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The social construction of crime reality : a comparative content analysis of local newspapers and crime statistics, Gaborone 2016-2017Mtunzie, Patrick Melusi 01 1900 (has links)
This study examines the construction of crime reality by The Voice and The Midweek Sun newspapers by means of a content analysis and involved the exploration of violent crime news reporting, measured against police statistics. The two publications, The Midweek Sun, and The Voice newspapers, were quantitatively and qualitatively analysed to identify the types of violent crimes reported and to determine any differences they may have compared to the Botswana Police crime records, between themselves, and on how they framed or depicted violent crimes. The results were collected using a coding sheet, new story analysis form and analysed against official police records to determine any inconsistencies that may have existed between the crimes covered by two newspapers and police statistics. The qualitative analysis involved a coding sheet to identify lexical features and rhetorical devices in the headlines. The lexical units included compound words and fuzzy words. The rhetorical elements scrutinised included metaphors, alliteration, rhyme, puns, and idioms. The research analysed the news headlines. The study will assist in shedding light on the accuracy of crime news reporting, levels of sensationalism, overreporting or underreporting of violent crimes. / Communication Science / M.A. (Communication)
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Failed Integration, Alienation and the Rise of Homegrown Violent Islamist Extremism in Sweden : An institutional framework for analyzing Sweden’s terrorism prevention policy and practiceEslahchi, Morteza January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis, I try to analyze how Sweden prevents violent Islamist extremism. First, by using alienation and network theories I explain how various socio-economic factors create an alienating environment in which individuals who have inappropriate social network can move towards violent Islamist extremism. Second, by analyzing the policy and practice of preventive work with a focus on activities of the National Coordinator Against Violent Extremism I try to identify achievements and shortcomings in this area, and eventually suggest how preventive work in Sweden can be improved.
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Våld i nära relation och grov kvinnofridskränkning : Sambandet mellan inkluderade åtalspunkter och strafflängd samt relationen mellan vittnesmål om våld och fällande domFranzon, Stina, Spiik, Caroline January 2020 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att genom en kvantitativ granskning av domstolsfall gällande grov kvinnofridskränkning undersöka om fängelsestraffets längd varit associerat med de olika åtalspunkter som styrkts. Vidare undersöktes eventuella samband mellan vittnesmål om olika typer av våld och huruvida dessa återfanns i de styrkta åtalspunkterna. Olika former av upprepat och systematiskt våld som drabbar kvinnor i nära relationer har bedömts ske i så pass hög utsträckning att det både på internationell och nationell nivå betraktas som en folkhälsofråga. Inom svensk lagstiftning finns en unik möjlighet att ta krafttag mot denna typ av brottslighet i form av brottsrubriceringen grov kvinnofridskränkning. Detta möjliggör att samla flera enskilda och i sig straffbara handlingar och gå till åtal för vad som då kan anses utgöra ett grovt brott och därmed möjliggöra att strängare påföljd döms ut än vad som är möjligt vid enskilda brottstillfällen. Intentionen med lagstiftningen var att ge en samlad bild av kvinnans utsatthet och möjliggöra att även de straffrättsligt lindriga gärningarna inkluderas. Den aktuella studiens resultat visade att trots detta så var det fysiskt våld som hade en avgörande roll i dessa åtal och att man därmed kan ifrågasätta huruvida rättsväsendet lyckas nå upp till det mål som var avsett med brottsrubriceringen. / The aim of this study was, through a quantitative review of court cases concerning serious women’s peace violations, to investigate whether the length of the prison sentence was associated with the various charges that were confirmed. Furthermore, any connection between testimonies of various types of violence and whether they were found in the substantiated charges was investigated. Various forms of repeated and systematic violence affecting women in intimate partner relationships have been assessed to such an extent that, at both international and national levels, it is considered a public health issue. Swedish legislation offers a unique opportunity to take action against this type of violation of women's rights. This means an opportunity to collect several individual and in itself criminal offenses and to prosecute as what can then be considered a serious crime and thereby enable more severe penalties to be sentenced than possible in individual criminal cases. The intention of the legislation was to provide a unified picture of the woman’s vulnerability and to enablethe less severe criminal offences to be included as well. The result of the current study showed that, despite this, it was physical violence that had a crucial role in these prosecutions which in turn raises the question whether one fails to reach the goal that was intended with the criminal classification.
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Det otillåtna offerskapet : En diskursanalytisk studie av kvinnors våld mot män / The illegitimate victimization : a discourse analytic study of women’s violence against menHillblom, Emmy, Ling, Daniella January 2021 (has links)
Med ett diskursteoretiskt förhållningssätt ämnar den här studien att studera hur kvinnors våld mot män framställs diskursivt i svensk press. Mer specifikt kommer besvara följande frågor att besvaras: “Hur framställs kvinnors våld mot män?”, “Hur framställs män som blivit utsatta för våld av en kvinnlig partner?” och “Hur framställs kvinnor som utövar våld mot en manlig partner?”. För att besvara dessa frågor har trettiofem artiklar från svensk press under åren 2015 till 2020 analyserats med hjälp av en foucauldiansk diskursanalys. Analysens fokus ligger på val av formulering och hur kvinnors våld mot män framställs. Utifrån analysen framträdde tre diskurser: “Det avvikande våldet”, “Det otillåtna offerskapet” samt ”Den sjuka kvinnan”. “Det avvikande våldet” visar att kvinnors våld mot män ses som något ovanligt. “Det otillåtna offerskapet” skapas genom att männen som utsätts för våld inte vill ses som offer, liksom att omgivningen har svårt att se dem som det. “Den sjuka kvinnan” visar att kvinnan som utövar våldet ofta framställs som sjuk. / This study aims to study women’s violence against men with a discourses theoretic approach. More specifically the following questions will be answered: “How is women’s violence against men portrayed?”, “How are men who are subjected to violence by a female partner portrayed?” and “How are women who use violence against a male partner portrayed?”. To answer these questions, thirty-five articles from Swedish media, from 2015 to 2020, was analyzed with a discourse theoretic approach. The focus in the analysis was choice of formulation and how women's violence against men was portrayed. Three discourses emerged: “The deviant violence”, “The illegitimate victimization” and “The sick woman”. “The deviant violence” shows that women’s violence against men is seen as something unusual. “The illegitimate victimization” is created when the man who is subjected to violence does not want to be seen as a victim, as well as the surroundings having a hard time seeing him as such. “The sick woman” shows a woman who uses violence because she is ill.
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Možnosti využití psychoterapie při práci s oběťmi domácího násilí: úhel pohledu pracovníků několika pražských krizových a intervenčních center / Possibilities of using psychotherapy while working with the victims of domestic violence: perspective of workers of several Prague's crisis and intervention centersVrbová, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
Markéta Vrbová Abstract The diploma thesis deals with the possibilities of using psychotherapy while working with the victims of domestic violence. The aim is to introduce the perspective of this issue from the view of workers from several crisis and intervention centers in Prague. The thesis is structured into two sections; theoretical and practical. The theoretical part contains the definition of domestic violence, its consequences including post-traumatic stress disorder, working with a violent person, and last but not least the possibilities of using psychotherapy and its definition. The empirical part is based on qualitative research, which describes the steps throughout the whole survey. The analysis and interpretation of the data contain the most important extracts of the interviews. This thesis discovers not only if social workers use psychotherapeutic elements with victims, but also other significant topics that are marginally mentioned. The focus must be on these marginally mentioned issues as well to improve the quality of work with victims of domestic violence.
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Des bleus sur l'arc-en-ciel : archéologie des dynamiques de violence dans le couple lesbienQueyroi, Isabelle 04 1900 (has links)
Problématique : La violence conjugale dans le couple lesbien est un phénomène très répandu et pourtant encore trop largement passé sous silence. On constate un manque d’intérêt pour cette question de la part des différentes communautés concernées, malgré plus récemment un regain d’attention pour le phénomène. Les tabous et les débats qui entourent la violence homoconjugale féminine continuent de l’exclure de la plupart des mouvements luttant contre les violences faites aux femmes. Pourtant, chaque année des femmes souffrent en silence de la violence de leurs conjointes; pourtant, chaque année ces victimes se perdent un peu plus dans l’invisibilité de leur condition. Le sujet de la violence conjugale dans le couple lesbien interpelle à plus d’un titre : à la fois sur la compréhension, mais aussi sur les solutions cliniques offertes. Comment dès lors apporter une réponse idoine à une catégorie de victimes méconnues et non reconnues, très souvent assaillies d’intolérance, de préjugés et d’ignorance de la part de celles et ceux censés les aider? Méthodologie : Des femmes victimes ainsi que des intervenantes de différentes disciplines des sciences humaines, familières avec la thématique de la violence homoconjugale féminine, ont été rencontrées. Avec un guide d’entrevue et des entretiens semi-dirigés, les répondantes ont raconté leur expérience. Selon la perspective sociologique wébérienne, elles ont ouvert sur le sens qu’elles donnaient à la violence vécue ou rapportée. L’analyse des données recueillies a ainsi été scrupuleusement effectuée selon une grille très précise afin de faire ressortir les thèmes et les sous-thèmes les plus emblématiques des discours en présence. La dimension interdisciplinaire a permis d’ouvrir sur une compréhension holistique plus aboutie de la thématique à étudier ainsi que d’être envisagée comme une piste de solution au niveau de l’intervention. Résultats : Il ressort que les formes de violence les plus utilisées par les abuseures sont les violences psychologiques, verbales, sexuelles et, dans une moindre mesure, physiques, dans le but d’assoir un pouvoir, une domination et un contrôle sur la victime. La présence du cycle de la violence conjugale a également été identifiée. Par comparaison avec les femmes victimes de leurs conjoints, les victimes homoconjugales féminines vivent un plus grand isolement et un plus grand stress, principalement en lien avec leur orientation sexuelle, couramment appelé : le stress des minorités sexuelles. De nouvelles formes de violence ont pu être identifiées, notamment la lesbophobie intériorisée. Entre deux femmes, la violence conjugale est banalisée et minimisée, réduite à un simple « crêpage de chignons ». Cette vision porte un tort considérable à la réalité de ce qui se passe dans l’alcôve lesbien, mais surtout constitue une atteinte supplémentaire à la victime. En dernier lieu, il s’avère que la relation d’aide pour les femmes, victimes de leurs conjointes demeure problématique et très insatisfaisante, principalement par le manque de structures adéquates, de formation des intervenantes, de publicisation sur le phénomène de la violence conjugale lesbienne. En outre, les préjugés des différents personnels socio-judiciaires sur le lesbianisme est encore très prégnant et constituent un frein à l’intervention. Conclusion : La violence conjugale dans le couple lesbien est engluée dans une toile d’araignée que tisse l’abuseure qui prend un pouvoir illicite sur sa partenaire avec la complicité du regard néfaste de la société à l’encontre du lesbianisme, du manque d’information et de formations des différents personnels sur cette thématique ainsi que du silence des communautés sur la lutte des violences faites aux femmes. Il y aurait tout lieu de privilégier la mobilisation, l’inclusion, l’éducation, l’information, la formation de tous. Car la violence conjugale lesbienne n’est pas une affaire privée. Elle est l’affaire de tous / Context. Domestic violence in lesbian couples is a widespread and largely ignored phenomenon. There is a lack of interest in this issue on the part of the various communities concerned, despite more recently renewed attention to the phenomenon. The taboos and debates surrounding female homoconjugal violence continue to exclude it from most of the movements fighting violence against women. However, each year, women suffer in silence from their partner's violence and each year these victims lose themselves a little more in the invisibility of their condition. The subject of conjugal violence in the lesbian couple raises many questions both on understanding and on the clinical solutions proposed. How to provide an appropriate response to this category of unrecognized victims who are very often confronted with intolerance, prejudice and ignorance from those who are supposed to help them? Methods. Women victims of domestic violence in a lesbian couple were met as well as practitioners from several disciplines of the humanities familiar with the theme of female homosexual violence. Using an interview guide and semi-structured interviews, we asked them to describe their experiences on this issue. The meaning they give to the violence experienced or reported has been gathered from a Weberian sociological perspective. The data analysis was scrupulously carried out according to a very precise grid in order to bring out the most emblematic themes and sub-themes of their narratives. The interdisciplinary perspective allows us for a more complete holistic understanding of the problem and can also be considered in itself as an avenue of intervention in the context of female homosexual violence Results. It appears that the type of violence abusers most commonly use to exert power, domination or control on the victim is psychological, verbal, sexual and, to a lesser degree, physical to exercise an authority, a domination, and a control on the victim. The conjugal violence cycle was also identified. In comparison to female victims of male partners, female homo-conjugal victims experience greater social isolation and stress, largely related to their sexual orientation, commonly referred to as stress of sexual minorities. New types of domestic violence have also been identified, such as internalized lesbophobia. Violence between two women is trivialized, minimized, and reduced to “cat fights.” This conception considerably detracts from the reality of what is happening in the lesbian alcove. Above all, it constitutes an additional attack on the victim. Finally, it appears that counseling support is very problematic and unsatisfactory for these women because of the lack of adequate support structures, training for practitioners and awareness of lesbian conjugal violence phenomenon. Furthermore, the prejudice from different personal socio-judiciary regarding lesbianism is still taking a stronger hold and can slow down the intervention process. Conclusion. Domestic violence in the lesbian couple is rooted in the spider web that the abuser weaves to take power over his partner with the complicity of society's harmful view of lesbianism, lack of information and professional training on the subject as well as the silence of the communities on violence against women. We must promote the mobilization, inclusion, education, information and training of all on this important issue. Domestic violence between lesbians is not a private matter. This is everyone's problem.
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I knät på myndigheter och våldsutövare : Om reproducerad utsatthet för våldsutsatta föräldrar och barn vid vårdnadskonflikter / I knät på myndigheter och våldsutövare : Om reproducerad utsatthet för våldsutsatta föräldrar och barn vid vårdnadskonflikterJohansson, Julia, Lager, Camilla January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this essay has been to understand the conditions for parents who are victims of domestic violence to deal with legal demands in custody disputes, and thereby understand how authorities risk reproducing vulnerability. Our qualitative research has been conducted by analyzing life stories through autobiographical literature and podcastinterviews. The results of the study show that the perpetrator, social networks and the authorities are important for understanding aggravating and enabling circumstances in custody disputes for victimized parents. Furthermore, the results show that parents who have experienced violence manage paradoxical demands from authorities in custody disputes through both adaptation and resistance. Yet, regardless of the strategy, they still need to adapt to the authorities. This leads to the lack of power for parents trying to protect their children from an abusive parent and authority decisions that put their lives, safety and health at risk. Consequently, authorities risk unintentionally reproducing the vulnerability for parents and children who are victims of domestic violence.
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Parcours de vie et trajectoires criminelles d'auteures de violencesDesfachelles, Marion 04 1900 (has links)
Jusqu’à présent, très peu d’études sur les auteures de violences ont considéré l’acte délinquant comme partie intégrante d’une trajectoire criminelle ; plutôt, les études se sont bornées à dresser leur processus de passage à l’acte de manière isolée. Pourtant, nombre d’entre elles commettent de multiples délits et ont, à proprement parler, une trajectoire criminelle. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’explorer et comprendre les trajectoires criminelles des auteures de délits de violents, et plus particulièrement leur début et leur évolution. Pour ce faire, nous avons approché l’agir violent comme le phénomène émergent de la rencontre entre des facteurs externes, à travers les circonstances de vie et internes, à travers la subjectivité individuelle. Pour mener à bien notre objectif, nous avons rencontré 40 personnes incarcérées en France, auprès de qui ont été réalisés des entretiens exploratoires et semi directifs jumelés à des cartes de vie. Cette méthodologie est apparue comme la plus pertinente pour saisir pleinement l'évolution des trajectoires criminelles, les changements dans les circonstances de vie des auteures de violences, leur subjectivité et l'émergence leur violence. Notre thèse a mis en évidence plusieurs résultats.
D’abord, nous nous sommes penchées sur l’histoire de vie des participantes à notre étude, laquelle se révèle jallonnée d’embuches qui ont mené à l’établissement de vulnérabilités (Chapitre III). A ce stade, les auteures de violences se distinguaient peu. L’étude des caractéristiques de leurs délits à en revanche permis d’identifier trois parcours de délinquance différents, dont deux trajectoires (Chapitre IV). D’abord, un parcours de délinquance isolé, où l’acte criminel est unique. Ensuite, une trajectoire spécialisée, avec la commission de plusieurs infractions d’une même nature. Enfin, une trajectoire diversifiée, avec la commission d’infractions de nature diverse. Nous avons ensuite identifié la transition composée d’événements affectifs, cognitifs, comportementaux et contextuels menant à l’émergence de la violence (Chapitre V). L’agir violent apparaît en effet être le résultat d’un mode d’adaptation inadéquat à un ressenti négatif engendré par un changement dans les circonstances de vie, favorisé par un état d’intoxication, l’accumulation de ressentis négatifs antérieurs non évacués et par l’accroissement de vulnérabilités issues d’une trajectoire de vie globalement difficile. Nos résultats montrent également que les auteures de violences mettent en avant d’autres événements comme constituant des points tournants dans leur parcours de vie. Accorder une place de choix à la subjectivité de nos participantes a permis d'offrir une compréhension plus riche et plus précise de leur discours mais aussi de l'émergence de leur comportement violent. Finalement, il ne nous a pas été possible d’identifier, comme nous le souhaitions, comment évoluaient les modalités de commission des délits et quels facteurs étaient responsables de ces évolutions, en raison de la forte non reconnaissance des auteures de violences (Chapitre VI). Il est en effet apparu que ces dernières reconnaissaient peu leur implication et leur responsabilité dans les faits pour lesquels elles ont été condamnées. L’étude de leur discours a permis de mettre en avant deux versants de tactiques de présentation de soi visant à se désapproprier leurs délits. Les implications théoriques sont également discutées. / Until recently, very few studies dedicated to female violent or sexual offenders have considered the offense as part of a criminal path. To date, the fact that offending by a woman can evolve and repeat under different conditions over the series of assaults has never been considered by studies on offense process studies. However, many female offenders commit multiple offenses that are part of a criminal path. This thesis aim to explore and understand the criminal paths of women who committed physically violent and/or sexual offenses, and this, paying special attention to the beginning and the evolution of this path. The perspective adopted here allows us to approach violent offense as an emerging phenomenon resulting from external factors (through local life circumstances) and internal causes (through individual subjectivity). The data used is based on 40 female violent offenders incarcerated in France with whom we conducted exploratory and semi- directed interviews twinned with life map calendars. This methodology seems to be the best option to fully understand the development of offending, the changes appearing in local life circumstances and in offending, the subjectivity of these women as well as the offense process. Our thesis highlighted many results.
Firstly, we traced the life history of the participants to our study, which appeared to be full of challenges that led to a lot of vulnerabilities (Chapter III). At this stage, the female violent offenders appeared to be a homogenous group. The study of the characteristics of their offenses enabled us to identify three deliquent paths including two trajectories (Chapter IV). First, an isolated offending path with a single criminal act. Secondly, a more specialised trajectory with the repetition of criminal acts of the same nature. And lastly, a diversified trajectory with a multiplicity of infractions. We then identified a transition towards the emergence of violence made of, affective, cognitive, behavioural and contextual components (Chapter V). Violent action appeared to be the result of an inadequate adaptation to negative affects caused by a change in life circonstances, favored by intoxication, the accumulation of anterior negative affects that have not been evacuated and by the increase of vulnerabilities coming from a globaly difficult life history. Our results also show that female violent offenders emphasise other events as constitutive of turning points in their life. To allow for more subjectivity from our participants, enabled us to have a richer and more precise understanding of their testimony and also of the emergence of their violent behaviour. Finally, it wasn’t possible to identify, as we aimed to, how the offending modalities were evolving and what factors were responsible for this evolution beacause of the high propensity of female offenders to refuse to acknowledge their crimes (Chapter VI). Indeed, it appeared that the female offenders were very little inclined to acknowledge their involvement and their responsability in the crimes for which they were convicted. The study of their testimony put forward two parts of a strategy consisting of presenting themselves in a way that disassociated them with their crimes.
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Mäns våld mot kvinnor i heterosexuella parrelationerShala, Nadire January 2011 (has links)
AbstraktDetta är en D-uppsats om ämnet ”Mäns våld mot kvinnor”. Uppsatsen är kvalitativ och jag har intervjuat 8 kvinnor som har levt i våldsamma relationer. Jag har även intervjuat en socionom vid kvinnojouren och en polis som i sitt arbete kommer i kontakt med detta fenomen. Mitt huvudsyfte genom denna undersökning har varit att förstå och förklara vad som får en kvinna att stanna i ett destruktivt förhållande där våld förekommer. Jag har utifrån tidigare forskning så som Eva Lundgren, Margareta Hydén och Mona Eliasson samt information från mina informanter kunnat se vissa mönster. De huvudteorier som har använts i undersökningen har varit Eva Lundgrens ”Normaliseringsprocess” samt Margareta Hydéns ”Individuella livsprojekt och gemensamma parprojekt” och även Mona Eliassons teori om könsnormer. Ett genomgående tema som har framkommit i undersökningen har varit att kvinnan ofta är underordnad mannen och av olika anledningar som presenteras närmare i studien anpassar sig efter honom. Ett annat relativt återkommande tema i uppsatsen har varit de stereotypa könsroller som är vanligt förekommande i förklaringar kring destruktiva förhållanden. Jag har med hjälp av Carin Holmberg och Viveca Enanders forskning samt mina informanter även kunnat se hur olika band har skapats mellan mannen och kvinnan dessa förhållanden. Jag har kunnat urskilja att flera av dessa band fungerar som starkt kvarhållande i en relation. Det är mycket svårt att luta problemet kring kvinnomisshandel på enbart en förklaringsmodell och teori utan man måste se det från en bredare kontext då det finns många olika förklaringar. / AbstractThis is a D-essay on the theme of "Violence against women". The essay is qualitative and I have interviewed eight women who have lived in violent relationships. I have also interviewed a social worker at the helpline (kvinnojouren) and a policeman who in his work comes into contact with this phenomenon. My main purpose in this study was to understand and explain what makes a woman stay in a destructive relationship in which violence occurs. I have based on previous research, such as Eva Lundgren and Margareta Hydén and Mona Eliasson and the information from my informants seen some patterns. The main theories that have been used in the study are Eva Lundgren's Normalization Process and Margaret Hydéns Individual lifeplans (individuella livsprojekt) and common coupleprojects (gemensamma parprojekt) and the theory by Mona Eliasson about gender norms. A recurring theme that has emerged in the investigation has been that the woman often is subordinate to the man and that she for various reasons which are presented in the study adapts to him. Another fairly recurrent theme in the paper has been the gender stereotypes that are commonly used in explanations of destructive relationships. With help from Carin Holmberg and Viveca Enanders research and my informants I have also been able to see how different bands are created between men and women who live in these conditions. I have been able to discern that many of these bands serve as a strong retention in a destructive relationship. To understand the violence against women you have to look at the problem in a context. It is difficult to tilt the problem surrounding domestic violence in only one theory and model of explanation and because of that this studie explores multiple different perspectives.
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Climate Volatility and Conflict in sub-Saharan AfricaSaraswati, Sowdamini January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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