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Framtoning av exklusivitet i gränssnittet på hemsidan : En undersökning om hur exklusivitet kan framtonas på hemsidans gränssnittsdesign, samt vilka tillvägagångssätt som är passande för ett exklusivt uttryck.Månsson, Helena January 2018 (has links)
This study carried out because there is no concrete advices on web design, interaction design and strategies for how a website can create an exclusive feeling today. The purpose of the study is to gather more knowledge on how a brand can create an exclusive feel through the website but also to find more knowledge to advice existing and future brands on how to increase the exclusive feeling through design and strategies. The methods of the study consist of a literary study for basic knowledge, a quantitative content analysis examining 20 web pages interface design and a qualitative interview’s where two designers in web design participated and advises on interface designs and strategies for exclusive websites. The methods have contributed to the results for the following questions: Which design factors can be used to show exclusivity on websites?What factors does secret or exclusive bars use? What approaches or strategies are appropriate to showcase the exclusivity of a brand on a website? The results show that new knowledge has been found to show exclusivity on websites. The discovery is that it is important to make preliminary work in the structure and amount of content. Trends like using large or full presentations at the beginning of the interface are not defined as exclusive appearance. The number of colors is important to increase an exclusive feeling, but which colors are not of great importance. White and black, however, can be good colors to convey minimalism. The same applies to fonts, where the number of total fonts in an interface plays a bigger role, but how text layouts are a great advantage in exclusive design. Moving images and animations can enhance the user experience and also exclusivity. Minimalism is a major part of exclusive design and 60 percent empty space is recommended to use on the website has been discovered. The strategies that have been shown to affect the appearance of exclusivity are invitation-only systems and memberships. By letting the visitor see what the brand is and why it should be interested is extremely important for creating an interest and not an excluding feeling, rather to bring excitement and attraction. However, much of the discovery was that the communication to the target group and how it is performed is an important role in expressing exclusivity. To accommodate the duration of the study, the study has limited the interviews to interviewing only two designers and the quantitative content analysis only reviewed 20 web pages in total, with the statements and questions planned for the size of the study.
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Lojala kunder och paraplyvarumärkesstrategier / Loyal customer and umbrella brandsEricsson, Maria, Pettersson, Jacqueline January 2004 (has links)
<p>Den övergripande problematiken vi identifierat är relationen mellan starka varumärkenoch kundlojalitet i företag med flera olika produktvarumärken. Syftet med denna uppsats är att förstå om och hur företag med paraplyvarumärkesstrategier kan skapa och bibehålla lojala kunder. Vi vill överföra det övergripande teoretiska resonemanget inom varumärkesstrategi och inom lojalitetsstrategi på företag med paraplyvarumärkesstrategier. </p><p>Varumärket Axfood är ett exempel på ett företag som har flera olika produktvarumärken (Hemköp, Willy:s, Willy:s hemma med flera). Vi har vid genomförandet av studien valt att använda oss av Axfood som studieobjekt. Vi har intervjuat medarbetare och kunder till Axfood för att samla in relevant data. </p><p>Vi anser att det går att skapa lojala kunder för företag med paraplyvarumärkesstrategier. Det som avgör om det är möjligt är om de olika produktvarumärkena står för samma grundläggande kärnvärden. Produkterna kan skilja sig åt vad gäller typ av produkt eller karaktär, men vissa grundläggande variabler måste vara lika för att det ska vara möjligt att skapa lojalitet.</p> / <p>The comprehensive problems we acknowledged are the relationship between strong brands and customer loyalty in corporations with umbrella brand strategies. The purpose of this thesis is to understand if and how corporations with umbrella brand strategies can create and retain loyal customers. Our intention is to apply the theoretical framework of brand strategy and loyalty strategies on corporations with umbrella brand. </p><p>Axfood is one example of a corporation which hold a number of product brands (Hemköp, Willy:s, Willy:s hemma et cetera). In this study we have chosen to use Axfood as an object of study and we have interviewed employees and customers to collect relevant data. </p><p>Our conclusions are that it is possible to create loyal customers in corporations with umbrella brands. The crucial aspects are that the product brands support the same fundamental values. The products can differ considering type of product or characteristics but some fundamental values has to be equal to make it possible to create loyal customers.</p>
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Perceptionsanalys av tre webbplatser som använder Flash : skillnader i syn på färg och form bland kvinnliga och manliga Internetanvändare i olika åldersgrupperKronvall, Alf January 2003 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats undersöker hur kvinnor och män i olika åldersgrupper förhåller sig till Flashapplikationer utifrån deras uppfattning om färg och form. Deltagarna som består av skolungdomar, nyexaminerade studenter och pensionärer har genom en enkät och en semistrukturerad intervjuform fått redogöra för sina intryck av Santa Marias, Eccos och Indiskas webbplatser. </p><p>Undersökningsdeltagarna identifierar Flashelementen genom deras rörelser. Deltagarna vill välja om de ska se animationer och andra applikationer skapade i Flash för att inte tappa koncentrationen från övrigt innehåll. Studenterna i undersökningen har en mer kritisk hållning till färgval, formgivning och användandet av Flash än övriga. Kvinnorna i undersökningen har en mer liberal hållning till färg och form än männen. </p> / <p>This essay explores how men and women in different age groups experiences Flashapplications, depending on their perception of colour and form. The participants, teenagers at a junior high school, students who just have finished their degree and senior citizens have by answering a form and by taking part in a semi structured interview been able to express their opinion of the following Scandinavian web pages: Santa Maria, Ecco and Indiska.</p><p>The participants identify the flash objects by their movements. The participants want to be able to choose weather or not to see the animations and other applications created in Flash, to avoid loosing focus on the other information the trademarks wants to express. The students have the most critical approach to colour, form and the use of Flash objects. The female participants have a more liberal approach to colour and form then the male participants. </p>
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Lojala kunder och paraplyvarumärkesstrategier / Loyal customer and umbrella brandsEricsson, Maria, Pettersson, Jacqueline January 2004 (has links)
Den övergripande problematiken vi identifierat är relationen mellan starka varumärkenoch kundlojalitet i företag med flera olika produktvarumärken. Syftet med denna uppsats är att förstå om och hur företag med paraplyvarumärkesstrategier kan skapa och bibehålla lojala kunder. Vi vill överföra det övergripande teoretiska resonemanget inom varumärkesstrategi och inom lojalitetsstrategi på företag med paraplyvarumärkesstrategier. Varumärket Axfood är ett exempel på ett företag som har flera olika produktvarumärken (Hemköp, Willy:s, Willy:s hemma med flera). Vi har vid genomförandet av studien valt att använda oss av Axfood som studieobjekt. Vi har intervjuat medarbetare och kunder till Axfood för att samla in relevant data. Vi anser att det går att skapa lojala kunder för företag med paraplyvarumärkesstrategier. Det som avgör om det är möjligt är om de olika produktvarumärkena står för samma grundläggande kärnvärden. Produkterna kan skilja sig åt vad gäller typ av produkt eller karaktär, men vissa grundläggande variabler måste vara lika för att det ska vara möjligt att skapa lojalitet. / The comprehensive problems we acknowledged are the relationship between strong brands and customer loyalty in corporations with umbrella brand strategies. The purpose of this thesis is to understand if and how corporations with umbrella brand strategies can create and retain loyal customers. Our intention is to apply the theoretical framework of brand strategy and loyalty strategies on corporations with umbrella brand. Axfood is one example of a corporation which hold a number of product brands (Hemköp, Willy:s, Willy:s hemma et cetera). In this study we have chosen to use Axfood as an object of study and we have interviewed employees and customers to collect relevant data. Our conclusions are that it is possible to create loyal customers in corporations with umbrella brands. The crucial aspects are that the product brands support the same fundamental values. The products can differ considering type of product or characteristics but some fundamental values has to be equal to make it possible to create loyal customers.
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Rättsliga aspekter på parallellhandel med ompaketerade läkemedel på den gemensamma marknaden / Legal Aspects on Parallel Trade with Repackaged Pharmaceuticals on the Common MarketHåkansson, Jon January 2002 (has links)
Inom EU leder skyddet av nationella immateriella rättigheter ofta till konflikter med ett av Unionens och Romfördragets grundläggande syften; principen om varors fria rörelse. Parallellimport av läkemedel på den gemensamma marknaden ställer konflikten mellan immaterialrätten, konkurrensrätten och principen om fria varurörelser på sin spets. Den fria rörligheten för läkemedel går genom EG-domstolens rättspraxis i bräschen för utvecklingen av en enhetlig marknad. I denna uppsats analyserar författaren Jon Håkansson parallellhandeln med läkemedel, i synnerhet problematiken med varumärkesintrång vid ompaketering, ommärkning och anbringande av nytt varumärke. EG-domstolens omfattande rättspraxis fram till och med de senaste avgörandena på området klargörs och balansen mellan de motstridiga intressena analyseras; på ena sidan finns viljan att uppnå så fri rörlighet för varor som möjligt och på den andra intresset av att bevara rättigheter enligt nationell immaterialrätt.
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The Legal Status of Domain Names : A Business ContextDavidsson, Louise, Thulin, Sara January 2008 (has links)
Domain names are still a relatively unknown occurrence and despite being a natural part in most people’s every-day life, there are few who reflect over their importance. The original function of domain names was merely to serve as technical addresses and to facilitate the locating of websites on the Internet. Today domain names are much more than this. In addition to the address function, domain names may also serve as indications of goods, services, businesses or information. The domain name is usually the first contact one gets with a website and it has become crucial for businesses to have their company name or trade marks registered as domain names. The issue of the legal status of domain names has mainly been discussed from an American point of view and in Sweden this discussion has almost entirely fallen under the radar. If the legal status of a domain name were clear, it would be easier for businesses to avail themselves of the value of that domain name. It would possibly even contribute to strengthening the legal protection for the domain name holder, in for example insolvency or bankruptcy procedures. Intellectual property exists in many different forms, the main being patents, trade marks, copyright and design rights. Although there are many differences between them, they all have in common that they establish property protection over intangibles such as ideas, inventions, signs and information. As a domain name is not a physical object, there can be no doubt that it is an intangible. The question is whether it is property. Intellectual property is not a static area and it can, in line with societal and technological development, be expanded to include new types. The legal status of domain names is generally discussed in the light of the close connection they have with trade marks. Except from their original function, the trade mark function of domain names can probably be considered as one of the most commonly accepted. It is indicated in this thesis that that function contributes to that a domain name can be considered as a distinctive sign and thereby obtain protection, in the same way as an unregistered trade mark. According to current accounting rules, businesses may, to some extent, avail themselves of the value of a domain name. Domain names are under certain circumstances identified as intangible assets and even as ‘similar rights’ to for example trade marks and patents in accounting and taxation situations. At this time it is not possible to legislate on the area of the legal status of a domain name on a Community level, as this most likely would have to include a consideration of the existence of property rights and consequently fall outside the legislative powers of the Community. Both the legal development and the legal discussions on the topic of the legal status of domain names in Sweden have been relatively sparse. Nonetheless, there have been some interesting opinions. By investigating what positions the different authorities, academics and practitioners have taken on the legal status of domain names it can be concluded that the prevailing opinion in Sweden is that domain names are not considered as property. The reason for this seems to be that domain names as such, are in fact no more than technical constructions and that by registering a domain name the registrant only becomes the holder of a contractual right. However, there are some diverging opinions which could suggest that the legal status of domain names in Sweden is not yet settled. The aspects which are then taken into consideration include that domain names have developed to become important and valuable assets for an increasing number of businesses. A domain name is a precondition for the creation of a website and therefore of crucial importance for, in particular, online based businesses. However, they are of increasing importance for all businesses to reach out to and compete over the same customers. It is advocated that the fact that domain names are freely traded with indicates that domain names are property. It has also been questioned whether an asset with a true economic value, such as a domain name, can exist without being considered as an item of property. The steps taken in other jurisdictions have shown that the legal status of domain names is not even clear in some of the countries with the greatest experience of domain names. Nonetheless, the legal status is given attention in those countries and the discussion has been initiated. In general, it can be concluded that the development seems to go toward higher awareness of the value of domain names.
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Strategier och budskap i CSR-kommunikation : En studie av två konsumentföretags tillvägagångssätt och anseende / Strategies and messages in CSR communication : A study of two consumer companies' approaches and reputationsAndersson, Susanne January 2010 (has links)
Att ta ett större ansvar inom miljömässiga, ekonomiska och sociala frågor blir en allt viktigare punkt på många företags agendor, och en allt betydelsefullare aspekt för konsumenter att ta hänsyn till när de överväger köp av produkter eller tjänster. Företagsansvar, internationellt benämnt som corporate social responsibility eller CSR, har också fått ett genombrott bland myndigheter och andra officiella organ såsom FN och EU, som jobbar för att underlätta för företag genom olika riktlinjer och redovisningsstandarder för CSR. Fristående intresseorganisationer har också en viktig del i CSR-frågan, både som samarbetspartner och som granskare. Många av företagens intressenter är intresserade just av statistik och resultat, men hur kommunicerar ett konsumentföretag till sina kunder att de satsar på CSR-frågor? Hur kan företag använda av olika typer av strategier, kanaler och budskap för att stärka sitt varumärke och nå ut med sitt ansvarstagande? Trots att arbetet med CSR ofta föregås av noggranna strategiska överväganden och diskussioner om hur CSR påverkar varumärket, är det inte alla företag som har en tydlig plan för hur de ska kommunicera CSR mot konsumenter. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka hur kommunikationen kring företags CSR-arbete sker, ser ut och uppfattas hos den intressentgrupp som företagets produkter eller tjänster riktar sig mot – konsumenterna. I en form av nulägesanalys har fallstudier utförts på två svenska konsumentföretag, Arla och Löfbergs Lila, som båda har inledda CSR-åtaganden och har certifierade produkter i sitt sortiment. I fallstudierna ingick djupintervjuer med företagens CSR-ansvariga, kvalitativa innehållsanalyser av deras marknadsföringsmaterial och en enkätundersökning om konsumenternas kännedom och agerande inom området samt deras uppfattning av fallstudieföretagens ansvarstagande. Kopplat till en referensram innehållandes teorier om CSR som begrepp, CSR i dagens samhälle och hur CSR-orienterad kommunikation kan ske har frågor och modeller för dessa metoder tagits fram och analyserats. Analysen visar på att inget av företagen ännu har en tydlig strategi för sin CSR-kommunikation. Företagen har implementerat CSR-arbetet väl internt inom företaget, men kommunicerar bara i liten utsträckning externt mot konsumenter. Det finns en svårighet i att involvera konsumenter i CSR-frågan och låta denna dialog influera och ingå i CSR-kommunikationen. Båda företagen ger tillgång till mycket information kring sitt ansvarstagande via sina webbsidor, men webbsidornas information tycks inte nå fram till konsumenterna då de inte är en välintegrerad del av marknadsföringen. Primärt knyts CSR-värden till företagens produkter, och konsumenter relaterar företagens ansvarstagande med deras certifierade produkter framförallt. Företagen använder sig av olika typer av kommunikationsbudskap, vilka i Arlas fall är för vaga och visionsfokuserade, och i Löfbergs Lilas fall har svårt att väcka känslor för varumärket och ansvarstagandet. Konsumenterna visar på ett intresse för att agera i ansvarsfrågor samt en viss kunskap inom området, men när det kommer till hur de uppfattar företagens ansvarstagande finns det en stor osäkerhet och låg kännedom om vad företagen faktiskt gör inom CSR-området. En stor del av respondenterna har inte fått reda på någon information om hur företagen tar ansvar, och det är ännu inte många bland konsumenterna som aktivt söker upp information eller deltar i en dialog med företagen. / To take greater responsibility in environmental, economic and social issues is an increasingly important item on many companies' agendas, and an increasingly important aspect for consumers to take into account when considering purchase of a product or a service. This field, internationally called corporate social responsibility or CSR, has also made a breakthrough among authorities and other official organizations such as the UN and the EU, which are facilitating for companies engaging in CSR by providing various guidelines and accounting standards for CSR. Non-governmental organizations are also an important part of the CSR issue, both as partners and as reviewers. Many of the companies' stakeholders are interested in statistics and results, but how do consumer businesses communicate to their customers that they are investing in CSR issues? How can companies use different kinds of strategies, channels and messages to strengthen their brand and make the public notice their responsibility? Although the work with CSR is often preceded by careful strategic considerations and discussions about how CSR affects the brand, not all companies have a clear plan how to communicate CSR to consumers. This thesis paper aims to examine how information concerning the companies' CSR initiatives is communicated, designed and perceived by the stakeholder group which the products or services are made for – the consumers. In the form of a situation analysis, case studies have been conducted on two Swedish consumer companies, Arla and Löfbergs Lila, both of which have initiated CSR commitments and have certified products in their range. The case studies included interviews with corporate CSR managers, qualitative content analysis of the companies' marketing materials and a survey of consumer knowledge and behavior in CSR issues as well as of the customers' view of the case study companies' responsibility. Linked to a theoretical framework including theories of CSR as a concept, CSR in today's society and how CSR-oriented communication can be designed, the issues and models for these methods have been developed and analyzed. The analysis shows that neither of the companies have a clear strategy for their CSR communication. The companies have implemented CSR well within the organisation, but communicate only to a small extent externally. There is a difficulty in involving consumers in CSR issues and making this dialogue influence and be part of the CSR communication. Both companies provide access to much information about their responsibility through their web pages, but this information does not appear to reach consumers as the web pages are not well-integrated in the marketing. Primarily, the CSR values are connected to the companies' products, and consumers in particular relate the companies' CSR involvement to their certified products. The companies use different types of communication messages, which in Arla's case are too vague and vision focused, and in Löfbergs Lila's case have difficulties to arouse feelings for the brand and the CSR issues. Consumers show an interest to act on CSR issues and have a certain knowledge in the field, but when it comes to how they perceive the companies' CSR initiatives, there is a great uncertainty and low knowledge of what companies actually do in the CSR field. A large proportion of the respondents has not found out any information about how the companies are taking responsibility, and it is at this time not many among the consumers who actively seek out information or participate in a dialogue regarding CSR issues with companies.
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Artisters identitet och image - ett varumärkesperspektivBroman, Kristofer, Fransson, Emil January 2012 (has links)
Title: Artists’ identity and image – a brand perspective The purpose of this study has been to create an understanding of how artists in the music business can be seen as brands and to see what stands out when having this approach. During the study we have focused on the two terms identity and image. We find this issue interesting and relevant since branding has been widely discussed in business economy, but not enough when it comes to artists in the music business. To answer our research question we have targeted three aims for this essay, which is to clarify and analyze: Identity and image when people are viewed as brands What specifically characterizes the image of the artists when they are seen as brands and what it might mean that artists are considered as brands How artists identity and image can be highlighted, shaped, influenced and how it can change In this study we have used a qualitative approach to get the topic in depth and gain a greater understanding for the subject. The essay has been characterized by an abductive approach. The collected empirical material consisted of seven interviews with people who have good insight into the music business and/or brands. Six of these interviews were made face-to-face and one of them was implemented by email. The study has shown that it is more common today to consider artists as brands. It has also become more common to think “outside the box” when record sales are no longer the obvious source of income. It is important that artists find their unique basis that imbues everything they do to create a unified and strong brand.
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Bloggares inflytande på varumärkens imageForselius, Rebecca, Gianella Muñoz, Yasmine, Vukcevic, Lidia January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of our study is to examine the bloggers‟ influence on the brand‟s image to see whether and if so in what way the blogging trend affects the brands. We also want to analyze how companies use bloggers in their marketing. This is a subject that has attracted our interest and that experience has not been touched in a higher extent. Our purpose has led us to the following research questions; Which relationships occur in collaborations between businesses and bloggers from a marketing perspective? In what way in terms of reciprocity can relations be described? To what extent can the credibility through blogs be affected in terms of how brands are presented in the blog? In this study we have used a qualitative method with an abductive nature to create a deeper understanding of our chosen subject. We have conducted an empirical study consisting of sixteen interviews with bloggers, PR agencies and companies. These are the three perspectives that have contributed to a deeper understanding of our analysis and the fulfillment of our purpose. From this study we found that popular bloggers have an influence on the brand's image, which can have both positive and negative effects. Based on our empirical study, we can see that bloggers have a strong impact on the brands as they are seen as opinion leaders who influence readers. Relationships occur mainly between companies and bloggers, but companies can collaborate with PR agencies, which act as an intermediary in the relationship between businesses and bloggers. It is important to establish and maintain good relations in order for all parties to benefit and preserve reciprocity in the relationship. We have come to the conclusion that bloggers can affect the credibility by how they choose to present the brand in their blogs.
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The Legal Status of Domain Names : A Business ContextDavidsson, Louise, Thulin, Sara January 2008 (has links)
<p>Domain names are still a relatively unknown occurrence and despite being a natural part in</p><p>most people’s every-day life, there are few who reflect over their importance. The original</p><p>function of domain names was merely to serve as technical addresses and to facilitate the</p><p>locating of websites on the Internet. Today domain names are much more than this. In</p><p>addition to the address function, domain names may also serve as indications of goods,</p><p>services, businesses or information. The domain name is usually the first contact one gets</p><p>with a website and it has become crucial for businesses to have their company name or</p><p>trade marks registered as domain names. The issue of the legal status of domain names has</p><p>mainly been discussed from an American point of view and in Sweden this discussion has</p><p>almost entirely fallen under the radar. If the legal status of a domain name were clear, it</p><p>would be easier for businesses to avail themselves of the value of that domain name. It</p><p>would possibly even contribute to strengthening the legal protection for the domain name</p><p>holder, in for example insolvency or bankruptcy procedures.</p><p>Intellectual property exists in many different forms, the main being patents, trade marks,</p><p>copyright and design rights. Although there are many differences between them, they all</p><p>have in common that they establish property protection over intangibles such as ideas,</p><p>inventions, signs and information. As a domain name is not a physical object, there can be</p><p>no doubt that it is an intangible. The question is whether it is property. Intellectual</p><p>property is not a static area and it can, in line with societal and technological development,</p><p>be expanded to include new types.</p><p>The legal status of domain names is generally discussed in the light of the close connection</p><p>they have with trade marks. Except from their original function, the trade mark function of</p><p>domain names can probably be considered as one of the most commonly accepted. It is</p><p>indicated in this thesis that that function contributes to that a domain name can be</p><p>considered as a distinctive sign and thereby obtain protection, in the same way as an</p><p>unregistered trade mark.</p><p>According to current accounting rules, businesses may, to some extent, avail themselves of</p><p>the value of a domain name. Domain names are under certain circumstances identified as</p><p>intangible assets and even as ‘similar rights’ to for example trade marks and patents in</p><p>accounting and taxation situations.</p><p>At this time it is not possible to legislate on the area of the legal status of a domain name</p><p>on a Community level, as this most likely would have to include a consideration of the</p><p>existence of property rights and consequently fall outside the legislative powers of the</p><p>Community.</p><p>Both the legal development and the legal discussions on the topic of the legal status of</p><p>domain names in Sweden have been relatively sparse. Nonetheless, there have been some</p><p>interesting opinions.</p><p>By investigating what positions the different authorities, academics and practitioners have</p><p>taken on the legal status of domain names it can be concluded that the prevailing opinion</p><p>in Sweden is that domain names are not considered as property. The reason for this seems</p><p>to be that domain names as such, are in fact no more than technical constructions and that</p><p>by registering a domain name the registrant only becomes the holder of a contractual right.</p><p>However, there are some diverging opinions which could suggest that the legal status of</p><p>domain names in Sweden is not yet settled. The aspects which are then taken into</p><p>consideration include that domain names have developed to become important and</p><p>valuable assets for an increasing number of businesses. A domain name is a precondition</p><p>for the creation of a website and therefore of crucial importance for, in particular, online</p><p>based businesses. However, they are of increasing importance for all businesses to reach</p><p>out to and compete over the same customers.</p><p>It is advocated that the fact that domain names are freely traded with indicates that domain</p><p>names are property. It has also been questioned whether an asset with a true economic</p><p>value, such as a domain name, can exist without being considered as an item of property.</p><p>The steps taken in other jurisdictions have shown that the legal status of domain names is</p><p>not even clear in some of the countries with the greatest experience of domain names.</p><p>Nonetheless, the legal status is given attention in those countries and the discussion has</p><p>been initiated. In general, it can be concluded that the development seems to go toward</p><p>higher awareness of the value of domain names.</p>
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