environment was shown to be vital for the woman's opportunities to leave the violent relationship. However, dilemmas may arise for friends and family to help the woman because they may feel codependent, which results in them feeling hopeless. This concludes that professionals and the women’s environment need more knowledge regarding how psychological violence manifests itself, its consequences and how the women normalizes the violence in order to understand the women’s conditions and help them break free from factors that are maintaining the violence. KEY WORDS: psychological abuse, intimate partner violence, effects on mental health, help seeking, men’s violence against women, professional approach

Gotland under Covid-19 : En kvalitativ studie om mäns våld mot kvinnor under pandemin / Gotland during Covid-19 : A qualitative study about men's violence against women during the pandemic

Enström, Bix January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to provide knowledge about social services and women's shelter relate to and work with abused women during crises like Covid-19. The study is based on seven qualitative semiconstructed interviews with professional social workers and workers from women shelters on Gotland. The study shows that its difficult to come to a conclusion what the consequence for abused women have resulted in. The social services have experienced a challenge with a different way of practise and a closed society. Common for both social services and woman shelter is the worry about womens vulnerability. Rapports from the women shelter shows that more women requested aid while the social services states that they cannot see a distinct increase. There is no unambigious answer to if the abused women suffered more during the pandemic. It is only after the restrictions begin to disapear that it becomes clearer how Covid-19 has affected these  women

Med djuret som gisslan : En studie om professionellas erfarenhet av husdjurens roll i arbetet med människor som ska lämna en våldsam relation / With the animal as hostage : A study of the professional’s experience of the role of animals in the work with people that are leaving an abusive relationship

Rejbo, Christina, Storm, Jennifer January 2022 (has links)
I denna studie har vi undersökt husdjurens roll och påverkan på våldsutsattas uppbrott från relationer där det förekommit våld. Vi har genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med personal på skyddade boenden och kvinnojourer tagit del av vad de har för kunskap, erfarenhet och egna resonemang kring mäns våld mot kvinnor och barn samt uppbrottsprocessen där det finns husdjur med i bilden. Genom en tematisk analys tog vi oss närmare respondenternas arbetssätt, personliga- och organisatoriska förutsättningar samt utmaningar i arbetet med våldsutsatta och deras husdjur. Resultatet visar på en varierande kunskapsnivå och syn på husdjurens betydelse. Det vi kan se i studien är att husdjuren inte är uteslutna från våld i hemmet och våldet är både ett straffrättsligt lindrigt och ett känslomässigt effektivt sätt att skada även de tvåbenta i hushållet. Husdjuren kan vara en starkt kvarhållande faktor och möjligheten att rädda husdjuren från våldsutövaren kan vara en fråga om liv och död för husdjuren. För människorna som ändå lyckas lämna utan att ta med sig djuret kan det innebära stora trauman, känslor av skuld och skam samt en risk att hon till slut väljer att gå tillbaka till förövaren.Vi har tagit del av respondenternas tankar och förslag på framtida lösningar och önskemål. Studien visar att problemet med djurens utsatthet i våldsamma relationer är något som på flera sätt ingår i ett aktivt förändringsarbete på flera boenden just nu och med hjälp av kunskap och förståelse går det att rädda liv. / In this study we have examined the role and effect that pets have on victims of violence’s process of separation from relationships where violence exists. With semi-structured interviews with the staff from shelters and women’s shelters, we learnt more about their experience, knowledge, and reasoning around the violence in relationships and breakups where pets are present. Through a thematic analysis we have approached the respondents’ work procedures, organizational- and personal conditions as well as challenges in the work with victims of violence and their pets. The results show a varying knowledge level and view of the importance of pets. The study shows that the animals are not excluded from the domestic violence and that the violence is both punitively cheap but also an emotionally effective way to also harm the two-legged in the household. The animals can be a strong detaining factor and the opportunity of saving the animals from the perpetrator can be a matter of life and death for the animal. For the people that still manage to leave without bringing the animal with them it can amount to large trauma, feelings of guilt and shame, and that she in the end chooses to go back. We also got to take part of the respondents' thoughts and suggestions for future solutions and wishes. The study also shows that the problem with vulnerability of animals is something that in many ways is part of an active work for change in several shelters at this moment and that with the help of knowledge and understanding it is possible to save lives.

”Du får skylla dig själv!” : - en netnografisk studie om informellt hjälpsökande på internet vid våld i nära relation / “You have yourself to blame!” : - a netnographic study on informal helpseeking on the internet in intimate partner violence

Peereboom, Mikaela, Barrdahl, Maja January 2023 (has links)
Intimate partner violence is one of the most common forms of violence againstwomen and is a widespread social problem that affects women among allsocioeconomic, religious and cultural groups. It is the social services responsibilityto meet these women and to especially consider the well-being of women who havebeen exposed to violence or abuse by a partner. Research within the field shows thatthere are several reasons why it may be difficult for abused women to break therelationship with the abuser. One reason is the feelings of guilt and shame thatcommonly submerge in an abusive relationship. Research suggests that women whohave been victims to domestic abuse may need informal support before they seekfurther support from professionals. How this first uncovering of the violence isreceived may be crucial to the woman's further actions and reasoning about hersituation. In today's society we live a big part of our lives online where we interactwith each other on a daily basis. Several people turn to digital platforms to receiveadvice and support for their real issues when they may feel like they can't turn topeople around them in real life. These digital platforms have been seen gettingincreasingly used by survivors of intimate partner violence to share theirexperiences as well as seek support and advice. This study is a netnographic study about women exposed to intimate partnerviolence and their help seeking behaviors on the Swedish online forums Flashbackand Familjeliv. The aim of this study is to explore the responses these women getwhen they seek support and advice about their situation online. The results of thisstudy shows that women who seek support online receive a wide range of responseswhere we could identify stigmatizing as well as destigmatizing elements. Thestigmatizing responses consisted mainly of victim blaming where the woman wastold she had herself to blame whereas the destigmatizing responses consisted ofemotional support and practical advice.

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