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Komplexa relationer - kopplingen mellan lärarutbildningen och grundskolanJönsson, Kristian January 2015 (has links)
Skolverket pekar på fyra orsaker till de allt sämre skolresultaten; decentralisering, individualisering, differentiering samt bostadssegregering. För att nå bättre resultat i skolan implementerade regeringen kunskapskrav i grundskolan. Eleverna på högstadiet fick genom Lgr 11(Läroplan för grundskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet) krav på sig att kunna ämnet. I den nya lärarutbildningen har studenterna mål de ska uppnå. Då lärarstudenterna ska utbilda framtidens medborgare, krävs det att studenterna har kunskaper som relaterar de kunskapskrav som är uppsatta i Lgr11.I styrdokumenten för högskolan och grundskolan anvisas lärarna att undervisa utifrån vetenskaplig grund och beprövad erfarenhet. För att detta ska kunna vara möjligt måste studenterna få kunskaper om hur och vart de kan hitta information som är vetenskapligt bestyrkt Detta arbete har gjort en undersökning hur den vetenskapliga grunden kopplas mellan lärarutbildningen och högstadiet. Att vara professionell kräver gedigen kunskap om det arbete som ska utföras. Genom att problematisera begreppet ”professionell” möjliggörs en förståelse om lärarstudenter är tillräckligt professionella (d.v.s. tillräcklig kunskap) inför läraryrket när de examineras från lärarutbildningen.Studenternas vetenskapliga uppsatser syftar det till att utveckla det vetenskapliga skrivandet samt öva färdigheter i vetenskaplig metod. Dessa uppsatser har dålig eller ingen koppling till verksamhet och undervisning i skolan. Studenternas vetenskapliga arbeten borde handla om utvecklingen av lärarutbildningen för att studenterna ska bli bättre rustade och professionella lärare. Genom att använda frirumsteorin, så finns det en möjlighet att uppnå ett syfte med uppsatser genom att appliceras dem på verkliga projekt. Frirumsteorin kan användas av både grundskolan och högskolan för skolutvecklingen. Genom ett samarbete mellan skolorna möjliggörs en professionell ingång till läraryrket. / The School Agency points to four reasons for the deteriorating school performance; decentralization, individualization, differentiation and residential segregation. In order to achieve better results in school, the government implemented proficiency in elementary school. Students in the lower education received by LGR 11 (Curriculum for primary schools, pre-school class and the leisure) demands to know the subject. The new teachers education the student’s only have goal they need to achieve. When teaching students is going to train future citizens, it is required that students have the knowledge that relates the requirements in the elementary school.The governing documents for the college and elementary school, teachers are assigned to teach on a scientific basis and proven experience. For this to be possible, it must be part of the teaching in the School of Education so that students are prepared for this. This work has made a study what is actually meant by a scientific basis. In what way is scientific research at the university linked for the education in elementary school?Being a professional requires thorough knowledge of the work to be performed. By problematize the concept makes it possible to understand if students are professional enough (i.e. have profound knowledge) facing the teaching profession when they graduate from the university. Students write essays on scientific founding at the college but it receives no purpose except that education is based on scientific grounds. By using freespace theory, there is a possibility to achieve an object of the papers by applying them in real projects. Both the school and college for school development can use the freespace theory. Through a partnership between the schools makes it possible to achieve a professional entrance into the teaching profession.
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Förebyggande och hälsofrämjande arbete utifrån vetenskaplig grund och beprövad erfarenhet i förskolan. / Preventive and health-promoting work based on a scientific basis and proven experience in preschool.Bucht, Kerstin, Nicklasson, Annika January 2024 (has links)
No description available.
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Förstå, vilja och kunna vetenskaplig grund : Fritidslärares upplevelser av att arbeta utifrån vetenskaplig grund / Understand, willing and knowing science-based education : Leisure Time Teachers Experiences Of Working With A Science-Based Educational PerspectiveTimmermand, Lisa, Emma, Arvidsson January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur skollagens bestämmelser om vetenskaplig grund upplevs och hanteras av fritidslärare i verksamheten. Vår insamlade empiri består av semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem fritidslärare från fyra olika skolor. Det teoretiska ramverk vi använt för att analysera och diskutera vår empiri är implementeringsteori och handlingsteori, vars perspektiv har hjälpt oss komma fram till ett resultat som indikerar på en positiv inställning hos fritidslärare kring arbetet med vetenskaplig grund. Majoriteten av informanterna förstod vetenskaplig grund som en viktig utgångspunkt de kan luta sig mot för att säkerställa att fritidslärare utgår från forskning och inte enbart sina egna åsikter i verksamheten. Denna förståelse kopplar vi även till fritidslärares vilja att arbeta med vetenskaplig grund, något som studien kommit fram till att fritidslärare har en positiv inställning till. För att fritidslärare ska kunna arbeta utifrån vetenskaplig grund har studien avslutningsvis kommit fram till att det kollegiala samarbetet och arbetsgivarvillkor är viktiga förutsättningar för att få tid och tillgång till forskning. Vår studie skiljer sig från tidigare forskning genom att vi har utfört semistrukturerade intervjuer samt fördjupad oss specifikt i fritidslärares verksamhet.
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Vetenskaplig grund och forskning : En enkätstudie om vetenskaplig grund i förskolanBerglund, Sara January 2015 (has links)
Purpose and questions: The Swedish School Law states that education in preschools and schools shall rest on a scientific base. The aim of this study is to examine to what extent and in what ways that preschool teachers are acquiring and getting information about research. It also aims to investigate the possibilities and the problems that may arise due to the requirement that education in preschools should have a scientific base. In what extent does preschool teachers believe that scientific basis and new research has significance for their work? How does preschool teachers get information about research and in what extent? What are the opportunities and problems that preschool teacher faces when it comes to new research? Theory: The theory that are used is Illeris learning theory. Also the postmodern view of the world, with its perspective on knowledge and the reflexive term is used. Method: The research is done with a quantitative method, web survey. The analysis is done with more of a mix between quantitative and qualitative analysis method. The response rate is 30,5 % for the survey, which is 25 preschool teachers. Conclusion: The preschool teachers in this study states that they comes in contact with research mainly by seeking it out themselves. They overall states that it's interesting to read these texts and they understand them. Furthermore the majority of the teachers states that research has relevance to their professional practice and that the research they have read has changed their preschool. The majority of the teachers also states that it's important that the preschool education is resting on a scientific base. Generally the preschool teachers in this study have the skills and motivation they need to read, get information and knowledge through research and to use the acquired knowledge in their preschools. The biggest problem for them to use more research is lack of time.
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Ämnesordstilldelning : en praktik i förändring. En jämförelse mellan författares och indexerares ämnesordstilldelning. / Administrating subject headings : a practice in transformation. A comparative study of indexer and author generated subject headings.Emanuelsson, Malin, Pettersson, Amanda January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to compare subject headings by the authors of the work and those administrated by professional indexers. The empirical setting for the study lies within the sociological discipline. The questions asked are: What overall similarities and differences between subject headings administrated by authors versus indexers can we find? What qualitative advantages and disadvantages can we establish between subject headings generated by natural language versus controlled vocabularies?Subject headings in the Swedish national library catalogue Libris and in five Swedish universities platforms for academic publishing are studied and compared. Today it is praxis at Swedish universities that administration of subject headings is done by authors and not by professional indexers. We consider this to be a clash between professions. The paper is based on Birger Hjørlands domain analysis. We discuss the practice of subject heading administration within these two professions. Furthermore we wish to determine advantages and disadvantages with subject headings indexed by natural language versus controlled vocabularies. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Forskningsområdet biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap vid Högskolan i Borås : En bibliometrisk studie av den intellektuella basen 2001–2006 / The Research Area Library and Information Science at the University College of Borås : A Bibliometric Study of the Intellectual Base 2001–2006Karlsson, Katharina, Larsson, Madelene January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this study was to map the intellectual base at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS) at the University Collage of Borås, and to compare this intellectual base to the intellectual base of the research area Library and Information Science. This was done by analysing the citations in publications published, between the year of 2001 to the first quarter of 2006, by researchers at the institution, using the technique of author cocitation analysis. Cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling, statistical techniques that are traditional i the author cocitation analysis, formed an objective map of the intellectual base at the SSLIS. This map was then compared with three prior studies, that used the same technique to map the intellectual base of the research area. The result shows that the map of the intellectual base at the SSLIS consists of the specialities: user studies, library studies, culture/cultural policy, information retrieval, bibliometrics and information in organisations. The comparison to the prior studies shows that the intellectual base at the SSLIS is somewhat different to the intellectual base of the research area. The main differences between the two intellectual bases are: culture/cultural policy and library studies are not represented in the intellectual base of the research area, bibliometrics is not as obvious in the intellectual base of SSLIS as in the intellectual base of the research area. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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”Det finns någon slags Open Access där ute”. En idé- och ideologianalys av bibliotekariers förhållningssätt till Open Access vid sex forskningsinstitut. / “There is Some Kind of Open Access Out There.” An Idea and Ideology Analysis of How Librarians at Research Institutes Relates to Open Access.Dalmalm, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
The Open Access (OA) movement came to be as a reaction against the enclosure of information resources, facilitated by new distribution technologies. The purpose of the OA movement is to make research results freely available. The aim of this master´s thesis is to increase the understanding of how libraries outside of the academic sphere and within research institutes relates to OA. As a theoretical framework I created two different ideologies, the OA ideology and the nonsharing ideology. I also conducted six interviews with librarians. Through an idea and ideology analysis I relate the materials to the two different ideologies. The theories used concern information commons and gifting economies. My study shows that the informants have different views of the OA ideas depending on what aspects that is in question. Especially when it comes to economics and copyright issues the informants express a great degree of criticism against the traditional publishing models. In some other aspects the informants relied on the traditional publishing and thereby on the nonsharing ideology. The idea to make research results freely available was positively viewed upon by many of the informants. They sometimes plan and have ideas connected to the OA ideology. In a few cases they also work with OA materials, but the context that the libraries functions within makes it complicated and sometimes less urgent than it is in the universities to adopt to OA to a larger extent.
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Vetenskaplig kommunikation i förändring : en fallstudie av ett svenskt forskningsbiblioteks beståndsutveckling / Scholarly Communication : a case study of the collection management of a Swedish research libraryCarlsson, Helena, Gustafsson, Linda January 2003 (has links)
For hundreds of years the scientific journals has been the foremost tool for scholarly communication. Publishing of research results is very important for scientists. Often the research is bound to the university and the research libraries supplies the scientist with all journals needed. The last decades the libraries have seen the costs for subscriptions to journals explode. Commercial publishers often lie behind the mostly unmotivated escalation in price. The purpose of the study has been to analyse which strategies a Swedish research library has to meet this changes in journal costs and electronic development, and also to analyse the development of alternative scientific publishing. We tried to find the answer to these four questions:If you look at scientific journals, what consequences has the last years of economic and electronic development done to the strategies the library has got for collection management?How does the library work with collection management of scientific publications?How do the library weigh different publications and forms of publications (monographs, e-journals and paper journals) against each other?Do the library develop new forms for scientific publishing?The case study shows that the library has developed several different strategies to meet the changes within the formal scientific communication. The libraries have been heavily affected due to the rising expenses. The consequences has been cancellation of subscriptions and lowered grants for monographs. To meet the changes the university has, the last years, developed an own model for publishing scientific publications produced by the researchers at the university. Our conclusion is that the lowered economic resources due to rising subscription fees affects the library negatively and that many of the strategies the library has developed to meet the changes within scientific publishing aims to set free resources or in many cases set free means to finance the journal collection. We believe that the university is on the right track when developing an own model for publication. We also believe that co-operation with other universities have to increase. The communication inside the university will have to improve to raise the knowledge for the role of the library in the university of the future. A possible future role that would strengthen the library's position within the university is to be responsible for the university's scientific publication. To accomplish this more co-operation and communication is needed between library and university. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Vetenskaplig publicering : om publiceringsstrategier under 1800-talet med fokus på historieämnet / Scientific publication : about publication strategies during the 19th century relating to history researchHolm, Rolf January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to show how the dissemination of scientific information took place and developed during the 19th century. The main focus is Lund University. Therefore I have formulated two questions: How did the five heads of the history department at Lund University publish their research findings in the 19th century? What factors in society influenced the scientific spreading of results in the 19th century? To assess the scientific reliability of the sources I have used a method based on source criticism and hermeneutics. The thesis covers important concepts such as the exchange of publications between the universities, commercium litterarium and Akademischer Tauschverein and also the development of Lund University yearbook. By taking a closer look at how five history scholars published themselves during the 19th century an interesting picture appears of how channels for scientific publication changed and developed. This concerns mainly the periodical literature. Before the regulations of 1852 the university lecturers had the possibility to write their dissertations in their capacity of “preses” and let the respondents pay for the cost of the publication. If you look at the articles registered in “Svensk historisk bibliografi” 1875–1900 it is evident that the publications were followed by reviews in different journals. The number of scientific journals was growing during this period. The publication of articles and reviews in scientific journals had gained larger impact. Between 1870 and 1890 one may notice a higher level of international orientation of the scientific production. An interaction between books and journals appeared. The scholars published themselves through books but the opportunities to publish their papers in journals were growing. Thus the number of reviews increased as the number of journals continued to grow. The increasing public discussion and polemic were both made possible through the publication of scientific research results in different journals. The geographic dissemination increased.
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Mellan två kulturer : Fem forskare i arkeologi om inställning till vetenskaplig tidskriftspublicering / Between two cultures : Five researchers in archaeology on attitudes to scientific journal publishingGood, Fredrik January 2012 (has links)
The main aim in this thesis is to analyse the attitudes of fivearchaeologists at the Department of History, University ofGothenburg, on the subject of scholarly publishing injournals. The investigation has been led by a set of questionsconcerning the motives and conditions for submitting articlesto scholarly journals.The primary way of collecting emprical data is based onsemistructured qualitative interviews. To get a broaderpicture, the publishing patterns of the archaeologists at theDepartment of History were mapped using the databaseGöteborgs universitets publikationer (GUP). A documentstudy was also conducted.The analysis uses Björk & Holmström’s The net value ofsubmission model to highlight which factors are assumed toinfluence an author when submitting to a scientific journal.This model is reduced and developed to six aspects whichmore or less effect the decision making of the author whenpublishing an article in a scientific journal. These six aspectsare: culture, strategy, medium/form, readership, prestige andperformance.The results of the investigation show that a set of factorsinfluence the publishing decision. As a disciplinetraditionally rooted in the humanities, the archaeologists atthe Department of History have established a scientific wayof publishing. Motives and attitudes to journal publishingshow that all aspects, in varying degrees, are important indeciding where to submit an article. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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