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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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ExamensarbeteRöntgensjuksköterskans upplevelse av arbetsrelaterad stress

El Ammarin, Malak, Ghasemi, Naeimeh January 2022 (has links)
ABSTRACT Background Radiographer work in a demanding work environment where radiographers experience work-related stress in connection with their work tasks that include working in a high-tech environment and creating optimal image quality and taking into account patinet safety. Purpose The aim of this research is to study the experience of radiographers in their work- related stress. In addition, the quality of work protection which they receive in the workplace for stress control in another aspect of this study. Methods The research method that had been adopted for this study is empirical quantitative method. The data had been collected via questionary and the result was analysed based on descriptive and analytical statistics. To assess the relation between work related experience and physical and mental health condition. The questionaries had been distributed between radiographers in three hospitals. The participants had different work experiences and 41 questionaries had been totally analysed. Results The results of this study showed that radiographer have a reasonable workload, but most of them experience work related stress. Also, the results showed that most radiographer does not receive enough support to control work related stress, but when this support is from the boss, they think that receive adequate support from their boss to control stress.   Conclusion The study showed that a reasonable workload for radiographers makes them feel a good well-being in the workplace. And that support from both colleagues and the immediate manager allows radiographers to manage their stress more. Keyword: work-related stress, radiographer, support, workplace. / <p>.</p>

Sambandet mellan psykosocial arbetsmiljö, arbetsrelaterad stress och välmående : En kvantitativ studie kring välmående inom serviceyrken / The Relationship between Psychosocial Work Environment, Work-Related Stress and Well-being : A Quantitative Study on Well-being in Service Occupations

Garczyna, Madelene, Patli, Felicia January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur arbetsmiljö och arbetsrelaterad stress påverkar välmående hos personer som är anställda inom serviceyrken. Detta gjordes genom en kvantitativ metod, en webbaserad enkätundersökning där delar av skalan QPS-Nordic (rollförväntningar, kontroll i arbetet, social interaktion, organisationskultur och samband mellan arbete och privatliv) användes. Välmående mättes med hjälp av välmåendeskalan, som mäter välmåendet under den senaste veckan. Det deltog 122 personer. Hypoteserna som testades var om det fanns ett signifikant samband mellan psykosociala faktorer i arbetet, ålder, utbildningsnivå, anställningstyp och kön, och välmående hos personer som är anställda inom serviceyrken. Datan analyserades med hjälp av multipel regressionsanalys och resultaten visade att psykosociala faktorer på arbetet, högre utbildning jämfört med gymnasial utbildning samt kön var signifikanta prediktorer för en högre nivå av välmående hos personer som är anställda inom serviceyrken. Från den här studien kunde vi dra slutsatsen att psykosociala faktorer i arbetet och en högre utbildning är viktiga för att främja välmående hos personer som arbetar inom serviceyrken. / The purpose of this study was to investigate how the work environment and work-related stress can affect well-being in people employed in service occupations. This was done using a quantitative method, a web-based survey using parts of the QPS-Nordic scale (Role expectations, job control, social interaction, organizational culture, and work-life balance). Well-being was measured using the Well-Being Scale, which assesses well-being over the past week. There were 122 participants. The hypotheses tested were whether there was a significant association between psychosocial factors at work, age, educational level, employment type, and/or gender and well-being in service occupations. The data was analyzed using multiple regression analysis and the results showed that psychosocial factors at work, higher level of education compared to a high school education and gender were significant predictors of better well-being in service occupations. Based on this study we can conclude that psychosocial factors at work and a higher level of education are important for promoting well-being among people working in service occupations.

”Sjukhuset stressar mig!” : En litteraturstudie om orsaker till sjuksköterskors upplevelse av arbetsrelaterad stress / “The hospital stresses me out!” : A literature study on causes of nurses' experience of workrelated stress

Celso, Christine Nicole, Guzman Velasquez, Sol Melodi January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskor har stort ansvar när det kommer till patientens hälsa och säkerhet på sjukhus. Utmaningar och större krav leder till stressiga förhållanden, vilket visat ge negativa effekter på hälsan. Arbetsrelaterad stress är hög bland sjuksköterskor som arbetar på sjukhus, det påverkar inte endast sjuksköterskorna utan även patienternas vård. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva orsaker till sjuksköterskors upplevelse av arbetsrelaterad stress på sjukhus.  Metod: En litteraturstudie med kvalitativ ansats som följer Polit och Becks niostegsmodell samt Braun och Clarkes tematiska analys. Original artiklar hämtades i databaserna: PubMed och CINAHL.  Resultat: Fem huvudteman identifierades och presenterades i resultatet: Multitasking, Brist på samspel mellan medarbetare, Brist på personal, Otillräcklig stöd och vägledning från chefer samt Missnöje och våld Slutsats: Sjuksköterskor upplever arbetsrelaterad stress som kan resultera i fysiska och psykiska sjukdomar. Dessutom har det visat att arbetsrelaterad stress minskar sjuksköterskor arbetsprestation, arbetstillfredsställelse och vårdkvalitén. / Background: Nurses have a responsibility when it comes to patients’ health and safety in the hospital. Challenges and greater demands lead to stressful conditions, which have shown to have negative effects on health. Work-related stress is high among nurses who work in hospitals, this affects not only the nurses but also the patients care.  Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the causes of nurses' experience of work-related stress in hospitals Method: A literature study with a qualitative approach that follows Polit and Beck’s nine-step model and Braun and Clarke’s thematic analysis. Original articles were retrieved from the following databases: PubMed and Cinahl.  Results: Five main themes were identified and presented in the results: Multitasking, Lack of interaction between employees, Lack of staff, Insufficient support and guidance from managers and dissatisfaction and violence Conclusions: Nurses experience work-related stress which can result in physical and mental illness. In addition, it has been shown that work-related stress reduces nurses' work performance, job satisfaction and quality of care.

Teamarbetets betydelse för socialarbetaresupplevelse av arbetsrelaterad stress : - En kvalitativ studie om ett ungdomsteam / The impact of teamwork on social workers' experience of work-related stress

Eklund, Malin, Sandin, Julia January 2023 (has links)
Föreliggande studie har genomförts i samarbete med en kommun i Sverige. Syftet medstudien har varit att, inom ett ungdomsteam, undersöka teammedlemmars upplevelse av hurarbetet i team inverkar på förekomsten av arbetsrelaterad stress. Teamet innefattarsocialsekreterare, familjebehandlare och ungdomscoacher som tillsammans utreder, avhjälpersamt förebygger kriminalitet och normbrytande beteenden bland ungdomar i kommunen.Med hjälp av krav-, kontroll- och stödmodellen undersöks teammedlemarnas upplevelse avhur arbetet i team inverkar förekomsten av arbetsrelaterad stress. Sex av teammedlemarnadeltog i kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer som sedan analyserades enligt the constantcomparative method. Av intervjuerna kunde sju centrala teman identifieras: yrkeskompetens,arbetsbelastning, tydlighet i arbetsuppgifter och yrkesroll, stöd från kollegor och stöd frånledning. Resultatet visar på variation i upplevelsen av den arbetsrelaterade stressen i teamet.Det framkommer ett antal faktorer som påverkar upplevelsen. Faktorer som kunde varabidragande till arbetsrelaterad negativ stress var höga kvalitativa och kvantitativa krav.Faktorer som minskade den negativa stressen var stödet från kollegor, kollektiv kontroll inomoch över arbetet samt egenkontroll inom arbetet. Det framkommer även att teamets samarbeteutvecklats över tid. Den kollektiva kontrollen har utvecklats, vilket skapat bättre möjligheteratt hantera kvantitativa och kvalitativa krav. Stödet som medlemmarna utvecklat till varandrahar fungerat som en buffert som vidare stärkt kontrollen. Således tolkas den arbetsrelateradestressen ha minskat genom teamarbetet. / This study has been done in collaboration with a Swedish county. The purpose of the studyhas been to investigate, within a youth team, team members' experience of how working inteams affects the occurrence of work-related stress.The team includes social workers, familytherapists and youth coaches who together investigate, remedies and prevent crime andnon-normative behavior among young people in the county. Using the demand-, control- andsupportmodel, the team member’s experience of working as a team and their work-relatedstress is investigated. Six of the team members participated in qualitative semi-structuredinterviews which were then analyzed with the constant comparative method. Seven centralthemes could be identified from the interviews: professional competence, workload, clarity intasks and the professional role, support from colleagues and support from management. Theresult of the study shows variation in the teams experience of job-related stress. There are anumber of factors that influence the experience. Factors that could be contributing tojob-related negative stress were high qualitative and quantitative demands. Factors thatreduced the negative stress were support from colleagues, collective control within and overthe job and self-control within the job. It also appears that the team's collaboration hasdeveloped over time. The collective control has been developed, which has created betteropportunities to handle quantitative and qualitative requirements. The support that themembers have developed for each other has worked as a buffer that further strengthenedcontrol. Thus, the job-related stress is interpreted to have decreased through teamwork.

Det påfrestande men givande arbetet på skyddat boende : En undersökning om kuratorers upplevelse av etisk stress / THE STRESSFUL BUT REWARDING JOB AT A SHELTERED ACCOMODATION : - A STUDY ABOUT COUNSELORS EXPERIENCE OF ETHICAL STRESS

Baastad, Linn, Karlsson, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om kuratorer verksamma på ett skyddat boende är utsatta för etisk stress i sitt vardagliga arbete. Studiens empiri samlades in genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra kuratorer från ett skyddat boende i en mellanstor stad i Sverige. För att analysera empirin genomfördes en tematisk analys och sedan användes en utvecklad variant av Karasek och Theorells (1990) krav-, kontroll- och stödmodell för att synliggöra etisk stress. Resultatet visade att kuratorerna i det skyddade boendet ofta står inför etiska dilemman och att handlingsutrymmet för att hantera situationer som uppstår i arbetet är stundtals begränsat. Etisk stress visade sig vara förekommande men stödet inom verksamheten identifierades ha stor betydelse för att kuratorerna inte upplever att de påverkas negativt av stressen. För framtida forskning finns ett behov av att undersöka etisk stress inom andra verksamheter, framförallt inom socialtjänsten. Det finns även anledning att fortsätta studera verksamheten skyddat boende då detta är ett område som nästan helt saknar forskning. / The purpose of the study is to explore whether ethical stress occurs among counsellors within a sheltered accomodation. The empirical data of the study was collected through qualitative interviews with four counsellors from a sheltered accommodation in a medium-sized city in Sweden. To analyze the empirical data, a thematic analysis was carried out and then a developed version of Karasek and Theorell's (1990) demand, control and support model was used to identify ethical stress. The results showed that the counsellors in the sheltered accommodation often face ethical dilemmas and that they sometimes have low control to handle situations that arise at work. Ethical stress proved to be present, but the support within the organisation was identified as being of great importance so that the counsellors do not experience that they are negatively affected by the stress. For future research, there is a need to investigate ethical stress in other organisations, especially in social services. There is also aneed to continue studying the work at sheltered accomodations as this is an area that lack sresearch.

Arbetsrelaterad stress i ideella organisationer : Krav, kontroll och socialt stöd i ett ideellt sammanhang

Larsson Zakrisson, Elina, Schött, Ellen January 2024 (has links)
I Sverige ökar stressrelaterade diagnoser kopplade till utbrändhet, och forskning från andra länder visar att anställda inom ideella organisationer upplever hög stress. Det existerar få svenska studier som undersöker arbetsrelaterad stress hos anställda i ideella organisationer. Studiens syfte var därför att undersöka arbetsrelaterad stress och dess samband med kön, ålder samt dimensionerna i Job-demand-control-social-support modellen hos ideellt anställda, samt undersöka om faktorerna kunde förklara variationen i arbetsrelaterad stress. Enkäter för att mäta dimensionerna samlades in från totalt 148 deltagare, varav 120 kvinnor. Analysen visade samband mellan arbetsrelaterad stress och dimensionerna krav, kontroll och socialt stöd, samt att krav och socialt stöd förklarade 48% av variationen i arbetsrelaterad stress. Detta indikerar både på likheter och skillnader mellan anställda i ideella organisationer i Sverige och utomlands. Resultatet visar att anställda på ideella organisationer behöver undersökas mer för att skapa förståelse för förutsättningar och utmaningar, både jämfört med andra sektorer och andra länder. / In Sweden, stress-related diagnoses linked to burnout are increasing, and research from other countries shows that employees in non-profit organizations experience high levels of stress. There are only a few Swedish studies examining work-related stress among employees in non-profit organizations. The purpose of the study was therefore to examine work-related stress and its relationship with gender, age, and the dimensions of the Job-demand-control-social-support model in this group, and to investigate to what extent these factors could explain variation in work-related stress. Questionnaires to measure the dimensions were collected from a total of 148 participants, 120 of whom were women. The analysis showed correlations between work-related stress and demand, control and social support, and that demand and social support could explain variation in work-related stress. This indicates both similarities and differences between employees in non-profit organizations in Sweden and abroad. The results show that employees in non-profit organizations need to be studied more to create an understanding of conditions and challenges, both compared to other sectors and other countries.

Ambulanspersonalens upplevelser av arbetsrelaterad stress och dess inverkan på patientsäkerheten : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Alm, Josephine, Björkman, Patrik January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning visar på att ambulanspersonalen har en ökad risk för att utsättas för arbetsrelaterad stress vilket kan leda till såväl psykiska som fysiska skador. Det kan i sin tur påverka ambulanspersonalens funktionsförmåga och därmed kan såväl omvårdnaden för patienten samt patientsäkerheten komma att äventyras och risken för att patienten ska drabbas av en vårdskada samt ett vårdlidande ökar. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa ambulanspersonalens upplevelser av arbetsrelaterad stress och dess inverkan på patientsäkerheten. Metod: Studien genomfördes med kvalitativ metod. Elva semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes för att besvara studiens syfte, fem män och sex kvinnor deltog. Inklusionskriterierna var att informanterna var yrkesverksamma inom ambulanssjukvården. Således var ingen yrkeskategori inom ambulanssjukvården exkluderad. Urvalet skedde genom ett bekvämlighetsurval samt ett snöbollsurval. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av manifest analysmetod. Resultat: Resultatet sammanfattas i tre kategorier och sju underkategorier. Resultatet visade på att ambulanspersonalen upplevde en arbetsrelaterad stress. Upplevelsen av den arbetsrelaterade stressen och dess inverkan på patientsäkerheten kunde ses utifrån flera olika perspektiv, såväl negativa som positiva. För hög arbetsrelaterad stress upplevdes ogynnsamt för såväl ambulanspersonalen som för patienten och dess säkerhet medan en rimlig nivå av stress ansågs gynnsamt. Stöd och kunskapsutbyte mellan kollegor och stöd från organisationen upplevdes vara en viktig del i arbetet inom ambulanssjukvården för att besvara den emotionella belastning som den arbetsrelaterade stressen kunde framkalla, känslan av att vara otillräcklig samt att vilja prestera. Slutsats: Ambulanspersonalen tillsammans med enhetscheferna för ambulanssjukvården bör gemensamt identifiera faktorer som utlöser stress på individnivå för att bibehålla ambulanspersonalens hälsa, utveckling samt bibehålla patientsäkerheten. / Background: Previous research has shown that ambulance personnel have an increased risk of exposure to work-related stress, which can lead to both psychological and physical harm. This in turn may affect the functional ability of ambulance staff, potentially jeopardizing patient care as well as patient safety. The likelihood of a patient experiencing healthcare injury of suffering related to care is also increases. Aim: The objective of the study was to illuminate the experiences of ambulance personnel regarding work-related stress and its impact on patient safety. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted. Eleven semi-structured interviews were conducted to address the study's aim, involving five men and six women. The inclusion criteria stipulated that the informants were actively working in ambulance healthcare. Consequently, no professional category within ambulance healthcare was excluded. The participants were recruited by convenient and snowball selection. The data was analysed using a manifest analysis method. Results: The result is summarized in three categories and seven subcategories. The results showed that ambulance personnel experienced work-related stress. The experience of the work-related stress and its impact on patient safety could be viewed from various perspectives, both negative and positive. A high work-related stress was perceived unfavourably for both the ambulance personnel, the patient and the patients´ safety, while a reasonable level of stress was considered beneficial. Support and knowledge exchange among colleagues, as well as organizational support, was seen as an important part in ambulance healthcare to address the emotional burden that the work-related stress could evoke, the feeling of insufficiency, and the desire to perform. Conclusion: The ambulance personnel, together with unit managers for the ambulance healthcare, should collaboratively identify factors that can trigger stress, to sustain the ambulance personnels health, development and patient safety.

Sjuksköterskors arbetsrelaterade stress och dess påverkan på omvårdnaden : En litteraturstudie / Nurses’ Work-related Stress and Its Impact On the Nursing Care : A literature review

Christensen, Olga January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vård och omsorg står inför stora utmaningar med hög arbetsbelastning, vilket bidrar till ökad stress bland sjuksköterskor. Sjuksköterskor är utsatta dagligen för en psykisk och fysisk påfrestande arbetsmiljö. Ogynnsam arbetsmiljö leder till upplevelse av stress, men samtidigt påverkar den negativt omvårdnadskvalitet och riskerar patientsäkerhet. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att belysa sjuksköterskors arbetsrelaterade stress och dess påverkan på omvårdnaden. Metod: Denna litteraturstudie baseras på 11 kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar upphämtade från databaser Cinhal och PubMed. Systematisk litteraturöversikt användes för precisering av forskningsproblemet, sökstrategi och urvalsprocessen. Artiklar kvalitetsgranskades. Analysen av resultatet baserades på generell litteraturöversikt, med användning av induktiv analysmetod. Resultat: Analysen av artiklar resulterade i två huvudkategorier med tillhörande fem subkategorier: Stress skapat av stressorer inom den organisatoriska och fysiska arbetsmiljön medför försämrad omvårdnad (Arbetsbelastning och tidsbrist, Kompetens och personalbrist, Materialbrist och vårdmiljö), Stress skapat av stressorer inom den social och psykosocial arbetsmiljö medför försämrad omvårdnad (Brist på stöd och samarbete, Emotionell påfrestning). Konklusion: Resultatet av analysen påvisade en tydlig koppling mellan sjuksköterskors upplevelse av arbetsstressen och minskad omvårdnadskvalitet. Arbetsstressorer som existerar i ogynnsam arbetsmiljö, leder till en obalans mellan krav och resurser, sänker sjuksköterskors arbetsmotivation, skapar hög arbetsstress och korrelerade negativt med sjuksköterskors känsla av sammanhang, KASAM. Det skapar ofördelaktiga förutsättningar för att utföra omvårdnadsarbete enligt sjuksköterskans kärnkompetenser och samtidigt minskar patientsäkerheten. / Background: Healthcare is facing major challenges with a high workload, which contributes to increased stress among nurses. Nurses are exposed daily to a mentally and physically stressful work environment. An inadequate work environment leads to the experience of stress, but at the same time it negatively affects nursing care quality and risks patient safety. Aim: The aim of this literature study is to shed light on nurses' work-related stress and its impact on the nursing care. Method: This literature study is based on 11 qualitative scientific articles retrieved from databases Cinhal and PubMed. Systematic literature review was used to specify the research problem, search strategy and selection process. Articles’ quality were reviewed. The analysis of the results was based on a general literature review, using an inductive analysis method. Results: The analysis of articles resulted in two main categories with associated five subcategories: Stress created by stressors within the organizational and physical work environment leads to impaired nursing care (Workload and lack of time, Competence and staff shortage, Material shortage and care environment), Stress created by stressors within the social and psychosocial work environment leads to impaired nursing care (Lack of support and cooperation, Emotional strain). Conclusion: The result of the analysis showed a clear connection between nurses’ work-related stress and reduced nursing care quality. Work stressors that exist in an inadequate work environment, leads to an imbalance between demands and resources, lower nurses' work motivation, create high work stress and negatively affect nurses' sense of coherence, SOC. It creates unfavourable conditions for carrying out nursing care accordingly to the nurse's core competencies and at the same time reduces patient safety.

Female secondary school educators' personality awareness in relation to work related stress

Wood, Frauke Patricia 30 November 2007 (has links)
1 online resource (122 leaves : ill.) / Educator stress is a grave problem. The aim of this research is to understand female secondary school educators' personality awareness in relation to work related stress, with particular reference to an independent school in Witbank, Mpumalanga, South Africa. In the literature study I determined the nature of work related stress in educators' lives and investigated personality awareness. My empirical research established the level of work related stress experienced by female educators and how an awareness of different personalities may influence the person's experience of work related stress. The research methods were qualitative in nature and included an interview as well as focus group observations. Findings suggested that all the educators were stressed to a lesser or greater degree, but the critical fact was that what is stressful to one person may not be stressful to another. Based on the findings, recommendations were made for improvements to help alleviate educator stress. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (specialisation in Guidance and Councelling)

Coping with stress amongst males and females in professional occupations

Mallach, Carol Sue 11 1900 (has links)
This study examines the impact of gender on the coping mechanisms employed to manage work-related stress. The aim of the investigation was to determine whether male and female professionals differ in terms of the coping mechanisms that they employ in managing work-related stress. In order to achieve this aim an assessment battery containing a Biographical Checklist, the Coping Checklist, the Hassles Scale and the Daily Uplifts Scale was distributed to a sample of professional men and women. The fmdings indicate that male and female professionals differ significantly in only two of the six coping mechanisms measured, namely social support and symptom management; that men and women do not differ significantly in terms of coping repertoire; and that women cope more effectively than their male counterparts with work-related· stress. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)

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